[Pkg-mozext-commits] [compactheader] 49/441: First trails for toolbar in message header pane.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 18 12:28:43 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository compactheader.

commit b59d4eaf04aab24a3498c55dd2f5287864e08d1f
Author: joachim.herb <none at none>
Date:   Thu Sep 10 21:49:31 2009 +0000

    First trails for toolbar in message header pane.
 chrome/CompactHeader/content/cohe.xml              | 264 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js  |  39 ++-
 .../CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.xul |  37 ++-
 chrome/CompactHeader/skin/global/CompactHeader.css |   9 +
 4 files changed, 345 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/cohe.xml b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/cohe.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0618a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/cohe.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"
+          xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
+          xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">
+  <binding id="CoHeToolbox" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/toolbar.xml#toolbox">
+  	<implementation>
+      <field name="anonymous">false</field>
+      <field name="palette">null</field>
+  	  <constructor>
+  	    <![CDATA[
+  	    	var paletteId = "BrowserToolbarPalette";
+	  	    var tt = (typeof document.toolbarpalettes == "object") ? true : false;
+  	    	if(this.CoHePalette && !tt) return;
+	  	    if(document.getElementById(paletteId)) {
+	  	    	document.CoHePalette = document.getElementById(paletteId).cloneNode(true);
+	  	    }
+	  	    else if(tt && document.toolbarpalettes[paletteId]){
+	  	    	document.CoHePalette = document.toolbarpalettes[paletteId];
+	  	    }
+	        this.palette = document.CoHePalette;
+	        this.CoHePalette = true;
+  	    ]]>
+  	  </constructor>
+  	</implementation>	
+  </binding>
+  <binding id="CoHeToolbar">
+    <implementation implements="nsIAccessibleProvider">
+      <property name="accessibleType" readonly="true">
+        <getter>
+          return Components.interfaces.nsIAccessibleProvider.XULToolbar;
+        </getter>
+      </property>
+      <field name="firstPermanentChild">
+        null
+      </field>
+      <field name="lastPermanentChild">
+        null
+      </field>
+      <field name="palette">null</field>
+      <property name="toolbarName"
+          onget="return this.getAttribute('toolbarname');"
+          onset="this.setAttribute('toolbarname', val); return val;"/>
+      <constructor>
+      <![CDATA[
+        // Searching for the toolbox palette in the toolbar binding because
+        // toolbars are constructed first.
+        var toolbox = (this.localName == 'statusbar') ? this : this.parentNode;
+         if (!toolbox.palette) {
+          // Look to see if there is a toolbarpalette.
+          var node = toolbox.firstChild;
+          while (node) {
+            if (node.localName == "toolbarpalette")
+              break;
+            node = node.nextSibling;
+          }
+          if (!node)
+            return;
+          // Hold on to the palette but remove it from the document.
+          toolbox.palette = node;
+          toolbox.removeChild(node);
+        }
+        // Build up our contents from the palette.
+        var currentSet = this.getAttribute("currentset");
+        if (!currentSet)
+          currentSet = this.getAttribute("defaultset");
+        if (currentSet) {
+          this.currentSet = currentSet;
+          // Update attribute, items may have been uninstalled..
+          this.setAttribute("currentset", this.currentSet);
+          // Persist currentset only on fixed toolbars, not user defined toolbars..
+          if (!this.hasAttribute("customindex"))
+            document.persist(this.id, "currentset");
+        }
+        // If only one toolbar in toolbox and it's empty, set it..
+        var count = 0;
+        var child = toolbox.lastChild;
+        while(child) {
+          if (child.localName == "toolbar")
+            ++count;
+          child = child.previousSibling;
+        }
+        if (count <= 1 && this.currentSet == "__empty")
+          toolbox.setAttribute("empty", true);
+      ]]>
+      </constructor>
+      <property name="currentSet">
+        <getter>
+        <![CDATA[
+          var node = this.firstChild;
+          var currentSet = "";
+          while (node) {
+            if (node.id &&
+                (this.localName == "statusbar" && !node.hasAttribute("removed")) || 
+                node.localName == "toolbaritem" || 
+                node.localName == "toolbarbutton" ||
+                node.localName == "toolbarseparator" ||
+                node.localName == "toolbarspring" ||
+                node.localName == "toolbarspacer")
+            {
+              if (currentSet)
+                currentSet += ",";
+              if (node.localName == "toolbarseparator")
+                currentSet += "separator";
+              else if (node.localName == "toolbarspring")
+                currentSet += "spring";
+              else if (node.localName == "toolbarspacer")
+                currentSet += "spacer";
+              else
+                currentSet += node.id;
+            }
+            node = node.nextSibling;
+          }
+          return currentSet ? currentSet : "__empty";
+        ]]>
+        </getter>
+        <setter>
+        <![CDATA[
+          // Remove all items before the first permanent child and after the last permanent child.
