[Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] 01/05: Imported Upstream version
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Mar 8 13:20:28 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository noscript.
commit 98f0cce77f10250f46f34f666f6ba2a4654bb0e4
Author: David Prévot <david at tilapin.org>
Date: Sun Mar 8 08:41:47 2015 -0400
Imported Upstream version
.../content/noscript/PasteHandler.jsm | 2 +-
chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul | 6 ++---
.../locale/ar/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/bn-IN/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/da/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/de/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/el/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/eo/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/eu/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/fi/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/fr/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/it/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/lt/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/nl/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/pl/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/ro/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/ru-RU/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/sr/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/th/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/tr/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/uk/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/vi/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
.../locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.dtd | 2 +-
.../locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.properties | 1 +
components/noscriptService.js | 28 ++++++++++++----------
defaults/preferences/noscript.js | 2 +-
install.rdf | 2 +-
107 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/PasteHandler.jsm b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/PasteHandler.jsm
index e917077..cc49f7f 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/PasteHandler.jsm
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/PasteHandler.jsm
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function sanitizeExtras(el) {
let res = doc.evaluate('//@' + a, el, null, /* DOMXPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE */ 6, null);
for (let j = res.snapshotLength; j-- > 0;) {
let attr = res.snapshotItem(j);
- if (/^\W*(?:(?:javascript|data):|https?:.*[[(<])/i.test(unescape(attr.value))) {
+ if (/^\W*(?:(?:javascript|data):|https?:[\s\S]+[[(<])/i.test(unescape(attr.value))) {
attr.value = "javascript:void(0)";
ret = true;
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul
index c35476c..a0c5d71 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function about_onload() {
var str = getString("aboutTitle",["NoScript"]);
if(str) document.title = str;
- str = getString("version", [""]);
+ str = getString("version", [""]);
if(str) document.getElementById("extensionVersion").setAttribute("value", str);
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function about_open(url, features) {
<hbox id="headBox" align="end">
<vbox flex="1">
<label value="NoScript" id="extensionName" crop="right"/>
-<label value="Version" id="extensionVersion" crop="right"/>
+<label value="Version" id="extensionVersion" crop="right"/>
<vbox flex="1" align="end">
<hbox align="end">
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function about_open(url, features) {
<label id="license" class="text-link" tooltiptext="Read end-user license" onclick="about_open('chrome://noscript/content/NoScript_License.txt')">License</label>
<spacer flex="1"/>
-<label id="changelog" class="text-link" align="center" tooltiptext="See Changelog" onclick="about_open('https://noscript.net/changelog#')">Changelog</label>
+<label id="changelog" class="text-link" align="center" tooltiptext="See Changelog" onclick="about_open('https://noscript.net/changelog#')">Changelog</label>
<spacer flex="1"/>
<label id="extensionHomepage" class="text-link" tooltiptext="Visit Extension Home Page" onclick="about_open('https://noscript.net')">https://noscript.net</label>
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ar/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ar/noscript/noscript.properties
index babfb76..8118312 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ar/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ar/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=أدخل اسم الفلتر الجديد :
ef.locateExe=اختر ملف التشغيل للفلتر %S
disable=تعطيل ال %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties
index 87a5c89..c24d4bc 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=NoScript Reset
reset.warning=ALL the NoScript preferences and site permissions will be reset to their default values immediately.\nThis action cannot be reverted.\nDo you want to continue?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 18e8e3d..1770625 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Настройки…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "Н">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Настройки на NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "За NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "За NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Можете да зададете в кои уеб-сайтове е позволено да се използват скриптовете. Напишете адреса или домейна (например "http://www.site.com" или "site.com") на сайта, който искате да разрешите и натиснете Разреши.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Адрес на уеб-сайта:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Разреши">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.properties
index b0bc04f..fb10e9f 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ ABE.notify=Заявка %1$S филтрирана от АВЕ: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Моля, изберете текстов редактор за АВЕ правилата
allowFrom=Разрешаване на всичко от %S
allowTempFrom=Временно разрешаване на всичко от %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bn-IN/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bn-IN/noscript/noscript.properties
index 3525fb6..5db4158 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bn-IN/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bn-IN/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=নতুন ফিল্টার এর নাম লিখুন
ef.locateExe=%S ফিল্টার জন্য এক্সিকিউটেবল ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন...
