[Pkg-mozext-commits] [automatic-save-folder] branch wip created (now 2a983c4)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 20:33:46 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch wip
in repository automatic-save-folder.

        at  2a983c4   Update changelog for 1.0.5~20140831-1 release

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  f0196c4   Initial directory structure.
       new  b59905a   Automatic Save Folder Version 0.9.3
       new  dcfc236   Fix : The link in the "about ASF" was forced to the French page on Mozilla add-on page.
       new  170b07d   Fix : Correct a regular expression checking in advanced mode.
       new  7cef645   New : + Add a stringbundle with the list of the months names + Add dynamic variable %F% for full months names and %M% for abbreviated names
       new  981d706   Change : * Update version number to "0.9.4b" (affect only the printed text, not the installation version) * Corrected some English locale (Correction by Narayan)
       new  6207715   Change/Fix : Added ability to use Firefox InstantApply option. (previously based on Linux OS detection)
       new  266494f   Change : Make the use of stringBundle instead of hidden data in xul/dtd.
       new  9dbd2d3   Change : Sort the pathlist alphabetically on saving windows, make them unique and working with dynamic variables.
       new  1308d6b   New : Drag/drop the filters to move them up or down.
       new  06540b1   New : Add an automated saving feature (auto dialog accept) (user requested)
       new  6e0b09e   New : + Right-Click Feature finally added !   Thanks to Download sort Extension for the right-click timeout information.   Download Sort conflict is resolved by setting priority to Download Sort   over ASF.
       new  a9131f8   Fix : * path selection on Add&edit window fixed. * Added a check for Firefox 2.x to disable right-click and display a message to update to Firefox 3.x   (Firefox 2 doesn't use PrivateBrowsing which conflict with right-click functionality)
       new  96a2762   Change : Clarification on the right-click checkbox in options tab: Affects only the "Save link as...". Even if this option is unchecked, the filtering is still working with "save image as..." and "File/save as...".
       new  f765639   Minor : Language files updated for new release and spelling correction for English and French
       new  771d40b   Add : Added ASF icon.png in the root directory, in order to allow add-on's icon to be displayed even when it is disabled (Firefox >=3.6) Change : * DOM level 2 : Use createElementNS( xul, element name) instead of default HTML namespace createElement(element name) * After all, allow right-click functionality for Firefox 2.0 and 3.0, the 3.5.x script is working but send only a warning in the error console because PrivateBrowsing is not implemented yet. * Modify the opt [...]
       new  5d38971   Change : Added a proper option to fall back to the current website URL checking if the hosted domain doesn't match the filter's domain.
       new  f053803   Fix : Forgot a line on the last revision. Other : Add-on tested on all Firefox version from 2.0 to 3.7a1pre, all are working fine on my side :)
       new  c05526e   Fix : Fixed a regular expression filtering with right-click download. Change : Language update Other : New website online at http://asf.mangaheart.org now in English, and can be translated in other languages.
       new  57979a5   Add : Added the week of the year %W%, and the day of the week variables %w% , %l% (lowercase L) and %D%
       new  31c100f   Add : Forgot to add Weeks variable to right-click on previous commit.
       new  3b88a53   Change : - Converted all the help files from html files to xhtml+dtd files, to be easier to translate and submit the add-on to babelzilla.org - Separated the "About..." tab in two: "help" and "About..."
       new  d2b25e3   Change : Converted the last hidden xul/dtd to stringbundles for add&edit alert message
       new  d45b2c2   Change : Allow all the text on option tab & dynamic tab to be fully wrap-able.
       new  aea9b61   Change : - Remove the right-click feature for Firefox 2, because the installed add-ons can't be detected.   ASF need to detect Download Sort Extension to prevent conflict. - Added an alert on the option tab for Firefox 2 users, - Better description to right-click option.
