[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper] 262/483: Cleanup of the Aardvark code (mostly stylistic changes)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 22 21:41:47 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper.

commit d429c0a2ffeda2fdd152ed0eb7540157d6f92f64
Author: Wladimir Palant <trev at adblockplus.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 26 13:15:54 2010 +0200

    Cleanup of the Aardvark code (mostly stylistic changes)
 modules/Aardvark.jsm | 1254 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 621 insertions(+), 633 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/Aardvark.jsm b/modules/Aardvark.jsm
index da5cd46..368810c 100644
--- a/modules/Aardvark.jsm
+++ b/modules/Aardvark.jsm
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ function E(id) {return null;}
  * General element selection code *
-var Aardvark = {
+var Aardvark =
   window: null,
   browser: null,
   anchorElem: null,
@@ -53,694 +54,681 @@ var Aardvark = {
   commandLabelTimer: null,
   viewSourceTimer: null,
   boxElem: null,
-Aardvark.start = function(wrapper) {
-  if (!this.canSelect(wrapper.browser))
-    return;
-  if (this.browser)
-    this.quit();
-  this.window = wrapper.window;
-  this.browser = wrapper.browser;
-  E = function(id) wrapper.E(id);
-  this.browser.addEventListener("click", this.mouseClick, true);
-  this.browser.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this.mouseScroll, true);
-  this.browser.addEventListener("keypress", this.keyPress, true);
-  this.browser.addEventListener("mousemove", this.mouseMove, true);
-  this.browser.contentWindow.addEventListener("pagehide", this.pageHide, true);
-  this.browser.contentWindow.focus();
-  let doc = this.browser.contentDocument;
-  if (!this.boxElem)
-    this.boxElem = E("ehh-elementmarker").firstChild;
-  this.initHelpBox();
-  if (Prefs.showhelp)
-    this.showMenu();
-  // Make sure to select some element immeditely (whichever is in the center of the browser window)
-  let wndWidth = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
-  let wndHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
-  if (doc.compatMode == "BackCompat") // clientHeight will be bogus in quirks mode
-    wndHeight = doc.documentElement.offsetHeight - doc.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
-  this.isUserSelected = false;
-  this.onMouseMove({clientX: wndWidth / 2, clientY: wndHeight / 2, screenX: -1, screenY: -1, target: null});
-Aardvark.canSelect = function(browser)
-  if (!Prefs.initialized)
-    return false;
-  if (!browser || !browser.contentWindow || 
-      !(browser.contentDocument instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument))
+  start: function(wrapper)
-    return false;
-  }
-  let location = browser.contentWindow.location;
-  if (location.href == "about:blank")
-    return false;
+    if (!this.canSelect(wrapper.browser))
+      return;
+    if (this.browser)
+      this.quit();
+    this.window = wrapper.window;
+    this.browser = wrapper.browser;
+    E = function(id) wrapper.E(id);
+    this.browser.addEventListener("click", this.onMouseClick, true);
+    this.browser.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this.onMouseScroll, true);
+    this.browser.addEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress, true);
+    this.browser.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, true);
+    this.browser.contentWindow.addEventListener("pagehide", this.onPageHide, true);
+    this.browser.contentWindow.focus();
+    let doc = this.browser.contentDocument;
+    if (!this.boxElem)
+      this.boxElem = E("ehh-elementmarker").firstChild;
+    this.initHelpBox();
+    if (Prefs.showhelp)
+      this.showMenu();
+    // Make sure to select some element immeditely (whichever is in the center of the browser window)
+    let wndWidth = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
+    let wndHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
+    if (doc.compatMode == "BackCompat") // clientHeight will be bogus in quirks mode
+      wndHeight = doc.documentElement.offsetHeight - doc.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
+    this.isUserSelected = false;
+    this.onMouseMove({clientX: wndWidth / 2, clientY: wndHeight / 2, screenX: -1, screenY: -1, target: null});
+  },
-  if (!Prefs.acceptlocalfiles &&
-      location.hostname == "" &&
-      location.protocol != "mailbox:" &&
-      location.protocol != "imap:" &&
-      location.protocol != "news:" &&
-      location.protocol != "snews:")
+  canSelect: function(browser)
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
+    if (!Prefs.initialized)
+      return false;
+    if (!browser || !browser.contentWindow || 
+        !(browser.contentDocument instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument))
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+    let location = browser.contentWindow.location;
+    if (location.href == "about:blank")
