[Pkg-mozext-commits] [perspectives-extension] 01/24: checkloc - Add script to validate localization data

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 3 02:44:28 UTC 2014

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commit 75c90b3ea6c377e7cfd5fd7e609e0a4157f493b5
Author: Dave Schaefer <dave.schaefer at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Apr 24 22:36:56 2014 -0600

    checkloc - Add script to validate localization data
    This new python script checks everything the old perl script did, AND MORE! :)
    See the file for details on tests run.
    Rather than replacing characters in localization files, we simply detect and report errors.
    The builder can then fix files in the manner they wish.
    This is less error prone and keeps builders aware of issues.
    Also, using a python script rather than a perl script
    keeps the languages consistent for devs who work on both
    the Perspectives client and server (they only need to install one language).
    Running the localization tests at build time lets us validate data *before*
    it gets into the extension. It also means the tests do not rely on
    any browser API or javascript capabilities.
    This should be much more robust for the future and allow us to quickly
    iterate on and validate localization updates with confidence.
    Many thanks to the lxml team for writing a great library.
 test/checkloc.py | 332 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 332 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/checkloc.py b/test/checkloc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..684a148
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/checkloc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#   Copyright (C) 2011 Dave Schaefer
+#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
+#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Validate Mozilla-style localization files to make sure all localizations
+have the same keys in the same places.
+Current test cases for each localization:
+	- Loc has no extra files
+	- Loc has no missing files
+	- Loc has at least one key
+	- Loc has no extra keys
+	- Loc has no missing keys
+	- Loc has no duplicate keys defined in the same .properties file
+	(the same key name defined in different files is okay -
+	 presumably they will be loaded and used in different stringbundles)
+	- Key values are not empty
+	- Key names contain no invalid characters, including "!@#$%^&*<>[](){} ?
+	- DTD values contain no invalid characters, including "%<
+	- DTD comments contain no double hyphens '--'
+	- .properties values are valid, meaning either:
+		1. no % on a line
+		2. double %% to escape and print a regular %
+		3. %S or %n$S , where n is a number, for formatted string replacement.
+	- No files contain the Byte Order Marker (BOM)
+	- Test that loc has no duplicate DTD entities defined in the same file
+	(currently an lxml limitation; lxml removes duplicate entities when parsing.
+	but so does firefox, so the built plugin will still be valid.
+	this test would simply be a warning for builders, as it's probably not what	they intended).
+Feel free to add more tests!
+import argparse
+import codecs
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+	from lxml import etree
+except ImportError:
+	logging.warning("python lxml library not found; localization tests cannot be run. Please install the python 'lxml' library to run localization tests.")
+	sys.exit(0)
+# When storing localization strings,
+# use 'filename/keyname' as the hash key, as that's the value
+# we want to ensure is unique for each localization.
+# We want to make sure there are no instances of the separator character inside the filename,
+# so we don't have trouble parsing or splitting the hash key later, if necessary
+# (e.g. for printing error info)
+# Thus, use a separator character that is *not*
+# a legal filename character on most systems (including windows, linux, and osx).
+# This makes it easier to ensure we won't encounter it in file names
+# or have difficulty printing error info.
+LSEP = '/'
+# the en-US translation will have all files and strings created. Use it as the base.
+BASE_LOC = 'en-US'
+# .properties files look like:
+#   #comments are ignored
+#   name=string
+# Assumptions: both comments and entries exist only on a single line.
+PROP_COMMENT = re.compile('#+[^\n\r\f]*[\n\r\f]', re.DOTALL)
+PROP_SEP = re.compile('[\n\r\f]')
+PROP_LINE = re.compile('([A-Za-z0-9]+)=([^\n\r\f]*)')
+DTD_PARSE_ERROR = re.compile('([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)', re.DOTALL)
+any_errors = False
+def _log_error(msg):
+	"""Log an error message."""
+	# this function wraps setting the global error flag
+	# to keep all error code in one place
+	global any_errors
+	any_errors = True
+	logging.error(msg)
+def _extract_dtd_parse_error_info(err):
+	"""
+	Extract the line and column numbers from a DTDParseError,
+	so the user knows where to look for the problem
+	without having to understand the built-in error format.