       new  d73c460   Add : Added a proper option to select the default folder when Firefox saving option "save file to:" was selected instead of "always ask where to save the file". Previously forced on "defined by filter" every time ASF preferences was opened.
       new  8f53642   Add : Added some tooltips instead of text information just bellow the options.       unfortunately, too long tooltip text is not printed fully on Firefox 2, and linefeed/wrapped-text doesn't work at all :(       I'm leaving the tooltips like this anyway, until I get user's comments. Change : Changed the dtd locales order for the "option tab" to reflect the same order they are printed on the add-on for easier localization.
       new  f40c78f   Clean the code a little
       new  3c22d1a   Fix : - Force browser.download.folderList to 2 when "don't show file explorer" is disabled. - Forgot this file on last commit after I renamed the main function to "main()"
       new  2cca366   Add : -  Private Browsing mode compatible !    Thank you to Mozilla developer Ehsan Akhgari from http://ehsanakhgari.org/    for his help with File-picker private browsing function. -  Added a Tooltip in the Dynamic folder tab : Attention, if you are in private    browsing mode, Firefox will not create the folder if it doesn't exist yet.    The opened folder will be the last used on non private browsing.
       new  ee69a92   Fix : When using instantApply, the "active" column status wasn't saved.
       new  82598d3   Fix : Prevent an exception when the current website URL tab is closed before       the save dialog is shown.       often happen with redirection download script and Firefox closing the new       empty popup window.
       new  4245aa4   Fix : Corrected an error when using Private browsing mode,       the suggested folder was the last used in non private browsing instead of       the filtered one.
       new  1845745   Fix :   - Prevent ASF to store the current domain as a temporary data while in private     browsing mode.   - Corrected the group capture using parenthesis and rename the dropdown     suggested path list accordingly for the current filter.
       new  7a59554   Add : New help pictures for English localization
       new  be990ea   Fix : In the path list drop-down menu, the default save folder's dynamic       renaming wasn't activated. Change : Changed and prepared localization files for Babelzilla submission
       new  8c06d8c   Add : Added an option to not automatically accept the download if no filter is found. (Thanks to FrizzleFry)
       new  96ad308   Change : Removed some comments on dtd files.
       new  b21b517   Fix : - Corrected errors occurring on Firefox 2 (Ci replaced to Components.interfaces) - Corrected loading interface for Private browsing on Firefox <3.5 Change : - If the user set the option to not show the file explorer and always save to   desktop or downloads, disable ASF option in saving window, and force the   suggested path to the user choice.
       new  7c45791   Fix : - When using instantApply, the suggested filters weren't refreshed after closing   the preference window. - On Firefox 2, the nsIDownloadManager doesn't exist, so I can't find the   default download folder.   "..." is use instead of the suggested path when the user force the file saving   to Desktop or Downloads.
       new  c6b6c86   Change : On the download dialog, disable the suggested folders if the          "What should Firefox do with this file?" group's option is          not set to "Save File"
       new  eedb317   Fix : - When saving with a right-click, if no file hosted domain were returned,   the full current URL was used instead of the domain only. - Corrected an exception when downloading with right-click and no hosted domain   was returned (like when saving a screenshot using Abduction! Add-on)   [Thanks to Wiiwaker] - few locales spelling corrections.
       new  5030b50   change : Removed the Firefox closing observer used to set the browser.download.saveLinkAsFilenameTimeout back to 1000, and now set it to userpref.js on ASF installation in order to recover the original state on ASF un-install. If you used beta version up to this revision and un-install ASF, you may have to manually set browser.download.saveLinkAsFilenameTimeout back to 1000 to recover the header reading capability.
       new  fc340eb   Add :   Added an option to enable or disable right-click function on all right-click   menus at once (save link as, save image as, save as) Fix :   Fixed a bug when sub-options were auto unchecked visually, but not saved   properly when using instantApply feature because the user didn't physically   click on it.   Affected options were : (on option's tab)     - Only if a filter is found     - View the list of folders     - Remove the timing delay Changes :   - Few co [...]
