[Pkg-mozext-commits] [wot] 107/226: Cleaned and adjusted locale strings to Chrome's ones.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 00:35:41 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wot.

commit 77c98763c746b0f6a41e13e299d08ed58ef950e6
Author: Sergey Andryukhin <sorgoz at yandex.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 16 14:52:43 2013 +0300

    Cleaned and adjusted locale strings to Chrome's ones.
 content/api.js              |  4 +-
 content/commands.js         | 57 +++++++----------------------
 content/core.js             |  2 +-
 content/overlay.xul         | 31 ----------------
 content/popup.js            |  4 +-
 content/ui.js               | 14 ++++---
 content/warning.js          | 35 ++++++++----------
 locale/en-US/wot.dtd        | 21 -----------
 locale/en-US/wot.properties | 89 ++++++++++-----------------------------------
 9 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/api.js b/content/api.js
index bb4abd5..e43c49b 100644
--- a/content/api.js
+++ b/content/api.js
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ var wot_api_register =
 			if (wot_browser.isoffline()) {
-					wot_util.getstring("message_offline"));
+					wot_util.getstring("messages_offline"));
 				this.timeout = window.setTimeout(wot_api_register.send,
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ var wot_api_register =
 		try {
-				wot_util.getstring("message_error_register"));
+				wot_util.getstring("messages_error_register"));
 			wot_api_register.timeout =
diff --git a/content/commands.js b/content/commands.js
index c5ae8fd..9fee0c8 100644
--- a/content/commands.js
+++ b/content/commands.js
@@ -117,35 +117,6 @@ var wot_commands =
 			document.getElementById("wot-" + what + "-refresh").
 				setAttribute("disabled", !wot_util.isenabled() || !cached);
-			/* Quick testimonies */
-			var i, quicks = [];
-			for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
-				quicks[i] =	document.getElementById("wot-" + what +
-								"-testify-" + (i + 1));
-			}
-			for (i = 0; i < quicks.length; ++i) {
-				quicks[i].setAttribute("disabled",
-					!wot_prefs.enabled || !cached);
-				quicks[i].setAttribute("checked", false);
-			}
-			if (wot_util.isenabled() && cached) {
-				var t = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "testimony_0");
-				if (t >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_5) {
-					quicks[4].setAttribute("checked", true);
-				} else if (t >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_4) {
-					quicks[3].setAttribute("checked", true);
-				} else if (t >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_3) {
-					quicks[2].setAttribute("checked", true);
-				} else if (t >= WOT_MIN_REPUTATION_2) {
-					quicks[1].setAttribute("checked", true);
-				} else if (t >= 0) {
-					quicks[0].setAttribute("checked", true);
-				}
-			}
 		} catch (e) {
 			dump("wot_commands.update: failed with " + e + "\n");
@@ -204,20 +175,20 @@ var wot_commands =
-	quicktestify: function(value)
-	{
-		try {
-			if (wot_cache.isok(wot_core.hostname)) {
-                wot_cache.set(wot_core.hostname, "testimony_0",
-                    Number(value));
-                wot_cache.set(wot_core.hostname, "pending", true);
-                wot_core.pending[wot_core.hostname] = true;
-                wot_core.update();
-            }
-		} catch (e) {
-			dump("wot_commands.quicktestify: failed with " + e + "\n");
-		}
-	},
+//	quicktestify: function(value)
+//	{
+//		try {
+//			if (wot_cache.isok(wot_core.hostname)) {
+//                wot_cache.set(wot_core.hostname, "testimony_0",
+//                    Number(value));
+//                wot_cache.set(wot_core.hostname, "pending", true);
+//                wot_core.pending[wot_core.hostname] = true;
+//                wot_core.update();
+//            }
+//		} catch (e) {
+//			dump("wot_commands.quicktestify: failed with " + e + "\n");
+//		}
+//	},
 	open_scorecard_link: function()
diff --git a/content/core.js b/content/core.js
index f6026c3..54ae41d 100644
--- a/content/core.js
+++ b/content/core.js
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ var wot_core =
 			if (!wot_util.isenabled()) {
-					wot_util.getstring("message_disabled"));
+					wot_util.getstring("messages_disabled"));
