[Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 03/05: Update locales from http://www.babelzilla.org

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 28 19:09:30 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to tag
in repository tabmixplus.

commit d768b3971b5fcc749b128cd925af08902b627394
Author: onemen <tabmix.onemen at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 09:23:09 2015 +0300

    Update locales from http://www.babelzilla.org
 chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/bg-BG/tabmix.properties   |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  2 +-
 chrome/locale/cs-CZ/tabmix.properties   |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  2 +-
 chrome/locale/de/tabmix.properties      |  4 ++--
 chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  8 ++++----
 chrome/locale/es-ES/tabmix.properties   |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/et-EE/tabmix.properties   | 10 +++++-----
 chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/fr/tabmix.properties      |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/ja/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/ja/tabmix.properties      |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-appearance.dtd |  2 +-
 chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  4 ++--
 chrome/locale/nl/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/nl/tabmix.properties      |  4 ++--
 chrome/locale/pl/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/pl/tabmix.properties      |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/pt-BR/tabmix.properties   |  4 ++--
 chrome/locale/ro/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/ro/tabmix.properties      |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/sk-SK/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/sk-SK/tabmix.properties   |  4 ++--
 chrome/locale/sr/pref-tabmix.dtd        |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/sr/tabmix.properties      |  6 +++---
 chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd     |  2 +-
 chrome/locale/zh-TW/tabmix.properties   |  4 ++--
 30 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd
index cb2baaf..f37d2f0 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Прилагане на измененията за текущите отворени подпрозорци">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Отваряне в нови подпрозорци на:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Отметки">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Групи от отметки/история">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "При отваряне на група от отметки/история, подпрозорците не се заменят">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "История">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Адресната лента">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Лентата за търсене">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Прелистване чрез бутони, разположени отляво">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Разполагане на подпрозорците на няколко реда">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Максимален брой редове:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Прелистване на забодените подпрозорци">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "При прелистване да се показва част от следващия все още непоказан подпрозорец">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Включване на плавно превъртане">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Забавяне на прелистването (време до преминаването към следващия подпрозорец)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/tabmix.properties
index bacd2d4..09cb756 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/bg-BG/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/bg-BG/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=Предупреждаване при затваряне 
 closeWindow.label=Затваряне на прозорец
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=Страницата, за която се опитвате да включите автоматично презареждане, съдържа POSTDATA.nАко го включите автоматичното презареждане, то всяко изпълнимо действие (напр. покупка в онлайн магазин) ще се повтаря.nnСигурни ли сте, че искате да включите автоматично презареждане?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Страницата, за която се опитвате да активирате Автоматично презареждане, съдържа POSTDATA.\nАко активирате Автоматично презареждане, то всяко действие, което бъде осъществено от формуляра (напр. онлайн покупка) ще бъде изтрито.\n\nСигурни ли сте, че искате да активирате Автоматично презареждане?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Следните добавки са интегрирани или несъвместими с Tab Mix Plus.
 incompatible.msg1=Искате ли да изключите тези добавки?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=За използването на Настройките
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 реда
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Активният подпрозорец е на ред #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd
index b809bec..70af084 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplikovat změny na již otevřené panely">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Otevírat panely z:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Záložky">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Seskupit záložky/historii">
 <!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historie">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Adresní řádek">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/tabmix.properties
index 273cee4..0942603 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/cs-CZ/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=Zobrazit upozornění, pokud se pokusím zavřít okno s v
 closeWindow.label=Zavřít okno
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=Stránka, na které chcete povolit automatické načítání, obsahuje formulářová data.\nPokud automatické načítání povolíte, veškeré úlohy, které formulář provede (jako např. online nákup), budou zopakovány.\n\nOpravdu chcete povolit automatické načítání?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Stránka, na které chcete povolit automatické načítání, obsahuje formulářová data.\nPokud automatické načítání povolíte, veškeré úlohy, které formulář provede (jako např. online nákup), budou ztraceny.\n\nOpravdu chcete povolit automatické načítání?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Následující rozšíření jsou již integrována v rozšíření Tab Mix Plus nebo s ním nejsou kompatibilní.
