[Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] 09/43: Merge remote-tracking branch 'ventero/e10s_sync' into e10s_sync

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Feb 22 21:56:09 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository greasemonkey.

commit 2f66fef52eb0d20b92f0e70d08f05d12427694ea
Merge: 5bca25e 74fc599
Author: Anthony Lieuallen <arantius at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 29 12:34:18 2014 -0400

    Merge remote-tracking branch 'ventero/e10s_sync' into e10s_sync

 components/greasemonkey.js |  90 +++++-------------
 content/browser.js         |  92 ++++++-------------
 content/config.js          |  12 ++-
 content/framescript.js     | 221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 content/menucommander.js   |  95 +++++++++++++------
 modules/ipcscript.js       |  79 ++++++++++++++++
 modules/menucommand.js     |  41 +++------
 modules/miscapis.js        |  27 +-----
 modules/sandbox.js         |  24 +++--
 modules/script.js          |  25 +++--
 10 files changed, 470 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)

diff --cc content/framescript.js
index 0000000,12e8b7f..882be46
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/content/framescript.js
+++ b/content/framescript.js
@@@ -1,0 -1,211 +1,221 @@@
+ let {utils: Cu, interfaces: Ci, classes: Cc} = Components;
+ Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+ Cu.import('resource://greasemonkey/GM_setClipboard.js');
+ Cu.import("resource://greasemonkey/ipcscript.js");
+ Cu.import("resource://greasemonkey/miscapis.js");
+ Cu.import("resource://greasemonkey/sandbox.js");
+ Cu.import('resource://greasemonkey/util.js');
+ var gStripUserPassRegexp = new RegExp('(://)([^:/]+)(:[^@/]+)?@');
+ var gScriptRunners = {};
+ function ScriptRunner(aWindow, aUrl) {
+   this.menuCommands = [];
+   this.window = aWindow;
+   this.windowId = GM_util.windowId(this.window);
+   this.url = aUrl;
+ }
+ ScriptRunner.prototype.injectScripts = function(aScripts) {
+   try {
+     this.window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMChromeWindow);
+     // Never ever inject scripts into a chrome context window.
+     return;
+   } catch(e) {
+     // Ignore, it's good if we can't QI to a chrome window.
+   }
++  var winIsTop = true;
++  try {
++    this.window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
++    if (this.window.frameElement) winIsTop = false;
++  } catch (e) {
++    // Ignore non-DOM-windows.
++    dump('Could not QI this.window to nsIDOMWindow at\n'
++        + this.url + ' ?!\n');
++  }
+   for (var i = 0, script = null; script = aScripts[i]; i++) {
++    if (script.noframes && !winIsTop) continue;
+     var sandbox = createSandbox(script, this);
+     runScriptInSandbox(script, sandbox);
+   }
+ }
+ ScriptRunner.prototype.openInTab = function(aUrl, aInBackground) {
+   var response = sendSyncMessage('greasemonkey:open-in-tab', {
+     inBackground: aInBackground,
+     url: aUrl
+   });
+   return response ? response[0] : null;
+ }
+ ScriptRunner.prototype.registeredMenuCommand = function(aCommand) {
+   var length = this.menuCommands.push(aCommand);
+   sendAsyncMessage("greasemonkey:menu-command-registered", {
+     accessKey: aCommand.accessKey,
+     frozen: aCommand.frozen,
+     index: length - 1,
+     name: aCommand.name,
+     windowId: aCommand.contentWindowId
+   });
+ }
+ var observer = {
+   observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
+     if (!GM_util.getEnabled()) return;
+     switch (aTopic) {
+       case 'document-element-inserted':
+         var doc = aSubject;
+         var win = doc && doc.defaultView;
+         if (!doc || !win) break;
+         // Listen for load event (which unlike DOMContentLoaded can't be done
+         // globally), as some documents (e.g. images) don't fire DCL.
+         win.addEventListener("load", contentLoad, true);
+         // TODO:
+         // Sometimes we get this notification twice with different windows but
+         // identical documentURI/location.href. In one of those cases, the call
+         // to sendSyncMessage will throw, and I can't find a way to detect which
+         // notification is the correct one. if (win !== content) would also
+         // exclude iframes.
+         this.runScripts('document-start', win);
+         break;
+       case 'inner-window-destroyed':
+         // Make sure we don't keep any window references around
+         var windowId = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsPRUint64).data;
+         delete gScriptRunners[windowId];
+         break;
+       default:
+         dump("received unknown topic: " + aTopic + "\n");
