[Pkg-mozext-commits] [nosquint] 22/47: Import of 2.0b4 release into git
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 28 01:41:18 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to annotated tag 2.1.6
in repository nosquint.
commit 7507b8a09e35e036ccaf588d6e154d070104ae83
Author: Jason Tackaberry <tack at urandom.ca>
Date: Fri Jan 13 19:41:14 2012 -0500
Import of 2.0b4 release into git
src/content/globalprefs.js | 112 +++-
src/content/globalprefs.xul | 130 ++++-
src/content/help.xul | 4 +-
src/content/init.js | 101 ++--
src/content/nosquint.js | 1069 +++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
src/content/overlay.xul | 42 +-
src/content/overlay_sanitize.xul | 7 +-
src/content/prefs.css | 24 +
src/content/sanitize.js | 136 ++---
src/content/siteprefs.js | 124 +++-
src/content/siteprefs.xul | 137 +++--
src/content/utils.js | 86 +++
src/defaults/preferences/nosquint.js | 3 +-
src/install.rdf | 10 +-
src/locale/en-US/globalprefs.dtd | 57 +-
src/locale/en-US/help.html | 66 +--
src/locale/en-US/overlay.properties | 2 -
src/locale/en-US/siteprefs.dtd | 3 +
src/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png | Bin 3316 -> 841 bytes
src/skin/icon-enlarge-24.png | Bin 3794 -> 1332 bytes
src/skin/icon-reduce-16.png | Bin 3313 -> 823 bytes
src/skin/icon-reduce-24.png | Bin 3736 -> 1266 bytes
src/skin/icon-reset-16.png | Bin 3335 -> 842 bytes
src/skin/icon-reset-24.png | Bin 3758 -> 1315 bytes
src/skin/toolbar.css | 4 +-
25 files changed, 1513 insertions(+), 604 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/content/globalprefs.js b/src/content/globalprefs.js
index 80d7ae3..a7a7aa9 100644
--- a/src/content/globalprefs.js
+++ b/src/content/globalprefs.js
@@ -7,24 +7,20 @@ var NoSquintPrefs = {
init: function(doc, dialog) {
NoSquintPrefs.doc = doc;
NoSquintPrefs.dialog = dialog;
+ var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
+ NoSquintPrefs.privacyBranch = prefService.getBranch('privacy.item.');
if (window.arguments) {
- NoSquintPrefs.site = window.arguments[0];
- NoSquintPrefs.level = window.arguments[1];
- NoSquintPrefs.url = window.arguments[2];
- NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint = window.arguments[3];
+ NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint = window.arguments[0];
+ NoSquintPrefs.url = window.arguments[1];
NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint.globalDialog = this;
NoSquintPrefs.prefs = NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint.prefs;
} else {
- var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(
- Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- NoSquintPrefs.prefs = prefs.getBranch("extensions.nosquint.")
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs = prefService.getBranch("extensions.nosquint.")
- doc.getElementById("defaultZoomLevel").value = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getIntPref("zoomlevel");
- doc.getElementById("zoomIncrement").value = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getIntPref("zoomIncrement");
- doc.getElementById("rememberSites").selectedIndex = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("rememberSites") ? 0 : 1;
- doc.getElementById("showStatus").checked = !NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("hideStatus");
- doc.getElementById("wheelZoomEnabled").checked = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("wheelZoomEnabled");
+ // Options tab
var forget_cb = doc.getElementById("siteForget");
var months = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getIntPref("forgetMonths");
forget_cb.checked = (months != 0);
@@ -32,21 +28,53 @@ var NoSquintPrefs = {
doc.getElementById("siteForget-menu").value = months;
forget_cb.addEventListener("CheckboxStateChange", NoSquintPrefs.forgetMonthsChecked, false);
+ doc.getElementById("siteSanitize").checked = NoSquintPrefs.privacyBranch.getBoolPref("extensions-nosquint");
+ doc.getElementById("rememberSites").selectedIndex = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("rememberSites") ? 0 : 1;
+ // Zooming tab
+ doc.getElementById("fullZoomLevel").value = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getIntPref("fullZoomLevel");
+ doc.getElementById("textZoomLevel").value = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getIntPref("textZoomLevel");
+ doc.getElementById("zoomIncrement").value = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getIntPref("zoomIncrement");
+ doc.getElementById("zoomImages").checked = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("zoomImages");
+ doc.getElementById("showStatus").checked = !NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("hideStatus");
+ doc.getElementById("wheelZoomEnabled").checked = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("wheelZoomEnabled");
doc.getElementById('primaryZoomMethod-menu').value = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("fullZoomPrimary") ? "full" : "text";
+ // Color tab
+ for each (var [id, defcolor] in [['colorText', '#000000'], ['colorBackground', '#ffffff'],
+ ['linksUnvisited', '#0000ee'], ['linksVisited', '#551a8b']]) {
+ var color = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getCharPref(id);
+ var cb = doc.getElementById(id);
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ picker.color = color == '0' ? defcolor : color;
+ cb.addEventListener("CheckboxStateChange", NoSquintPrefs.colorChecked, false);
+ cb.checked = color == '0' ? false : true;
+ NoSquintPrefs.colorChecked(null, cb);
+ }
+ doc.getElementById('colorBackgroundImages').checked = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("colorBackgroundImages");
+ doc.getElementById('linksUnderline').checked = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("linksUnderline");
+ // Exceptions tab.
+ colorChecked: function(event, cb) {
+ cb = cb || this;
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ picker.disabled = !cb.checked;
+ picker.style.opacity = cb.checked ? 1.0 : 0.2;
+ },
parseExceptions: function() {
var exstr = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getCharPref("exceptions");
// Trim whitespace and split on space.
var exlist = exstr.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "").split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < exlist.length; i++) {
if (exlist[i])
- NoSquintPrefs.exceptionsListAdd(exlist[i], false);
+ NoSquintPrefs.exceptionsListAdd(exlist[i].replace(/%20/g, ' '), false);
NoSquintPrefs.doc.getElementById("exceptionsList")._changed = false;
@@ -124,9 +152,13 @@ var NoSquintPrefs = {
var item = listbox.selectedItem;
var pattern = item.childNodes[0].getAttribute('label');
var bundle = NoSquintPrefs.doc.getElementById("nosquint-prefs-bundle");
- var new_pattern = prompt(bundle.getString('editPrompt'), pattern, bundle.getString('editTitle'));
- if (new_pattern != null && new_pattern != pattern) {
- item.childNodes[0].setAttribute('label', new_pattern);
+ var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
+ var input = {value: pattern};
+ prompts.prompt(window, bundle.getString('editTitle'), bundle.getString('editPrompt'),
+ input, null, {});
+ if (input.value != null && input.value != pattern) {
+ item.childNodes[0].setAttribute('label', input.value);
listbox._changed = true;
@@ -170,39 +202,69 @@ var NoSquintPrefs = {
close: function() {
var doc = NoSquintPrefs.doc;
+ if (doc.getElementById("pattern").value != '')
+ /* User entered stuff in exception input but OK'd dialog without
+ * adding the exception. We assume here the user actually _wanted_
+ * the exception to be added, so add it automatically. This is
+ * a bit of do-what-I-mean behaviour.
+ */
+ NoSquintPrefs.buttonAddException();
var full_zoom_primary = doc.getElementById("primaryZoomMethod-menu").value == "full";
var force_zoom = NoSquintPrefs.prefs.getBoolPref("fullZoomPrimary") != full_zoom_primary;
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("fullZoomPrimary", full_zoom_primary);
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("zoomImages", doc.getElementById("zoomImages").checked);
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("hideStatus", !doc.getElementById("showStatus").checked);
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("wheelZoomEnabled", doc.getElementById("wheelZoomEnabled").checked);
- NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("zoomlevel", doc.getElementById("defaultZoomLevel").value);
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("fullZoomLevel", doc.getElementById("fullZoomLevel").value);
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("textZoomLevel", doc.getElementById("textZoomLevel").value);
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("zoomIncrement", doc.getElementById("zoomIncrement").value);
var val = doc.getElementById("rememberSites").selectedIndex == 1 ? false : true;
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("rememberSites", val);
+ NoSquintPrefs.privacyBranch.setBoolPref("extensions-nosquint",
+ doc.getElementById("siteSanitize").checked)
- var listbox = NoSquintPrefs.doc.getElementById("exceptionsList");
+ var listbox = doc.getElementById("exceptionsList");
if (listbox._changed) {
var exceptions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < listbox.getRowCount(); i++) {
var item = listbox.getItemAtIndex(i);
var pattern = item.childNodes[0].getAttribute('label');
- exceptions.push(pattern);
+ exceptions.push(pattern.replace(/ /g, '%20'));
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setCharPref("exceptions", exceptions.join(' '));
- if (!NoSquintPrefs.doc.getElementById("siteForget").checked)
+ if (!doc.getElementById("siteForget").checked)
NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("forgetMonths", 0);
- NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("forgetMonths", NoSquintPrefs.doc.getElementById("siteForget-menu").value);
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setIntPref("forgetMonths", doc.getElementById("siteForget-menu").value);
+ // Colors
+ for each (var id in ['colorText', 'colorBackground', 'linksUnvisited', 'linksVisited']) {
+ var cb = doc.getElementById(id);
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setCharPref(id, cb.checked ? picker.color : '0');
+ }
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("colorBackgroundImages",
+ doc.getElementById("colorBackgroundImages").checked);
+ NoSquintPrefs.prefs.setBoolPref("linksUnderline",
+ doc.getElementById("linksUnderline").checked);
- if (!NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint)
+ var NoSquint = NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint;
+ if (!NoSquint)
- NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint.globalDialog = null;
+ NoSquint.globalDialog = null;
if (force_zoom)
- NoSquintPrefs.NoSquint.queueZoomAll();
+ NoSquint.queueZoomAll();
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ NoSquint.updateStatus();
+ if (NoSquint.siteDialog)
+ NoSquint.siteDialog.setValues(NoSquint.siteDialog.browser, NoSquint.siteDialog.browser._noSquintSite);
cancel: function() {
diff --git a/src/content/globalprefs.xul b/src/content/globalprefs.xul
index 7cc8837..7f49a06 100644
--- a/src/content/globalprefs.xul
+++ b/src/content/globalprefs.xul
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
persist="screenX screenY"
onload="NoSquintPrefs.init(document, this)">
- <script src="globalprefs.js" />
+ <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/globalprefs.js" />
<stringbundleset id="stringbundleset">
<stringbundle id="nosquint-prefs-bundle" src="chrome://nosquint/locale/globalprefs.properties" />
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
<tabbox flex="1">
<tab label="&ns.pref.tab.options.label;" />
+ <tab label="&ns.pref.tab.zooming.label;" />
+ <tab label="&ns.pref.tab.colors.label;" />
<tab label="&ns.pref.tab.exceptions.label;" />
@@ -30,8 +32,36 @@
<!-- Options Tab -->
<tabpanel id="optionstab" flex="1">
<vbox flex="1">
+ <groupbox id="persistence">
+ <caption label="&ns.pref.persistence.caption;" />
+ <radiogroup id="rememberSites" onselect="NoSquintPrefs.sitesRadioSelect()">
+ <radio label="&ns.pref.persistence.remember.label;" />
+ <vbox class="indent" id='siteForget-box'>
+ <hbox align="center">
+ <checkbox id="siteForget" label="&ns.pref.persistence.forget.label;"
+ checked="false" />
+ <menulist id="siteForget-menu">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem value="12" label="&ns.pref.persistence.forget.year;"/>
+ <menuitem value="6" label="&ns.pref.persistence.forget.6months;" selected="true" />
+ <menuitem value="3" label="&ns.pref.persistence.forget.3months;" />
+ <menuitem value="1" label="&ns.pref.persistence.forget.month;"/>
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ </hbox>
+ <checkbox id="siteSanitize" label="&ns.pref.persistence.sanitize.label;" checked="false" />
+ </vbox>
+ <radio label="&ns.pref.persistence.noRemember.label;" />
+ </radiogroup>
+ </groupbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </tabpanel>
+ <!-- Zooming Tab -->
+ <tabpanel id="zoomingtab" flex="1">
+ <vbox flex="1">
- <caption label="&ns.pref.general.caption;" />
+ <caption label="&ns.pref.zooming.caption;" />
<column />
@@ -41,21 +71,36 @@
<row align="center">
<spacer flex="1" />
- <label>&ns.pref.general.primaryMethod.label;:</label>
+ <label>&ns.pref.zooming.primaryMethod.label;:</label>
<menulist id="primaryZoomMethod-menu">
- <menuitem value="full" label="&ns.pref.general.primaryMethod.full;"
+ <menuitem value="full" label="&ns.pref.zooming.primaryMethod.full;"
- <menuitem value="text" label="&ns.pref.general.primaryMethod.text;"/>
+ <menuitem value="text" label="&ns.pref.zooming.primaryMethod.text;"/>
<row align="center">
- <label>&ns.pref.general.level.label;:</label>
+ <hbox>
+ <spacer flex="1" />
+ <label>&ns.pref.zooming.fullLevel.label;:</label>
+ </hbox>
+ <hbox align="center">
+ <textbox id="fullZoomLevel" size="2" type="number" min="40"
+ max="300" increment="5" />
+ <label class="percent">%</label>
+ </hbox>
+ </row>
+ <row align="center">
+ <hbox>
+ <spacer flex="1" />
+ <label>&ns.pref.zooming.textLevel.label;:</label>
+ </hbox>
<hbox align="center">
- <textbox id="defaultZoomLevel" size="2" type="number" min="40"
+ <textbox id="textZoomLevel" size="2" type="number" min="40"
max="300" increment="5" />
<label class="percent">%</label>
@@ -64,7 +109,7 @@
<row align="center">
<spacer flex="1" />
- <label>&ns.pref.general.increment.label;:</label>
+ <label>&ns.pref.zooming.increment.label;:</label>
<hbox align="center">
<textbox id="zoomIncrement" size="2" type="number" min="1"
@@ -75,35 +120,58 @@
- <checkbox id="wheelZoomEnabled" label="&ns.pref.general.mousewheel.label;" checked="false" />
- <checkbox id="showStatus" label="&ns.pref.general.showstatus.label;" checked="false" />
+ <checkbox id="zoomImages" label="&ns.pref.zooming.images.label;" checked="false" />
+ <checkbox id="wheelZoomEnabled" label="&ns.pref.zooming.mousewheel.label;" checked="false" />
+ <checkbox id="showStatus" label="&ns.pref.zooming.showstatus.label;" checked="false" />
- <groupbox id="site">
- <caption label="&ns.pref.site.caption;" />
- <radiogroup id="rememberSites" onselect="NoSquintPrefs.sitesRadioSelect()">
- <radio label="&ns.pref.site.remember.label;" />
- <hbox id="siteForget-box" align="center" class="indent">
- <checkbox id="siteForget" label="&ns.pref.site.forget.label;" checked="false"
- oncheck="document.getElementById('siteForget-menu').disabled = !this.checked" />
- <menulist id="siteForget-menu">
- <menupopup>
- <menuitem value="12" label="&ns.pref.site.forget.year;"/>
- <menuitem value="6" label="&ns.pref.site.forget.6months;" selected="true" />
- <menuitem value="3" label="&ns.pref.site.forget.3months;" />
- <menuitem value="1" label="&ns.pref.site.forget.month;"/>
- </menupopup>
- </menulist>
- </hbox>
- <radio label="&ns.pref.site.noRemember.label;" />
- </radiogroup>
- </groupbox>
+ <!-- Colors Tab -->
+ <tabpanel id="colorstab" flex="1">
+ <vbox flex="1">
+ <html:p style="margin: 0 7px 0.5em 7px; padding: 0;">&ns.pref.colors.info;</html:p>
+ <hbox>
+ <groupbox flex='1'>
+ <caption label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.caption;" />
+ <vbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="colorText" label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.text.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="colorBackground" label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.background.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <checkbox id="colorBackgroundImages" label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.images.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ </vbox>
+ </groupbox>
+ <groupbox flex='1'>
+ <caption label="&ns.pref.colors.links.caption;" />
+ <vbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="linksUnvisited" label="&ns.pref.colors.links.unvisited.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="linksVisited" label="&ns.pref.colors.links.visited.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <checkbox id="linksUnderline" label="&ns.pref.colors.links.underline.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ </vbox>
+ </groupbox>
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </tabpanel>
- <!-- exceptions Tab -->
+ <!-- Exceptions Tab -->
<tabpanel id="exceptionstab" flex="1">
<vbox flex="1">
<html:p style="margin: 0 7px 0.5em 7px; padding: 0;">&ns.pref.exceptions.info;</html:p>
diff --git a/src/content/help.xul b/src/content/help.xul
index d0dcf28..2f85296 100644
--- a/src/content/help.xul
+++ b/src/content/help.xul
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
persist="width height"
- width="600"
+ width="800"
- <script src="help.js" />
+ <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/help.js" />
<dialogheader title="&ns.help.subtitle;" description="&ns.help.title;" />
<groupbox flex="1">
diff --git a/src/content/init.js b/src/content/init.js
index c571967..b339e8d 100644
--- a/src/content/init.js
+++ b/src/content/init.js
@@ -1,44 +1,61 @@
-// Global object for NoSquint. 'NoSquint' is the only name added to the global
-// namespace by this addon.
