[Pkg-mozext-commits] [wot] 55/226: Merge branch 'turkish'. Added Turkish strings.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 00:35:33 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wot.

commit bdddf511cb1c6b850981edab3167136fac74e220
Merge: 8407c92 687f3bd
Author: Sergey Andryukhin <sorgoz at yandex.com>
Date:   Wed Sep 26 14:28:12 2012 +0300

    Merge branch 'turkish'. Added Turkish strings.

 chrome.manifest             | 47 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 locale/tr-TR/blocked.html   | 17 ++++++++++++++
 locale/tr-TR/loading.html   | 24 +++++++++++++++++++
 locale/tr-TR/wot.dtd        | 41 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 locale/tr-TR/wot.properties | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 skin/include/blocked.js     |  9 ++++++-
 6 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --cc chrome.manifest
index 998f43e,4894c0d..4181614
--- a/chrome.manifest
+++ b/chrome.manifest
@@@ -1,23 -1,23 +1,24 @@@
- content	wot	content/
- content	wot	content/ contentaccessible=yes
- resource	wot-base-dir content/
- overlay	chrome://browser/content/browser.xul	chrome://wot/content/overlay.xul
- overlay	chrome://navigator/content/navigatorOverlay.xul	chrome://wot/content/overlay.xul
- locale	wot	en-US	locale/en-US/
- locale	wot	cs-CZ	locale/cs-CZ/
- locale	wot	de-DE	locale/de-DE/
- locale	wot	fi-FI	locale/fi-FI/
- locale	wot	pl-PL	locale/pl-PL/
- locale	wot	sv-SE	locale/sv-SE/
- locale	wot	it-IT	locale/it-IT/
- locale	wot	fr-FR	locale/fr-FR/
- locale	wot	pt-BR	locale/pt-BR/
- locale	wot	es-ES	locale/es-ES/
- locale	wot	ru-RU	locale/ru-RU/
- locale	wot	ja-JP	locale/ja-JP/
- locale	wot	ko-KR	locale/ko-KR/
- locale	wot	zh-CN	locale/zh-CN/
- locale	wot	zh-TW	locale/zh-TW/
- locale	wot	uk-UA	locale/uk-UA/
- skin	wot	classic/1.0	skin/
- style	chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul	chrome://wot/skin/toolbar.css
+ content	wot	content/
+ content	wot	content/ contentaccessible=yes
+ resource	wot-base-dir content/
+ overlay	chrome://browser/content/browser.xul	chrome://wot/content/overlay.xul
+ overlay	chrome://navigator/content/navigatorOverlay.xul	chrome://wot/content/overlay.xul
+ locale	wot	en-US	locale/en-US/
+ locale	wot	cs-CZ	locale/cs-CZ/
+ locale	wot	de-DE	locale/de-DE/
+ locale	wot	fi-FI	locale/fi-FI/
+ locale	wot	pl-PL	locale/pl-PL/
+ locale	wot	sv-SE	locale/sv-SE/
+ locale	wot	it-IT	locale/it-IT/
+ locale	wot	fr-FR	locale/fr-FR/
+ locale	wot	pt-BR	locale/pt-BR/
+ locale	wot	es-ES	locale/es-ES/
+ locale	wot	ru-RU	locale/ru-RU/
+ locale	wot	ja-JP	locale/ja-JP/
++locale	wot	ko-KR	locale/ko-KR/
+ locale	wot	zh-CN	locale/zh-CN/
+ locale	wot	zh-TW	locale/zh-TW/
+ locale	wot	uk-UA	locale/uk-UA/
+ locale	wot	tr-TR	locale/tr-TR/
+ skin	wot	classic/1.0	skin/
+ style	chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul	chrome://wot/skin/toolbar.css
diff --cc locale/tr-TR/blocked.html
index 0000000,862bc61..0035343
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/locale/tr-TR/blocked.html
+++ b/locale/tr-TR/blocked.html
@@@ -1,0 -1,108 +1,17 @@@
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ 	"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+ <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="tr" lang="tr">
 -	<meta charset="utf-8">
 -    <script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://wot/skin/include/blocked.js"></script>
 -    <style type="text/css">
 -        @import "chrome://wot/skin/include/blocked.css";
 -    </style>
 -    <title>WOT: Blocked</title>
 -<body id="wotblocked" onload="blocked_load();">
 -	<table id="wotcontainer" cellspacing="0" lang="en-US" class="wotblocked">
 -		<tr id="wotheadline">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotcontainertop">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotdescription" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td colspan="2">
 -				<div id="wotdescriptiontext" class="wotlimitwidth">Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre kötü bir üne sahip</div>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wottarget" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td colspan="2">
 -				<div id="wotwebsite" class="wotlimitwidth" title=""> </div>
 -			</td>	
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotinfo" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td colspan="2">
 -				<div id="wotinfobutton">
 -					<span id="wotinfotext" onclick="blocked_info();">Oylama detaylarına ve yorumlara bakın</span>
 -				</div>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotratingtop" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotratingareatop" class="wotratingarea">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotrating0" class="wotratingarea wotratingrow">
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolleft">
 -				<span class="wotratingname">Dürüstlük</span>
 -			</td>
