[Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 32/61: Update locales from http://www.babelzilla.org
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 28 19:09:20 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tabmixplus.
commit 96bb352e43fc17c296110dbc155cd011f8143e45
Author: onemen <tabmix.onemen at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Aug 1 19:43:31 2015 +0300
Update locales from http://www.babelzilla.org
chrome/locale/ar/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/ca/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/da/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/el/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/en-US/pref-tabmix.dtd | 622 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/eu/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/fa-IR/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/fi/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/he-IL/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/hr-HR/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/hu-HU/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/it/pref-tabmix.dtd | 6 +-
chrome/locale/ja/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/ko-KR/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/nl/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/pl/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/pt-BR/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/pt-PT/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/ro/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/ru-RU/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/sk-SK/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/sk-SK/tabmix.properties | 2 +-
chrome/locale/sr/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/sv-SE/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/tr/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/uk-UA/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/vi/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/zh-CN/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd | 4 +-
36 files changed, 382 insertions(+), 380 deletions(-)
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ar/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/ar/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 5874612..ff65c7f 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ar/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ar/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Apply changes to open tabs">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "فتح ألسنة من:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "العلامات">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "مجموعات من العلامات">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "عدم تجاهل ألسنة عند فتح مجموعة من العلامات">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "التأريخ">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "شريط العنوان">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "شريط البحث">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd
index ebfdebc..996ed8b 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Прилагане на измененията за текущите отворени подпрозорци">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Отваряне в нови подпрозорци на:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Отметки">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Групи отметки">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Групите отметки се отварят в нови подпрозорци без да използват текущите подпрозорци">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "История">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Адресната лента">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Лентата за търсене">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ca/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/ca/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 9ea6516..30928bc 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ca/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ca/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplica els canvis a les pestanyes obertes">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Obre pestanyes des de:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Adreces d'interès">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Grups d'adreces d'interès">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "No substitueix les pestanyes en obrir un grup d'adreces d'interès">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historial">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Barra d'adreces">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Barra de cerca">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 01fb0e9..8562134 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplikovat změny na již otevřené panely">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Otevírat panely z:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Záložky">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Skupiny záložek">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Při otevírání skupiny záložek nebudou přepsány již otevřené panely">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historie">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Adresní řádek">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Lišta vyhledávání">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/da/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/da/pref-tabmix.dtd
index b677af9..1ae3c35 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/da/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/da/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Apply changes to open tabs">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Åbn faneblade fra:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Bogmærker">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Grupper af bogmærker">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Tilsidesæt ikke faneblade når en gruppe bogmærker åbnes">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historik">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Adresselinjen">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Søgelinjen">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd
index c628415..dc021a6 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Änderungen auf geöffnete Tabs anwenden">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "In neuen Tabs öffnen">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Lesezeichen">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Lesezeichengruppen">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Bestehende Tabs werden beim Öffnen einer Lesezeichengruppe nicht überschrieben">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Chronik">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Adresseingaben">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Suchergebnisse">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/el/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/el/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 837a4a2..7d5a904 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/el/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/el/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Εφαρμογή των αλλαγών στις ανοιχτές καρτέλες">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Άνοιγμα καρτελών από:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Σελιδοδείκτες">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Ομάδες σελιδοδεικτών">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Να μην παρακάμπτονται καρτέλες όταν ανοίγει ομάδα σελιδοδεικτών">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Ιστορικό">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Εργαλειοθήκη διευθύνσεων">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Εργαλειοθήκη αναζήτησης">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/en-US/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/en-US/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 5c89d6c..2c7fae0 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/en-US/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/en-US/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -1,311 +1,311 @@
-<!ENTITY tab.links "Links">
-<!ENTITY tab.events "Events">
-<!ENTITY tab.mouse "Mouse">
-<!ENTITY tab.appearance "Display">
-<!ENTITY tab.menu "Menu">
-<!ENTITY tab.session "Session">
-<!ENTITY tab.incompatible "Error">
-<!ENTITY apply.label "Apply">
-<!ENTITY settings.export "Export Preferences">
-<!ENTITY settings.import "Import Preferences">
-<!ENTITY settings.sync "Sync Preferences">
-<!ENTITY settings.default "Restore Defaults">
-<!ENTITY settings.revert "Revert">
-<!ENTITY generalWindowOpen.label "Open links that open in a new window in:">
-<!ENTITY externalLink.useSeparate.label "Use separate preference for links from other applications">
-<!ENTITY externalLinkTarget.label "Open links from other applications in:">
-<!ENTITY linkTarget.tab "New Tab">
-<!ENTITY linkTarget.window "New Window">
-<!ENTITY linkTarget.current "Current Tab">
-<!ENTITY linkTarget.accesskey "C">
-<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.label "JavaScript & Popup restriction:">
-<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.all "Open all popups in tabs">
-<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.some "Allows resized popups">
-<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.none "Allows all popups">
-<!ENTITY linkTarget.label "Open links with a target attribute in current tab">
-<!ENTITY download.label "Prevent blank tabs when downloading files">
-<!ENTITY edit.label "Edit">
-<!ENTITY speLink.label "Force to open in new tab:">
-<!ENTITY speLink.none "Nothing">
-<!ENTITY speLink.allLinks "All links">
-<!ENTITY speLink.external "Links to other sites">
-<!ENTITY singleWindow.label "Enable Single Window Mode">
-<!ENTITY newTabs.label "New Tabs">
-<!ENTITY tabOpen.label "Tab Opening">
-<!ENTITY tabFocus.label "Tab Focus">
-<!ENTITY tabClose.label "Tab Closing">
-<!ENTITY tabMerge.label "Tab Merging">
-<!ENTITY tabFeature.label "Tab Features">
-<!ENTITY newtab.label "Load on New Tab:">
-<!ENTITY replaceLastTabWith.label "When I close last tab replace it with">
-<!ENTITY newtab.blank "Blank Page">
-<!ENTITY newtab.home "Home Page">
-<!ENTITY newtab.current "Current Page">
-<!ENTITY newtab.duplicate "Duplicate Tab with history">
-<!ENTITY newtab.location.1 "New Tab Page">
-<!ENTITY newtab.placeholder.label "Default New Tab Page">
-<!ENTITY location.label.1 "Address">
-<!ENTITY focusContent.label "Focus content when loading non blank page">
-<!ENTITY openTabNext.label "Open New Tab next to current one">
-<!ENTITY openOtherTabNext.label "Open other tabs next to current one">
-<!ENTITY relatedAfterCurrent.label "Only if related to current tab">
-<!ENTITY openTabNext.tooltip1 "[a][b][c][1][2][3] -> [a][1][2][3][b][c]">
-<!ENTITY openDuplicateNext.label "Open duplicated tabs next to original">
-<!ENTITY openTabNext.tooltip "[a][b][c][1][2][3] -> [a][3][2][1][b][c]">
-<!ENTITY openTabNextInverse.label "Change opening order">
-<!ENTITY openTabNextInverse.tooltip "[a][3][2][1][b][c] -> [a][1][2][3][b][c]">
-<!ENTITY openTabNextInverse.tooltip1 "Open new tab next to the tab last opened from the current tab (since it was last selected)">
-<!ENTITY lockTabs.label "Lock tabs">
-<!ENTITY lockNewTabs.label "Lock New tabs">
-<!ENTITY lockAppTabs.label "Lock App tabs">
-<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Apply changes to open tabs">
-<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Open tabs from:">
-<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Bookmarks">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openHistory.label "History">
-<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Address bar">
-<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Search bar">
-<!ENTITY middlecurrent1.label "Middle-click or Control-click opens items in current tab">
-<!ENTITY middlecurrent.tooltip "Only for bookmarks, history, links forced to open in new tab">
-<!ENTITY tabFocus.caption "Focus/Select tabs that open from:">
-<!ENTITY selectTab.label "Links">
-<!ENTITY selectDivertedTab.label "Diverted windows">
-<!ENTITY selectTabFromExternal.label "Other applications">
-<!ENTITY selectTabCommand.label "New tab commands">
-<!ENTITY contextMenuSearch.label "Context menu search for">
-<!ENTITY selectTabBH.label "Bookmarks/History">
-<!ENTITY duplicateTab.label "Duplicate Tab">
-<!ENTITY inversefocus1.label "Inverse Middle-click or Control-click focus of:">
-<!ENTITY warning.caption.label "Warning">
-<!ENTITY warnOnCloseProtected.label "Warn me when closing window with protected tabs">
-<!ENTITY warnOnCloseWindow.label "Warn me when closing window with multiple tabs">
-<!ENTITY lasttab.caption.label "Closing last tab">
-<!ENTITY keepWindow.label.3.1 "Do not close window when closing last tab">
-<!ENTITY keeptab.label "Prevent last tab from closing">
-<!ENTITY closeOnMerge.label "Close windows once they have merged">
-<!ENTITY warnOnMerge.label "Warn when closing tabs that aren't being merged">
