[Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] branch master updated (644c583 -> 29c5824)

David Prévot taffit at alioth.debian.org
Wed Nov 6 22:03:57 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch master
in repository firetray.

      from  644c583   Update changelog for 0.4.7~rc1-1 release
       new  e28e19c   Fix packaging documentation
       new  eda4302   * remove calls to old/deprecated interfaces (reported by AMO) * reset logging level
       new  6d2bd81   fix bogus import in Firefox
       new  088f7f5   cleaner observer for accountmanager.accounts
       new  595dcf4   bump version to 0.4.8
       new  ee7e691   update it fr locales (thx Underpass!)
       new  0f28d23   * add mail_urgency_hint pref * fix options' window size
       new  402eb46   deprecation cleaning
       new  f147720   Imported Upstream version 0.4.8
       new  d27b8a0   Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.8' into dfsg-clean
       new  ee726f6   Merge tag 'dfsg-clean/0.4.8'
       new  76440fa   Refresh patches (log level fixed upstream)
       new  3a60831   Update upstream changelog
       new  29c5824   Update changelog for 0.4.8-1 release

The 14 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 debian/README.source                               |    2 ++
 debian/changelog                                   |    8 +++++
 debian/gbp.conf                                    |    5 ++-
 ...display-release-notes-after-installation.patch} |    4 +--
 debian/patches/0002-Switch-log-level-to-info.patch |   21 ------------
 debian/patches/series                              |    3 +-
 debian/upstream-changelog                          |    6 ++++
 src/chrome/content/options.js                      |    6 ++--
 src/chrome/content/options.xul                     |    7 ++++
 src/chrome/locale/en-US/options.dtd                |    2 ++
 src/chrome/locale/es-AR/options.dtd                |    2 ++
 src/chrome/locale/fr/options.dtd                   |    2 ++
 src/chrome/locale/fr/overlay.properties            |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/it/options.dtd                   |    2 ++
 src/chrome/locale/it/overlay.properties            |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/nl/options.dtd                   |    2 ++
 src/chrome/locale/sk-SK/options.dtd                |    2 ++
 src/chrome/locale/zh-TW/options.dtd                |    2 ++
 src/defaults/preferences/prefs.js                  |    1 +
 src/install.rdf                                    |    2 +-
 src/modules/FiretrayHandler.jsm                    |    9 +++--
 src/modules/FiretrayMessaging.jsm                  |   35 +++++++++++++++-----
 src/modules/PrefListener.jsm                       |    2 --
 src/modules/commons.js                             |    2 +-
 src/modules/logging.jsm                            |    2 +-
 25 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
 rename debian/patches/{0003-Do-not-display-release-notes-after-installation.patch => 0002-Do-not-display-release-notes-after-installation.patch} (86%)
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/0002-Switch-log-level-to-info.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/firetray.git

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