diff --git a/content/overlay.xul b/content/overlay.xul
index 5233a67..517c05a 100644
--- a/content/overlay.xul
+++ b/content/overlay.xul
@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@
         <command id="wot-command-refresh" oncommand="wot_commands.refresh();"/>
         <command id="wot-command-preferences" oncommand="wot_commands.preferences();"/>
         <command id="wot-command-checkupdates" oncommand="wot_commands.checkupdates();"/>
-        <command id="wot-command-testify-5" oncommand="wot_commands.quicktestify(WOT_TESTIMONY_QUICK_5);"/>
-        <command id="wot-command-testify-4" oncommand="wot_commands.quicktestify(WOT_TESTIMONY_QUICK_4);"/>
-        <command id="wot-command-testify-3" oncommand="wot_commands.quicktestify(WOT_TESTIMONY_QUICK_3);"/>
-        <command id="wot-command-testify-2" oncommand="wot_commands.quicktestify(WOT_TESTIMONY_QUICK_2);"/>
-        <command id="wot-command-testify-1" oncommand="wot_commands.quicktestify(WOT_TESTIMONY_QUICK_1);"/>
         <command id="wot-command-my" oncommand="wot_commands.my();"/>
         <command id="wot-command-openlinkscorecard" oncommand="wot_commands.open_scorecard_link();"/>
@@ -130,32 +125,6 @@
-                <menuitem label="&wotTestify5.label;"
-                          accesskey="&wotTestify5.accesskey;"
-                          type="radio"
-                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-                          command="wot-command-testify-5"/>
-                <menuitem label="&wotTestify4.label;"
-                          accesskey="&wotTestify4.accesskey;"
-                          type="radio"
-                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-                          command="wot-command-testify-4"/>
-                <menuitem label="&wotTestify3.label;"
-                          accesskey="&wotTestify3.accesskey;"
-                          type="radio"
-                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-                          command="wot-command-testify-3"/>
-                <menuitem label="&wotTestify2.label;"
-                          accesskey="&wotTestify2.accesskey;"
-                          type="radio"
-                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-                          command="wot-command-testify-2"/>
-                <menuitem label="&wotTestify1.label;"
-                          accesskey="&wotTestify1.accesskey;"
-                          type="radio"
-                          name="wot-tools-quicktestify"
-                          command="wot-command-testify-1"/>
-                <menuseparator/>
                 <menuitem label="&wotEnabled.label;"
diff --git a/content/popup.js b/content/popup.js
index 000fb86..5b61a79 100644
--- a/content/popup.js
+++ b/content/popup.js
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@ var wot_popup =
             var replaces = [
                 { from: "ID", to: this.postfix },
-                { from: "POPUPTEXT0", to: wot_util.getstring("popup_0") },
-                { from: "POPUPTEXT4", to: wot_util.getstring("popup_4") },
+                { from: "POPUPTEXT0", to: wot_util.getstring("components__short_0") },
+                { from: "POPUPTEXT4", to: wot_util.getstring("components__short_4") },
                 { from: "ACCESSIBLE", to: wot_prefs.accessible ? "accessible" : "" },
                 { from: "POPUPHEADERTEXT", to: wot_util.getstring("popup_headertext") },
                 { from: "POPUPNOCAT", to: wot_util.getstring("popup_nocattext") }
diff --git a/content/ui.js b/content/ui.js
index 76fc1f8..4dab59a 100644
--- a/content/ui.js
+++ b/content/ui.js
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ var wot_status = {
 			var excluded = wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "excluded_0");
 			/* Set status and description */
-			var status, description, testimonies = false;
+			var rep_l, rep, r_level, description, testimonies = false;
 			for (var i = 0; i < WOT_APPLICATIONS; ++i) {
 				if (wot_cache.get(wot_core.hostname, "testimony_" + i) >= 0) {
@@ -79,18 +79,20 @@ var wot_status = {
 			if (excluded) {
-				status = "excluded";
+				r_level = "0";  // should be "excluded" maybe?
