[Pkg-mozext-commits] [wot] 90/226: Freezing current stage before trying new approach for RW

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 00:35:37 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wot.

commit d20dd4699aa538f19f44b4aaff41e974bbda196f
Author: Sergey Andryukhin <sorgoz at yandex.com>
Date:   Tue Jul 30 12:53:36 2013 +0300

    Freezing current stage before trying new approach for RW
 .gitignore                  |   5 +
 content/config.js           |  14 +-
 content/overlay.xul         | 768 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 content/ui.js               | 184 +++++------
 locale/en-US/wot.dtd        |   6 +-
 locale/en-US/wot.properties |   2 +
 skin/wot.css                |  23 +-
 7 files changed, 461 insertions(+), 541 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 29e8ae8..95b82ab 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -4,3 +4,8 @@ patches
diff --git a/content/config.js b/content/config.js
index 943065d..63ffa7a 100644
--- a/content/config.js
+++ b/content/config.js
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ const WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_2 = 12;
 const WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_1 = 6;
-        { name: "cx", min: -2 },
-        { name: "c0", min: -1 },
-        { name: "c1", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_1 },
-        { name: "c2", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_2 },
-        { name: "c3", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_3 },
-        { name: "c4", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_4 },
-        { name: "c5", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_5 }
+        { level: "x", name: "cx", min: -2 },
+        { level: "0", name: "c0", min: -1 },
+        { level: "1", name: "c1", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_1 },
+        { level: "2", name: "c2", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_2 },
+        { level: "3", name: "c3", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_3 },
+        { level: "4", name: "c4", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_4 },
+        { level: "5", name: "c5", min: WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_5 }
 /* Testimony values and rounding */
diff --git a/content/overlay.xul b/content/overlay.xul
index 56ae801..ae0348e 100644
--- a/content/overlay.xul
+++ b/content/overlay.xul
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
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+	Copyright © 2005 - 2013  WOT Services Oy <info at mywot.com>
 	This file is part of WOT.
@@ -19,421 +22,372 @@
 	along with WOT. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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+                    <!-- rating 4 -->
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-				<!-- rating 1 -->
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-                                    onmousemove="wot_events.slider_move(event, 1);"/>
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-									onclick="wot_events.click_help(event, 1);"/>
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-				<!-- rating 2 -->
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-								onmouseup="wot_events.slider_up(event, 2);"
-								onmousemove="wot_events.slider_move(event, 2);">
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-									onmousedown="wot_events.slider_down(event, 2);"
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-                                    onmousemove="wot_events.slider_move(event, 2);"/>
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-				<!-- rating 4 -->
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-								onmousedown="wot_events.slider_down(event, 4);"
-								onmouseup="wot_events.slider_up(event, 4);"
-								onmousemove="wot_events.slider_move(event, 4);">
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-									onmousedown="wot_events.slider_down(event, 4);"
-    	                            onmouseup="wot_events.slider_up(event, 4);"
-	                                onmousemove="wot_events.slider_move(event, 4);"/>
-								<box id="wot-rating-4-indicator" class="wot-rating-indicator"
-									onmousedown="wot_events.slider_down(event, 4);"
-                                    onmouseup="wot_events.slider_up(event, 4);"
-                                    onmousemove="wot_events.slider_move(event, 4);"/>
-							</stack>
-							<hbox id="wot-rating-4-help" class="wot-rating-help">
-								<label id="wot-rating-4-help-text" class="wot-rating-help-text" crop="end"/>
-								<label id="wot-rating-4-help-link" class="wot-rating-help-link" crop="end"
-									onclick="wot_events.click_help(event, 4);"/>
-							</hbox>
-						</vbox>
-					</hbox>
-				</vbox>
-				<!-- scorecard -->
-				<vbox id="wot-scorecard">
-					<vbox id="wot-scorecard-content"
