[Pkg-mozext-commits] [perspectives-extension] branch master updated (4a0d806 -> d4991cb)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Feb 26 22:23:49 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch master
in repository perspectives-extension.

      from  4a0d806   Merge pull request #95 from daveschaefer/master
       new  312e7de   Perspectives - Increment version number for work
       new  7490922   Perspectives - Fix text display for insecure content
       new  c71fa7e   Perspectives, Pers_statusbar - Remove newlines from debug logs
       new  9f966c0   install.rdf - Explain version numbering scheme
       new  b5d83cb   Pers_notify - Fix 'Learn More' button
       new  4fb28c4   Makefile - build plugin before installing
       new  5e48999   Pers_notify - Add new preference to show/hide notification box
       new  2d46ffb   Pers_pref - Add preferences UI to enable/disable 'show permission box'
       new  3d0bdd0   Pers_notify - Add button to hide notification boxes
       new  521fe35   Pers_pref - Grey-out the default notary textbox to indicate it cannot be edited
       new  9b0d8e6   Pers_notify - Remove newline from debug log
       new  b673b29   test - Add test cases for new reminder checkboxes and UI
       new  e098b1d   AUTHORS - Rename to 'CREDITS'
       new  18308a1   CREDITS - Mention bug reports
       new  c815131   credits - Add Jens
       new  cbe028d   CHANGELOG - Add change for v4.4
       new  b684df7   install.rdf - Increment browser compatibility versions
       new  110b126   install.rdf - Increment version for 4.4 release!
       new  d4991cb   Merge pull request #104 from daveschaefer/master

The 19 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CHANGELOG                                      |  15 ++++
 AUTHORS => CREDITS                             |   2 +-
 Makefile                                       |   2 +-
 plugin/chrome/content/credits/contributors.txt |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/content/initialize.xul           |  14 +--
 plugin/chrome/content/notaries.js              |  27 +++---
 plugin/chrome/content/notify.js                | 118 ++++++++++++++-----------
 plugin/chrome/content/preferences_dialog.js    |   7 ++
 plugin/chrome/content/preferences_dialog.xul   |  22 ++++-
 plugin/chrome/content/statusbar.js             |  14 +--
 plugin/chrome/locale/de/dialogs.dtd            |   2 +-
 plugin/chrome/locale/de/notaries.properties    |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/en-US/dialogs.dtd         |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/en-US/notaries.properties |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/es-MX/dialogs.dtd         |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/es-MX/notaries.properties |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/fi/dialogs.dtd            |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/fi/notaries.properties    |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/fr/dialogs.dtd            |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/fr/notaries.properties    |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/nl/dialogs.dtd            |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/nl/notaries.properties    |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/zh-CN/dialogs.dtd         |   1 +
 plugin/chrome/locale/zh-CN/notaries.properties |   1 +
 plugin/defaults/preferences/prefs.js           |   1 +
 plugin/install.rdf                             |  13 ++-
 test/Manual Test Cases.txt                     |  15 ++++
 27 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
 rename AUTHORS => CREDITS (88%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/perspectives-extension.git

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