       new  270a6f4   Add : Added an option to select the way the ASF box option is shown.       It can now be minimized of hidden instead of just disabled (if the user       choice is on Open instead of Save) Fix : prevent an exception if selecting the path list radio choice without any       path selected first, by setting the default list choice on the first path.
       new  904ffda   Change : - Added a drop-down menu to the add&edit window with already present   filter's folders for quicker access (Asked by MrCOLOMBO) - Changed all the copyrighted date to 2010, and force UTF8 encoding
       new  d0d424e   Add : - Row coloration when opening the preferences from the saving dialog to see   which filters are good (green) and which could be good but disabled (red),   according to the current downloaded file.   Works with the "Use current URL" option too.
       new  ecb4aee   Change : ChangeLog Localization fr-FR and en-US (in preparation of release 1.0)
       new  63afd1f   Forgot : oops, I forgot the css style to make the colored filter's lines, from revision 47.
       new  510490e   change : - automatically set the selection on the first matching filter if opened from   saving window. - remove the color if the selection is on a colored row Add : added view scrolling when moving a filter with the buttons up/down      (not working with move to top/bottom). Fix : week number was two days earlier.
       new  740ffa0   Change : - Leave the matching row colored if highlighted, and set a border to see it   as selected instead of removing the color. Fix : - English locale
       new  25320e6   Fix : - Nested box visibility doesn't work on Linux (hiding parent group with   visible children doesn't hide children) - Drop-down menu in add&edit window didn't work on Linux with onLoad command.
       new  506476d   Fix : Highlighted text over row coloration wasn't readable on some operating system theme (original Windows XP blue theme for example, text is white when row is highlighted)
       new  3a82a1b   Fix : Corrected the conflict with Mozilla-Archive-Format add-on and converted the function replacing code with an on-the-fly patching one. Thanks to MAF developer, Paolo Amadini, for providing this function.
       new  8a15a33   Add : Added hidden features for experimented users. Can be manually added and edited in about:config
       new  eeaf0ea   Languages update : - Renamed locales from 4 letters (fr-FR and it-IT) to 2 letters (fr and it) to match Mozilla FTP locales
       new  c90c4d4   Languages update : - Added Russian (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
       new  5a95ff3   Languages update : Preparation for 1.0
       new  767cc2d   Languages update : Fix IT locale
       new  cb55602   Finalize 1.0.0
       new  d1bfbe6   Fix :
       new  d2fdb64   Fix : Corrected an exception if no filters was triggered and fall back to use the defined or previous folder, but never defined or used one.
       new  11679de   Fix : - A stupid spelling error made an exception if no filter matched !   introduced while correcting too quickly the Mozilla editor's needs. - Forgot Russian "Edit" button's text.
       new  98444d2   Update : add change log for version 1.0.1
       new  0598d8c   Change : Set the default folder to desktop if no folder is set by the user (no default folder or first time using 'folderList=2'). Prevents the radio button to be shown without suggested path.
       new  30448b2   Fix : Correct the regular expression checkbox behavior when adding the slashes to an already slashed string.
       new  77ef0b9   Fix : Corrected a bug where no data were returned if a download was initiated       from the URL bar or from an external software which resulted in no filters       in the filter's list if the preferences window was opened from the saving       dialog "+ Add or edit a filter".  (Thanks to MrCOLOMBO)
       new  f130307   Add : New option to automatically set the radio choice to "Save File" when using       the automatic saving feature. Prevent the file to be opened. Fix : Now use the full URL when falling back to website URL if no filter is       found.
       new  7024f9a   Change : The ForceRadio choice now includes DownThemAll options
       new  0c30d97   Add : - New Option tab Layout (with sub-tabs) - New options available for Graphical interface configuration. - DownThemAll integration to ASF ! After many users requests, it's finally here!   Tested only on WinXP+Firefox3.6
       new  cf910e3   Add : ASF button for the Toolbar customization, and an icon in front of ASF menu.