+          while (this.lastChild) {
+            if (this.lastChild == this.lastPermanentChild ||
+                (this.lastChild.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" &&
+                this.lastChild.firstChild == this.lastPermanentChild))
+              break;
+            this.removeChild(this.lastChild);
+          }
+          while (this.firstChild) {
+            if (this.firstChild == this.firstPermanentChild ||
+                (this.firstChild.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem" &&
+                this.firstChild.firstChild == this.firstPermanentChild))
+              break;
+            this.removeChild(this.firstChild);
+          }
+          var firstChildID = this.firstPermanentChild ? this.firstPermanentChild.id : "";
+          var lastChildID = this.lastPermanentChild ? this.lastPermanentChild.id : "";
+          if (val && val != "__empty") {
+            var itemIds = val.split(",");
+            var before = true;
+            for (var i = 0; i < itemIds.length; i++) {
+              if (itemIds[i] == firstChildID || itemIds[i] == lastChildID)
+                before = false;
+              else
+                this.insertItem(itemIds[i], null, null, before);
+            }
+          }
+          return val;
+        ]]>
+        </setter>
+      </property>
+      <method name="insertItem">
+         <parameter name="aId"/>
+         <parameter name="aBeforeElt"/>
+         <parameter name="aWrapper"/>
+         <parameter name="aBeforePermanent"/>
+         <body>
+         <![CDATA[
+           var newItem = null;
+           // Create special cases of palette items.
+           var uniqueId;
+           if (aId == "separator") {
+             newItem = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
+                                                "toolbarseparator");
+             uniqueId = (new Date()).getTime()+this.childNodes.length;
+             newItem.id = "separator" + uniqueId;
+             newItem.className = "chromeclass-toolbar-additional";
+           } else if (aId == "spring") {
+             newItem = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
+                                                "toolbarspring");
+             uniqueId = (new Date()).getTime()+this.childNodes.length;
+             newItem.flex = 1;
+             newItem.id = "spring" + uniqueId;
+             newItem.className = "chromeclass-toolbar-additional";
+           } else if (aId == "spacer") {
+             newItem = document.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul",
+                                                "toolbarspacer");
+             uniqueId = (new Date()).getTime()+this.childNodes.length;
+             newItem.id = "spacer" + uniqueId;
+             newItem.className = "chromeclass-toolbar-additional";
+           } else if (this.parentNode.localName == "toolbox" || this.localName == "statusbar") {
+             //if (document.getElementById(aId))
+               //return false;
+             // Attempt to locate an item with a matching id within palette.
+             var paletteItem = this.parentNode.palette.firstChild;
+             while (paletteItem) {
+               var paletteId = paletteItem.id;
+               if (paletteId == aId) {
+                 newItem = paletteItem.cloneNode(true);
+                 break;
+               }
+               paletteItem = paletteItem.nextSibling;
+             }
+           }
+           if (!newItem)
+             return false;
+           var insertItem = newItem;
+           // Wrap the item in another node if so inclined.
+           if (aWrapper) {
+             aWrapper.appendChild(newItem);
+             insertItem = aWrapper;
+           }
+           // Insert the palette item into the toolbar.
