[Pkg-mozext-commits] [wot] 109/226: Updated locales to semi-translated state.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 00:35:41 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository wot.
commit 9e8173c3f88348ce5882a4abf70c5b2d56485671
Author: Sergey Andryukhin <sorgoz at yandex.com>
Date: Mon Aug 19 11:59:59 2013 +0300
Updated locales to semi-translated state.
locale/cs-CZ/wot.properties | 190 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/de-DE/wot.properties | 190 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/es-ES/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/fi-FI/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/fr-FR/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/it-IT/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/ja-JP/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/ko-KR/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/pl-PL/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/pt-BR/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/sv-SE/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/tr-TR/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/uk-UA/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/zh-CN/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
locale/zh-TW/wot.properties | 187 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
15 files changed, 2016 insertions(+), 795 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locale/cs-CZ/wot.properties b/locale/cs-CZ/wot.properties
index 43ccabd..da8f933 100644
--- a/locale/cs-CZ/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/cs-CZ/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,141 @@
-language = cs-CZ
+locale = cs
+lang = cs-CZ
+ext_description = Nástroj WOT vám ukáže, kterým stránkám můžete důvěřovat na základě zkušeností miliónů uživatelů po celém světě.
+components_0 = Důvěryhodnost
+components_1 = Spolehlivost poskytovatele
+components_2 = Ochrana osobních dat
+components_4 = Bezpečnost dětí
+components__short_0 = Důvěryhodnost
+components__short_1 = Spolehl. poskytov.
+components__short_2 = Ochrana osob. dat
+components__short_4 = Bezpečnost dětí
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Velmi špatná
+reputationlevels_r2 = Špatná
+reputationlevels_r3 = Neuspokojivá
+reputationlevels_r4 = Dobrá
+reputationlevels_r5 = Excelentní
+messages_initializing = Probíhá inicializace WOT…
+messages_notready = Aktivace doplňku WOT…
+messages_failed = Načtení hodnocení se nezdařilo; pokus bude zanedlouho opakován.
+messages_notavailable = Hodnocení nejsou dostupná.
+messages_loading = Načítání hodnocení…
+ratingwindow_settings = Nastavení
+ratingwindow_guide = Příručka
+ratingwindow_forum = Forum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Hodnocení WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Moje hodnocení
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Zobrazit výsledky s detaily hodnocení
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Přidat komentář
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_inpartnership = Ve spolupráci s
+ratingwindow_newversion = K dispozici je nová verze - kliknutím sem proveďte aktualizaci
+ratingwindow_helptext = Váš údaj se liší.
+ratingwindow_helplink = Zanechat komentář?
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Zobrazit hodnocení a komentáře
+warnings_ratesite = Tato stránka je bezpečná - Chci <a>ji ohodnotit</a>
+warnings_reputation = Reputace této stránky je špatná
+warnings_rating = Dali jste této stránce špatné hodnocení, což spustilo varování
+warnings_unknown = Hodnocení této stránky není známo
+warnings_warning = Varování!
+warnings_goto = Pokračovat
+warnings_leave = Opustit stránku
+warnings_back = Vrátit se zpět
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Podrobnosti hodnocení
+warnings_message_rating = Dali jste této stránce špatné hodnocení.
+warnings_message_reputation = Reputace této stránky je špatná.
+messages_offline = Doplněk je při vypnutém prohlížeči deaktivován.
+messages_disabled = Zakázali jste doplněk; kliknutím sem jej povolíte.
auto_update_title = Aktualizace doplňku WOT
-auto_update_message = K dispozici je nová verze doplňku WOT. Přejete si doplněk aktualizovat nyní?
-auto_update_check = Povolit automatické aktualizace (doporučeno)
auto_update_button_yes = Aktualizovat nyní
-auto_update_button_no = Připomenout později
-description_disabled = Zakázali jste doplněk; kliknutím sem jej povolíte.
-description_error_query = Načtení hodnocení se nezdařilo; pokus bude zanedlouho opakován.
-description_error_register = Aktivace doplňku se nezdařila; pokus bude zanedlouho opakován.
-description_inprogress = Načítání hodnocení…
-description_notready = Aktivace doplňku WOT…
-description_offline = Doplněk je při vypnutém prohlížeči deaktivován.
-description_private = Hodnocení nejsou dostupná.
-description_rating_5 = Excelentní
-description_rating_4 = Dobrá
-description_rating_3 = Neuspokojivá
-description_rating_2 = Špatná
-description_rating_1 = Velmi špatná
-description_rating_0 = Pro tuto stránku není k dispozici dostatek hodnocení
description_restart = Doplněk WOT aktivujete restartováním prohlížeče.
-description_uninstall = Doplněk WOT bude odinstalován po restartování.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Velmi špatná
-help_2 = Špatná
-help_3 = Neuspokojivá
-help_4 = Dobrá
-help_5 = Excelentní
-help_comment = Váš údaj se liší.
-help_comment_link = Zanechat komentář?
+messages_error_register = Aktivace doplňku se nezdařila; pokus bude zanedlouho opakován.
warning = Varování WOT: %S
-warning_warning = Varování!
-warning_blocked = Zablokováno
-warning_button = Podrobnosti hodnocení
-warning_message_normal = Reputace této stránky je špatná.
-warning_message_userrated = Dali jste této stránce špatné hodnocení.
-warning_message_unknown = Hodnocení této stránky není známo.
-warning_info = Zobrazit podrobnosti hodnocení a komentáře
-warning_rate = Tato stránka je bezpečná - Chci <a>ji ohodnotit</a>
-warning_goto = Pokračovat
-warning_leave = Opustit stránku
-warning_back = Vrátit se zpět
-warning_desc_normal = Reputace této stránky je špatná
-warning_desc_userrated = Dali jste této stránce špatné hodnocení, což spustilo varování
-warning_desc_unknown = Hodnocení této stránky není známo
-rating_0 = Důvěryhodnost
-rating_1 = Spolehlivost poskytovatele
-rating_2 = Ochrana osobních dat
-rating_4 = Bezpečnost dětí
-popup_0 = Důvěryhodnost
-popup_1 = Spolehl. poskytov.
