[Pkg-mozext-commits] [compactheader] 87/441: New version 0.9.4: Internal cleanup: Wrapper for java script namespace Tooltip for subject No scrollbar in collapsed header pane.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 18 12:28:47 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository compactheader.
commit d5b32498ec74057087ae632ca6e5d3691c093ac2
Author: joachim.herb <none at none>
Date: Fri Nov 13 23:26:41 2009 +0000
New version 0.9.4:
Internal cleanup: Wrapper for java script namespace
Tooltip for subject
No scrollbar in collapsed header pane.
.../CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js | 1171 ++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 597 insertions(+), 574 deletions(-)
diff --git a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js
index 7a89e05..96bd586 100644
--- a/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js
+++ b/chrome/CompactHeader/content/compactHeaderOverlay.js
@@ -51,651 +51,674 @@
// view in the message header pane.
-const COHE_EXTENSION_UUID = "{58D4392A-842E-11DE-B51A-C7B855D89593}";
+if(!org) var org={};
+if(!org.mozdev) org.mozdev={};
+if(!org.mozdev.compactHeader) org.mozdev.compactHeader = {};
-var gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode = false;
-var gCoheBuiltCollapsedView = false;
+org.mozdev.compactHeader.pane = function() {
+ var pub = {};
- * The collapsed view: very lightweight. We only show a couple of fields. See
- * msgHdrViewOverlay.js for details of the field definition semantics.
- */
-var gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses = [
- {name:"subject"},
- {name:"from", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
- {name:"toCcBcc", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
- {name:"date", outputFunction:coheUpdateDateValue}
- ];
-var gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses = [
- {name:"subject"},
- {name:"from", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
- {name:"toCcBcc", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
- {name:"date", outputFunction:coheUpdateDateValue}
- ];
-var cohePrefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService)
- .getBranch("extensions.CompactHeader.");
-var coheIntegrateRSSLinkify = false;
-var RSSLinkify = {
- oldSubject: null,
- newSubject: null
-var cohe={
- version: -1,
- firstrun: true,
- current: -1
-var coheFirstTime = true;
-function coheOutputEmailAddresses(headerEntry, emailAddresses) {
- OutputEmailAddresses(headerEntry, emailAddresses);
-// Now, for each view the message pane can generate, we need a global table
-// of headerEntries. These header entry objects are generated dynamically
-// based on the static data in the header lists (see above) and elements
-// we find in the DOM based on properties in the header lists.
-var gCoheCollapsedHeaderView = {};
-function coheInitializeHeaderViewTables()
- gCoheCollapsedHeaderView = {};
- var index;
- if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.twolineview")) {
- for (index = 0; index < gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses.length; index++) {
- gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses[index].name] =
- new createHeaderEntry('collapsed2L', gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses[index]);
+ const COHE_EXTENSION_UUID = "{58D4392A-842E-11DE-B51A-C7B855D89593}";
+ var gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode = false;
+ var gCoheBuiltCollapsedView = false;
+ /**
+ * The collapsed view: very lightweight. We only show a couple of fields. See
+ * msgHdrViewOverlay.js for details of the field definition semantics.
+ */
+ var gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses = [
+ {name:"subject", outputFunction:coheOutputSubject},
+ {name:"from", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
+ {name:"toCcBcc", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
+ {name:"date", outputFunction:coheUpdateDateValue}
+ ];
+ var gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses = [
+ {name:"subject", outputFunction:coheOutputSubject},
+ {name:"from", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
+ {name:"toCcBcc", useToggle:true, outputFunction:coheOutputEmailAddresses},
+ {name:"date", outputFunction:coheUpdateDateValue}
+ ];
+ var cohePrefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService)
+ .getBranch("extensions.CompactHeader.");
+ var coheIntegrateRSSLinkify = false;
+ var RSSLinkify = {
+ oldSubject: null,
+ newSubject: null
+ };
+ var cohe={
+ version: -1,
+ firstrun: true,
+ current: -1
+ };
+ var coheFirstTime = true;
+ function coheOutputSubject(headerEntry, headerValue) {
+ var subjectBox;
+ if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.twolineview")) {
+ subjectBox = document.getElementById("collapsed2LsubjectOutBox")
+ } else {
+ subjectBox = document.getElementById("collapsed1LsubjectOutBox")
- } else {
- for (index = 0; index < gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses.length; index++) {
- gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses[index].name] =
- new createHeaderEntry('collapsed1L', gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses[index]);
+ if (subjectBox) {
+ subjectBox.setAttribute("tooltiptext", headerValue);
+ updateHeaderValue(headerEntry, headerValue);
- if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.linkify")) {
- RSSLinkify.newSubject = document.createElement("label");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("id", "collapsedsubjectlinkBox");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("class", "headerValue plain headerValueUrl");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("originalclass", "headerValue plain headerValueUrl");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("context", "CohecopyUrlPopup");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("keywordrelated", "true");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("readonly", "true");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("appendoriginalclass", "true");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("flex", "1");
+ function coheOutputEmailAddresses(headerEntry, emailAddresses) {
+ OutputEmailAddresses(headerEntry, emailAddresses);
+ }
+ // Now, for each view the message pane can generate, we need a global table
+ // of headerEntries. These header entry objects are generated dynamically
+ // based on the static data in the header lists (see above) and elements
+ // we find in the DOM based on properties in the header lists.