disable=%S নিষ্ক্রিয়
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd
index dbfc24a..9e8ee1d 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opcions...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opcions de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Quant a NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Quant a NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Podeu especificar quins llocs web poden executar seqüències. El tipus d'adreça o el domini (p.ex. "http://www.site.com" o "site.com") del lloc al qual voleu donar permissos i feu clic a Permet.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adreça del lloc web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permet">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.properties
index d5666eb..078dddf 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Si us plau selecciona un editor de text per a les normes ABE
allowFrom=Permetre tot de %S
allowTempFrom=Permet temporalment tot de
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 82df14f..f844835 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Nastavení...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "N">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Nastavení NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšíření NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšíření NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Můžete si zvolit, které webové stránky mají povoleno spouštět skripty. Zadejte adresu (např. http://www.site.com nebo site.com) na které se nachází stránka, pro kterou chcete skripty povolit a klepněte na Povolit.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresa webové stránky:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Povolit">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.properties
index e4eaf28..7b287aa 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=NoScript - výchozí nastavení
reset.warning=Veškerá nastavení a výjimky stránek NoScriptu budou nyní nastavena na výchozí hodnoty.\nPotvrzení této volby nemůže být vráceno zpět.\nChcete pokračovat?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
index af68b97..bba00ce 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opsiynau">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opsiynau NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Yngylch NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Yngylch NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Cewch enwi pa wefannau sy'n cael rhedeg sgriptiau. Teipiwch gyfeiriad neu barth (e.e. "http://www.site.com" neu "site.com") y safle rydych eisiau ei ganiatau ac wedyn cliciwch Caniatau.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Cyfeiriad wefan">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Caniatau">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.properties
index bc04bc8..9a6d3da 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=Ailosod NoScript
reset.warning=Ailosodir yn syth HOLL ddewisiadau a hawliau safle NoScript i'w diffygwerthau.\nNi ellir gwirdroi'r weithred hon.\nYdych chi am barhau?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 9bf2c37..e0b78a7 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Indstillinger…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "I">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Indstillinger">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Du kan angive hvilke websteder der må udføre scripts. Indtast adresse eller domæne (f.eks. "http://www.site.com" eller "site.com") på det websted du ønsker at tillade og klik på Tillad.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Webstedets adresse:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Tillad">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.properties
index 288e0fd..72a03ad 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Indtast et navn til det nye filter:
ef.locateExe=Vælg den kørbare fil til filtret %S
disable=Deaktiver %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd
index a4ddae5..6747c79 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Einstellungen…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "E">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript - Einstellungen">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Über NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Über NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Sie können festlegen, welchen Websites Sie das Ausführen von Skripten erlauben möchten. Geben Sie bitte die exakte Adresse oder die Domain der Website ein (z.B. "http://www.site.com" oder "site.com"), für die Sie dies zulassen möchten, und klicken Sie dann auf "Erlauben".">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresse der Website:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Erlauben">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.properties
index 94a9680..3c2ff8f 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Einen Namen für den neuen Filter festlegen:
ef.locateExe=Eine ausführbare Datei für den Filter "%S" auswählen
disable=%S deaktiviert
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 064adfb..76aafbd 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Επιλογές">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "Ε">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Επιλογές NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Περί NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Περί NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Μπορείτε να καθορίσετε για ποιους ιστότοπους θα επιτρέπεται η εκτέλεση σεναρίων εντολών. Πληκτρολογήστε τη διεύθυνση τομέα (πχ. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") του ιστότοπου που θέλετε και μετά κάντε κλικ στο «Να επιτρέπεται»">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Διεύθυνση ιστότοπου">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Να επιτρέπεται">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.properties
index cf4b923..c5feecd 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Εισάγετε όνομα για το νέο φίλτρο:
ef.locateExe=Επιλέξτε εκτελέσιμο αρχείο για το φίλτρο %S
disable=Απενεργοποίηση %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
index f6f9c2a..88e1f12 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Options…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Options">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "You can specify which web sites are allowed to execute scripts. Type the address or the domain (e.g. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Address of web site:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Allow">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.properties
index 11831ed..d70f9e2 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Enter the name of the new filter:
ef.locateExe=Select the executable file for the %S filter
disable=Disable %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.dtd
index c7e0db4..c71a2c4 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Options…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Options">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "You can specify which web sites are allowed to execute scripts. Type the address or the domain (e.g. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Address of web site:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Allow">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.properties
index a1ebd88..67f0de1 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ allowLocal=Allow %S
allowTemp=Temporarily allow %S
forbidLocal=Forbid %S
allowed.glb=Danger! Scripts Globally Allowed
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
allowed.yes=Scripts Currently Allowed
allowed.prt=Scripts Partially Allowed
allowed.no=Scripts Currently Forbidden
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.dtd
index bc68f47..51fce88 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opcioj…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opcioj de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Pri NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Pri NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Vi povas specifi, kiuj ttt-ejoj rajtu plenumigi skriptojn. Entajpu la adreson aŭ la domajnonomon (ekz. “http://www.retejo.org” aŭ “retejo.org”) de la ttt-ejo, kiun vi volas rajtigi, kaj poste alklaku “Rajtigi”.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adreso de retpaĝaro:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Rajtigi">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.properties
index 35ddb07..1be54db 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ removal.title=Averto pri malpromociado de sekureco
removal.message=Malebligante aŭ malinstalante NoScript, vi rezignas pri la TUTA protekto, kiun NoScript disponigas.\n\nSe vi nur estas tedita de la manipulado de skriptaj permesoj retejo post retejo, estas pli sekura ebleco.\n\nNoScript povas ĉesigi bloki skriptojn, escepte de tiuj, kiujn vi markas kiel nefidindajn, dum ĝi ankoraŭ protektas vin per la plej progresintaj sekurecaj kontraŭrimedoj kontraŭ XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF kaj aliaj retminacoj.\n\nĈu vi vere volas forigi la TUTAN prote [...]