 incompatible.msg1=Chcete zakázat tato rozšíření?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Chcete-li používat možnosti rozšíření Tab Mix Plus
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=; počet řádků: #1
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Aktivní panel na řádku #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 2a21c93..4f8972b 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/de/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "mit Pfeilschaltflächen auf der linken Seite scrollen">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "mehrzeilig anzeigen">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Maximale Zeilenanzahl:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Scrollen durch angeheftete Tabs erlauben">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Beim Scrollen einen Teil des nächsten Tabs zeigen">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Sanftes Scrollen verwenden">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Mausrad-Verzögerung (Intervall zwischen Scroll-Schritten)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/de/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/de/tabmix.properties
index 45f9752..c0c5ddb 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/de/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/de/tabmix.properties
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Es muss mindestens ein Browser-Fenster geöffnet sein, um
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1. Zeile
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Aktiver Tab in #1. Zeile
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd
index bfb8a1f..b5e2ad4 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <!ENTITY settings.import "Importar predisposiciones">
 <!ENTITY settings.sync "Sincronizar preferencias">
 <!ENTITY settings.default "Restaurar predeterminadas">
-<!ENTITY settings.revert "Deschacer">
+<!ENTITY settings.revert "Deshacer">
 <!ENTITY generalWindowOpen.label "Abrir enlaces que abren nueva ventana en:">
 <!ENTITY externalLink.useSeparate.label "Usar preferencia separada para enlaces de otras aplicaciones">
 <!ENTITY externalLinkTarget.label "Abrir enlaces de otros programas en:">
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplicar cambios a pestañas abiertas">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Abrir pestañas desde:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Marcadores">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Grupos de marcadores/historial">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "No sustituir pestañas al abrir un grupo de marcadores/historial">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Historial">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Barra direcciones">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Barra búsquedas">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "se pueden rotar con botones a la izquierda">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "se muestran en filas">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Máximo de filas a mostrar:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Permitir rotar pestañas fijas">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Al rotar mostrar parte de la siguiente pestaña no visible">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Activar rotación suave">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Retardo de rotación (tiempo entre repeticiones al rotar)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/es-ES/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/es-ES/tabmix.properties
index 80a80ca..cbb5a59 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/es-ES/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/es-ES/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=Avisar cuando intente cerrar una ventana con varias pesta
 closeWindow.label=Cerrar ventana
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=La página en la que ha intentado activar la recarga automática contiene POSTDATA.\nSi activa la opción de recarga automática, cualquier acción que realice el formulario (por ejemplo, un compra online) se repetirá varias veces.\n\n¿Está seguro de querer activar la recarga automática?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=La página en la que ha intentado activar la recarga automática contiene POSTDATA.\nSi activa la opción de recarga automática, cualquier acción que realice el formulario (por ejemplo, un compra online) se repetirá varias veces.\n\n¿Está seguro de querer activar la recarga automática?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Las siguientes extensiones están integradas con Tab Mix Plus o son incompatibles con ella.
 incompatible.msg1=¿Quiere desactivar esas extensiones?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Debe tener una ventana de navegador para administrar las
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 filas
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Pestaña activa en fila #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 829addd..41fa926 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Rakenda muudatused avatud kaartidele">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Ava uuel kaardil järgnevate kaudu avatud leht:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Järjehoidjad">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Järjehoidja-/ajaloogrupid">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Järjehoidja-/ajaloogruppide avamisel ära kirjuta kaarte üle">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Ajalugu">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Aadressiriba">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Otsinguriba">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Keritav riba nuppudega vasakul">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Mitmerealine">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Maksimaalne näidatavate ridade arv:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Luba püsikaartide kerimine">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Kerimisel näita osa järgmisest peidusolevast kaardist">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Kasuta sujuvat kerimist">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Kerimise viivitus (kerimise korduste vaheline aeg)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/et-EE/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/et-EE/tabmix.properties
index b54eed9..7211897 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/et-EE/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/et-EE/tabmix.properties
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ protectedtabs.closeWarning.4=Hoiata mind, kui ma üritan sulgeda kaitstud kaarti
 window.closeWarning.1=Hoiata mind, kui ma üritan sulgeda mitme kaardiga akent
 closeWindow.label=Sulge aken
-confirm_autoreloadPostData=See veebileht, millel sa üritasid kasutada automaatse uuestilaadimise funktsiooni, sisaldab POSTDATA andmeid.nKui sa nüüd selle funktsiooni sisse lülitad, siis korratakse vormi iga tegevust (näiteks interneti-ostu sooritamine).nnKas oled kindel, et tahad Automaatse uuestilaadimise funktsiooni sisse lülitada?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData=See veebileht, millel sa üritasid kasutada automaatse uuestilaadimise funktsiooni, sisaldab POSTDATA andmeid.\nKui sa nüüd selle funktsiooni sisse lülitad, siis korratakse vormi iga tegevust (näiteks interneti-ostu sooritamine).\n\nKas oled kindel, et tahad Automaatse uuestilaadimise funktsiooni sisse lülitada?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Leht, millel sa tahtsid Automaatset Uuestilaadimist lubada, sisaldab POSTDATA andmeid.\nAutomaatse Uuestilaadimise lubamisel läheb kaduma iga tegevus, mida vorm täidab (näiteks internetist ostmine).\n\nKas oled kindel, et tahad Automaatse Uuestilaadimise lubada?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Järgnevad lisad on kas sisseehitatud või ei ühildu lisaga Tab Mix Plus.
