[Pkg-mozext-commits] [automatic-save-folder] 16/133: Add : Added ASF icon.png in the root directory, in order to allow add-on's icon to be displayed even when it is disabled (Firefox >=3.6) Change : * DOM level 2 : Use createElementNS( xul, element name) instead of default HTML namespace createElement(element name) * After all, allow right-click functionality for Firefox 2.0 and 3.0, the 3.5.x script is working but send only a warning in the error console because PrivateBrowsing is not implemented yet. * Modify the option's tab information about the right-click. (I hope it's clearer that way) * Forgot to convert a file to UTF8. * Added back the referrer checking to right-click if the hosted domain checking returns false.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 20:33:48 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch wip
in repository automatic-save-folder.

commit 771d40b672b7424f079e001e8c796430a5514b06
Author: Cyan <Cyan at d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb>
Date:   Tue Oct 6 19:41:35 2009 +0000

    Add :
    Added ASF icon.png in the root directory, in order to allow add-on's icon to be displayed even when it is disabled (Firefox >=3.6)
    Change :
    * DOM level 2 : Use createElementNS( xul, element name) instead of default HTML namespace createElement(element name)
    * After all, allow right-click functionality for Firefox 2.0 and 3.0, the 3.5.x script is working but send only a warning in the error console because PrivateBrowsing is not implemented yet.
    * Modify the option's tab information about the right-click. (I hope it's clearer that way)
    * Forgot to convert a file to UTF8.
    * Added back the referrer checking to right-click if the hosted domain checking returns false.
    git-svn-id: http://automatic-save-folder.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@16 d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb
 content/asf.js                |  33 +++++++++++++++----------------
 content/asf_addedit.js        |  16 +++++++--------
 content/asf_download.js       |   6 +++---
 content/asf_right_click.js    |  45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 content/options.xul           |   1 -
 icon.png                      | Bin 0 -> 1686 bytes
 locale/en-US/asf.dtd          |   3 +--
 locale/en-US/info.html        |   2 +-
 locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd          |   3 +--
 locale/fr-FR/info.html        |   2 +-
 locale/it-IT/asf.dtd          |   3 +--
 locale/it-IT/info.html        |   2 +-
 locale/it-IT/to translate.txt |   2 +-
 13 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/asf.js b/content/asf.js
index 9736b28..a3f9cab 100644
--- a/content/asf.js
+++ b/content/asf.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 Automatic Save Folder
 Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 			// adding into the tree		
 			var filter = document.getElementById('asf-filterList');
 			var rules = document.getElementById('asf-filterChilds');
-			var item = document.createElement('treeitem');
-			var row = document.createElement('treerow');
-			var c1 = document.createElement('treecell');
-			var c2 = document.createElement('treecell');  
-			var c3 = document.createElement('treecell');
-			var c4 = document.createElement('treecell');
+			var item = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treeitem');
+			var row = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treerow');
+			var c1 = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');
+			var c2 = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');  
+			var c3 = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');
+			var c4 = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');
 			c1.setAttribute('label', domain);
 			c2.setAttribute('label', filename);
 			c3.setAttribute('label', folder);
@@ -224,24 +224,23 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 		// Print informations about Download sort conflict with right-click
 		// And disable the checkbox
 		document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc-DSort").hidden = true;
-		document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc-ff2").hidden = true;