+	"""
+	# error_log lines are formatted like:
+	# <string>:10:17:FATAL:PARSER:ERR_VALUE_REQUIRED: Entity value required
+	line = str(err.error_log[-1]).strip()
+	match = re.match(DTD_PARSE_ERROR, line)
+	if (match):
+		(string, line, column, errlevel, place, errname, message) = match.groups()
+		return "Syntax error starting at Line {0}, Col {1}: {2}\n{3}".format(\
+			line, column, err.message, err.error_log)
+def _get_loc_keys(loc_dir):
+	"""
+	Read the localization string keys and values from all files in a directory
+	and return them as a dictionary.
+	This function only reads data from Mozilla-style localization files:
+	XML DTD and .properties files.
+	"""
+	loc_files = []
+	keys = {}
+	# we assume that loc directries do not have sub-directories
+	for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(loc_dir):
+		loc_files.extend(files)
+	logging.info("Checking files in {0}".format(loc_dir))
+	for file_name in files:
+		file_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(loc_dir, file_name))
+		file_name = file_name.replace(LSEP, '')
+		# check each file for the Byte Order Marker;
+		# according to the MDN spec, localization files should *not* contain BOM
+		# https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XUL_Tutorial/Localization
+		bytes = min(32, os.path.getsize(file_path))
+		with open(file_path, 'rb') as rawfile:
+			if rawfile.read(bytes).startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
+				_log_error("File '{0}' contains Byte Order Marker; localization files should not contain BOM."\
+					.format(file_path))
+		if (file_path.endswith('.dtd')):
+			with open(file_path, 'r') as openfile:
+				try:
+					dtd = etree.DTD(openfile)
+					for entity in dtd.entities():
+						# note: lxml actually removes duplicate entities when parsing;
+						# it always takes the first entry.
+						key = file_name + LSEP + entity.name
+						if key in keys:
+							_log_error("Duplicate dtd key '{0}' found in {1}".format(\
+								key, file_path))
+						elif len(entity.content) < 1:
+							_log_error("Key '{0}' in {1} has a blank value".format(\
+								key, file_path))
+						# check for invalid content
+						# lxml will already check for '%' in values when it parses the file
+						elif '<' in entity.content:
+							_log_error("The value for '{0}' in {1} contains the invalid character '<'. This is not allowed; please remove this character.".format(\
+								key, file_path))
+						else:
+							keys[key] = entity.content
+				except (etree.DTDParseError) as ex:
+					_log_error("Error: could not parse {0}: {1}".format(\
+						file_path, _extract_dtd_parse_error_info(ex)))
+		elif (file_path.endswith('.properties')):
+			keys = _parse_properties_file(keys, file_path)
+		else:
+			# not neccesarily a failure - there may just be extra files lying around.
+			logging.warning("File {0} is not a .dtd or .properties file. Ignoring.".format(file_path))
+	return keys
+def _parse_properties_file(keys, file_path):
+	"""
+	Extract localization string keys and values from a mozilla-style ".properties" file
+	https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/Property_Files
+	"""
+	file_name = os.path.basename(file_path).replace(LSEP, '')
+	with open(file_path, 'r') as openfile:
+		data = openfile.read()
+		if (len(data) < 1):
+			raise AssertionError("{0} does not contain any lines".format(file_path))
+		data = re.sub(PROP_COMMENT, '', data)
+		data = re.split(PROP_SEP, data)
+		for line in data:
+			match = PROP_LINE.match(line)
+			if (match):
+				key = file_name + LSEP + match.group(1)
+				value = match.group(2)
+				if key in keys:
+					_log_error("Duplicate property key '{0}' found in {1}".format(\
+						key, file_path))
+				elif len(value) < 1:
+					_log_error("Key '{0}' in {1} has a blank value".format(\
+						key, file_path))
+				# the only special character for .properties files is %
+				# used to substitute values when calling strbundle.getFormattedString().