+      return false;
+    if (!Prefs.acceptlocalfiles &&
+        location.hostname == "" &&
+        location.protocol != "mailbox:" &&
+        location.protocol != "imap:" &&
+        location.protocol != "news:" &&
+        location.protocol != "snews:")
+    {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+  },
-Aardvark.doCommand = function(command, event) {
-  if (this[command](this.selectedElem)) {
-    this.showCommandLabel(this.commands[command + "_key"], this.commands[command + "_label"]);
+  doCommand: function(command, event)
+  {
+    if (this[command](this.selectedElem))
+    {
+      this.showCommandLabel(this.commands[command + "_key"], this.commands[command + "_label"]);
+      if (event)
+        event.stopPropagation();
+    }
     if (event)
-      event.stopPropagation();
-  }
-  if (event)
-    event.preventDefault();
-Aardvark.showCommandLabel = function(key, label) {
-  if (this.commandLabelTimer)
-    this.commandLabelTimer.cancel();
-  E("ehh-commandlabel-key").setAttribute("value", key);
-  E("ehh-commandlabel-label").setAttribute("value", label);
-  var commandLabel = E("ehh-commandlabel");
-  commandLabel.showPopup(this.window.document.documentElement, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, "tooltip", "topleft", "topleft");
+      event.preventDefault();
+  },
-  this.commandLabelTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
-  this.commandLabelTimer.initWithCallback(function()
+  showCommandLabel: function(key, label)
-    commandLabel.hidePopup();
-    Aardvark.commandLabelTimer = null;
-  }, 400, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
-Aardvark.initHelpBox = function() {
-  var helpBoxRows = E("ehh-helpbox-rows");
-  if (helpBoxRows.firstChild)
-    return;
-  // Help box hasn't been filled yet, need to do it now
-  var stringService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"].getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService);
-  var strings = stringService.createBundle("chrome://elemhidehelper/locale/global.properties");
-  for (var i = 0; i < this.commands.length; i++) {
-    var command = this.commands[i];
-    var key = strings.GetStringFromName("command." + command + ".key");
-    var alternativeKey = strings.GetStringFromName("command." + command + ".alternativeKey");
-    var label = strings.GetStringFromName("command." + command + ".label");
-    this.commands[command + "_key"] = key.toLowerCase();
-    this.commands[command + "_altkey"] = alternativeKey.toLowerCase();
-    this.commands[command + "_label"] = label;
-    var row = this.window.document.createElement("row");
-    helpBoxRows.appendChild(row);
-    var element = this.window.document.createElement("description");
-    element.setAttribute("value", key);
-    element.className = "key";
-    row.appendChild(element);
-    var element = this.window.document.createElement("description");
-    element.setAttribute("value", alternativeKey);
-    element.className = "key";
-    row.appendChild(element);
-    element = this.window.document.createElement("description");
-    element.setAttribute("value", label);
-    element.className = "label";
-    row.appendChild(element);
-  }
-Aardvark.onMouseClick = function(event) {
-  if (event.button != 0 || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
-    return;
-  this.doCommand("select", event);
-Aardvark.onMouseScroll = function(event)
-  if (!event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
-    return;
-  if ("axis" in event && event.axis != event.VERTICAL_AXIS)
-    return;
-  for (let i = 0; i < Math.abs(event.detail); i++)
-    this.doCommand(event.detail > 0 ? "wider" : "narrower", event);
-Aardvark.onKeyPress = function(event) {
-  if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
-    return;
-  var command = null;
-  if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE)
-    command = "quit";
-  else if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_RETURN)
-    command = "select";
-  else if (event.charCode) {
-    var key = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode).toLowerCase();
-    var commands = this.commands;
-    for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
-      if (commands[commands[i] + "_key"] == key || commands[commands[i] + "_altkey"] == key)
-        command = commands[i];
-  }
-  if (command)
-    this.doCommand(command, event);
-Aardvark.onPageHide = function(event) {
-  this.doCommand("quit", null);
-Aardvark.onMouseMove = function(event) {
-  this.mouseX = event.screenX;
-  this.mouseY = event.screenY;
+    if (this.commandLabelTimer)
+      this.commandLabelTimer.cancel();
+    E("ehh-commandlabel-key").setAttribute("value", key);
+    E("ehh-commandlabel-label").setAttribute("value", label);
+    var commandLabel = E("ehh-commandlabel");
+    commandLabel.showPopup(this.window.document.documentElement, this.mouseX, this.mouseY, "tooltip", "topleft", "topleft");