 		var Dsort_installed = this.DownloadSort();	
-		if (this.firefoxversion == 2)  // display a message "right click disabled on Firefox 2, update to Firefox 3)
+		if (Dsort_installed) // if Download sort is installed, display a message "right click disabled"
 			var asf_rightclick = document.getElementById("asf-rightclick");
 			asf_rightclick.disabled = true;
 			document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc").hidden = true;
-			document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc-ff2").hidden = false;
+			document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc-DSort").hidden = false;
-		if (Dsort_installed && this.firefoxversion ==3) // if Firefox 3 + Download sort, display a message "right click disabled"
+		else
-			var asf_rightclick = document.getElementById("asf-rightclick");
-			asf_rightclick.disabled = true;
-			document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc").hidden = true;
-			document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc-DSort").hidden = false;
+			if (this.firefoxversion == 2)  // Right-click is always working without header renaming on Firefox 2 (no option for Timeout), let's hide this menu
+			{
+				document.getElementById("asf-rightclick").hidden = true;
+				document.getElementById("asf-rightclickdesc").hidden = true;
+			}
@@ -604,7 +603,7 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 		//save the rightclick (set timeout for header(Content-Disposition:) true = 0, false = 1000)
 		// Only if DownloadSort is not enabled (prevent conflict)
 		var Dsort_installed = this.DownloadSort();		
-		if ((Dsort_installed == false) && this.firefoxversion == 3) // only for firefox 3, Firefox2 doesn't use rightclick
+		if ((Dsort_installed == false) && this.firefoxversion == 3) // only for firefox 3, Firefox2 doesn't use timeout option
 			var rightclick = document.getElementById("asf-rightclick").checked;
 			this.prefManager.setIntPref("browser.download.saveLinkAsFilenameTimeout", rightclick == true ? 0 : 1000);
diff --git a/content/asf_addedit.js b/content/asf_addedit.js
index ecb619c..90e9a38 100644
--- a/content/asf_addedit.js
+++ b/content/asf_addedit.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 Automatic Save Folder
 Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
@@ -366,12 +366,12 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
 			// adding into the tree		
 			var filter = window.opener.document.getElementById('asf-filterList');
 			var rules = window.opener.document.getElementById('asf-filterChilds');
-			var item = window.opener.document.createElement('treeitem');
-			var row = window.opener.document.createElement('treerow');
-			var c1 = window.opener.document.createElement('treecell');
-			var c2 = window.opener.document.createElement('treecell');  
-			var c3 = window.opener.document.createElement('treecell');
-			var c4 = window.opener.document.createElement('treecell');
+			var item = window.opener.document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treeitem');
+			var row = window.opener.document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treerow');
+			var c1 = window.opener.document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');
+			var c2 = window.opener.document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');  
+			var c3 = window.opener.document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');
+			var c4 = window.opener.document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'treecell');
 			c1.setAttribute('label', domain);
 			c2.setAttribute('label', filename);
 			c3.setAttribute('label', folder);
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
 			//select the new filter	
-			idx = rules.childNodes.length-1; 
+			var idx = rules.childNodes.length-1; 
diff --git a/content/asf_download.js b/content/asf_download.js
index 859c9f5..29a5e7b 100644
--- a/content/asf_download.js
+++ b/content/asf_download.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 Automatic Save Folder
 Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
 			  2009 Ted Gifford - Dynamic variable capturing 
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