+				# https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Tech/XUL/Tutorial/Property_Files#Text_Formatting
+				# there are three valid options:
+				# 1. no % on a line
+				# 2. %% to escape and print a regular %
+				# 3. %S or %n$S , where n is a number
+				elif '%' in value:
+					valid = True
+					x = value.find('%')
+					while x < len(value) and x != -1:
+						# we don't save the (n$) group for anything;
+						# we simply specify a group so we can make the entire group optional
+						# with a trailing ?
+						pmatch = re.match('%([0-9]+\$)?S', value[x:])
+						if (x + 1 < len(value)) and value[x+1] == '%':
+							x += 1 # double %% for escape sequence; print actual %
+						elif pmatch:
+							# advance 1 char for the trailing S
+							# plus however many chars make up the numerical reference (if any)
+							x += 1
+							if pmatch.group(1):
+								x += len(pmatch.group(1))
+						else:
+							_log_error("key '{0}' contains improper use of % in {1}. Position marked by ^ below:\n{2}\n{3}".format(\
+								key, file_path, value, "{0}^".format(" " * x)))
+							valid = False
+							break
+						x = value.find('%', x+1)
+					if valid:
+						keys[key] = value
+				else:
+					keys[key] = value
+			elif len(line) > 0: # not an empty string
+				_log_error("line '{0}' does not match any patterns for {1}".format(\
+					line, file_path))
+		return keys
+def validate_loc_files(loc_dir):
+	"""Validate localization contents."""
+	global any_errors
+	any_errors = False
+	langs = {}
+	langfiles = {}
+	baseline = {}
+	baseline['files'] = []
+	print "Starting Localization tests..."
+	loc_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), loc_dir)
+	if not (os.path.exists(loc_dir)):
+		raise AssertionError("The localization directory {0} does not exist!".format(loc_dir))
+	logging.info("Loc directory {0} exists.".format(loc_dir))
+	if not (os.path.isdir(loc_dir)):
+		raise AssertionError("{0} is not a directory!".format(loc_dir))
+	logging.info("{0} is a directory.".format(loc_dir))
+	for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(loc_dir):
+		for dir in dirs:
+			langs[dir] = True
+		langfiles[os.path.basename(root)] = files
+	if (len(langs) < 1):
+		raise AssertionError("Did not find any language folders inside {0}!".format(loc_dir))
+	print "Found {0} languages: {1}.".format(len(langs), langs.keys())
+	if BASE_LOC not in langs:
+		raise AssertionError("Base language folder '{0}' was not found in {1}".format(\
+			BASE_LOC, loc_dir))
+	baseline['name'] = BASE_LOC
+	baseline['files'].extend(langfiles[baseline['name']])
+	del langs[BASE_LOC] # don't test the baseline localization against itself
+	if (len(baseline['files']) < 1):
+		raise AssertionError("Did not find any files in '{0}'!".format(baseline['name']))
+	baseline['keys'] = _get_loc_keys(os.path.join(loc_dir, baseline['name']))
+	if (any_errors):
+		return True # error message has already been printed above
+	print "{0} keys found in baseline '{1}'.".format(\
+		len(baseline['keys']), baseline['name'])
+	for lang in langs:
+		keys = _get_loc_keys(os.path.join(loc_dir, lang))
+		for key in keys:
+			if (key not in baseline['keys']):
+				_log_error("Key '{0}' in '{1}' but not in '{2}'".format(\
+					key, lang, baseline['name']))
+		for key in baseline['keys']:
+			if (key not in keys):
+				_log_error("Key '{0}' in '{1}' but not in '{2}'".format(\
+					key, baseline['name'], lang))
+	print "Done!"
+	return any_errors
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+	parser.add_argument('loc_dir',
+			help="Directory where Mozilla-style localization files are located.")
+	parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False, action='store_true',
+			help="Verbose mode. Print more info about files and tests.")
+	args = parser.parse_args()
+	loglevel = logging.WARNING
+	if (args.verbose):
+		loglevel = logging.INFO
+	logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=loglevel)
+	errors = validate_loc_files(args.loc_dir)
+	if (errors):
+		sys.exit(1)
+	else:
+		sys.exit(0)

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