[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] branch master updated (25da831 -> 03b94bf)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Aug 11 12:07:04 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch master
in repository adblock-plus.

      from  25da831   Revert "Restore buildtools as of 2.6.9"
       new  3ccb8d7   Added tag 2.6.9 for changeset 752ffe2eeaf1
       new  ec177bb   Issue 2233 - Adapted array type annotations for JsDoc 3
       new  d4039c6   Issue 2232 - Got rid of non-standard conditional catch clauses
       new  9362c4b   Issue 1602 - Use ES6 generators instead of legacy generators
       new  259095c   Issue 2251 - Update buildtools dependency to revision 335c8a7ab8e8
       new  9182e68   Issue 2233 - Adapted some more array type annotations for JsDoc 3
       new  01ebe7d   Issue 1602 - Fixed generator syntax mistakenly applied on outer function
       new  e191d51   Issue 2255 - Use "for (.. of ..)" loop for compatibility with ES6 generators
       new  04d8ea9   Issue 2260 - Replaced some more for..in loops with for..of fixing the UI
       new  c04287d   Issue 2264 - Remove deprecated logic from Utils.runAsync()
       new  b645fbd   Issue 1602 - Pass array directly from backupCustomFilters() to IO.writeToFile()
       new  081e028   Updated list of recommended subscriptions
       new  ad67ff7   Issue 2438 - Update buildtools dependency to revision 97e212af6e8
       new  b010bc7   Issue 2439 - Make suppress_first_run_page preconfigurable
       new  8beccc2   Noissue - Remove unused isFennec property
       new  7ab7a91   Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 41 & Co.
       new  1c583e4   Issue 2503 - Inconsistent behavior: $document flag implied for exception rules with protocol included
       new  6883183   Issue 2510 - Support Adblock Browser
       new  6710003   Issue 2192 - Added notification opt-out mechanism
       new  64c2abe   Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 42 & Co.
       new  5926785   Added tag for changeset 752ffe2eeaf1
       new  09cf85c   Added tag for changeset 8116b6b3425f
       new  81686d5   Added tag for changeset 752ffe2eeaf1
       new  b80c79b   Issue 2609 - Update buildtools dependency to bdd544d595f2
       new  c94b3b9   Issue 2257 - Replaced non-standard function expressions with ES6 arrow functions
       new  74c20e5   Issue 2582 - Optimize loop in ElemHide.getSelectorsForDomain() for V8
       new  1766cac   Issue 2592 - Adapt filters generated for anti-adblock notification to new syntax
       new  b3d0673   Issue 2420 - Move notification show logic to core
       new  714dd4f   Issue 2419 - Show newly downloaded notifications immediately
       new  d6466bd   Issue 2390 - Created filter class for CSS property filters
       new  92bdf3c   Issue 2659 - Reduce initial notification download delay to one minute
       new  aacf205   Updated list of recommended subscriptions
       new  8b73078   Noissue - Don't claim to support any Python 2.x version, we only test with Python 2.7
       new  08aefda   Noissue - Fix syntax error in Firefox 41 (see bug 1176702)
       new  4234141   Issue 2193 - Added notification opt-out UI
       new  0afff38   Updated list of recommended subscriptions
       new  e89b9d0   Issue 2757 - Fix timing issue resetting notification data while loading preferences
       new  7dce96a   Issue 2738 - Make RegExpFilter.matches() content type parameter a bit mask
       new  265ce8d   Issue 701 - Don't handle middle- and right-clicks on report link
       new  0ccda24   Issue 2211 - Implemented subscribe.adblockplus.org subscription links
       new  93993f0   Issue 344 - Make the comment page of the issue reporter more compact to leave more space for the report data
       new  0d3cdc9   Issue 1730 - Fixed abp:subscribe functionality with e10s
       new  3f44564   Issue 2808 - Update dependency on adblockplusui repository to revision 3a06b955c3f7 (fixes share dialog on first-run page)
       new  929ee39   Noissue - Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  49434c3   Issue 284 -  Unify initial delay for all downloads
       new  2e0c695   Noissue - Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  c3d86a2   Releasing Adblock Plus 2.6.10
       new  d7cb303   Imported Upstream version 2.6.10+dfsg
       new  a97bf72   Merge tag 'upstream/2.6.10+dfsg'
       new  6522633   Issue 1528 - Implemented backend for general tab of new options page
       new  c797d95   Issue 1526 - Implement new options page design for Chrome/Opera/Safari (general implementation)
       new  ec901c5   Issue 2383 - Added links to options page sidebar
       new  87b6e69   Issue 2359 - Polished design of options page sidebar
       new  7eede4e   Issue 2376 - Implement custom filters functionality in options page
       new  4fd5118   Issue 2376 - parseFilters function in mockup returns wrong object
       new  4d5fcd0   Issue 2357 - Added "predefined list" dialog to options page
       new  8de102b   Issue 2805 - Only require filterValidation module where necessary
       new  6e2f3b1   Issue 2710 - Worked around Firefox preventing postMessage to privileged frame
       new  8781cb1   Issue 2356 - Implemented basic tooltip functionality
       new  974ed90   Issue 2677 - Reset subscriptions.xml to serve as mere test data
       new  7388c0a   Issue 2669 - Use header, footer and nav tags in options page sidebar
       new  cd832b0   Issue 2833 -  Fix / replace firstrun page for nl / Dutch
       new  e74c042   Merge remote-tracking branch 'adblockplusui/master'
       new  efa6615   Issue 2665 - Removed outdated locale mapping for Opera, fixing Spanish translation
       new  34a51fc   Issue 2763 - Update JSHydra dependency