 		var ASF = automatic_save_folder; // ASF is just a shortcut to automatic_save_folder
 		var variable_mode = ASF.prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.variablemode");
 		var list = document.getElementById('asf_folder_list');
-		var menupopup = document.createElement('menupopup');
+		var menupopup = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'menupopup');
 		// Check if there is any filter in list
 		var nbrfilters = 	this.prefManager.getIntPref("extensions.asf.filtersNumber");		
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
 		path = pathlist[i];
 		path = variable_mode == true? ASF.createfolder(path) : path; 
-		var menuitem = document.createElement('menuitem');
+		var menuitem = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'menuitem');
 		menuitem.setAttribute('label', path);
 		menuitem.setAttribute('crop', 'center');
 		menuitem.setAttribute('value', path);
diff --git a/content/asf_right_click.js b/content/asf_right_click.js
index b2b3b0c..1fddee5 100644
--- a/content/asf_right_click.js
+++ b/content/asf_right_click.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 Automatic Save Folder
 Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
 			  2009 Ted Gifford - Dynamic variable capturing 
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 			var dsort_GUUID = "{D9808C4D-1CF5-4f67-8DB2-12CF78BBA23F}";
 			var DownloadSort = enabledItems.indexOf(dsort_GUUID,0);
-			if ( (DownloadSort == -1) && (automatic_save_folder.versionChecker.compare(automatic_save_folder.appInfo.version, "3.0") >= 0) ) // Download Sort is not enabled, load ASF rightclick replacement && Firefox 3.0 min
+			if ( (DownloadSort == -1) && (automatic_save_folder.versionChecker.compare(automatic_save_folder.appInfo.version, "2.0") >= 0) ) // Download Sort is not enabled, load ASF rightclick replacement && Firefox 2.0 min
 				// Not working like I would like :(
@@ -56,20 +56,26 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 				window.getTargetFile = asf_getTargetFile;
-				// replace the ORIGinal firefox function with the custom one. (only working on 3.x) 
-				// (2.x doesn't know Cc"@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1") -> just disable rightclick to let 2.x users still uses asf main functionnality
+				// replace the ORIGinal firefox function with the custom one. (original from Firefox 3.5.4) 
+				// (Firefox 2.x doesn't know Cc"@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1" and returns a warning in the console, but right-click filtering is working.)
 				window.getTargetFile = automatic_save_folder.asf_getTargetFile;
-				// only "save image as..." is working until right click timeout set to 0 
-				// But timeout=0 prevent firefox from reading header(Content-Disposition:)
-				// So let's put to 0 only when the user want to use it
-				// and set it back to 1000 (default) when exiting Firefox to prevent blocking the user to 0
-				// if add-on is removed without reseting the timeout first.
-				var asf_rightclick = prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.rightclick");
-				prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.saveLinkAsFilenameTimeout", asf_rightclick == true ? 0 : 1000);
-				var obsSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
-				obsSvc.addObserver(automatic_save_folder.asf_quitObserver, "quit-application-requested", false);
+				if (automatic_save_folder.versionChecker.compare(automatic_save_folder.appInfo.version, "3.0") >= 0)
+				{
+					// Starting from firefox 3.0 there is a timeout when downloading with right-click to read header(Content-Disposition:) to rename the file in the file_explorer suggested filename.
+					// When timeout is set to 1000 ms (default), ASF right-click filtering is not working.
+					// When timeout is set to 0ms, ASF right-click filtering is working, but header renaming is not working anymore.
+					// And when set to ~8ms, Header renaming is working but ASF is filtering on the previous filename (before the renaming).
+					// Set to 0 only when the user want to use it
+					// and set it back to 1000 (default) when exiting Firefox
+					// to prevent blocking the user to 0 if add-on is removed without reseting the timeout first.
