[Pkg-mozext-commits] [automatic-save-folder] 36/133: Fix : In the path list drop-down menu, the default save folder's dynamic renaming wasn't activated. Change : Changed and prepared localization files for Babelzilla submission
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 20:33:50 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch wip
in repository automatic-save-folder.
commit be990ea1c6072a28cd7da9dc6a65f79c2f0f7f8d
Author: Cyan <Cyan at d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb>
Date: Sun Nov 29 18:12:44 2009 +0000
Fix : In the path list drop-down menu, the default save folder's dynamic
renaming wasn't activated.
Change : Changed and prepared localization files for Babelzilla submission
git-svn-id: http://automatic-save-folder.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@36 d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb
content/asf_download.js | 3 ++-
content/help/about.xhtml | 2 +-
install.rdf | 16 +++++------
locale/en-US/about.dtd | 18 +++++++++----
locale/en-US/asf.dtd | 6 ++---
locale/en-US/help.dtd | 6 +----
locale/en-US/regexp.dtd | 3 ++-
locale/fr-FR/about.dtd | 14 +++++++---
locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd | 4 +--
locale/fr-FR/help.dtd | 6 +----
locale/it-IT/asf.dtd | 32 +++++++++++-----------
locale/it-IT/help.dtd | 8 +++---
locale/it-IT/regexp.dtd | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
skin/screen_save_en.png | Bin 15618 -> 15191 bytes
14 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/asf_download.js b/content/asf_download.js
index 7d30208..adde5d9 100644
--- a/content/asf_download.js
+++ b/content/asf_download.js
@@ -649,7 +649,8 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Eric Cassar (Cyan).
// Write each path to the menupopup
var pathlist = new Array();
- pathlist[0] = this.loadUnicodeString("extensions.asf.defaultfolder");
+ var defaultfolder = this.loadUnicodeString("extensions.asf.defaultfolder");
+ pathlist[0] = variable_mode == true? this.createfolder(defaultfolder) : defaultfolder;
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < nbrfilters; i++)
diff --git a/content/help/about.xhtml b/content/help/about.xhtml
index 6ed4f3e..a575a85 100644
--- a/content/help/about.xhtml
+++ b/content/help/about.xhtml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
! &about.fix;
-<strong>&about.version.title; 0.9.4 :</strong> (2009 10 xx)
+<strong>&about.version.title; 0.9.4 :</strong> (2009 12 xx)
diff --git a/install.rdf b/install.rdf
index 0ea4bf6..850f01d 100644
--- a/install.rdf
+++ b/install.rdf
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
<em:name>Automatic Save Folder</em:name>
<em:description>Sélectionne automatiquement le dossier d'enregistrement suivant le nom du fichier et le site d'hébergement.</em:description>
+ <em:homepageURL>http://asf.mangaheart.org</em:homepageURL>
@@ -19,27 +20,26 @@
<em:name>Automatic Save Folder</em:name>
<em:description>Automatically select the destination folder for your download, matching the filename and domain.</em:description>
- </Description>
+ <em:homepageURL>http://asf.mangaheart.org</em:homepageURL>
+ </Description>
<em:name>Automatic Save Folder</em:name>
<em:description>Seleziona automaticamente la cartella di destinazione dei tuoi download, in base al nome del file e dominio.</em:description>
- </Description>
+ <em:homepageURL>http://asf.mangaheart.org</em:homepageURL>
+ </Description>
<em:description>Automatically select the destination folder for your download, matching the filename and domain.</em:description>
- <em:contributor>GoofyFr</em:contributor>
- <em:contributor>Haynee</em:contributor>
- <em:contributor>Carsten</em:contributor>
+ <em:contributor>Ted Girford</em:contributor>
+ <em:contributor>Ehsan Akhgari</em:contributor>
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
<em:id>{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}</em:id> <!-- firefox -->
- <em:maxVersion>3.5.*</em:maxVersion>
+ <em:maxVersion>3.7a1pre</em:maxVersion>
diff --git a/locale/en-US/about.dtd b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
index 0cab137..78e3c1a 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
@@ -28,15 +28,23 @@
<!-- Replace the percent % with entity % and the quote " with " , no need to use <br/> tags for newlines it uses <pre> tags, keep the 2 begining spaces to create indentation) -->
<!ENTITY about.version.094 "+ Add filtering on Right-Click menus "Save link as...", "Save image as..." and "Save as...(Ctrl+S)"
(Need at least Firefox 2.0 and is not compatible with Download Sort add-on. If you have both activated, Download Sort prevails)
++ ASF is now working with Private browsing, and will prevent saving any data to Firefox preferences.