+ var gCoheCollapsedHeaderView = {};
+ function coheInitializeHeaderViewTables()
+ {
+ gCoheCollapsedHeaderView = {};
+ var index;
if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.twolineview")) {
- RSSLinkify.oldSubject = document.getElementById("collapsed2LsubjectBox");
- } else {
- RSSLinkify.oldSubject = document.getElementById("collapsed1LsubjectBox");
+ for (index = 0; index < gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses.length; index++) {
+ gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses[index].name] =
+ new createHeaderEntry('collapsed2L', gCoheCollapsedHeader2LListLongAddresses[index]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (index = 0; index < gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses.length; index++) {
+ gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses[index].name] =
+ new createHeaderEntry('collapsed1L', gCoheCollapsedHeader1LListLongAddresses[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.linkify")) {
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject = document.createElement("label");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("id", "collapsedsubjectlinkBox");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("class", "headerValue plain headerValueUrl");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("originalclass", "headerValue plain headerValueUrl");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("context", "CohecopyUrlPopup");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("keywordrelated", "true");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("readonly", "true");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("appendoriginalclass", "true");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("flex", "1");
+ if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.twolineview")) {
+ RSSLinkify.oldSubject = document.getElementById("collapsed2LsubjectBox");
+ } else {
+ RSSLinkify.oldSubject = document.getElementById("collapsed1LsubjectBox");
+ }
+ RSSLinkify.oldSubject.parentNode.insertBefore(RSSLinkify.newSubject, RSSLinkify.oldSubject);
- RSSLinkify.oldSubject.parentNode.insertBefore(RSSLinkify.newSubject, RSSLinkify.oldSubject);
-function coheOnLoadMsgHeaderPane()
- coheInitializeHeaderViewTables();
- // Add an address book listener so we can update the header view when things
- // change.
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/abmanager;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAbManager)
- .addAddressBookListener(coheAddressBookListener,
- Components.interfaces.nsIAbListener.all);
- var deckHeaderView = document.getElementById("msgHeaderViewDeck");
- gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode =
- deckHeaderView.selectedPanel == document.getElementById('collapsedHeaderView');
+ pub.coheOnLoadMsgHeaderPane = function() {
+ coheInitializeHeaderViewTables();
+ // Add an address book listener so we can update the header view when things
+ // change.
+ Components.classes["@mozilla.org/abmanager;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAbManager)
+ .addAddressBookListener(coheAddressBookListener,
+ Components.interfaces.nsIAbListener.all);
+ var deckHeaderView = document.getElementById("msgHeaderViewDeck");
+ gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode =
+ deckHeaderView.selectedPanel == document.getElementById('collapsedHeaderView');
+ // work around XUL deck bug where collapsed header view, if it's the persisted
+ // default, wouldn't be sized properly because of the larger expanded
+ // view "stretches" the deck.
+ if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
+ document.getElementById('expandedHeaderView').collapsed = true;
+ else
+ document.getElementById('collapsedHeaderView').collapsed = true;
+ if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.twolineview")) {
+ document.getElementById('collapsed1LHeadersBox').collapsed = true;
+ document.getElementById('collapsed2LHeadersBox').collapsed = false;
+ } else {
+ document.getElementById('collapsed1LHeadersBox').collapsed = false;
+ document.getElementById('collapsed2LHeadersBox').collapsed = true;
+ }
+ if (coheFirstTime)
+ {
+ coheFirstTime = false;
+ gMessageListeners.push(coheMessageListener);
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.messenger.loadToolboxData();
+ fillToolboxPalette();
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.messenger.saveToolboxData();
+ var toolbox = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox");
+ toolbox.customizeDone = function(aEvent) {
+ MailToolboxCustomizeDone(aEvent, "CustomizeHeaderToolbar");
+ document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox").removeAttribute("doCustomization");
+ enableButtons();
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.pane.CHTUpdateReplyButton();
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.messenger.saveToolboxData();
+ };
+ }
- // work around XUL deck bug where collapsed header view, if it's the persisted
- // default, wouldn't be sized properly because of the larger expanded
- // view "stretches" the deck.
- if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
- document.getElementById('expandedHeaderView').collapsed = true;
- else
- document.getElementById('collapsedHeaderView').collapsed = true;
- if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.twolineview")) {
- document.getElementById('collapsed1LHeadersBox').collapsed = true;
- document.getElementById('collapsed2LHeadersBox').collapsed = false;
- } else {
- document.getElementById('collapsed1LHeadersBox').collapsed = false;
- document.getElementById('collapsed2LHeadersBox').collapsed = true;
+ if (cohe.firstrun) {
+ coheCheckFirstRun();
+ }
+ if (cohe.firstrun) {
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.pane.CHTSetDefaultButtons();
+ cohe.firstrun = false;
+ }
+ coheToggleHeaderContent();
+ var coheMessageListener =
+ {
+ onStartHeaders:
+ function cML_onStartHeaders () {
+ gCoheBuiltCollapsedView = false;
+ },
+ onEndHeaders:
+ function cML_onEndHeaders() {
+ ClearHeaderView(gCoheCollapsedHeaderView);
+ coheUpdateMessageHeaders();
+ },
- if (coheFirstTime)
+ onEndAttachments: function cML_onEndAttachments(){}
+ };
+ pub.coheOnUnloadMsgHeaderPane = function()
- coheFirstTime = false;
- gMessageListeners.push(coheMessageListener);
- loadToolboxData();
- fillToolboxPalette();
- saveToolboxData();
- var toolbox = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox");
- toolbox.customizeDone = function(aEvent) {
- MailToolboxCustomizeDone(aEvent, "CustomizeHeaderToolbar");
- document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox").removeAttribute("doCustomization");
- enableButtons();
- CHTUpdateReplyButton();
- saveToolboxData();
- };
+ Components.classes["@mozilla.org/abmanager;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAbManager)
+ .removeAddressBookListener(coheAddressBookListener);
+ removeEventListener('messagepane-loaded', coheOnLoadMsgHeaderPane, true);
+ removeEventListener('messagepane-unloaded', coheOnUnloadMsgHeaderPane, true);
- if (cohe.firstrun) {
- coheCheckFirstRun();
+ var coheAddressBookListener =
+ {
+ onItemAdded: function(aParentDir, aItem) {
+ coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(nsIAbListener.itemAdded,
+ aParentDir, aItem);
+ },
+ onItemRemoved: function(aParentDir, aItem) {
+ coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(aItem instanceof nsIAbCard ?