+    this.commandLabelTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+    this.commandLabelTimer.initWithCallback(function()
+    {
+      commandLabel.hidePopup();
+      Aardvark.commandLabelTimer = null;
+    }, 400, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
+  },
-  this.clearBox();
+  initHelpBox: function()
+  {
+    var helpBoxRows = E("ehh-helpbox-rows");
+    if (helpBoxRows.firstChild)
+      return;
+    // Help box hasn't been filled yet, need to do it now
+    var stringService = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"].getService(Ci.nsIStringBundleService);
+    var strings = stringService.createBundle("chrome://elemhidehelper/locale/global.properties");
+    for (var i = 0; i < this.commands.length; i++)
+    {
+      var command = this.commands[i];
+      var key = strings.GetStringFromName("command." + command + ".key");
+      var alternativeKey = strings.GetStringFromName("command." + command + ".alternativeKey");
+      var label = strings.GetStringFromName("command." + command + ".label");
+      this.commands[command + "_key"] = key.toLowerCase();
+      this.commands[command + "_altkey"] = alternativeKey.toLowerCase();
+      this.commands[command + "_label"] = label;
+      var row = this.window.document.createElement("row");
+      helpBoxRows.appendChild(row);
+      var element = this.window.document.createElement("description");
+      element.setAttribute("value", key);
+      element.className = "key";
+      row.appendChild(element);
+      var element = this.window.document.createElement("description");
+      element.setAttribute("value", alternativeKey);
+      element.className = "key";
+      row.appendChild(element);
+      element = this.window.document.createElement("description");
+      element.setAttribute("value", label);
+      element.className = "label";
+      row.appendChild(element);
+    }
+  },
-  let x = event.clientX;
-  let y = event.clientY;
+  hideTooltips: function()
+  {
+    E("ehh-helpbox").hidePopup();
+    E("ehh-commandlabel").hidePopup();
+    E("ehh-viewsource").hidePopup();
+  },
-  // We might have coordinates relative to a frame, recalculate relative to top window
-  let node = event.target;
-  while (node && node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView && node.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement)
+  onMouseClick: function(event)
-    node = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;
-    let rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
-    x += rect.left;
-    y += rect.top;
-  }
+    if (event.button != 0 || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
+      return;
+    this.doCommand("select", event);
+  },
-  let elem = this.browser.contentDocument.elementFromPoint(x, y);
-  while (elem && "contentDocument" in elem && this.canSelect(elem))
+  onMouseScroll: function(event)
-    let rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
-    x -= rect.left;
-    y -= rect.top;
-    elem = elem.contentDocument.elementFromPoint(x, y);
-  }
+    if (!event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
+      return;
+    if ("axis" in event && event.axis != event.VERTICAL_AXIS)
+      return;
+    for (let i = 0; i < Math.abs(event.detail); i++)
+      this.doCommand(event.detail > 0 ? "wider" : "narrower", event);
+  },
-  if (elem)
+  onKeyPress: function(event)
-    if (!this.lockedAnchor)
-      this.setAnchorElement(elem);
-    else
+    if (event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey)
+      return;
+    var command = null;
+    if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_ESCAPE)
+      command = "quit";
+    else if (event.keyCode == event.DOM_VK_RETURN)
+      command = "select";
+    else if (event.charCode)
-      this.lockedAnchor = elem;
-      this.showBoxAndLabel(this.selectedElem);
+      var key = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode).toLowerCase();
+      var commands = this.commands;
+      for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
+        if (commands[commands[i] + "_key"] == key || commands[commands[i] + "_altkey"] == key)
+          command = commands[i];
-  }
-Aardvark.setAnchorElement = function(anchor)
-  this.anchorElem = anchor;
+    if (command)
+      this.doCommand(command, event);
+  },
-  let newSelection = anchor;
-  if (this.isUserSelected)
+  onPageHide: function(event)
-    // User chose an element via wider/narrower commands, keep the selection if
-    // out new anchor is still a child of that element
-    let e = newSelection;
-    while (e && e != this.selectedElem)
-      e = this.getParentElement(e);
-    if (e)
-      newSelection = this.selectedElem;
-    else
-      this.isUserSelected = false;
-  }
-  this.showBoxAndLabel(newSelection);
+    this.doCommand("quit", null);
+  },
-// Makes sure event handlers like Aardvark.keyPress redirect
-// to the real handlers (Aardvark.onKeyPress in this case) with
-// correct this pointer.