-popup_2 = Ochrana osob. dat
-popup_4 = Bezpečnost dětí
-user_score_title = Moje skóre aktivity
-user_score_mypage = Zobrazit moji stránku
-user_score_register = Zaregistrovat se nyní
-user_score_improve = Hodnocením nových stránek zlepšíte své skóre aktivity.
-user_score_top = Řadíte se mezi %S nejaktivnějších uživatelů.
+description_uninstall = Doplněk WOT bude odinstalován po restartování.
+warnings_blocked = Zablokováno
+auto_update_check = Povolit automatické aktualizace (doporučeno)
+auto_update_button_no = Připomenout později
+auto_update_message = K dispozici je nová verze doplňku WOT. Přejete si doplněk aktualizovat nyní?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/de-DE/wot.properties b/locale/de-DE/wot.properties
index 76aecb1..f330352 100644
--- a/locale/de-DE/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/de-DE/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,141 @@
-language = de-DE
+locale = de
+lang = de-DE
+ext_description = WOT zeigt Ihnen, welchen Websites Sie vertrauen können. Grundlage dafür sind die Erfahrungen von Millionen Anwendern.
+components_0 = Vertrauenswürdigkeit
+components_1 = Händlerzuverlässigkeit
+components_2 = Datenschutz
+components_4 = Jugendschutz
+components__short_0 = Vertrauensw.
+components__short_1 = Händlerzuverl.
+components__short_2 = Datenschutz
+components__short_4 = Jugendschutz
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Sehr schlecht
+reputationlevels_r2 = Schlecht
+reputationlevels_r3 = Ungenügend
+reputationlevels_r4 = Gut
+reputationlevels_r5 = Ausgezeichnet
+messages_initializing = WOT wird initialisiert…
+messages_notready = WOT wird aktiviert…
+messages_failed = aden der Bewertungen fehlgeschlagen.
+messages_notavailable = Bewertungen sind nicht verfügbar
+messages_loading = Bewertungen werden geladen…
+ratingwindow_settings = Einstellungen
+ratingwindow_guide = Leitfaden
+ratingwindow_forum = Foren
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT-Bewertung
+ratingwindow_myrating = Meine Bewertung
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Detailanzeige auf der Bewertungsliste.
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Eigenen Kommentar hinzufügen.
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_inpartnership = In Zusammenarbeit mit
+ratingwindow_newversion = Neue Version verfügbar - zum Aktualisieren hier klicken
+ratingwindow_helptext =
+ratingwindow_helplink = Möchten Sie einen Kommentar schreiben?
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Bewertungsdetails und Kommentare anzeigen
+warnings_ratesite = Site ist sicher. Ich möchte <a>sie bewerten</a>
+warnings_reputation = Diese Seite hat einen schlechten Ruf basierend auf Benutzerbewertungen
+warnings_rating = Sie haben dieser Website eine schlechte Bewertung gegeben, die eine Warnung ausgelöst hat
+warnings_unknown = Diese Website besitzt eine unbekannte Bewertung
+warnings_warning = Warnung!
+warnings_goto = Gehe zur Seite
+warnings_leave = Verlasse die Seite
+warnings_back = Gehe zurück
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Bewertungsdetails
+warnings_message_rating = Sie haben dieser Website eine schlechte Bewertung gegeben, die eine Warnung ausgelöst hat.
+warnings_message_reputation = Diese Seite hat einen schlechten Ruf basierend auf Benutzerbewertungen.
+messages_offline = Deaktiviert, solange sich der Browser im Offline-Modus befindet.
+messages_disabled = Das Add-on wurde deaktiviert.
auto_update_title = WOT-Aktualisierung
-auto_update_message = Eine neue Version von WOT ist verfügbar. Soll das Add-on aktualisiert werden?
-auto_update_check = Automatische Aktualisierung aktivieren (empfohlen)
auto_update_button_yes = Jetzt aktualisieren
-auto_update_button_no = Später erinnern
-description_disabled = Das Add-on wurde deaktiviert.
-description_error_query = Laden der Bewertungen fehlgeschlagen.
-description_error_register = Aktivierung des Add-ons fehlgeschlagen.
-description_inprogress = Bewertungen werden geladen…
-description_notready = WOT wird aktiviert…
-description_offline = Deaktiviert, solange sich der Browser im Offline-Modus befindet.
-description_private = Bewertungen sind nicht verfügbar
-description_rating_5 = Ausgezeichnet
-description_rating_4 = Gut
-description_rating_3 = Ungenügend
-description_rating_2 = Schlecht
-description_rating_1 = Sehr schlecht
-description_rating_0 = Nicht genügend Bewertungen für diese Website
description_restart = Starten Sie den Browser erneut, um WOT zu aktivieren.
-description_uninstall = WOT wird nach dem Neustart deinstalliert.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Sehr schlecht
-help_2 = Schlecht
-help_3 = Ungenügend
-help_4 = Gut
-help_5 = Ausgezeichnet
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Möchten Sie einen Kommentar schreiben?
+messages_error_register = Aktivierung des Add-ons fehlgeschlagen.
warning = WOT-Warnung: %S
-warning_warning = Warnung!
-warning_blocked = Blockiert
-warning_button = Bewertungsdetails
-warning_message_normal = Diese Seite hat einen schlechten Ruf basierend auf Benutzerbewertungen.
-warning_message_userrated = Sie haben dieser Website eine schlechte Bewertung gegeben, die eine Warnung ausgelöst hat.
-warning_message_unknown = Diese Website besitzt eine unbekannte Bewertung.
