[Pkg-mozext-commits] [wot] 95/226: Made Activity Score alive.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 00:35:38 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wot.

commit 049a17bdda4a1640edc2041ca34c69186dcc7c1a
Author: Sergey Andryukhin <sorgoz at yandex.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 2 16:21:17 2013 +0300

    Made Activity Score alive.
 content/api.js             | 112 +++++++++++++--------------------
 content/config.js          |  14 ++---
 content/ratingwindow.js    | 151 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 content/rw/ratingwindow.js |   8 +--
 content/ui.js              |  52 ++++++++--------
 5 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/api.js b/content/api.js
index 9b5b2e5..b4bf50e 100644
--- a/content/api.js
+++ b/content/api.js
@@ -156,13 +156,19 @@ var wot_api_link =
 var wot_api_query =
-	message: "",
+	/* Variables */
+    message: "",
 	message_id: "",
 	message_type: "",
 	message_url: "",
 	users: [],
-	send: function(hostname, callback)
+    /* Constants */
+    XML_QUERY_USER_LABEL: "label",
+	/* Methods */
+    send: function(hostname, callback)
 		try {
 			if (!wot_util.isenabled()) {
@@ -363,67 +369,37 @@ var wot_api_query =
 		try {
 			this.users = [];
-			if (!users) {
-				return;
-			}
-			var i = 0;
-			var u = users.item(0);
-			var a;
-			while (u) {
-				var item = {};
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_ICON);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.icon = a.value;
-				}
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_BAR);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.bar = a.value;
-				}
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_LENGTH);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.length = a.value;
-				}
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_LABEL);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.label = a.value;
-				}
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_URL);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.url = a.value;
-				}
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_TEXT);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.text = a.value;
-				}
-				a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_NOTICE);
-				if (a && a.value) {
-					item.notice = a.value;
-				}
-				if (item.text && (!item.bar ||
-						(item.length != null && item.label))) {
-					this.users[i] = item;
-				}
-				u = users.item(++i);
+			if (!users) return;
+			var u = users.item(0),// take only first items, ignore others
+                user_item = {},
+                a = null,
+                user_props = {
+//                icon:       WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_ICON,
+//                bar:        WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_BAR,
+//                "length":   WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_LENGTH,
+//                url:        WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_URL,
+//                text:       WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_TEXT,
+//                notice:     WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_NOTICE,
+                label:      this.XML_QUERY_USER_LABEL        // this is the only property we need
+            };
+			if (u) {
+                for (var k in user_props) {
+                    a = u.attributes.getNamedItem(user_props[k]);
+                    if (a && a.value) {
+                        user_item[k] = a.value;
+                    }
+                }
+                this.users.push(user_item);
+                // set activity score from "user's label"
+                if (!isNaN(user_item.label)) {
+                    wot_prefs.setInt("activity_score", parseInt(user_item.label));
+                }
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_api_query.parse_users: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_api_query.parse_users: failed with " + e);
@@ -432,24 +408,20 @@ var wot_api_query =
 		try {
-			if (!stats) {
-				return;
-			}
+			if (!stats) return;
-			var s = stats.item(0);
+            var s = stats.item(0);
-			if (!s) {
-				return;
-			}
+            if (!s) return;
-			var l = s.attributes.getNamedItem(WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_STATUS_LEVEL);
+			var l = s.attributes.getNamedItem(this.XML_QUERY_STATUS_LEVEL);
 			if (l && l.value) {
 				wot_prefs.setChar("status_level", l.value);
 		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_api_query.parse_status: failed with " + e + "\n");
+			wdump("wot_api_query.parse_status: failed with " + e);
diff --git a/content/config.js b/content/config.js
index 7050632..3bbfb1b 100644
--- a/content/config.js
+++ b/content/config.js
@@ -152,15 +152,13 @@ const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_MSG_VERSION_LE		= "le";
 const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER				= "user";
+//const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_ICON			= "icon";
+//const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_BAR			= "bar";
+//const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_LENGTH			= "length";
+//const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_URL			= "url";
+//const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_TEXT			= "text";
+//const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_USER_NOTICE			= "notice";
 const WOT_SERVICE_XML_QUERY_STATUS				= "status";
 const WOT_SERVICE_XML_REGISTER					= "register";
diff --git a/content/ratingwindow.js b/content/ratingwindow.js
index ee7c148..a107d8c 100644
--- a/content/ratingwindow.js
+++ b/content/ratingwindow.js
@@ -116,6 +116,55 @@ var wot_rw = {
+    update_user_info: function () {
+//        wot_api_query.users[0]
+//        .bar - header
+//        .label - activity score?