+ Two things to note which change ASF behaviour: 1) The previous hosted domain will not be updated, and 2) If the destination folder doesn't exist it will not be created or suggested, and the last working folder from non private mode will be used instead.
+ Add dynamic variables %F% for the month name, and %M% for the abbreviated one.
++ Add dynamic variables for weeks: Week number %W%, Day of the week %w%, %l% or %D%
+ Make Windows and Mac OSX works with Firefox option "browser.preferences.instantApply" to save the filters right after a modification (Option by default on Linux)
+ Add Drag and Drop feature on the filter's listing to set filter's order quickly.
-+ Add an option to automatically accept the download (User requested). Great for a use with Firefox saving option "Save file to"
-+ Add an option to choose if you want to use the current website URL to verify the filters if the hosted domain doesn't match.
-* In the drop-down menu on the save dialog : List the folders alphabetically, keep only one instance of each and activate the dynamic renaming if checked in options.
-* New tab to split options
++ Add a proper way to select Firefox saving option ("Always ask" or "Save to"), and select which folder manually instead of forcing it to Userchoice (browser.downlod.folderList=2)
++ Add an option to automatically accept the "what would Firefox need to do with this file?" dialog windows (User requested). Use it with "Do not prompt the File explorer" option for even better efficiency.
++ Add an option to choose if you want to use the current website URL to verify the filters if the file's hosted domain doesn't match.
++ Display ASF icon on the add-ons manager even on disabled state, instead of the green puzzle piece (Firefox 3.6+)
+* On the download dialog's drop-down menu: Sort path list alphabetically, remove duplicates, and made them working with dynamic renaming folder if option enabled.
+* Separated the "informations" tab in two other tabs "Help" and "About...".
+* Added tooltips instead of help text bellow each options (has some issues with Firefox2).
! Correct links to Mozilla website, which were forced to the French page.
-! Correct filtering checking in advanced mode (dynamic variables enabled)
+! Correct the filter's checking when Dynamic folder creation is enabled
+! Prevent an exception when "use current website URL" option is enabled and the address bar doesn't contain an URL.
+ Happened with redirection download script and Firefox closing the new empty popup window, or using middle mouse-button click on a link.
Other updates :
+ Source code and revisions available on http://code.google.com/p/automatic-save-folder
diff --git a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
index 725d3e2..509a14f 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
<!-- Options tab -->
<!ENTITY asf.options.label "Options">
-<!ENTITY asf.useDownloadDir.bool "Do not show the file explorer, and save to:">
+<!ENTITY asf.useDownloadDir.bool "Do not show the file explorer, and automatically save to:">
<!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Desktop">
<!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Downloads">
<!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Set by the filters">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the last choice will be used.">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the file explorer will be shown.">
<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows.">
<!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.bool "View options when downloading">
<!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.tooltip "Allow you to see the last two destination folders and a link to add or edit the filters">
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip1 "Note: Removing the timing delay prevent Firefox to read the file's target name if it is from a redirection download.">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip2 "Temporarily disable this feature if you want Firefox to read the filename provided by the header.">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip3 "Only files from a download script with file redirection have this problem, saving a file from a direct download using right-click is working fine.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more)">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. 
Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Extension manager.">
<!-- Dynamics tab-->
diff --git a/locale/en-US/help.dtd b/locale/en-US/help.dtd
index f8bb75e..1acddbc 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/help.dtd
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<!ENTITY info.important.title "Important">
<!ENTITY info.important.text1 "The filtering on common downloads (simple click, or automatic download) works only if the download window "What should Firefox do with this file?" is shown:<br />">
-<!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture to 80%, I find 100% a little too big) -->
+<!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big)-->
<!ENTITY info.important.pict1 "screen_save_en.png">
<!ENTITY info.important.text2 "So, be sure to check if Firefox doesn't use another process preventing the window to appear by following this method:">
<!ENTITY info.important.text3 "Go to the Firefox menu "Tools" and "Options...".">
@@ -69,10 +69,6 @@
$1f correspond to the first parenthesis content on the filter's file name, which is the version number <br />
The file "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" will be saved in the folder D:\Download\Firefox\3.5.4\">
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text11 "To create or not create different subdirectories according to the name of the file:">
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Example : We wish to download videos named "My_vacation_date-of-the-trip.avi".<br />
The videos have .srt subtitles to explain the trip, .zip files are also available with photos of the trip, videos can be downloaded with .avi, .torrent or .nzb extension (newsgroup).<br />
diff --git a/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd b/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd
index 10c4f4b..b631cf4 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/regexp.dtd
@@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ All these characters will need to be escaped with a backslashe :">
<!ENTITY Regexp.links "There are a lot of filtering method using Regular Expression which can't be explained here.<br />
If you want to find out, you can check documentation and examples on these websites: <br />
http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html<br />
<!ENTITY Example_1.title "Some examples">
<!ENTITY Example_1.text "To filter all the .rar and .r01 .rxx files:<br />
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/about.dtd b/locale/fr-FR/about.dtd
index 1df6dc6..7de8861 100644
--- a/locale/fr-FR/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/about.dtd
@@ -28,15 +28,23 @@
<!-- Remplacer les % par l'entité % et les " par " , pas besoin des <br/> pour les sauts de ligne le tag <pre> est utilisé, gardez les deux espaces en début de ligne pour l'indentation -->
<!ENTITY about.version.094 "+ Ajout du filtrage avec les menus du clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible sous...", "Enregistrer l'image sous..." et "Enregistrer sous...(Ctrl+S)"
(Ne fonctionne qu'à partir de Firefox 2.0 et est incompatible avec l'extension Download Sort. Si les deux extensions sont activées, Download Sort est prioritaire)
++ ASF fonctionne maintenant avec la Navigation Privée, empéchant toutes données d'être enregistrées dans les préférences de Firefox.
+ Deux choses à noter qui modifient le fonctionnement d'ASF : 1) Le précédent domaine d'hébergement ne sera pas mémorisé, et 2) Si le dossier de destination n'existe pas, il ne sera ni créé ni suggéré, et le dernier dossier valide connu en Navigation Non Privée sera utilisé à la place.
+ Ajout des variables dynamiques %F% pour le nom du mois, et %M% pour son abréviation.
++ Ajout des varables dynamiques pour la semaine : Numéro de la semaine %W%, Jour de la semaine %w%, %l% ou %D%
+ Prise en compte pour Windows et Mac OSX de l'option "browser.preferences.instantApply" afin de sauvegarder les filtres des leur modification (option par défaut sur Linux).
+ Ajout du Glisser-déposer (Drag and Drop) dans la liste des filtres pour les repositionner rapidement.
-+ Ajout d'une option pour accepter le téléchargement du fichier automatiquement. Parfait pour un fonctionnement avec l'option de sauvegarde de Firefox "Enregistrer le fichier dans le dossier"
++ Ajout d'une option pour choisir le mode d'enregistrement de Firefox ("Toujours demander où enregistrer les fichiers" ou "Enregistrer les fichiers dans le dossier"), et selectionner manuellement le dossier plutôt que de forcer sur "Défini par les filtres" (browser.download.folderList=2)
++ Ajout d'une option pour accepter automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox de ce fichier ?". Utilisez la avec l'option de sauvegarde de Firefox "Enregistrer le fichier dans le dossier" pour une meilleure efficacité.
+ Ajout d'une option pour utiliser l'adresse du site courant avec le domaine du filtre si le domaine d'hébergement ne correspond pas.
++ Affichage de l'icone d'ASF dans le gestionnaire d'extensions même lorsque l'extension est désactivée, plutôt que la pièce de puzzle verte (Firefox 3.6+)
* Dans le menu déroulant sur la fenêtre de sauvegarde : Listing des dossiers par ordre alphabétique, suppression des doublons et nom de dossier dynamique si l'option est activée.
