[Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 02/51: Backed out changeset: 22c3e65d914b, Use SessionStore.getTabState to get history data, can't use historyEntry.getScrollPosition with remote tab. It breaks our session manager in Mac OS when using quit application to close al windows. Our deinit function run after SessionStore already quit so calling getTabState throw an error

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Feb 2 18:36:44 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tabmixplus.

commit deefbf0946a808b714bb368e1c67a234a214d7ee
Author: onemen <tabmix.onemen at gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Jan 4 11:12:29 2015 +0200

    Backed out changeset: 22c3e65d914b, Use SessionStore.getTabState to get history data, can't use historyEntry.getScrollPosition with remote tab. It breaks our session manager in Mac OS when using quit application to close al windows. Our deinit function run after SessionStore already quit so calling getTabState throw an error
 chrome/content/session/session.js      | 136 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 chrome/content/session/sessionStore.js |  11 +--
 2 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chrome/content/session/session.js b/chrome/content/session/session.js
index c66051d..43c75aa 100644
--- a/chrome/content/session/session.js
+++ b/chrome/content/session/session.js
@@ -2820,6 +2820,7 @@ try{
    // call from tabloaded, tabClosed, saveAllTab
+// xxx add flag what to save : all, history, property, scrollPosition
    saveTab: function SM_saveTab(aTab, rdfLabelTabs, tabContainer, needToAppend) {
       if (this.isTabPrivate(aTab))
          return false;
@@ -2835,16 +2836,23 @@ try{
       var sessionHistory = aBrowser.webNavigation.sessionHistory;
       if (!sessionHistory)
-         return false;
+        return false;
       var rdfLabelTab = rdfLabelTabs + "/" + aTab.linkedPanel;
+      var index = sessionHistory.index < 0 ? 0 : sessionHistory.index;
+      var bContent = aBrowser[TabmixSvc.contentWindowAsCPOW];
+      try {
+         var curHistory = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(index, false);
+         curHistory.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHEntry).setScrollPosition(bContent.scrollX, bContent.scrollY);
+      } catch (ex) {Tabmix.assert(ex, "saveTab error at index " + sessionHistory.index);}
       var rdfNodeTab = this.RDFService.GetResource(rdfLabelTab);
-      var tabState = JSON.parse(TabmixSvc.ss.getTabState(aTab));
-      var data = this.serializeHistory(tabState);
-      if (!data)
-         return false;
-      data.pos = aTab._tPos;
-      data.image = tabState.image;
-      data.properties = TabmixSessionData.getTabProperties(aTab, true);
+      var data = {
+         index: this.enableSaveHistory ? index : 0,
+         pos: aTab._tPos,
+         image: gBrowser.getIcon(aTab),
+         properties: TabmixSessionData.getTabProperties(aTab, true),
+         history: this.saveTabHistory(sessionHistory),
+         scroll: bContent.scrollX + "," + bContent.scrollY
+      };
       this.saveTabData(rdfNodeTab, data);
       this.saveTabviewTab(rdfNodeTab, aTab);
@@ -2876,39 +2884,19 @@ try{
       this.setLiteral   (aNode, "scroll",     aData.scroll);
-  /**
-   * Convert SessionStore tab history state object
-   *
-   * @param state
-   *        SessionStore tab state object
-   * @return object containing history entries, current history index and
-   *                current history scroll position
-   */
-   serializeHistory: function(state) {
-      // Ensure sure that all entries have url
-      var entries = state.entries.filter(function(e) e.url);
-      if (!entries.length)
-        return null;
-      // Ensure the index is in bounds.
-      var index = (state.index || entries.length) - 1;
-      index = Math.min(index, entries.length - 1);
-      index = Math.max(index, 0);
-      var historyStart = this.enableSaveHistory ? 0 : index;
