[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] 19/52: Issue 1663 - Various Firefox-related changes of the first-run page

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 22 21:43:45 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository adblock-plus.

commit 5ad367b0c89a4b644a9b181dcbb30babbfb093ad
Author: Wladimir Palant <trev at adblockplus.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 19 14:33:08 2014 +0100

    Issue 1663 - Various Firefox-related changes of the first-run page
    extra : rebase_source : 3552e42c34e85ff2dcedd69a9b0893f09e30e738
    extra : amend_source : 4c5147c0602dd5e8b6bb94228bd062b6247ab4db
    extra : histedit_source : 4f3dc81dde318e925bd182b2686db105339529b0
 README.md           |   1 -
 background.js       | 186 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 ext/common.js       |   2 +-
 firstRun.html       |   1 -
 firstRun.js         |   7 +-
 i18n.js             |  84 +++++-------------------
 messageResponder.js |  30 +++++++--
 utils.js            |  24 -------
 8 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c31d070..f957207 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ Directory structure
 * Top-level files:
   * `firstRun.html` and `firstRun.js`: First-run page, see below
   * `i18n.js`: Localization functions, should be included by all pages.
-  * `utils.js`: Utility functions, to be removed soon.
   * `messageResponder.js`: Script to be used on the background page to respond
     to messages sent by UI code.
   * `background.html`, `background.js`: Test implementation of the background
diff --git a/background.js b/background.js
index 93f4896..227c193 100644
--- a/background.js
+++ b/background.js
@@ -37,119 +37,131 @@
-  global.Utils = {
-    getDocLink: function(link)
-    {
-      return "https://adblockplus.org/redirect?link=" + encodeURIComponent(link);
-    }
-  };
-  global.Subscription = function(url)
+  var modules = {};
+  global.require = function(module)
-    this.url = url;
-    this.title = "Subscription " + url;
-    this.disabled = false;
-    this.lastDownload = 1234;
+    return modules[module];
-  global.Subscription.fromURL = function(url)
-  {
-    return new global.Subscription(url);
+  modules.utils = {
+    Utils: {
+      getDocLink: function(link)
+      {
+        return "https://adblockplus.org/redirect?link=" + encodeURIComponent(link);
+      }
+    }
-  global.DownloadableSubscription = global.Subscription;
-  global.SpecialSubscription = function() {};
-  global.FilterStorage = {
-    get subscriptions()
+  modules.subscriptionClasses = {
+    Subscription: function(url)
-      return subscriptions.map(global.Subscription.fromURL);
+      this.url = url;
+      this.title = "Subscription " + url;
+      this.disabled = false;
+      this.lastDownload = 1234;
-    get knownSubscriptions()
-    {
-      var result = {};
-      for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++)
-        result[subscriptions[i]] = global.Subscription.fromURL(subscriptions[i]);
-      return result;
-    },
+    SpecialSubscription: function() {}
+  };
+  modules.subscriptionClasses.Subscription.fromURL = function(url)
+  {
+    return new modules.subscriptionClasses.Subscription(url);
+  };
+  modules.subscriptionClasses.DownloadableSubscription = modules.subscriptionClasses.Subscription;
-    addSubscription: function(subscription)
-    {
-      var index = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription.url);
-      if (index < 0)
+  modules.filterStorage = {
+    FilterStorage: {
+      get subscriptions()
-        subscriptions.push(subscription.url);
-        global.FilterNotifier.triggerListeners("subscription.added", subscription);
-      }
-    },
+        return subscriptions.map(modules.subscriptionClasses.Subscription.fromURL);
+      },
-    removeSubscription: function(subscription)
-    {
-      var index = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription.url);
-      if (index >= 0)
+      get knownSubscriptions()
+      {
+        var result = {};
+        for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++)
+          result[subscriptions[i]] = modules.subscriptionClasses.Subscription.fromURL(subscriptions[i]);
+        return result;
+      },
+      addSubscription: function(subscription)
+      {
+        var index = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription.url);
+        if (index < 0)
+        {
+          subscriptions.push(subscription.url);
+          modules.filterNotifier.FilterNotifier.triggerListeners("subscription.added", subscription);
+        }
+      },
+      removeSubscription: function(subscription)
-        subscriptions.splice(index, 1);
-        global.FilterNotifier.triggerListeners("subscription.removed", subscription);
+        var index = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription.url);
+        if (index >= 0)
+        {
+          subscriptions.splice(index, 1);
+          modules.filterNotifier.FilterNotifier.triggerListeners("subscription.removed", subscription);
+        }
-  global.BlockingFilter = function() {};
+  modules.filterClasses = {
+    BlockingFilter: function() {}
+  };
-  global.defaultMatcher = {