+//        .length
+//        .url
+//        .notice
+//        .text
+//				if (wot_api_query.users[i].bar &&
+//						wot_api_query.users[i].length != null &&
+//						wot_api_query.users[i].label) {
+//					header.value = wot_api_query.users[i].bar;
+//					label.value = wot_api_query.users[i].label;
+//					bar.setAttribute("length", wot_api_query.users[i].length);
+//					bar.hidden = false;
+//				} else {
+//					header.value = "";
+//					label.value = "";
+//					bar.hidden = true;
+//				}
+//				if (wot_api_query.users[i].url) {
+//					content.setAttribute("url", wot_api_query.users[i].url);
+//				} else {
+//					content.removeAttribute("url");
+//				}
+//				if (wot_api_query.users[i].notice) {
+//					notice.value = wot_api_query.users[i].notice;
+//					notice.hidden = false;
+//				} else {
+//					notice.hidden = true;
+//				}
+//				if (wot_api_query.users[i].text) {
+//					text.value = wot_api_query.users[i].text;
+//					user.hidden = false;
+//					++j;
+//				} else {
+//					text.value = "";
+//					user.hidden = true;
+//				}
+//			}
+        wdump(JSON.stringify(wot_api_query.users[0]));
+    },
     update: function () {
         // Updates content of Rating Window. RW must be already initialized (locales, categories info, etc).
@@ -164,8 +213,6 @@ var wot_rw = {
             data.cached.value.cats = wot_categories.target_categories(target);
             data.cached.value.blacklist = wot_categories.target_blacklists(target);
-            wot_rw.update_messages();
         } else {
             data = {
                 target: target,
@@ -178,59 +225,91 @@ var wot_rw = {
+        wot_rw.push_preferences(rw, wot_rw.get_preferences());  // update preferences every time before showing RW
+        wot_rw.update_messages();
+        wot_rw.update_user_info();
+        // set the user's activity score additionally to bg.wot.core.
+        // FIXME: use activity score provided by preferences in RW instead of direct manupulation of core.usercontent[]
+        if (rw.wot_bg) {
+            rw.wot_bg.wot.core.usercontent = [
+                { "label": wot_prefs.activity_score }
+            ];
+        }
         wdump("data: " + JSON.stringify(data));
         rw_wot.ratingwindow.update(target, JSON.stringify(data));
     get_preferences: function () {
+        var prefs = {};
+        try {
+            prefs = {
+                accessible:         wot_prefs.accessible,
+                show_fulllist:      wot_prefs.show_fulllist,
+                ratingwindow_shown: wot_prefs.ratingwindow_shown,
+                activity_score:     wot_prefs.activity_score
+            };
+        } catch (e) {
+            wdump("ERROR: wot_rw.get_preferences() raised an exception: " + e);
+        }
-        var prefs = {
-            accessible:         wot_prefs.accessible,
-            show_fulllist:      wot_prefs.show_fulllist,
-            ratingwindow_shown: wot_prefs.ratingwindow_shown,
-            activity_score:     wot_prefs.activity_score
-        };
+        wdump("prefs: " + JSON.stringify(prefs));
         return prefs;
     push_preferences: function (rw, prefs) {
-        rw.wot_bg.wot.prefs.load_prefs(JSON.stringify(prefs));
+        try {
+            rw.wot_bg.wot.prefs.load_prefs(JSON.stringify(prefs));
+        } catch (e) {
+            wdump("ERROR: wot_rw.push_preferences() raised an exception: " + e);
+        }
     on_ratingwindow_event: function (event) {
-        var details = event.detail;
-        if (!details) return false;
+        try {
+            var details = event.detail;
+            if (!details) return false;
-        wdump("on_ratingwindow_event() " + JSON.stringify(details));
+            wdump("on_ratingwindow_event() " + JSON.stringify(details));
-        var message_id = details.message_id,
-            data = details.data;
+            var message_id = details.message_id,
+                data = details.data;
-        // Important: don't use "this" here, because it points to other than wot_rw object!
+            // Important: don't use "this" here, because it points to other than wot_rw object!
