[Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] 04/05: Refresh upstream changelog

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 9 21:49:22 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository noscript.

commit 7b7f0249ea69872659d42de589e25abbc5a145e6
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 9 17:37:49 2014 -0400

    Refresh upstream changelog
 debian/upstream-changelog | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/upstream-changelog b/debian/upstream-changelog
index 256510c..f9c1fb1 100644
--- a/debian/upstream-changelog
+++ b/debian/upstream-changelog
@@ -1,5 +1,79 @@
 [+] new feature, [x] bug fix, [-] removed feature, [=] repackaging or cosmetic change
++ Built-in force HTTPS list, seeded with www.youtube.com
+x Work-around for bogus Youtube embedded frame activation
+  patterns (thanks al_9x for reporting)
+x Fixed bookmarklet execution regression in older Firefox
+  versions (thanks 5keeve for reporting)
+x Fixed subdocuments of a [System Principal] page not being
+  allowed when they should in cascade permission modes (
+  thanks hjkl for reporting)
++ Built-in force HTTPS list, seeded with www.youtube.com
+x Work-around for bogus Youtube embedded frame activation
+  patterns (thanks al_9x for reporting)
+x Fixed bookmarklet execution regression in older Firefox
+  versions (thanks 5keeve for reporting)
+x Fixed subdocuments of a [System Principal] page not being
+  allowed when they should in cascade permission modes (
+  thanks hjkl for reporting)
+x Fixed memory leak when a top-level browser window is closed
+  (thanks cks for reporting)
+x [XSS] compatibility tweak for swisspost.ch
+x Miscellaneous HTTPS URLs lockdown
++ Support for full-encrypted https://noscript.net
+x Updated Twitter surrogate (thanks ozjuggler and barbaz)
+x Work-around for thumbnail generation protection being
+  broken by some add-ons
+x Fully disable background processed thumbnail generation
+  unless noscript.bgThumbs.allowed about:config preference
+  is set to true
+x Control JavaScript enabled in background thumbail
+  generation through the noscript.bgThumbs.disableJS
+  about:config preference
++ Forcing remote browsers used for thumbnail generation to
+  disable JavaScript (thanks vpoint for reporting)
++ [Surrogate] Invodo dummy replacement (thanks barbaz)
+x Fixed memory leak when a top-level browser window is closed
+  (thanks cks for reporting)
+x [XSS] compatibility tweak for swisspost.ch
+x Miscellaneous HTTPS URLs lockdown
++ Support for full-encrypted https://noscript.net
+x Updated Twitter surrogate (thanks ozjuggler and barbaz)
+x Work-around for thumbnail generation protection being
+  broken by some add-ons
+x Fully disable background processed thumbnail generation
+  unless noscript.bgThumbs.allowed about:config preference
+  is set to true
+x Control JavaScript enabled in background thumbail
+  generation through the noscript.bgThumbs.disableJS
+  about:config preference
++ Forcing remote browsers used for thumbnail generation to
+  disable JavaScript (thanks vpoint for reporting)
++ [Surrogate] Invodo dummy replacement (thanks barbaz)
 + Added vimeocdn.com as a vimeo.com dependency if already
@@ -104,7 +178,7 @@ v
 x Fixed subtle bug in ScriptSurrogate.replaceScript()
 x Fixed HTTPS and cascading permission policies not applying
   to XHR and XBL checks
-x [XSS] Fixed ES6-based bypasses (thanks Masato Kinugava for
+x [XSS] Fixed ES6-based bypasses (thanks Masato Kinugawa for
 + [XSS] window.name exfiltration protection (thanks Masato
   Kinugawa for reporting)
@@ -122,7 +196,7 @@ v
 x Fixed subtle bug in ScriptSurrogate.replaceScript()
 x Fixed HTTPS and cascading permission policies not applying
   to XHR and XBL checks
-x [XSS] Fixed ES6-based bypasses (thanks Masato Kinugava for
+x [XSS] Fixed ES6-based bypasses (thanks Masato Kinugawa for
 + [XSS] window.name exfiltration protection (thanks Masato
   Kinugawa for reporting)
@@ -3253,7 +3327,7 @@ v
 + Further and less likely ASP-related tricks in InjectionChecker (thanks
-  Seroush Dalili for reporting)
+  Soroush Dalili for reporting)
 x Fixed bookmarklets and JavaScript URLs broken in about:blank unless
   imports are allowed (thanks Nick Ang for reporting)
 + JavaScript URL bar shortcuts are now treated as bookmarklet and executed
@@ -3716,7 +3790,7 @@ v 2.0.8
 x Fixed toolbar buttons icon size on Firefox 4 Windows theme
 + XSS check on permissions changes, suppressing events and forcing
-  filtered reload if an injection is found (thanks "dave b" for reporting)
+  filtered reload if an injection is found (thanks dave b for reporting)
 x Fixed graphic glitches on menu showing with accelerated graphics (thanks
   Das for reporting)
 x Fixed permission changes causing unrelated tabs to be reloaded when

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/noscript.git

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