-						onclick="wot_events.click_scorecard(event, false);">
-						<label id="wot-scorecard-visit" class="wot-scorecard-text" crop="end"
-							value="&wotRating.scorecard;"/>
-						<box id="wot-scorecard-comment-container">
-							<label id="wot-scorecard-comment" class="wot-scorecard-text" crop="end"
-								value="&wotRating.comment;"
-								onmouseover="document.getElementById('wot-scorecard-visit').setAttribute('inactive', true);"
-								onmouseout="document.getElementById('wot-scorecard-visit').removeAttribute('inactive');"
-								onclick="wot_events.click_scorecard(event, true);"/>
-						</box>
-					</vbox>
-				</vbox>
-				<!-- user 0 -->
-				<vbox id="wot-user-0" class="wot-user" hidden="true">
-					<hbox id="wot-user-0-content" class="wot-user-content">
-						<vbox id="wot-user-0-stack" class="wot-user-stack">
-							<label id="wot-user-0-header" class="wot-user-header" crop="end"/>
-							<hbox id="wot-user-0-bar" class="wot-user-bar">
-								<box id="wot-user-0-bar-image" class="wot-user-bar-image"/>
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-						</vbox>
-						<box id="wot-user-0-text-container" class="wot-user-text-container">
-							<label id="wot-user-0-text" class="wot-user-text" crop="end"
-								onclick="wot_events.click_user(event, 0);"/>
-						</box>
-					</hbox>
-					<label id="wot-user-0-notice" class="wot-user-notice" crop="end"/>
-				</vbox>
-				<!-- user 1 -->
-				<vbox id="wot-user-1" class="wot-user" hidden="true">
-					<hbox id="wot-user-1-content" class="wot-user-content">
-						<vbox id="wot-user-1-stack" class="wot-user-stack">
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-						</vbox>
-						<box id="wot-user-1-text-container" class="wot-user-text-container">
-							<label id="wot-user-1-text" class="wot-user-text" crop="end"
-								onclick="wot_events.click_user(event, 1);"/>
-						</box>
-					</hbox>
-					<label id="wot-user-1-notice" class="wot-user-notice" crop="end"/>
-				</vbox>
-				<!-- user 2 -->
-				<vbox id="wot-user-2" class="wot-user" hidden="true">
-					<hbox id="wot-user-2-content" class="wot-user-content">
-						<vbox id="wot-user-2-stack" class="wot-user-stack">
-							<label id="wot-user-2-header" class="wot-user-header" crop="end"/>
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-							<label id="wot-user-2-text" class="wot-user-text" crop="end"
-								onclick="wot_events.click_user(event, 2);"/>
-						</box>
-					</hbox>
-					<label id="wot-user-2-notice" class="wot-user-notice" crop="end"/>
-				</vbox>
-				<!-- message -->
-				<hbox id="wot-message" hidden="true"
-						onclick="return wot_events.click_message(event);">
-					<description id="wot-message-text" crop="end">
-					</description>
-				</hbox>
-				<!-- partner -->
-				<vbox id="wot-partner" hidden="true">
-					<label id="wot-partner-text" crop="end" value="&wotRating.partner;"/>
-				</vbox>
-			</vbox>
-		</menupopup>
+                <!-- scorecard -->
+                <vbox id="wot-scorecard">
+                    <vbox id="wot-scorecard-content"
+                          onclick="wot_events.click_scorecard(event, false);">
+                        <label id="wot-scorecard-visit" class="wot-scorecard-text" crop="end"
+                               value="&wotRating.scorecard;"/>
+                        <box id="wot-scorecard-comment-container">
+                            <label id="wot-scorecard-comment" class="wot-scorecard-text" crop="end"
+                                   value="&wotRating.comment;"
+                                   onmouseover="document.getElementById('wot-scorecard-visit').setAttribute('inactive', true);"
+                                   onmouseout="document.getElementById('wot-scorecard-visit').removeAttribute('inactive');"
+                                   onclick="wot_events.click_scorecard(event, true);"/>
+                        </box>
+                    </vbox>
+                </vbox>
+                <!-- user 0 -->
+                <vbox id="wot-user-0" class="wot-user" hidden="true">
+                    <hbox id="wot-user-0-content" class="wot-user-content">
+                        <vbox id="wot-user-0-stack" class="wot-user-stack">
+                            <label id="wot-user-0-header" class="wot-user-header" crop="end"/>
+                            <hbox id="wot-user-0-bar" class="wot-user-bar">
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+                                <label id="wot-user-0-bar-text" class="wot-user-bar-text" crop="end"/>
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+                        <box id="wot-user-0-text-container" class="wot-user-text-container">
+                            <label id="wot-user-0-text" class="wot-user-text" crop="end"
+                                   onclick="wot_events.click_user(event, 0);"/>
+                        </box>
+                    </hbox>