+					var asf_rightclick = prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.rightclick");
+					prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.saveLinkAsFilenameTimeout", asf_rightclick == true ? 0 : 1000);
+					var obsSvc = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
+					obsSvc.addObserver(automatic_save_folder.asf_quitObserver, "quit-application-requested", false);
+				}
@@ -134,13 +140,13 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 			var lastDir;
 			if (inPrivateBrowsing && gDownloadLastDir.file)
-			lastDir = gDownloadLastDir.file;
+				lastDir = gDownloadLastDir.file;
-			lastDir = prefs.getComplexValue("lastDir", nsILocalFile);
+				lastDir = prefs.getComplexValue("lastDir", nsILocalFile);
 			if ((!aSkipPrompt || !useDownloadDir) && lastDir.exists())
-			dir = lastDir;
+				dir = lastDir;
-			dir = dnldMgr.userDownloadsDirectory;
+				dir = dnldMgr.userDownloadsDirectory;
 		} catch(ex) {
 			dir = dnldMgr.userDownloadsDirectory;
@@ -339,7 +345,8 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 			// Check the referer domain name if hosted domain checking returned false. In next releases, will be a proper option
 				if (dom_regexp == false)
-					dom_regexp = ASF.test_regexp(filters[i][0], "referer"); // check the filter domain with the Referer domain only if the hosted domain doesn't match
+					var referer = document.getElementById("urlbar").value;
+					dom_regexp = ASF.test_regexp(filters[i][0], referer); // check the filter domain with the Referer domain only if the hosted domain doesn't match
 			// Check the filename	
diff --git a/content/options.xul b/content/options.xul
index 444b93b..91e979a 100644
--- a/content/options.xul
+++ b/content/options.xul
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
 			<checkbox id="asf-rightclick" preference="asf_rightclick" label="&asf.rightclick.bool;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.toggle_rightclick();"/>
 			<description id="asf-rightclickdesc" style="margin-left:25px;white-space: pre-wrap">&asf.rightclick.label;</description>
 			<description id="asf-rightclickdesc-DSort" style="margin-left:25px;white-space:pre-wrap;color:red;">&asf.rightclick.DSort.label;</description>
-			<description id="asf-rightclickdesc-ff2" style="margin-left:25px;white-space:pre-wrap;color:red;">&asf.rightclick.ff2.label;</description>
 	<vbox id="asf-tab-dynamics" hidden="true" flex="1000">
diff --git a/icon.png b/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c72e31a
Binary files /dev/null and b/icon.png differ
diff --git a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
index b584318..9688a2a 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.viewpathselect.label "Activate a drop-down menu with all the filter's path.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the download.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.bool "Activate the filtering on the Right-Click menu 'Save link as...'">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "The right-click 'Save link as...' functionality doesn't work with file's redirection scripts. &#xA;Temporarily disable this feature if you need to use the right-click to save a redirection link. &#xA;&#xA;This option doesn't affect the menus 'Save image as...', nor 'Save as... (Ctrl+S)'.">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "Note: Activating the filtering on this menu prevent Firefox to read the file's target name if it is from a redirection download.&#xA;Temporarily disable this feature if you want Firefox to read the filename provided by the header. Only files from a redirection download have this problem, for direct download links leave this option checked.&#xA;&#xA;This option doesn't disable the filtering on the menus 'Save image as...' nor 'Save as... (Ctrl+S)'.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. &#xA;Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Add-on manager.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The right-click 'save as...' functionality doesn't work on Firefox 1.5 or 2.*, please upgrade to Firefox 3.x to use it.">
 <!-- Dynamics tab-->
 <!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/info.html b/locale/en-US/info.html
index b53cde3..b83d4fa 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/info.html
+++ b/locale/en-US/info.html
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ videos can be downloaded with .avi, .torrent or .nzb extension (newsgroup).
 Version 0.9.4: (2009 10 xx)
 + Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
-  (Doesn't work with Firefox 3.x and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
+  (Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
 + Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbreviated one.
 + Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
 + Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quickly.
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd b/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd
index f84b118..4b7aed0 100644
--- a/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.viewpathselect.label "Active le menu déroulant contenant le chemin de chaque filtre.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Accepter le téléchargement automatiquement.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.bool "Activer le filtrage sur le menu clic-droit 'Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...'.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "La fonction clic-droit 'enregistrer la cible du lien sous...' ne fonctionne pas avec les script de redirection de fichiers. &#xA;Désactivez temporairement cette option si vous devez utiliser le clic-droit pour sauvegarder un fichier provenant d'un script de redirection. &#xA;&#xA;Cette option n'affecte pas les menus 'Enregistrer l'image sous...', ni 'Enregistrer sous... (Ctrl+S)'.">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "Note : Activer le filtrage sur ce menu empêche Firefox de récupérer le nom du fichier cible lors d'un téléchargement avec redirection.&#xA;Désactivez temporairement cette option si vous souhaitez que Firefox lise correctement le nom du fichier fourni par l'entête. Seuls les redirections de fichiers ont ce problème, pour les liens directs laissez la case cochée. &#xA;&#xA;Cette option ne désactive pas le filtrage sur les menus 'Enregistrer l'image sous...' n [...]