-NoSquint = {
- id: 'NoSquint',
- namespaces: [],
- _initialized: false,
- dialogs: {}, // dialogs namespace
- ns: function(fn) {
- var scope = {
- extend: function(o) {
- for (var key in o)
- this[key] = o[key];
- }
- };
- scope = fn.apply(scope) || scope;
- NoSquint.namespaces.push(scope);
- return scope;
- },
- init: function() {
- if (NoSquint._initialized)
- return;
- NoSquint._initialized = true;
- for (let i = 0; i < NoSquint.namespaces.length; i++) {
- var scope = NoSquint.namespaces[i];
- if (scope.init !== undefined)
- scope.init();
- }
- },
- destroy: function() {
- // Invoke destroy functions in all registered namespaces
- for (let i = 0; i < NoSquint.namespaces.length; i++) {
- var scope = NoSquint.namespaces[i];
- if (scope.destroy !== undefined)
- scope.destroy();
- }
+window.addEventListener("load", NoSquint.init, false);
+window.addEventListener("unload", NoSquint.destroy, false);
+/* NoSquint hooks the ZoomManager, overriding its default functionality.
+ *
+ * The logic below should be well-behaved when the user uses exclusively
+ * full page or text-only zooms.
+ *
+ * If both zooms are in use (i.e. full and text != 100%), things can get
+ * a little dubious. In general, if full zoom is not 100%, then we pretend
+ * as if full zoom is the primary method, regardless of whether it actually
+ * is. The rationale is that full page zoom is more likely to affect logic
+ * used by people interfacing with ZoomManager.
+ *
+ * More details in ZoomManager.useFullZoom getter.
+ */
+// ZoomManager._nosquintOrigZoomGetter = ZoomManager.__lookupGetter__('zoom');
+// ZoomManager._nosquintOrigZoomSetter = ZoomManager.__lookupSetter__('zoom');
+ZoomManager.__defineSetter__('zoom', function(value) {
+ var viewer = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ var updated = false;
+ if (ZoomManager.useFullZoom && viewer.fullZoom != value)
+ updated = viewer.fullZoom = value;
+ else if (!ZoomManager.useFullZoom && viewer.textZoom != value)
+ updated = viewer.textZoom = value;
+ if (updated != false) {
+ NoSquint.saveCurrentZoom();
+ NoSquint.updateStatus();
-window.addEventListener("load", NoSquint.init, false);
-window.addEventListener("unload", NoSquint.destroy, false);
+ZoomManager.__defineGetter__('zoom', function() {
+ var viewer = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ return ZoomManager.useFullZoom ? viewer.fullZoom : viewer.textZoom;
+ZoomManager.__defineGetter__('useFullZoom', function() {
+ /* Extensions (like all-in-one gestures) assume that zoom is either all
+ * full page or all text-only, which is of course quite reasonable given
+ * the ZoomManager interface assumes this too.
+ *
+ * So, regardless of what the primary zoom method is set to, if the
+ * current page has a full zoom level != 100%, then we always return
+ * true here.
+ *
+ * This is to handle the uncommon case where the user has modified
+ * both text and full page zoom. Extensions like AIO need to base
+ * decisions on whether or not the page is full-zoomed, not whether
+ * or not the user prefers full or text zoom.
+ */
+ var viewer = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ return viewer.fullZoom != 1.0 ? true : NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary;
+ZoomManager.enlarge = NoSquint.cmdEnlargePrimary;
+ZoomManager.reduce = NoSquint.cmdReducePrimary;
+ZoomManager.reset = NoSquint.cmdReset;
diff --git a/src/content/nosquint.js b/src/content/nosquint.js
index d7eea21..3d506a5 100644
--- a/src/content/nosquint.js
+++ b/src/content/nosquint.js
@@ -1,61 +1,47 @@
// chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
-// open dialogs will raise if already open
-/* Returns a list of lines from a URL (such as chrome://). This function
- * is a WTF; how more obsure could it possibly be to read a damn file?
- */
-function readLines(aURL) {
- var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var scriptableStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
- var channel = ioService.newChannel(aURL, null, null);
- var input = channel.open();
- scriptableStream.init(input);
- var str = scriptableStream.read(input.available());
- scriptableStream.close();
- input.close();
- return str.split("\n");
-/* Generate eddies in the space-time continuum. */
-function debug(msg) {
- dump("[nosquint] " + msg + "\n");
var NoSquint = {
TLDs: null, // Hash of multi-level TLDs; shared between windows
prefs: null, // Prefs service rooted at extensions.nosquint.
- mousePrefs: null, // Prefs service rooted at mousewheel.withcontrolkey
+ browserZoomPrefs: null, // Prefs service rooted at browser.zoom
initialized: false, // True if init() was called
- prefsRecursion: 0, // Recursion level in observe()
saveTimer: null, // Timer for saveSiteList()
zoomAllTimer: null, // Timer for zoomAll()
+ styleAllTimer:null, // Timer for styleAll()
pruneTimer: null, // Timer for pruneSites()
sitesDirty: false, // True when sites list needs saving
ignoreNextSitesChange: false, // ignores next update to sites pref
- zoomManagerTimeout: null, // timeout for ZoomManager.zoom setter
globalDialog: null, // NoSquintPrefs object if global prefs dialog open
siteDialog: null, // NoSquintSitePrefs object if site prefs dialog open
+ observer: null, // Instance attached to observer interface
+ origSiteSpecific: null, // Original value of browser.zoom.siteSpecific
/* Prefs */
- // Sites hash is keyed on site name, with value being [level, timestamp, visits]
+ // Sites hash is keyed on site name, with value being:
+ // [textlevel, timestamp, visits, fulllevel, textcolor, bgcolor, nobgimages,
+ // linkunvis, linkvis, linkunderline]
sites: {}, // extensions.nosquint.sites
exceptions: [], // extensions.nosquint.exceptions
- defaultZoomLevel: 120, // extensions.nosquint.zoomlevel
+ defaultFullZoomLevel: 120, // extensions.nosquint.fullZoomLevel
+ defaultTextZoomLevel: 100, // extensions.nosquint.textZoomLevel
saveDelay: 5000, // extensions.nosquint.sitesSaveDelay
zoomIncrement: 10, // extensions.nosquint.zoomIncrement
rememberSites: true, // extensions.nosquint.rememberSites
- wheelZoomEnabled: false, // extensions.nosquint.wheelZoomEnabled
+ zoomImages: true, // extensions.nosquint.zoomImages
+ wheelZoomEnabled: true, // extensions.nosquint.wheelZoomEnabled
+ wheelZoomInvert: false, // extensions.nosquint.wheelZoomInvert
hideStatus: false, // extensions.nosquint.hideStatus
forgetMonths: 6, // extensions.nosquint.forgetMonths
fullZoomPrimary: false, // extensions.nosquint.fullZoomPrimary
+ colorText: '0', // extensions.nosquint.colorText
+ colorBackground: '0', // extensions.nosquint.colorBackground
+ colorBackgroundImages: false, // extensions.nosquint.colorBackgroundImages
+ linksUnvisited: '0', // extensions.nosquint.linksUnvisited
+ linksVisited: '0', // extensions.nosquint.linksVisited
+ linksUnderline: false, // extensions.nosquint.linksUnderline
init: function() {
- debug("start init");
if (NoSquint.initialized)
@@ -68,62 +54,90 @@ var NoSquint = {
* this prevents us from parsing the ~2000 line file each time a window
* is opened. If not, read it from the two-level-tlds file.
- var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
- var windows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
- var win;
- while (win = windows.getNext()) {
- if (win._noSquintTLDs) {
- // Found, grab a reference to the object.
- NoSquint.TLDs = window._noSquintTLDs = win._noSquintTLDs;
- break;
- }
- }
+ NoSquint.TLDs = window_get_global('tlds');
if (NoSquint.TLDs == null) {
// TLDs list not found in any existing window. Load the stored list,
// which is borrowed from http://www.surbl.org/two-level-tlds
lines = readLines('chrome://nosquint/content/two-level-tlds');
- window._noSquintTLDs = NoSquint.TLDs = {};
+ //window._noSquintTLDs = NoSquint.TLDs = {};
+ NoSquint.TLDs = {};
for (var i in lines)
NoSquint.TLDs[lines[i]] = true;
+ window_set_global('tlds', NoSquint.TLDs);
+ window._noSquint = NoSquint;
+ NoSquint.observer = new NoSquintObserver();
+ NoSquint.observer.watcher = {
+ onEnterPrivateBrowsing: function() {
+ // Switching the private browsing mode. Store any current pending
+ // changes now.
+ if (NoSquint.sitesDirty)
+ NoSquint._realSaveSiteList(true);
+ // Save current (non-private) site data for when we exit private
+ // browsing.
+ NoSquint._sites_save = NoSquint.cloneSites();
+ },
+ onExitPrivateBrowsing: function() {
+ // Restore previously saved site data and rezoom/style all tabs.
+ NoSquint.sites = NoSquint._sites_save;
+ NoSquint._sites_save = null;
+ NoSquint.zoomAll();
+ NoSquint.styleAll();
+ }
+ };
- NoSquint.initPrefs();
+ // Init prefs, parsing site list.
+ NoSquint.initPrefs(true);
+ if (NoSquint.observer.inPrivateBrowsing)
+ NoSquint.observer.watcher.onEnterPrivateBrowsing();
window.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", NoSquint.handleScrollWheel, false);
+ window.addEventListener("resize", NoSquint.handleResize, false);
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabOpen", NoSquint.handleNewTab, false);
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabClose", NoSquint.handleCloseTab, false);
gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", NoSquint.handleTabChanged, false);
// Zoom any tabs anther extension may have opened and attach listeners to them.
+ // Style all open tabs.
+ NoSquint.styleAll();
var t1 = new Date().getTime();
debug("initialization took " + (t1-t0) + " ms");
+ //NoSquint.openGlobalPrefsDialog();
destroy: function() {
NoSquint.prefs.removeObserver("", NoSquint);
- NoSquint.mousePrefs.removeObserver("", NoSquint);
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.removeObserver("", NoSquint);
- if (NoSquint.sitesDirty) {
+ if (NoSquint.sitesDirty)
- }
/* Even though we've removed the pref observers, they lamely still get
- * invoked during setIntPref below; setting prefs to null here prevents
+ * invoked during setBoolPref below; setting prefs to null here prevents
* full entry into observe(). We're done with it now anyway.
NoSquint.prefs = null;
- // Restore mousewheel.withcontrolkey.action to default if wheel zoom enabled.
- if (NoSquint.mousePrefs && NoSquint.wheelZoomEnabled && NoSquint.mousePrefs.getIntPref("action") == 0)
- NoSquint.mousePrefs.setIntPref("action", 5);
+ // Reenable browser.zoom.siteSpecific
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.setBoolPref("siteSpecific", NoSquint.origSiteSpecific);
gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabOpen", NoSquint.handleNewTab, false);
gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabClose", NoSquint.handleCloseTab, false);
gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", NoSquint.handleTabChanged, false);
+ window.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", NoSquint.handleScrollWheel, false);
+ window.removeEventListener("resize", NoSquint.handleResize, false);
+ cloneSites: function() {
+ var sites = {};
+ for (var site in NoSquint.sites)
+ sites[site] = NoSquint.sites[site].slice();
+ return sites;
+ },
/* Updates View | Zoom menu to replace the default Zoom In/Out menu
* items with Primary Zoom In/Out and Secondary Zoom In/Out. Also the
@@ -195,11 +209,20 @@ var NoSquint = {
/* Handlers for toolar buttons */
buttonEnlarge: function(event) {
+ var browser = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser;
+ if (is_image(browser))
+ return browser._noSquintFit ? true : NoSquint.enlargeFullZoom();
event.shiftKey ? NoSquint.cmdEnlargeSecondary() : NoSquint.cmdEnlargePrimary();
buttonReduce: function(event) {
+ var browser = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser;
+ if (is_image(browser))
+ return browser._noSquintFit ? true : NoSquint.reduceFullZoom();
event.shiftKey ? NoSquint.cmdReduceSecondary() : NoSquint.cmdReducePrimary();
+ buttonReset: function(event) {
+ NoSquint.cmdReset();
+ },
/* Handlers for commands defined in overlay.xul */
cmdEnlargePrimary: function() {
@@ -232,23 +255,26 @@ var NoSquint = {
enlargeTextZoom: function() {
- // FIXME: do we want to update any other tabs of pages in this site?
- getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom += (NoSquint.zoomIncrement / 100.0);
+ var mdv = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ mdv.textZoom = Math.round(mdv.textZoom * 100.0 + NoSquint.zoomIncrement) / 100.0;
reduceTextZoom: function() {
- getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom -= (NoSquint.zoomIncrement / 100.0);
+ var mdv = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ mdv.textZoom = Math.round(mdv.textZoom * 100.0 - NoSquint.zoomIncrement) / 100.0;
enlargeFullZoom: function() {
- getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom += (NoSquint.zoomIncrement / 100.0);
+ var mdv = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ mdv.fullZoom = Math.round(mdv.fullZoom * 100.0 + NoSquint.zoomIncrement) / 100.0;
reduceFullZoom: function() {
- getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom -= (NoSquint.zoomIncrement / 100.0);
+ var mdv = getBrowser().mCurrentBrowser.markupDocumentViewer;
+ mdv.fullZoom = Math.round(mdv.fullZoom * 100.0 - NoSquint.zoomIncrement) / 100.0;
@@ -272,11 +298,14 @@ var NoSquint = {
- /* Left or right click on the status panel. */
+ /* Handle left/middle/right click on the status panel. */
statusPanelClick: function(event) {
if (event.button == 0)
// Left click, open site prefs.
return NoSquint.openSitePrefsDialog();
+ else if (event.button == 1)
+ // Middle click, open global prefs.
+ return NoSquint.openGlobalPrefsDialog();
/* Right click. Setup the context menu according to the current
* browser tab: the site name is set, and the appropriate radio
@@ -316,7 +345,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
openSitePrefsDialog: function() {
var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- var site = NoSquint.getSiteFromURI(browser.currentURI);
+ var site = NoSquint.getSiteFromBrowser(browser);
if (!site)
if (NoSquint.siteDialog) {
@@ -334,40 +363,46 @@ var NoSquint = {
return NoSquint.globalDialog.dialog.focus();
var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- var site = NoSquint.getSiteFromURI(browser.currentURI);
- var level = NoSquint.getLevelForSite(site)[0] || "default";
- var url = browser.currentURI.asciiHost + browser.currentURI.path;
+ var host = browser.currentURI.asciiHost;
+ try {
+ if (browser.currentURI.port > 0)
+ host += ':' + browser.currentURI.port;
+ } catch (err) {};
window.openDialog("chrome://nosquint/content/globalprefs.xul", "NoSquint Settings", "chrome",
- site, level, url, NoSquint);
+ NoSquint, host + browser.currentURI.path);
/* Apply increase/decrease for ctrl-mousewheel */
handleScrollWheel: function(event) {
- if (!event.ctrlKey || !NoSquint.wheelZoomEnabled)
+ if (!event.ctrlKey)
- var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
- var text = full = false;
- var increment = NoSquint.zoomIncrement * (event.detail < 0 ? 1 : -1);
- if (NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary && !event.shiftKey || !NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary && event.shiftKey)
- full = Math.round((browser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom * 100) + increment);
- else
- text = Math.round((browser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom * 100) + increment);
- NoSquint.zoom(browser, text, full);
- NoSquint.saveCurrentZoom();
+ if (NoSquint.wheelZoomEnabled) {
+ var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
+ var text = full = false;
+ var increment = NoSquint.zoomIncrement * (event.detail < 0 ? 1 : -1);
+ var img = is_image(browser);
+ if (NoSquint.wheelZoomInvert)
+ increment *= -1;
+ if (NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary && !event.shiftKey || !NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary && event.shiftKey || img)
+ full = Math.round((browser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom * 100) + increment);
+ else
+ text = Math.round((browser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom * 100) + increment);
+ if (!img || !browser._noSquintFit) {
+ NoSquint.zoom(browser, text, full);
+ if (browser._noSquintSite)
+ NoSquint.saveCurrentZoom();
+ }
+ }
handleTabChanged: function(event) {
- if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser._noSquintified) {
- // ZoomManager.zoom was set somewhere internally in FF. Abort
- // the pending zoom.
- NoSquint.abortPendingZoomManager();
+ if (gBrowser.selectedBrowser._noSquintified)
- }
handleNewTab: function(event) {
@@ -379,28 +414,6 @@ var NoSquint = {
- /* In init.js, we hook the setter for ZoomManager.zoom to have it
- * queue the requested zoom rather than apply it immediately. This
- * gives handleTabChanged() above and our custom ProgressListener an
- * opportunity to abort the pending zoom, in order to fully bypass
- * FF's new internal per-site zoom mechanism.
- *
- * If no ZoomManager zoom is pending, then the next zoom via the
- * ZoomManager will be eaten.
- */
- abortPendingZoomManager: function() {
- if (NoSquint.zoomManagerTimeout != null && NoSquint.zoomManagerTimeout != false) {
- debug("aborting queued ZoomManager zoom");
- clearTimeout(NoSquint.zoomManagerTimeout);
- NoSquint.zoomManagerTimeout = null;
- ZoomManager._nosquintPendingZoom = null;
- } else {
- debug("aborting next ZoomManager zoom");
- NoSquint.zoomManagerTimeout = false;
- }
- },
/* Given a FQDN, returns only the base domain, and honors two-level TLDs.
* So for example, www.foo.bar.com returns bar.com, or www.foo.bar.co.uk
* returns bar.co.uk.
@@ -432,7 +445,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
* match later. Hostname and path components are processed in
* separate calls; re_star and re_dblstar define the regexp syntax
* for * and ** wildcards for this pattern. (This is because
- * wildcards have different semantics for hos vs path.)
+ * wildcards have different semantics for host vs path.)
* Function returns a list of [length, pattern, sub] where length
* is the number of literal (non-wildcard) characters, pattern is
@@ -470,7 +483,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
sub.push('$' + n++);
- return [ length, pattern.join(''), sub.join('') ];
+ return [length, pattern.join(''), sub.join('')];
var exceptions = [];
@@ -479,18 +492,32 @@ var NoSquint = {
if (!exc)
// Escape metacharacters except *
- exc = exc.replace(/([^\w*\[\]])/g, '\\$1');
+ exc = exc.replace(/([^\w:*\[\]])/g, '\\$1');
// Split into host and path parts, and regexpify separately.
- var [_, exc_host, exc_path] = exc.match(/([^\/]+)(\\\/.*|$)/);
- var [ len_host, re_host, sub_host] = regexpify(exc_host, '[^.:/]+', '.*');
- var [ len_path, re_path, sub_path] = regexpify(exc_path, '[^/]+', '.*');
- exceptions.push([len_host * 1000 + len_path, re_host, sub_host, re_path, sub_path]);
+ var [_, exc_host, exc_path] = exc.match(/([^\/]*)(\\\/.*|$)/);
+ var [len_host, re_host, sub_host] = regexpify(exc_host, '[^.:/]+', '.*');
+ var [len_path, re_path, sub_path] = regexpify(exc_path, '[^/]+', '.*');
+ if (exc_host.search(':') == -1)
+ re_host += '(:\\d+)';
+ debug("Parse exception: exc_host=" + exc_host + ", re_host=" + re_host + ", sub_host=" + sub_host + ", exc_path=" + exc_path + ", re_path=" + re_path + ", sub_path=" + sub_path);
+ exceptions.push([len_host * 1000 + len_path, exc_host, re_host, sub_host, re_path, sub_path]);
// Sort the exceptions such that the ones with the highest weights
// (that is, the longest literal lengths) appear first.
exceptions.sort(function(a, b) { return b[0] - a[0]; });
return exceptions;
+ /* Given a browser, returns the site name. Does not use the cached
+ * browser._noSquintSite value.
+ */
+ getSiteFromBrowser: function(browser) {
+ if (is_chrome(browser))
+ return null;
+ return NoSquint.getSiteFromURI(browser.currentURI);
+ },
/* Given a URI, returns the site name, as computed based on user-defined
* exceptions. If no exception matches the URI, we fall back to the base
@@ -503,7 +530,20 @@ var NoSquint = {
var uri_host = URI.asciiHost;
var uri_path = URI.path;
+ try {
+ var uri_port = URI.port < 0 ? 0 : URI.port;
+ } catch (err) {
+ var uri_port = '0';
+ }
var base = NoSquint.getBaseDomainFromHost(uri_host);
+ if (!base && !uri_host)
+ // file:// url, use base as /
+ base = '/';
+ uri_host += ':' + uri_port;
var match = null;
/* Iterate over each exception, trying to match it with the URI.
@@ -511,15 +551,17 @@ var NoSquint = {
* sorted with highest weights first.
for (var i in NoSquint.exceptions) {
- var [weight, re_host, sub_host, re_path, sub_path] = NoSquint.exceptions[i];
- if (re_host != '([^.:/]+)')
- var m1 = uri_host.match(new RegExp('(' + re_host + ')$'));
- else
- // Single star is base name
- var m1 = [null, base];
+ var [weight, exc_host, re_host, sub_host, re_path, sub_path] = NoSquint.exceptions[i];
+ if (re_host.substr(0, 11) == '([^.:/]+)(:') // exc_host == *[:...]
+ // Single star is base name, so match just that, plus any port spec
+ // that's part of the exception.
+ re_host = '(' + base + ')' + re_host.substr(9);
+ var m1 = uri_host.match(new RegExp('(' + re_host + ')$'));
var m2 = uri_path.match(new RegExp('^(' + re_path + ')'));
+ //debug("check site: host=" + uri_host + ", port=" + uri_port+ ", path=" + uri_path + ", base=" + base + " === exception info: re_host=" + re_host + ", sub_host=" + sub_host + ", re_path=" + re_path + ", sub_path=" + sub_path + " === results: m1=" + m1 + ", m2=" + m2);
if (!m1 || !m2)
// No match
@@ -530,7 +572,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
var t1 = new Date().getTime();
- debug("getSiteFromURI took " + (t1-t0) + " ms");
+ debug("getSiteFromURI took " + (t1-t0) + " ms: " + (match ? match : base));
return match ? match : base;
@@ -539,10 +581,22 @@ var NoSquint = {
/* Attaches our custom ProgressListener to the given browser. */
attach: function(browser) {
var listener = new ProgressListener(browser);
+ debug('Attaching new progress listener');
browser.addProgressListener(listener, Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT);
browser._noSquintListener = listener;
// Zoom browser to the appropriate levels for the current URI.
NoSquint.zoom(browser, null, null);
+ browser._noSquintStyles = [];
+ // Attach stylesheets to new frames as they load.
+ function handle_frame_load(event) {
+ var doc = event.target.contentWindow.document;
+ var head = doc.getElementsByTagName("head");
+ var style = browser._noSquintStyles[0].cloneNode(true);
+ browser._noSquintStyles.push(style);
+ head[0].appendChild(style);
+ }
+ browser.addEventListener("DOMFrameContentLoaded", handle_frame_load, true);
/* Updates the status panel and tooltip to reflect current site name
@@ -555,20 +609,98 @@ var NoSquint = {
var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
var text = Math.round(browser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom * 100);
var full = Math.round(browser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom * 100);
- var [ text_default, full_default ] = NoSquint.getZoomDefaults();
+ var [text_default, full_default] = NoSquint.getZoomDefaults();
var e = document.getElementById('nosquint-status')
- if (NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary)
- e.label = full + "%" + (text == text_default ? "" : (" / " + text + "%"));
+ if (browser._noSquintSite) {
+ if (NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary)
+ e.label = full + "%" + (text == 100 ? "" : (" / " + text + "%"));
+ else
+ e.label = text + "%" + (full == 100 ? "" : (" / " + full + "%"));
+ document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip-site").value = browser._noSquintSite.replace(/%20/g, ' ');
+ document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip-full").value = full + "%";
+ document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip-text").value = text + "%";
+ var style = NoSquint.getStyleForBrowser(browser);
+ var label = document.getElementById('nosquint-status-tooltip-textcolor');
+ label.style.color = style.text == '0' ? 'inherit' : style.text;
+ label.style.backgroundColor = style.bg == '0' ? 'inherit' : style.bg;
+ label.value = style.text == '0' && style.bg == '0' ? 'Site Controlled' : 'Sample';
+ var vis = document.getElementById('nosquint-status-tooltip-vis-link');
+ var unvis = document.getElementById('nosquint-status-tooltip-unvis-link');
+ unvis.value = vis.value = "";
+ vis.style.color = vis.style.textDecoration = "inherit";
+ unvis.style.color = unvis.style.textDecoration = "inherit";
+ if (style.unvisited == '0' && style.visited == '0')
+ unvis.value = "Site Controlled";
+ else {
+ if (style.unvisited != '0') {
+ unvis.value = "Unvisited";
+ unvis.style.color = style.unvisited;
+ unvis.style.textDecoration = style.underline ? 'underline' : 'inherit';
+ }
+ if (style.visited != '0') {
+ vis.value = "Unvisited";
+ vis.style.color = style.visited;
+ vis.style.textDecoration = style.derline ? 'underline' : 'inherit';
+ }
+ }
+ document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip").style.display = '';
+ e.style.fontStyle = e.style.color = 'inherit';
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip").style.display = 'none';
+ e.label = 'N/A';
+ /* LAME: The documentation for statusbarpanel says there is a
+ * disabled attribute. The DOM Inspector says otherwise. So we
+ * must simulate the disabled look.
+ */
+ e.style.color = '#777';
+ e.style.fontStyle = 'italic';
+ }
+ },
+ /* Gets the style parameters for the given site name.