-* Nouvel onglet pour séparer les options
+* Séparation de l'onglet "informations" en deux onglets "Aide" et "À propos...".
+* Ajout d'infobulles à la place du texte explicatif sous les options (Quelques problèmes rencontrés avec Firefox2).
! Correction des liens vers Mozilla qui forçait le chargement de la page en Français.
-! Correction d'une vérification du filtrage en mode avancé (Variables dynamiques).
+! Correction d'une vérification du filtrage lorsque les variables dynamiques étaient utilisés.
+! Correction d'une exception lorsque l'option "Utiliser l'URL du site courant" est activé et que la barre d'adresse ne contient pas d'URL.
+ Se produisait généralement avec les script de redirection lorsque Firefox refermait le nouvel onglet vide, ou en cliquant sur un lien avec la molette de la souris.
Autres mises à jour :
+ Code source et révisions disponibles sur http://code.google.com/p/automatic-save-folder
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd b/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd
index 8146c5a..f053a4c 100644
--- a/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/asf.dtd
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Bureau">
<!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Téléchargements">
<!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Défini par les filtres">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "Si le dossier "Téléchargements" n'existe pas, la dernière option sera utilisée.">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "Si le dossier "Téléchargements" n'existe pas, l'explorateur de fichier s'affichera.">
<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Valider automatiquement la fenêtre "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?".">
<!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.bool "Afficher les options lors de l'enregistrement">
<!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.tooltip "Permet de voir les deux derniers dossiers d'enregistrement et un lien pour éditer ou ajouter de nouveaux filtres.">
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip1 "Note : Supprimer la temporisation empêche Firefox de récupérer le nom du fichier cible lors d'un téléchargement avec redirection.">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip2 "Désactivez temporairement cette option si vous souhaitez que Firefox lise correctement le nom du fichier fourni par l'entête.">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip3 "Seuls les scripts de téléchargement avec redirection de fichier ont ce problème, l'enregistrement par clic-droit sur les liens directs fonctionne correctement si la case est cochée.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "La fonction clic-droit d'automatic save folder n'est pas compatible avec Firefox 2. Si vous souhaitez utiliser le filtres sur les téléchargements en utilisant le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", vous devrez utiliser au minimum Firefox version 3.0 (Version 3.5 ou plus conseillée).">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "La fonction clic-droit d'automatic save folder n'est pas compatible avec Firefox 2. Si vous souhaitez utiliser les filtres sur les téléchargements en utilisant le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", vous devrez utiliser au minimum Firefox version 3.0 (Version 3.5 ou plus conseillée).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "L'extension Download Sort à été détectée. 
La fonction clic-droit d'Automatic Save Folder est temporairement indisponible. Désactivez l'extension Download Sort dans le menu "Outils/Modules complémentaires..." afin de pouvoir utiliser le clic-droit avec Automatic Save Folder.">
<!-- Dynamics tab-->
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/help.dtd b/locale/fr-FR/help.dtd
index 3cc2b06..29bb57b 100644
--- a/locale/fr-FR/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/help.dtd
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<!ENTITY info.important.title "Important">
<!ENTITY info.important.text1 "Le filtrage sur les téléchargements normaux (simple clic, ou téléchargement automatique) ne fonctionne que si la fenêtre de téléchargement "Que doit faire Firefox avec ce fichier ?" s'affiche :<br />">
-<!-- Screenshot from your language. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (80 denote image shrink to 80%, I find 100% a little too big) -->
+<!-- Screenshot from your language. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big) -->
<!ENTITY info.important.pict1 "screen_save_80fr.png">
<!ENTITY info.important.text2 "Par conséquent, vérifiez que Firefox ne lance pas un traitement différent sur le fichier empêchant la fenêtre de s'afficher en suivant ces instructions :">