-    matchesAny: function(url, requestType, docDomain, thirdParty)
-    {
-      var params = {blockedURLs: ""};
-      updateFromURL(params);
-      var blocked = params.blockedURLs.split(",");
-      if (blocked.indexOf(url) >= 0)
-        return new global.BlockingFilter();
-      else
-        return null;
+  modules.synchronizer = {
+    Synchronizer: {}
+  };
+  modules.matcher = {
+    defaultMatcher: {
+      matchesAny: function(url, requestType, docDomain, thirdParty)
+      {
+        var params = {blockedURLs: ""};
+        updateFromURL(params);
+        var blocked = params.blockedURLs.split(",");
+        if (blocked.indexOf(url) >= 0)
+          return new modules.filterClasses.BlockingFilter();
+        else
+          return null;
+      }
   var notifierListeners = [];
-  global.FilterNotifier = {
-    addListener: function(listener)
-    {
-      if (notifierListeners.indexOf(listener) < 0)
-        notifierListeners.push(listener);
-    },
+  modules.filterNotifier = {
+    FilterNotifier: {
+      addListener: function(listener)
+      {
+        if (notifierListeners.indexOf(listener) < 0)
+          notifierListeners.push(listener);
+      },
-    removeListener: function(listener)
-    {
-      var index = notifierListeners.indexOf(listener);
-      if (index >= 0)
-        notifierListeners.splice(index, 1);
-    },
+      removeListener: function(listener)
+      {
+        var index = notifierListeners.indexOf(listener);
+        if (index >= 0)
+          notifierListeners.splice(index, 1);
+      },
-    triggerListeners: function()
-    {
-      var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
-      var listeners = notifierListeners.slice();
-      for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
-        listeners[i].apply(null, args);
+      triggerListeners: function()
+      {
+        var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
+        var listeners = notifierListeners.slice();
+        for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)
+          listeners[i].apply(null, args);
+      }
-  global.require = function(module)
-  {
-    if (module == "info")
-    {
-      var result = {
-        platform: "gecko",
-        platformVersion: "34.0",
-        application: "firefox",
-        applicationVersion: "34.0"
-      };
-      updateFromURL(result);
-      return result;
-    }
-    else
-      return undefined;
-  }
+  modules.info = {
+    platform: "gecko",
+    platformVersion: "34.0",
+    application: "firefox",
+    applicationVersion: "34.0"
+  };
+  updateFromURL(modules.info);
   global.openOptions = function()
diff --git a/ext/common.js b/ext/common.js
index 1104062..7b87df0 100644
--- a/ext/common.js
+++ b/ext/common.js
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     // dash is dropped, since we only support language and region
     var parts = selectedLocale.split("-");
     var language = parts[0];
-    var region = (parts[1] || "").toUpperCase();
+    var region = (parts[1] || "").toUpperCase();
     if (region)
       candidates.push(language + "-" + region);
diff --git a/firstRun.html b/firstRun.html
index 6c00a91..44e1470 100644
--- a/firstRun.html
+++ b/firstRun.html
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
     <link type="text/css" href="skin/firstRun.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/common.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="ext/content.js"></script>
-    <script type="text/javascript" src="utils.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="i18n.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="firstRun.js"></script>
diff --git a/firstRun.js b/firstRun.js
index fc40eda..4550b46 100644
--- a/firstRun.js
+++ b/firstRun.js
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
+  function E(id)
+  {
+    return document.getElementById(id);
+  }
   // Load subscriptions for features
   var featureSubscriptions = [
@@ -114,7 +119,7 @@
       type: "subscriptions.listen",
-      filter: ["added", "removed", "disabled"]
+      filter: ["added", "removed", "updated", "disabled"]
diff --git a/i18n.js b/i18n.js
index cc33b0f..8201cbb 100644
--- a/i18n.js
+++ b/i18n.js
@@ -15,85 +15,33 @@
  * along with Adblock Plus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-var i18n;
+// This variable should no longer be necessary once options.js in Chrome
+// accesses ext.i18n directly.
+var i18n = ext.i18n;
-if (typeof ext != "undefined")
+if (ext.i18n.getMessage("@@ui_locale"))
-  i18n = ext.i18n;
   document.documentElement.lang = ext.i18n.getMessage("@@ui_locale").replace(/_/g, "-");
   document.documentElement.dir = ext.i18n.getMessage("@@bidi_dir");
-  // Using Firefox' approach on i18n instead
-  // Randomize URI to work around bug 719376
-  var pageName = location.pathname.replace(/.*\//, '').replace(/\..*?$/, '');
-  var stringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://adblockplus/locale/" + pageName +
-    ".properties?" + Math.random());
-  function getI18nMessage(key)
-  {
-    return {
-      "message": stringBundle.GetStringFromName(key)
-    };
-  }
-  i18n = (function()
+  // Getting UI locale cannot be done synchronously on Firefox, requires
+  // messaging the background page.