-Aardvark.generateEventHandlers = function(handlers) {
-  var generator = function(handler) {
-    return function(event) {Aardvark[handler](event)};
-  };
-  for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
-    var handler = "on" + handlers[i][0].toUpperCase() + handlers[i].substr(1);
-    this[handlers[i]] = generator(handler);
-  }
-Aardvark.generateEventHandlers(["mouseClick", "mouseScroll", "keyPress", "pageHide", "mouseMove"]);
-Aardvark.appendDescription = function(node, value, className) {
-  var descr = this.window.document.createElement("description");
-  descr.setAttribute("value", value);
-  if (className)
-    descr.setAttribute("class", className);
-  node.appendChild(descr);
- * Highlight frame display *
- ***************************/
-Aardvark.makeElementLabelString = function(elem)
-  let tagName = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
-  let addition = "";
-  if (elem.id != "")
-    addition += ", id: " + elem.id;
-  if (elem.className != "")
-    addition += ", class: " + elem.className;
-  if (elem.style.cssText != "")
-    addition += ", style: " + elem.style.cssText;
-  return [tagName, addition];
-Aardvark.showBoxAndLabel = function(elem, string)
-  this.selectedElem = elem;
-  let border = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("border")[0];
-  let label = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("label")[0];
-  let labelTag = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("labelTag")[0];
-  let labelAddition = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("labelAddition")[0];
-  let pos = this.getElementPosition(elem);
-  this.boxElem.style.left = (pos.left - 1) + "px";
-  this.boxElem.style.top = (pos.top - 1) + "px";
-  border.style.width = (pos.right - pos.left - 2) + "px";
-  border.style.height = (pos.bottom - pos.top - 2) + "px";
-  let doc = this.browser.contentDocument;
-  [labelTag.textContent, labelAddition.textContent] = this.makeElementLabelString(elem);
-  // If there is not enough space to show the label move it up a little
-  let wndHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
-  if (doc.compatMode == "BackCompat") // clientHeight will be bogus in quirks mode
-    wndHeight = doc.documentElement.offsetHeight - doc.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
-  if (pos.bottom < wndHeight - 25)
-    label.className = "label";
-  else
-    label.className = "label onTop";
-  if (this.boxElem.ownerDocument != doc)
-    this.boxElem = doc.importNode(this.boxElem, true);
-  doc.documentElement.appendChild(this.boxElem);
+  onMouseMove: function(event)
+  {
+    this.mouseX = event.screenX;
+    this.mouseY = event.screenY;
+    this.hideSelection();
+    let x = event.clientX;
+    let y = event.clientY;
+    // We might have coordinates relative to a frame, recalculate relative to top window
+    let node = event.target;
+    while (node && node.ownerDocument && node.ownerDocument.defaultView && node.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement)
+    {
+      node = node.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement;
+      let rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
+      x += rect.left;
+      y += rect.top;
+    }
+    let elem = this.browser.contentDocument.elementFromPoint(x, y);
+    while (elem && "contentDocument" in elem && this.canSelect(elem))
+    {
+      let rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
+      x -= rect.left;
+      y -= rect.top;
+      elem = elem.contentDocument.elementFromPoint(x, y);
+    }
+    if (elem)
+    {
+      if (!this.lockedAnchor)
+        this.setAnchorElement(elem);
+      else
+      {
+        this.lockedAnchor = elem;
+        this.selectElement(this.selectedElem);
+      }
+    }
+  },
-Aardvark.clearBox = function() {
-  if (this.boxElem.parentNode)
-    this.boxElem.parentNode.removeChild(this.boxElem);
+  setAnchorElement: function(anchor)
+  {
+    this.anchorElem = anchor;
+    let newSelection = anchor;
+    if (this.isUserSelected)
+    {
+      // User chose an element via wider/narrower commands, keep the selection if
+      // out new anchor is still a child of that element
+      let e = newSelection;
+      while (e && e != this.selectedElem)
+        e = this.getParentElement(e);
+      if (e)
+        newSelection = this.selectedElem;
+      else
+        this.isUserSelected = false;
+    }
+    this.selectElement(newSelection);
+  },
-Aardvark.hideTooltips = function()
-  E("ehh-helpbox").hidePopup();
-  E("ehh-commandlabel").hidePopup();
-  E("ehh-viewsource").hidePopup();
+  bindMethod: function(method)
+  {
+    let me = this;
+    return function() method.apply(me, arguments);
+  },
-Aardvark.getElementPosition = function(element)
-  // Restrict rectangle coordinates by the boundaries of a window's client area
-  function intersectRect(rect, wnd)
+  appendDescription: function(node, value, className)
-    let doc = wnd.document;
-    let wndWidth = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
+    var descr = this.window.document.createElement("description");
+    descr.setAttribute("value", value);
+    if (className)
+      descr.setAttribute("class", className);
+    node.appendChild(descr);
+  },
+  /**************************
+   * Element marker display *
+   **************************/