 				description = "";
 			} else {
-                status = wot_util.get_level(WOT_REPUTATIONLEVELS, reputation).level;
-				description = wot_util.getstring("description_rating_" + status);
+                rep_l = wot_util.get_level(WOT_REPUTATIONLEVELS, reputation);
+                r_level = rep_l.level;
+                rep = rep_l.name;
+				description = wot_util.getstring("reputationlevels_" + rep);
 			if (testimonies) {
-				status += "-testimony";
+				r_level += "-testimony";
-			this.set(status, description);
+			this.set(r_level, description);
 			var type = wot_warning.isdangerous(wot_core.hostname, true);
 			var content = getBrowser().selectedBrowser.contentDocument;
diff --git a/content/warning.js b/content/warning.js
index c26cea2..960daf2 100644
--- a/content/warning.js
+++ b/content/warning.js
@@ -413,27 +413,25 @@ var wot_warning =
             var is_blacklisted = blacklists && blacklists.length > 0;
             // preprocess link "Rate the site"
-            var rate_site = wot_util.getstring("warning_rate").replace("<a>", "<a id='wotrate-link' class='wot-link'>"),
+            var rate_site = wot_util.getstring("warnings_ratesite").replace("<a>", "<a id='wotrate-link' class='wot-link'>"),
                 wt_text = wot_util.getstring("wt_warning_text") || "";
 			var replaces = [
                 /* Static strings */
-                [ "INFO", is_blacklisted ? wot_util.getstring("bl_information") : wot_util.getstring("warning_info")  ],
+                [ "INFO", is_blacklisted ? wot_util.getstring("bl_information") : wot_util.getstring("warnings_information")  ],
                 [ "BL_OR_REP", is_blacklisted ? "blacklist": "reputation" ],
-                [ "RATINGDESC0", wot_util.getstring("rating_0") ],
-                [ "RATINGDESC1", wot_util.getstring("rating_1") ],
-                [ "RATINGDESC2", wot_util.getstring("rating_2") ],
-                [ "RATINGDESC4", wot_util.getstring("rating_4") ],
-                [ "GOTOSITE", wot_util.getstring("warning_goto") ],
-                [ "WARNING", this.is_blocked ? wot_util.getstring("warning_blocked") : wot_util.getstring("warning_warning") ],
+                [ "RATINGDESC0", wot_util.getstring("components_0") ],
+                [ "RATINGDESC4", wot_util.getstring("components_4") ],
+                [ "GOTOSITE", wot_util.getstring("warnings_goto") ],
+                [ "WARNING", this.is_blocked ? wot_util.getstring("warnings_blocked") : wot_util.getstring("warnings_warning") ],
                 [ "RATETEXT", rate_site ],
                 [ "WT_CONTENT", this.processhtml(wt_text, [ "WT_LEARNMORE", wot_util.getstring("wt_learnmore_link") ])],
-                [ "REASONTITLE", wot_util.getstring("warning_reasontitle") ],
-                [ "NOREASONTITLE", wot_util.getstring("warning_noreasontitle") ],
+                [ "REASONTITLE", wot_util.getstring("warnings_reasontitle") ],
+                [ "NOREASONTITLE", wot_util.getstring("warnings_noreasontitle") ],
 				/* Dynamic strings */
                 [ "TITLE",      (wot_shared.decodehostname(normalized_target) || "").replace(/[<>&="']/g, "") ],
-				[ "LEAVESITE",  wot_util.getstring("warning_" + wot_warning.exit_mode) ],
+				[ "LEAVESITE",  wot_util.getstring("warnings_" + wot_warning.exit_mode) ],
                 [ "ACCESSIBLE", accessible ]
@@ -493,20 +491,17 @@ var wot_warning =
                 if (reason == WOT_REASON_RATING) {
-                    notification = wot_util.getstring("warning_message_normal");
+                    notification = wot_util.getstring("warnings_message_reputation");
                     replaces.push([ "CLASS", warnclass ]);
-//                    replaces.push([ "DESCCLASS", "wotlongdescription" ]);
-                    replaces.push([ "DESC", wot_util.getstring("warning_desc_normal") ]);
+                    replaces.push([ "DESC", wot_util.getstring("warnings_reputation") ]);
                 } else if (reason == WOT_REASON_TESTIMONY) {
-                    notification = wot_util.getstring("warning_message_userrated");
+                    notification = wot_util.getstring("warnings_message_rating");
