[Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch upstream updated (0cd83cf -> 87240a0)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Nov 3 20:59:23 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository greasemonkey.

      from  0cd83cf   Imported Upstream version 2.2
       new  784a9b8   Don't overwrite the sandbox console object with the Firebug console.
       new  d2822b7   Move GM_openInTab to miscapis.js.
       new  23205fe   Move extractMeta into its own file.
       new  1383976   Remove the need for a chrome window reference in GM_xhr.
       new  104a3e3   Refactor parts of the menu command handling into a JSM.
       new  8692e5d   Move menu command event handling to GM_MenuCommander.
       new  4a93798   Move sandbox related functions into JSM.
       new  be442de   Remove unused imports/definitions.
       new  3f512a1   Fix reference errors in GM_openInTab and remove GM_windowForTab.
       new  ad82f7c   Parse metadata lines via a formal grammar.
       new  da36f16   Use a formal grammar and parser generator for script metadata.
       new  d4f1f93   Use syntax that doesn't confuse my IDE (Eclipse/JsDev).
       new  8f32550   Update the parser to detect @noframes.
       new  9537dc9   When @noframes is set, only inject into top-level windows.
       new  cb9010f   Do not install scripts from Sync without download URLs.
       new  6204f84   Delete corresponding temp files when a script source tab is closed.
       new  2534751   Remove unused error.access-violation string.
       new  84ad4bd   Add-ons Manager: only force sort User Scripts.
       new  b905bdc   Use nsIDOMWindow, not deprecated nsIDOMWindowInternal.
       new  d261011   Don't redefine function parameter as local variable.
       new  4afb79a   Move function declaration out of conditional block.
       new  593df64   Add parentheses around assignment in while().
       new  48eec5e   Use more robust way to keep the timer reference alive.
       new  fa96791   Merge pull request #2005 from Ventero/various_fixes
       new  1984367   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:greasemonkey/greasemonkey
       new  23798bb   Fix typo in property access for localized description.
       new  b3f3725   Restore duplicate resource name check.
       new  05ca0b7   Fix typo.
       new  94acaba   Remove spurious debug log statement.
       new  63db53b   Restore the responseType feature for GM_xhr
       new  0d3daa6   Define a lower wal_autocheckpoint for script value DBs.
       new  a510758   Update translations from babelzilla.org.
       new  e75ffc9   Version bump: 2.3beta1
       new  2293758   Remove debug dump().
       new  4f54c97   Fix keyword reference.
       new  1fa6b91   Simplify character class rules in grammar.
       new  3808464   Return only the actual locale value from the parser.
       new  140c0ef   Use external extractMeta module.
       new  78e4dca   Merge pull request #2028 from Ventero/parser
       new  e89273a   Update translations from babelzilla.org.
       new  5bca25e   Version bump: 2.3
       new  87240a0   Imported Upstream version 2.3

The 42 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 components/greasemonkey.js           | 298 +--------------
 content/addons4-overlay.js           |   2 +
 content/browser.js                   |  12 +-
 content/menucommander.js             |  29 +-
 content/third-party/mpl-utils.js     |  11 -
 install.rdf                          |   2 +-
 locale/ar/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/ca/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/cs/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/da/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/de/gm-addons.dtd              |   2 +-
 locale/de/greasemonkey.dtd           |  10 +-
 locale/de/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/el/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/en-GB/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/en-US/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/es-AR/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/es-CL/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/es-ES/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/es-MX/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/et/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/fa/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/fi/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/fr/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/gl/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/he/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/hu/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/it/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/ja/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/ko/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/lt/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/nl/gm-browser.properties      |   2 +-
 locale/nl/greasemonkey.dtd           |   2 +-
 locale/nl/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/pl/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/pt-BR/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/pt-PT/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/ro/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/ru/greasemonkey.properties    |   7 +-
 locale/si/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/sk/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/sr/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/sv-SE/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/tr/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/uk/greasemonkey.properties    |   1 -
 locale/zh-CN/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 locale/zh-TW/greasemonkey.properties |   1 -
 modules/addons4.js                   |   2 +-
 modules/extractMeta.js               |  11 +
 modules/menucommand.js               |  62 +++
 modules/miscapis.js                  |  39 +-
 modules/parseScript.js               | 166 ++++----
 modules/remoteScript.js              |  11 +
 modules/sandbox.js                   | 171 +++++++++
 modules/script.js                    |  36 +-
 modules/stats.js                     |  15 -
 modules/sync.js                      |  13 +-
 modules/util/parseMetaLine.js        | 720 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 modules/util/timeout.js              |  35 +-
 modules/xmlhttprequester.js          |  21 +-
 60 files changed, 1218 insertions(+), 497 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 modules/extractMeta.js
 create mode 100644 modules/menucommand.js
 create mode 100644 modules/sandbox.js
 create mode 100644 modules/util/parseMetaLine.js

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/greasemonkey.git

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