-warning_info = Bewertungsdetails und Kommentare anzeigen
-warning_rate = Site ist sicher. Ich möchte <a>sie bewerten</a>
-warning_goto = Gehe zur Seite
-warning_leave = Verlasse die Seite
-warning_back = Gehe zurück
-warning_desc_normal = Diese Seite hat einen schlechten Ruf basierend auf Benutzerbewertungen
-warning_desc_userrated = Sie haben dieser Website eine schlechte Bewertung gegeben, die eine Warnung ausgelöst hat
-warning_desc_unknown = Diese Website besitzt eine unbekannte Bewertung
-rating_0 = Vertrauenswürdigkeit
-rating_1 = Händlerzuverlässigkeit
-rating_2 = Datenschutz
-rating_4 = Jugendschutz
-popup_0 = Vertrauensw.
-popup_1 = Händlerzuverl.
-popup_2 = Datenschutz
-popup_4 = Jugendschutz
-user_score_title = Meine Aktivitätspunkte
-user_score_mypage = Meine Seite anzeigen
-user_score_register = Jetzt registrieren
-user_score_improve = Bewerten Sie für Aktivitätspunkte neue Websites.
-user_score_top = Sie sind unter den %S aktivsten Benutzer.
+description_uninstall = WOT wird nach dem Neustart deinstalliert.
+warnings_blocked = Blockiert
+auto_update_check = Automatische Aktualisierung aktivieren (empfohlen)
+auto_update_button_no = Später erinnern
+auto_update_message = Eine neue Version von WOT ist verfügbar. Soll das Add-on aktualisiert werden?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/es-ES/wot.properties b/locale/es-ES/wot.properties
index 0abc285..38d8f14 100644
--- a/locale/es-ES/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/es-ES/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = es-ES
+locale = es
+lang = es-ES
+ext_description = WOT muestra cuáles son los sitios web en los que puede confiar basándose en las experiencias de millones de usuarios.
+components_0 = Confiabilidad
+components_1 = Fiabilidad del vendedor
+components_2 = Privacidad
+components_4 = Seguridad para menores
+components__short_0 = Confiabilidad
+components__short_1 = Fiabilidad vendedor
+components__short_2 = Privacidad
+components__short_4 = Seguridad infantil
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Muy pobre
+reputationlevels_r2 = Pobre
+reputationlevels_r3 = No satisfactoria
+reputationlevels_r4 = Buena
+reputationlevels_r5 = Excelente
+messages_initializing = Iniciando WOT…
+messages_notready = Activando WOT…
+messages_failed = Error al cargar las valoraciones.
+messages_notavailable = Las valoraciones no están disponibles.
+messages_loading = Cargando valoraciones…
+ratingwindow_settings = Configuración
+ratingwindow_guide = Guía
+ratingwindow_forum = Forum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Valoración de WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Mi valoración
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Ver puntuación para detalles de valoración
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Añadir comentario
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Nueva versión disponible: haga clic para actualizar
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Ver detalles de valoración y comentarios
+warnings_ratesite = Este sitio es seguro y deseo <a>valorarlo</a>
+warnings_reputation = Este sitio tiene una reputación pobre
+warnings_rating = Ha asignado a este sitio una valoración pobre,<br/>lo que ha desencadenado una advertencia
+warnings_unknown = Este sitio tiene una valoración desconocida
+warnings_warning = ¡Advertencia!
+warnings_goto = Vaya al sitio
+warnings_leave = Abandone el sitio
+warnings_back = Regrese
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Detalles de la valoración
+warnings_message_rating = ha asignado a este sitio una valoración pobre.
+warnings_message_reputation = este sitio tiene una reputación pobre.
+messages_offline = Desactivado mientras el navegador esté fuera de línea.
+messages_disabled = Ha desactivado el complemento.
auto_update_title = Actualización de WOT
-auto_update_message = Hay disponible una nueva versión de WOT. ¿Le gustaría actualizar su complemento?
-auto_update_check = Habilitar las actualizaciones automáticas (recomendado).
auto_update_button_yes = Actualizar ahora
-auto_update_button_no = Recordármelo más tarde
-description_disabled = Ha desactivado el complemento.
-description_error_query = Error al cargar las valoraciones.
-description_error_register = Error al activar el complemento.
-description_inprogress = Cargando valoraciones…
-description_notready = Activando WOT…
-description_offline = Desactivado mientras el navegador esté fuera de línea.
-description_private = Las valoraciones no están disponibles.
-description_rating_5 = Excelente
-description_rating_4 = Buena
-description_rating_3 = No satisfactoria
-description_rating_2 = Pobre
-description_rating_1 = Muy pobre
-description_rating_0 = No existen suficientes valoraciones para este sitio.
description_restart = Reinicie el navegador para activar WOT.
-description_uninstall = WOT se desinstalará después de reiniciar.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Muy pobre
-help_2 = Pobre
-help_3 = No satisfactoria
-help_4 = Buena
-help_5 = Excelente
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = ¿Desea añadir un comentario?
+messages_error_register = Error al activar el complemento.
warning = Advertencia de WOT: %S
-warning_warning = ¡Advertencia!
-warning_blocked = Bloqueado
-warning_button = Detalles de la valoración
-warning_message_normal = este sitio tiene una reputación pobre.
-warning_message_userrated = ha asignado a este sitio una valoración pobre.
-warning_message_unknown = este sitio tiene una valoración desconocida.
