[Pkg-mozext-commits] [firegestures] 04/07: Imported Upstream version 1.9~b3

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jan 11 16:59:17 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository firegestures.

commit efe15da0a9fc6fa42e5d91ece8de6ae2af43dab2
Merge: 81a172f 4042076
Author: David Prévot <david at tilapin.org>
Date:   Sun Jan 11 11:40:42 2015 -0400

    Imported Upstream version 1.9~b3

 chrome/content/firegestures/browser.js |  4 ++++
 chrome/content/firegestures/remote.js  | 23 ++++++++++-------------
 components/xdGestureHandler.js         | 24 ++++++++++++++----------
 install.rdf                            |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --cc chrome/content/firegestures/browser.js
index 6ae8f14,e2645ab..46687d7
mode 100755,100644..100755
--- a/chrome/content/firegestures/browser.js
+++ b/chrome/content/firegestures/browser.js
diff --cc chrome/content/firegestures/remote.js
index 2a50985,2e8379c..edb62d2
mode 100755,100644..100755
--- a/chrome/content/firegestures/remote.js
+++ b/chrome/content/firegestures/remote.js
@@@ -44,9 -58,12 +46,9 @@@ let FireGesturesRemote = 
  		this._startX = aData.x;
  		this._startY = aData.y;
  		let { doc: doc, elt: elt } = this._elementFromPoint(aData.x, aData.y);
- 		if (aData.button == 0) {
+ 		if (aData.type != "MozSwipeGesture" && aData.button == 0) {
 -			// cancel starting gesture on form elements
  			let localName = elt.localName;
  			if (["input", "textarea", "select", "option", "textbox", "menulist"].indexOf(localName) >= 0) {
 -				log("*** cancel starting gesture on form element (" + localName + ")");	// #debug
  				sendSyncMessage("FireGesturesRemote:Response", { name: "cancelMouseGesture" }, {});
@@@ -60,6 -79,14 +62,12 @@@
  		sendSyncMessage("FireGesturesRemote:Response", { name: "sourceNode" }, { elt: elt });
+ 	_onSwipeGesture: function(aData) {
 -		log("onSwipeGesture: " + aData.toSource());	// #debug
+ 		let { elt: elt } = this._elementFromPoint(aData.x, aData.y);
+ 		sendSyncMessage("FireGesturesRemote:Response", { name: "sourceNode" }, { elt: elt });
+ 		sendSyncMessage("FireGesturesRemote:Response", { name: "swipe" }, { direction: aData.direction });
+ 	},
  	handleEvent: function(event) {
  		switch (event.type) {
  			case "scroll": 
@@@ -143,18 -176,9 +151,7 @@@
 -	/* ::::: Utils ::::: */
- //
- //	_elementAtPointer: function FGR__elementAtPointer() {
- //		let doc = content.document;
- //		let elt = doc.querySelector(":hover") || doc.body || doc.documentElement;
- //		while (/^i?frame$/.test(elt.localName.toLowerCase())) {
- //			doc = elt.contentDocument;
- //			elt = doc.querySelector(":hover");
- //		}
- //		return elt;
- //	},
 -	// returns DOM element and some data related which is located at given coordinates
  	_elementFromPoint: function FGR__elementFromPoint(x, y) {
  		let doc = content.document;
  		let elt = doc.elementFromPoint(x, y) || doc.body || doc.documentElement;
@@@ -164,7 -188,8 +161,7 @@@
  			doc = elt.contentDocument;
  			elt = doc.elementFromPoint(x, y);
- 		return { doc: doc, elt: elt, x: x, y: y };
 -		// log("_elementFromPoint: " + [doc.location, elt.localName, x, y].join(", "));	// #debug
+ 		return { doc: doc, elt: elt };
diff --cc components/xdGestureHandler.js
index ecb4b7d,6cdaa19..97938d6
mode 100755,100644..100755
--- a/components/xdGestureHandler.js
+++ b/components/xdGestureHandler.js
@@@ -299,9 -385,17 +299,16 @@@ xdGestureHandler.prototype = 
  						case event.DIRECTION_UP   : direction = "up";    break;
  						case event.DIRECTION_DOWN : direction = "down";  break;
+ 					this._isRemote = this._drawArea.mCurrentBrowser.getAttribute("remote") == "true";
 -					// [e10s] get source node and invoke extra gesture in remote
+ 					if (this._isRemote) {
+ 						this._gestureObserver.sendAsyncMessage("FireGestures:SwipeGesture", {
+ 							direction: direction, 
+ 							x: event.screenX - this._drawArea.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenX, 
+ 							y: event.screenY - this._drawArea.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenY, 
+ 						});
+ 						return;
+ 					}
  					this.sourceNode = event.target;
- 					this._lastX = event.screenX;
- 					this._lastY = event.screenY;
  					this._invokeExtraGesture(event, "swipe-" + direction);
  					this.sourceNode = null;
@@@ -370,10 -481,13 +375,11 @@@
  		this._lastY = event.screenY;
  		this._directionChain = "";
  		this._shouldFireContext = false;
- 		if (this._trailEnabled)
 -		// trail drawing
+ 		if (!this._swipeTimer && this._trailEnabled)
 -		// [e10s] tell remote browser that mouse gesture has started
  		if (this._isRemote) {
  			this._gestureObserver.sendAsyncMessage("FireGestures:GestureStart", {
+ 				type: event.type, 
  				button: event.button, 
  				x: event.screenX - this._drawArea.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenX, 
  				y: event.screenY - this._drawArea.mCurrentBrowser.boxObject.screenY, 
@@@ -433,10 -562,14 +439,10 @@@
  		this._isMouseDownM = false;
  		this._isMouseDownR = false;
- 		if (this._trailEnabled)
 -		// clear trail drawing
+ 		if (!this._swipeTimer && this._trailEnabled)
 -		// don't call onMouseGesture after events sequence: mousedown > minimal mousemove > mouseup
  		if (this._directionChain) {
  			this._gestureObserver.onMouseGesture(event, this._directionChain);
 -			// suppress immediate context menu after finishing mouse gesture with right-button
 -			// don't suppress mouse gesture with left or middle button
  			this._suppressContext = true;
  			this._shouldFireContext = false;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/firegestures.git

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