+  ext.backgroundPage.sendMessage({
+    type: "app.get",
+    what: "localeInfo"
+  }, function(localeInfo)
-    function getText(message, args)
-    {
-      var text = message.message;
-      var placeholders = message.placeholders;
-      if (!args || !placeholders)
-        return text;
-      for (var key in placeholders)
-      {
-        var content = placeholders[key].content;
-        if (!content)
-          continue;
-        var index = parseInt(content.slice(1), 10);
-        if (isNaN(index))
-          continue;
-        var replacement = args[index - 1];
-        if (typeof replacement === "undefined")
-          continue;
-        text = text.split("$" + key + "$").join(replacement);
-      }
-      return text;
-    }
-    return {
-      getMessage: function(key, args)
-      {
-        try{
-          var message = getI18nMessage(key);
-          return getText(message, args);
-        }
-        catch(e)
-        {
-          Cu.reportError(e);
-          return "Missing translation: " + key;
-        }
-      }
-    };
-  })();
-  var Utils = require("utils").Utils;
-  document.documentElement.lang = Utils.appLocale;
-  document.documentElement.dir = Utils.chromeRegistry.isLocaleRTL("adblockplus") ? "rtl" : "ltr";
+    document.documentElement.lang = localeInfo.locale;
+    document.documentElement.dir = localeInfo.isRTL ? "rtl" : "ltr";
+  });
 // Inserts i18n strings into matching elements. Any inner HTML already in the element is
 // parsed as JSON and used as parameters to substitute into placeholders in the i18n
 // message.
-i18n.setElementText = function(element, stringName, arguments)
+ext.i18n.setElementText = function(element, stringName, arguments)
   function processString(str, element)
@@ -114,7 +62,7 @@ i18n.setElementText = function(element, stringName, arguments)
   while (element.lastChild)
-  processString(i18n.getMessage(stringName, arguments), element);
+  processString(ext.i18n.getMessage(stringName, arguments), element);
 // Loads i18n strings
@@ -133,7 +81,7 @@ function loadI18nStrings()
       className = className.animVal;
     var stringName = className.split(/\s/)[0].substring(5);
-    i18n.setElementText(node, stringName, arguments);
+    ext.i18n.setElementText(node, stringName, arguments);
diff --git a/messageResponder.js b/messageResponder.js
index 9a4b310..4404a1d 100644
--- a/messageResponder.js
+++ b/messageResponder.js
@@ -17,6 +17,21 @@
+  if (!global.ext)
+    global.ext = require("ext_background");
+  var Utils = require("utils").Utils;
+  var FilterStorage = require("filterStorage").FilterStorage;
+  var FilterNotifier = require("filterNotifier").FilterNotifier;
+  var defaultMatcher = require("matcher").defaultMatcher;
+  var BlockingFilter = require("filterClasses").BlockingFilter;
+  var Synchronizer = require("synchronizer").Synchronizer;
+  var subscriptionClasses = require("subscriptionClasses");
+  var Subscription = subscriptionClasses.Subscription;
+  var DownloadableSubscription = subscriptionClasses.DownloadableSubscription;
+  var SpecialSubscription = subscriptionClasses.SpecialSubscription;
   var subscriptionKeys = ["disabled", "homepage", "lastSuccess", "title", "url", "downloadStatus"];
   function convertSubscription(subscription)
@@ -74,7 +89,7 @@
-  ext.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, callback)
+  global.ext.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, callback)
     switch (message.type)
@@ -93,16 +108,23 @@
         else if (message.what == "doclink")
+        else if (message.what == "localeInfo")
+        {
+          callback({
+            locale: Utils.appLocale,
+            isRTL: Utils.chromeRegistry.isLocaleRTL("adblockplus")
+          });
+        }
       case "app.open":
         if (message.what == "options")
-          if (typeof UI != "undefined")
-            UI.openFiltersDialog();
-          else
+          if (typeof global.openOptions == "function")
+          else
+            require("ui").UI.openFiltersDialog();
       case "subscriptions.get":
diff --git a/utils.js b/utils.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fb91fb7..0000000
--- a/utils.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * This file is part of Adblock Plus <http://adblockplus.org/>,
- * Copyright (C) 2006-2014 Eyeo GmbH
- *
- * Adblock Plus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * Adblock Plus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with Adblock Plus.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- * Shortcut for document.getElementById(id)
- */
-function E(id)
-  return document.getElementById(id);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus.git

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