+ nsIAbListener.directoryItemRemoved :
+ nsIAbListener.directoryRemoved,
+ aParentDir, aItem);
+ },
+ onItemPropertyChanged: function(aItem, aProperty, aOldValue, aNewValue) {
+ // We only need updates for card changes, address book and mailing list
+ // ones don't affect us here.
+ if (aItem instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIAbCard)
+ coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(nsIAbListener.itemChanged, null, aItem);
+ }
- if (cohe.firstrun) {
- CHTSetDefaultButtons();
- cohe.firstrun = false;
- }
+ function coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(aAction, aParentDir, aItem) {
+ gEmailAddressHeaderNames.forEach(function (headerName) {
+ var headerEntry = null;
- coheToggleHeaderContent();
-var coheMessageListener =
- onStartHeaders:
- function cML_onStartHeaders () {
- gCoheBuiltCollapsedView = false;
- },
- onEndHeaders:
- function cML_onEndHeaders() {
- ClearHeaderView(gCoheCollapsedHeaderView);
- coheUpdateMessageHeaders();
- },
- onEndAttachments: function cML_onEndAttachments(){}
-function coheOnUnloadMsgHeaderPane()
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/abmanager;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAbManager)
- .removeAddressBookListener(coheAddressBookListener);
- removeEventListener('messagepane-loaded', coheOnLoadMsgHeaderPane, true);
- removeEventListener('messagepane-unloaded', coheOnUnloadMsgHeaderPane, true);
-var coheAddressBookListener =
- onItemAdded: function(aParentDir, aItem) {
- coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(nsIAbListener.itemAdded,
- aParentDir, aItem);
- },
- onItemRemoved: function(aParentDir, aItem) {
- coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(aItem instanceof nsIAbCard ?
- nsIAbListener.directoryItemRemoved :
- nsIAbListener.directoryRemoved,
- aParentDir, aItem);
- },
- onItemPropertyChanged: function(aItem, aProperty, aOldValue, aNewValue) {
- // We only need updates for card changes, address book and mailing list
- // ones don't affect us here.
- if (aItem instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIAbCard)
- coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(nsIAbListener.itemChanged, null, aItem);
+ if (headerName in gCoheCollapsedHeaderView) {
+ headerEntry = gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[headerName];
+ if (headerEntry)
+ headerEntry.enclosingBox.updateExtraAddressProcessing(aAction,
+ aParentDir,
+ aItem);
+ }
+ });
-function coheOnAddressBookDataChanged(aAction, aParentDir, aItem) {
- gEmailAddressHeaderNames.forEach(function (headerName) {
- var headerEntry = null;
- if (headerName in gCoheCollapsedHeaderView) {
- headerEntry = gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[headerName];
- if (headerEntry)
- headerEntry.enclosingBox.updateExtraAddressProcessing(aAction,
- aParentDir,
- aItem);
+ // make sure the appropriate fields within the currently displayed view header mode
+ // are collapsed or visible...
+ function coheUpdateHeaderView()
+ {
+ if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
+ showHeaderView(gCoheCollapsedHeaderView);
+ if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.linkify")) {
+ var url = currentHeaderData["content-base"];
+ if(url) {
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("onclick", "if (!event.button) messenger.launchExternalURL('" +
+ url.headerValue + "');");
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("value", currentHeaderData["subject"].headerValue);
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("url", url.headerValue);
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
+ RSSLinkify.oldSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
+ } else {
+ RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
+ RSSLinkify.oldSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
- });
-// make sure the appropriate fields within the currently displayed view header mode
-// are collapsed or visible...