+ */
+ getStyleForSite: function(site) {
+ if (site && NoSquint.sites[site]) {
+ var s = NoSquint.sites[site];
+ return {
+ text: s[4],
+ bg: s[5],
+ bgimages: s[6],
+ unvisited: s[7],
+ visited: s[8],
+ underline: s[9]
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ getStyleForBrowser: function(browser) {
+ if (!browser._noSquintSite)
+ browser._noSquintSite = NoSquint.getSiteFromBrowser(browser);
+ if (NoSquint.rememberSites)
+ var style = NoSquint.getStyleForSite(browser._noSquintSite);
- e.label = text + "%" + (full == full_default ? "" : (" / " + full + "%"));
+ var style = {text: '0', bg: '0', bgimages: false, unvisited: '0', visited: '0', underline: false};
+ return NoSquint.applyStyleDefaults(style);
+ },
- var site = browser._noSquintSite ? browser._noSquintSite : "(none)";
- document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip-site").value = site;
- document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip-full").value = full + "%";
- document.getElementById("nosquint-status-tooltip-text").value = text + "%";
+ applyStyleDefaults: function(style) {
+ return {
+ text: (style && style.text != '0') ? style.text : NoSquint.colorText,
+ bg: (style && style.bg != '0') ? style.bg : NoSquint.colorBackground,
+ bgimages: (style && style.bgimages) ? style.bgimages : NoSquint.colorBackgroundImages,
+ unvisited: (style && style.unvisited != '0') ? style.unvisited : NoSquint.linksUnvisited,
+ visited: (style && style.visited != '0') ? style.visited : NoSquint.linksVisited,
+ underline: (style && style.underline) ? style.underline : NoSquint.linksUnderline
+ };
/* Gets the levels for the given site name. (Note, this is the site name
* as gotten from getSiteFromURI(), not the URI itself.) Returns a
* 2-tuple [text_size, full_size], or [null, null] if the site is not
@@ -580,29 +712,31 @@ var NoSquint = {
return [null, null];
/* Returns a 2-tuple [text_default, full_default] representing the default
* zoom levels.
getZoomDefaults: function() {
- return [ NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary ? 100 : NoSquint.defaultZoomLevel,
- NoSquint.fullZoomPrimary ? NoSquint.defaultZoomLevel : 100 ];
+ return [NoSquint.defaultTextZoomLevel, NoSquint.defaultFullZoomLevel];
- /* Returns a 2-tuple [text_default, full_default] zoom levels for the
- * current browser.
+ /* Returns a 2-tuple [text, full] zoom levels for the given
+ * browser.
getLevelForBrowser: function(browser) {
if (!browser._noSquintSite)
- browser._noSquintSite = NoSquint.getSiteFromURI(browser.currentURI);
+ browser._noSquintSite = NoSquint.getSiteFromBrowser(browser);
- var [ text_default, full_default ] = NoSquint.getZoomDefaults();
+ var [text_default, full_default] = NoSquint.getZoomDefaults();
if (NoSquint.rememberSites) {
var site = browser._noSquintSite;
- var [ text, full ] = NoSquint.getLevelForSite(site);
- return [ text || text_default, full || full_default ];
+ var [text, full] = NoSquint.getLevelForSite(site);
+ return [text || text_default, full || full_default];
- return [ text_default, full_default ];
+ // In global zoom mode, so return the global default levels.
+ return [text_default, full_default];
@@ -615,11 +749,14 @@ var NoSquint = {
if (text == null || full == null) {
- var [ site_text, site_full ] = NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
+ var [site_text, site_full] = NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
if (text == null)
text = text || site_text;
if (full == null)
full = full || site_full;
+ // Only zoom web content, not chrome or plugins (e.g. PDF)
+ if (!browser._noSquintSite)
+ [text, full] = [100, 100];
debug("set zoom: text=" + text + ", full=" + full);
@@ -637,12 +774,14 @@ var NoSquint = {
* for the current URIs of each browser. If 'attach' is true, then
* ProgressListeners are attached to each browser as well. This is
* useful on initialization, where we can hook into any tabs that may
- * have been open prior to initialization.
+ * have been opened prior to initialization.
- zoomAll: function(attach) {
+ zoomAll: function(attach, site) {
debug("zooming all tabs; attach listeners = " + attach);
for (var i = 0; i < gBrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
var browser = gBrowser.browsers[i];
+ if (site && site != browser._noSquintSite)
+ continue;
if (browser._noSquintSite)
delete browser._noSquintSite;
NoSquint.zoom(browser, null, null);
@@ -658,28 +797,153 @@ var NoSquint = {
* multiple times, such as in the case of multiple preferences being
* updated at once.
- queueZoomAll: function() {
- if (!NoSquint.zoomAllTimer)
- NoSquint.zoomAllTimer = setTimeout(function() { NoSquint.zoomAll(false); }, 1);
+ queueZoomAll: function(site, delay) {
+ if (!delay)
+ delay = 1;
+ if (NoSquint.zoomAllTimer)
+ clearTimeout(NoSquint.zoomAllTimer);
+ NoSquint.zoomAllTimer = setTimeout(function() { NoSquint.zoomAll(false, site); }, delay);
+ queueStyleAll: function(site, delay) {
+ if (!delay)
+ delay = 1;
+ if (NoSquint.styleAllTimer)
+ clearTimeout(NoSquint.styleAllTimer);
+ NoSquint.styleAllTimer = setTimeout(function() { NoSquint.styleAll(site); }, delay);
+ },
+ styleAll: function(site) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < gBrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
+ var browser = gBrowser.browsers[i];
+ if (site && site != browser._noSquintSite || is_chrome(browser))
+ continue;
+ debug("STYLING: " + browser._noSquintSite);
+ NoSquint.style(browser);
+ }
+ },
+ handleResize: function(event) {
+ if (event.eventPhase != 2)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < gBrowser.browsers.length; i++) {
+ var browser = gBrowser.browsers[i];
+ if (browser._noSquintFit != undefined)
+ NoSquint.adjustImage(null, browser, -1);
+ }
+ },
+ adjustImage: function(event, browser, fit) {
+ if (event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ var doc = browser.docShell.document;
+ var img = doc.body.firstChild;
+ var styleobj = browser._noSquintStyles[0];
+ fit = fit == undefined ? !browser._noSquintFit : browser._noSquintFit;
+ // is any dimension of the image bigger than the window?
+ var is_bigger = img.naturalWidth >= doc.body.clientWidth || img.naturalHeight >= doc.body.clientHeight;
+ // is the aspect of the image larger than the window (i.e. is it wider)?
+ var is_wider = img.naturalWidth/img.naturalHeight > doc.body.clientWidth/doc.body.clientHeight;
+ var cursor = (!fit && !is_bigger) || (fit && is_bigger) ? "-moz-zoom-in" : "-moz-zoom-out";
+ var css = "* { cursor: " + cursor + " !important; }";
+ css += "img { cursor: " + cursor + " !important;";
+ css += "width: " + (fit && is_wider? "100%" : "auto") + " !important;";
+ css += "height: " + (fit && !is_wider ? "100%" : "auto") + " !important;}";
+ debug("Fitting: " + fit + ", css: " + css);
+ var title = doc.title.replace(/ *- Scaled \(\d+%\)$/, '');
+ if (fit) {
+ var ratio = is_wider ? doc.body.clientWidth / img.naturalWidth :
+ doc.body.clientHeight / img.naturalHeight;
+ debug("Scale: wider=" + is_wider + ", img=" + img.naturalWidth + "x" + img.naturalHeight+ ", window=" + doc.body.clientWidth + "x" + doc.body.clientHeight);
+ title += ' - Scaled (' + parseInt(ratio * 100) + '%)';
+ debug(title);
+ }
+ doc.title = title;
+ styleobj.textContent = css;
+ browser._noSquintFit = fit;
+ },
+ style: function(browser, style) {
+ var doc = browser.docShell.document;
+ var css = '';
+ if (!doc.documentElement)
+ // Nothing to style; chrome?
+ return;
+ if (browser._noSquintStyles.length == 0) {
+ // Create new style element for this document.
+ var styleobj = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "style");
+ browser._noSquintStyles.push(styleobj);
+ doc.documentElement.appendChild(styleobj);
+ }
+ if (is_image(browser)) {
+ if (doc.body.firstChild) {
+ browser._noSquintFit = false;
+ NoSquint.adjustImage(null, browser, NoSquint.zoomImages ? undefined : -1);
+ doc.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
+ if (event.button == 0)
+ return NoSquint.adjustImage(event, browser);
+ }, true);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!style)
+ // No style specified, find for this browser.
+ style = NoSquint.getStyleForBrowser(browser);
+ if (style.text != '0' || style.bg != '0' || style.bgimages ||
+ style.unvisited != '0' || style.visited != '0' || style.underline) {
+ css = 'body,p,div,span,blockquote,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,table,tr,th,td,iframe,a {';
+ if (style.text != '0')
+ css += 'color: ' + style.text + ' !important;';
+ if (style.bg != '0')
+ css += 'background-color: ' + style.bg + ' !important;';
+ if (style.bgimages)
+ css += 'background-image: none !important;';
+ css += '}\n';
+ if (style.unvisited != '0')
+ css += 'a:link { color: ' + style.unvisited + ' !important; }\n';
+ if (style.visited != '0')
+ css += 'a:visited { color: ' + style.visited + ' !important; }\n';
+ if (style.underline)
+ css += 'a { text-decoration: underline !important; }\n';
+ }
+ debug("Applying style [" + doc.documentElement + "]:" + css);
+ // Iterate over all style elements for this document (one element for each
+ // frame/iframe);
+ for each (var style in browser._noSquintStyles)
+ style.textContent = css;
+ },
/* Callback from custom ProgressListener when the given browser's URI
* has changed.
locationChanged: function(browser, uri) {
- var site = NoSquint.getSiteFromURI(uri);
+ var site = NoSquint.getSiteFromBrowser(browser);
+ debug("locationChanged: from " + browser._noSquintSite + " to " + site + ", uri=" + uri.spec);
if (site != browser._noSquintSite)
// Site accessed; update timestamp on new site.
- NoSquint.updateSiteList(site, null, true);
+ NoSquint.updateSiteList(site, null, null, true);
+ else if (!NoSquint.rememberSites)
+ // We're in global mode and still on the same site, so do not
+ // rezoom, allowing us to maintain any temporary user levels.
+ return;
browser._noSquintSite = site;
- var [ text, full ] = NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
- NoSquint.zoom(browser, text, full);
+ NoSquint.zoom(browser);
if (NoSquint.siteDialog && NoSquint.siteDialog.browser == browser)
NoSquint.siteDialog.setValues(browser, site);
/* Called periodically (on startup, and once a day after that) in order to
* remove remembered values for sites we haven't visited in forgetMonths.
@@ -697,8 +961,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
var prune = (age > NoSquint.forgetMonths*30*24*60*60*1000);
if (prune)
- debug("prune check: " + site + ", age=" + Math.round(age/1000/60/60/24) +
- " days, prune=" + prune);
+ debug("prune check: " + site + ", age=" + Math.round(age/1000/60/60/24) + " days, prune=" + prune);
if (remove.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < remove.length; i++)
@@ -720,8 +983,12 @@ var NoSquint = {
var browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
+ if (!browser._noSquintSite)
+ // Nothing to save. Chrome maybe.
+ return;
var text = Math.round(browser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom * 100);
var full = Math.round(browser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom * 100);
+ debug("saveCurrentZoom: " + browser._noSquintSite);
NoSquint.updateSiteList(browser, [text, full]);
@@ -732,48 +999,60 @@ var NoSquint = {
* Once updated, the site list is then queued for save in the prefs.
- updateSiteList: function(site_or_browser, levels, update_timestamp) {
+ updateSiteList: function(site_or_browser, levels, style, update_timestamp) {
+ if (!NoSquint.rememberSites)
+ return;
var site = site_or_browser;
- if (typeof(site_or_browser) != "string")
+ if (site_or_browser && typeof(site_or_browser) != "string")
site = site_or_browser._noSquintSite;
if (!site)
return false;
if (update_timestamp) {
- if (!levels && !NoSquint.sites[site])
- // No need to update the timestamp for a site we're not remembering.
- return false;
- NoSquint.sites[site][1] = new Date().getTime();
- NoSquint.sites[site][2] += 1;
- NoSquint.saveSiteList();
- }
- if (levels) {
- var [ text_default, full_default ] = NoSquint.getZoomDefaults();
- var [ text, full ] = levels;
- // Default zoom levels are stored as 0.
- [ text, full ] = [ text == text_default ? 0 : text, full == full_default ? 0 : full ];
- if (!text && !full) {
- if (!NoSquint.sites[site])
- // No settings for this site, nothing to do.
- return;
- // Setting site to default zoom level, remove it from list.
- delete NoSquint.sites[site];
- } else {
- if (!NoSquint.sites[site])
- // New site record
- NoSquint.sites[site] = [text, new Date().getTime(), 1, full];
- else {
- NoSquint.sites[site][0] = text;
- NoSquint.sites[site][3] = full;
- }
- // TODO: go through current tabs and resize tabs for this site
- }
+ // When updating timestamp, levels == style == null.
+ if (NoSquint.sites[site]) {
+ NoSquint.sites[site][1] = new Date().getTime();
+ NoSquint.sites[site][2] += 1;
+ // XXX: do we bother saving site list here? The overhead
+ // probably isn't worth it just for a timestamp update.
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
- // Queue site list save.
- NoSquint.saveSiteList();
+ if (!NoSquint.sites[site])
+ // new site record
+ NoSquint.sites[site] = [0, new Date().getTime(), 1, 0, '0', '0', false, '0', '0', false];
+ var record = NoSquint.sites[site];
+ if (levels) {
+ // Update record with specified levels.
+ var [text_default, full_default] = NoSquint.getZoomDefaults();
+ var [text, full] = levels;
+ // Default zooms are stored as 0.
+ record[0] = text == text_default ? 0 : text;
+ record[3] = full == full_default ? 0 : full;
+ NoSquint.queueZoomAll(site, 1000);
- return true;
+ if (style) {
+ record[4] = style.text;
+ record[5] = style.bg;
+ record[6] = style.bgimages;
+ record[7] = style.unvisited;
+ record[8] = style.visited;
+ record[9] = style.underline;
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll(site, 1000);
+ }
+ // Check newly updated record against defaults. If all values are default, we
+ // remove the record.
+ if ([record[0]].concat(record.slice(3)).toString() == [0, 0, '0', '0', false, '0', '0', false].toString())
+ // All defaults.
+ delete NoSquint.sites[site];
+ debug("UPDATE SITE LIST: " + site + ": " + record);
+ // Queue site list save.
+ NoSquint.saveSiteList();
/* Queues a save of the site list in the prefs service.
@@ -796,46 +1075,44 @@ var NoSquint = {
/* Actually store the sites list. */
- _realSaveSiteList: function() {
+ _realSaveSiteList: function(force) {
+ if (NoSquint.observer.inPrivateBrowsing && !force)
+ // Private Browsing mode is enabled; do not save site list.
+ return;
/* XXX: this can take up to 20ms (!!!) even with a smallish sites list
- * (about 50). If it scales linearly, this could be a problem. Need
- * to do some more serious benchmarking here. Looks like setCharPref
- * can trigger pref observer handlers synchronously, so time elapsed
- * includes the time the handlers take too.
+ * (about 50). If it scales linearly or worse, this could be a
+ * problem. Need to do some more serious benchmarking here. Looks
+ * like setCharPref can trigger pref observer handlers synchronously,
+ * so time elapsed includes the time the handlers take too.
var t0 = new Date().getTime();
var sites = [];
for (var site in NoSquint.sites) {
if (!NoSquint.sites[site])
- continue
- var [text, timestamp, counter, full] = NoSquint.sites[site];
- sites.push(site + "=" + text + "," + timestamp + "," + counter + "," + full);
+ continue;
+ sites.push(site + "=" + NoSquint.sites[site].join(','));
- var siteList = sites.join(" ");
- /* It's a precondition that the site list has changed, so when we set
- * the pref it will fire a notification that we'll handle in
- * prefsChanged() which is not necessary here. So set a flag that causes
- * the next prefs notification for sites change to be ignored.