+                    <label id="wot-user-0-notice" class="wot-user-notice" crop="end"/>
+                </vbox>
+                <!-- user 1 -->
+                <vbox id="wot-user-1" class="wot-user" hidden="true">
+                    <hbox id="wot-user-1-content" class="wot-user-content">
+                        <vbox id="wot-user-1-stack" class="wot-user-stack">
+                            <label id="wot-user-1-header" class="wot-user-header" crop="end"/>
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+                                <label id="wot-user-1-bar-text" class="wot-user-bar-text" crop="end"/>
+                            </hbox>
+                        </vbox>
+                        <box id="wot-user-1-text-container" class="wot-user-text-container">
+                            <label id="wot-user-1-text" class="wot-user-text" crop="end"
+                                   onclick="wot_events.click_user(event, 1);"/>
+                        </box>
+                    </hbox>
+                    <label id="wot-user-1-notice" class="wot-user-notice" crop="end"/>
+                </vbox>
+                <!-- user 2 -->
+                <vbox id="wot-user-2" class="wot-user" hidden="true">
+                    <hbox id="wot-user-2-content" class="wot-user-content">
+                        <vbox id="wot-user-2-stack" class="wot-user-stack">
+                            <label id="wot-user-2-header" class="wot-user-header" crop="end"/>
+                            <hbox id="wot-user-2-bar" class="wot-user-bar">
+                                <box id="wot-user-2-bar-image" class="wot-user-bar-image"/>
+                                <label id="wot-user-2-bar-text" class="wot-user-bar-text" crop="end"/>
+                            </hbox>
+                        </vbox>
+                        <box id="wot-user-2-text-container" class="wot-user-text-container">
+                            <label id="wot-user-2-text" class="wot-user-text" crop="end"
+                                   onclick="wot_events.click_user(event, 2);"/>
+                        </box>
+                    </hbox>
+                    <label id="wot-user-2-notice" class="wot-user-notice" crop="end"/>
+                </vbox>
+                <!-- message -->
+                <hbox id="wot-message" hidden="true"
+                      onclick="return wot_events.click_message(event);">
+                    <description id="wot-message-text" crop="end">
+                    </description>
+                </hbox>
+                <!-- partner -->
+                <vbox id="wot-partner" hidden="true">
+                    <label id="wot-partner-text" crop="end" value="&wotRating.partner;"/>
+                </vbox>
+            </vbox>
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-		<!-- Indicator tooltip -->
-		<tooltip id="wot-tooltip"
-			onpopupshowing="return wot_commands.tooltip_update(document.tooltipNode);">
-			<label id="wot-tooltip-text" value="&wotRating.title;" crop="center"/>
-		</tooltip>
+        <!-- Indicator tooltip -->
+        <tooltip id="wot-tooltip"
+                 onpopupshowing="return wot_commands.tooltip_update(document.tooltipNode);">
+            <label id="wot-tooltip-text" value="&wotRating.title;" crop="center"/>
+        </tooltip>
-		<!-- Indicator menu -->
-		<!-- XXX: shouldn't need onpopupshowing, but checkmarks aren't shown otherwise -->
-		<menupopup id="wot-context-indicator"
-			onpopupshowing="wot_commands.update('indicator');">
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-				command="wot-command-checkupdates"/>
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-				command="wot-command-testify-5"/>
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-				command="wot-command-testify-4"/>
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-				command="wot-command-testify-2"/>
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-				command="wot-command-testify-1"/>
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-				command="wot-command-my"/>
-			<menuitem label="&wotPreferences.label;"
-				accesskey="&wotPreferences.accesskey;"
-				command="wot-command-preferences"/>
-			<menuseparator/>
-			<menuitem id="wot-indicator-enabled"
-				label="&wotEnabled.label;"
-				accesskey="&wotEnabled.accesskey;"
-				type="checkbox"
-				command="wot-command-enabled"/>
-		</menupopup>
-	</popupset>
+        <!-- Indicator menu -->
+        <!-- XXX: shouldn't need onpopupshowing, but checkmarks aren't shown otherwise -->
+        <menupopup id="wot-context-indicator"
+                   onpopupshowing="wot_commands.update('indicator');">
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-refresh"
+                      label="&wotRefresh.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotRefresh.accesskey;"
+                      command="wot-command-refresh"/>
+            <menuitem label="&wotCheckUpdates.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotCheckUpdates.accesskey;"