removal.no=Ne, ĉesu nur bloki skriptojn
removal.yes=Jes, forigu la TUTAN protekton
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
incompatibleOptions.title=Incompatible Options Warning
incompatibleOptions="1$%S"\nis incompatible with "%2$S".\bDo you want to enable the former and disable the latter?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 68de25a..8a5b615 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opciones…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opciones de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Acerca de NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Acerca de NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Puede especificar a cuáles sitios web le permitirá ejecutar scripts. Escriba la dirección o el dominio (por ejemplo, "http://www.sitio.com" o "sitio.com") del sitio y luego haga clic en Permitir.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Dirección del sitio web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permitir">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.properties
index 7211f00..022d863 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=Restablecer NoScript
reset.warning=TODAS las preferencias y permisos de NoScript se restablecerán de inmediato a sus valores predeterminados.\nEsta acción no podrá deshacerse.\n¿Desea continuar?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 800e6ca..249cd7a 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Options…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opciones de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "You can specify which web sites are allowed to execute scripts. Type the address or the domain (e.g. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Address of web site:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Allow">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.properties
index 11831ed..d70f9e2 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Enter the name of the new filter:
ef.locateExe=Select the executable file for the %S filter
disable=Disable %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd
index f1a319c..5d27893 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opciones…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Configuración de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Acerca de NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Acerca de NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Aquí puede especificar las páginas web a las que va a permitir ejecutar código JavaScript. Escriba la dirección de la web que quiera incluir (ej. "http://www.paginaweb.com" o "paginaweb.com") y después pulse "Permitir".">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Dirección de la página web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permitir">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.properties
index 20a09d0..f853a54 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Introduzca el nombre del nuevo filtro:
ef.locateExe=Seleccionar el archivo ejecutable para el filtro %S
disable=Desactivar %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.dtd
index db2d69d..b844db3 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Sätted…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "S">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScripti sätted">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Täpsemalt lisast NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Täpsemalt lisast NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Sa saad määrata, millistel veebilehtedel lubatakse skripte käivitada. Kirjuta veebilehe aadress või domeeni, mida soovid lubada (nt "http://www.site.com" või "site.com") ja klõpsa Luba nuppu">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Veebilehe aadress:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Luba">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.properties
index 2c00415..5ba70bc 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Uue filtri nimi:
ef.locateExe=Vali käsufail %S filtri jaoks
disable=Keela %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 00c8203..847d533 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Aukerak:">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript aukerak">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript buruz:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript buruz:">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Zein webgunek script-ak exekuta ditzakeen zehaztu dezakezu. Idatzi script-ak erabiltzea onartzea nahi duzun domeinuaren izena (adib. "http://www.gunea.org" or "gunea.org") eta Onartu sakatu.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Webgunearen helbidea:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Onartu">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.properties
index d7f04a3..398c6b9 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ bookmarkSync.message=Laster-marka hau ez da irekitzeko pentsatua, Xmarks edo Wea
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript-ek dirudienez hemen gordetako laster-marka bat topatu du:\n%S\nBenetan zure NoSCript konfigurazio lokala laster-marka honetakoarekin gainidatzi nahi duzula?
ABE.notify=%1$S eskaera ABE-k iragazi du: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Mesedez hautatu ABE arau-jokoentzat testu editore bat
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
allowFrom=Allow all from %S
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.dtd
index a4e676e..5911ada 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "تنظیمات...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "ت">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "تنظیمات NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "درباره NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "درباره NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "شما می توانید سایت هایی را که اجازه اجرای اسکریپت دارند را مشخص کنید.آدرس سایت یا نام دامنه را وارد کنید.(به عنوان مثال "http://www.site.com" یا "site.com")">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "آدرس وب سایت :">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "اجازه دادن">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.properties
index 9ffb212..30e0ed6 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=راه اندازی دوباره NoScript
reset.warning=تمام تنظیم ها و سایت های دارای مجوز به حالت پیش فرض باز می گردد.
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 13d0dd0..0d72515 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Asetukset…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript asetukset">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Tietoja NoScriptä…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Tietoja NoScriptä…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Voit määrittää verkkosivut joiden sallitaan suorittaa scriptejä. Kirjoita verkko-osoite tai verkkonimi (esim. "http://www.site.com" tai "site.com") jonka haluat sallia ja paina Salli.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Verkkosivun osoite:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Salli">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.properties
index 09c2445..fbdb744 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Kirjoita nimi uudelle suodattimelle:
ef.locateExe=Valitse suoritettava tiedosto %S suodattimelle
disable=Poista käytöstä %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 9f8bf83..267dcb7 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Options">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Options de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "À propos de NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "À propos de NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Il est possible de spécifier quels sites Web sont autorisés à exécuter des scripts. Saisissez l'adresse exacte du site que vous désirez autoriser puis cliquez sur Autoriser.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresse du site Web :">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Autoriser">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.properties
index 53a0f4e..bf555ab 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ removal.title=Avertissement de Baisse de la Sécurité
removal.message=En désactivant ou désinstallant NoScript, vous abandonnez TOUTES les protections fournies par NoScript.\n\nSi vous êtes simplement fatigué de gérer les permissions de script site par site, il y a un choix plus sûr.\n\nNoScript peut arrêter de bloquer les scripts, exceptés ceux que vous marquez comme non fiables, tout en continuant de vous protéger avec les contremesures de sécurités les plus avancées contre XSS, le Clickjacking, CSRF et d'autres menaces web.\n\nVoulez-vou [...]