-      var historyEnd = this.enableSaveHistory ? entries.length : index + 1;
+   saveTabHistory: function(sessionHistory) {
+      var historyStart = this.enableSaveHistory ? 0 : sessionHistory.index;
+      var historyEnd = this.enableSaveHistory ? sessionHistory.count : sessionHistory.index+1;
       var history = [];
-      var saveScroll = this.prefBranch.getBoolPref("save.scrollposition");
-      var currentScroll = saveScroll && state.scroll ? state.scroll.scroll : "0,0";
-      if (currentScroll != "0,0")
-        entries[index].scroll = currentScroll;
+      sessionHistory.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHistoryInternal);
       for (let j = historyStart; j < historyEnd; j++) {
-        try {
-          let historyEntry = entries[j];
-          history.push(historyEntry.title || "");
-          history.push(historyEntry.url);
-          history.push(saveScroll && historyEntry.scroll || "0,0");
-        } catch (ex) {Tabmix.assert(ex, "serializeHistory error at index " + j); }
+         try {
+            let historyEntry = sessionHistory.getEntryAtIndex(j, false);
+            historyEntry.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISHEntry);
+            history.push(historyEntry.title);
+            history.push(historyEntry.URI.spec);
+            history.push(this.getScrollPosHs(historyEntry)); // not in use yet
+         } catch (ex) {Tabmix.assert(ex, "saveTabHistory error at index " + j); }
       // generate unique separator and combine the array to one string
       var separator = "][", extraSeparator = "@";
@@ -2916,13 +2904,19 @@ try{
          while (history[i].indexOf(separator) > -1)
             separator += extraSeparator;
-      return {
-        // insert the separator to history so we can extract it in
-        // TabmixConvertSession.getHistoryState
-        history: separator + "|-|" + encodeURI(history.join(separator)),
-        index: index,
-        scroll: currentScroll
-      };
+      // insert the separator to history so we can extract it in loadTabHistory
+      return separator + "|-|" + encodeURI(history.join(separator));
+   },
+   getScrollPosHs: function(historyEntry) {
+      if (this.prefBranch.getBoolPref("save.scrollposition")) {
+        try {
+          var x={}, y={};
+          historyEntry.getScrollPosition(x, y);
+          return x.value + "," + y.value;
+        } catch (ex) {}
+      }
+      return "0,0";
    get canRestoreLastSession() {
@@ -3527,16 +3521,14 @@ try{
       var tabCount = ctabs.length;
       var maxTabsUndo = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
       for (var i = tabCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-         let tabData = ctabs[i];
-         let data = this.getSessionStoreDataForRDF(tabData);
-         if (!data)
-            continue;
-         let uniqueId, rdfLabelSession, newNode;
+         let tabData, uniqueId, rdfLabelSession, newNode;
          uniqueId = "panel" + Date.now() + i;
          rdfLabelSession = rdfLabelTabs + "/" + uniqueId;
          newNode = this.RDFService.GetResource(rdfLabelSession);
-         this.saveTabData(newNode, data);
+         tabData = ctabs[i];
+         this.getSessionStoreDataForRDF(tabData);
+         this.saveTabData(newNode, tabData);
          // delete old entry if closedTabs container wasn't empty
          if (toContainer.GetCount() > maxTabsUndo)
@@ -3547,33 +3539,51 @@ try{
    getSessionStoreDataForRDF: function SM_getSessionStoreDataForRDF(aTabData) {
       var tabState = aTabData.state;
-      var data = this.serializeHistory(tabState);
-      if (!data)
-         return false;
-      data.pos = aTabData.pos;
-      data.image = aTabData.image;
+      var count = tabState.entries.length;
+      var activeIndex = (tabState.index || count) - 1;
+      var historyStart = this.enableSaveHistory ? 0 : activeIndex;
+      var historyEnd = this.enableSaveHistory ? count : activeIndex + 1;
+      var historyEntry, history = [];
+      for (let j = historyStart; j < historyEnd; j++) {
+         try {
