[Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 40/44: Imported Upstream version

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 15 02:10:05 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tabmixplus.

commit d6896636a07dc35160614b3f9ee70505156e455f
Merge: 67a396d 2037607
Author: David Prévot <taffit at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 14 21:39:22 2014 -0400

    Imported Upstream version

 chrome/content/click/click.js                      |   5 +-
 chrome/content/content.js                          |  44 ++--
 chrome/content/extensions/extensions.js            |  88 +++++--
 chrome/content/links/contentLinks.js               |   2 +-
 chrome/content/links/removeBlankTab.js             |   4 +-
 chrome/content/links/setup.js                      |  44 ++--
 chrome/content/links/userInterface.js              |   5 +
 chrome/content/minit/autoReload.js                 |  15 +-
 chrome/content/minit/autoReload.xul                |  11 +-
 chrome/content/minit/minit.js                      |  28 +-
 chrome/content/minit/tabView.js                    |  13 +-
 chrome/content/minit/tablib.js                     | 185 ++++++-------
 chrome/content/overlay/browsr.css                  |  95 +++----
 chrome/content/overlay/tabContextMenu.xul          |   3 +-
 chrome/content/places/places.js                    |   4 +-
 chrome/content/preferences/appearance.js           |   5 +-
 chrome/content/preferences/appearance.xul          |   2 +
 chrome/content/preferences/links.xul               |  32 ++-
 chrome/content/preferences/mouse.js                |   7 -
 chrome/content/preferences/mouse.xul               |  11 +-
 chrome/content/preferences/preferences.js          |  18 +-
 chrome/content/preferences/shortcuts.xml           |  13 +-
 .../preferences/subdialogs/pref-appearance.xml     |  10 +-
 chrome/content/session/session.js                  |  59 +++--
 chrome/content/session/sessionStore.js             |   2 +-
 chrome/content/tab/tab.js                          |  81 ++++--
 chrome/content/tab/tabbrowser_4.xml                |  66 ++---
 chrome/content/tabmix.js                           |  63 +----
 chrome/content/tabmix.xul                          |   4 +-
 chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd                |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd                   |   6 +-
 chrome/locale/ru-RU/pref-tabmix.dtd                |   4 +-
 chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd                |   8 +-
 chrome/skin/app_version/4.0/general.css            |  12 +-
 chrome/skin/app_version/4.0/linux/browser.css      |   6 -
 chrome/skin/app_version/4.0/mac/browser.css        |   6 +-
 chrome/skin/app_version/4.0/win/browser.css        |   5 -
 chrome/skin/chevron-dn.gif                         | Bin 826 -> 0 bytes
 chrome/skin/chevron-rtl.gif                        | Bin 51 -> 0 bytes
 chrome/skin/chevron-up.gif                         | Bin 825 -> 0 bytes
 chrome/skin/chevron.gif                            | Bin 51 -> 0 bytes
 chrome/skin/tab.css                                |  17 --
 install.rdf                                        |   2 +-
 modules/AutoReload.jsm                             |   7 +-
 modules/ContentClick.jsm                           | 292 ++++++++++-----------
 modules/DynamicRules.jsm                           |  15 +-
 modules/LinkNodeUtils.jsm                          | 129 +++++++++
 modules/MergeWindows.jsm                           |   7 +-
 modules/Services.jsm                               |  24 +-
 modules/Shortcuts.jsm                              |  28 +-
 modules/Slideshow.jsm                              |   8 +-
 modules/extensions/CompatibilityCheck.jsm          |   6 +-
 52 files changed, 839 insertions(+), 664 deletions(-)

diff --cc install.rdf
index 83f0530,7b29364..0bba969
--- a/install.rdf
+++ b/install.rdf
@@@ -5,8 -5,8 +5,8 @@@
    <RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest"
                     NS1:name="Tab Mix Plus"
-                    NS1:version=""
 -                   NS1:version="0.4.99"
 -                   NS1:type="2"
++                   NS1:version=""
 +                   NS1:type="2"
                     NS1:description="Tab browsing with an added boost."

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/tabmixplus.git

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