-<!ENTITY currenttab.caption.label "Closing current tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.labelBegin "When closing current tab, focus:">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.firstTab "First tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.leftTab "Left tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.rightTab "Right tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.lastTab "Last tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.lastSelectedTab "Last selected tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.openerTab "Opener/right tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.openerTab.rtl "Opener/left tab">
-<!ENTITY focusTab.lastOpenedTab "Last opened tab">
-<!ENTITY undoClose.label "Enable undo close tabs">
-<!ENTITY undoCloseCache.label "Max number of closed tabs to remember:">
-<!ENTITY undoClosepos.label "Restore the tab's original position">
-<!ENTITY menuonlybutton.label "Make the toolbar button display only a list">
-<!ENTITY ctrltab.label "Ctrl-Tab navigates tabs in the most recently used order">
-<!ENTITY cmdtab.label "Cmd-Tab navigates tabs in the most recently used order">
-<!ENTITY ctrltab.tabPreviews "Show tab previews">
-<!ENTITY ctrltab.popup "Ctrl-Tab displays a tab list popup menu">
-<!ENTITY cmdtab.popup "Cmd-Tab displays a tab list popup menu">
-<!ENTITY tabpopup.mouse "Tab list responds to the mouse">
-<!ENTITY mergeNoTabSelection.label "Merge windows when no tabs are selected">
-<!ENTITY mergeTabSelection.label "Merging after selecting tabs">
-<!ENTITY mergeall.label "Merge all windows into one">
-<!ENTITY mergelastfocused.label "Merge only current window with last focused">
-<!ENTITY mergePopups.label "Also take popup windows">
-<!ENTITY popupNextToOpener.label "Place popups next to their openers">
-<!ENTITY activateSlideshow.label "Pressing #1 rotates tabs every">
-<!ENTITY toggleAnimation.label "Disable Open/Close tab animation">
-<!ENTITY reloadEvery.matchAddress.label "Reload a tab regardless of its address">
-<!ENTITY reloadEvery.onReloadButton.label "Show Reload Every menu on Reload button">
-<!ENTITY seconds.label "seconds">
-<!ENTITY minutes.label "min">
-<!ENTITY tabBarAppearance.label "Tab Bar">
-<!ENTITY tabAppearance.label "Tab">
-<!ENTITY toolBarAppearance.label "ToolBar">
-<!ENTITY show.ontabbar.label "Show on Tab bar">
-<!ENTITY show.ontab.label "Show on Tab">
-<!ENTITY dragNewTabButton.tooltip "Drag 'New Tab' button to your tab-bar to enable this option.">
-<!ENTITY hideTabBarButton.label "Close tab button">
-<!ENTITY newTabButton.label "New tab button">
-<!ENTITY newTabButton.posiotion.left.label "on Left side">
-<!ENTITY newTabButton.posiotion.right.label "on Right side">
-<!ENTITY newTabButton.posiotion.afterlast.label "After last tab">
-<!ENTITY allTabsButton.label "All tabs button">
-<!ENTITY tabBarSpace.label "Extra spaces on both sides">
-<!ENTITY tabBarSpace.tooltip "For clicking and dropping something on tab bar">
-<!ENTITY tabbar.label "Hide tab bar when only one tab is open">
-<!ENTITY moveTabOnDragging.label "When dragging a tab move it directly">
-<!ENTITY dropIndicator.label "Drop indicator">
-<!ENTITY dropIndicator-native.label "Native style">
-<!ENTITY dropIndicator-builtin.label "Built-in style">
-<!ENTITY verticalTabbar.description "Use treeStyleTab or VerticalTab extension to control these preferences.">
-<!ENTITY tabBarPosition.label "Position:">
-<!ENTITY tabBarPosition.top.label "Top (above content)">
-<!ENTITY tabBarPosition.bottom.label "Bottom (below content)">
-<!ENTITY tabScroll.label "When tabs don't fit width:">
-<!ENTITY tabScroll.none "Scrollable without buttons">
-<!ENTITY tabScroll.leftRightButtons "Scrollable with buttons on both sides">
-<!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons "Scrollable with buttons on right side">
-<!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Scrollable with buttons on left side">
-<!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Multi-row">
-<!ENTITY maxrow.label "Max number of rows to display:">
-<!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "When scrolling show part of next out-of-sight tab">
-<!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Enable smooth scroll">
-<!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Scroll Delay (time between scroll repetition)">
-<!ENTITY highlight.label "Highlight">
-<!ENTITY currenttab.style.label "Current tab">
-<!ENTITY unloadedtabs.style.label "Unloaded tabs">
-<!ENTITY unreadtabs.style.label "Unread tabs">
-<!ENTITY othertabs.style.label "Other tabs">
-<!ENTITY setstyles.label "Customize Styles">
-<!ENTITY extraIcons.label1 "Icons for">
-<!ENTITY extraIcons.locked "Locked">
-<!ENTITY extraIcons.protected "Protected">
-<!ENTITY extraIcons.autoreload "Auto Reload">
-<!ENTITY extraIcons.hideonpinned "Hide on pinned tabs">
-<!ENTITY progressMeter.label "Progress meter on tabs">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.labelBegin "Close tab button">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.left "Place on left side">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.rtl "Place on right side">
-<!ENTITY milliseconds.label "msec">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE change this only if you need to change the width -->
-<!ENTITY showTabX.popup.width "13em">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.always "on all">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.current "on current">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.hover "on pointed for">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.alwaysExeption "on all tabs wider than">
-<!ENTITY showTabX.currentHover "on current & pointed for">
-<!ENTITY minWidth.label "Tab Width:">
-<!ENTITY widthTo.label "to">
-<!ENTITY widthPixels.label "pixels">
-<!ENTITY onLeftDisabled.label "Can't place button on left side with the current theme">
-<!ENTITY flexTabs.label "Tab width fits to tab title">
-<!ENTITY bookastitle.label "Use bookmark name as tab title">
-<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: change this only if you need to change the width -->
-<!ENTITY toolbar.description.width "21em">
-<!ENTITY toolbar.description "You can customize which Tab Mix Plus buttons to show in your Toolbar">
-<!ENTITY toolbar.button.label "Customize">
-<!ENTITY toolbar.visible.caption "Visible buttons">
-<!ENTITY toolbar.novisible.label "There are no visible buttons">
-<!ENTITY toolbar.hidden.caption "Hidden buttons">
-<!ENTITY toolbar.nohidden.label "There are no hidden buttons">
-<!ENTITY mouseGesture.label "Mouse Gestures">
-<!ENTITY mouseClick.label "Mouse Clicking">
-<!ENTITY mouseHoverSelect.labelBegin "Select tab pointed for">
-<!ENTITY tabFlip.label "Switch to last selected tab when clicking current one">
-<!ENTITY tabFlip.delay "Use a delay of">
-<!ENTITY clickFocus.label "Mouse click (down and release) to select a tab">
-<!ENTITY removeEntries.label "Remove Tab Mix Plus menu list entries using middle-click">