-        switch (message_id) {
-            case "update":  // bg.wot.core.update() is called from RW
-                if (data && data.update_rw) {
-                    wot_rw.update();
-                }
-                // TODO: do other updates (e.g. toolbar icon, etc)
-                wot_commands.update();  // Update button's context menu
-                break;
-            case "update_ratingwindow_comment":
-                // TODO: implement
-                break;
-            case "unseenmessage":
-                wot_rw.unseenmessage();
-                break;
-            case "navigate":
-                wot_browser.open_wotsite(data.url, "", "", data.context, true, true);
-                wot_rw.hide_ratingwindow();
-                break;
+            switch (message_id) {
+                case "update":  // bg.wot.core.update() is called from RW
+                    if (data && data.update_rw) {
+                        wot_rw.update();
+                    }
+                    // TODO: do other updates (e.g. toolbar icon, etc)
+                    wot_commands.update();  // Update button's context menu
+                    break;
+                case "update_ratingwindow_comment":
+                    // TODO: implement
+                    break;
+                case "unseenmessage":
+                    wot_rw.unseenmessage();
+                    break;
+                case "navigate":
+                    wot_browser.open_wotsite(data.url, "", "", data.context, true, true);
+                    wot_rw.hide_ratingwindow();
+                    break;
+            }
+            return true;
+        } catch (e) {
+            wdump("ERROR: wot_rw.on_ratingwindow_event() raised an exception: " + e);
diff --git a/content/rw/ratingwindow.js b/content/rw/ratingwindow.js
index c4638b0..b5ae92c 100644
--- a/content/rw/ratingwindow.js
+++ b/content/rw/ratingwindow.js
@@ -443,16 +443,16 @@ $.extend(wot, { ratingwindow: {
         /* content for user (messages / communications) */
-        // TODO: rewrite below
+        // TODO: rewrite below: use activity score stored in Prefs instead.
         var index = 0,
             item = (bg.wot.core.usercontent && bg.wot.core.usercontent.length > 0) ? bg.wot.core.usercontent[0] : {},
             user_header = wot.i18n("activityscore","text"),
-            user_as = "",
+            user_as = 0,
             $_user_text = $("#wot-user-0-text"),
             as_notice = wot.i18n("activityscore", "next");
-        if (item.label) {
-            user_as = item.label;
+        if (item.label && !isNaN(item.label)) {
+            user_as = parseInt(item.label); // for better security we use numeric
         // insert next level name
diff --git a/content/ui.js b/content/ui.js
index 9d6fc0e..6ae8814 100644
--- a/content/ui.js
+++ b/content/ui.js
@@ -354,32 +354,32 @@ var wot_ui = {
 //	{
 //	},
-	update_message: function()
-	{
-		try {
-			var msg = this.getElem("wot-message");
-			var txt = this.getElem("wot-message-text");
-			if (!msg || !txt || !txt.firstChild) {
-				return;
-			}
-			if (wot_api_query.message.length == 0 ||
-					wot_api_query.message_type.length == 0) {
-				msg.hidden = true;
-				txt.firstChild.nodeValue = "";
-				return;
-			}
-			txt.firstChild.nodeValue = wot_api_query.message;
-			txt.setAttribute("url-type",
-				wot_api_query.message_url.substring(0,4));
-			msg.setAttribute("message-status", wot_api_query.message_type);
-			msg.hidden = false;
-		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_ui.update_message: failed with " + e + "\n");
-		}
-	},
+//	update_message: function()
+//	{
+//		try {
+//			var msg = this.getElem("wot-message");
+//			var txt = this.getElem("wot-message-text");
+//			if (!msg || !txt || !txt.firstChild) {
+//				return;
+//			}
+//			if (wot_api_query.message.length == 0 ||
+//					wot_api_query.message_type.length == 0) {
+//				msg.hidden = true;
+//				txt.firstChild.nodeValue = "";
+//				return;
+//			}
+//			txt.firstChild.nodeValue = wot_api_query.message;
+//			txt.setAttribute("url-type",
+//				wot_api_query.message_url.substring(0,4));
+//			msg.setAttribute("message-status", wot_api_query.message_type);
+//			msg.hidden = false;
+//		} catch (e) {
+//			dump("wot_ui.update_message: failed with " + e + "\n");
+//		}
+//	},
 //	update_users: function()
 //	{

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/wot.git

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