[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] 312/464: Made build.py setuptrans work for Chrome extensions

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 22 20:44:28 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository adblock-plus.

commit d48a3fe909d8947aeb81c3975a8c003286a5991d
Author: Wladimir Palant <trev at adblockplus.org>
Date:   Thu Oct 18 15:33:44 2012 +0200

    Made build.py setuptrans work for Chrome extensions
 build.py       | 16 +++++++---
 localeTools.py | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build.py b/build.py
index b970c8e..3603dfd 100644
--- a/build.py
+++ b/build.py
@@ -222,12 +222,18 @@ def setupTranslations(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
   key = args[0]
-  import buildtools.packagerGecko as packager
-  locales = packager.getLocales(baseDir, True)
-  basename = packager.readMetadata(baseDir).get('general', 'baseName')
+  if type == 'chrome':
+    import buildtools.packagerChrome as packager
+    locales = os.listdir(os.path.join(baseDir, '_locales'))
+    locales = map(lambda locale: locale.replace('_', '-'), locales)
+    basename = packager.readMetadata(baseDir).get('general', 'baseName')
+  else:
+    import buildtools.packagerGecko as packager
+    locales = packager.getLocales(baseDir, True)
+    basename = packager.readMetadata(baseDir).get('general', 'baseName')
   import buildtools.localeTools as localeTools
-  localeTools.setupTranslations(locales, basename, key)
+  localeTools.setupTranslations(type, locales, basename, key)
 def updateTranslationMaster(baseDir, scriptName, opts, args, type):
@@ -391,7 +397,7 @@ with addCommand(setupTranslations, 'setuptrans') as command:
   command.shortDescription = 'Sets up translation languages'
   command.description = 'Sets up translation languages for the project on crowdin.net.'
   command.params = '[options] project-key'
-  command.supportedTypes = ('gecko')
+  command.supportedTypes = ('gecko', 'chrome')
 with addCommand(updateTranslationMaster, 'translate') as command:
   command.shortDescription = 'Updates translation master files'
diff --git a/localeTools.py b/localeTools.py
index 7378bb5..63a380c 100644
--- a/localeTools.py
+++ b/localeTools.py
@@ -10,11 +10,75 @@ from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
 from zipfile import ZipFile
 from xml.parsers.expat import ParserCreate, XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS
-langMapping = {
+langMappingGecko = {
   'dsb': 'dsb-DE',
   'hsb': 'hsb-DE',
+langMappingChrome = {
+  'es-419': 'es-AR',
+  'es': 'es-ES',
+  'sv': 'sv-SE',
+  'ml': 'ml-IN',
+  'nb': 'no',
+chromeLocales = [
+  "am",
+  "ar",
+  "bg",
+  "bn",
+  "ca",
+  "cs",
+  "da",
+  "de",
+  "el",
+  "en-GB",
+  "en-US",
+  "es-419",
+  "es",
+  "et",
+  "fa",
+  "fi",
+  "fil",
+  "fr",
+  "gu",
+  "he",
+  "hi",
+  "hr",
+  "hu",
+  "id",
+  "it",
+  "ja",
+  "kn",
+  "ko",
+  "lt",
+  "lv",
+  "ml",
+  "mr",
+  "ms",
+  "nb",
+  "nl",
+  "pl",
+  "pt-BR",
+  "pt-PT",
+  "ro",
+  "ru",
+  "sk",
+  "sl",
+  "sr",
+  "sv",
+  "sw",
+  "ta",
+  "te",
+  "th",
+  "tr",
+  "uk",
+  "vi",
+  "zh-CN",
+  "zh-TW",
 class OrderedDict(dict):
   def __init__(self):
     self.__order = []
@@ -162,17 +226,28 @@ def fromJSON(path, data):
     file.write(generateStringEntry(key, value['message'], path))
-def setupTranslations(locales, projectName, key):
+def setupTranslations(type, locales, projectName, key):
+  # Copy locales list, we don't want to change the parameter
   locales = set(locales)
-  firefoxLocales = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all.html').read()
-  for match in re.finditer(r'&lang=([\w\-]+)"', firefoxLocales):
-    locales.add(langMapping.get(match.group(1), match.group(1)))
-  langPacks = urllib2.urlopen('https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/language-tools/').read()
-  for match in re.finditer(r'<tr>.*?</tr>', langPacks, re.S):
-    if match.group(0).find('Install Language Pack') >= 0:
-      match2 = re.search(r'lang="([\w\-]+)"', match.group(0))
-      if match2:
-        locales.add(langMapping.get(match2.group(1), match2.group(1)))
+  # Fill up with locales that we don't have but the browser supports
+  if type == 'chrome':
+    for locale in chromeLocales:
+      locales.add(locale)
+  else:
+    firefoxLocales = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/all.html').read()
+    for match in re.finditer(r'&lang=([\w\-]+)"', firefoxLocales):
+      locales.add(langMappingGecko.get(match.group(1), match.group(1)))
+    langPacks = urllib2.urlopen('https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/language-tools/').read()
+    for match in re.finditer(r'<tr>.*?</tr>', langPacks, re.S):
+      if match.group(0).find('Install Language Pack') >= 0:
+        match2 = re.search(r'lang="([\w\-]+)"', match.group(0))
+        if match2:
+          locales.add(langMappingGecko.get(match2.group(1), match2.group(1)))
+  # Convert locale codes to the ones that Crowdin will understand
+  mapping = langMappingChrome if type == 'chrome' else langMappingGecko
+  locales = set(map(lambda locale: mapping[locale] if locale in mapping else locale, locales))
   allowed = set()
   allowedLocales = urllib2.urlopen('http://crowdin.net/page/language-codes').read()
@@ -250,7 +325,7 @@ def getTranslations(localesDir, defaultLocale, projectName, key):
     if not re.match(r'^[\w\-]+$', dir) or dir == defaultLocale:
-    for key, value in langMapping.iteritems():
+    for key, value in langMappingGecko.iteritems():
       if value == dir:
         dir = key

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus.git

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