<!ENTITY info.important.text3 "Allez dans le menu "Outils" de Firefox puis "Options...".">
@@ -69,10 +69,6 @@
$1f correspond au contenu de la 1ere parenthèse du filtre sur le nom de fichier, soit le numéro de version <br />
Le fichier "Firefox Setup 3.5.4.exe" sera donc enregistré dans le répertoire D:\Téléchargements\Firefox\3.5.4\">
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text11 "Pour créer ou non des sous-dossiers différents suivant le contenu du nom de fichier :">
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text12 "Exemple de consignes : Nous souhaitons télécharger des vidéos nommées "Mes_vacances_date-du-sejour.avi".<br />
Les vidéos comportent des sous-titres .srt pour expliquer le voyage, des fichiers .zip sont également disponibles contenant des photos du séjour, les vidéos peuvent être distribuées en .avi, .torrent ou .nzb (newsgroup).<br />
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd b/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd
index 1413a34..788e81e 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/it-IT/asf.dtd
@@ -34,29 +34,29 @@
<!-- Options tab -->
<!ENTITY asf.options.label "Opzioni">
-<!ENTITY asf.useDownloadDir.bool "Do not show the file explorer, and save to:">
-<!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "Desktop">
-<!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "Downloads">
-<!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "Set by the filters">
-<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "If the "Downloads" folder doesn't exist, the last choice will be used.">
-<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "Automatically accept the "What should Firefox do with this file" dialog windows.">
+<!ENTITY asf.useDownloadDir.bool "">
+<!ENTITY asf.desktop.label "">
+<!ENTITY asf.systemdownload.label "">
+<!ENTITY asf.filteredfolder.label "">
+<!ENTITY asf.folderList.tooltip "">
+<!ENTITY asf.dialogaccept.bool "">
<!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.bool "Vedere le opzioni mentre scarica">
<!ENTITY asf.viewdloption.tooltip "permette di vedere le due ultime cartelle di destinazione e un collegamento per aggiungere o modificare filtri.">
<!ENTITY asf.viewpathselect.bool "Vedi la lista dei filtri">
<!ENTITY asf.viewpathselect.tooltip "Visualizza un menu con la lista di tutti i percorsi dei filtri.">
-<!ENTITY asf.usecurrenturl.bool "Use the current website URL to verify the filter's domain if the hosted domain doesn't match.">
+<!ENTITY asf.usecurrenturl.bool "">
<!ENTITY asf.lastdir.bool "Ha effetto sulla cartella per il comando 'Salva come...' quando un filtro corrisponde">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.bool "Remove the timing delay and activate the filtering on the right-click menu 'Save link as...'">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "Note: This option doesn't affect the menus "Save image as..." nor "Save as... (Ctrl+S)".">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip1 "Note: Removing the timing delay prevent Firefox to read the file's target name if it is from a redirection download.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip2 "Temporarily disable this feature if you want Firefox to read the filename provided by the header.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip3 "Only files from a download script with file redirection have this problem, saving a file from a direct download using right-click is working fine.">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more)">
-<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. 
Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Add-on manager.">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.bool "">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.label "">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip1 "">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip2 "">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.tooltip3 "">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "">
+<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "">
<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable">
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "">
<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Permette di editare i percorsi di salvataggi manualmente e aggiungere variabili dinamiche, come la data del giorno o il nome del file.">
<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "">
<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Nota : Attenziona ai caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli.">
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/help.dtd b/locale/it-IT/help.dtd
index aec0712..bd093ad 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/help.dtd
+++ b/locale/it-IT/help.dtd