-warning_info = Ver detalles de valoración y comentarios
-warning_rate = Este sitio es seguro y deseo <a>valorarlo</a>
-warning_goto = Vaya al sitio
-warning_leave = Abandone el sitio
-warning_back = Regrese
-warning_desc_normal = Este sitio tiene una reputación pobre
-warning_desc_userrated = Ha asignado a este sitio una valoración pobre, lo que ha desencadenado una advertencia
-warning_desc_unknown = Este sitio tiene una valoración desconocida
-rating_0 = Confiabilidad
-rating_1 = Fiabilidad del vendedor
-rating_2 = Privacidad
-rating_4 = Seguridad para menores
-popup_0 = Confiabilidad
-popup_1 = Fiabilidad vendedor
-popup_2 = Privacidad
-popup_4 = Seguridad infantil
-user_score_title = Puntuación de Mi actividad
-user_score_mypage = Ver mi página
-user_score_register = Registrar ahora
-user_score_improve = Mejore la puntuación de su actividad valorando sitios nuevos.
-user_score_top = Se encuentra entre los %S usuarios más activos.
+description_uninstall = WOT se desinstalará después de reiniciar.
+warnings_blocked = Bloqueado
+auto_update_check = Habilitar las actualizaciones automáticas (recomendado).
+auto_update_button_no = Recordármelo más tarde
+auto_update_message = Hay disponible una nueva versión de WOT. ¿Le gustaría actualizar su complemento?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fi-FI/wot.properties b/locale/fi-FI/wot.properties
index a57cc34..c67d9d6 100644
--- a/locale/fi-FI/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/fi-FI/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = fi-FI
+locale = fi
+lang = fi-FI
+ext_description = WOT näyttää, mihin sivustoihin voit luottaa. Arviot perustuvat miljoonien käyttäjien kokemuksiin eri puolilta maailmaa.
+components_0 = Luotettavuus
+components_1 = Asioinnin turvallisuus
+components_2 = Tietosuoja
+components_4 = Lapsiturvallisuus
+components__short_0 = Luotettavuus
+components__short_1 = Asioinnin turvall.
+components__short_2 = Tietosuoja
+components__short_4 = Lapsiturvallisuus
+reputationlevels_r0 =
+reputationlevels_r1 = Erittäin huono
+reputationlevels_r2 = Huono
+reputationlevels_r3 = Epätyydyttävä
+reputationlevels_r4 = Hyvä
+reputationlevels_r5 = Erinomainen
+messages_initializing = Alustetaan WOT…
+messages_notready = Otetaan WOT-lisäosa käyttöön…
+messages_failed = Luokitusten lataaminen epäonnistui.
+messages_notavailable = Luokitukset eivät ole käytettävissä.
+messages_loading = Ladataan luokituksia…
+ratingwindow_settings = Asetukset
+ratingwindow_guide = Opas
+ratingwindow_forum = Foorumi
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT-luokitus
+ratingwindow_myrating = Oma luokitus
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Näet yksityiskohtaiset tiedot tuloskortista
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Voit myös lisätä oman kommentin
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Uusi versio – asenna napsauttamalla tätä
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Näytä luokitustiedot ja kommentit
+warnings_ratesite = Sivusto on turvallinen, haluan <a>luokitella sen</a>
+warnings_reputation = Tällä sivustolla on huono maine käyttäjien<br/>luokitusten perusteella
+warnings_rating = Sivustolle antamasi huono luokitus<br/>laukaisi varoituksen
+warnings_unknown = Tämän sivuston luokitus on tuntematon
+warnings_warning = Varoitus!
+warnings_goto = Siirry sivustoon
+warnings_leave = Poistu sivustolta
+warnings_back = Takaisin
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Luokitustiedot
+warnings_message_rating = Olet antanut tälle sivustolle huonon luokituksen.
+warnings_message_reputation = Tällä sivustolla on huono maine käyttäjien luokitusten perusteella.
+messages_offline = Poistettu käytöstä, kun selain on offline-tilassa.
+messages_disabled = Olet poistanut lisäosan käytöstä. Ota se käyttöön napsauttamalla tätä.
auto_update_title = WOT-päivitys
-auto_update_message = WOT-lisäosasta on saatavissa uusi versio. Haluatko päivittää lisäosan?
-auto_update_check = Käytä automaattisia päivityksiä (suositeltu asetus)
auto_update_button_yes = Päivitä nyt
-auto_update_button_no = Muistuta myöhemmin
-description_disabled = Olet poistanut lisäosan käytöstä. Ota se käyttöön napsauttamalla tätä.
-description_error_query = Luokitusten lataaminen epäonnistui.
-description_error_register = Lisäosan käyttöönotto epäonnistui.
-description_inprogress = Ladataan luokituksia…
-description_notready = Otetaan WOT-lisäosa käyttöön…
-description_offline = Poistettu käytöstä, kun selain on offline-tilassa.
-description_private = Luokitukset eivät ole käytettävissä.
-description_rating_5 = Erinomainen
-description_rating_4 = Hyvä
-description_rating_3 = Epätyydyttävä
-description_rating_2 = Huono
-description_rating_1 = Erittäin huono
-description_rating_0 = Sivustolle ei ole tarpeeksi luokituksia.
description_restart = Ota WOT käyttöön käynnistämällä selain uudelleen.
-description_uninstall = WOT-asennus poistetaan uudelleenkäynnistyksen jälkeen.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Erittäin huono
-help_2 = Huono
-help_3 = Epätyydyttävä
-help_4 = Hyvä
-help_5 = Erinomainen
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Haluatko lisätä kommentin?
+messages_error_register = Lisäosan käyttöönotto epäonnistui.
warning = WOT-Varoitus: %S
-warning_warning = Varoitus!
-warning_blocked = Estetty
-warning_button = Luokitustiedot
-warning_message_normal = Tällä sivustolla on huono maine käyttäjien luokitusten perusteella.
-warning_message_userrated = Olet antanut tälle sivustolle huonon luokituksen.
-warning_message_unknown = Tämän sivuston luokitus on tuntematon.