+  getElementLabel: function(elem)
+  {
+    let tagName = elem.tagName.toLowerCase();
+    let addition = "";
+    if (elem.id != "")
+      addition += ", id: " + elem.id;
+    if (elem.className != "")
+      addition += ", class: " + elem.className;
+    if (elem.style.cssText != "")
+      addition += ", style: " + elem.style.cssText;
+    return [tagName, addition];
+  },
+  selectElement: function(elem)
+  {
+    this.selectedElem = elem;
+    let border = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("border")[0];
+    let label = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("label")[0];
+    let labelTag = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("labelTag")[0];
+    let labelAddition = this.boxElem.getElementsByClassName("labelAddition")[0];
+    let pos = this.getElementPosition(elem);
+    this.boxElem.style.left = (pos.left - 1) + "px";
+    this.boxElem.style.top = (pos.top - 1) + "px";
+    border.style.width = (pos.right - pos.left - 2) + "px";
+    border.style.height = (pos.bottom - pos.top - 2) + "px";
+    let doc = this.browser.contentDocument;
+    [labelTag.textContent, labelAddition.textContent] = this.getElementLabel(elem);
+    // If there is not enough space to show the label move it up a little
     let wndHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
     if (doc.compatMode == "BackCompat") // clientHeight will be bogus in quirks mode
-      wndHeight = doc.documentElement.offsetHeight - wnd.scrollMaxY;
-    rect.left = Math.max(rect.left, 0);
-    rect.top = Math.max(rect.top, 0);
-    rect.right = Math.min(rect.right, wndWidth);
-    rect.bottom = Math.min(rect.bottom, wndHeight);
-  }
-  let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
-  let wnd = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+      wndHeight = doc.documentElement.offsetHeight - doc.defaultView.scrollMaxY;
+    if (pos.bottom < wndHeight - 25)
+      label.className = "label";
+    else
+      label.className = "label onTop";
+    if (this.boxElem.ownerDocument != doc)
+      this.boxElem = doc.importNode(this.boxElem, true);
+    doc.documentElement.appendChild(this.boxElem);
+  },
-  rect = {left: rect.left, top: rect.top,
-          right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom};
-  while (true)
+  hideSelection: function()
-    intersectRect(rect, wnd);
-    if (!wnd.frameElement)
-      break;
+    if (this.boxElem.parentNode)
+      this.boxElem.parentNode.removeChild(this.boxElem);
+  },
-    // Recalculate coordinates to be relative to frame's parent window
-    let frameElement = wnd.frameElement;
-    wnd = frameElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
-    let frameRect = frameElement.getBoundingClientRect();
-    let frameStyle = wnd.getComputedStyle(frameElement, null);
-    let relLeft = frameRect.left + parseFloat(frameStyle.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(frameStyle.paddingLeft);
-    let relTop = frameRect.top + parseFloat(frameStyle.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(frameStyle.paddingTop);
-    rect.left += relLeft;
-    rect.right += relLeft;
-    rect.top += relTop;
-    rect.bottom += relTop;
-  }
-  return rect;
-Aardvark.getWindowDimensions = function (doc)
-  var out = {};
-  out.scrollX = doc.body.scrollLeft + doc.documentElement.scrollLeft; 
-  out.scrollY = doc.body.scrollTop + doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
-  if (doc.compatMode == "BackCompat")
-  {
-    out.width = doc.body.clientWidth;
-    out.height = doc.body.clientHeight;
-  }
-  else
+  getElementPosition: function(element)
-    out.width = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
-    out.height = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
-  }
-  return out;
-Aardvark.getParentElement = function(elem)
-  let result = elem.parentNode;
-  if (result && result.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMElement.DOCUMENT_NODE && result.defaultView && result.defaultView.frameElement)
-    result = result.defaultView.frameElement;
-  if (result && result.nodeType != Ci.nsIDOMElement.ELEMENT_NODE)
-    return null;
-  return result;
- * Code from aardvarkCommands.js *
- *********************************/
-// 0: name, 1: needs element
-Aardvark.commands = [
-  "select",
-  "wider",
-  "narrower",
-  "lock",
-  "quit",
-  "blinkElement",
-  "viewSource",
-  "viewSourceWindow",
-  "showMenu"
-Aardvark.wider = function (elem)
-  if (!elem)
-    return false;
-  let newElem = this.getParentElement(elem);
-  if (!newElem)
-    return false;
+    // Restrict rectangle coordinates by the boundaries of a window's client area
+    function intersectRect(rect, wnd)
+    {
+      let doc = wnd.document;
+      let wndWidth = doc.documentElement.clientWidth;
+      let wndHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight;
+      if (doc.compatMode == "BackCompat") // clientHeight will be bogus in quirks mode
+        wndHeight = doc.documentElement.offsetHeight - wnd.scrollMaxY;
-  this.isUserSelected = true;
-  this.showBoxAndLabel(newElem);
-  return true;
-Aardvark.narrower = function (elem)
-  if (elem)
-  {
-    // Search selected element in the parent chain, starting with the anchor element.
-    // We need to select the element just before the selected one.