- *
- * TODO: this might not actually be relevant anymore, since the global
- * prefs dialog no longer modifies the sites list. Think on this, and
- * if it's Think on this, and if that's the case, remove this obsolete
- * comments and NoSquint.ignoreNextSitesChange.
- *
+ /* We're modifying the sites pref here. Setting ignoreNextSitesChange=true
+ * causes the observer (in our current state) to not bother reparsing the
+ * sites pref because we know it's current. In other words, we needn't
+ * respond to our own changes.
NoSquint.ignoreNextSitesChange = true;
- NoSquint.prefs.setCharPref("sites", siteList);
+ NoSquint.prefs.setCharPref("sites", sites.join(" "));
debug("sites save took: " + (new Date().getTime() - t0) + "ms");
NoSquint.saveTimer = null;
NoSquint.sitesDirty = false;
+ debug("Full site list: " + sites);
/* Attach observers on extensions.nosquint and mousewheel.withcontrolkey
* branches, and simulate a change to each of our prefs so that we can
* load them.
- initPrefs: function() {
+ initPrefs: function(populate) {
if (NoSquint.prefs)
// Prefs already initialized.
@@ -843,7 +1120,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
var prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(
NoSquint.prefs = prefs.getBranch("extensions.nosquint.");
- NoSquint.mousePrefs = prefs.getBranch("mousewheel.withcontrolkey.");
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs = prefs.getBranch("browser.zoom.");
// Backward compatibility: convert old prefs.
try {
@@ -860,19 +1137,61 @@ var NoSquint = {
} catch (err) {}
- var prefs = [
- "zoomIncrement", "wheelZoomEnabled", "zoomIncrement", "hideStatus", "zoomlevel", "action",
- "sitesSaveDelay", "rememberSites", "exceptions", "sites", "forgetMonths", "fullZoomPrimary"
- ];
- for (var i in prefs)
- // Simulate a change
- NoSquint.observe(null, "nsPref:changed", prefs[i]);
+ if (NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref('prefsVersion') < '2.0') {
+ try {
+ // In 2.0, zoomlevel was split into fullZoomLevel and textZoomLevel
+ var zoomlevel = NoSquint.prefs.getIntPref("zoomlevel");
+ NoSquint.prefs.clearUserPref("zoomlevel");
+ } catch (err) {
+ // this was the default zoomlevel for < 2.0.
+ var zoomlevel = 120;
+ }
+ /* Previous versions of NoSquint set mousewheel.withcontrolkey.action=0
+ * under the assumption that we won't see DOMMouseScroll events otherwise.
+ * This was true with Firefox < 3, but apparently no longer the case with
+ * 3 and later. So we restore the pref to its default value during this
+ * initial migration. (The user might not want it restored, but this is
+ * the best we can do given what we know, and the correct thing to do
+ * in the common case.)
+ */
+ var mousePrefs = prefs.getBranch("mousewheel.withcontrolkey.");
+ mousePrefs.setIntPref("action", 3);
+ var fullZoomPrimary = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("fullZoomPrimary");
+ if (fullZoomPrimary) {
+ NoSquint.prefs.setIntPref("fullZoomLevel", zoomlevel);
+ NoSquint.prefs.setIntPref("textZoomLevel", 100);
+ } else {
+ NoSquint.prefs.setIntPref("fullZoomLevel", 100);
+ NoSquint.prefs.setIntPref("textZoomLevel", zoomlevel);
+ }
+ NoSquint.prefs.setCharPref('prefsVersion', '2.0');
+ }
+ /* Disable browser.zoom.siteSpecific, which prevents Firefox from
+ * automatically applying zoom levels, as that is no NoSquint's job.
+ */
+ NoSquint.origSiteSpecific = NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.getBoolPref('siteSpecific');
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.setBoolPref("siteSpecific", false);
+ if (populate) {
+ var prefs = [
+ "fullZoomLevel", "textZoomLevel", "zoomIncrement", "wheelZoomEnabled", "hideStatus",
+ "action", "sitesSaveDelay", "rememberSites", "exceptions", "sites", "forgetMonths",
+ "fullZoomPrimary", "wheelZoomInvert", "zoomImages", "colorText", "colorBackground",
+ "colorBackgroundImages", "linksUnvisited", "linksVisited", "linksUnderline"
+ ];
+ for each (var pref in prefs)
+ // Simulate pref change for each pref to populate attributes
+ NoSquint.observe(null, "nsPref:changed", pref);
+ }
// Attach observers to both branches.
NoSquint.prefs.addObserver("", NoSquint, false);
- NoSquint.mousePrefs.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
- NoSquint.mousePrefs.addObserver("", NoSquint, false);
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.addObserver("", NoSquint, false);
/* Callback from prefs observer when a pref has changed in one of the
@@ -883,41 +1202,36 @@ var NoSquint = {
// Either not a pref change, or we are in the process of shutting down.
- // Used for mousewheel.withcontrolkey.action
- NoSquint.prefsRecursion++;
switch (data) {
- case "action":
- if (NoSquint.prefsRecursion > 1)
- // This update comes from us, ignore it.
+ case "siteSpecific":
+ if (NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.getBoolPref("siteSpecific") == false ||
+ window_get_global('disabled'))
+ // disabled, which is fine with us, so ignore.
- /* If mousewheel.withcontrolkey.action has changed (perhaps via another
- * extension or edited manually by the user) try to do something
- * sensible. If the action is set to 3 (default) then we enable the No
- * Squint wheel zoom hooks and then set the action to 0 (otherwise we
- * will never see events. If it is set to any other value, we disable
- * the hook for wheel zoom.
- */
- var action = NoSquint.mousePrefs.getIntPref("action");
- if (action == 3 || action == 5) {
- NoSquint.prefs.setBoolPref("wheelZoomEnabled", true);
- debug("setting wheelZoomEnabled=true, action=0 because action == " + action);
- NoSquint.mousePrefs.setIntPref("action", 0);
- } else if (action != 0) {
- debug("setting wheelZoomEnabled=false because action != 3 == " + action);
- NoSquint.prefs.setBoolPref("wheelZoomEnabled", false);
- }
+ // yes == 0, no or close == 1
+ if (popup('confirm', 'siteSpecificTitle', 'siteSpecificPrompt') == 1)
+ popup('alert', 'siteSpecificBrokenTitle', 'siteSpecificBrokenPrompt');
+ else
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.setBoolPref("siteSpecific", false);
- case "zoomlevel":
- NoSquint.defaultZoomLevel = NoSquint.prefs.getIntPref("zoomlevel");
+ case "fullZoomLevel":
+ NoSquint.defaultFullZoomLevel = NoSquint.prefs.getIntPref("fullZoomLevel");
+ NoSquint.queueZoomAll();
+ break;
+ case "textZoomLevel":
+ NoSquint.defaultTextZoomLevel = NoSquint.prefs.getIntPref("textZoomLevel");
case "wheelZoomEnabled":
NoSquint.wheelZoomEnabled = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("wheelZoomEnabled");
- if (NoSquint.wheelZoomEnabled)
- NoSquint.mousePrefs.setIntPref("action", 0);
+ break;
+ case "wheelZoomInvert":
+ NoSquint.wheelZoomInvert = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("wheelZoomInvert");
case "zoomIncrement":
@@ -935,6 +1249,10 @@ var NoSquint = {
+ case "zoomImages":
+ NoSquint.zoomImages = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("zoomImages");
+ break;
case "hideStatus":
NoSquint.hideStatus = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("hideStatus");
document.getElementById("nosquint-status").hidden = NoSquint.hideStatus;
@@ -944,6 +1262,7 @@ var NoSquint = {
case "rememberSites":
NoSquint.rememberSites = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("rememberSites");
+ // XXX: if false, should we clear sites?
@@ -959,53 +1278,121 @@ var NoSquint = {
case "sites":
- /* Parse site list from prefs. The prefs string a list of site
- * specs, delimited by a space, in the form
- * "sitename=text_level,timestamp,visits,full_level". Spaces
- * are not allowed in any value; sitename is a string, all
- * other values are integers. The parsing code tries to be
- * robust and handle malformed entries gracefully (in case the
- * user edits them manually and screws up).
- */
- // TODO: look at nsIContentPrefService
if (NoSquint.ignoreNextSitesChange) {
NoSquint.ignoreNextSitesChange = false;
- var sitesStr = NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref("sites");
- // Trim whitespace and split on space.
- var sites = sitesStr.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "").split(" ");
- var now = new Date().getTime();
- NoSquint.sites = {};
- for (var i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
- var parts = sites[i].split("=");
- if (parts.length != 2)
- continue; // malformed
- var [site, info] = parts;
- var parts = info.split(',');
- NoSquint.sites[site] = [parseInt(parts[0]) || 0, now, 1, 0];
- if (parts.length > 1)
- NoSquint.sites[site][1] = parseInt(parts[1]) || now;
- if (parts.length > 2)
- NoSquint.sites[site][2] = parseInt(parts[2]) || 1;
- if (parts.length > 3)
- NoSquint.sites[site][3] = parseInt(parts[3]) || 0;
- }
- if (NoSquint.sitesDirty) {
- /* FIXME: looks like the sites list pref was updated (possibly by
- * another browser window) before we got a chance to write out our
- * changes. We have lost them now; we should try to merge only
- * newer changes based on timestamp.
- */
- NoSquint.sitesDirty = false;
- }
+ NoSquint.parseSitesPref();
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ case "colorText":
+ NoSquint.colorText = NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref("colorText");
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ break;
+ case "colorBackground":
+ NoSquint.colorBackground = NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref("colorBackground");
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ break;
+ case "colorBackgroundImages":
+ NoSquint.colorBackgroundImages = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("colorBackgroundImages");
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ break;
+ case "linksUnvisited":
+ NoSquint.linksUnvisited = NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref("linksUnvisited");
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ break;
+ case "linksVisited":
+ NoSquint.linksVisited = NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref("linksVisited");
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ break;
+ case "linksUnderline":
+ NoSquint.linksUnderline = NoSquint.prefs.getBoolPref("linksUnderline");
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ /* Parses extensions.nosquint.sites pref into NoSquint.sites array.
+ */
+ parseSitesPref: function() {
+ /* Parse site list from prefs. The prefs string a list of site specs, delimited by a space, in the
+ * form:
+ *
+ * sitename=text_level,timestamp,visits,full_level
+ *
+ * Spaces are not allowed in any value; sitename is a string, all other values are integers. The
+ * parsing code tries to be robust and handle malformed entries gracefully (in case the user edits
+ * them manually and screws up). Consequently it is ugly.
+ */
+ var sitesStr = NoSquint.prefs.getCharPref("sites");
+ // Trim whitespace and split on space.
+ var sites = sitesStr.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g, "").split(" ");
+ var now = new Date().getTime();
+ NoSquint.sites = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < sites.length; i++) {
+ var parts = sites[i].split("=");
+ if (parts.length != 2)
+ continue; // malformed
+ var [site, info] = parts;
+ var parts = info.split(',');
+ NoSquint.sites[site] = [parseInt(parts[0]) || 0, now, 1, 0, '0', '0', false, '0', '0', false];
+ if (parts.length > 1) // last visited timestamp
+ NoSquint.sites[site][1] = parseInt(parts[1]) || now;
+ if (parts.length > 2) // visit count
+ NoSquint.sites[site][2] = parseInt(parts[2]) || 1;
+ if (parts.length > 3) // full page zoom level
+ NoSquint.sites[site][3] = parseInt(parts[3]) || 0;
+ if (parts.length > 4) // text color
+ NoSquint.sites[site][4] = parts[4] || '0';
+ if (parts.length > 5) // bg color
+ NoSquint.sites[site][5] = parts[5] || '0';
+ if (parts.length > 6) // disable bg images
+ NoSquint.sites[site][6] = parts[6] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ if (parts.length > 7) // unvisited link color
+ NoSquint.sites[site][7] = parts[7] || '0';
+ if (parts.length > 8) // visited link color
+ NoSquint.sites[site][8] = parts[8] || '0';
+ if (parts.length > 9) // force underline links
+ NoSquint.sites[site][9] = parts[9] == 'true' ? true : false;
+ }
+ if (NoSquint.sitesDirty) {
+ /* FIXME: looks like the sites list pref was updated (possibly by
+ * another browser window) before we got a chance to write out our
+ * changes. We have lost them now; we should try to merge only
+ * newer changes based on timestamp.
+ */
+ NoSquint.sitesDirty = false;
+ }
+ },
+ /* Removes all site settings for sites that were modified within the given
+ * range. range is a 2-tuple (start, stop) where each are timestamps in
+ * milliseconds. The newly sanitized site list is then immediately stored.
+ */
+ sanitize: function(range) {
+ if (range == undefined || !range) {
+ NoSquint.sites = {}
+ } else {
+ for (var site in NoSquint.sites) {
+ var timestamp = NoSquint.sites[site][1] * 1000;
+ if (timestamp >= range[0] && timestamp <= range[1])
+ delete NoSquint.sites[site];
- NoSquint.prefsRecursion--;
+ }
+ NoSquint._realSaveSiteList();
+ NoSquint.queueZoomAll();
+ NoSquint.queueStyleAll();
@@ -1032,14 +1419,36 @@ ProgressListener.prototype.onLocationChange = function(progress, request, uri) {
* zoom after that happens (to override it, in effect).
debug("Location change: " + uri.spec);
- this.update = true;
- NoSquint.abortPendingZoomManager();
+ //alert("Location change: " + uri.spec + ' -- doc uri:' + this.browser.docShell.document.URL);
+ this.style_applied = false;
+ this.zoom_override = false;
+ this.browser._noSquintStyles = [];
+ this.content_type = this.browser.docShell.document.contentType;
NoSquint.locationChanged(this.browser, this.browser.currentURI);
-ProgressListener.prototype.onStateChange = function(progress, request, state, status) {
+ProgressListener.prototype.onStateChange = function(progress, request, state, astatus) {
+ //debug("LISTENER: request=" + request + ", state=" + state + ", status=" + astatus);
+ //debug("STATE CHANGE: " + this.browser.docShell.document.contentType);
+ /* Check the current content type against the content type we initially got.
+ * This changes in the case when there's an error page (e.g. dns failure),
+ * which we treat as chrome and do not adjust.