+                      command="wot-command-checkupdates"/>
+            <menuseparator/>
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-testify-5"
+                      label="&wotTestify5.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotTestify5.accesskey;"
+                      type="radio"
+                      name="wot-indicator-quicktestify"
+                      command="wot-command-testify-5"/>
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-testify-4"
+                      label="&wotTestify4.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotTestify4.accesskey;"
+                      type="radio"
+                      name="wot-indicator-quicktestify"
+                      command="wot-command-testify-4"/>
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-testify-3"
+                      label="&wotTestify3.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotTestify3.accesskey;"
+                      type="radio"
+                      name="wot-indicator-quicktestify"
+                      command="wot-command-testify-3"/>
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-testify-2"
+                      label="&wotTestify2.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotTestify2.accesskey;"
+                      type="radio"
+                      name="wot-indicator-quicktestify"
+                      command="wot-command-testify-2"/>
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-testify-1"
+                      label="&wotTestify1.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotTestify1.accesskey;"
+                      type="radio"
+                      name="wot-indicator-quicktestify"
+                      command="wot-command-testify-1"/>
+            <menuseparator/>
+            <menuitem label="&wotMy.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotMy.accesskey;"
+                      command="wot-command-my"/>
+            <menuitem label="&wotPreferences.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotPreferences.accesskey;"
+                      command="wot-command-preferences"/>
+            <menuseparator/>
+            <menuitem id="wot-indicator-enabled"
+                      label="&wotEnabled.label;"
+                      accesskey="&wotEnabled.accesskey;"
+                      type="checkbox"
+                      command="wot-command-enabled"/>
+        </menupopup>
+    </popupset>
-	<!-- Browser content area menu -->
-	<popup id="contentAreaContextMenu">
-		<menuitem id="wot-content-openlinkscorecard"
-			label="&wotLinkScorecard.label;"
-			accesskey="&wotLinkScorecard.accesskey;"
-			command="wot-command-openlinkscorecard"
-			insertbefore="context-bookmarkpage"/>
-	</popup>
+    <!-- Browser content area menu -->
+    <popup id="contentAreaContextMenu">
+        <menuitem id="wot-content-openlinkscorecard"
+                  label="&wotLinkScorecard.label;"
+                  accesskey="&wotLinkScorecard.accesskey;"
+                  command="wot-command-openlinkscorecard"
+                  insertbefore="context-bookmarkpage"/>
+    </popup>
-	<!-- Tools menu -->
-	<menupopup id="menu_ToolsPopup">
-		<menu id="wot-context-tools" insertbefore="devToolsSeparator"
-			label="&wotContent.label;">
-			<menupopup id="wot-tools-popup">
-				<menuitem label="&wotMy.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotMy.accesskey;"
-					command="wot-command-my"/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotPreferences.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotPreferences.accesskey;"
-					command="wot-command-preferences"/>
-				<menuseparator/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotTestify5.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotTestify5.accesskey;"
-					type="radio"
-					name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-					command="wot-command-testify-5"/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotTestify4.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotTestify4.accesskey;"
-					type="radio"
-					name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-					command="wot-command-testify-4"/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotTestify3.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotTestify3.accesskey;"
-					type="radio"
-					name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-					command="wot-command-testify-3"/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotTestify2.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotTestify2.accesskey;"
-					type="radio"
-					name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-					command="wot-command-testify-2"/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotTestify1.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotTestify1.accesskey;"
-					type="radio"
-					name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-					command="wot-command-testify-1"/>