+     }
+   },
+   contentLoad: function(aEvent) {
+     var contentWin = aEvent.target.defaultView;
+     contentWin.removeEventListener("load", contentLoad, true);
+     if (!GM_util.getEnabled()) return;
+     this.runScripts('document-end', contentWin);
+   },
+   pagehide: function(aEvent) {
+     var contentWin = aEvent.target.defaultView;
+     var windowId = GM_util.windowId(contentWin);
+     if (!windowId || !gScriptRunners[windowId]) return;
+     // Small optimization: only send a notification if there's a menu command
+     // for this window.
+     if (!gScriptRunners[windowId].menuCommands.length) return;
+     if (aEvent.persisted) {
+       sendAsyncMessage("greasemonkey:toggle-menu-commands", {
+         frozen: true,
+         windowId: windowId
+       });
+     } else {
+       sendAsyncMessage("greasemonkey:clear-menu-commands", {
+         windowId: windowId
+       });
+     }
+   },
+   pageshow: function(aEvent) {
+     var contentWin = aEvent.target.defaultView;
+     var windowId = GM_util.windowId(contentWin);
+     if (!windowId || !gScriptRunners[windowId]) return;
+     if (!gScriptRunners[windowId].menuCommands.length) return;
+     sendAsyncMessage("greasemonkey:toggle-menu-commands", {
+       frozen: false,
+       windowId: windowId
+     });
+   },
+   runScripts: function(aRunWhen, aWrappedContentWin) {
+     // See #1970
+     // When content does (e.g.) history.replacestate() in an inline script,
+     // the location.href changes between document-start and document-end time.
+     // But the content can call replacestate() much later, too.  The only way to
+     // be consistent is to ignore it.  Luckily, the  document.documentURI does
+     // _not_ change, so always use it when deciding whether to run scripts.
 -    var url = aWrappedContentWin.document.documentURI
++    var url = aWrappedContentWin.document.documentURI;
+     // But ( #1631 ) ignore user/pass in the URL.
+     url = url.replace(gStripUserPassRegexp, '$1');
 -    if (!GM_util.isGreasemonkeyable(url))
 -      return;
++    if (!GM_util.isGreasemonkeyable(url)) return;
+     var windowId = GM_util.windowId(aWrappedContentWin);
+     if (gScriptRunners[windowId]) {
+       // Update the window in case it changed, see the comment in observe().
+       gScriptRunners[windowId].window = aWrappedContentWin;
+     } else {
+       gScriptRunners[windowId] = new ScriptRunner(aWrappedContentWin, url);
+     }
+     var response = sendSyncMessage('greasemonkey:scripts-for-url', {
+       'url': url,
+       'when': aRunWhen,
+       'windowId': windowId
+     });
+     if (!response || !response[0]) return;
+     var scripts = response[0].map(this.createScriptFromObject);
+     gScriptRunners[windowId].injectScripts(scripts);
+   },
+   runDelayedScript: function(aMessage) {
+     var windowId = aMessage.data.windowId;
+     if (!gScriptRunners[windowId]) return;
+     var script = this.createScriptFromObject(aMessage.data.script);
+     gScriptRunners[windowId].injectScripts([script]);
+   },
+   runMenuCommand: function(aMessage) {
+     var windowId = aMessage.data.windowId;
+     if (!gScriptRunners[windowId]) return;
+     var index = aMessage.data.index;
+     var command = gScriptRunners[windowId].menuCommands[index];
+     if (!command || !command.commandFunc) return;
+     // Ensure |this| is set to the sandbox object inside the command function.
+     command.commandFunc.call(null);
+   },
+   createScriptFromObject: function(aObject) {
+     var script = Object.create(IPCScript.prototype);
+     // TODO: better way for this? Object.create needs property descriptors.
+     for (var key in aObject)
+       script[key] = aObject[key];
+     return script;
+   }
+ }
+ var observerService = Cc['@mozilla.org/observer-service;1']
+     .getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
+ observerService.addObserver(observer, 'document-element-inserted', false);
+ observerService.addObserver(observer, 'inner-window-destroyed', false);
+ // Used for DOMContentLoaded here and load in observer.observe.
+ var contentLoad = observer.contentLoad.bind(observer);
+ addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", contentLoad, true);
+ addEventListener("pagehide", observer.pagehide.bind(observer));
+ addEventListener("pageshow", observer.pageshow.bind(observer));
+ addMessageListener("greasemonkey:inject-script",
+     observer.runDelayedScript.bind(observer));
+ addMessageListener("greasemonkey:menu-command-clicked",
+     observer.runMenuCommand.bind(observer));

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/greasemonkey.git

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