 incompatible.msg1=Kas tahad need lisad keelata?
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ incompatible.button1.accesskey=R
 incompatible.button2.label=Keela ja taaskäivita
 incompatible.chkbox.label=Näita seda teadet brauseri käivitumisel
-tabmixoption.error.title=Tab Mix Plus\'i viga
+tabmixoption.error.title=Tab Mix Plusi viga
 tabmixoption.error.msg=Tab Mix Plusi sätete akna avamiseks peab lahti olema vähemalt üks brauseri aken
 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (rowsTooltip.rowscount):
 # Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See:
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Tab Mix Plusi sätete akna avamiseks peab lahti olema vä
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 rida
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Aktiivne kaart #1. real
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 67052bf..bd3dc79 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/fr/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Appliquer les changements aux onglets ouverts">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Ouvrir des onglets depuis :">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Les marque-pages">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groupes de marques-pages/historique">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Ne pas remplacer les onglets à l'ouverture d'un groupe de marques-pages/historique">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "L'historique">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "La barre d'adresse">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "La barre de recherche">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Faire défiler avec les boutons fléchés situés à gauche">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Mettre la barre d'onglets sur plusieurs lignes">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Nombre maximal de lignes à afficher :">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Permettre le défilement pour les onglets épinglés">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "En faisant défiler montrer une partie de l'onglet suivant masqué">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Activer le défilement doux">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Délai de défilement (intervalle avant la reprise du défilement)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/fr/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/fr/tabmix.properties
index 67357d5..f09ed32 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/fr/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/fr/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=M\'avertir quand j\'essaie de fermer une fenêtre qui comp
 closeWindow.label=Fermer la fenêtre
 confirm_autoreloadPostData_title=Attention !
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=La page sur laquelle vous tentez d\'activer la réactualisation automatique contient des données POST.nSi vous activez la réactualisation automatique, les contenus des champs du formulaire seront envoyés de nouveau (tel qu\'un achat en ligne).nnVoulez-vous vraiment activer la réactualisation automatique ?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=La page sur laquelle vous essayez d'activer le rafraichissement automatique contient des données POSTDATA.\nSi vous activez le rafraichissement automatique, toute action en relation avec le formulaire (telle qu'un achat en ligne) sera perturbée.\n\nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir activer le rafraichissement automatique ?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Les extensions suivantes sont intégrées ou incompatibles avec Tab Mix Plus.
