[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] 113/464: Added an optional patch function parameter to the module to allow patching internal namespace
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 22 20:44:08 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository adblock-plus.
commit 4b739172ef169dbf766a72b8a88079c910da760b
Author: Wladimir Palant <trev at adblockplus.org>
Date: Thu Dec 9 17:00:20 2010 +0100
Added an optional patch function parameter to the module to allow patching internal namespace
scripts/abprewrite.js | 136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 118 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
diff --git a/scripts/abprewrite.js b/scripts/abprewrite.js
index 0b8043f..0f9063c 100644
--- a/scripts/abprewrite.js
+++ b/scripts/abprewrite.js
@@ -74,6 +74,92 @@ MemberExpression.prototype =
precedence: 1
+function UnaryExpression(operator, operand)
+ var operators = {
+ __proto__: null,
+ "yield": 4,
+ "+": 4,
+ "-": 4,
+ "!": 4,
+ "~": 4,
+ "typeof": 4,
+ "void": 4,
+ "delete": 4,
+ "++": 3,
+ "--": 3,
+ "()": 2
+ };
+ if (!(operator in operators))
+ throw "Unknown operator";
+ if (typeof operand != "object")
+ operand = new LiteralExpression(operand);
+ Node.call(this, {
+ operator: operator,
+ precedence: operators[operator],
+ operand: operand
+ });
+UnaryExpression.prototype =
+ __proto__: Node.prototype,
+ type: "UnaryExpression"
+function BinaryExpression(operator, lhs, rhs)
+ var operators = {
+ __proto__: null,
+ ",": 17,
+ "||": 14,
+ "&&": 13,
+ "|": 12,
+ "^": 11,
+ "&": 10,
+ "==": 9,
+ "!=": 9,
+ "===": 9,
+ "!==": 9,
+ "<": 8,
+ "<=": 8,
+ ">": 8,
+ ">=": 8,
+ "in": 8,
+ "instanceof": 8,
+ "<<": 7,
+ ">>": 7,
+ ">>>": 7,
+ "+": 6,
+ "-": 6,
+ "*": 5,
+ "/": 5,
+ "%": 5
+ };
+ if (!(operator in operators))
+ throw "Unknown operator";
+ if (typeof lhs != "object")
+ lhs = new LiteralExpression(lhs);
+ if (typeof rhs != "object")
+ rhs = new LiteralExpression(rhs);
+ Node.call(this, {
+ operator: operator,
+ precedence: operators[operator],
+ lhs: lhs,
+ rhs: rhs
+ });
+BinaryExpression.prototype =
+ __proto__: Node.prototype,
+ type: "BinaryExpression"
function VarDeclaration(varname, initializer)
obj = {
@@ -121,6 +207,7 @@ ExpressionStatement.prototype =
let modifier =
+ _filename: null,
_tempVarCount: 0,
_extendFunctionName: null,
_exportedSymbols: null,
@@ -236,19 +323,8 @@ let modifier =
return [new Node({
type: "ForStatement",
init: new VarStatement(loopIndex, 0),
- cond: new Node({
- type: "BinaryExpression",
- precedence: 8,
- operator: "<",
- lhs: new IdentifierExpression(loopIndex),
- rhs: new MemberExpression(stmt.iterrange, "length", true)
- }),
- inc: new Node({
- type: "UnaryExpression",
- precedence: 3,
- operator: "++",
- operand: new IdentifierExpression(loopIndex)
- }),
+ cond: new BinaryExpression("<", new IdentifierExpression(loopIndex), new MemberExpression(stmt.iterrange, "length", true)),
+ inc: new UnaryExpression("++", new IdentifierExpression(loopIndex)),
body: stmt.body
@@ -354,6 +430,26 @@ let modifier =
+ // Add patch function call at the end of the module:
+ // if (typeof _patchFunc44 != "undefined")
+ // (eval("(" + _patchFunc44.toString()) + ")()");
+ let patchFuncName = "_patchFunc" + this._tempVarCount++;
+ stmt.sourceElements.push(new Node({
+ type: "IfStatement",
+ cond: new BinaryExpression("!=", new UnaryExpression("typeof", new IdentifierExpression(patchFuncName)), "undefined"),
+ body: new ExpressionStatement(new Node({
+ type: "CallExpression",
+ precedence: 2,
+ func: new IdentifierExpression("eval"),
+ arguments: [new BinaryExpression("+", new BinaryExpression("+", "(", new Node({
+ type: "CallExpression",
+ precedence: 2,
+ arguments: [],
+ func: new MemberExpression(patchFuncName, "toString", true),
+ })), ")()")],
+ }))
+ }));
// Add exported symbols at the end of the module:
// window.exportedSymbol1 = exportedSymbol1;
// window.exportedSymbol2 = exportedSymbol2;
@@ -373,18 +469,18 @@ let modifier =
// Wrap the entire module into a function to give it an independent scope:
- // (function() {
+ // (function(_patchFunc44) {
// ...
- // })();
+ // })(window.ModuleNamePatch);
stmt.sourceElements = [new ExpressionStatement(new Node({
type: "CallExpression",
precedence: 2,
- arguments: [],
+ arguments: [new MemberExpression("window", this._filename + "Patch", true)],
func: new Node({
type: "FunctionDeclaration",
precedence: Infinity,
name: "",
- arguments: [],
+ arguments: [new IdentifierExpression(patchFuncName)],
body: new Node({
type: "BlockStatement",
statements: stmt.sourceElements
@@ -474,11 +570,15 @@ function decompile(node)
return decompileBuffer;
-process_js = function(ast)
+process_js = function(ast, filename)
if (!ast)
+ filename = filename.replace(/.*[\\\/]/, "");
+ filename = filename.replace(/\.jsm?$/, "");
+ modifier._filename = filename;
// Output license header
_print('/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****');
_print(' * Version: MPL 1.1');
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus.git
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