-function coheUpdateHeaderView()
- if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
- showHeaderView(gCoheCollapsedHeaderView);
- if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.linkify")) {
- var url = currentHeaderData["content-base"];
- if(url) {
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("onclick", "if (!event.button) messenger.launchExternalURL('" +
- url.headerValue + "');");
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("value", currentHeaderData["subject"].headerValue);
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("url", url.headerValue);
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
- RSSLinkify.oldSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
} else {
+ if (RSSLinkify.newSubject) {
RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
+ }
+ if (RSSLinkify.oldSubject) {
RSSLinkify.oldSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
+ }
- } else {
- if (RSSLinkify.newSubject) {
- RSSLinkify.newSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
- }
- if (RSSLinkify.oldSubject) {
- RSSLinkify.oldSubject.setAttribute("collapsed", "false");
- }
- }
- if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.addressstyle")) {
- selectEmailDisplayed();
+ if (cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("headersize.addressstyle")) {
+ selectEmailDisplayed();
+ }
+ //fillToolboxPalette();
+ coheToggleHeaderContent();
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.pane.CHTUpdateReplyButton();
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.pane.CHTUpdateJunkButton();
- //fillToolboxPalette();
- coheToggleHeaderContent();
- CHTUpdateReplyButton();
- CHTUpdateJunkButton();
-function enableButtons() {
- var hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
- if (toolbar) {
- var buttons = hdrToolbar.querySelectorAll("[disabled*='true']");
- for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
- buttons[i].removeAttribute("disabled");
+ function enableButtons() {
+ var hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
+ if (toolbar) {
+ var buttons = hdrToolbar.querySelectorAll("[disabled*='true']");
+ for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
+ buttons[i].removeAttribute("disabled");
+ }
-function fillToolboxPalette() {
- var hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
- var hdrToolbox = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox");
- var buttons = ["button-reply", "button-replyall", "button-replylist", "button-print",
- "button-tag", "button-forward", "button-archive", "button-mark", "button-file"];
- var currentSet=hdrToolbar.getAttribute("currentset");
- hdrToolbar.currentSet = currentSet;
- for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
- var buttonName = buttons[i];
- var button = document.getElementById(buttonName) ||
- document.getElementById("mail-toolbox").palette.getElementsByAttribute("id", buttonName)[0];
- if (button) {
- var hdrButton = button.cloneNode(true);
- if (hdrButton) {
- if (hdrButton.localName == "toolbaritem") {
- var subButtons = hdrButton.querySelectorAll(".toolbarbutton-1");
- for (var j=0; j<subButtons.length; j++) {
- addClass(subButtons[j], "msgHeaderView-button");
- }
- } else {
- addClass(hdrButton, "msgHeaderView-button");
- }
- //hdrButton.id = "hdr" + hdrButton.id;
- hdrToolbox.palette.appendChild(hdrButton);
-/* var bStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(button, null);
- hdrButton.style.MozImageRegion = bStyle.MozImageRegion;
- hdrButton.style.listStyleImage = bStyle.listStyleImage;*/
+ function fillToolboxPalette() {
+ var hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
+ var hdrToolbox = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox");
+ var buttons = ["button-reply", "button-replyall", "button-replylist", "button-print",
+ "button-tag", "button-forward", "button-archive", "button-mark", "button-file"];
+ var currentSet=hdrToolbar.getAttribute("currentset");
+ hdrToolbar.currentSet = currentSet;
+ for (var i=0; i<buttons.length; i++) {
+ var buttonName = buttons[i];
+ var button = document.getElementById(buttonName) ||
+ document.getElementById("mail-toolbox").palette.getElementsByAttribute("id", buttonName)[0];
+ if (button) {
+ var hdrButton = button.cloneNode(true);
+ if (hdrButton) {
+ if (hdrButton.localName == "toolbaritem") {
+ var subButtons = hdrButton.querySelectorAll(".toolbarbutton-1");
+ for (var j=0; j<subButtons.length; j++) {
+ addClass(subButtons[j], "msgHeaderView-button");
+ }
+ } else {
+ addClass(hdrButton, "msgHeaderView-button");
+ }
+ //hdrButton.id = "hdr" + hdrButton.id;
+ hdrToolbox.palette.appendChild(hdrButton);
+ /* var bStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(button, null);
+ hdrButton.style.MozImageRegion = bStyle.MozImageRegion;
+ hdrButton.style.listStyleImage = bStyle.listStyleImage;*/
+ }
+ if (currentSet.indexOf(buttonName)>=0) {
+ var result = hdrToolbar.insertItem(hdrButton.id);
+ currentSet = hdrToolbar.getAttribute("currentset");
+ hdrToolbar.currentSet = currentSet;
+ }
- if (currentSet.indexOf(buttonName)>=0) {
- var result = hdrToolbar.insertItem(hdrButton.id);
- currentSet = hdrToolbar.getAttribute("currentset");
- hdrToolbar.currentSet = currentSet;
+ }
+ var buttonsRemove = ["hdrJunkButton", "hdrForwardButton", "hdrArchiveButton",
+ "hdrReplyToSenderButton", "hdrReplyButton",
+ "hdrReplyAllButton", "hdrReplyListButton"];
+ for (var i=0; i<buttonsRemove.length; i++) {
+ var buttonName = buttonsRemove[i];
+ var button = document.getElementById(buttonName) ||
+ document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox").palette.getElementsByAttribute("id", buttonName)[0];
+ if (button) {
+ button.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
- }
- var buttonsRemove = ["hdrJunkButton", "hdrForwardButton", "hdrArchiveButton",
- "hdrReplyToSenderButton", "hdrReplyButton",
- "hdrReplyAllButton", "hdrReplyListButton"];
- for (var i=0; i<buttonsRemove.length; i++) {
- var buttonName = buttonsRemove[i];
- var button = document.getElementById(buttonName) ||
- document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox").palette.getElementsByAttribute("id", buttonName)[0];
- if (button) {
- button.setAttribute("collapsed", "true");
+ var target = "hdrOtherActionsButton";
+ var newParent = document.getElementById(target) ||
+ document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox").palette.getElementsByAttribute("id", target)[0];
+ if (newParent != null) {
+ var myElement;
+ myElement= document.getElementById("otherActionsPopup");
+ if (myElement) {
+ newParent.appendChild(myElement);
+ }
- var target = "hdrOtherActionsButton";
+ pub.coheToggleHeaderView = function() {
+ gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode = !gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode;
+ let deck = document.getElementById('msgHeaderViewDeck');
+ // Work around a xul deck bug where the height of the deck is determined
+ // by the tallest panel in the deck even if that panel is not selected...