                     replaces.push([ "CLASS", "wotnoratings" ]);
-//                    replaces.push([ "DESCCLASS", "wotlongdescription" ]);
-                    replaces.push([ "DESC", wot_util.getstring("warning_desc_userrated") ]);
+                    replaces.push([ "DESC", wot_util.getstring("warnings_rating") ]);
                 } else {
-                    notification = wot_util.getstring("warning_message_unknown");
+                    notification = wot_util.getstring("warnings_unknown");
                     replaces.push([ "CLASS", warnclass ]);
-//                    replaces.push([ "DESCCLASS", "" ]);
-                    replaces.push([ "DESC", wot_util.getstring("warning_desc_unknown") ]);
+                    replaces.push([ "DESC", wot_util.getstring("warnings_unknown") ]);
diff --git a/locale/en-US/wot.dtd b/locale/en-US/wot.dtd
index 108bf5a..d0e77d4 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/wot.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/wot.dtd
@@ -6,16 +6,6 @@
 <!ENTITY wotRefresh.accesskey		"R">
 <!ENTITY wotContent.label			"WOT">
 <!ENTITY wotContent.accesskey		"W">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify5.label			"Excellent">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify5.accesskey		"E">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify4.label			"Good">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify4.accesskey		"G">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify3.label			"Unsatisfactory">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify3.accesskey		"U">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify2.label			"Poor">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify2.accesskey		"P">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify1.label			"Very poor">
-<!ENTITY wotTestify1.accesskey		"V">
 <!ENTITY wotPreferences.label		"Settings…">
 <!ENTITY wotPreferences.accesskey	"S">
 <!ENTITY wotMy.label				"My WOT…">
@@ -26,14 +16,3 @@
 <!ENTITY wotLinkScorecard.accesskey	"s">
 <!-- Rating window -->
 <!ENTITY wotRating.title			"Initializing WOT…">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.wot				"WOT rating">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.my				"My rating">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.app0				"Trustworthiness">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.app4				"Child safety">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.scorecard		"View scorecard for rating details">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.comment			"Add your comment">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.guide			"Guide">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.prefs			"Settings">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.link				"www.mywot.com">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.partner			"In partnership with">
-<!ENTITY wotRating.update			"New version available - click to update">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/wot.properties b/locale/en-US/wot.properties
index 289d39b..237fcee 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/en-US/wot.properties
@@ -7,63 +7,17 @@ auto_update_button_yes = Update now
 auto_update_button_no = Remind me later
 messages_initializing = Initializing WOT…
 messages_loading = Loading ratings…
+messages_ready = Reputation of
 messages_notready = Activating WOT…
 messages_failed = Failed to load ratings; retrying shortly
 messages_notavailable = Ratings are not available
-message_error_register = Failed to activate the add-on; retrying shortly.
-message_offline = Disabled while the browser is offline.
-message_disabled = You have disabled the add-on; click to enable.
-description_rating_5 = Excellent
-description_rating_4 = Good
-description_rating_3 = Unsatisfactory
-description_rating_2 = Poor
-description_rating_1 = Very poor
-description_rating_0 = Not enough ratings for this site
+messages_error_register = Failed to activate the add-on; retrying shortly.
+messages_offline = Disabled while the browser is offline.