-<!ENTITY lockTabSizingOnClose.label "When closing a tab, other tabs should not resize until cursor leaves toolbar region">
-<!ENTITY removeEntries.tooltip "Includes closed tabs, closed windows, and saved sessions">
-<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.caption "When scrolling over the tab-bar">
-<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.holdShift.label "Hold Shift while scrolling to switch between these options">
-<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.selectTab.label "Change selected tab">
-<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.scrollAllTabs.label "Scroll all tabs">
-<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.inverse.label "Inverse scroll direction">
-<!ENTITY double.label "Double-click">
-<!ENTITY middle.label "Middle-click">
-<!ENTITY ctrl.label "Ctrl-click">
-<!ENTITY cmd.label "Cmd-Click">
-<!ENTITY shift.label "Shift-click">
-<!ENTITY alt.label "Alt-Click">
-<!ENTITY ontab.label "on a tab:">
-<!ENTITY ontabbar.label "on the tabbar:">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.label "Choose command to perform when clicking on tab or tabbar">
-<!ENTITY ontabbar.dblClick.label "Prevent double click on Tab-bar from changing window size.">
-<!ENTITY ontabbar.click.label "Prevent clicking on Tab-bar from dragging the window.">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.default "Firefox default or other extension">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.nothing "Does nothing">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.addtab "Open a new tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.duplicatetab "Duplicates the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.duplicatetabw "Duplicates the tab in a new window">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.detachtab "Move the tab to a new window">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.protecttab "Protects the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.locktab "Locks the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.freezetab "Protects and Locks the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.renametab "Renames the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.copyTabUrl "Copies the tab's URL to the clipboard">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.copyUrlFromClipboard "Load URL from clipboard">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.selectMerge "Selects the tab for merging">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.mergeTabs "Merges windows together">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.bookTab "Bookmarks the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.bookTabs "Bookmarks all tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadtab "Reloads the tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadtabs "Reloads all tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadothertabs "Reloads other tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadlefttabs "Reloads left tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadrighttabs "Reloads right tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.autoReloadTab "Activate/Deactivate tab auto reload">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.removeall "Close all tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.removeother "Close other tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.removesimilar "Close tabs from similar domain">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.removetoLeft "Close Tabs to the Left">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.removetoRight "Close Tabs to the Right">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.uctab "Reopens last closed tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.ucatab "Reopens all closed tabs">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.snapback "SnapBack Tab">
-<!ENTITY clicktab.ietab "Opens the tab in IE">
-<!ENTITY contentLoad "Middle-click loads url from clipboard">
-<!ENTITY context.tab "Tab Context Menu">
-<!ENTITY context.main "Main Context Menu">
-<!ENTITY context.tools "Tools Menu">
-<!ENTITY showOnTabbar.label "Show Tab Context Menu on tabbar">
-<!ENTITY showtabBarContext.label "Show in Tab Context Menu">
-<!ENTITY showContentAreaContext.label "Show in Main Context Menu">
-<!ENTITY showToolsMenu.label "Show in Tools Menu">
-<!ENTITY startupHomePage.label "Show my home page">
-<!ENTITY startupBlankPage.label "Show a blank page">
-<!ENTITY startupLastSession.label "Show my windows and tabs from last time">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.description1 "Tab Mix Plus detect that Session Manager Extension is installed">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.description2 "Tab Mix Plus session manager will be disabled">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.description3 "You can click the button on the right to open Session Manager Options dialog">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.description4 "Convert My sessions data from Tab Mix Plus format to Session Manager extension format">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.convert.label "Convert">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.chooseFile.label0 "Let me choose which data file to convert">
-<!ENTITY sm.extension.chooseFile.label1 "Convert Tab Mix Plus sessions from the current profile">
-<!ENTITY ss.enable.label "Use Firefox's built-in Session Restore feature">
-<!ENTITY ss.enable.tooltip "Uncheck to allow the use with Tab Mix Plus Session Manager">
-<!ENTITY ss.advanced_setting "Advanced Setting">
-<!ENTITY ss.advanced_setting.warning "Don't change these, unless you know what you're doing">
-<!ENTITY ss.interval "Minimum time interval between two state saves">
-<!ENTITY ss.interval.seconds "(in milliseconds)">
-<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level "Save sensitive data (form data, POSTDATA and cookies) for">
-<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level.allsites "All sites">
-<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level.unencrypted "Unencrypted sites only">
-<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level.nosites "No sites at all">
-<!ENTITY ss.postdata.label1 "Maximum amount of POSTDATA to be stored">
-<!ENTITY ss.postdata.label2 "(in bytes, -1 = all of it)">
-<!ENTITY sessionManger.enable "Enable Session Manager">
-<!ENTITY crashRecovery.enable "Enable Crash Recovery">
-<!ENTITY sm.StartExit "Start/Exit">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore "Restore">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve "Preserve">
-<!ENTITY sm.start "When Browser Starts:">
-<!ENTITY sm.start.restore "Restore">
-<!ENTITY sm.start.ask "Ask Before Restoring">