       new  38beed8   New : Tested up to Firefox 4.0 beta 1 Fix : Removed the toolbar button on popup windows without a menu-bar
       new  c28671a   Fix : Update the Add-ons detection for Firefox 4.0.* (Thanks to Rakundo) Add : Possibility to specify the size of the preference window in the       localization files.
       new  88a3737   Fix : Fixed the Drag&drop on Firefox 4.* Add : Added the Drag&Drop Copy method (ie. drag+CTRL on windows)
       new  7f2b79b   Fix : - Filter's highlight when falling back to current URL wasn't working. - dTa integration improvement, and compatibility for future dTa2.x    (Tested on nightly builds from 20010714) - Locales bug
       new  5f0b4c9   Fix : - When going into private browsing mode,   if first download method was right-click, it didn't work. -Few locale fixes.
       new  49586db   Change : - Layout fix (tooltip and dropmenu size). - Enable ASF box if the user choose DownThemAll while ASF->dTa is enabled. - Update Russian locales.
       new  c96f23d   Add : A button is now available in the option tab to check for beta updates. It will not update the add-on automatically, it's only a verification.
       new  7619019   Add : new option to automatically check for beta updates       when opening the preferences window.
       new  665fde9   Add : - Print filter's and process informations to the error console when downloading   a file. (Disabled if Firefox is in PrivateBrowsing mode)
       new  2210897   Oops : % converted to xml entity :p
       new  78c2410   Add : It's now possible to install the beta updates directly from the add-on       option's tab. (Firefox 4 is needed to see the install link.)
       new  6c5735f   Add : - New import/export features - New help message which is loaded on first install and after important updates. It will explain which Firefox preferences must be correctly set in order to work with ASF. To see this message if it's not your first install, go to this URL: chrome://asf/content/help/install.xhtml
       new  073f891   Change : - Remove the need of the slashes around regular expressions
       new  0ca8635   Add : New Swedish Locale (sv-SE) Thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs (Lakrits from Babelzilla)
       new  0eaac4e   Fix : - complete the sv-SE locale and pictures - Few fixes from locales, convert some html entities to babelzilla's used entities. - Correct the picture path for en-US locale - Harmonize pictures name.
       new  88674d8   Locale update : - Almost complete sv-SE locale and new pictures added.   Thanks to Swedish Translator for all his work.
       new  5e080bb   Add : Added an option to suggest all possible filters instead of only       the first matching one. (Requested by Floyd)
       new  402fde0   Fix : Fixed the nested "Disabled" state for SuggestAllPossibleFolders. Change : Will now install as 1.0.2b instead of 1.0.1 in Firefox add-on menu.
       new  2da1aac   Fix : Fixed the line's color for matching filters       when opening the preferences from the save dialog.
       new  01e648f   Add: New Czech localization, thanks to Strepon (Stanislav Horáček) from      babelzilla. Fix: - Fixed the regexp state on the filename if domain is set to "all" when   adding a new filter. - Read the case insensitivity directly from the preferences dialog to   re-color the filters dynamically when ticking the case insensitive checkbox. - Read the regexp state from the treeview instead of the preferences to   prevent accessing non existent filters data after adding ne [...]
       new  2a6db41   Fix : - Few fixes before final version 1.0.2 (locales, icons)
       new  12e3c96   Finalize 1.0.2
       new  d4158b8   Add: + Compatibility with Firefox 7.0.1 new saving style.
       new  bd34dbc   Fix: - Allow path change when a download open a new empty about:blank tab (For Firefox 7.0.1+ new saving method)
       new  cdf9bc8   Add: - Add an option for Firefox 7.0.1+ to memorize last folder   on a site-by-site basis (default 7.0.1 behavior) Changes: - Change how to check privateBrowsing and import DownloadLastDir at   the same time for FF3.5+
       new  631bf00   Add: Added preferences window size persistence if resized bigger than default. Change: updated changelog.