-				<menuseparator/>
-				<menuitem label="&wotEnabled.label;"
-					accesskey="&wotEnabled.accesskey;"
-					type="checkbox"
-					command="wot-command-enabled"/>
-			</menupopup>
-		</menu>
-	</menupopup>
+    <!-- Tools menu -->
+    <menupopup id="menu_ToolsPopup">
+        <menu id="wot-context-tools" insertbefore="devToolsSeparator"
+              label="&wotContent.label;">
+            <menupopup id="wot-tools-popup">
+                <menuitem label="&wotMy.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotMy.accesskey;"
+                          command="wot-command-my"/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotPreferences.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotPreferences.accesskey;"
+                          command="wot-command-preferences"/>
+                <menuseparator/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotTestify5.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotTestify5.accesskey;"
+                          type="radio"
+                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
+                          command="wot-command-testify-5"/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotTestify4.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotTestify4.accesskey;"
+                          type="radio"
+                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
+                          command="wot-command-testify-4"/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotTestify3.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotTestify3.accesskey;"
+                          type="radio"
+                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
+                          command="wot-command-testify-3"/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotTestify2.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotTestify2.accesskey;"
+                          type="radio"
+                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
+                          command="wot-command-testify-2"/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotTestify1.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotTestify1.accesskey;"
+                          type="radio"
+                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
+                          command="wot-command-testify-1"/>
+                <menuseparator/>
+                <menuitem label="&wotEnabled.label;"
+                          accesskey="&wotEnabled.accesskey;"
+                          type="checkbox"
+                          command="wot-command-enabled"/>
+            </menupopup>
+        </menu>
+    </menupopup>
-	<!-- Toolbar indicator -->
-	<toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette">
-		<toolbarbutton id="wot-button"
-			class="toolbarbutton-1"
-			label="&wot.label;"
-			popup="wot-popup"
-			context="wot-context-indicator"
-			tooltip="wot-tooltip"
-			insertbefore="urlbar-container"
-			onclick="wot_events.click_button(event);"/>
-	</toolbarpalette>
+    <!-- Toolbar indicator -->
+    <toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette">
+        <toolbarbutton id="wot-button"
+                       class="toolbarbutton-1"
+                       label="&wot.label;"
+                       popup="wot-popup"
+                       context="wot-context-indicator"
+                       tooltip="wot-tooltip"
+                       insertbefore="urlbar-container"
+                       onclick="wot_events.click_button(event);"/>
+    </toolbarpalette>
diff --git a/content/ui.js b/content/ui.js
index 00c281d..5c2835b 100644
--- a/content/ui.js
+++ b/content/ui.js
@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ var wot_status = {
 			var reputation = -1;
 			if (wot_cache.isok(wot_core.hostname)) {
-				reputation = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname,
-								"reputation_0");
+				reputation = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "reputation_0");
 			if (reputation > WOT_MAX_REPUTATION) {
@@ -108,10 +107,18 @@ var wot_status = {
 var wot_ui = {
-	show_accessible: function()
+    SLIDER_WIDTH: 194,  // make sure there is same value as in wot.css for .wot-rating-slider selector.
+    getElem: function (id) {
+        // just a shortcut
+        return document.getElementById(id);
+    },
+    show_accessible: function()
 		try {
-			var mainwnd = document.getElementById("main-window");
+			var mainwnd = this.getElem("main-window");
 			if (mainwnd) {
 				var mode = "normal";
@@ -125,14 +132,14 @@ var wot_ui = {
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_ui.show_accessible: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_ui.show_accessible: failed with " + e);
 	show_partner: function()
 		try {
-			var mainwnd = document.getElementById("main-window");
+			var mainwnd = this.getElem("main-window");
 			if (mainwnd) {
 				var partner = wot_partner.getpartner() || "";