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
<!ENTITY info.important.title "Importante">
<!ENTITY info.important.text1 "Questa estensione funziona solamente se si usa la finestra di download (quella che chiede di aprire, eseguire o salvare file su disco)<br />Se Firefox non mostra tale finestra, l'estensione non funzionerà.">
-<!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (80 denote image shrink to 80%, I find 100% a little too big) -->
-<!ENTITY info.important.pict1 "screen_save_80fr.png">
+<!-- Screenshot from your language, place it in skin folder. Take a screen of the 'What should Firefox do with this file?' saving window (you can resize the picture if you find it a little too big) -->
+<!ENTITY info.important.pict1 "screen_save_en.png">
<!ENTITY info.important.text2 "Se qualche filtro non funziona, accertartati che Firefox non usi un altro processo sul file scaricato:">
<!ENTITY info.important.text3 "Vai sul menu "Strumenti" e "Opzioni...".">
<!ENTITY info.important.text4 "- Per utenti di Firefox 3: vai sul tab "Applicazioni"<br />
- Per utenti di precedenti versioni di Firefox: Vai sul tab "Contenuti" e clicca su "gestisci..." in basso a destra.">
<!ENTITY info.important.text5 "Verifica se il file che vuoi scaricare sia impostato su "Chiedi ogni volta".">
<!-- Screenshot from your language. Take firefox/tools/option/application tab/ and show an 'always ask' drop down selected -->
-<!ENTITY info.important.pict2 "screen_apps_fr.png">
+<!ENTITY info.important.pict2 "screen_apps_en.png">
<!ENTITY info.howtouse.title "Come si usa">
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text1 "">
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text2 "Per scaricare tutte le nightly build di firefox in una sottocartella di D:\Download\firefox :">
-<!-- replace the percent with entity % and the quote with " -->
+<!-- replace the percent with entity % and the quote with " , you can translate 'Download' -->
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text3 "D:\Download\firefox\nightly\%Y%-%m%-%d%">
<!ENTITY info.advancedexample.text4 "L'estensione creerà una sottocartella chiamata con la data di quel giorno. Per esempio "2009-12-04", dove verrà salvato il file.">
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/regexp.dtd b/locale/it-IT/regexp.dtd
index 323ee31..a8e08eb 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/regexp.dtd
+++ b/locale/it-IT/regexp.dtd
@@ -10,30 +10,54 @@ Tutti gli esempi che seguono non comprendono / / all'inizio e alla fine del filt
Quando selezioni dalla checkbox 'regexp' nella finestra dei filtri, gli / / verranno inseriti automaticamente.">
<!ENTITY Title_1 "">
-<!ENTITY Intro_3 "Per definire i filtri bisogna conoscere alcuni caratteri speciali:">
+<!ENTITY Intro_3 "Per definire i filtri bisogna conoscere alcuni caratteri speciali:
<!ENTITY The.dot.title "Il punto .">
<!ENTITY The.dot.text "Il punto . rimpiazza qualsiasi carattere singolo(una lettere, numero o spazio).<br />
g..gle corrisponde a 'google' e ad altre parole che cominciano per 'g', seguite da 2 caratteri, e che termina con 'gle'.">
<!ENTITY The.asterisk.title "Il simbolo *">
-<!ENTITY The.asterisk.text "Il simbolo * ripete l'ultimo carattere (.* indica una qualsiasi stringa, cioè molte volte un carattere)">
+<!ENTITY The.asterisk.text "Il simbolo * ripete l'ultimo carattere (.* indica una qualsiasi stringa, cioè molte volte un carattere)
<!ENTITY The.caret.title "Il simbolo ^">
-<!ENTITY The.caret.text "^ significa all'inizio della stringa (^http indica solo l'occorrenza all'inizio. Va bene per http://test.com ma non per ftp://http_test.com)">
+<!ENTITY The.caret.text "^ significa all'inizio della stringa (^http indica solo l'occorrenza all'inizio. Va bene per http://test.com ma non per ftp://http_test.com)
<!ENTITY The.dollar.title "Il simbolo $">
-<!ENTITY The.dollar.text "$ indica la fine della stringa ( com$ indica solo la fine. Va bene per http://test.com ma non per http://computer.net)">
+<!ENTITY The.dollar.text "$ indica la fine della stringa ( com$ indica solo la fine. Va bene per http://test.com ma non per http://computer.net)
<!ENTITY The.braces.title "Il simbolo {}">
-<!ENTITY The.braces.text "{x} indica qualsiasi carattere x volte, ad esempio tor{2}ent = torrent (corrisponde a 2 volte 'r')">
+<!ENTITY The.braces.text "{x} indica qualsiasi carattere x volte, ad esempio tor{2}ent = torrent (corrisponde a 2 volte 'r')
<!ENTITY The.parenthesis.title "Le parentesi ( ) e il pipe |">
-<!ENTITY The.parenthesis.text "la parentesi e il pipe (aaaa|bbbb|cccc) prende qualsiasi carattere che sia aaaa o bbbb o cccc ecc.">
+<!ENTITY The.parenthesis.text "la parentesi e il pipe (aaaa|bbbb|cccc) prende qualsiasi carattere che sia aaaa o bbbb o cccc ecc.