+ deck.selectedPanel.collapsed = true;
- var newParent = document.getElementById(target) ||
- document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox").palette.getElementsByAttribute("id", target)[0];
- if (newParent != null) {
- var myElement;
- myElement= document.getElementById("otherActionsPopup");
- if (myElement) {
- newParent.appendChild(myElement);
+ if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode) {
+ deck.selectedPanel = document.getElementById("collapsedHeaderView")
+ coheUpdateMessageHeaders();
+ } else {
+ deck.selectedPanel = document.getElementById("expandedHeaderView");
+ ClearHeaderView(gExpandedHeaderView);
+ UpdateExpandedMessageHeaders();
+ gDBView.reloadMessage();
+ // Work around a xul deck bug where the height of the deck is determined
+ // by the tallest panel in the deck even if that panel is not selected...
+ deck.selectedPanel.collapsed = false;
+ coheToggleHeaderContent();
-function coheToggleHeaderView ()
- gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode = !gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode;
- let deck = document.getElementById('msgHeaderViewDeck');
- // Work around a xul deck bug where the height of the deck is determined
- // by the tallest panel in the deck even if that panel is not selected...
- deck.selectedPanel.collapsed = true;
- if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode) {
- deck.selectedPanel = document.getElementById("collapsedHeaderView")
- coheUpdateMessageHeaders();
- } else {
- deck.selectedPanel = document.getElementById("expandedHeaderView");
- ClearHeaderView(gExpandedHeaderView);
- UpdateExpandedMessageHeaders();
- gDBView.reloadMessage();
- }
- // Work around a xul deck bug where the height of the deck is determined
- // by the tallest panel in the deck even if that panel is not selected...
- deck.selectedPanel.collapsed = false;
- coheToggleHeaderContent();
-function coheToggleHeaderContent() {
- var strHideLabel = document.getElementById("CoheHideDetailsLabel").value;
- var strShowLabel = document.getElementById("CoheShowDetailsLabel").value;
- var strLabel;
+ function coheToggleHeaderContent() {
+ var strHideLabel = document.getElementById("CoheHideDetailsLabel").value;
+ var strShowLabel = document.getElementById("CoheShowDetailsLabel").value;
+ var strLabel;
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.messenger.loadToolboxData();
- loadToolboxData();
- var hdrToolbox = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox");
- var hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
- var firstPermanentChild = hdrToolbar.firstPermanentChild;
- var lastPermanentChild = hdrToolbar.lastPermanentChild;
- if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode) {
- strLabel = strShowLabel;
- var cBox = document.getElementById("collapsed2LButtonBox");
- if (cBox.parentNode.id != hdrToolbox.parentNode.id) {
- var cloneToolboxPalette = hdrToolbox.palette.cloneNode(true);
- var cloneToolbarset = hdrToolbox.toolbarset.cloneNode(true);
- cBox.parentNode.insertBefore(hdrToolbox, cBox);
- hdrToolbox.palette = cloneToolboxPalette;
- hdrToolbox.toolbarset = cloneToolbarset;
- hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
- hdrToolbar.firstPermanentChild = firstPermanentChild;
- hdrToolbar.lastPermanentChild = lastPermanentChild;
+ var hdrToolbox = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbox");
+ var hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
+ var firstPermanentChild = hdrToolbar.firstPermanentChild;
+ var lastPermanentChild = hdrToolbar.lastPermanentChild;
+ if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode) {
+ strLabel = strShowLabel;
+ var cBox = document.getElementById("collapsed2LButtonBox");
+ if (cBox.parentNode.id != hdrToolbox.parentNode.id) {
+ var cloneToolboxPalette = hdrToolbox.palette.cloneNode(true);
+ var cloneToolbarset = hdrToolbox.toolbarset.cloneNode(true);
+ cBox.parentNode.insertBefore(hdrToolbox, cBox);
+ hdrToolbox.palette = cloneToolboxPalette;
+ hdrToolbox.toolbarset = cloneToolbarset;
+ hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
+ hdrToolbar.firstPermanentChild = firstPermanentChild;
+ hdrToolbar.lastPermanentChild = lastPermanentChild;
+ }
+ } else {
+ strLabel = strHideLabel;
+ var cBox = document.getElementById("expandedHeaders");
+ if (cBox.parentNode.id != hdrToolbox.parentNode.id) {
+ var cloneToolboxPalette = hdrToolbox.palette.cloneNode(true);
+ var cloneToolbarset = hdrToolbox.toolbarset.cloneNode(true);
+ cBox.parentNode.appendChild(hdrToolbox);
+ hdrToolbox.palette = cloneToolboxPalette;
+ hdrToolbox.toolbarset = cloneToolbarset;
+ hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
+ hdrToolbar.firstPermanentChild = firstPermanentChild;
+ hdrToolbar.lastPermanentChild = lastPermanentChild;
+ }
- } else {
- strLabel = strHideLabel;
- var cBox = document.getElementById("expandedHeaders");
- if (cBox.parentNode.id != hdrToolbox.parentNode.id) {
- var cloneToolboxPalette = hdrToolbox.palette.cloneNode(true);
- var cloneToolbarset = hdrToolbox.toolbarset.cloneNode(true);
- cBox.parentNode.appendChild(hdrToolbox);
- hdrToolbox.palette = cloneToolboxPalette;
- hdrToolbox.toolbarset = cloneToolbarset;
- hdrToolbar = document.getElementById("header-view-toolbar");