-    let e = this.anchorElem;
-    let newElem = null;
-    while (e && e != elem)
+      rect.left = Math.max(rect.left, 0);
+      rect.top = Math.max(rect.top, 0);
+      rect.right = Math.min(rect.right, wndWidth);
+      rect.bottom = Math.min(rect.bottom, wndHeight);
+    }
+    let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+    let wnd = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+    rect = {left: rect.left, top: rect.top,
+            right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom};
+    while (true)
-      newElem = e;
-      e = this.getParentElement(e);
+      intersectRect(rect, wnd);
+      if (!wnd.frameElement)
+        break;
+      // Recalculate coordinates to be relative to frame's parent window
+      let frameElement = wnd.frameElement;
+      wnd = frameElement.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+      let frameRect = frameElement.getBoundingClientRect();
+      let frameStyle = wnd.getComputedStyle(frameElement, null);
+      let relLeft = frameRect.left + parseFloat(frameStyle.borderLeftWidth) + parseFloat(frameStyle.paddingLeft);
+      let relTop = frameRect.top + parseFloat(frameStyle.borderTopWidth) + parseFloat(frameStyle.paddingTop);
+      rect.left += relLeft;
+      rect.right += relLeft;
+      rect.top += relTop;
+      rect.bottom += relTop;
+    return rect;
+  },
-    if (!e || !newElem)
+  getParentElement: function(elem)
+  {
+    let result = elem.parentNode;
+    if (result && result.nodeType == Ci.nsIDOMElement.DOCUMENT_NODE && result.defaultView && result.defaultView.frameElement)
+      result = result.defaultView.frameElement;
+    if (result && result.nodeType != Ci.nsIDOMElement.ELEMENT_NODE)
+      return null;
+    return result;
+  },
+  /***************************
+   * Commands implementation *
+   ***************************/
+  commands: [
+    "select",
+    "wider",
+    "narrower",
+    "lock",
+    "quit",
+    "blinkElement",
+    "viewSource",
+    "viewSourceWindow",
+    "showMenu"
+  ],
+  wider: function(elem)
+  {
+    if (!elem)
       return false;
+    let newElem = this.getParentElement(elem);
+    if (!newElem)
+      return false;
     this.isUserSelected = true;
-    this.showBoxAndLabel(newElem);
-  }
-  return false;
-Aardvark.lock = function (elem)
-  if (!elem)
-    return false;
+    this.selectElement(newElem);
+    return true;
+  },
-  if (this.lockedAnchor)
+  narrower: function(elem)
-    this.setAnchorElement(this.lockedAnchor);
-    this.lockedAnchor = null;
-  }
-  else
-    this.lockedAnchor = this.anchorElem;
-  return true;
+    if (elem)
+    {
+      // Search selected element in the parent chain, starting with the anchor element.
+      // We need to select the element just before the selected one.
+      let e = this.anchorElem;
+      let newElem = null;
+      while (e && e != elem)
+      {
+        newElem = e;
+        e = this.getParentElement(e);
+      }
-Aardvark.quit = function ()
-  if (!this.browser)
+      if (!e || !newElem)
+        return false;
+      this.isUserSelected = true;
+      this.selectElement(newElem);
+      return true;
+    }
     return false;
+  },
-  if ("blinkTimer" in this)
-    this.stopBlinking();
-  if (this.commandLabelTimer)
-    this.commandLabelTimer.cancel();
-  if (this.viewSourceTimer)
-    this.viewSourceTimer.cancel();
-  this.commandLabelTimer = null;
-  this.viewSourceTimer = null;
-  this.clearBox();
-  this.hideTooltips();
-  this.browser.removeEventListener("click", this.mouseClick, true);
-  this.browser.removeEventListener("keypress", this.keyPress, true);
-  this.browser.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.mouseMove, true);
-  this.browser.contentWindow.removeEventListener("pagehide", this.pageHide, true);
-  this.anchorElem = null;
-  this.selectedElem = null;
-  this.window = null;
-  this.browser = null;
-  this.commentElem = null;
-  this.lockedAnchor = null;
-  E = function(id) null;
-  return false;
-Aardvark.select = function (elem)
-  if (!elem)
+  lock: function(elem)
+  {
+    if (!elem)
+      return false;
+    if (this.lockedAnchor)
+    {
+      this.setAnchorElement(this.lockedAnchor);
+      this.lockedAnchor = null;
+    }
+    else
+      this.lockedAnchor = this.anchorElem;
+    return true;
+  },
+  quit: function()
+  {
+    if (!this.browser)
+      return false;
+    if ("blinkTimer" in this)
+      this.stopBlinking();
+    if (this.commandLabelTimer)
+      this.commandLabelTimer.cancel();
+    if (this.viewSourceTimer)
+      this.viewSourceTimer.cancel();
+    this.commandLabelTimer = null;
+    this.viewSourceTimer = null;
+    this.hideSelection();
+    this.hideTooltips();
+    this.browser.removeEventListener("click", this.onMouseClick, true);
+    this.browser.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this.onMouseScroll, true);
+    this.browser.removeEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress, true);
+    this.browser.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove, true);
+    this.browser.contentWindow.removeEventListener("pagehide", this.onPageHide, true);
+    this.anchorElem = null;
+    this.selectedElem = null;
+    this.window = null;
+    this.browser = null;
+    this.commentElem = null;
+    this.lockedAnchor = null;
+    E = function(id) null;
     return false;