+           if (aBeforeElt)
+             this.insertBefore(insertItem, aBeforeElt);
+           else if (aBeforePermanent && this.firstPermanentChild)
+             this.insertBefore(insertItem, this.firstPermanentChild);
+           else
+             this.appendChild(insertItem);
+           return newItem;
+         ]]>
+         </body>
+      </method>
+    </implementation>
+  </binding>
+  <!-- like chrome://global/content/bindings/toolbar.xml#toolbarpaletteitem, but with a vbox rather than hbox 
+  <binding id="toolbarpaletteitem-vertical" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/toolbar.xml#toolbar-base" display="xul:button">
+    <content>
+      <xul:vbox class="toolbarpaletteitem-box" flex="1" xbl:inherits="type,place">
+        <children/>
+      </xul:vbox>
+    </content>
+  </binding>-->
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js
index e7aec20..5802f8e 100644
--- a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js
+++ b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js
@@ -587,12 +587,12 @@ function updateHdrIconText() {
 	if (prefBranch.getBoolPref("buttons.showonlyicon")) {
-		for (i=0; i<myE.length; i++) {
+		for (var i=0; i<myE.length; i++) {
 			myE[i].setAttribute("OnlyIcon", "Icon");
 	} else {
-		for (i=0; i<myE.length; i++) {
+		for (var i=0; i<myE.length; i++) {
 			myE[i].setAttribute("OnlyIcon", "Text");
@@ -819,3 +819,38 @@ var myPrefObserverIconText =
+function CoHe_customizeToolbar(aWhich) {
+	// feststellen, welche Toolbar konfiguriert werden soll
+	var elem = aWhich;
+	while(elem.tagName != "popup") {
+		elem = elem.parentNode;
+	}
+	var tbar = document.getElementById("HeaderPaneToolbar");
+	var toolbox = document.getElementById(tbar.parentNode.id);
+	toolbox.customizeDone = CoHe_customizeToolbarDone;
+	document.getElementById('CoHe-customize-mitem').setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+	// l�st Reaktion auf �nderungen der Icongr��e/Symbolanzeige im Anpassen-Dialog aus
+	CoHeInterval = window.setInterval("CoHe_adjustToolboxWidth(true)", 100);
+	openDialog("chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul", "CustomizeToolbar", "chrome,all,dependent", toolbox);
+	Schlie�t die Symbolleisten-Konfiguration ab
+		=> Aufruf durch CoHe_customizeToolbar()
+function CoHe_customizeToolbarDone(aToolboxChanged) {
+	if(document.getElementById('CoHe-customize-mitem'))
+		document.getElementById('CoHe-customize-mitem').removeAttribute("disabled");
+	window.focus();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.xul b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.xul
index 375a8ad..6c68d76 100644
--- a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.xul
+++ b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.xul
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
 	    <command id="cmd_viewNormalHeader" oncommand="alert('test2');goDoCommand('cmd_viewNormalHeader'); event.stopPropagation()"/>
 		<key id="hideDetailsKey" 
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@
   <deck id="msgHeaderViewDeck">
@@ -55,6 +53,41 @@
 		<hbox id="expandedHeaders" flex="1">
+			<popup id="header-toolbar-contextmenu">
+				<menuitem id="CoHe-customize-mitem" label="TEST" oncommand="CoHe_customizeToolbar(this);" />
+			</popup>
+			<toolbarbox id="HeaderPaneToolbarBox" 
+									iconsize="small" 
+									mode="icons"
+									style="min-width: 29px; max-width: 29px; background-color: red; "
+									class="chromeclass-toolbar">
+				<toolbar id="HeaderPaneToolbar" 
+								 class="chromeclass-toolbar" 
+								 toolbarname="HeaderToolbar"
+								 fullscreentoolbar="true"
+								 mode="icons" 
+								 defaultmode="icons" 
+								 customizable="true" 
+								 context="header-toolbar-contextmenu"
+								 persist="posMode mode iconsize flexbuttons hidden" 
+								 defaultset="button-reply,button-replyall,button-replylist,button-forward,button-tag,button-delete,button-junk,button-print"
+								 currentset="button-reply,button-replyall,button-replylist,button-forward,button-tag,button-delete,button-junk,button-print"
+								 iconsize="small">
+					<toolbarbutton id="button-reply2" 
+												 class="toolbarbutton-1" 
+												 label="Reply" 
+												 tooltiptext="Reply to the message" 
+												 observes="button_reply" 
+												 oncommand="MsgReplyMessage(event)" 
+												 chromedir="ltr"/>
+				</toolbar>
+				<toolbarset id="HeaderPaneToolbarSet" context="header-toolbar-contextmenu"/>
+			</toolbarbox>
 			<vbox id="otherHeadersAndButtonsBox" flex="1">
 				<vbox id="otherActionsBox">
 					<button type="menu" id="otherActionsButton"
diff --git a/chrome/CompactHeader/skin/global/CompactHeader.css b/chrome/CompactHeader/skin/global/CompactHeader.css
index 3d40fa5..17a5975 100644
--- a/chrome/CompactHeader/skin/global/CompactHeader.css
+++ b/chrome/CompactHeader/skin/global/CompactHeader.css
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@
   min-width: 1px;
+#HeaderPaneToolbarBox {
+	-moz-binding: url(chrome://CompactHeader/content/cohe.xml#CoHeToolbox);
+	-moz-binding: url(chrome://CompactHeader/content/cohe.xml#CoHeToolbar);
 #expandedButtonBox .button-menubutton-button,
 #collapsedButtonBox .button-menubutton-button {

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/compactheader.git

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