+messages_disabled = You have disabled the add-on; click to enable.
 description_restart = Restart the browser to activate WOT.
 description_uninstall = WOT will be uninstalled after restart.
-description_reputation = Reputation of
-help_0 = Unknown
-help_1 = Very poor
-help_2 = Poor
-help_3 = Unsatisfactory
-help_4 = Good
-help_5 = Excellent
-help_comment = Your rating differs.
-help_comment_link = Leave a comment?
 warning = WOT Warning: %S
-warning_warning = Warning!
-warning_blocked = Blocked
 warning_button = Rating details
-warning_message_normal = This site has a poor reputation based on user ratings.
-warning_message_userrated = You have given this site a poor rating.
-warning_message_unknown = This site has an unknown rating.
-warning_info = View rating details and comments
-warning_rate = If you trust this site, please <a>rate it</a>
-warning_goto = Go to the site
-warning_leave = Leave the site
-warning_back = Go back
-warning_desc_normal = This site has a poor reputation based on user ratings
-warning_desc_userrated = You have given this site a poor rating, which triggered a warning
-warning_desc_unknown = This site has an unknown rating
-warning_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
-warning_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
-wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
-wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
-wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
-wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
-rating_0 = Trustworthiness
-rating_1 = Vendor reliability
-rating_2 = Privacy
-rating_4 = Child safety
-popup_0 = Trustworthiness
-popup_4 = Child safety
-popup_headertext = click to view details
-popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
-user_score_title = My activity score
-user_score_mypage = View my page
-user_score_register = Register now
-user_score_improve = Improve your activity score by rating new sites.
-user_score_top = You are among the %S most active users.
 bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
 bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
 bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
@@ -99,19 +53,18 @@ ratingwindow_addcomment = Add a comment
 ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment 
 ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings 
 ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category 
-ratingwindow_inpartnership = In partnership with 
-ratingwindow_newversion = New version available - click to update 
-ratingwindow_helptext = Your rating differs 
-ratingwindow_helplink = Leave a comment? 
-ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website. 
+ratingwindow_newversion = New version available - click to update
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
 warnings_information = View details and comments 
 warnings_ratesite = If you trust this site, please <a>rate it</a> 
-warnings_gotosite = Ignore warning and go to the site 
-warnings_reputation = This site has a poor reputation based on<br/>user ratings 
-warnings_rating = You have given this site a poor rating,<br/>which triggered a warning 
-warnings_unknown = This site has an unknown rating 
-warnings_warning = Warning! 
-warnings_goto = Go to the site 
+warnings_reputation = This site has a poor reputation based on<br/>user ratings
+warnings_message_reputation = This site has a poor reputation based on user ratings.
+warnings_rating = You have given this site a poor rating,<br/>which triggered a warning
+warnings_message_rating = You have given this site a poor rating.
+warnings_unknown = This site has an unknown rating
+warnings_warning = Warning!
+warnings_blocked = Blocked
+warnings_goto = Go to the site
 warnings_leave = Exit 
 warnings_back = Go back 
 warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues 
@@ -120,20 +73,19 @@ contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
 wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT. 
 wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>",
 wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it 
-wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>",
-wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off 
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
 wt_warning_ok = OK, got it 
-wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences! 
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
 wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p> 
-wt_rw_ok = Show me rating window 
-wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p> 
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
 wt_donut_btn = OK, got it 
 fbl_hideforever = Hide forever 
 fbl_submit = Submit 
 fbl_whatisthis = What's this? 
 fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click \"yes\" 
 fbl_optout_yes = yes 
-fbl_optout_no = No 
+fbl_optout_no = No
 fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt. 
 fbl_final = Thank you! 
 fbl_this_website = this website 
@@ -155,8 +107,7 @@ ratingwindow_rerate_category =
 ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list 
 ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes 
 ratingwindow_vote_no = No 
-messages_ready = Reputation of 
-testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate 
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
 testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust 
 testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust 
 testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious 

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/wot.git

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