+  },
-  this.window.openDialog("chrome://elemhidehelper/content/composer.xul", "_blank",
-                         "chrome,centerscreen,resizable,dialog=no", elem);
-  this.quit();
-  return false;
-Aardvark.blinkElement = function (elem)
-  if (!elem)
+  select: function(elem)
+  {
+    if (!elem)
+      return false;
+    this.window.openDialog("chrome://elemhidehelper/content/composer.xul", "_blank",
+                           "chrome,centerscreen,resizable,dialog=no", elem);
+    this.quit();
     return false;
+  },
-  if ("blinkTimer" in this)
-    this.stopBlinking();
-  let counter = 0;
-  this.blinkElem = elem;
-  this.blinkOrigValue = elem.style.visibility;
-  this.blinkTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
-  this.blinkTimer.initWithCallback(function()
+  blinkElement: function(elem)
-    counter++;
-    elem.style.visibility = (counter % 2 == 0 ? "visible" : "hidden");
-    if (counter == 6)
-      Aardvark.stopBlinking();
-  }, 250, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK);
-  return true;
-Aardvark.stopBlinking = function()
-  this.blinkTimer.cancel();
-  this.blinkElem.style.visibility = this.blinkOrigValue;
-  delete this.blinkElem;
-  delete this.blinkOrigValue;
-  delete this.blinkTimer;
+    if (!elem)
+      return false;
+    if ("blinkTimer" in this)
+      this.stopBlinking();
+    let counter = 0;
+    this.blinkElem = elem;
+    this.blinkOrigValue = elem.style.visibility;
+    this.blinkTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+    this.blinkTimer.initWithCallback(function()
+    {
+      counter++;
+      elem.style.visibility = (counter % 2 == 0 ? "visible" : "hidden");
+      if (counter == 6)
+        Aardvark.stopBlinking();
+    }, 250, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK);
+    return true;
+  },
-Aardvark.viewSource = function (elem)
-  if (!elem)
-    return false;
+  stopBlinking: function()
+  {
+    this.blinkTimer.cancel();
+    this.blinkElem.style.visibility = this.blinkOrigValue;
+    delete this.blinkElem;
+    delete this.blinkOrigValue;
+    delete this.blinkTimer;
+  },
-  var sourceBox = E("ehh-viewsource");
-  if ((sourceBox.getAttribute("_moz-menuactive") == "true" || sourceBox.state == "open") && this.commentElem == elem) {
+  viewSource: function(elem)
+  {
+    if (!elem)
+      return false;
+    var sourceBox = E("ehh-viewsource");
+    if (sourceBox.state == "open" && this.commentElem == elem)
+    {
+      sourceBox.hidePopup();
+      return true;
+    }
+    while (sourceBox.firstChild)
+      sourceBox.removeChild(sourceBox.firstChild);
+    this.getOuterHtmlFormatted(elem, sourceBox);
+    this.commentElem = elem;
+    let anchor = this.window.document.documentElement;
+    let x = this.mouseX;
+    let y = this.mouseY;
+    this.viewSourceTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
+    this.viewSourceTimer.initWithCallback(function()
+    {
+      sourceBox.showPopup(anchor, x, y, "tooltip", "topleft", "topleft");
+      Aardvark.viewSourceTimer = null;
+    }, 500, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
     return true;
-  }
-  sourceBox.hidePopup();
-  while (sourceBox.firstChild)
-    sourceBox.removeChild(sourceBox.firstChild);
-  this.getOuterHtmlFormatted(elem, sourceBox);
-  this.commentElem = elem;
-  let anchor = this.window.document.documentElement;
-  let x = this.mouseX;
-  let y = this.mouseY;
-  this.viewSourceTimer = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer);
-  this.viewSourceTimer.initWithCallback(function()
-  {
-    sourceBox.showPopup(anchor, x, y, "tooltip", "topleft", "topleft");
-    Aardvark.viewSourceTimer = null;
-  }, 500, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT);
-  return true;
-Aardvark.viewSourceWindow = function(elem) {
-  if (!elem)
-    return false;
-  var range = elem.ownerDocument.createRange();
-  range.selectNodeContents(elem);
-  var selection = {rangeCount: 1, getRangeAt: function() {return range}};
+  },
-  this.window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul", "_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no",
-                         null, null, selection, "selection");
-  return true;
+  viewSourceWindow: function(elem)
+  {
+    if (!elem)
+      return false;
+    var range = elem.ownerDocument.createRange();
+    range.selectNodeContents(elem);
+    var selection = {rangeCount: 1, getRangeAt: function() {return range}};
+    this.window.openDialog("chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul", "_blank", "scrollbars,resizable,chrome,dialog=no",
+                           null, null, selection, "selection");
+    return true;
+  },
-Aardvark.getOuterHtmlFormatted = function (node, container)
-  var type = null;
-  switch (node.nodeType) {
-    case node.ELEMENT_NODE:
-      var box = this.window.document.createElement("vbox");
-      box.className = "elementBox";
-      var startTag = this.window.document.createElement("hbox");
-      startTag.className = "elementStartTag";
-      if (!node.firstChild)
-        startTag.className += "elementEndTag";
-      this.appendDescription(startTag, "<", null);
-      this.appendDescription(startTag, node.tagName, "tagName");
-      for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
-        var attr = node.attributes[i];
-        this.appendDescription(startTag, attr.name, "attrName");