-warning_info = Näytä luokitustiedot ja kommentit
-warning_rate = Sivusto on turvallinen, haluan <a>luokitella sen</a>
-warning_goto = Siirry sivustoon
-warning_leave = Poistu sivustolta
-warning_back = Takaisin
-warning_desc_normal = Tällä sivustolla on huono maine käyttäjien luokitusten perusteella
-warning_desc_userrated = Sivustolle antamasi huono luokitus laukaisi varoituksen
-warning_desc_unknown = Tämän sivuston luokitus on tuntematon
-rating_0 = Luotettavuus
-rating_1 = Asioinnin turvallisuus
-rating_2 = Tietosuoja
-rating_4 = Lapsiturvallisuus
-popup_0 = Luotettavuus
-popup_1 = Asioinnin turvall.
-popup_2 = Tietosuoja
-popup_4 = Lapsiturvallisuus
-user_score_title = Omat aktiivisuuspisteet
-user_score_mypage = Näytä oma sivu
-user_score_register = Rekisteröidy
-user_score_improve = Hanki lisää aktiivisuuspisteitä luokittelemalla uusia sivustoja.
-user_score_top = Olet %S aktiivisimman käyttäjän joukossa.
+description_uninstall = WOT-asennus poistetaan uudelleenkäynnistyksen jälkeen.
+warnings_blocked = Estetty
+auto_update_check = Käytä automaattisia päivityksiä (suositeltu asetus)
+auto_update_button_no = Muistuta myöhemmin
+auto_update_message = WOT-lisäosasta on saatavissa uusi versio. Haluatko päivittää lisäosan?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/fr-FR/wot.properties b/locale/fr-FR/wot.properties
index 900671e..3047658 100644
--- a/locale/fr-FR/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/fr-FR/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = fr-FR
+locale = fr
+lang = fr-FR
+ext_description = WOT vous renseigne les sites Web fiables, sur la base de l'expérience de millions d'utilisateurs à travers le monde.
+components_0 = Crédibilité
+components_1 = Fiabilité commerciale
+components_2 = Confidentialité
+components_4 = Sécurité des mineurs
+components__short_0 = Crédibilité
+components__short_1 = Fiabilité com.
+components__short_2 = Confidentialité
+components__short_4 = Sécurité mineurs
+reputationlevels_r0 =
+reputationlevels_r1 = Très mauvais
+reputationlevels_r2 = Mauvais
+reputationlevels_r3 = Médiocre
+reputationlevels_r4 = Bon
+reputationlevels_r5 = Excellent
+messages_initializing = Initialisation de WOT…
+messages_notready = Activation de WOT…
+messages_failed = Le chargement des évaluations a échoué.
+messages_notavailable = Aucune évaluation n'est disponible.
+messages_loading = Chargement des évaluations…
+ratingwindow_settings = Paramètres
+ratingwindow_guide = Guide
+ratingwindow_forum = Forum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Évaluation WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Mon évaluation
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Afficher le tableau de bord détaillé
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Ajouter votre commentaire
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Nouvelle version disponible : cliquez ici pour actualiser
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Afficher l'évaluation détaillée et les commentaires
+warnings_ratesite = Ce site est sûr - Je souhaite <a>l'évaluer</a>
+warnings_reputation = Ce site a mauvaise réputation
+warnings_rating = Vous avez attribué à ce site une mauvaise<br/>évaluation ayant déclenché une alerte
+warnings_unknown = Ce site présente une évaluation inconnue
+warnings_warning = Attention!
+warnings_goto = Entrer sur le site
+warnings_leave = Quitter le site
+warnings_back = Reculer
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Évaluation détaillée
+warnings_message_rating = vous avez attribué à ce site une mauvaise évaluation.
+warnings_message_reputation = ce site a mauvaise réputation.
+messages_offline = Désactivé si le navigateur est hors connexion.
+messages_disabled = Vous avez désactivé le composant additionnel.
auto_update_title = Mise à jour de WOT
-auto_update_message = Une nouvelle version de WOT est disponible. Souhaitez-vous mettre à jour votre composant additionnel ?
-auto_update_check = Activer les mises à jour automatiques (recommandé)
auto_update_button_yes = Mettre à jour maintenant
-auto_update_button_no = Me le rappeler plus tard
-description_disabled = Vous avez désactivé le composant additionnel.
-description_error_query = Le chargement des évaluations a échoué.
-description_error_register = L'activation du composant additionnel a échoué.
-description_inprogress = Chargement des évaluations…
-description_notready = Activation de WOT…
-description_offline = Désactivé si le navigateur est hors connexion.
-description_private = Aucune évaluation n'est disponible.
-description_rating_5 = Excellent
-description_rating_4 = Bon
-description_rating_3 = Médiocre
-description_rating_2 = Mauvais
-description_rating_1 = Très mauvais
-description_rating_0 = Nombre d'évaluations insuffisant pour ce site
description_restart = Redémarrez le navigateur pour activer WOT.
-description_uninstall = WOT sera désinstallé au redémarrage.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Très mauvais
-help_2 = Mauvais
-help_3 = Médiocre
-help_4 = Bon
-help_5 = Excellent
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Voulez-vous laisser un commentaire?
+messages_error_register = L'activation du composant additionnel a échoué.
warning = Alerte WOT : %S
-warning_blocked = Contenu bloqué
-warning_warning = Attention!
-warning_button = Évaluation détaillée
-warning_message_normal = ce site a mauvaise réputation.
-warning_message_userrated = vous avez attribué à ce site une mauvaise évaluation.
-warning_message_unknown = ce site présente une évaluation inconnue.
-warning_info = Afficher l'évaluation détaillée et les commentaires
-warning_rate = Ce site est sûr - Je souhaite <a>l'évaluer</a>
-warning_goto = Entrer sur le site
-warning_leave = Quitter le site
-warning_back = Reculer
-warning_desc_normal = Ce site a mauvaise réputation
-warning_desc_userrated = Vous avez attribué à ce site une mauvaise évaluation ayant déclenché une alerte
-warning_desc_unknown = Ce site présente une évaluation inconnue
-rating_0 = Crédibilité
-rating_1 = Fiabilité commerciale
-rating_2 = Confidentialité
-rating_4 = Sécurité des mineurs
-popup_0 = Crédibilité
-popup_1 = Fiabilité com.