removal.no=Non, arrêter simplement de bloquer les scripts
removal.yes=Oui, enlever TOUTES les protections
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
incompatibleOptions.title=Incompatible Options Warning
incompatibleOptions="1$%S"\nis incompatible with "%2$S".\bDo you want to enable the former and disable the latter?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 8c700ce..5727fc4 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opcións...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opcións de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Acerca de NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Acerca de NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Podes especificar que páxinas web poden executar scripts. Teclea o enderezo ou o dominio (por exemplo "http://www.paxina.com" ou "paxina.com") do sitio que queres autorizar e despois preme en "Permitir".">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Enderezo web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permitir">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.properties
index f4e6168..e9853d1 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=NoScript Reset
reset.warning=ALL the NoScript preferences and site permissions will be reset to their default values immediately.\nThis action cannot be reverted.\nDo you want to continue?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 0e38b90..c320521 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "הגדרות...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript הגדרות של">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "אודות NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "אודות NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "ציין אילו אתרים יכולים לקבל היתר להפעלת קבצי Script. הקלד את כתובת האתר או את שם התחום (כגון: "http://www.site.com" או "site.com") ולאחר מכן לחץ על התר.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "כתובת/תחום:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "התר">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.properties
index af57090..e4313f3 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=הזן את שם המסנן החדש:
ef.locateExe=בחר את קובץ ההפעלה עבור מסנן ה-S%
disable=בטל %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 533eeff..7d11f84 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opcije...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Opcije">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Možete odrediti koje web stranice imaju dopuštenje za izvođenje skripti. Upišite adresu ili domenu (npr. "http://www.stranica.hr" ili "stranica.hr") stranice kojoj želite dopustiti i kliknite na Dopusti.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresa web stranice:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Dopusti">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.properties
index 7d7f9be..7f33f10 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Upisati ime novog filtera:
ef.locateExe=Birati izvršni fajl za filtar %S
disable=Izkljuciti %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 602a754..78bf812 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opcije…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opcije NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Wo NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Wo NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Móžeće podać, kotre websydła smědźa skripty wuwjesć. Zapisajće adresu abo domenu (na př. "http://www.site.com" abo "site.com") websydła, kotremuž chceće to dowolić a klikńće potom na "Dowolić".">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresa websydła:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Dowolić">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.properties
index b0c697e..e67a725 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -51,5 +51,6 @@ removal.title=Warnowanje znižowanja wěstoty
removal.message=Hdyž NoScript znjemóžnjeće abo wotinstalujeće, wzdaće WŠEHO škita, kotryž NoScript k dispoziciji steji.\n\nJeli maće jenož syte, ze skriptowymi dowolnosćemi sydło po sydle wobchadźeće, je wěsćiša móžnosć.\n\nNoScript móže blokowanje skriptow skónčić, nimo tych, kotrež woznamjenjeće jako dowěry njehódne, mjeztym zo hišće z najbóle rozšěrjenymi wěstotnymi přećiwnymi naprawami přećiwo XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF a drugim webwohroženjam.\n\nChceće woprawdźe WŠÓN škit přez NoScri [...]