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolright">
 -				<span id="wotratingexpl0" class="wotratingexpl"> </span>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotrating1" class="wotratingarea wotratingrow">
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolleft">
 -				<span class="wotratingname">Sağlayıcı güvenliği</span>
 -			</td>
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolright">
 -				<span id="wotratingexpl1" class="wotratingexpl"> </span>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotrating2" class="wotratingarea wotratingrow">
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolleft">
 -				<span class="wotratingname">Gizlilik</span>
 -			</td>
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolright">
 -				<span id="wotratingexpl2" class="wotratingexpl"> </span>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotrating4" class="wotratingarea wotratingrow">
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolleft">
 -				<span class="wotratingname">Çocuk güvenliği</span>
 -			</td>
 -			<td class="wotratingcol wotratingcolright">
 -				<span id="wotratingexpl4" class="wotratingexpl"> </span>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotratingareabottom" class="wotratingarea">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotratingbottom" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotbuttonstop" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotbuttons" class="wotcontainermiddle">
 -			<td id="wotbuttonrate">
 -				<span id="wotratebutton" class="wotbutton">Bu site güvenli - Onu oylamak istiyorum</span>
 -			</td>
 -			<td id="wotbuttongoto">
 -				<span id="wotgotobutton" class="wotbutton">Uyarıyı yoksay ve siteye git</span>
 -			</td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotcontainerbottom">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -		<tr id="wotlogo">
 -			<td colspan="2"></td>
 -		</tr>
 -	</table>
 -	<div id="wottextdescunknown" style="display: none;">Bu site bilinmeyen bir oylamaya sahip</div>
 -	<div id="wottextdescuserrat" style="display: none;">Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan <br />düşük bir oy verdiniz</div>
 -	<div id="wottextreputation5" style="display: none;">Mükemmel</div>
 -	<div id="wottextreputation4" style="display: none;">İyi</div>
 -	<div id="wottextreputation3" style="display: none;">Tatmin edici değil</div>
 -	<div id="wottextreputation2" style="display: none;">Düşük</div>
 -	<div id="wottextreputation1" style="display: none;">Çok kötü</div>
++	<head>
++		<meta charset="utf-8">
++		<script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://wot/content/config.js"></script>
++		<script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://wot/skin/include/blocked.js"></script>
++		<script type="text/javascript" src="chrome://wot/content/warning.js"></script>
++	    <style type="text/css">
++	        @import "chrome://wot/skin/include/blocked.css";
++	    </style>
++	    <title>WOT: Kilitlendi</title>
++	</head>
++	<body id="wotblocked" onload="blocked_load();">
++	</body>
+ </html>
diff --cc locale/tr-TR/loading.html
index 0000000,2d9cc49..1499de4
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/locale/tr-TR/loading.html
+++ b/locale/tr-TR/loading.html
@@@ -1,0 -1,24 +1,24 @@@
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ 	"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
 -<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
++<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="tr" lang="tr">
+ <head>
+ 	<meta charset="utf-8">
+ 	<style type="text/css">
+ 		@import "chrome://wot/skin/include/loading.css";
+ 	</style>
+ 	<title>WOT: Loading website...</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ 	<div id="loading">
+ 		<div id="images">
+ 			<div id="image-0" class="image"> </div>
+ 			<div id="image-1" class="image"> </div>
+ 			<div id="image-2" class="image"> </div>
+ 			<div id="image-3" class="image"> </div>
+ 			<div id="image-4" class="image"> </div>
+ 		</div>
+ 		<div id="text">Loading website</div>
+ 	</div>
+ </body>
+ </html>
diff --cc locale/tr-TR/wot.properties
index 0000000,41c7c12..1a5d5e0
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/locale/tr-TR/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/tr-TR/wot.properties
@@@ -1,0 -1,52 +1,57 @@@
+ language = tr-TR
+ auto_update_title = WOT Güncelleme
+ auto_update_message = Yeni sürüm mevcut - güncellemek için buraya tıklayın?
+ auto_update_check = Otomatik güncelleştirmeleri etkinleştir (önerilen)
+ auto_update_button_yes = Şimdi güncelle
+ auto_update_button_no = Daha sonra hatırlat
+ description_disabled = Eklentileri devre dışı bıraktınız; etkinleştirmek için tıklayın.
+ description_error_query = Oyları yüklemek başarısız oldu; hemen tekrar deneniyor.
+ description_error_register = Failed to activate the add-on; retrying shortly.
+ description_inprogress = Oylar yükleniyor…