-popup_2 = Confidentialité
-popup_4 = Sécurité mineurs
-user_score_title = Ma note d'activité
-user_score_mypage = Afficher ma page
-user_score_register = M'inscrire maintenant
-user_score_improve = Améliorez votre note d'activité en évaluant de nouveaux sites.
-user_score_top = Vous faites partie des %S utilisateurs les plus actifs.
+description_uninstall = WOT sera désinstallé au redémarrage.
+warnings_blocked = Contenu bloqué
+auto_update_check = Activer les mises à jour automatiques (recommandé)
+auto_update_button_no = Me le rappeler plus tard
+auto_update_message = Une nouvelle version de WOT est disponible. Souhaitez-vous mettre à jour votre composant additionnel ?
diff --git a/locale/it-IT/wot.properties b/locale/it-IT/wot.properties
index 773af92..00fd316 100644
--- a/locale/it-IT/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/it-IT/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = it-IT
+locale = it
+lang = it-IT
+ext_description = WOT mostra quali siti Web possono essere considerati attendibili in base all'esperienza di milioni di utenti in tutto il mondo.
+components_0 = Attendibilità
+components_1 = Affidabilità fornitore
+components_2 = Riservatezza
+components_4 = Sicurezza per i bambini
+components__short_0 = Attendibilità
+components__short_1 = Affidabilità fornitore
+components__short_2 = Riservatezza
+components__short_4 = Sicurezza bambini
+reputationlevels_r0 =
+reputationlevels_r1 = Molto scadente
+reputationlevels_r2 = Scadente
+reputationlevels_r3 = Insoddisfacente
+reputationlevels_r4 = Soddisfacente
+reputationlevels_r5 = Eccellente
+messages_initializing = Inizializzazione WOT in corso…
+messages_notready = Attivazione WOT in corso…
+messages_failed = Impossibile caricare le valutazioni.
+messages_notavailable = Valutazioni non disponibili.
+messages_loading = Caricamento valutazioni in corso…
+ratingwindow_settings = Impostazioni
+ratingwindow_guide = Guida
+ratingwindow_forum = Forum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Valutazione WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Valutazione personale
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Visualizza dettagli scheda di valutazione
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Aggiungi un commento
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Nuova versione disponibile: fare clic per l'aggiornamento
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Visualizza dettagli valutazione e commenti
+warnings_ratesite = Questo sito è sicuro - <a>Do valutazione</a>
+warnings_reputation = Questo sito ha una reputazione scadente
+warnings_rating = La valutazione scadente assegnata al<br/>sito ha generato un avviso
+warnings_unknown = Questo sito ha una valutazione sconosciuta
+warnings_warning = Avviso!
+warnings_goto = Vai al sito
+warnings_leave = Lascia il sito
+warnings_back = Torna indietro
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Dettagli sulle valutazioni
+warnings_message_rating = hai dato a questo sito una valutazione scadente.
+warnings_message_reputation = questo sito ha una reputazione scadente.
+messages_offline = Disattivato quando è chiuso il browser.
+messages_disabled = Componente aggiuntivo disattivato.
auto_update_title = Aggiornamento WOT
-auto_update_message = Nuova versione disponibile. Aggiornare componente aggiuntivo?
-auto_update_check = Attiva aggiornamenti automatici (consigliato)
auto_update_button_yes = Aggiorna ora
-auto_update_button_no = Visualizza in seguito
-description_disabled = Componente aggiuntivo disattivato.
-description_error_query = Impossibile caricare le valutazioni.
-description_error_register = Impossibile attivare il componente aggiuntivo.
-description_inprogress = Caricamento valutazioni in corso…
-description_notready = Attivazione WOT in corso…
-description_offline = Disattivato quando è chiuso il browser.
-description_private = Valutazioni non disponibili.
-description_rating_5 = Eccellente
-description_rating_4 = Soddisfacente
-description_rating_3 = Insoddisfacente
-description_rating_2 = Scadente
-description_rating_1 = Molto scadente
-description_rating_0 = Valutazioni insufficienti per questo sito
description_restart = Riavviare il browser per attivare WOT.
-description_uninstall = WOT verrà disinstallato dopo il riavvio.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Molto scadente
-help_2 = Scadente
-help_3 = Insoddisfacente
-help_4 = Soddisfacente
-help_5 = Eccellente
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Lasciare un commento?
+messages_error_register = Impossibile attivare il componente aggiuntivo.
warning = Avviso WOT: %S
-warning_warning = Avviso!
-warning_blocked = Bloccato
-warning_button = Dettagli sulle valutazioni
-warning_message_normal = questo sito ha una reputazione scadente.
-warning_message_userrated = hai dato a questo sito una valutazione scadente.
-warning_message_unknown = questo sito ha una valutazione sconosciuta.
-warning_info = Visualizza dettagli valutazione e commenti
-warning_rate = Questo sito è sicuro - <a>Do valutazione</a>
-warning_goto = Vai al sito
-warning_leave = Lascia il sito
-warning_back = Torna indietro
-warning_desc_normal = Questo sito ha una reputazione scadente
-warning_desc_userrated = La valutazione scadente assegnata al sito ha generato un avviso
-warning_desc_unknown = Questo sito ha una valutazione sconosciuta
-rating_0 = Attendibilità
-rating_1 = Affidabilità fornitore
-rating_2 = Riservatezza
-rating_4 = Sicurezza per i bambini
-popup_0 = Attendibilità
-popup_1 = Affidabilità fornitore
-popup_2 = Riservatezza
-popup_4 = Sicurezza bambini
-user_score_title = Punteggio attività personale
-user_score_mypage = Visualizza pagina personale
-user_score_register = Registrati adesso
-user_score_improve = Migliora il punteggio di attività personale valutando nuovi siti.