removal.no=Ně, jenož blokowanje skriptow skónčić
removal.yes=Haj, WŠÓN škit wotstronić
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
incompatibleOptions.title=Incompatible Options Warning
incompatibleOptions="1$%S"\nis incompatible with "%2$S".\bDo you want to enable the former and disable the latter?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 563d7a7..e49d53e 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Beállítások…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "B">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "A NoScript beállításai">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "A NoScript névjegye">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "A NoScript névjegye">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Megadhatja, hogy mely webhelyek számára engedélyezi a parancsfájlok futtatását. Írja be az engedélyezni kívánt webhely címét vagy tartomány nevét (pl. "http://www.webhely.hu" vagy "webhely.hu"), majd kattintson az Engedélyezés gombra.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "A webhely címe:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Engedélyezés">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.properties
index f8d2b17..c70774e 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Adja meg az új szűrő nevét:
ef.locateExe=Válassz ki a futtatható fájlt a(z) %S szűrőhöz
disable=%S letiltása
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 7f298aa..3db2ce0 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Pilihan...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "P">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Pilihan NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Tentang NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Tentang NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Anda dapat menentukan situs web mana yang diijinkan menjalankan naskah. Masukkan alamat atau domain (contoh: "http://www.site.com" atau "site.com") yang akan diberi ijin kemudian klik Ijinkan.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Alamat situs web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Ijinkan">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.properties
index 376c494..a6c247e 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=Reset NoScript
reset.warning=SELURUH pilihan NoScript and perijinan situs akan di reset ke nilai awal.\nTindakan ini tidak dapat diulang mundur.\nApakah Anda ingin melanjutkan?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.dtd
index a94b9a2..96fd940 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opzioni…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opzioni NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Informazioni su NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Informazioni su NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Qui si possono indicare i siti per i quali l'esecuzione degli script è consentita. Digitare l'indirizzo o il dominio (es. "http://www.sito.com" oppure "sito.com") e fare clic su Permetti.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Indirizzo del sito:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permetti">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.properties
index c910333..71196ed 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Inserisci il nome del nuovo filtro:
ef.locateExe=Seleziona l'eseguibile per il filtro %S
disable=Disabilita %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.dtd
index b71fe8a..e188951 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "オプション...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript オプション">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScriptについて...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScriptについて...">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "JavaScriptを許可するサイトを指定する事ができます。許可したいサイトのアドレスかドメインを入力して、ボタンを押してください。(例: "http://www.site.com" または "site.com")">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "ウェブサイトのアドレス:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "許可する">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.properties
index f00f03e..23350b4 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=新しいフィルタの名前を入力:
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
index b1389a1..e05e8d3 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Баптаулары">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "Б">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript баптаулары">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript туралы...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript туралы...">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Қай сайттарға JavaScript орындауға рұқсат екенін көрсете аласыз. Рұқсат етілетін сайттың домен адресін енгізіңіз (мысалы, "http://www.site.com" немесе "site.com"), содан кейін Рұқсат ету басыңыз.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Веб-сайт адресі:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Рұқсат ету">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.properties
index ce4cc33..75ae630 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Жаңа фильтрдің атын енгізіңіз:
ef.locateExe=%S фильтрі үшін орындалатын файлды таңдаңыз
disable=%S сөндіру
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 0c829f9..0268538 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Options...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Options">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "You can specify which web sites are allowed to execute scripts. Type the address or the domain (e.g. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Address of web site:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Allow">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.properties
index 11831ed..d70f9e2 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Enter the name of the new filter:
ef.locateExe=Select the executable file for the %S filter
disable=Disable %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.dtd
index de7b1c7..8ddcbbc 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "옵션...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript 옵션">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript 정보...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript 정보...">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "스크립트 실행을 허용할 웹 사이트를 지정할 수 있습니다. 스크립트를 허용할 사이트의 주소나 도메인 (예를 들면, "http://www.site.com" 또는 "site.com")을 입력한 후 [허용] 버튼을 클릭합니다.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "웹 사이트 주소">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "허용">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.properties
index 3d44e5a..6bbf90c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=NoScript 설정 복원
reset.warning=이제 NoScript의 모든 설정과 사이트 허용 정보가 기본 값으로 복원됩니다.\n이 작업은 취소할 수 없습니다.\n계속 하시겠습니까?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 89f0290..cd5230c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Nuostatos...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "N">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript nuostatos">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Apie NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Apie NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Jūs galite nurodyti, kurioms interneto svetainėms suteikiamas leidimas vykdyti programinius kodus. Įveskite adresą arba domeną (pvz., "http://www.svetaine.lt" arba "svetaine.lt") svetainės, kuriai norite suteikti leidimą ir spauskite Leisti.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Interneto svetainės adresas:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Leisti">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.properties
index c967f0b..c5cb9db 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Įveskite naujo filtro pavadinimą:
ef.locateExe=Pasirinkite vykdomąjį failą skirtą %S filtrui
disable=Išjungti %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 837a547..8ce6051 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Опции...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "О">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Опции">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "За NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "За NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Можете да ги назначите страните, на кои што скриптите ќе бидат дозволени. Напишете ја дозволената адреса (на пример http://www.site.com или site.com) и кликнете „Дозволи“">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Адреса на дозволената веб страна:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Дозволи">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.properties
index 48221ac..510baea 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ ef.activate=Филтер %S
ef.options=%S опции...