+ */
+ var content_type = this.browser.docShell.document.contentType;
+ if (this.content_type != content_type) {
+ this.content_type = content_type;
+ if (is_chrome(this.browser)) {
+ this.browser._noSquintSite = null;
+ NoSquint.zoom(this.browser, 100, 100);
+ }
+ } else if (!this.style_applied && state & Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) {
+ if (!is_chrome(this.browser) || is_image(this.browser))
+ NoSquint.style(this.browser);
+ this.style_applied = true;
+ }
if (!progress.isLoadingDocument) {
- // Document load is fone; queue a save of the site list if it has been
+ // Document load is done; queue a save of the site list if it has been
// changed.
if (NoSquint.sitesDirty)
@@ -1057,3 +1466,101 @@ ProgressListener.prototype.onSecurityChange =
ProgressListener.prototype.onLinkIconAvailable = function() {
return 0;
+// Custom observer attached to nsIObserverService. Used to detect changes
+// to private browsing state, and addon disable/uninstall. Some code
+// borrowed from https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Supporting_private_browsing_mode
+function NoSquintObserver() {
+ this.init();
+NoSquintObserver.prototype = {
+ _os: null,
+ _inPrivateBrowsing: false, // whether we are in private browsing mode
+ watcher: {}, // the watcher object
+ _hooked: false,
+ init: function () {
+ this._inited = true;
+ this._os = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
+ this._hook();
+ },
+ _hook: function() {
+ this._os.addObserver(this, "private-browsing-granted", false);
+ this._os.addObserver(this, "quit-application", false);
+ this._os.addObserver(this, "em-action-requested", false);
+ try {
+ var pbs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/privatebrowsing;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrivateBrowsingService);
+ this._inPrivateBrowsing = pbs.privateBrowsingEnabled;
+ } catch(ex) {
+ // ignore exceptions in older versions of Firefox
+ }
+ this._hooked = true;
+ },
+ _unhook: function() {
+ this._os.removeObserver(this, "quit-application-granted");
+ this._os.removeObserver(this, "private-browsing");
+ this._hooked = false;
+ },
+ observe: function (subject, topic, data) {
+ debug("OBSERVER: sub=" + subject + ", topic=" + topic + ", data=" + data);
+ switch (topic) {
+ case "private-browsing":
+ switch (data) {
+ case "enter":
+ this._inPrivateBrowsing = true;
+ if ("onEnterPrivateBrowsing" in this.watcher)
+ this.watcher.onEnterPrivateBrowsing();
+ break;
+ case "exit":
+ this._inPrivateBrowsing = false;
+ if ("onExitPrivateBrowsing" in this.watcher)
+ this.watcher.onExitPrivateBrowsing();
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "quit-application-granted":
+ this._unhook();
+ break;
+ case "em-action-requested":
+ switch (data) {
+ case "item-disabled":
+ case "item-uninstalled":
+ var item = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem);
+ if (item.id != 'nosquint at urandom.ca' || window_get_global('disabled'))
+ break;
+ window_set_global('disabled', true);
+ if (popup('confirm', 'disableTitle', 'disablePrompt') == 1) {
+ // Clicked no
+ } else {
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.setBoolPref("siteSpecific", true);
+ }
+ debug("Disabling item: " + item.id);
+ break;
+ case "item-cancel-action":
+ var item = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem);
+ if (item.id != 'nosquint at urandom.ca' || window_get_global('disabled') != true)
+ break;
+ NoSquint.browserZoomPrefs.setBoolPref("siteSpecific", false);
+ debug("Enabling item: " + item.id);
+ window_set_global('disabled', false);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ get inPrivateBrowsing() {
+ return this._inPrivateBrowsing;
+ },
diff --git a/src/content/overlay.xul b/src/content/overlay.xul
index ad034e5..638f4be 100644
--- a/src/content/overlay.xul
+++ b/src/content/overlay.xul
@@ -4,13 +4,9 @@
<overlay id="nosquint-overlay" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
+ <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/utils.js" />
+ <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/nosquint.js" />
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/init.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/lib.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/interfaces.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/prefs.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/browser.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/cmd.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/zoommanager.js" />
<stringbundleset id="stringbundleset">
<stringbundle id="nosquint-overlay-bundle" src="chrome://nosquint/locale/overlay.properties" />
@@ -19,13 +15,13 @@
<toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette">
<toolbarbutton id="nosquint-button-reduce" class="toolbarbutton-1"
label="Zoom Out" tooltiptext="Zoom out"
- oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.buttonReduce(event);" />
+ oncommand="NoSquint.buttonReduce(event);" />
<toolbarbutton id="nosquint-button-enlarge" class="toolbarbutton-1"
label="Zoom In" tooltiptext="Zoom in"
- oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.buttonEnlarge(event);" />
+ oncommand="NoSquint.buttonEnlarge(event);" />
<toolbarbutton id="nosquint-button-reset" class="toolbarbutton-1"
label="Reset Zoom" tooltiptext="Reset Zoom"
- oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.buttonReset(event);" />
+ oncommand="NoSquint.buttonReset(event);" />
<keyset id="mainKeyset">
@@ -36,21 +32,21 @@
<commandset id="mainCommandSet">
- <command id="cmd_noSquintPrefs" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.openGlobalSettings()" />
- <command id="cmd_fullZoomEnlarge" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.enlargePrimary()" />
- <command id="cmd_fullZoomReduce" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.reducePrimary()" />
- <command id="cmd_fullZoomReset" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.reset()" />
- <command id="cmd_noSquintEnlargeSecondary" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.enlargeSecondary()" />
- <command id="cmd_noSquintReduceSecondary" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.reduceSecondary()" />
+ <command id="cmd_noSquintPrefs" oncommand="NoSquint.openGlobalPrefsDialog()" />
+ <command id="cmd_fullZoomEnlarge" oncommand="NoSquint.cmdEnlargePrimary()" />
+ <command id="cmd_fullZoomReduce" oncommand="NoSquint.cmdReducePrimary()" />
+ <command id="cmd_fullZoomReset" oncommand="NoSquint.cmdReset()" />
+ <command id="cmd_noSquintEnlargeSecondary" oncommand="NoSquint.cmdEnlargeSecondary()" />
+ <command id="cmd_noSquintReduceSecondary" oncommand="NoSquint.cmdReduceSecondary()" />
<popup id="contentAreaContextMenu">
<menuitem id="nosquint-menu-settings" label="&ns.menu.context.label;"
- accesskey="&ns.menu.context.accesskey;" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.openSiteSettings();"/>
+ accesskey="&ns.menu.context.accesskey;" oncommand="NoSquint.openSitePrefsDialog();"/>
<statusbar id="status-bar">
- <tooltip id="nosquint-status-tooltip" orient="vertical" onpopupshowing="NoSquint.browser.updateStatusTooltip()">
+ <tooltip id="nosquint-status-tooltip" orient="vertical">
<column />
@@ -107,7 +103,7 @@
- <menupopup id="nosquint-status-popup" oncommand="NoSquint.cmd.popupItemSelect(event)">
+ <menupopup id="nosquint-status-popup" oncommand="NoSquint.popupItemSelect(event)">
<menuitem id="nosquint-popup-site" label="Site" disabled="true" style="font-style: italic" />
<menu label="&ns.menu.fullZoom.label;">
<menupopup id="nosquint-status-popup-full">
@@ -131,15 +127,15 @@
<menuitem type="radio" name="text" label="150%" />
- <menuitem id="nosquint-status-reset" label="&ns.menu.reset.label;" onclick="NoSquint.cmd.reset()" />
- <menuitem label="&ns.menu.siteSettings.label;" onclick="NoSquint.cmd.openSiteSettings()" />
+ <menuitem id="nosquint-status-reset" label="&ns.menu.reset.label;" onclick="NoSquint.cmdReset()" />
+ <menuitem label="&ns.menu.siteSettings.label;" onclick="NoSquint.openSitePrefsDialog()" />
<menuseparator />
- <menuitem label="&ns.menu.globalSettings.label;" onclick="NoSquint.cmd.openGlobalSettings()" />
+ <menuitem label="&ns.menu.globalSettings.label;" onclick="NoSquint.openGlobalPrefsDialog()" />
<statusbarpanel class="statusbarpanel-iconic-text" id="nosquint-status" label="100%"
- onclick="NoSquint.cmd.statusPanelClick(event)"
- src="chrome://nosquint/skin/icon-statusbar-16.png"
+ onclick="NoSquint.statusPanelClick(event)"
+ src="chrome://nosquint/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png"
tooltip="nosquint-status-tooltip" />
diff --git a/src/content/overlay_sanitize.xul b/src/content/overlay_sanitize.xul
index 9615a56..4796764 100644
--- a/src/content/overlay_sanitize.xul
+++ b/src/content/overlay_sanitize.xul
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://nosquint/locale/overlay.dtd">
<overlay id="nosquint-sanitize" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul">
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/init.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/lib.js" />
- <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/prefs.js" />
+ <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/utils.js" />
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/sanitize.js" />
+ <script type="application/x-javascript">
+ attach("&ns.sanitize.label;");
+ </script>
diff --git a/src/content/prefs.css b/src/content/prefs.css
index bb10dbf..f77c384 100644
--- a/src/content/prefs.css
+++ b/src/content/prefs.css
@@ -9,3 +9,27 @@ label.percent {
.indent {
margin-left: 2.5em;
+button[dlgtype="extra1"] {
+ list-style-image: url("chrome://nosquint/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png");
+#global-warning-box {
+ border: 1px solid #e0cd64;
+ background-color: #fffac4;
+ padding: 3px 15px 3px 15px;
+ margin: 0.5em 2em;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ -moz-border-radius: 20px;
+#global-warning-box div {
+ padding-left: 0.7em;
+ width: 400px;
+ font-weight: normal;
+#global-warning-box image {
diff --git a/src/content/sanitize.js b/src/content/sanitize.js
index cb375c5..88173d3 100644
--- a/src/content/sanitize.js
+++ b/src/content/sanitize.js
@@ -1,81 +1,67 @@
// chrome://browser/content/sanitize.xul
-// chrome://browser/content/preferences/sanitize.xul
-NoSquint.sanitizer = NoSquint.ns(function() { with (NoSquint) {
- this.init = function() {
- // Adds nosquint option to sanitizer UI
- this.attachOption(NSQ.strings.sanitizeLabel)
- if (typeof Sanitizer != 'undefined')
- // Installs NoSquint hooks into the sanitizer
- this.hookSanitizer();
+function hookSanitizer() {
+ window.removeEventListener('load', hookSanitizer, true);
+ Sanitizer.prototype.items['extensions-nosquint'] = {
+ clear: function() {
+ /* Find all NoSquint instances and force a site list save if dirty.
+ */
+ var last = null;
+ foreach_window(function(win) {
+ if (win._noSquint) {
+ if (win._noSquint.sitesDirty)
+ win._noSquint._realSaveSiteList();
+ last = win._noSquint;
+ }
+ });
+ if (last)
+ last.sanitize(this.range);
+ },
+ get canClear() {
+ return true;
+ }
- this.attachOption = function(label) {
- var inSanitizeDialog = typeof(gSanitizePromptDialog) == 'object';
- // TODO: put this into a convenience function in lib.js
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+function attach(label) {
+ window.addEventListener('load', hookSanitizer, true);
+ var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
- // pref domain is privacy.cpd. for Firefox 3.1+, and privacy.item. for 3.0
- // and earlier.
- var domain = 'privacy.cpd.';
- if ($('privacy.item.cache'))
- domain = 'privacy.item.';
- var prefs = document.getElementsByTagName('preferences')[0];
- var pref = document.createElement('preference');
- pref.setAttribute('id', domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
- pref.setAttribute('name', domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
- pref.setAttribute('type', 'bool');
- var value = prefService.getBoolPref(domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
- pref.setAttribute('value', value);
- prefService.setBoolPref(domain + 'extensions-nosquint', value);
- prefs.appendChild(pref);
+ // pref domain is privacy.cpd. for Firefox 3.1+, and privacy.item. for 3.0
+ // and earlier.
+ var domain = 'privacy.cpd.';
+ if (document.getElementById('privacy.item.cache'))
+ domain = 'privacy.item.';
+ var prefs = document.getElementsByTagName('preferences')[0];
+ var pref = document.createElement('preference');
+ pref.setAttribute('id', domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
+ pref.setAttribute('name', domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
+ pref.setAttribute('type', 'bool');
+ var value = prefService.getBoolPref('privacy.item.extensions-nosquint');
+ pref.setAttribute('value', value);
+ prefService.setBoolPref('privacy.cpd.extensions-nosquint', value);
+ prefs.appendChild(pref);
- if ($('itemList')) {
- // In Clear Recent History dialog in Firefox 3.0
- var check = $('itemList').appendItem(label);
- check.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
- } else {
- // Firefox 3.0, or Firefox 3.5 in Settings, where the user sets which to enable/disable.
- var check = document.createElement('checkbox');
- check.setAttribute('label', label);
- var rows = document.getElementsByTagName('rows');
- if (rows.length) {
- // Firefox 3.5
- // Add new row to to rows. TODO: append to last row if only has one column
- var row = document.createElement('row');
- row.appendChild(check);
- rows[0].appendChild(row);
- } else
- // Firefox 3.0
- document.getElementsByTagName('checkbox')[0].parentNode.appendChild(check);
- }
- check.setAttribute('preference', domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
- check.setAttribute('checked', value);
- if (inSanitizeDialog) {
- pref.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');
- check.setAttribute('onsyncfrompreference', 'return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();');
- if (prefService.getCharPref('extensions.nosquint.sites') == '') {
- /* FIXME: a minor race condition: if user made first zoom change
- * and immediately opened sanitizer (before 5s timeout to store sites)
- * we will disable the checkbox when we shouldn't.
- */
- check.setAttribute('disabled', true);
- check.setAttribute('checked', false);
- }
- }
- };
- this.hookSanitizer = function() {
- Sanitizer.prototype.items['extensions-nosquint'] = {
- clear: function() {
- NSQ.prefs.sanitize(this.range);
- },
- get canClear() {
- return true;
- }
- };
- };
+ if (document.getElementById('itemList')) {
+ // Firefox 3.5
+ var check = document.getElementById('itemList').appendItem(label);
+ check.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox');
+ } else {
+ // Firefox 3.0
+ var check = document.createElement('checkbox');
+ check.setAttribute('label', label);
+ document.getElementsByTagName('checkbox')[0].parentNode.appendChild(check);
+ }
+ check.setAttribute('preference', domain + 'extensions-nosquint');
+ if (prefService.getCharPref('extensions.nosquint.sites') == '')
+ // FIXME: a minor race condition: if user made first zoom change
+ // and immediately opened sanitizer (before 5s timeout to store sites)
+ // we will disable the checkbox when we shouldn't.