-user_score_top = Sei tra i %S utenti più attivi.
+description_uninstall = WOT verrà disinstallato dopo il riavvio.
+warnings_blocked = Bloccato
+auto_update_check = Attiva aggiornamenti automatici (consigliato)
+auto_update_button_no = Visualizza in seguito
+auto_update_message = Nuova versione disponibile. Aggiornare componente aggiuntivo?
diff --git a/locale/ja-JP/wot.properties b/locale/ja-JP/wot.properties
index 2970984..c3b9a2b 100644
--- a/locale/ja-JP/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/ja-JP/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = ja-JP
+locale = ja
+lang = ja-JP
+ext_description = WOTは、世界中の数百万人ものユーザーの体験に基づいて信頼できるWebサイトを示します。WOTは、高速で使いやすく、完全に無料です。
+components_0 = 信頼性
+components_1 = 業者の信頼度
+components_2 = プライバシー
+components_4 = 子供の安全
+components__short_0 = 信頼性
+components__short_1 = 業者の信頼度
+components__short_2 = プライバシー
+components__short_4 = 子供の安全
+reputationlevels_r0 =
+reputationlevels_r1 = 非常に悪い
+reputationlevels_r2 = 悪い
+reputationlevels_r3 = 満足できない
+reputationlevels_r4 = 良い
+reputationlevels_r5 = 非常に優れている
+messages_initializing = WOTを初期化しています…
+messages_notready = WOTを有効化しています…
+messages_failed = 格付けを読み込めませんでした。後ほど再試行してください。
+messages_notavailable = 格付けをご利用いただけません。
+messages_loading = 格付けを読み込んでいます…
+ratingwindow_settings = 設定
+ratingwindow_guide = ガイド
+ratingwindow_forum = フォーラム
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT格付け
+ratingwindow_myrating = 自分の評価
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = スコアカードで格付けの詳細を見る
+ratingwindow_addcomment = コメントを追加してください
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = 新バージョンを利用できます-クリックして更新
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = 詳しい評価とコメントを見る
+warnings_ratesite = このサイトは安全です - <a>評価を行います</a>
+warnings_reputation = 評価の低いサイトです
+warnings_rating = このサイトに対するあなたの評価が低いために、<br/>警告が表示されました
+warnings_unknown = 評価が不明なサイトです
+warnings_warning = 警告!
+warnings_goto = このサイトを開く
+warnings_leave = このサイトを閉じる
+warnings_back = 戻る
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = 詳しい評価
+warnings_message_rating = あなたはこのサイトを低く評価しています。
+warnings_message_reputation = 評価の低いサイトです。
+messages_offline = ブラウザーのオフライン中に無効化されました。
+messages_disabled = アドオンが無効化されました。有効にするにはクリックしてください。
auto_update_title = WOTの更新
-auto_update_message = WOTの新バージョンをご利用いただけます。 お使いのアドオンを更新しますか?
-auto_update_check = 自動更新を有効にする(推奨)
auto_update_button_yes = 今すぐ更新する
-auto_update_button_no = 後で確認する
-description_disabled = アドオンが無効化されました。有効にするにはクリックしてください。
-description_error_query = 格付けを読み込めませんでした。後ほど再試行してください。
-description_error_register = アドオンを有効化できませんでした。後ほど再試行してください。
-description_inprogress = 格付けを読み込んでいます…
-description_notready = WOTを有効化しています…
-description_offline = ブラウザーのオフライン中に無効化されました。
-description_private = 格付けをご利用いただけません。
-description_rating_5 = 非常に優れている
-description_rating_4 = 良い
-description_rating_3 = 満足できない
-description_rating_2 = 悪い
-description_rating_1 = 非常に悪い
-description_rating_0 = このサイトにはまだ十分な評価がありません。
description_restart = WOTを有効化するには、ブラウザーを再起動してください。
-description_uninstall = 再起動後にWOTがアンインストールされます。
-help_0 =
-help_1 = 非常に悪い
-help_2 = 悪い
-help_3 = 満足できない
-help_4 = 良い
-help_5 = 非常に優れている
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = コメントを投稿しますか?
+messages_error_register = アドオンを有効化できませんでした。後ほど再試行してください。
warning = WOTからの警告: %S
-warning_blocked = ブロックされました
-warning_warning = 警告!
-warning_button = 詳しい評価
-warning_message_normal = 評価の低いサイトです。
-warning_message_userrated = あなたはこのサイトを低く評価しています。
-warning_message_unknown = 評価が不明なサイトです。
-warning_info = 詳しい評価とコメントを見る
-warning_rate = このサイトは安全です - <a>評価を行います</a>
-warning_goto = このサイトを開く
-warning_leave = このサイトを閉じる
-warning_back = 戻る
-warning_desc_normal = 評価の低いサイトです
-warning_desc_userrated = このサイトに対するあなたの評価が低いために、警告が表示されました
-warning_desc_unknown = 評価が不明なサイトです
-rating_0 = 信頼性
-rating_1 = 業者の信頼度
-rating_2 = プライバシー
-rating_4 = 子供の安全
-popup_0 = 信頼性
-popup_1 = 業者の信頼度
-popup_2 = プライバシー
-popup_4 = 子供の安全
-user_score_title = アクティビティスコア
-user_score_mypage = マイページを表示
-user_score_register = 今すぐ登録
-user_score_improve = 新しいサイトを評価しアクティビティスコアをアップ
-user_score_top = あなたは最もアクティブなユーザー上位%S人にランクインしています。
+description_uninstall = 再起動後にWOTがアンインストールされます。
+warnings_blocked = ブロックされました
+auto_update_check = 自動更新を有効にする(推奨)
+auto_update_button_no = 後で確認する
+auto_update_message = WOTの新バージョンをご利用いただけます。 お使いのアドオンを更新しますか?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/ko-KR/wot.properties b/locale/ko-KR/wot.properties
index ed682d4..3efcfa4 100644
--- a/locale/ko-KR/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/ko-KR/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = ko-KR
+locale = ko
+lang = ko-KR
+ext_description = WOT에서는 전 세계의 수백만 사용자 경험을 기준으로 신뢰할 수 있는 웹 사이트를 보여 줍니다.무료인 WOT는빠르고 사용이 용이합니다!