@@ -140,24 +147,22 @@ var wot_ui = {
 					mainwnd.setAttribute("wot-partner", partner);
-				document.getElementById("wot-partner").hidden =
-					!partner.length;
+				this.getElem("wot-partner").hidden = !partner.length;
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_ui.show_partner: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_ui.show_partner: failed with " + e);
-	show_toolbar_button: function(id, after)
-	{
+	show_toolbar_button: function(id, after) {
 		try {
-			var nbr = document.getElementById("nav-bar");
+			var nbr = this.getElem("nav-bar");
 			if (!nbr || nbr.currentSet.indexOf(id) != -1) {
-			var box = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox");
+			var box = this.getElem("navigator-toolbox");
 			if (!box) {
@@ -172,7 +177,7 @@ var wot_ui = {
 				bar = bar.nextSibling;
-			var target = document.getElementById(after);
+			var target = this.getElem(after);
 			if (target) {
 				target = target.nextSibling;
@@ -182,7 +187,7 @@ var wot_ui = {
 			nbr.setAttribute("currentset", nbr.currentSet);
 			document.persist("nav-bar", "currentset");
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_ui.show_toolbar_button: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_ui.show_toolbar_button: failed with " + e);
@@ -200,12 +205,8 @@ var wot_ui = {
 			/* Rating components */
-			document.getElementById("wot-rating-1").hidden =
-				!wot_prefs.show_application_1;
-			document.getElementById("wot-rating-2").hidden =
-				!wot_prefs.show_application_2;
-			document.getElementById("wot-rating-4").hidden =
-				!wot_prefs.show_application_4;
+//			document.getElementById("wot-rating-4").hidden =
+//				!wot_prefs.show_application_4;
 			/* Partner */
@@ -230,21 +231,24 @@ var wot_ui = {
-	update_title: function(description)
-	{
+	update_title: function(description) {
 		try {
-			var title = document.getElementById("wot-title-text");
-			if (title) {
+			var title_elem = this.getElem("wot-title-text"),
+                hostname_elem = this.getElem("wot-hostname-text");
+			if (title_elem && hostname_elem) {
 				if (wot_cache.isok(wot_core.hostname)) {
-					title.value = wot_shared.decodehostname(wot_core.hostname);
-					title.setAttribute("status", "target");
+					title_elem.value = wot_util.getstring("description_reputation");
+					title_elem.setAttribute("status", "target");
+                    hostname_elem.value = wot_shared.decodehostname(wot_core.hostname);
 				} else {
-					title.value = description;
-					title.setAttribute("status", "information");
+					title_elem.value = description;
+					title_elem.setAttribute("status", "information");
+                    hostname_elem.value = "";
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_ui.update_title: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_ui.update_title: failed with " + e);
@@ -253,59 +257,40 @@ var wot_ui = {
 		try {
 			var cached = wot_cache.isok(wot_core.hostname);
-			for (var i = 0; i < WOT_APPLICATIONS; ++i) {
-				var reputation = document.getElementById("wot-rating-" + i +
-									"-reputation");
-				var confidence = document.getElementById("wot-rating-" + i +
-									"-confidence");
+			for (var i = 0; i < WOT_COMPONENTS.length; ++i) {
+                var a = WOT_COMPONENTS[i],
+				    rep_elem = this.getElem("wot-rating-" + a + "-reputation"),
+				    conf_elem = this.getElem("wot-rating-" + a + "-confidence"),
+                    rep = -1,
+                    cnf = -1,
+                    exl,
+                    level;
-				var rep = -1, cnf = -1, exl;
 				if (cached) {
-					rep = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "reputation_" + i);
-					cnf = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "confidence_" + i);
-					exl = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "excluded_" + i);
+					rep = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "reputation_" + a);
+					cnf = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "confidence_" + a);
+					exl = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "excluded_" + a);
-				if (reputation) {
+				if (rep_elem) {
 					if (exl) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", "excluded");
-					} else if (rep >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_5) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", 5);
-					} else if (rep >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_4) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", 4);
-					} else if (rep >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_3) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", 3);
-					} else if (rep >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_2) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", 2);
+						rep_elem.setAttribute("reputation", "excluded");
 					} else if (rep >= 0) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", 1);
+						rep_elem.setAttribute("reputation", wot_util.get_level(WOT_REPUTATIONLEVELS, rep).level);