 incompatible.msg1=Voulez-vous désactiver ces extensions ?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Vous devez avoir une fenêtre de navigateur pour utiliser
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 lignes
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Onglet actif sur la ligne #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ja/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/ja/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 034a426..7632607 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ja/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ja/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "タブを開くときは上の設定を適用する">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "以下を新しいタブに読み込む:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "ブックマーク">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "ブックマークや履歴のグループ">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "ブックマークや履歴のグループを開くとき、既存のタブを上書きしない">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "履歴">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "ロケーションバー">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "検索バー">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "スクロール可能にし、左にボタンを表示">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "多段表示にする">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "バーの最大表示段数:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "ピン留めしたタブもスクロール">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "スクロール時、両端で次のタブが部分的に見えるようにする">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "スムーズスクロールを有効にする">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "スクロール遅延時間(スクロール反復間の時間):">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ja/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/ja/tabmix.properties
index cba9ad3..ba148df 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ja/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ja/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=複数タブがあるウィンドウを閉じる場合は
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=以下の拡張機能は Tab Mix Plus に統合されているか、不整合を起こします
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=ひとつのウィンドウにしか Tab Mix Plus のオ
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 行
+rowsTooltip.activetab=アクティブなタブは #1 行目
diff --git a/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-appearance.dtd b/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-appearance.dtd
index ae10cc3..849dfb2 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-appearance.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-appearance.dtd
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <!ENTITY showRGB.label "Rādīt RGB">
 <!ENTITY unreadAfterReload.label "pēc pārlādēšanas iestatīt cilni kā nelasītu">
 <!ENTITY squaredTabs.label "Pielietot fona krāsu kvadrātveida cilnēm">
-<!ENTITY backgroundDisabled.label "Tabs background colors are disabled when TreeStyleTabs is installed">
+<!ENTITY backgroundDisabled.label "Ja ir instalēts TreeStyleTabs, ciļņu fona krāsas tiek atslēgtas">
 <!ENTITY otherTabs.label "Citas cilnes">
 <!ENTITY italic.label "Slīpraksts">
 <!ENTITY bold.label "Treknraksts">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-tabmix.dtd
index d5c39d2..25f4957 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/lv-LV/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 <!ENTITY settings.import "Importēt iestatījumus">
 <!ENTITY settings.sync "Sinhronizēt iestatījumus">
 <!ENTITY settings.default "Atjaunot noklusējumus">
-<!ENTITY settings.revert "Revert">
+<!ENTITY settings.revert "Atgriezt">
 <!ENTITY generalWindowOpen.label "Saites, kas atveras jaunā logā, atvērt:">
 <!ENTITY externalLink.useSeparate.label "Saitēm no citām lietotnēm izmantot atsevišķu iestatījumu">
 <!ENTITY externalLinkTarget.label "Saites no citām lietotnēm atvērt:">
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Pielietot izmaiņas atvērtajām cilnēm">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Atvērt cilnes no:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Grāmatzīmes">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Grāmatzījmu/Vēstures grupas">
 <!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Vēsture">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Adrešu josla">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/nl/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 0ddd1da..c31e27d 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nl/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/nl/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Wijzigingen op openstaande tabbladen toepassen">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Tabbladen openen vanuit:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Bladwijzers">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groepen bladwijzers/geschiedenis">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Tabbladen niet overschrijven bij openen van een groep bladwijzers/geschiedenis">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Geschiedenis">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Locatiebalk">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Zoekbalk">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Scrollbaar met knoppen links">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "in meerdere rijen zetten">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Maximum aantal zichtbare rijen:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Scrollen van vastgezette tabbladen toestaan">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Tijdens het scrollen gedeelte van het volgende niet-zichtbare tabblad weergeven">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Soepel scrollen inschakelen">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Schuifvertraging (tijd tussen schuifherhaling)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/nl/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/nl/tabmix.properties
index 10a5c3b..c21974a 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/nl/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/nl/tabmix.properties
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Er dient ten minste één browservenster geopend te zijn
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 rijen
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Actieve tabblad op rij 1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/pl/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 38554fa..f5ad857 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pl/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pl/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Zastosuj zmiany w otwartych kartach">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Otwieraj w kartach witryny wywołane z:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "zakładek">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Grupy zakładek/historii">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Nie zastępuj kart, gdy jest otwierana grupa zakładek/historii">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "historii">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "paska adresu">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "paska wyszukiwania">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "wyświetlaj przyciski przewijania po lewej stronie paska">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "wyświetlaj je w wielu rzędach">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Maksymalna liczba wyświetlanych rzędów etykiet kart:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Zezwalaj na przewijanie przypiętych kart">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Podczas przewijania wyświetlaj część następnej poza zasięgiem wzroku karty">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Włącz płynne przewijanie">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Opóźnienie przewijania (czas pomiędzy powtórnym przewijaniem)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pl/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/pl/tabmix.properties
index bf7e350..e510c24 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pl/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/pl/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=Ostrzegaj, gdy następuje próba zamknięcia okna z wielom
 closeWindow.label=Zamknij okno
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=Strona, dla której próbujesz włączyć automatyczne odświeżanie zawiera dane typu POSTDATA.\nJeśli opcja ta zostanie włączona, to każda akcja, jaką ma wykonać formularz, np. zakupy w sklepie internetowym, będzie powtarzana!.\n\nCzy na pewno chcesz włączyć automatyczne odświeżanie?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Strona, na której próbujesz włączyć automatyczne odświeżanie zawiera dane typu „postdata”\nWłączenie automatycznego odświeżania spowoduje utratę wprowadzonych danych formularzy, takich jak dane podawane podczas zakupów online.\n\nCzy na pewno chcesz włączyć automatyczne odświeżanie?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Następujące rozszerzenia są zintegrowane lub niekompatybilne z Tab Mix Plusem.