       new  c830fca   Issue 2711 - Refactored ChainedConfigParser, allowing manipulation of list items
       new  220fc28   Issue 2796 - Added DeveloperIdentifier to Info.plist for Safari 9
       new  dafc658   Merge remote-tracking branch 'buildtools/master'
       new  fd2605c   Issue 2744 - Fetch correct Linux build of JS shell.
       new  ccf9ba8   Merge remote-tracking branch 'jshydra/master'
       new  997afc4   Refresh patches
       new  39a78f8   Update upstream changelog
       new  b5a2628   Don’t ship new fonts
       new  03b94bf   Update changelog for 2.6.10+dfsg-1 release

The 74 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .hgtags                                            |    5 +
 README.md                                          |    2 +-
 adblockplusui/README.md                            |   17 +
 adblockplusui/background.js                        |  170 ++-
 adblockplusui/ext/background.js                    |    8 +-
 adblockplusui/firstRun.js                          |   49 +-
 adblockplusui/locale/en-US/options.json            |  326 ++++++
 adblockplusui/locale/nl/firstRun.json              |   22 +-
 adblockplusui/messageResponder.js                  |  227 +++-
 adblockplusui/options.html                         |  370 +++++++
 adblockplusui/options.js                           |  741 +++++++++++++
 adblockplusui/skin/options-sprite.png              |  Bin 0 -> 2855 bytes
 adblockplusui/skin/options.css                     | 1086 ++++++++++++++++++++
 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/acceptable-ads.png     |  Bin 0 -> 569 bytes
 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/block.png              |  Bin 0 -> 899 bytes
 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/more.png               |  Bin 0 -> 811 bytes
 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/whitelisted.png        |  Bin 0 -> 890 bytes
 .../content/ui => adblockplusui}/subscriptions.xml |   30 +-
 buildtools/Info.plist.tmpl                         |    4 +
 buildtools/chainedconfigparser.py                  |  230 +++--
 buildtools/dependencies                            |    2 +-
 buildtools/packager.py                             |    5 +-
 buildtools/packagerChrome.py                       |   15 -
 buildtools/packagerSafari.py                       |   69 +-
 chrome.manifest                                    |    2 +-
 chrome/content/subscribeLinkHandler.js             |  106 ++
 chrome/content/ui/composer.js                      |   10 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters-backup.js                |   12 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters-filteractions.js         |   26 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters-filterview.js            |   34 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters-search.js                |    6 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters-subscriptionactions.js   |    6 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters-subscriptionview.js      |   17 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters.js                       |    2 +-
 chrome/content/ui/filters.xul                      |    2 +-
 chrome/content/ui/flasher.js                       |    2 +-
 chrome/content/ui/overlay.xul                      |   24 +-
 chrome/content/ui/sendReport.js                    |   17 +-
 chrome/content/ui/sendReport.xul                   |    7 +-
 chrome/content/ui/settings.xul                     |    1 +
 chrome/content/ui/sidebar.js                       |   20 +-
 chrome/content/ui/subscriptionSelection.js         |    4 +-
 chrome/content/ui/subscriptions.xml                |    6 +-
 chrome/locale/af/sidebar.dtd                       |    1 +
 chrome/locale/ar/composer.dtd                      |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/ar/global.properties                 |    7 +-
 chrome/locale/ar/meta.properties                   |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/ar/overlay.dtd                       |    5 +-
 chrome/locale/ar/sidebar.dtd                       |   12 +-
 chrome/locale/ast/filters.dtd                      |    7 +
 chrome/locale/be/composer.dtd                      |   38 +-
 chrome/locale/be/filters.dtd                       |   75 +-
 chrome/locale/be/global.properties                 |   45 +-
 chrome/locale/be/meta.properties                   |    6 +
 chrome/locale/be/overlay.dtd                       |   33 +-
 chrome/locale/be/sendReport.dtd                    |   37 +
 chrome/locale/be/sidebar.dtd                       |   35 +
 chrome/locale/be/subscriptionSelection.dtd         |   12 +-
 chrome/locale/bg/composer.dtd                      |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/bg/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/bg/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/bg/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/bg/subscriptionSelection.dtd         |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/composer.dtd                   |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/filters.dtd                    |   14 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/global.properties              |   47 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/meta.properties                |    7 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/overlay.dtd                    |   34 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/sendReport.dtd                 |   71 +-
 chrome/locale/bn-BD/subscriptionSelection.dtd      |    9 +-
 chrome/locale/br/global.properties                 |    4 +
 chrome/locale/br/overlay.dtd                       |    5 +