- hdrToolbar.firstPermanentChild = firstPermanentChild;
- hdrToolbar.lastPermanentChild = lastPermanentChild;
+ if (document.getElementById("hideDetailsMenu")) {
+ document.getElementById("hideDetailsMenu").setAttribute("label", strLabel);
- if (document.getElementById("hideDetailsMenu")) {
- document.getElementById("hideDetailsMenu").setAttribute("label", strLabel);
+ // default method for updating a header value into a header entry
+ function coheUpdateHeaderValueInTextNode(headerEntry, headerValue)
+ {
+ headerEntry.textNode.value = headerValue;
-// default method for updating a header value into a header entry
-function coheUpdateHeaderValueInTextNode(headerEntry, headerValue)
- headerEntry.textNode.value = headerValue;
-function coheUpdateDateValue(headerEntry, headerValue) {
- //var t = currentHeaderData.date.headerValue;
- var d
- d = document.getElementById("collapsed1LdateBox");
- d.textContent = headerValue;
- d = document.getElementById("collapsed2LdateBox");
- d.textContent = headerValue;
-// coheUpdateMessageHeaders: Iterate through all the current header data we received from mime for this message
-// for each header entry table, see if we have a corresponding entry for that header. i.e. does the particular
-// view care about this header value. if it does then call updateHeaderEntry
-function coheUpdateMessageHeaders()
- // Remove the height attr so that it redraws correctly. Works around a
- // problem that attachment-splitter causes if it's moved high enough to
- // affect the header box:
- document.getElementById('msgHeaderView').removeAttribute('height');
- // iterate over each header we received and see if we have a matching entry
- // in each header view table...
- for (var headerName in currentHeaderData)
+ function coheUpdateDateValue(headerEntry, headerValue) {
+ //var t = currentHeaderData.date.headerValue;
+ var d
+ d = document.getElementById("collapsed1LdateBox");
+ d.textContent = headerValue;
+ d = document.getElementById("collapsed2LdateBox");
+ d.textContent = headerValue;
+ }
+ // coheUpdateMessageHeaders: Iterate through all the current header data we received from mime for this message
+ // for each header entry table, see if we have a corresponding entry for that header. i.e. does the particular
+ // view care about this header value. if it does then call updateHeaderEntry
+ function coheUpdateMessageHeaders()
- var headerField = currentHeaderData[headerName];
- var headerEntry = null;
- if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode && !gCoheBuiltCollapsedView)
+ // Remove the height attr so that it redraws correctly. Works around a
+ // problem that attachment-splitter causes if it's moved high enough to
+ // affect the header box:
+ document.getElementById('msgHeaderView').removeAttribute('height');
+ // iterate over each header we received and see if we have a matching entry
+ // in each header view table...
+ for (var headerName in currentHeaderData)
- if (headerName == "cc" || headerName == "to" || headerName == "bcc")
- headerEntry = gCoheCollapsedHeaderView["toCcBcc"];
- else if (headerName in gCoheCollapsedHeaderView)
- headerEntry = gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[headerName];
+ var headerField = currentHeaderData[headerName];
+ var headerEntry = null;
+ if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode && !gCoheBuiltCollapsedView)
+ {
+ if (headerName == "cc" || headerName == "to" || headerName == "bcc")
+ headerEntry = gCoheCollapsedHeaderView["toCcBcc"];
+ else if (headerName in gCoheCollapsedHeaderView)
+ headerEntry = gCoheCollapsedHeaderView[headerName];
+ }
+ if (headerEntry) {
+ headerEntry.outputFunction(headerEntry, headerField.headerValue);
+ headerEntry.valid = true;
+ }
- if (headerEntry) {
- headerEntry.outputFunction(headerEntry, headerField.headerValue);
- headerEntry.valid = true;
+ if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
+ gCoheBuiltCollapsedView = true;
+ // now update the view to make sure the right elements are visible
+ coheUpdateHeaderView();
+ }
+ function addClass(el, strClass) {
+ var testnew = new RegExp('\\b'+strClass+'\\b').test(el.className);
+ if (!testnew) {
+ el.className += el.className?' '+strClass:strClass;
- if (gCoheCollapsedHeaderViewMode)
- gCoheBuiltCollapsedView = true;
- // now update the view to make sure the right elements are visible
- coheUpdateHeaderView();
-addEventListener('messagepane-loaded', coheOnLoadMsgHeaderPane, true);
-addEventListener('messagepane-unloaded', coheOnUnloadMsgHeaderPane, true);
-addEventListener('load', coheInitializeOverlay, false);
-function addClass(el, strClass) {
- var testnew = new RegExp('\\b'+strClass+'\\b').test(el.className);
- if (!testnew) {
- el.className += el.className?' '+strClass:strClass;
+ function removeClass(el, strClass) {
+ el.className = el.className.replace(strClass, '');
-function removeClass(el, strClass) {
- el.className = el.className.replace(strClass, '');
-function CoheCopyWebsiteAddress(websiteAddressNode)
- if (websiteAddressNode)
+ function CoheCopyWebsiteAddress(websiteAddressNode)
- var websiteAddress = websiteAddressNode.getAttribute("url");
- var contractid = "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1";
- var iid = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper;