<!ENTITY The.question.title "Il simbolo ?">
<!ENTITY The.question.text "? indica la presenza o assenza del carattere: i file mpeg possono essere .mpg or .mpeg, la regexp sarà mpe?g<br />
-Nov(embre)? indica Nov o Novembre">
+Nov(embre)? indica Nov o Novembre
<!ENTITY The.bracket.title "Le parentesi quadre [ ]">
<!ENTITY The.bracket.text "Le parentesi quadre [ ] sono utili per definire una corrispondenza di molti caratteri. v[eo]lo corrisponde alle parole velo e volo.<br />
@@ -42,7 +66,15 @@ Il meno - fra le parentesi quadre corrisponde a una serie di caratteri:<br />
<br />
Puoi usare molti - fra le stesse parenetesi quadre, ad esempio [a-zA-Z] corrisponde a tutti i caratteri dell'alfabeto. [a-zA-Z0-9] per tutti i caratteri alfanumerici<br />
[a-cn-o] per indicare qualsiasi lettera tra la a e la c, e dalla n alla o.<br />
-[-a-z] per indicare - (meno) e dalla alla alla z.">
+[-a-z] per indicare - (meno) e dalla alla alla z.
<!ENTITY The.backslash.title "Il simbolo \">
<!ENTITY The.backslash.text "\d corrisponde qualsiasi cifra (numero)<br />
@@ -52,12 +84,17 @@ Puoi usare molti - fra le stesse parenetesi quadre, ad esempio [a-zA-Z] corrispo
\uFFFF con FFFF = codice esadecimale, corrisponde al carattere unicode in esadecimale. <br />
Esempio \u00A9 corrisponde ad '©'.">
-<!ENTITY The.backslash.info "Se all'interno di un filtro c'è bisogno di riportare il simbolo dei caratteri sopra riportati bisogna eseguire il cosidetto escape, cioè far precedere il simbolo con un un backslash \. Ad esempio dominio.com diventa dominio\.com">
+<!ENTITY The.backslash.info "Se all'interno di un filtro c'è bisogno di riportare il simbolo dei caratteri sopra riportati bisogna eseguire il cosidetto escape, cioè far precedere il simbolo con un un backslash \. Ad esempio dominio.com diventa dominio\.com
<!-- feel free to add a link to a Regexp website on your own language -->
<!ENTITY Regexp.links "Esistono molti metodi di filtro e possiblità che non possono essere spiegati qui.<br />
-Trovi la documentazione su: http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html: <br />
-O per i principianti: http://www.javascriptkit.com/jsref/regexp.shtml">
+Trovi la documentazione su: <br />
+http://www.regular-expressions.info/tutorial.html: <br />
+O per i principianti: http://www.javascriptkit.com/jsref/regexp.shtml
<!ENTITY Example_1.title "Alcuni esempi">
<!ENTITY Example_1.text "qualsiasi .rar e .r01 .rxx files :<br />
@@ -67,7 +104,11 @@ qualsiasi http in .com :<br />
^http.*\.com$<br />
<br />
qualsiasi dominio, indipendentemente che ci sia http davanti :<br />
- ^http:\/\/(|www\.)mozilla\.org">
+ ^http:\/\/(|www\.)mozilla\.org
<!ENTITY Example_2.title "Esempi su filtri dei nomi dei file">
<!ENTITY Example_2.text "Filtro su tutti gli archivi :<br />
@@ -95,4 +136,5 @@ Con regexp : .*oogle.*<br />
Non regexp : oogle">
<!ENTITY Conclusion.title "">
-<!ENTITY Conclusion.text "">
+<!ENTITY Conclusion.text "
diff --git a/skin/screen_save_en.png b/skin/screen_save_en.png
index 25b0a38..ecaa8c0 100644
Binary files a/skin/screen_save_en.png and b/skin/screen_save_en.png differ
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