[Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] 07/45: Move GM_openInTab to miscapis.js.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Nov 3 20:59:18 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository greasemonkey.
commit d2822b79eaec63ab2f8aa7646a82bdf3350a312e
Author: Ventero <ventero at ventero.de>
Date: Fri Sep 19 05:01:25 2014 +0200
Move GM_openInTab to miscapis.js.
components/greasemonkey.js | 31 +------------------------------
modules/miscapis.js | 34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/components/greasemonkey.js b/components/greasemonkey.js
index a52cd5c..7a9ceae 100644
--- a/components/greasemonkey.js
+++ b/components/greasemonkey.js
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ function createSandbox(aScript, aContentWin, aChromeWin, aUrl) {
if (GM_util.inArray(aScript.grants, 'GM_openInTab')) {
sandbox.GM_openInTab = GM_util.hitch(
- null, openInTab, aContentWin);
+ null, GM_openInTab, aContentWin);
if (GM_util.inArray(aScript.grants, 'GM_xmlhttpRequest')) {
sandbox.GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_util.hitch(
@@ -163,35 +163,6 @@ function isTempScript(uri) {
return gTmpDir.contains(file, true);
-function openInTab(safeContentWin, url, aLoadInBackground) {
- if ('undefined' == typeof aLoadInBackground) aLoadInBackground = null;
- // Resolve URL relative to the location of the content window.
- var baseUri = gIoService.newURI(safeContentWin.location.href, null, null);
- var uri = gIoService.newURI(url, null, baseUri);
- // Get the chrome window currently corresponding to the content window, as
- // this might have changed since the script was injected (e.g. by moving
- // the tab to a different window).
- var chromeWin = getChromeWinForContentWin(safeContentWin);
- var browser = chromeWin.gBrowser;
- var currentTab = browser.tabs[
- browser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(safeContentWin.top.document)];
- var newTab = browser.loadOneTab(
- uri.spec, {'inBackground': aLoadInBackground});
- var newWin = GM_windowForTab(newTab, browser);
- var afterCurrent = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService)
- .getBranch("browser.tabs.")
- .getBoolPref("insertRelatedAfterCurrent");
- if (afterCurrent) {
- browser.moveTabTo(newTab, currentTab._tPos + 1);
- }
- return newWin;
function registerMenuCommand(
wrappedContentWin, script,
commandName, commandFunc, accessKey, unused, accessKey2
diff --git a/modules/miscapis.js b/modules/miscapis.js
index fb03d38..66ea879 100644
--- a/modules/miscapis.js
+++ b/modules/miscapis.js
@@ -2,12 +2,13 @@ var Cu = Components.utils;
- 'GM_addStyle', 'GM_console', 'GM_Resources',
+ 'GM_addStyle', 'GM_console', 'GM_openInTab', 'GM_Resources',
'GM_ScriptLogger', 'GM_ScriptStorage', 'GM_ScriptStoragePrefs'];
@@ -286,3 +287,34 @@ function GM_console(script) {
GM_console.prototype.log = function() {
+// \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ // \\ //
+function GM_openInTab(safeContentWin, url, aLoadInBackground) {
+ if ('undefined' == typeof aLoadInBackground) aLoadInBackground = null;
+ // Resolve URL relative to the location of the content window.
+ var baseUri = Services.io.newURI(safeContentWin.location.href, null, null);
+ var uri = Services.io.newURI(url, null, baseUri);
+ // Get the chrome window currently corresponding to the content window, as
+ // this might have changed since the script was injected (e.g. by moving
+ // the tab to a different window).
+ var chromeWin = getChromeWinForContentWin(safeContentWin);
+ var browser = chromeWin.gBrowser;
+ var currentTab = browser.tabs[
+ browser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(safeContentWin.top.document)];
+ var newTab = browser.loadOneTab(
+ uri.spec, {'inBackground': aLoadInBackground});
+ var newWin = GM_windowForTab(newTab, browser);
+ var afterCurrent = Cc["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIPrefService)
+ .getBranch("browser.tabs.")
+ .getBoolPref("insertRelatedAfterCurrent");
+ if (afterCurrent) {
+ browser.moveTabTo(newTab, currentTab._tPos + 1);
+ }
+ return newWin;
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