 chrome/locale/bs/composer.dtd                      |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/bs/filters.dtd                       |   31 +-
 chrome/locale/bs/sidebar.dtd                       |    9 +
 chrome/locale/ca/global.properties                 |    5 +-
 chrome/locale/ca/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/cs/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/cs/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/da/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/da/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/da/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/de/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/de/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/dsb/global.properties                |    1 +
 chrome/locale/dsb/overlay.dtd                      |    3 +
 chrome/locale/el/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/el/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/el/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/en-US/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/en-US/overlay.dtd                    |    3 +
 chrome/locale/eo/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/eo/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/es-AR/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/es-AR/overlay.dtd                    |    3 +
 chrome/locale/es-CL/composer.dtd                   |   14 +-
 chrome/locale/es-CL/overlay.dtd                    |    9 +-
 chrome/locale/es-CL/sendReport.dtd                 |    3 +
 chrome/locale/es-CL/subscriptionSelection.dtd      |   12 +
 chrome/locale/es-ES/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/es-ES/overlay.dtd                    |    7 +-
 chrome/locale/es-ES/sendReport.dtd                 |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/es-MX/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/es-MX/overlay.dtd                    |    3 +
 chrome/locale/et/overlay.dtd                       |    6 +
 chrome/locale/eu/filters.dtd                       |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/global.properties                 |    3 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/eu/sendReport.dtd                    |    6 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/subscriptionSelection.dtd         |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/fi/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/fi/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/fi/sidebar.dtd                       |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/fr/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/fr/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/fy-NL/global.properties              |   11 +-
 chrome/locale/ga-IE/composer.dtd                   |    4 +
 chrome/locale/gl/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/gl/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/gu-IN/composer.dtd                   |   11 +-
 chrome/locale/he/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/he/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/he/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/hi-IN/filters.dtd                    |   13 +-
 chrome/locale/hi-IN/meta.properties                |    4 +
 chrome/locale/hi-IN/sendReport.dtd                 |    9 +
 chrome/locale/hi-IN/sidebar.dtd                    |   34 +-
 chrome/locale/hr/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/hr/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/hr/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/hsb/global.properties                |    1 +
 chrome/locale/hsb/overlay.dtd                      |    3 +
 chrome/locale/hu/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/hu/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/hu/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/id/composer.dtd                      |    6 +-
 chrome/locale/id/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/id/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/it/composer.dtd                      |    8 +-
 chrome/locale/it/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/it/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/ja/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/ja/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/ja/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/kk/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/kk/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/kk/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/lt/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/lt/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/lt/sendReport.dtd                    |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/lv/composer.dtd                      |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/lv/filters.dtd                       |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/mr/filters.dtd                       |   63 +-
 chrome/locale/mr/subscriptionSelection.dtd         |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/nb-NO/composer.dtd                   |   10 +-
 chrome/locale/nb-NO/filters.dtd                    |    8 +-
 chrome/locale/nb-NO/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/nb-NO/overlay.dtd                    |    3 +
 chrome/locale/nl/composer.dtd                      |    8 +-
 chrome/locale/nl/filters.dtd                       |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/nl/global.properties                 |    3 +-
 chrome/locale/nl/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/nl/sendReport.dtd                    |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/nl/subscriptionSelection.dtd         |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/pl/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/pl/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/pl/sendReport.dtd                    |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/overlay.dtd                    |    3 +