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "L'extension Download Sort à été détectée. &#xA;La fonction clic-droit d'Automatic Save Folder est temporairement indisponible. Désactivez l'extension Download Sort dans le menu 'outils/modules complémentaires...' afin de pouvoir utiliser le clic-droit avec Automatic Save Folder.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "La fonction clic-droit 'enregistrer la cible sous...' ne fonctionne pas avec firefox 1.5 et 2.* ; Installez Firefox 3.x pour pouvoir utiliser cette fonctionnalité.">
 <!-- Dynamics tab-->
 <!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dossiers dynamiques">
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/info.html b/locale/fr-FR/info.html
index d400a80..57d4497 100644
--- a/locale/fr-FR/info.html
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/info.html
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ les vidéos peuvent être distribuées en .avi, .torrent ou .nzb (newsgroup).
 Version 0.9.4 : (2009 10 xx)
 + Ajout du filtrage avec les menus du clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible sous...", "Enregistrer l'image sous..." et "Enregistrer sous...(Ctrl+S)"
-  (Ne fonctionne que sur Firefox 3.x et est incompatible avec l'extension Download Sort. Si les deux extensions sont activées, Download Sort est prioritaire)
+  (Ne fonctionne qu'à partir de Firefox 2.0 et est incompatible avec l'extension Download Sort. Si les deux extensions sont activées, Download Sort est prioritaire)
 + Ajout des variables dynamiques %F% pour le nom du mois, et %M% pour son abréviation.
 + Prise en compte pour Windows et Mac OSX de l'option "browser.preferences.instantApply" afin de sauvegarder les filtres des leur modification (option par défaut sur Linux).
 + Ajout du Glisser-déposer (Drag and Drop) dans la liste des filtres pour les repositionner rapidement.
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd b/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd
index 427eec9..1d3c114 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd
@@ -41,9 +41,8 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.viewpathselect.label "Visualizza un menu con la lista di tutti i percorsi dei filtri.">
 <!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the download.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.bool "Activate the filtering on the Right-Click menu 'Save link as...'">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "The right-click 'Save link as...' functionality doesn't work with file's redirection scripts. &#xA;Temporarily disable this feature if you need to use the right-click to save a redirection link. &#xA;&#xA;This option doesn't affect the menus 'Save image as...', nor 'Save as... (Ctrl+S)'.">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "Note: Activating the filtering on this menu prevent Firefox to read the file's target name if it is from a redirection download.&#xA;Temporarily disable this feature if you want Firefox to read the filename provided by the header. Only files from a redirection download have this problem, for direct download links leave this option checked.&#xA;&#xA;This option doesn't disable the filtering on the menus 'Save image as...' nor 'Save as... (Ctrl+S)'.">
 <!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. &#xA;Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Add-on manager.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The right-click 'save as...' functionality doesn't work on Firefox 1.5 or 2.*, please upgrade to Firefox 3.x to use it.">
 <!-- Dynamics tab-->
 <!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/info.html b/locale/it-IT/info.html
index ece87e4..9cc4feb 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/info.html
+++ b/locale/it-IT/info.html
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ e i video possono escarticati con l'estensione .avi, .torrent or .nzb (newsgroup
 Versione 0.9.4: (2009 10 xx)
 + Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
-  (Doesn't work with Firefox 3.x and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
+  (Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
 + Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbeviated one.
 + Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
 + Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quicly.
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/to translate.txt b/locale/it-IT/to translate.txt
index f07a13b..e963bee 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/to translate.txt	
+++ b/locale/it-IT/to translate.txt	
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ asf.properties :
 2 to end
 asf.dtd :
 Variables.html :

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/automatic-save-folder.git

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