ef.newName=Внесете го името на новиот филтер:
disable=Исклучи %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.dtd
index ca39021..a3f3e2d 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Tetapan...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Tetapan NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Tentang NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Tentang NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Anda boleh menentukan laman web yang anda benarkan skripnya diproses. Taipkan alamat atau domain(contoh:"http://www.tapak.com" atau "tapak.com") laman web yang diingini dan klik Benarkan">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Alamat laman web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Benarkan">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.properties
index e29b9a7..61dddd9 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=Tetapkan semula NoScript
reset.warning=Semua NoScript tetapan dan kebenaran lawan web akan ditetap pada tetapan asal semula.\nTindakan ini tidak boleh dikembalikan.\nIngin teruskan?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 2fe18b8..a7d42a5 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Innstillinger">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Innstillinger">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Du kan spesifisere hvilke websider som har tillatelse til å kjøre scritper. Skriv inn adresse, eller domene (F.eks: "http://www.side.no", eller "side.no") du ønsker å gi tillatelse til, og klikk Tillat.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Webadresse:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Tillat">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.properties
index c773120..d44c382 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ ABE.notify=Forespørsel %1$S filtrert av ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Vennligst velg en teksteditor for ABE regelsett
allowFrom=Tillat allt fra %S
allowTempFrom=Midlertidig tillat allt fra %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.dtd
index eeab100..2e2d441 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opties...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript opties">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Over NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Over NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Webadressen in deze lijst hebben toestemming om JavaScript te gebruiken. Type het adres of domein in (bijv. "http://www.site.com" of "site.com") van de door u toegestane site; klik daarna op Toestaan.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Webadres:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Toestaan">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.properties
index d956472..528c829 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Voer de naam voor het nieuwe filter in:
ef.locateExe=Selecteer het uitvoerbare bestand voor het %S filter
disable=%S uitschakelen
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.dtd
index c21fe70..88bd59c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Ustawienia">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "U">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript – ustawienia">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript – informacje">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript – informacje">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Tutaj można określić witryny internetowe, które będą mogły uruchamiać skrypty. Proszę wprowadzić adres lub domenę witryny (np: „http://www.witryna.pl” lub „witryna.pl”) i nacisnąć przycisk Pozwól.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adres witryny:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Pozwól">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.properties
index 4af43d3..d72252a 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Podaj nazwę nowego filtru:
ef.locateExe=Wybierz plik wykonywalny dla filtru %S
disable=Wyłącz %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.dtd
index d5490f4..82452c8 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opções">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opções do NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Sobre o NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Sobre o NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Você pode especificar os sites que podem executar JavaScripts. Escreva o endereço ou o domínio (ex "http://www.site.com" ou "site.com") do site que deseja permitir e depois clique em Permitir.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Endereço:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permitir">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.properties
index 0b557f5..9a84038 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Digite o nome do novo filtro:
ef.locateExe=Selecione o arquivo executável para o filtro %S
disable=Desativar %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.dtd
index b1aba82..cf712e5 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opções">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opções do NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Sobre o NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Sobre o NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Pode especificar os sítios que podem executar scripts. Escreva o endereço ou o domínio (ex: "http://www.sitio.com" ou "sitio.com") do sítio que deseja permitir e depois pressione em Permitir.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Endereço:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permitir">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.properties
index c9860c5..2441965 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Escreva o nome do novo filtro:
ef.locateExe=Seleccione o ficheiro executável para o filtro %S
disable=Desactivar %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 9288200..a830038 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opțiuni...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opțiuni NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Despre NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Despre NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Puteți specifica saiturile cărora li se permite să execute scripturi. Scrieți adresa sau domeniul paginii (exemplu: „http://www.sait.ro“ sau „sait.ro“), apoi apăsați pe butonul „Permite“.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresă sait:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permite">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.properties
index 79cb79e..ae78571 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Denumire filtru:
ef.locateExe=Selectare fișier executabil pentru filtrul %S
disable=Dezactivează %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ru-RU/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ru-RU/noscript/noscript.properties
index 4cc0da3..16af2bd 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ru-RU/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ru-RU/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Введите название нового фильтра:
ef.locateExe=Выберите исполняемый файл для фильтра %S
disable=Отключить %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.dtd