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/subscriptionSelection.dtd      |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/ro/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/ro/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/ru/composer.dtd                      |    2 +-
 chrome/locale/ru/filters.dtd                       |    4 +-
 chrome/locale/ru/global.properties                 |   15 +-
 chrome/locale/ru/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/ru/sendReport.dtd                    |   26 +-
 chrome/locale/sk/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/sk/overlay.dtd                       |   11 +-
 chrome/locale/sl/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/sl/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/sq/composer.dtd                      |    6 +-
 chrome/locale/sr/filters.dtd                       |    8 +-
 chrome/locale/sr/sendReport.dtd                    |   70 +-
 chrome/locale/sr/sidebar.dtd                       |   42 +-
 chrome/locale/sr/subscriptionSelection.dtd         |   18 +-
 chrome/locale/sv-SE/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/{af => sw-TZ}/.incomplete            |    0
 chrome/locale/sw-TZ/composer.dtd                   |    6 +
 chrome/locale/th/global.properties                 |    2 +
 chrome/locale/th/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/th/sendReport.dtd                    |    5 +
 chrome/locale/tr/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/tr/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/tr/sendReport.dtd                    |   18 +-
 chrome/locale/uk/composer.dtd                      |    6 +-
 chrome/locale/uk/global.properties                 |    1 +
 chrome/locale/uk/overlay.dtd                       |    3 +
 chrome/locale/uk/sidebar.dtd                       |    6 +-
 chrome/locale/zh-CN/global.properties              |    1 +
 chrome/locale/zh-CN/overlay.dtd                    |    3 +
 chrome/locale/zh-TW/overlay.dtd                    |    1 +
 chrome/skin/overlay.css                            |   23 +-
 chrome/skin/sendReport.css                         |   10 +
 debian/adblock-plus.upstream-changelog             |   18 +
 debian/changelog                                   |   10 +
 debian/copyright                                   |    3 +
 ...Disable-acceptable-ads-feature-by-default.patch |    4 +-
 debian/patches/0002-No-focus-on-new-tab.patch      |    4 +-
 defaults/prefs.js                                  |   39 -
 defaults/prefs.json                                |   44 +
 dependencies                                       |    4 +-
 ensure_dependencies.py                             |   64 +-
 jshydra/utils.py                                   |   27 +-
 lib/antiadblockInit.js                             |    2 +-
 lib/appSupport.js                                  |  115 +--
 lib/contentPolicy.js                               |   40 +-
 lib/elemHide.js                                    |    5 +-
 lib/elemHideHitRegistration.js                     |    4 +-
 lib/filterClasses.js                               |  176 +++-
 lib/filterNotifier.js                              |    2 +-
 lib/filterStorage.js                               |    8 +-
 lib/io.js                                          |    6 +-
 lib/matcher.js                                     |   22 +-
 lib/notification.js                                |  138 ++-
 lib/objectTabs.js                                  |    7 +-
 lib/subscriptionClasses.js                         |    6 +-
 lib/synchronizer.js                                |    4 +-
 lib/ui.js                                          |  180 ++--
 lib/utils.js                                       |   31 +-
 metadata.gecko                                     |   13 +-
 231 files changed, 4928 insertions(+), 1014 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/locale/en-US/options.json
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/options.html
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/options.js
 create mode 100755 adblockplusui/skin/options-sprite.png
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/skin/options.css
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/acceptable-ads.png
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/block.png
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/more.png
 create mode 100644 adblockplusui/skin/tooltips/whitelisted.png
 copy {chrome/content/ui => adblockplusui}/subscriptions.xml (76%)
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/subscribeLinkHandler.js
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/af/sidebar.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/ast/filters.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/be/meta.properties
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/be/sendReport.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/be/sidebar.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/bs/sidebar.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/es-CL/subscriptionSelection.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/ga-IE/composer.dtd
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/hi-IN/meta.properties
 copy chrome/locale/{af => sw-TZ}/.incomplete (100%)
 create mode 100644 chrome/locale/sw-TZ/composer.dtd
 delete mode 100644 defaults/prefs.js
 create mode 100644 defaults/prefs.json

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus.git

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