-<!ENTITY sm.start.nothing "Don't Restore">
-<!ENTITY sm.exit "When Browser Exits:">
-<!ENTITY sm.exit.save "Save Session">
-<!ENTITY sm.exit.ask "Ask Before Saving">
-<!ENTITY sm.exit.nothing "Don't Save">
-<!ENTITY sm.startup "Startup Session:">
-<!ENTITY sm.lastsession "Last Session">
-<!ENTITY sm.previouslast "Previous to Last">
-<!ENTITY sm.chooseifempty "Choose another if empty">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.options "When Restoring Sessions:">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.overwrite "Overwrite existing windows">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.overwriteTabs "And tabs">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.closedWinList "Save windows in closed windows list">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.merge "Join multiple windows into one">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.bypassCache "Bypass cache when restoring">
-<!ENTITY sm.notrestore.label "When not restoring on start">
-<!ENTITY sm.restorePinned.label "Restore my pinned tabs from last time">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve.options "Preserve Tabs:">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve.history "History">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve.protect "Protect Status">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve.locked "Lock Status">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve.permission "Permissions">
-<!ENTITY sm.preserve.scroll1 "Scroll Position">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.winOptions "Preserve Windows:">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.selectedTab "Selected tab">
-<!ENTITY sm.restore.closedTabs "Closed tabs list">
-<!ENTITY incompatible.extensions "Some of your extensions are incompatible with Tab Mix Plus, it is recommended that you will disable or uninstall those extensions.">
-<!ENTITY incompatible.button.label "Show List">
+<!ENTITY tab.links "Links">
+<!ENTITY tab.events "Events">
+<!ENTITY tab.mouse "Mouse">
+<!ENTITY tab.appearance "Display">
+<!ENTITY tab.menu "Menu">
+<!ENTITY tab.session "Session">
+<!ENTITY tab.incompatible "Error">
+<!ENTITY apply.label "Apply">
+<!ENTITY settings.export "Export Preferences">
+<!ENTITY settings.import "Import Preferences">
+<!ENTITY settings.sync "Sync Preferences">
+<!ENTITY settings.default "Restore Defaults">
+<!ENTITY settings.revert "Revert">
+<!ENTITY generalWindowOpen.label "Open links that open in a new window in:">
+<!ENTITY externalLink.useSeparate.label "Use separate preference for links from other applications">
+<!ENTITY externalLinkTarget.label "Open links from other applications in:">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget.tab "New Tab">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget.window "New Window">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget.current "Current Tab">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.label "JavaScript & Popup restriction:">
+<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.all "Open all popups in tabs">
+<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.some "Allows resized popups">
+<!ENTITY divertedWindowOpen.none "Allows all popups">
+<!ENTITY linkTarget.label "Open links with a target attribute in current tab">
+<!ENTITY download.label "Prevent blank tabs when downloading files">
+<!ENTITY edit.label "Edit">
+<!ENTITY speLink.label "Force to open in new tab:">
+<!ENTITY speLink.none "Nothing">
+<!ENTITY speLink.allLinks "All links">
+<!ENTITY speLink.external "Links to other sites">
+<!ENTITY singleWindow.label "Enable Single Window Mode">
+<!ENTITY newTabs.label "New Tabs">
+<!ENTITY tabOpen.label "Tab Opening">
+<!ENTITY tabFocus.label "Tab Focus">
+<!ENTITY tabClose.label "Tab Closing">
+<!ENTITY tabMerge.label "Tab Merging">
+<!ENTITY tabFeature.label "Tab Features">
+<!ENTITY newtab.label "Load on New Tab:">
+<!ENTITY replaceLastTabWith.label "When I close last tab replace it with">
+<!ENTITY newtab.blank "Blank Page">
+<!ENTITY newtab.home "Home Page">
+<!ENTITY newtab.current "Current Page">
+<!ENTITY newtab.duplicate "Duplicate Tab with history">
+<!ENTITY newtab.location.1 "New Tab Page">
+<!ENTITY newtab.placeholder.label "Default New Tab Page">
+<!ENTITY location.label.1 "Address">
+<!ENTITY focusContent.label "Focus content when loading non blank page">
+<!ENTITY openTabNext.label "Open New Tab next to current one">
+<!ENTITY openOtherTabNext.label "Open other tabs next to current one">
+<!ENTITY relatedAfterCurrent.label "Only if related to current tab">
+<!ENTITY openTabNext.tooltip1 "[a][b][c][1][2][3] -> [a][1][2][3][b][c]">
+<!ENTITY openDuplicateNext.label "Open duplicated tabs next to original">
+<!ENTITY openTabNext.tooltip "[a][b][c][1][2][3] -> [a][3][2][1][b][c]">
+<!ENTITY openTabNextInverse.label "Change opening order">
+<!ENTITY openTabNextInverse.tooltip "[a][3][2][1][b][c] -> [a][1][2][3][b][c]">
+<!ENTITY openTabNextInverse.tooltip1 "Open new tab next to the tab last opened from the current tab (since it was last selected)">
+<!ENTITY lockTabs.label "Lock tabs">
+<!ENTITY lockNewTabs.label "Lock New tabs">
+<!ENTITY lockAppTabs.label "Lock App tabs">
+<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Apply changes to open tabs">
+<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Open tabs from:">
+<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Bookmarks">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openHistory.label "History">
+<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Address bar">
+<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Search bar">
+<!ENTITY middlecurrent1.label "Middle-click or Control-click opens items in current tab">
+<!ENTITY middlecurrent.tooltip "Only for bookmarks, history, links forced to open in new tab">
+<!ENTITY tabFocus.caption "Focus/Select tabs that open from:">
+<!ENTITY selectTab.label "Links">
+<!ENTITY selectDivertedTab.label "Diverted windows">
+<!ENTITY selectTabFromExternal.label "Other applications">
+<!ENTITY selectTabCommand.label "New tab commands">
+<!ENTITY contextMenuSearch.label "Context menu search for">
+<!ENTITY selectTabBH.label "Bookmarks/History">
+<!ENTITY duplicateTab.label "Duplicate Tab">
+<!ENTITY inversefocus1.label "Inverse Middle-click or Control-click focus of:">
+<!ENTITY warning.caption.label "Warning">
+<!ENTITY warnOnCloseProtected.label "Warn me when closing window with protected tabs">
+<!ENTITY warnOnCloseWindow.label "Warn me when closing window with multiple tabs">
+<!ENTITY lasttab.caption.label "Closing last tab">
+<!ENTITY keepWindow.label.3.1 "Do not close window when closing last tab">
+<!ENTITY keeptab.label "Prevent last tab from closing">