 					} else if (cached) {
-						reputation.setAttribute("reputation", 0);
+						rep_elem.setAttribute("reputation", 0);
 					} else {
-						reputation.removeAttribute("reputation");
+						rep_elem.removeAttribute("reputation");
-				if (confidence) {
-					if (exl) {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 0);
-					} else if (cnf >= WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_5) {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 5);
-					} else if (cnf >= WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_4) {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 4);
-					} else if (cnf >= WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_3) {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 3);
-					} else if (cnf >= WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_2) {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 2);
-					} else if (cnf >= WOT_MIN_CONFIDENCE_1) {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 1);
-					} else {
-						confidence.setAttribute("confidence", 0);
-					}
+				if (conf_elem) {
+                    level = exl ? 0 : wot_util.get_level(WOT_CONFIDENCELEVELS, cnf).level;
+                    conf_elem.setAttribute("confidence", level);
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_ui.update_rating: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_ui.update_rating: failed with " + e);
@@ -315,25 +300,12 @@ var wot_ui = {
 		try {
 			var cached = wot_cache.isok(wot_core.hostname);
-			/* CSS rules */
-			var sld_rule = wot_css.getstyle(WOT_STYLESHEET,
-								".wot-rating-slider");
-			if (!sld_rule) {
-				dump("wot_ui.update_testimonies: no style rule?\n");
-				return;
-			}
-			/* Dimensions */
-			var sld_w = wot_css.getstyle_numeric(sld_rule, "width");
-			/* Sliders */
-			for (var i = 0; i < WOT_APPLICATIONS; ++i) {
+			/* Sliders for components */
+			for (var i = 0, a = 0; i < WOT_COMPONENTS.length; ++i) {
+                a = WOT_COMPONENTS[i];
 				/* Slider elements */
-				var stack     = document.getElementById("wot-rating-" +	i +
-									"-stack");
-				var indicator = document.getElementById("wot-rating-" +	i +
-									"-indicator");
+				var stack     = this.getElem("wot-rating-" +	a + "-stack");
+				var indicator = this.getElem("wot-rating-" +	a + "-indicator");
 				if (!stack || !indicator) {
@@ -341,18 +313,17 @@ var wot_ui = {
 				var testimony = -1;
 				if (cached) {
-					testimony = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname,
-								"testimony_" + i);
+					testimony = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "testimony_" + a);
 				if (testimony >= 0) {
-					indicator.left = testimony * sld_w / WOT_MAX_REPUTATION;
+					indicator.left = testimony * this.SLIDER_WIDTH / WOT_MAX_REPUTATION;
 					if (testimony == WOT_MAX_REPUTATION) {
 					stack.setAttribute("testimony", "true");
-				} else if (hover != null && i == hover) {
-					indicator.left = pos * sld_w / WOT_MAX_REPUTATION;
+				} else if (hover != null && a == hover) {
+					indicator.left = pos * this.SLIDER_WIDTH / WOT_MAX_REPUTATION;
 					if (pos == WOT_MAX_REPUTATION) {
@@ -361,10 +332,8 @@ var wot_ui = {
 					stack.setAttribute("testimony", "false");
-				var help = document.getElementById("wot-rating-" + i +
-							"-help-text");
-				var link = document.getElementById("wot-rating-" + i +
-							"-help-link");
+				var help = this.getElem("wot-rating-" + a + "-help-text"),
+				    link = this.getElem("wot-rating-" + a + "-help-link");
 				if (help && link) {
 					if (testimony >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_5) {
@@ -385,8 +354,7 @@ var wot_ui = {
 					link.value = "";
 					if (cached && testimony >= 0) {
-						var r = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname,
-									"reputation_" + i);
+						var r = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "reputation_" + a);
 						if (r != null && r >= 0 &&
 							Math.abs(r - testimony) > WOT_MIN_COMMENT_DIFF) {
 							help.value = wot_util.getstring("help_comment");
@@ -410,8 +378,8 @@ var wot_ui = {
 	update_message: function()
 		try {
-			var msg = document.getElementById("wot-message");
-			var txt = document.getElementById("wot-message-text");
+			var msg = this.getElem("wot-message");
+			var txt = this.getElem("wot-message-text");
 			if (!msg || !txt || !txt.firstChild) {
@@ -444,14 +412,14 @@ var wot_ui = {
 			var i, j = 0;
 			for (i = 0; i < wot_api_query.users.length; ++i) {
-				var user    = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j);
-				var content = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-content");
-				var stack   = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-stack");
-				var header  = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-header");
-				var bar     = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-bar-image");
-				var label   = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-bar-text");