+ check.setAttribute('disabled', true);
+ if (typeof(gSanitizePromptDialog) == 'object')
+ {
+ pref.setAttribute('readonly', 'true');
+ check.setAttribute('onsyncfrompreference', 'return gSanitizePromptDialog.onReadGeneric();');
+ }
diff --git a/src/content/siteprefs.js b/src/content/siteprefs.js
index 72928c9..c904ea8 100644
--- a/src/content/siteprefs.js
+++ b/src/content/siteprefs.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ var NoSquintSitePrefs = {
browser: null,
NoSquint: null,
bundle: null,
+ updateTimer: null,
init: function(doc, dialog) {
NoSquintSitePrefs.doc = doc;
@@ -14,12 +15,48 @@ var NoSquintSitePrefs = {
doc.getElementById('full-zoom-level').onchange = function() { NoSquintSitePrefs.valueChange('full', this); }
doc.getElementById('text-zoom-level').onchange = function() { NoSquintSitePrefs.valueChange('text', this); }
NoSquintSitePrefs.setValues(window.arguments[1], window.arguments[2]);
+ var update = function() { NoSquintSitePrefs.style(true, false); };
+ doc.getElementById('colorBackgroundImages').addEventListener("CheckboxStateChange", update, false);
+ doc.getElementById('linksUnderline').addEventListener("CheckboxStateChange", update, false);
+ for each (var id in ['colorText', 'colorBackground', 'linksUnvisited', 'linksVisited']) {
+ var cb = doc.getElementById(id);
+ cb.addEventListener("CheckboxStateChange", NoSquintSitePrefs.colorChecked, false);
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ picker.onchange = function() {
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.style(true, false);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ colorChecked: function(event, cb) {
+ cb = cb || this;
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ picker.disabled = !cb.checked;
+ picker.style.opacity = cb.checked ? 1.0 : 0.2;
+ if (event)
+ // Only style() if we've been triggered by user checking the checkbox,
+ // not a call from elsewhere in this file.
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.style(true, false);
setValues: function(browser, site) {
var doc = NoSquintSitePrefs.doc;
- var [text, full] = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
+ if (NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.rememberSites) {
+ var [text, full] = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
+ // We don't use getStyleForBrowser() because it also applies the default
+ // values.
+ var style = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.getStyleForSite(browser._noSquintSite);
+ doc.getElementById('global-warning-box').style.display = 'none';
+ } else {
+ var text = Math.round(browser.markupDocumentViewer.textZoom * 100);
+ var full = Math.round(browser.markupDocumentViewer.fullZoom * 100);
+ var style = {text: '0', bg: '0', bgimages: false, unvisited: '0', visited: '0', underline: false};
+ doc.getElementById('global-warning-box').style.display = '';
+ }
NoSquintSitePrefs.browser = browser;
NoSquintSitePrefs.site = site;
@@ -27,9 +64,24 @@ var NoSquintSitePrefs = {
doc.getElementById('text-zoom-slider').value = text;
doc.getElementById('full-zoom-slider').value = full;
- var caption = doc.getElementById('site').childNodes[0];
- caption.label = NoSquintSitePrefs.bundle.getString('settingsFor') + " " + site;
+ function setcolor(id, attr, def) {
+ var cb = doc.getElementById(id);
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ picker.color = (style && style[attr] != '0') ? style[attr] : def;
+ cb.checked = (style && style[attr] != '0') ? true : false;
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.colorChecked(null, cb);
+ }
+ setcolor('colorText', 'text', '#000000');
+ setcolor('colorBackground', 'bg', '#ffffff');
+ setcolor('linksUnvisited', 'unvisited', '#0000ee');
+ setcolor('linksVisited', 'visited', '#551a8b');
+ doc.getElementById('colorBackgroundImages').checked = style ? style.bgimages : false;
+ doc.getElementById('linksUnderline').checked = style ? style.underline : false;
+ var caption = doc.getElementById('site').childNodes[0];
+ //caption.label = NoSquintSitePrefs.bundle.getString('settingsFor') + " " + site;
+ caption.label = site;
+ window.sizeToContent();
sliderChange: function(which, slider) {
@@ -37,12 +89,63 @@ var NoSquintSitePrefs = {
slider.value = parseInt(slider.value / 5) * 5;
if (doc)
doc.getElementById(which + '-zoom-level').value = slider.value;
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.queueUpdateZoom();
return 5;
valueChange: function(which, textbox) {
var doc = NoSquintSitePrefs.doc;
doc.getElementById(which + '-zoom-slider').value = textbox.value;
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.queueUpdateZoom();
+ },
+ queueUpdateZoom: function() {
+ if (NoSquintSitePrefs.updateTimer)
+ return;
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.updateTimer = setTimeout(function() { NoSquintSitePrefs.updateZoom(); }, 400);
+ },
+ updateZoom: function() {
+ clearTimeout(NoSquintSitePrefs.updateTimer);
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.updateTimer = null;
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.zoom(true, false);
+ },
+ zoom: function(from_form, save) {
+ var doc = NoSquintSitePrefs.doc;
+ var browser = NoSquintSitePrefs.browser;
+ if (from_form) {
+ var text = doc.getElementById('text-zoom-level').value;
+ var full = doc.getElementById('full-zoom-level').value;
+ } else
+ var [text, full] = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.zoom(browser, text, full);
+ if (save)
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.saveCurrentZoom();
+ },
+ style: function(from_form, save) {
+ var style = null;
+ if (from_form) {
+ var doc = NoSquintSitePrefs.doc;
+ style = {};
+ for each (var [id, attr] in [['colorText', 'text'], ['colorBackground', 'bg'],
+ ['linksUnvisited', 'unvisited'], ['linksVisited', 'visited']]) {
+ var cb = doc.getElementById(id);
+ var picker = cb.parentNode.childNodes[1];
+ style[attr] = cb.checked ? picker.color : '0';
+ }
+ style.bgimages = doc.getElementById("colorBackgroundImages").checked;
+ style.underline = doc.getElementById("linksUnderline").checked;
+ }
+ if (save)
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.updateSiteList(NoSquintSitePrefs.site, null, style);
+ if (style)
+ style = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.applyStyleDefaults(style);
+ // FIXME: we've already updated site list from zoom, so we're doing it twice.
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.style(NoSquintSitePrefs.browser, style);
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.updateStatus();
buttonUseDefault: function(which) {
@@ -55,20 +158,17 @@ var NoSquintSitePrefs = {
close: function() {
- var doc = NoSquintSitePrefs.doc;
- var browser = NoSquintSitePrefs.browser;
- var [text_current, full_current] = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
- var text = doc.getElementById('text-zoom-level').value;
- var full = doc.getElementById('full-zoom-level').value;
- if (text != text_current || full != full_current) {
- NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.zoom(browser, text, full);
- NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.saveCurrentZoom();
- }
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.zoom(true, true);
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.style(true, true);
NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.siteDialog = null;
NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint = null;
cancel: function() {
+ //var [text_current, full_current] = NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.getLevelForBrowser(browser);
+ //NoSquintSitePrefs.zoom(text_current, full_current, false);
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.zoom(false, false);
+ NoSquintSitePrefs.style(false, false);
NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.siteDialog = null;
diff --git a/src/content/siteprefs.xul b/src/content/siteprefs.xul
index 3edbfef..93dfa37 100644
--- a/src/content/siteprefs.xul
+++ b/src/content/siteprefs.xul
@@ -1,19 +1,27 @@
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/global.css" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://nosquint/content/prefs.css" type="text/css"?>
-<!DOCTYPE window SYSTEM "chrome://nosquint/locale/siteprefs.dtd">
+<!DOCTYPE window [
+ <!ENTITY % siteDTD SYSTEM "chrome://nosquint/locale/siteprefs.dtd" >
+ %siteDTD;
+ <!ENTITY % globalDTD SYSTEM "chrome://nosquint/locale/globalprefs.dtd" >
+ %globalDTD;
<dialog xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
- buttons="accept,cancel"
+ buttons="extra1,accept,cancel"
+ ondialogextra1="NoSquintSitePrefs.NoSquint.openGlobalPrefsDialog()"
+ buttonlabelextra1="&ns.pref.button.global.label;"
+ buttonaccesskeyextra1="&ns.pref.button.global.accesskey;"
persist="screenX screenY"
onload="NoSquintSitePrefs.init(document, this)">
- <script src="siteprefs.js" />
+ <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://nosquint/content/siteprefs.js" />
<stringbundleset id="stringbundleset">
<stringbundle id="nosquint-prefs-bundle" src="chrome://nosquint/locale/siteprefs.properties" />
@@ -21,46 +29,91 @@
<groupbox id="site">
<caption />
- <grid id="siteZoom-box" flex="1">
- <columns>
- <column />
- <column />
- <column />
- <column flex="1" />
- <column />
- </columns>
- <rows>
- <row align="center">
- <hbox>
+ <vbox flex='1'>
+ <hbox id="global-warning-box" align="center">
+ <image class="alert-icon" />
+ <html:div>&ns.pref.globalWarning;</html:div>
+ </hbox>
+ <grid id="siteZoom-box" flex="1">
+ <columns>
+ <column />
+ <column />
+ <column />
+ <column flex="1" />
+ <column />
+ </columns>
+ <rows>
+ <row align="center">
+ <hbox>
+ <spacer flex="1" />
+ <label value="&ns.pref.fullZoom.label;:" />
+ </hbox>
+ <scale id="full-zoom-slider" min="40" increment="1" max="300" style="width:200px"
+ onchange="NoSquintSitePrefs.sliderChange('full', this)"/>
+ <hbox align="center">
+ <textbox id="full-zoom-level" size="2" type="number" min="40" max="300" increment="5" />
+ <label class="percent">%</label>
+ </hbox>
<spacer flex="1" />
- <label value="&ns.pref.fullZoom.label;:" />
- </hbox>
- <scale id="full-zoom-slider" min="40" increment="1" max="300" style="width:200px"
- onchange="NoSquintSitePrefs.sliderChange('full', this)"/>
- <hbox align="center">
- <textbox id="full-zoom-level" size="2" type="number" min="40" max="300" increment="5" />
- <label class="percent">%</label>
- </hbox>
- <spacer flex="1" />
- <button label="&ns.pref.button.useDefault.label;"
- id="siteZoom-button" oncommand="NoSquintSitePrefs.buttonUseDefault('full')" />
- </row>
- <row align="center">
- <hbox>
+ <button label="&ns.pref.button.useDefault.label;"
+ id="siteZoom-button" oncommand="NoSquintSitePrefs.buttonUseDefault('full')" />
+ </row>
+ <row align="center">
+ <hbox>
+ <spacer flex="1" />
+ <label value="&ns.pref.textZoom.label;:" />
+ </hbox>
+ <scale id="text-zoom-slider" min="40" increment="1" max="300"
+ onchange="NoSquintSitePrefs.sliderChange('text', this)"/>
+ <hbox align="center">
+ <textbox id="text-zoom-level" size="2" type="number" min="40" max="300" increment="5" />
+ <label class="percent">%</label>
+ </hbox>
<spacer flex="1" />
- <label value="&ns.pref.textZoom.label;:" />
- </hbox>
- <scale id="text-zoom-slider" min="40" increment="1" max="300"
- onchange="NoSquintSitePrefs.sliderChange('text', this)"/>
- <hbox align="center">
- <textbox id="text-zoom-level" size="2" type="number" min="40" max="300" increment="5" />
- <label class="percent">%</label>
- </hbox>
- <spacer flex="1" />
- <button label="&ns.pref.button.useDefault.label;"
- id="siteZoom-button" oncommand="NoSquintSitePrefs.buttonUseDefault('text')" />
- </row>
- </rows>
- </grid>
+ <button label="&ns.pref.button.useDefault.label;"
+ id="siteZoom-button" oncommand="NoSquintSitePrefs.buttonUseDefault('text')" />
+ </row>
+ </rows>
+ </grid>
+ <hbox flex='1' style='padding-top: 1em'>
+ <groupbox flex='1'>
+ <caption label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.caption;" />
+ <vbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="colorText" label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.text.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="colorBackground" label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.background.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <checkbox id="colorBackgroundImages" label="&ns.pref.colors.colors.images.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ </vbox>
+ </groupbox>
+ <groupbox flex='1'>
+ <caption label="&ns.pref.colors.links.caption;" />
+ <vbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="linksUnvisited" label="&ns.pref.colors.links.unvisited.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <hbox>
+ <checkbox id="linksVisited" label="&ns.pref.colors.links.visited.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ <colorpicker type='button' />
+ </hbox>
+ <checkbox id="linksUnderline" label="&ns.pref.colors.links.underline.label;"
+ checked="false" flex="1" />
+ </vbox>
+ </groupbox>
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
diff --git a/src/content/utils.js b/src/content/utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..accd5d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* Returns a list of lines from a URL (such as chrome://). This function
+ * is a WTF; how more obsure could it possibly be to read a damn file?
+ */
+function readLines(aURL) {
+ var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+ var scriptableStream = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
+ var channel = ioService.newChannel(aURL, null, null);
+ var input = channel.open();
+ scriptableStream.init(input);
+ var str = scriptableStream.read(input.available());
+ scriptableStream.close();
+ input.close();
+ return str.split("\n");
+// XXX: don't forget to disable this for releases.
+function debug(msg) {
+// dump("[nosquint] " + msg + "\n");
+// TODO: benchmark this function, it is called a lot.
+function is_chrome(browser) {
+ var document = browser.docShell.document;
+ debug("IS CHROME: " + document.URL + " (" + browser.currentURI.spec + ") -- type:" + document.contentType);
+ if (document.URL.replace(/#.*$/, '') != browser.currentURI.spec.replace(/#.*$/, ''))
+ /* Kludge: doc.URL doesn't match browser currentURI during host lookup failure,
+ * SSL cert errors, or other scenarios that result in an internal page being
+ * displayed that we consider chrome.