- var clipboard = Components.classes[contractid].getService(iid);
- clipboard.copyString(websiteAddress);
+ if (websiteAddressNode)
+ {
+ var websiteAddress = websiteAddressNode.getAttribute("url");
+ var contractid = "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1";
+ var iid = Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper;
+ var clipboard = Components.classes[contractid].getService(iid);
+ clipboard.copyString(websiteAddress);
+ }
-function selectEmailDisplayed() {
- var xulemail = document.getElementById("collapsedtoCcBccBox");
- if (xulemail != null) {
- var nextbox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "anonid", "longEmailAddresses");
- if (nextbox != null) {
- var xuldesc = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "containsEmail", "true");
- if (xuldesc != null) {
- var children = xuldesc.children;
- for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
- if (children[i].localName == "mail-emailaddress") {
- var rawAddress = children[i].getAttribute("emailAddress");
- if (rawAddress) {
- children[i].setAttribute("label", rawAddress);
+ function selectEmailDisplayed() {
+ var xulemail = document.getElementById("collapsedtoCcBccBox");
+ if (xulemail != null) {
+ var nextbox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "anonid", "longEmailAddresses");
+ if (nextbox != null) {
+ var xuldesc = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "containsEmail", "true");
+ if (xuldesc != null) {
+ var children = xuldesc.children;
+ for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
+ if (children[i].localName == "mail-emailaddress") {
+ var rawAddress = children[i].getAttribute("emailAddress");
+ if (rawAddress) {
+ children[i].setAttribute("label", rawAddress);
+ }
- }
- var xulemail = document.getElementById("collapsedfromBox");
- if (xulemail != null) {
- var nextbox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "anonid", "longEmailAddresses");
- if (nextbox != null) {
- var xuldesc = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "containsEmail", "true");
- if (xuldesc != null) {
- var children = xuldesc.children;
- for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
- if (children[i].localName == "mail-emailaddress") {
- var rawAddress = children[i].getAttribute("emailAddress");
- if (rawAddress) {
- children[i].setAttribute("label", rawAddress);
+ var xulemail = document.getElementById("collapsedfromBox");
+ if (xulemail != null) {
+ var nextbox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "anonid", "longEmailAddresses");
+ if (nextbox != null) {
+ var xuldesc = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(xulemail, "containsEmail", "true");
+ if (xuldesc != null) {
+ var children = xuldesc.children;
+ for (var i=0; i<children.length; i++) {
+ if (children[i].localName == "mail-emailaddress") {
+ var rawAddress = children[i].getAttribute("emailAddress");
+ if (rawAddress) {
+ children[i].setAttribute("label", rawAddress);
+ }
-var myPrefObserverHeaderSize =
- register: function()
- {
- // First we'll need the preference services to look for preferences.
- var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
- // For this._branch we ask that the preferences for extensions.myextension. and children
- this._branch = prefService.getBranch("extensions.CompactHeader.headersize.");
- // Now we queue the interface called nsIPrefBranch2. This interface is described as:
- // "nsIPrefBranch2 allows clients to observe changes to pref values."
- this._branch.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
- // Finally add the observer.
- this._branch.addObserver("", this, false);
- },
- unregister: function()
- {
- if(!this._branch) return;
- this._branch.removeObserver("", this);
- },
- observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
+ var myPrefObserverHeaderSize =
- if(aTopic != "nsPref:changed") return;
- // aSubject is the nsIPrefBranch we're observing (after appropriate QI)
- // aData is the name of the pref that's been changed (relative to aSubject)
- var event = document.createEvent('Events');
- event.initEvent('messagepane-loaded', false, true);
- var headerViewElement = document.getElementById("msgHeaderView");
- headerViewElement.dispatchEvent(event);
- gDBView.reloadMessage();
- }
-function coheCheckFirstRun() {
- cohe.version = -1;
- cohe.firstrun = false;
- cohe.gExtensionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
- // check if this is part of CompactHeader
- if ((cohe.gExtensionManager.getItemForID(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID) == null) || (isAddonDisabled(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID))) {
- return;
+ register: function()
+ {
+ // First we'll need the preference services to look for preferences.
+ var prefService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
+ // For this._branch we ask that the preferences for extensions.myextension. and children
+ this._branch = prefService.getBranch("extensions.CompactHeader.headersize.");
+ // Now we queue the interface called nsIPrefBranch2. This interface is described as:
+ // "nsIPrefBranch2 allows clients to observe changes to pref values."
+ this._branch.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch2);
+ // Finally add the observer.
