[Pkg-mozext-commits] [nosquint] tag 2.1.9 created (now 13c5e80)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 28 01:41:57 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to tag 2.1.9
in repository nosquint.

        at  13c5e80   (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:

       new  724a034   Import of 0.9.0 release into git
       new  52463cc   Import of 0.9.1 release into git
       new  c38c990   Import of release into git
       new  620c2e8   Import of 1.0.0 release into git
       new  42ed69c   Import of 1.0.1 release into git
       new  e6b6600   Import of 1.91.0 release into git
       new  6c53258   Import of 1.92.0 release into git
       new  86192cc   Import of 1.93.0 release into git
       new  6a50ce2   Import of 1.93.1 release into git
       new  355efe4   Import of 1.93.2 release into git
       new  1b28499   Import of release into git
       new  fbb2801   Import of 2.0.1b1 release into git
       new  9f6dbca   Import of 2.0.1b2 release into git
       new  a21b00f   Import of 2.0.1 release into git
       new  ad3c039   Import of 2.0.2b1 release into git
       new  cbbc5ce   Import of 2.0.2 release into git
       new  dc5d951   Import of 2.0.3b1 release into git
       new  69079d7   Import of 2.0.3 release into git
       new  e4eac53   Import of 2.0.4 release into git
       new  03e35aa   Import of 2.0.5 release into git
       new  3de10e0   Import of release into git
       new  7507b8a   Import of 2.0b4 release into git
       new  1004678   Import of 2.0b5 release into git
       new  41b344a   Import of 2.0b6 release into git
       new  37d1041   Import of 2.0 release into git
       new  d5eef87   Import of 2.1b1 release into git
       new  d4165a5   Import of 2.1 release into git
       new  37a2c05   Import of 2.1.2 release into git
       new  c30b692   Bump maxversion to 9.*
       new  730d728   Update two-level TLD list
       new  559505f   Bump maxversion to 10.*
       new  e637c47   Remove obsoleted file and unused functions
       new  a2ae61f   Remove ProgressListener for each open tab on window close
       new  01175a7   Properly hide the Zoom Text only menuitem
       new  2f75746   Initialize contentType attribute before accessing
       new  718e318   Test if menuitem command property exists before examining
       new  22d2411   Set version to 2.1.3
       new  ccbd76e   Remove unused files that accidentally slipped in from the dev branch
       new  eec28b4   Do not open about:nosquint for bugfix releases
       new  7e79409   More thoroughly clean up on tab/window close
       new  f761dac   Set version to 2.1.4
       new  dfd74be   Fix "undeclared variable full" warning on scroll-zoom
       new  aaacabe   Do proper version comparison
       new  87ea8ff   Set version to 2.1.5 and bump maxversion to 11.*
       new  22b91ce   Remove unused file
       new  0e47ef8   Conform to browser.addProgressListener() API changes
       new  ed38b2e   Bump version to 2.1.6 and max version to 17.*
       new  2cffde6   Remove trailing whitespace
       new  3f7c032   Support per-window private browsing in Firefox 20
       new  bce36ac   Fix inconsistency with return values
       new  41b563b   Fix reference to undefined variable
       new  9de8b6d   Detect new site name caused by changes to exceptions
       new  674e312   Tweak cosmetics of warning text in site dialog
       new  7ceb392   Remove all-defaults site on timestamp update
       new  529a7ae   Fix failed styling when DOM frame removed
       new  f8c91c4   Remove trailing whitespace
       new  0cf35bb   Add info on getting support to about:nosquint
       new  6fcdedb   Sync two-level-tlds from upstream
       new  906720d   Disable exceptions tab buttons on open
       new  9d32d0d   If hideStatus pref is not false, show addon bar on load
       new  4544a35   Remove reference to unused variable
       new  bb51fd9   Revert change that enabled addon bar on start if hideStatus was false
       new  93a26d9   Update tab detach kludge logic to work with Firefox 20
       new  7263e15   Ignore errors from PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate()
       new  7b39f28   Ensure private window settings do not leak into non-private windows
       new  13c5e80   Bump version to 2.1.9

The 66 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/nosquint.git

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