+            historyEntry = tabState.entries[j];
+            history.push(historyEntry.title || "");
+            history.push(historyEntry.url);
+            history.push(historyEntry.scroll || "0,0"); // not in use yet
+         } catch (ex) {Tabmix.assert(ex, "saveTabHistory error at index " + j); }
+      }
+      // generate unique separator and combine the array to one string
+      var separator = "][", extraSeparator = "@";
+      for (var i = 0; i < history.length; ++i) {
+         while (history[i].indexOf(separator) > -1)
+            separator += extraSeparator;
+      }
+      // insert the separator to history so we can extract it in loadTabHistory
+      aTabData.history = separator + "|-|" + encodeURI(history.join(separator));
+      aTabData.index = this.enableSaveHistory ? activeIndex : 0;
+      aTabData.scroll = this.prefBranch.getBoolPref("save.scrollposition") ?
+                         (tabState.entries[activeIndex].scroll || "0,0") : "0,0";
       // closed tab can not be protected - set protected to 0
       var _locked = TMP_SessionStore._getAttribute(tabState, "_locked") != "false" ? "1" : "0";
-      data.properties = "0" + _locked;
+      aTabData.properties = "0" + _locked;
       if ("disallow" in tabState && tabState.disallow) {
          for (let j = 0; j < TabmixSessionData.docShellItems.length; j++ )
-            data.properties += tabState.disallow.indexOf(TabmixSessionData.docShellItems[j]) == -1 ? "1" : "0";
+            aTabData.properties += tabState.disallow.indexOf(TabmixSessionData.docShellItems[j]) == -1 ? "1" : "0";
       else {
-         data.properties += "11111";
+         aTabData.properties += "11111";
       if ("attributes" in tabState && tabState.attributes) {
          delete tabState.attributes["_locked"];
          for (var name in tabState.attributes) {
-            data.properties += " " + name + "=" + encodeURI(tabState.attributes[name]);
+            aTabData.properties += " " + name + "=" + encodeURI(tabState.attributes[name]);
       if ("xultab" in tabState && tabState.xultab) {
          tabState.xultab = tabState.xultab.replace(" _locked=true", "").replace(" _locked=false", "");
          if (tabState.xultab)
-            data.properties += " " + tabState.xultab;
+            aTabData.properties += " " + tabState.xultab;
-      return data;
    deleteAllClosedtabs: function(sessionContainer) { // delete all closed tabs in this session
diff --git a/chrome/content/session/sessionStore.js b/chrome/content/session/sessionStore.js
index 80f645b..fd7e952 100644
--- a/chrome/content/session/sessionStore.js
+++ b/chrome/content/session/sessionStore.js
@@ -809,14 +809,7 @@ var TabmixConvertSession = { // jshint ignore:line
         return null;
       tabData.image = TabmixSessionManager.getLiteralValue(rdfNodeTab, "image", null);
       let index = TabmixSessionManager.getIntValue(rdfNodeTab, "index");
-      tabData.index = Math.max(1, Math.min(index + 1, tabData.entries.length));
-      let scroll = TabmixSessionManager.getLiteralValue(rdfNodeTab, "scroll", "0,0");
-      // until version textZoom was included in scroll data
-      scroll = scroll.split(",").splice(0, 2).join(",");
-      if (scroll != "0,0") {
-        tabData.scroll = {scroll: scroll};
-      }
+      tabData.index = Math.min(index + 1, tabData.entries.length);
       var properties = TabmixSessionManager.getLiteralValue(rdfNodeTab, "properties");
       var tabAttribute = ["Images","Subframes","MetaRedirects","Plugins","Javascript"];
@@ -915,8 +908,6 @@ var TabmixConvertSession = { // jshint ignore:line
          let entry = { url:"", children:[], ID: 0};
          let index = i * 3;
          entry.url = historyData[index + 1];
-         if (!entry.url)
-            continue;
          entry.title = decodeData(historyData[index], !newFormat);
          entry.scroll = historyData[index + 2];

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/tabmixplus.git

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