+<!ENTITY closeOnMerge.label "Close windows once they have merged">
+<!ENTITY warnOnMerge.label "Warn when closing tabs that aren't being merged">
+<!ENTITY currenttab.caption.label "Closing current tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.labelBegin "When closing current tab, focus:">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.firstTab "First tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.leftTab "Left tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.rightTab "Right tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.lastTab "Last tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.lastSelectedTab "Last selected tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.openerTab "Opener/right tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.openerTab.rtl "Opener/left tab">
+<!ENTITY focusTab.lastOpenedTab "Last opened tab">
+<!ENTITY undoClose.label "Enable undo close tabs">
+<!ENTITY undoCloseCache.label "Max number of closed tabs to remember:">
+<!ENTITY undoClosepos.label "Restore the tab's original position">
+<!ENTITY menuonlybutton.label "Make the toolbar button display only a list">
+<!ENTITY ctrltab.label "Ctrl-Tab navigates tabs in the most recently used order">
+<!ENTITY cmdtab.label "Cmd-Tab navigates tabs in the most recently used order">
+<!ENTITY ctrltab.tabPreviews "Show tab previews">
+<!ENTITY ctrltab.popup "Ctrl-Tab displays a tab list popup menu">
+<!ENTITY cmdtab.popup "Cmd-Tab displays a tab list popup menu">
+<!ENTITY tabpopup.mouse "Tab list responds to the mouse">
+<!ENTITY mergeNoTabSelection.label "Merge windows when no tabs are selected">
+<!ENTITY mergeTabSelection.label "Merging after selecting tabs">
+<!ENTITY mergeall.label "Merge all windows into one">
+<!ENTITY mergelastfocused.label "Merge only current window with last focused">
+<!ENTITY mergePopups.label "Also take popup windows">
+<!ENTITY popupNextToOpener.label "Place popups next to their openers">
+<!ENTITY activateSlideshow.label "Pressing #1 rotates tabs every">
+<!ENTITY toggleAnimation.label "Disable Open/Close tab animation">
+<!ENTITY reloadEvery.matchAddress.label "Reload a tab regardless of its address">
+<!ENTITY reloadEvery.onReloadButton.label "Show Reload Every menu on Reload button">
+<!ENTITY seconds.label "seconds">
+<!ENTITY minutes.label "min">
+<!ENTITY tabBarAppearance.label "Tab Bar">
+<!ENTITY tabAppearance.label "Tab">
+<!ENTITY toolBarAppearance.label "ToolBar">
+<!ENTITY show.ontabbar.label "Show on Tab bar">
+<!ENTITY show.ontab.label "Show on Tab">
+<!ENTITY dragNewTabButton.tooltip "Drag 'New Tab' button to your tab-bar to enable this option.">
+<!ENTITY hideTabBarButton.label "Close tab button">
+<!ENTITY newTabButton.label "New tab button">
+<!ENTITY newTabButton.posiotion.left.label "on Left side">
+<!ENTITY newTabButton.posiotion.right.label "on Right side">
+<!ENTITY newTabButton.posiotion.afterlast.label "After last tab">
+<!ENTITY allTabsButton.label "All tabs button">
+<!ENTITY tabBarSpace.label "Extra spaces on both sides">
+<!ENTITY tabBarSpace.tooltip "For clicking and dropping something on tab bar">
+<!ENTITY tabbar.label "Hide tab bar when only one tab is open">
+<!ENTITY moveTabOnDragging.label "When dragging a tab move it directly">
+<!ENTITY dropIndicator.label "Drop indicator">
+<!ENTITY dropIndicator-native.label "Native style">
+<!ENTITY dropIndicator-builtin.label "Built-in style">
+<!ENTITY verticalTabbar.description "Use treeStyleTab or VerticalTab extension to control these preferences.">
+<!ENTITY tabBarPosition.label "Position:">
+<!ENTITY tabBarPosition.top.label "Top (above content)">
+<!ENTITY tabBarPosition.bottom.label "Bottom (below content)">
+<!ENTITY tabScroll.label "When tabs don't fit width:">
+<!ENTITY tabScroll.none "Scrollable without buttons">
+<!ENTITY tabScroll.leftRightButtons "Scrollable with buttons on both sides">
+<!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons "Scrollable with buttons on right side">
+<!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Scrollable with buttons on left side">
+<!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Multi-row">
+<!ENTITY maxrow.label "Max number of rows to display:">
+<!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "When scrolling show part of next out-of-sight tab">
+<!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Enable smooth scroll">
+<!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Scroll Delay (time between scroll repetition)">
+<!ENTITY highlight.label "Highlight">
+<!ENTITY currenttab.style.label "Current tab">
+<!ENTITY unloadedtabs.style.label "Unloaded tabs">
+<!ENTITY unreadtabs.style.label "Unread tabs">
+<!ENTITY othertabs.style.label "Other tabs">
+<!ENTITY setstyles.label "Customize Styles">
+<!ENTITY extraIcons.label1 "Icons for">
+<!ENTITY extraIcons.locked "Locked">
+<!ENTITY extraIcons.protected "Protected">
+<!ENTITY extraIcons.autoreload "Auto Reload">
+<!ENTITY extraIcons.hideonpinned "Hide on pinned tabs">
+<!ENTITY progressMeter.label "Progress meter on tabs">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.labelBegin "Close tab button">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.left "Place on left side">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.rtl "Place on right side">
+<!ENTITY milliseconds.label "msec">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE change this only if you need to change the width -->
+<!ENTITY showTabX.popup.width "13em">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.always "on all">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.current "on current">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.hover "on pointed for">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.alwaysExeption "on all tabs wider than">
+<!ENTITY showTabX.currentHover "on current & pointed for">
+<!ENTITY minWidth.label "Tab Width:">
+<!ENTITY widthTo.label "to">
+<!ENTITY widthPixels.label "pixels">
+<!ENTITY onLeftDisabled.label "Can't place button on left side with the current theme">
+<!ENTITY flexTabs.label "Tab width fits to tab title">
+<!ENTITY bookastitle.label "Use bookmark name as tab title">
+<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE: change this only if you need to change the width -->
+<!ENTITY toolbar.description.width "21em">
+<!ENTITY toolbar.description "You can customize which Tab Mix Plus buttons to show in your Toolbar">
+<!ENTITY toolbar.button.label "Customize">
+<!ENTITY toolbar.visible.caption "Visible buttons">
+<!ENTITY toolbar.novisible.label "There are no visible buttons">
+<!ENTITY toolbar.hidden.caption "Hidden buttons">
+<!ENTITY toolbar.nohidden.label "There are no hidden buttons">
+<!ENTITY mouseGesture.label "Mouse Gestures">