 incompatible.msg1=Czy wyłączyć te rozszerzenia?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=W trakcie dostosowywania ustawień Tab Mix Plusa może by
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rzędy
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Uaktywnij kartę na rzędzie #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/pref-tabmix.dtd
index ea02fb7..1f8ca8e 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplicar alterações nas abas abertas">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Abrir novas abas a partir de:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Favoritos">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Grupos do favoritos/histórico">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Não substituir as abas ao abrir um grupo de favoritos/histórico">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Histórico">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Barra de endereços">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Campo de pesquisa">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Rolável com botões no lado esquerdo">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Múltiplas fileiras">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Número máximo de fileiras:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Permitir rolamento para abas fixadas">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Quando rolagem mostrar parte da próxima guia de out-of-sight">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Ativar rolagem suave">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Atraso ao rolar (tempo entre a repetição da rolagem)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/tabmix.properties
index 6808923..8dead83 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/pt-BR/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/pt-BR/tabmix.properties
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Você deve ter no mínimo uma janela do navegador aberta
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Linhas
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Aba ativa na linha #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/ro/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 8f93979..b2b8baf 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ro/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/ro/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Se aplică modificările la filele deschise">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Se deschid filele din:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Semne de carte">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Grupuri de semne de carte / istoric">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "La deschiderea grupurilor, nu se suprascriu alte file">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Istoric">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Bară de adrese">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Bară de căutare">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "se afișează butoane de derulare pe marginea stângă">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "se afișează pe mai multe linii">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Numărul maxim de linii care se afișează:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Se permite defilarea filelor fixate">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "La derulare, se afișează parțial următoarea filă nevizibilă">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Se activează derularea lină">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Întârzierea derulării (interval între pașii derulării):">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/ro/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/ro/tabmix.properties
index f1d4e42..c6e29e1 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/ro/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/ro/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=Se avertizează la încercarea de închidere a unei ferest
 closeWindow.label=Închide fereastra
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=Pagina pentru care încercați să activați reîncărcarea automată conține elemente POSTDATA.\nDacă activați reîncărcarea automată, orice acțiune îndeplinită de formular (de ex. o tranzacție online) va fi repetată.\n\nConfirmați activarea reîncărcării automate?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Pagina pentru care ați încercat să activați „Auto Reload” conține POSTDATA.\nDacă activați „Auto Reload”, orice acțiune pe care formularul o efectuează (cum ar fi o achiziție online) va fi anulată.\n\nSigur doriți să activați „Auto Reload”?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Următoarele extensii sunt integrate sau sunt incompatibile cu Tab Mix Plus:
 incompatible.msg1=Doriți să dezactivați această extensie?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Trebuie să existe cel puțin o fereastră de navigare pe
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 rânduri
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Fila activă este pe rândul #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 05273fa..4cc4371 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Aplikovať zmeny na otvorených záložkách">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Otvoriť karty z:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "Záložky">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Skupiny záložiek/histórie">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Neprepisovať karty pri otváraní skupiny záložiek/histórie">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "História">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Adresný riadok">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Panel vyhľadávania">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Posuvná lišta s tlačidlami na ľavej strane">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Viacradá lišta kariet">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Maximálny počet riadkov:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Povoliť pripnutým záložkám posúvanie">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Pri rolovaní zobraziť časť ďalšej karty mimo pohľadu">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Zapnúť plynulé rolovanie">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Oneskorenie skrolovania (čas medzi opakovaním skrolovania)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/tabmix.properties