-        if (attr.value != "") {
-          this.appendDescription(startTag, "=", null);
-          this.appendDescription(startTag, '"' + attr.value.replace(/"/, """) + '"', "attrValue");
+  getOuterHtmlFormatted: function(node, container)
+  {
+    var type = null;
+    switch (node.nodeType)
+    {
+      case node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+        var box = this.window.document.createElement("vbox");
+        box.className = "elementBox";
+        var startTag = this.window.document.createElement("hbox");
+        startTag.className = "elementStartTag";
+        if (!node.firstChild)
+          startTag.className += "elementEndTag";
+        this.appendDescription(startTag, "<", null);
+        this.appendDescription(startTag, node.tagName, "tagName");
+        for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++)
+        {
+          var attr = node.attributes[i];
+          this.appendDescription(startTag, attr.name, "attrName");
+          if (attr.value != "")
+          {
+            this.appendDescription(startTag, "=", null);
+            this.appendDescription(startTag, '"' + attr.value.replace(/"/, """) + '"', "attrValue");
+          }
-      }
-      this.appendDescription(startTag, node.firstChild ? ">" : " />", null);
-      box.appendChild(startTag);
-      if (node.firstChild) {
-        for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
-          this.getOuterHtmlFormatted(child, box);
-        var endTag = this.window.document.createElement("hbox");
-        endTag.className = "elementEndTag";
-        this.appendDescription(endTag, "<", null);
-        this.appendDescription(endTag, "/" + node.tagName, "tagName");
-        this.appendDescription(endTag, ">", null);
-        box.appendChild(endTag);
-      }
-      container.appendChild(box);
-      return;
-    case node.TEXT_NODE:
-      type = "text";
-      break;
-    case node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
-      type = "cdata";
-      break;
-    case node.COMMENT_NODE:
-      type = "comment";
-      break;
-    default:
+        this.appendDescription(startTag, node.firstChild ? ">" : " />", null);
+        box.appendChild(startTag);
+        if (node.firstChild)
+        {
+          for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling)
+            this.getOuterHtmlFormatted(child, box);
+          var endTag = this.window.document.createElement("hbox");
+          endTag.className = "elementEndTag";
+          this.appendDescription(endTag, "<", null);
+          this.appendDescription(endTag, "/" + node.tagName, "tagName");
+          this.appendDescription(endTag, ">", null);
+          box.appendChild(endTag);
+        }
+        container.appendChild(box);
+        return;
+      case node.TEXT_NODE:
+        type = "text";
+        break;
+      case node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
+        type = "cdata";
+        break;
+      case node.COMMENT_NODE:
+        type = "comment";
+        break;
+      default:
+        return;
+    }
+    var text = node.nodeValue.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
+    if (text == "")
-  }
-  var text = node.nodeValue.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '');
-  if (text == "")
-    return;
-  if (type != "cdata") {
-    text = text.replace(/&/g, "&")
-               .replace(/</g, "<")
-               .replace(/>/g, ">");
-  }
-  text = text.replace(/\t/g, "  ");
-  if (type == "cdata")
-    text = "<![CDATA[" + text + "]]>";
-  else if (type == "comment")
-    text = "<!--" + text + "-->";
-  var lines = text.split("\n");
-  for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
-    this.appendDescription(container, lines[i].replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''), type);
+    if (type != "cdata")
+    {
+      text = text.replace(/&/g, "&")
+                 .replace(/</g, "<")
+                 .replace(/>/g, ">");
+    }
+    text = text.replace(/\t/g, "  ");
+    if (type == "cdata")
+      text = "<![CDATA[" + text + "]]>";
+    else if (type == "comment")
+      text = "<!--" + text + "-->";
+    var lines = text.split("\n");
+    for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++)
+      this.appendDescription(container, lines[i].replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''), type);
+  },
-Aardvark.showMenu = function ()
-  var helpBox = E("ehh-helpbox");
-  if (helpBox.getAttribute("_moz-menuactive") == "true" || helpBox.state == "open") {
-    helpBox.hidePopup();
+  showMenu: function()
+  {
+    var helpBox = E("ehh-helpbox");
+    if (helpBox.state == "open")
+    {
+      helpBox.hidePopup();
+      return true;
+    }
+    // Show help box
+    helpBox.showPopup(this.browser, -1, -1, "tooltip", "topleft", "topleft");
     return true;
-  // Show help box
-  helpBox.showPopup(this.browser, -1, -1, "tooltip", "topleft", "topleft");
-  return true;
+// Makes sure event handlers like Aardvark.onKeyPress always have the correct
+// this pointer set.
+for each (let method in ["onMouseClick", "onMouseScroll", "onKeyPress", "onPageHide", "onMouseMove"])
+  Aardvark[method] = Aardvark.bindMethod(Aardvark[method]);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper.git

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