+ this._branch.addObserver("", this, false);
+ },
+ unregister: function()
+ {
+ if(!this._branch) return;
+ this._branch.removeObserver("", this);
+ },
+ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData)
+ {
+ if(aTopic != "nsPref:changed") return;
+ // aSubject is the nsIPrefBranch we're observing (after appropriate QI)
+ // aData is the name of the pref that's been changed (relative to aSubject)
+ var event = document.createEvent('Events');
+ event.initEvent('messagepane-loaded', false, true);
+ var headerViewElement = document.getElementById("msgHeaderView");
+ headerViewElement.dispatchEvent(event);
+ gDBView.reloadMessage();
+ }
- cohe.current = cohe.gExtensionManager.getItemForID(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID).version;
- try{
- cohe.version = cohePrefBranch.getCharPref("version");
- cohe.firstrun = cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("firstrun");
- } catch(e) {
- } finally {
- //check for first run
- if (cohe.firstrun){
- cohePrefBranch.setBoolPref("firstrun",false);
- cohePrefBranch.setCharPref("version",cohe.current);
+ myPrefObserverHeaderSize.register();
+ function coheCheckFirstRun() {
+ cohe.version = -1;
+ cohe.firstrun = false;
+ cohe.gExtensionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
+ // check if this is part of CompactHeader
+ if ((cohe.gExtensionManager.getItemForID(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID) == null) || (isAddonDisabled(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID))) {
+ return;
- //check for upgrade
- if (cohe.version!=cohe.current && !cohe.firstrun){
- cohePrefBranch.setCharPref("version",cohe.current);
- // XXX
+ cohe.current = cohe.gExtensionManager.getItemForID(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID).version;
+ try{
+ cohe.version = cohePrefBranch.getCharPref("version");
+ cohe.firstrun = cohePrefBranch.getBoolPref("firstrun");
+ } catch(e) {
+ } finally {
+ //check for first run
+ if (cohe.firstrun){
+ cohePrefBranch.setBoolPref("firstrun",false);
+ cohePrefBranch.setCharPref("version",cohe.current);
+ }
+ //check for upgrade
+ if (cohe.version!=cohe.current && !cohe.firstrun){
+ cohePrefBranch.setCharPref("version",cohe.current);
+ // XXX
+ }
-function coheInitializeOverlay() {
- var gExtensionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
- // check if this is part of CompactHeader
- if ((gExtensionManager.getItemForID(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID) == null) || isAddonDisabled(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID)) {
- return;
+ pub.coheInitializeOverlay = function() {
+ var gExtensionManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
+ // check if this is part of CompactHeader
+ if ((gExtensionManager.getItemForID(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID) == null) || isAddonDisabled(COHE_EXTENSION_UUID)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ coheUninstallObserver.register();
- coheUninstallObserver.register();
-var coheUninstallObserver = {
- _uninstall : false,
- observe : function(subject, topic, data) {
- if (topic == "em-action-requested") {
- subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem);
- if (subject.id == COHE_EXTENSION_UUID) {
- if (data == "item-uninstalled") {
- this._uninstall = true;
- } else if (data == "item-cancel-action") {
- this._uninstall = false;
+ var coheUninstallObserver = {
+ _uninstall : false,
+ observe : function(subject, topic, data) {
+ if (topic == "em-action-requested") {
+ subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIUpdateItem);
+ if (subject.id == COHE_EXTENSION_UUID) {
+ if (data == "item-uninstalled") {
+ this._uninstall = true;
+ } else if (data == "item-cancel-action") {
+ this._uninstall = false;
+ }
+ } else if (topic == "quit-application-granted") {
+ if (this._uninstall) {
+ cohePrefBranch.deleteBranch("");
+ org.mozdev.customizeHeaderToolbar.pane.CHTCleanupButtons();
+ }
+ this.unregister();
- } else if (topic == "quit-application-granted") {
- if (this._uninstall) {
- cohePrefBranch.deleteBranch("");
- CHTCleanupButtons();
- }
- this.unregister();
+ },
+ register : function() {
+ var observerService =
+ Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
+ getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
+ observerService.addObserver(this, "em-action-requested", false);
+ observerService.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false);
+ },
+ unregister : function() {
+ var observerService =
+ Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
+ getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
+ observerService.removeObserver(this,"em-action-requested");
+ observerService.removeObserver(this,"quit-application-granted");
- },
- register : function() {
- var observerService =
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
- observerService.addObserver(this, "em-action-requested", false);
- observerService.addObserver(this, "quit-application-granted", false);
- },
- unregister : function() {
- var observerService =
- Components.classes["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
- getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
- observerService.removeObserver(this,"em-action-requested");
- observerService.removeObserver(this,"quit-application-granted");
-function isAddonDisabled(uuid) {
- var rdfService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
- var addon = rdfService.GetResource("urn:mozilla:item:" + uuid);
- var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
- var ds = em.datasource;
- var appRes = rdfService.GetResource("http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#appDisabled");
- var appDisabled = ds.GetTarget(addon, appRes, true);
- if(appDisabled instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral && appDisabled.Value == "true")
- return true;
- var userRes = rdfService.GetResource("http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#userDisabled");
- var userDisabled = ds.GetTarget(addon, userRes, true);
- if(userDisabled instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral && userDisabled.Value == "true")
- return true;
+ function isAddonDisabled(uuid) {
+ var rdfService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
+ var addon = rdfService.GetResource("urn:mozilla:item:" + uuid);
+ var em = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIExtensionManager);
+ var ds = em.datasource;
+ var appRes = rdfService.GetResource("http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#appDisabled");
+ var appDisabled = ds.GetTarget(addon, appRes, true);
+ if(appDisabled instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral && appDisabled.Value == "true")
+ return true;
+ var userRes = rdfService.GetResource("http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#userDisabled");
+ var userDisabled = ds.GetTarget(addon, userRes, true);
+ if(userDisabled instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral && userDisabled.Value == "true")
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return pub;
- return false;
+addEventListener('messagepane-loaded', org.mozdev.compactHeader.pane.coheOnLoadMsgHeaderPane, true);
+addEventListener('messagepane-unloaded', org.mozdev.compactHeader.pane.coheOnUnloadMsgHeaderPane, true);
+addEventListener('load', org.mozdev.compactHeader.pane.coheInitializeOverlay, false);
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