+<!ENTITY mouseClick.label "Mouse Clicking">
+<!ENTITY mouseHoverSelect.labelBegin "Select tab pointed for">
+<!ENTITY tabFlip.label "Switch to last selected tab when clicking current one">
+<!ENTITY tabFlip.delay "Use a delay of">
+<!ENTITY clickFocus.label "Mouse click (down and release) to select a tab">
+<!ENTITY removeEntries.label "Remove Tab Mix Plus menu list entries using middle-click">
+<!ENTITY lockTabSizingOnClose.label "When closing a tab, other tabs should not resize until cursor leaves toolbar region">
+<!ENTITY removeEntries.tooltip "Includes closed tabs, closed windows, and saved sessions">
+<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.caption "When scrolling over the tab-bar">
+<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.holdShift.label "Hold Shift while scrolling to switch between these options">
+<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.selectTab.label "Change selected tab">
+<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.scrollAllTabs.label "Scroll all tabs">
+<!ENTITY tabbarscrolling.inverse.label "Inverse scroll direction">
+<!ENTITY double.label "Double-click">
+<!ENTITY middle.label "Middle-click">
+<!ENTITY ctrl.label "Ctrl-click">
+<!ENTITY cmd.label "Cmd-Click">
+<!ENTITY shift.label "Shift-click">
+<!ENTITY alt.label "Alt-Click">
+<!ENTITY ontab.label "on a tab:">
+<!ENTITY ontabbar.label "on the tabbar:">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.label "Choose command to perform when clicking on tab or tabbar">
+<!ENTITY ontabbar.dblClick.label "Prevent double click on Tab-bar from changing window size.">
+<!ENTITY ontabbar.click.label "Prevent clicking on Tab-bar from dragging the window.">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.default "Firefox default or other extension">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.nothing "Does nothing">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.addtab "Open a new tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.duplicatetab "Duplicates the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.duplicatetabw "Duplicates the tab in a new window">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.detachtab "Move the tab to a new window">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.protecttab "Protects the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.locktab "Locks the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.freezetab "Protects and Locks the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.renametab "Renames the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.copyTabUrl "Copies the tab's URL to the clipboard">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.copyUrlFromClipboard "Load URL from clipboard">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.selectMerge "Selects the tab for merging">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.mergeTabs "Merges windows together">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.bookTab "Bookmarks the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.bookTabs "Bookmarks all tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadtab "Reloads the tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadtabs "Reloads all tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadothertabs "Reloads other tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadlefttabs "Reloads left tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.reloadrighttabs "Reloads right tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.autoReloadTab "Activate/Deactivate tab auto reload">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.removeall "Close all tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.removeother "Close other tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.removesimilar "Close tabs from similar domain">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.removetoLeft "Close Tabs to the Left">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.removetoRight "Close Tabs to the Right">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.uctab "Reopens last closed tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.ucatab "Reopens all closed tabs">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.snapback "SnapBack Tab">
+<!ENTITY clicktab.ietab "Opens the tab in IE">
+<!ENTITY contentLoad "Middle-click loads url from clipboard">
+<!ENTITY context.tab "Tab Context Menu">
+<!ENTITY context.main "Main Context Menu">
+<!ENTITY context.tools "Tools Menu">
+<!ENTITY showOnTabbar.label "Show Tab Context Menu on tabbar">
+<!ENTITY showtabBarContext.label "Show in Tab Context Menu">
+<!ENTITY showContentAreaContext.label "Show in Main Context Menu">
+<!ENTITY showToolsMenu.label "Show in Tools Menu">
+<!ENTITY startupHomePage.label "Show my home page">
+<!ENTITY startupBlankPage.label "Show a blank page">
+<!ENTITY startupLastSession.label "Show my windows and tabs from last time">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.description1 "Tab Mix Plus detect that Session Manager Extension is installed">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.description2 "Tab Mix Plus session manager will be disabled">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.description3 "You can click the button on the right to open Session Manager Options dialog">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.description4 "Convert My sessions data from Tab Mix Plus format to Session Manager extension format">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.convert.label "Convert">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.chooseFile.label0 "Let me choose which data file to convert">
+<!ENTITY sm.extension.chooseFile.label1 "Convert Tab Mix Plus sessions from the current profile">
+<!ENTITY ss.enable.label "Use Firefox's built-in Session Restore feature">
+<!ENTITY ss.enable.tooltip "Uncheck to allow the use with Tab Mix Plus Session Manager">
+<!ENTITY ss.advanced_setting "Advanced Setting">
+<!ENTITY ss.advanced_setting.warning "Don't change these, unless you know what you're doing">
+<!ENTITY ss.interval "Minimum time interval between two state saves">
+<!ENTITY ss.interval.seconds "(in milliseconds)">
+<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level "Save sensitive data (form data, POSTDATA and cookies) for">
+<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level.allsites "All sites">
+<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level.unencrypted "Unencrypted sites only">
+<!ENTITY ss.privacy_level.nosites "No sites at all">
+<!ENTITY ss.postdata.label1 "Maximum amount of POSTDATA to be stored">
+<!ENTITY ss.postdata.label2 "(in bytes, -1 = all of it)">
+<!ENTITY sessionManger.enable "Enable Session Manager">