+ description_notready = WOT… etkinleştiriliyor…
+ description_offline = Tarayıcı çevrimdışıyken devre dışıdır.
+ description_private = Oylar erişilebilir değil
+ description_rating_5 = Mükemmel
+ description_rating_4 = İyi
+ description_rating_3 = Tatmin edici değil
+ description_rating_2 = Düşük
+ description_rating_1 = Çok kötü
+ description_rating_0 = Bu site için yeterli değerlendirme yok
+ description_restart = WOT’u etkinleştirmek için tarayıcınızı yeniden başlatın.
+ description_uninstall = WOT sisteminiz yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra kaldırılacak.
++help_0 =
+ help_1 = Çok kötü
+ help_2 = Düşük
+ help_3 = Tatmin edici değil
+ help_4 = İyi
+ help_5 = Mükemmel
+ help_comment = Oyunuz benzeşmiyor.
+ help_comment_link = Yorum bırakın?
+ warning = WOT Uyarısı: %S
++warning_warning = Uyarı!
++warning_blocked = Kilitlendi
+ warning_button = Değerlendirme bilgileri
+ warning_message_normal = Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre kötü bir üne sahip
+ warning_message_userrated = Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan düşük bir oy verdiniz
+ warning_message_unknown = Bu site bilinmeyen bir oylamaya sahip
+ warning_info = Oylama detaylarına ve yorumlara bakın
 -warning_rate = Bu site güvenli - Onu oylamak istiyorum
 -warning_goto = Uyarıyı yoksay ve siteye git
++warning_rate = Bu site güvenli - Onu <a>oylamak</a> istiyorum
++warning_goto = Siteye git
++warning_leave = Siteden ayrıl
++warning_back = Geri git
+ warning_desc_normal = Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre kötü bir üne sahip
+ warning_desc_userrated = Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan düşük bir oy verdiniz
+ warning_desc_unknown = Bu site bilinmeyen bir oylamaya sahip
+ rating_0 = Dürüstlük
+ rating_1 = Sağlayıcı güvenliği
+ rating_2 = Gizlilik
+ rating_4 = Çocuk güvenliği
+ popup_0 = Dürüstlük
+ popup_1 = Sağlayıcı güvenliği
+ popup_2 = Gizlilik
+ popup_4 = Çocuk güvenliği
+ user_score_title = Etkinlik skorum
+ user_score_mypage = Sayfamı görüntüle
+ user_score_register = Şimdi kaydol
+ user_score_improve = Yeni siteleri değerlendirerek etkinlik skorunuzu artırın.
+ user_score_top = En etkin %S kullanıcı arasındasın.
diff --cc skin/include/blocked.js
index 95c27ca,5de8e10..76557da
--- a/skin/include/blocked.js
+++ b/skin/include/blocked.js
@@@ -1,104 -1,5 +1,111 @@@
 + warning.js
 + Copyright © 2012 -   WOT Services Oy <info at mywot.com>
 + This file is part of WOT.
 + WOT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 + under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 + (at your option) any later version.
 + WOT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 + ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 + License for more details.
 + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 + along with WOT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 + */
 +var WOT_QUERY_OK = 1;
  var blocked_target = null;
 +var l10n = {};
 +var wot_modules = [];
 +function load_l10n() {
 +	// loads locale stings for add-on, parse them and store in l10n object
 +	try {
 +		xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
 +		xhr.open("GET", "chrome://wot/locale/wot.properties", false);
 +		xhr.send();
 +		var text = xhr.responseText;
- 		var lines = text.split("\r\n");
++		// detect separator
++		var sep = "\r\n";
++		if (text.indexOf(sep) < 1) {
++			sep = "\n";
++		}
++		var lines = text.split(sep);
 +		for(var i=0; i < lines.length; i++) {
 +			var pair = lines[i].split(" = ", 2);
 +			l10n[pair[0]] = pair[1];
 +		}
 +	} catch (e) {
 +		console.log("Exception in blocked.js / load_l10n()");
 +	}
 +// emulation of original wot_util module
 +var wot_util = {
 +	getstring: function(str)
 +	{
 +		return l10n[str] || "?!";
 +	}
 +// stub
 +var wot_prefs = {
 +	accessible: false,
 +	warning_opacity: 1,
 +	min_confidence_level: 1
 +// stub
 +var wot_shared = {
 +	decodehostname: function(s)
 +	{
 +		return s;
 +	}
 +var wot_cache = {
 +	data: {},
 +	get: function(name, property)
 +	{
 +		return wot_cache.data[property];
 +	}
 +var wot_browser = {
 +	show_warning: function(){}  // pure stub. Does nothing.
 +// copy-pasted from core.js - not a best way, I know.
 +var wot_core = {
 +	get_level: function(r) {
 +		if (r >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_5) {
 +			return 5;
 +		} else if (r >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_4) {
 +			return 4;
 +		} else if (r >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_3) {
 +			return 3;
 +		} else if (r >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_2) {
 +			return 2;
 +		} else if (r >= 0) {
 +			return 1;
 +		} else if (r == -1){
 +			return 0;
 +		} else {
 +			return "x";
 +		}
 +	}
  function blocked_info()
  	if (blocked_target) {

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/wot.git

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