index c11914d..cb8b037 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sk-SK/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/sk-SK/tabmix.properties
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Musíte mať mód jedného okna pre používanie Možnost
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Riadky
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Aktívna karta na riadku #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sr/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/sr/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 4cade79..a16ae29 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sr/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/sr/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 <!ENTITY updateLockState.label "Примени измене на отворене језичке">
 <!ENTITY openNewTab.label "Отварај картице из:">
 <!ENTITY openBookmarks.label "обележивача">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Groups of bookmarks/history">
-<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Don't override tabs when opening a group of bookmarks/history">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.label "Групе забелешки/историје">
+<!ENTITY openPlacesGroups.tooltip "Не заборављај језичке приликом отварања групе забелешки/историје">
 <!ENTITY openHistory.label "Историјата">
 <!ENTITY openUrl.label "Адресне линије">
 <!ENTITY openSearch.label "Линије за претраживање">
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "Омогући померање са дугмадима на левој страни">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "Прикажи у више редова">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "Највећи број број редова који ће се видети:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Дозволи спуштање закачених језичака">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "Приликом померања прикажи део наредног језичка који се не види у целости">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "Омогући глатко померање">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "Задршка при померању (време између понављања померања)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/sr/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/sr/tabmix.properties
index 3780c5e..8f0dede 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/sr/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/sr/tabmix.properties
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ window.closeWarning.1=Упозори ме кад покушам да затво
 closeWindow.label=Затвори прозор
 confirm_autoreloadPostData=Страница на којој сте покушали да омогућите Аутоматско учитавање садржи POSTDATA.nАко омогућите аутоматско поновно учитавање, свака радња коју изводи та форма ће бити поновљена (нпр. куповина преко мреже).nnСигурни сте да желите да омогућите аутоматско поновно учитавање?
-confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=The page on which you tried to enable Auto Reload contains POSTDATA.\nIf you enable Auto Reload, any action the form carries out (such as an online purchase) will be lost.\n\nAre you sure that you want to enable Auto Reload?
+confirm_autoreloadPostData_remote=Страница на којој желите да омогућите аутоматско поновно учитавање садржи POSTDATA.\nАко омогућите аутоматско поновно учитавање, било које радње, попут куповине, биће прекинуте и изгубљене.\n\nЖелите ли омогућити аутоматско поновно учитавање?
 incompatible.title=Tab Mix Plus
 incompatible.msg0=Следећа проширења су укључена или нису усаглашена са Tab Mix Plus-ом.
 incompatible.msg1=Желите ли да онемогућуте та проширења?
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=Да бисте користили TabMix опције, 
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 ред(ов)а
+rowsTooltip.activetab=Активни језичак у реду #1
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd
index 2d9205b..d32c751 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/pref-tabmix.dtd
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.rightButtons.rtl "顯示捲動按鈕於分頁列左側">
 <!ENTITY tabScroll.multibar "以多行顯示">
 <!ENTITY maxrow.label "最大顯示的行數:">
-<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "Allow pinned tabs to scroll">
+<!ENTITY pinnedTabScroll.label "允許捲動釘選的分頁">
 <!ENTITY offsetAmountToScroll.label "捲動時對將要看不見的分頁標籤只顯示一小部份(關閉分頁按鈕寬度)">
 <!ENTITY smoothScroll.label "啟用平滑捲動">
 <!ENTITY scrolldelay.label "捲動延遲(重覆捲動的間隔時間)">
diff --git a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/tabmix.properties b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/tabmix.properties
index c45ee95..8fe19ba 100644
--- a/chrome/locale/zh-TW/tabmix.properties
+++ b/chrome/locale/zh-TW/tabmix.properties
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ tabmixoption.error.msg=您必須有一個瀏覽器視窗才能使用 Tab Mix Plu
 # #1 is the total number of rows
 # The singular form is not considered since this string is used only for
 # multiple rows.
-rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 Rows
-rowsTooltip.activetab=Active tab on row #1
+rowsTooltip.rowscount=;#1 列
+rowsTooltip.activetab=將目前的分頁放在第 #1 列

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/tabmixplus.git

More information about the Pkg-mozext-commits mailing list