-				var text    = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-text");
-				var notice  = document.getElementById("wot-user-" + j + "-notice");
+				var user    = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j);
+				var content = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-content");
+				var stack   = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-stack");
+				var header  = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-header");
+				var bar     = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-bar-image");
+				var label   = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-bar-text");
+				var text    = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-text");
+				var notice  = this.getElem("wot-user-" + j + "-notice");
 				if (!user || !header || !bar || !label || !text || !notice) {
diff --git a/locale/en-US/wot.dtd b/locale/en-US/wot.dtd
index dd1ef9d..108bf5a 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/wot.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/wot.dtd
@@ -28,10 +28,8 @@
 <!ENTITY wotRating.title			"Initializing WOT…">
 <!ENTITY wotRating.wot				"WOT rating">
 <!ENTITY wotRating.my				"My rating">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.app0				"Trustworthiness:">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.app1				"Vendor reliability:">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.app2				"Privacy:">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.app4				"Child safety:">
+<!ENTITY wotRating.app0				"Trustworthiness">
+<!ENTITY wotRating.app4				"Child safety">
 <!ENTITY wotRating.scorecard		"View scorecard for rating details">
 <!ENTITY wotRating.comment			"Add your comment">
 <!ENTITY wotRating.guide			"Guide">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/wot.properties b/locale/en-US/wot.properties
index e183a1c..9e670fd 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/en-US/wot.properties
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ auto_update_message = A new version of WOT is available. Would you like to updat
 auto_update_check = Enable automatic updates (recommended)
 auto_update_button_yes = Update now
 auto_update_button_no = Remind me later
+description_init = Initializing WOT...
 description_disabled = You have disabled the add-on; click to enable.
 description_error_query = Failed to load ratings; retrying shortly.
 description_error_register = Failed to activate the add-on; retrying shortly.
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ description_rating_1 = Very poor
 description_rating_0 = Not enough ratings for this site
 description_restart = Restart the browser to activate WOT.
 description_uninstall = WOT will be uninstalled after restart.
+description_reputation = Reputation of
 help_0 =
 help_1 = Very poor
 help_2 = Poor
diff --git a/skin/wot.css b/skin/wot.css
index 220e4e4..14ffd95 100644
--- a/skin/wot.css
+++ b/skin/wot.css
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
 #wot-elements {
 	background: #ffffff;
-	width: 326px;
+	width: 580px;
 /* header */
 #wot-header {
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
 	margin-left: 7px;
 	margin-right: 7px;
 	margin-top: 7px;
-	width: 312px;
+	/*width: 500px;*/
 #wot-header-logo {
 	background: url("chrome://wot/skin/fusion/logo.png") top left no-repeat;
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
 	margin-bottom: 6px;
 	margin-left: 1px;
 	margin-top: 1px;
-	width: 110px;
+	width: 45px;
 #main-window[wot-mode="accessible"] #wot-header-logo {
 	background: url("chrome://wot/skin/fusion/accessible/logo.png") top left no-repeat;
@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@
 #wot-header-links {
 	padding-right: 10px;
 	margin-top: 1px;
-	width: 185px;
+	width: 200px;
 	-moz-box-pack: end;
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
 	background: url("chrome://wot/skin/fusion/accessible/close-active.png") top left no-repeat;
 /* title */
-#wot-title {
+#wot-hostname {
 	border-bottom: 1px solid #cacaca;
 	height: 26px;
 	padding-top: 4px;
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@
 	padding-left: 4px;
-	width: 312px;
-	max-width: 312px;
+	/*width: 312px;*/
+	/*max-width: 312px;*/
 #main-window[wot-status="disabled"] #wot-title-text:hover {
 	color: #3073c5;
@@ -528,13 +528,6 @@
 /* rating */
-.wot-rating-border {
-	border-top: 1px solid #f4f4f4;
-	height: 1px;
-	margin-left: 7px;
-	margin-right: 7px;
-	width: 312px;
 .wot-rating {
 	height: 59px;
 	margin-left: 7px;
@@ -642,7 +635,7 @@
 .wot-rating-slider {
 	background: url("chrome://wot/skin/fusion/slider.png") top left no-repeat;
 	height: 16px;
-	width: 194px;
+	width: 194px;   /* Make sure here is the same value as in ui.js wot_ui.SLIDER_WIDTH ! */
 	margin-top: 3px;
 .wot-rating-stack[testimony="true"] .wot-rating-slider {

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/wot.git

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