+<!ENTITY crashRecovery.enable "Enable Crash Recovery">
+<!ENTITY sm.StartExit "Start/Exit">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore "Restore">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve "Preserve">
+<!ENTITY sm.start "When Browser Starts:">
+<!ENTITY sm.start.restore "Restore">
+<!ENTITY sm.start.ask "Ask Before Restoring">
+<!ENTITY sm.start.nothing "Don't Restore">
+<!ENTITY sm.exit "When Browser Exits:">
+<!ENTITY sm.exit.save "Save Session">
+<!ENTITY sm.exit.ask "Ask Before Saving">
+<!ENTITY sm.exit.nothing "Don't Save">
+<!ENTITY sm.startup "Startup Session:">
+<!ENTITY sm.lastsession "Last Session">
+<!ENTITY sm.previouslast "Previous to Last">
+<!ENTITY sm.chooseifempty "Choose another if empty">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.options "When Restoring Sessions:">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.overwrite "Overwrite existing windows">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.overwriteTabs "And tabs">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.closedWinList "Save windows in closed windows list">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.merge "Join multiple windows into one">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.bypassCache "Bypass cache when restoring">
+<!ENTITY sm.notrestore.label "When not restoring on start">
+<!ENTITY sm.restorePinned.label "Restore my pinned tabs from last time">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve.options "Preserve Tabs:">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve.history "History">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve.protect "Protect Status">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve.locked "Lock Status">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve.permission "Permissions">
+<!ENTITY sm.preserve.scroll1 "Scroll Position">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.winOptions "Preserve Windows:">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.selectedTab "Selected tab">
+<!ENTITY sm.restore.closedTabs "Closed tabs list">
+<!ENTITY incompatible.extensions "Some of your extensions are incompatible with Tab Mix Plus, it is recommended that you will disable or uninstall those extensions.">
+<!ENTITY incompatible.button.label "Show List">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 1d7419e..e979018 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplicar cambios a pestañas abiertas">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Abrir pestañas desde:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Marcadores">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Grupos de marcadores">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "No reemplazar pestañas al abrir un grupo de marcadores">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historial">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Barra direcciones">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Barra búsquedas">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 636c127..e73332e 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Rakenda muudatused avatud kaartidele">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Ava uuel kaardil järgnevate kaudu avatud leht:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Järjehoidjad">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Järjehoidjate grupid">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Ära kirjuta järjehoidjate grupi avamisel olemasolevaid kaarte üle">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Ajalugu">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Aadressiriba">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Otsinguriba">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/eu/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/eu/pref-tabmix.dtd
index c7a15d1..960304b 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/eu/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/eu/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Apply changes to open tabs">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Ireki fitxak hortik:">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Lastermarkak">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "Taldekako Lastermarkak">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Ez ezabatu fitxarik taldekako bookmarkak irekitzean">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historia">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "Helbide barra">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "Bilatzaile barra">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fa-IR/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/fa-IR/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 70c90d5..3c8c853 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fa-IR/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fa-IR/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Apply changes to open tabs">
<!ENTITY openNewTab.label "باز کردن تب ها از">
<!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "نشانه گذاری شده ها">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.label "گروه های نشانه گذاری شده ها">
-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "تب ها را هنگام باز شدن گروهی از نشانه گذاری ها متوقف نکن">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
<!ENTITY openHistory.label "تاریخچه">
<!ENTITY openUrl.label "نوار آدرس">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "نوار جستجو">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fi/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/fi/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 265407d..ccb0d8a 100644
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-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Не использовать открытые вкладки при открытии группы закладок">
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-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Stránka, na ktorej ste sa pokúsili zapnúť Auto načítanie obsahuje POSTDATA.\nAk povolíte automatické načítanie, akákoľvek vykonávaná akcia (napríklad on-line nákup) sa stratí. \n\nSte istí, že chcete povoliť Auto načítanie?
incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
incompatible.msg0=Nasledujúce rozšírenia sú integrované alebo nekompatibilné s Tab Mix Plus.
incompatible.msg1=Prajete si vypnúť tieto rozšírenia?
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-<!ENTITY openBMKGroups.tooltip "Немој да пишеш преко постојећих картица приликом отварања групе обележивача">
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<!ENTITY openUrl.label "網址列">
<!ENTITY openSearch.label "搜尋列">
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