index f94692a..5afd879 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Možnosti...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "M">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript – Možnosti">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšírení NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšírení NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Môžete určiť, ktoré webové stránky majú povolené spúšťať JavaScript. Zadajte adresu alebo doménu (napríklad "http://www.site.com" alebo "site.com") stránky, ktorú chcete povoliť, a potom kliknite na tlačidlo Povoliť.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresa webovej stránky:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Povoliť">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.properties
index 077c235..5d34895 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Zadajte názov filtra:
ef.locateExe=Zvoľte spustiteľný súbor pre filter %S
disable=Vypnúť %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 4e6008d..6f3647c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Možnosti...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "M">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Možnosti">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O NoScript programu...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O NoScript programu...">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Določite lahko na katerih straneh bo izvajanje skript dovoljeno. Vnesite naslov ali domeno (pr. "http://www.domena.com" or "domena.com") strani, na kateri želite omogočiti izvajanje skript in kliknite Dovoli.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Naslov strani:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Dovoli">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.properties
index af44922..e52c367 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Vnesite ime novega filtra:
ef.locateExe=Izberite izvršilno datoteko za %S filter
disable=Onemogoči %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.dtd
index e86bf3a..579a958 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Подешавања...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "П">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript подешавања">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "О NoScriptу">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "О NoScriptу">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Можете да наведете којим веб странама је дозвољено да извршавају скриптове. Унесите адресу или домен (нпр. "http://www.site.com" или "site.com") стране којој желите да дате дозволу и онда кликните Дозволи.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Адреса веб стране:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Дозволи">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.properties
index 41cc8da..7a078e1 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ ABE.notify=Захтев %1$S је филтрирао ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Изаберите уређивач текста за обраду ABE правила
allowFrom=Дозволи све са %S
allowTempFrom=Привремено дозволи све са %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr/noscript/noscript.properties
index 32dd363..29900e2 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sr/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Унесите назив новог филтера:
ef.locateExe=Изаберите извршну датотеку за филтер %S
disable=Онемогући %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 1b39933..2ef5517 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Alternativ...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "A">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript-alternativ">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Ange vilka webbplatser som får köra skript. Skriv webbadressen eller domänen (t ex. "http://www.webbplats.se" eller "webbplats.se") för den webbplats där skript ska tillåtas. Klicka sedan på "Tillåt".">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Sidans adress:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Tillåt">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.properties
index 324c404..11ce29a 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Skriv in namnet på det nya filtret:
ef.locateExe=Välj den körbara filen för %S filtret
disable=Inaktivera %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 58d46a3..2feaaa2 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Options…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Options">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "You can specify which web sites are allowed to execute scripts. Type the address or the domain (e.g. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Address of web site:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Allow">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.properties
index 11831ed..d70f9e2 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Enter the name of the new filter:
ef.locateExe=Select the executable file for the %S filter
disable=Disable %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 7232600..a02d780 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "ตัวเลือก...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "ตัวเลือก NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "เกี่ยวกับ NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "เกี่ยวกับ NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "คุณสามารถกำหนดเว็บไซต์ที่จะอนุญาตดำเนินการสคริปต์ พิมพ์ที่อยู่หรือโดเมน (เช่น "http://www.site.com" หรือ "site.com") ของไซต์ที่คุณต้องการอนุญาตและคลิกอนุญาต">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "ที่อยู่เว็บไซต์:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "อนุญาต">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.properties
index 64b3549..3531205 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=รีเช็ต NoScript
reset.warning=การตั้งค่า NoScript และการอนุญาตไซต์ทั้งหมดจะถูกคืนค่าไปยังค่าเริ่มต้นทีนที\nการกระทำนี้ไม่สามารถกลับคืนได้\nคุณต้องการทำต่อหรือไม่
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.dtd
index b698616..154ebba 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Seçenekler">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "S">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Seçenekleri">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript Hakkında">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript Hakkında">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Hangi web sayfalarında JavaScript'e izni vereceğinizi kolayca seçebilirsiniz. Lütfen adresi tam olarak girin ve 'İzin ver' düğmesine tıklayarak sayfanın JavaScript kullanmasına izin verin.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Site adresi:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "İzin ver">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.properties
index e73169d..682d45f 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=Yeni süzgeç adını girin:
ef.locateExe=%S süzgeci için yürütülebilir dosyayı seçin
disable=Kapat %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/uk/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/uk/noscript/noscript.properties
index fed455c..205c00f 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/uk/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/uk/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ reset.title=Скинути NoScript
reset.warning=ВСІ налаштування NoScript та переліки дозволів будуть негайно скинуті на початкові значення.\nЦю дію не можна буде повернути.\nХочете продовжити?
bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 36b49fa..5441096 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Tùy chọn">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "y">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Tùy chọn cho NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Thông tin về NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Thông tin về NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Bạn có thể chỉ định trang web nào được phép chạy script. Gõ địa chỉ hay tên miền (v.d. "http://www.nhaccodien.com" hay "nhaccodien.com") của trang mà bạn muốn cho phép, rồi nhấn Cho phép.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Địa chỉ của trang web:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Cho phép">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.properties
index 55753a3..844f131 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ ABE.notify=Yêu cầu %1$S bị lọc bởi ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
ABE.chooseEditor=Vui lòng chọn một trình soạn thảo cho bộ lệnh ABE
allowFrom=Cho phép tất cả từ %S
allowTempFrom=Tạm thời cho phép tất cả từ %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.dtd
index be108bf..adc3459 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "选项...">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript 选项">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "关于 NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "关于 NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "您可以指定允许执行脚本的网站。请输入您想要允许的网站地址或域名(例如: “http://www.site.com”或者“site.com”)然后单击“允许”。">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "网站地址:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "允许">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.properties
index f81ef13..90c74b3 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=输入新过滤器的名称:
ef.locateExe=为 %S 过滤器选择可执行程序
disable=禁用 %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.dtd
index ac5932b..185d4c3 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "選項…">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript 選項">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "關於 NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "關於 NoScript">
<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "您可以指定允許執行 JavaScript 的網站。輸入您要允許的網址或網域(例如 "http://www.site.com" 或 "site.com"),然後按下允許.">
<!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "網址:">
<!ENTITY noscriptAllow "允許">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.properties
index 6aefd62..bc33bcc 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ ef.newName=輸入新篩選器名稱:
ef.locateExe=選取 %S 篩選器的執行檔
disable=停用 %S
+allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
diff --git a/components/noscriptService.js b/components/noscriptService.js
index 0642e27..5e22dab 100644
--- a/components/noscriptService.js
+++ b/components/noscriptService.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
const Cr = Components.results;
-const VERSION = "";
+const VERSION = "";
const SERVICE_CTRID = "@maone.net/noscript-service;1";
const SERVICE_ID = "{31aec909-8e86-4397-9380-63a59e0c5ff5}";
const EXTENSION_ID = "{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}";
@@ -2360,7 +2360,7 @@ var ns = {
enabled = true;
} else {
let topSite = this.getSite(topOrigin);
- if (topSite !== s) enabled = this.isJSEnabled(topSite, top);
+ if (topSite !== s) enabled = this.isJSEnabled(topSite);
@@ -6199,21 +6199,25 @@ var ns = {
+ window._NoScriptSite = site;
if (this.globalHttpsWhitelist && this.isGlobalHttps(window)) {
blockIt = false;
- }
- if ((this.cascadePermissions || this.restrictSubdocScripting) && window.top !== window) {
- if (this.cascadePermissions) {
- blockIt = blocker.isBlocked(window.top) || this.isUntrusted(site);
- } else if (this.restrictSubdocScripting && blocker.isBlocked(window.parent)) {
- blockIt = true;
+ } else {
+ if ((this.cascadePermissions || this.restrictSubdocScripting) && window.top !== window) {
+ if (this.cascadePermissions) {
+ blockIt = blocker.isBlocked(window.top) || this.isUntrusted(site);
+ if (!blockIt) {
+ let topSite = window.top._NoScriptSite;
+ blockIt = !this.isJSEnabled(topSite);
+ }
+ } else if (this.restrictSubdocScripting && blocker.isBlocked(window.parent)) {
+ blockIt = true;
+ }
if (typeof blockIt === "undefined")
blockIt = !site || (this.usingCAPS && !this.restrictSubdocScripting ? this.isUntrusted(site) : !this.isJSEnabled(site));
diff --git a/defaults/preferences/noscript.js b/defaults/preferences/noscript.js
index c2f782c..39139d6 100644
--- a/defaults/preferences/noscript.js
+++ b/defaults/preferences/noscript.js
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pref("noscript.surrogate.digg.replacement", "window.location.href=document.query
pref("noscript.surrogate.dimtus.sources", "!@^http://(?:dimtus|imageteam)\\.(?:com|org)/img-");
pref("noscript.surrogate.dimtus.replacement", "document.querySelector('.overlay_ad').style.display='none'");
pref("noscript.surrogate.ga.sources", "*.google-analytics.com");
-pref("noscript.surrogate.ga.replacement", "(function(){var _0=function()_0,_u=function(){};_0.__noSuchMethod__=_0;('ga'in window)||(ga=_u);with(window)urchinTracker=_u,_gaq={__noSuchMethod__:_0,push:function(f){if(typeof f=='function')f();else if(f&&f.shift&&f[0]in this)this[f.shift()].apply(this,f)},_link:function(h){if(h)location.href=h},_linkByPost:function(f){if(f&&f.submit)f.submit();return true},_getLinkerUrl:function(u){return u},_trackEvent:_0},_gat={__noSuchMethod__:function(){r [...]
+pref("noscript.surrogate.ga.replacement", "(function(){var _0=function()_0,_u=function(){};_0.__noSuchMethod__=_0;('ga'in window)||(ga=_u);with(window)urchinTracker=_u,_gaq={__noSuchMethod__:_0,push:function(f){if(typeof f=='function')f();else if(f&&f.shift&&f[0]in this)this[f.shift()].apply(this,f)},_set:function(a,b){if(typeof b=='function')b()},_link:function(h){if(h)location.href=h},_linkByPost:function(f){if(f&&f.submit)f.submit();return true},_getLinkerUrl:function(u){return u},_tr [...]
pref("noscript.surrogate.glinks.replacement", "for each(let et in ['focus','mouseover','mousedown','click'])addEventListener(et,function(e){var a=e.target,href=a.href&&a.getAttribute&&a.getAttribute('href');if(href&&/^(?:http|\/url)/.test(href)&&!a._href){a._href=a.href=a.href.replace(/.*\/url.*[?&](?:url|q)=(http[^&]+).*/,function(a,b)decodeURIComponent(b));do{if(/\brwt\(/.test(a.getAttribute('onmousedown')))a.removeAttribute('onmousedown')}while((a=a.parentElement))}},true)");
pref("noscript.surrogate.glinks.sources", "!@^https?://[^/]+google\\..*/search");
pref("noscript.surrogate.googletag.replacement", "googletag={__noSuchMethod__:function()this,slots:{},cmd:{__noSuchMethod__:function()this}}");
diff --git a/install.rdf b/install.rdf
index b33f694..48c0fec 100644
--- a/install.rdf
+++ b/install.rdf
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- <em:version></em:version>
+ <em:version></em:version>
<em:description>Extra protection for your Firefox: NoScript allows JavaScript, Java (and other plugins) only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site). This whitelist based pre-emptive blocking approach prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality... Experts will agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript :-)</em:description>
<em:creator>Giorgio Maone</em:creator>
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/noscript.git
More information about the Pkg-mozext-commits
mailing list