       new  9ef1b44   Fix : Fixed the persistence size script to use int instead of char.
       new  93d5606   Update: Updated the add-on icon to 64x64px (Firefox 4+)
       new  978fe99   Add: Added a new radio choice on the save window containing the last saved path of the current URI. (Firefox 7.0.1+)
       new  fe48112   Finalize 1.0.3
       new  a7e431b   Fix: Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI      is not in the database. (Thanks to users report and testing)
       new  994ea82   I forgot something in the changelog before releasing 1.0.4.
       new  9998ef9   Finalize 1.0.4
       new  8bd3aa0   Add: Added a log in the console when ASF change the local path. Fix: More fixes when saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ (Fixed the known bug from v1.0.4)
       new  47b4a90   Add: - Added two new Domain Type : Referrer's URL and Active Tab's URL field Content. - Added an alert on badly formed filters on filter's checking process when   downloading a file.
       new  f28dda9   [Experimental. Please report on the forum your opinion regarding these changes] http://asf.mangaheart.org/index.php?menu=5&f=2&t=113
       new  395b28b   Fix : Fix dynamic folder creation with Domain Type 6 and 7 (Thanks hiteshsathawane)
       new  5cd636d   Add: - Added a new option box for folder creation. - Added a new option to use nearest parent folder if the old save folder   doesn't exist anymore. Changes: - Preferences window: Moved the Dynamic Folders tab under the Help tab. - Saving window: Improved path suggestion detection to prevent multiple   entries with the same path. - filter rules: Replacing / by \ when capturing URLs to convert sub-domains   in folders. (Windows only) Fixes: - Preferences window: Fixed [...]
       new  a5bfad6   Add: Added a new domain type: TabGroup's name.      Note: It works only if the tab is not pinned.      When pinned, it's displayed in all groups at      the same time so there's no returned value.
       new  26bf1c2   Fix: Fixed download not working with Firefox 19+
       new  4a3b7c9   Fix: Fixed version detection to prevent install.xhtml to display every time. (Thanks to TheOne)
       new  bee33de   Fix: typo
       new  3e23be9   Fix: Fixed other installed add-ons detection
       new  9185bdc   Fix: Fixed Private Browsing detection with Firefox 20+     (Temporary solution. I will use proper version detection later)
       new  d8eb00e   Fix: * Fixed DownThemAll detection * Fixed Private Browsing detection on FF3.0 or older
       new  e48ed8c   Fix: * Fixed Right-Click saving on Firefox 27.0.1+ * Fixed filtering while the target folder contains regexp   special characters. (Thanks to Ziceptor)
       new  455892c   Fixed default folder always falling back to desktop when no filter matched (Firefox 27+ only?)
       new  ccd419c   * Fixed filtering domain using Domain Type 7   (Thanks hiteshsathawane) * Fixed saving webpage with parentheses in the page name.   (Might break capture function when capturing elements of   filename with odd parentheses numbers in the page name).
       new  6e2fced   Wrap and sort
       new  1172737   Add back ${xpi:Breaks}
       new  d5d7a0b   Shorten description
       new  625b5a0   Drop useless comments
       new  492e5fc   Update copyright to format 1.0
       new  fe6d147   Use canonical Vcs-* URLs
       new  58e340f   Bump standards version to 3.9.6
       new  20c6ed9   Amend rules instead of patching away licenses
       new  c1c7ddf   Add upstream changelog
       new  d105bd0   Provide a get-orig-source target
       new  58f03ed   Update changelog for 1.0.4-5 release
       new  5ba8d0e   Imported Upstream version 1.0.5~20140831
       new  cc70ac1   Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.5_20140831'
       new  2a983c4   Update changelog for 1.0.5~20140831-1 release

The 133 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/automatic-save-folder.git

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