+ */
+ return true;
+ return document.URL == undefined ||
+ document.URL.search(/^about:/) != -1 ||
+ document.contentType.search(/^text\/(html|plain|css|xml|javascript)|^application\/(xhtml)/) != 0;
+function is_image(browser) {
+ return browser.docShell.document.contentType.search(/^image\//) == 0;
+function foreach_window(callback) {
+ var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+ var windows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser");
+ var win;
+ while (win = windows.getNext())
+ if (callback(win) == false)
+ break;
+function window_get_global(name) {
+ var value = null;
+ foreach_window(function(win) {
+ if (win._noSquintGlobals != undefined && name in win._noSquintGlobals) {
+ value = win._noSquintGlobals[name];
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ return value;
+function window_set_global(name, value) {
+ foreach_window(function(win) {
+ if (win._noSquintGlobals == undefined)
+ win._noSquintGlobals = {};
+ win._noSquintGlobals[name] = value;
+ });
+function popup(type, title, text, bundle) {
+ if (!bundle)
+ bundle = document.getElementById("nosquint-overlay-bundle");
+ var prompts = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
+ if (type == "confirm")
+ return prompts.confirmEx(window, bundle.getString(title),
+ bundle.getString(text),
+ prompts.STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS, null, null, null,
+ null, {value: null});
+ else if (type == "alert")
+ return prompts.alert(window, bundle.getString(title), bundle.getString(text));
+ return null;
diff --git a/src/defaults/preferences/nosquint.js b/src/defaults/preferences/nosquint.js
index 2ff5105..ef3790a 100644
--- a/src/defaults/preferences/nosquint.js
+++ b/src/defaults/preferences/nosquint.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ pref("extensions.nosquint.rememberSites", true);
pref("extensions.nosquint.sites", "");
pref("extensions.nosquint.sitesSaveDelay", 5000);
pref("extensions.nosquint.exceptions", "*/~* *.sourceforge.net *.google.[*]");
-pref("extensions.nosquint.zoomImages", false);
+pref("extensions.nosquint.zoomImages", true);
pref("extensions.nosquint.wheelZoomEnabled", true);
pref("extensions.nosquint.wheelZoomInvert", false);
pref("extensions.nosquint.hideStatus", false);
@@ -18,5 +18,4 @@ pref("extensions.nosquint.colorBackgroundImages", false);
pref("extensions.nosquint.linksUnvisited", '0');
pref("extensions.nosquint.linksVisited", '0');
pref("extensions.nosquint.linksUnderline", false);
-pref("privacy.cpd.extensions-nosquint", true);
pref("privacy.item.extensions-nosquint", true);
diff --git a/src/install.rdf b/src/install.rdf
index 081ba15..663c215 100644
--- a/src/install.rdf
+++ b/src/install.rdf
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
<Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
<em:id>nosquint at urandom.ca</em:id>
- <em:name>NoSquint</em:name>
- <em:version></em:version>
+ <em:name>No Squint</em:name>
+ <em:version>2.0b4</em:version>
<em:description>Manage site-specific zoom levels and color settings</em:description>
<em:creator>Jason Tackaberry</em:creator>
<!-- optional items -->
- <em:optionsURL>chrome://nosquint/content/dlg-global.xul</em:optionsURL>
- <em:iconURL>chrome://nosquint/skin/logo-32.png</em:iconURL>
+ <em:optionsURL>chrome://nosquint/content/globalprefs.xul</em:optionsURL>
+ <em:iconURL>chrome://nosquint/content/icon-32.png</em:iconURL>
<em:type>2</em:type> <!-- type=extension -->
<!-- Firefox -->
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
- <em:maxVersion>4.0b3pre</em:maxVersion>
+ <em:maxVersion>3.5.*</em:maxVersion>
diff --git a/src/locale/en-US/globalprefs.dtd b/src/locale/en-US/globalprefs.dtd
index 522b741..122af67 100644
--- a/src/locale/en-US/globalprefs.dtd
+++ b/src/locale/en-US/globalprefs.dtd
@@ -1,27 +1,44 @@
<!ENTITY ns.pref.title "NoSquint Global Settings">
<!ENTITY ns.pref.tab.options.label "Options">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.tab.zooming.label "Zooming">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.tab.colors.label "Colors">
<!ENTITY ns.pref.tab.exceptions.label "Exceptions">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.caption "General">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.primaryMethod.label "Primary zoom method">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.primaryMethod.full "Full Page Zoom (images and text)">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.primaryMethod.text "Text Zoom (text only)">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.level.label "Default primary zoom level">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.increment.label "Zoom increment">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.mousewheel.label "Enable zoom with ctrl-mousewheel">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.general.showstatus.label "Show current zoom levels in status bar">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.caption "Site">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.noRemember.label "Use the default zoom level (set above) for all sites">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.remember.label "Remember zoom level per site">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.forget.label "Forget zoom settings for sites not visited in the last">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.forget.year "Year">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.forget.6months "Six Months">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.forget.3months "Three Months">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.site.forget.month "Month">
-<!ENTITY ns.pref.exceptions.info "Exceptions are an advanced feature that controls how NoSquint determines separate sites. Click the Help button below for full details.">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.caption "Default Zoom Options">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.primaryMethod.label "Primary zoom method">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.primaryMethod.full "Full Page Zoom (images and text)">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.primaryMethod.text "Text Zoom (text only)">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.fullLevel.label "Default full page zoom level">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.textLevel.label "Default text-only zoom level">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.increment.label "Zoom increment">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.images.label "Zoom standalone images to fit browser window">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.mousewheel.label "Enable zoom with ctrl-mousewheel">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.zooming.showstatus.label "Show current zoom levels in status bar">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.caption "Persistence">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.noRemember.label "Use the global zoom and color settings for all sites">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.remember.label "Remember zoom and color settings per site">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.forget.label "Forget settings for sites not visited in the last">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.forget.year "Year">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.forget.6months "Six Months">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.forget.3months "Three Months">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.forget.month "Month">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.persistence.sanitize.label "Erase NoSquint site history when Firefox clears private data">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.info "Enabling any of the color options below overrides the default for all pages.">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.colors.caption "Text and Background">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.colors.text.label "Text">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.colors.background.label "Background">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.colors.images.label "Disable background images">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.links.caption "Link Colors">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.links.unvisited.label "Unvisited">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.links.visited.label "Visited">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.colors.links.underline.label "Always underline links">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.exceptions.info "Exceptions are an advanced feature that controls how NoSquint distinguishes separate sites. Click the Help button below for full details.">
<!ENTITY ns.pref.exceptions.pattern.label "Pattern for new exception">
<!ENTITY ns.pref.exceptions.copyButton.label "Copy from URL">
diff --git a/src/locale/en-US/help.html b/src/locale/en-US/help.html
index 7db3377..1baa13b 100644
--- a/src/locale/en-US/help.html
+++ b/src/locale/en-US/help.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-<h2 id='general'>General Tab</h2>
+<h2>Options Tab</h2>
<p>To NoSquint, a site is a web location where all pages have the same zoom
level and color settings, and the site name is derived from the page's URL.</p>
@@ -65,28 +65,25 @@ second-level domains. For example, if you're visiting
<p>The default behaviour should work almost all the time. When it doesn't, you
-can control how NoSquint determines site names in the
-<a href='#exceptions'>Exceptions Tab</a>.</p>
+can control how NoSquint determines site names in the Exceptions Tab.</p>
-<h3>Per-site settings (color and zoom)</h3>
- <b>Remember per-site settings between Firefox restarts</b>
+ <b>Remember zoom and color settings per site</b>
<p>With this option selected, NoSquint will remember any changes
- you make to the zoom levels and color choices for a given site, and
- the changes are stored on disk so they can be applied even if you
- restart Firefox.</p>
- <p>Both full page zoom and text zoom levels are remembered
+ you make to the zoom levels and color choices for a given site.
+ Both full page zoom and text zoom levels are remembered
independently. Next time you visit that site, NoSquint will use
the zoom and colors previously used on that site.</p>
<b>Forget settings for sites not visited in the last ...</b>
- <p>With the "Remember per-site settings between Firefox restarts"
- option enabled, NoSquint keeps track of all zoom level and color
- changes for sites, even sites you only visit once. This option is
- house cleaning: if you haven't visited a site (for which you've set
- a non-default zoom or color setting) for the specified number of
+ <p>With the "Remember zoom and color settings per site" option
+ enabled, NoSquint keeps track of all zoom level and color changes
+ for sites, even sites you only visit once. This option is house
+ cleaning: if you haven't visited a site (for which you've set a
+ non-default zoom or color setting) for the specified number of
months, NoSquint will forget the setting.</p>
@@ -102,20 +99,16 @@ can control how NoSquint determines site names in the
not cleared.</p>
- <b>Forget all per-site settings when Firefox closes</b>
- <p>Per-site settings will be retained only for the current Firefox
- session. They are never written to disk, and will therefore not
- be remembered if you restart Firefox.</p>
- <p>An alternative would be to use Firefox's Private Browsing mode
- (Firefox 3.5 and later), which NoSquint supports. When Private
- Browsing is activated, even if "Remember per-site settings between
- Firefox restarts" is selected instead of this option, NoSquint will
- never store any per-site settings to disk which have changed while
- in that mode.</p>
+ <b>Use the global zoom and color settings for all sites</b>
+ <p>One of NoSquint's features is the ability to remember custom
+ zoom levels and color choices for individual sites. If you're not
+ interested this and want to use the same settings (specified in the
+ Zooming and Color tabs) for all sites, or you just don't want
+ NoSquint to remember any manual changes, select this option.</p>
-<h2 id='zooming'>Zooming Tab</h2>
+<h2>Zooming Tab</h2>
<p>The options in this tab let you control the default zooming behavior as they
apply to all sites. You can override the zoom levels for individual sites using
@@ -184,7 +177,7 @@ icon, or selecting NoSquint Site Settings from the page's context menu.</p>
-<h2 id='colors'>Colors Tab</h2>
+<h2>Colors Tab</h2>
<p>Sometimes website creators choose to use rather questionable color choices
which can significantly hinder readability. NoSquint lets you override the
standard text colors for <i>all</i> sites here. Or (probably more usefully),
@@ -232,8 +225,8 @@ Settings from the page's context menu.</p>
<p>Because not all web sites are structured the same, sometimes the default
logic NoSquint uses to determine the site name doesn't work the way you want it
-to. Using exceptions, you can control how NoSquint determines what constitutes
-a separate site.</p>
+to. By way of exceptions, you can control how NoSquint determines what
+constitutes a separate site.</p>
<h3>Use Cases</h3>
<p>Exceptions are powerful and expressive, and unfortunately can be confusing.
@@ -305,7 +298,7 @@ case.</p>
- <b>Problem:</b> same scenario as the previous one, but sometimes the
+ <b>Problem:</b> same scenario the previous one, but sometimes the
server isn't in the URL, so <code>example.com/apps/app1</code> is
the same site as <code>example.com/server1/apps/app1</code>.<br/>
@@ -339,9 +332,8 @@ computed by NoSquint based on the current page's URL and the user-defined list
of exceptions. For instance, both <code>foo.example.com</code> and
<code>myapp.*.example.com</code> could be site names, depending on the
exceptions defined. NoSquint looks up zoom levels based on the site name. The
-site name, as determined by NoSquint, can be viewed in the tooltip by hovering
-over the magnifying glass in the status bar, or by opening the Site Settings
-dialog by left clicking the magnifying glass in the status bar.</p>
+site name, as determined by NoSquint, is by default displayed in the status bar
+beside the current zoom level.</p>
<p>When a wildcard is enclosed in square brackets (i.e. <code>[*]</code> or
<code>[**]</code>), the literal wildcard (<code>*</code> or <code>**</code>)
@@ -377,10 +369,10 @@ exception begins with a <code>/</code> (front slash) – is applied only to
<code>/C:/Users/*</code> for Windows Vista causes all home directories to be
treated distinctly from one another.</p>
-<p>When multiple exception patterns match a page's URL, NoSquint will use the
-exception that matches the most non-wildcard characters in the host name. If
-there are still multiple exceptions in that narrowed list, the exception that
-matches the most non-wildcard characters in the path is then chosen. If still
-there are multiple exceptions, the first one that matched is chosen.</p>
+<p>When multiple exceptions match a page's URL, NoSquint will use the exception
+that matches the most non-wildcard characters in the host name. If there are
+still multiple exceptions in that narrowed list, the exception that matches the
+most non-wildcard characters in the path is then chosen. If still there are
+multiple exceptions, the first one that matched is chosen.</p>
diff --git a/src/locale/en-US/overlay.properties b/src/locale/en-US/overlay.properties
index 98fa412..1b4fa31 100644
--- a/src/locale/en-US/overlay.properties
+++ b/src/locale/en-US/overlay.properties
@@ -11,5 +11,3 @@ siteSpecificBrokenPrompt=NoSquint will now no longer work correctly until the br
disableTitle=Restore Native Firefox Behavior?
disablePrompt=Firefox natively provides less sophisticated per-site zooming, which NoSquint replaces. Having disabled NoSquint, would you now like to restore Firefox's native behavior?
-sanitizeLabel=NoSquint Site History
diff --git a/src/locale/en-US/siteprefs.dtd b/src/locale/en-US/siteprefs.dtd
index 16c879f..6714a77 100644
--- a/src/locale/en-US/siteprefs.dtd
+++ b/src/locale/en-US/siteprefs.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY ns.pref.title "NoSquint Site Settings">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.globalWarning "Values set here will be discarded when you leave this site because you are using global zoom and color settings for all sites.">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.button.global.label "Global Settings">
+<!ENTITY ns.pref.button.global.accesskey "G">
<!ENTITY ns.pref.fullZoom.label "Full zoom level">
<!ENTITY ns.pref.textZoom.label "Text zoom level">
diff --git a/src/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png b/src/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png
index 9a48f6b..31ac736 100644
Binary files a/src/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png and b/src/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png differ
diff --git a/src/skin/icon-enlarge-24.png b/src/skin/icon-enlarge-24.png
index 4a7bad6..4421fe0 100644
Binary files a/src/skin/icon-enlarge-24.png and b/src/skin/icon-enlarge-24.png differ
diff --git a/src/skin/icon-reduce-16.png b/src/skin/icon-reduce-16.png
index 34a14c7..df5be3c 100644
Binary files a/src/skin/icon-reduce-16.png and b/src/skin/icon-reduce-16.png differ
diff --git a/src/skin/icon-reduce-24.png b/src/skin/icon-reduce-24.png
index 5b92e15..8864e76 100644
Binary files a/src/skin/icon-reduce-24.png and b/src/skin/icon-reduce-24.png differ
diff --git a/src/skin/icon-reset-16.png b/src/skin/icon-reset-16.png
index 34eff11..8e35414 100644
Binary files a/src/skin/icon-reset-16.png and b/src/skin/icon-reset-16.png differ
diff --git a/src/skin/icon-reset-24.png b/src/skin/icon-reset-24.png
index 8cfc2a1..a5ba6ea 100644
Binary files a/src/skin/icon-reset-24.png and b/src/skin/icon-reset-24.png differ
diff --git a/src/skin/toolbar.css b/src/skin/toolbar.css
index c1a8337..c06b485 100644
--- a/src/skin/toolbar.css
+++ b/src/skin/toolbar.css
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ toolbar[iconsize="small"] #nosquint-button-reset {
list-style-image: url("chrome://nosquint/skin/icon-reset-16.png");
-#nosquint-menu-settings, #nosquint-view-menu-settings {
- list-style-image: url("chrome://nosquint/skin/icon-statusbar-16.png");
+#nosquint-menu-settings {
+ list-style-image: url("chrome://nosquint/skin/icon-enlarge-16.png");
#nosquint-status-reset {
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/nosquint.git
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