+components_0 = 신뢰성
+components_1 = 업체 안전성
+components_2 = 개인정보 보호
+components_4 = 어린이 안전성
+components__short_0 = 신뢰성
+components__short_1 = 업체 안전성
+components__short_2 = 개인정보 보호
+components__short_4 = 어린이 안전성
+reputationlevels_r0 =
+reputationlevels_r1 = 매우 나쁨
+reputationlevels_r2 = 나쁨
+reputationlevels_r3 = 불만족
+reputationlevels_r4 = 좋음
+reputationlevels_r5 = 매우 좋음
+messages_initializing = WOT 초기화…
+messages_notready = WOT를 여는 중…
+messages_failed = 평가를 다운받는데 실패하였습니다. 다시 시도해주십시오.
+messages_notavailable = 이용가능한 평가가 없습니다.
+messages_loading = 평가를 로딩하는중…
+ratingwindow_settings = 설정
+ratingwindow_guide = 가이드
+ratingwindow_forum = 포럼
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT 평가
+ratingwindow_myrating = 나의 평가
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = 평가 지수 보기
+ratingwindow_addcomment = 후기 쓰기
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = 최신 버전이 확인되었습니다 - 업데이트하시려면 클릭하세요
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = 자세한 평가와 후기 보기
+warnings_ratesite = 이 사이트는 안전합니다- <a>이 사이트를 평가하기</a>
+warnings_reputation = 이 사이트는 나쁜 평가를 가지고 있습니다
+warnings_rating = 사용자님은 이 사이트에 나쁜 평가를 주셨습니다.<br/>나쁜 평가는 경고를 작동시킵니다
+warnings_unknown = 이 사이트는 평가를 가지고 있지 않습니다
+warnings_warning = 경고!
+warnings_goto = 사이트 가기
+warnings_leave = 사이트 나가기
+warnings_back = 돌아가기
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = 평가 내용
+warnings_message_rating = 사용자님은 이 사이트에 나쁜 평가를 주셨습니다.
+warnings_message_reputation = 이 사이트는 나쁜 평가를 가지고 있습니다.
+messages_offline = 브라우저가 오프라인일 때는 사용 안함
+messages_disabled = 사용을 중지하셨습니다. '실행' 을 클릭하십시오.
auto_update_title = WOT 업데이트
-auto_update_message = 최신 버전이 확인되었습니다. 업데이트 하시겠습니까?
-auto_update_check = 자동 업데이트 사용(추천)
auto_update_button_yes = 지금 업데이트
-auto_update_button_no = 나중에 다시 확인
-description_disabled = 사용을 중지하셨습니다. '실행' 을 클릭하십시오.
-description_error_query = 평가를 다운받는데 실패하였습니다. 다시 시도해주십시오.
-description_error_register = WOT를 시작하는데 실패하였습니다. 다시 시도해주십시오.
-description_inprogress = 평가를 로딩하는중…
-description_notready = WOT를 여는 중…
-description_offline = 브라우저가 오프라인일 때는 사용 안함
-description_private = 이용가능한 평가가 없습니다.
-description_rating_5 = 매우 좋음
-description_rating_4 = 좋음
-description_rating_3 = 불만족
-description_rating_2 = 나쁨
-description_rating_1 = 매우 나쁨
-description_rating_0 = 이 사이트에 대한 충분한 평가가 없습니다.
description_restart = WOT를 활성화하기 위해 브라우저를 다시 시작해주십시오.
-description_uninstall = 다시 시작하면 WOT가 제거됩니다.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = 매우 나쁨
-help_2 = 나쁨
-help_3 = 불만족
-help_4 = 좋음
-help_5 = 매우 좋음
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = 후기를 남기시겠습니까?
+messages_error_register = WOT를 시작하는데 실패하였습니다. 다시 시도해주십시오.
warning = WOT 경고: %S
-warning_warning = 경고!
-warning_blocked = 차단됨
-warning_button = 평가 내용
-warning_message_normal = 이 사이트는 나쁜 평가를 가지고 있습니다.
-warning_message_userrated = 사용자님은 이 사이트에 나쁜 평가를 주셨습니다.
-warning_message_unknown = 이 사이트는 평가를 가지고 있지 않습니다.
-warning_info = 자세한 평가와 후기 보기
-warning_rate = 이 사이트는 안전합니다- <a>이 사이트를 평가하기</a>
-warning_goto = 사이트 가기
-warning_leave = 사이트 나가기
-warning_back = 돌아가기
-warning_desc_normal = 이 사이트는 나쁜 평가를 가지고 있습니다
-warning_desc_userrated = 사용자님은 이 사이트에 나쁜 평가를 주셨습니다. 나쁜 평가는 경고를 작동시킵니다
-warning_desc_unknown = 이 사이트는 평가를 가지고 있지 않습니다
-rating_0 = 신뢰성
-rating_1 = 업체 안전성
-rating_2 = 개인정보 보호
-rating_4 = 어린이 안전성
-popup_0 = 신뢰성
-popup_1 = 업체 안전성
-popup_2 = 개인정보 보호
-popup_4 = 어린이 안전성
-user_score_title = 내 활동 점수
-user_score_mypage = 내 페이지 보기
-user_score_register = 지금 등록
-user_score_improve = 새로운 사이트 평가해서 내 활동 점수 올리기
-user_score_top = 사용자님은 %S 안에 드는 사용자이십니다.
+description_uninstall = 다시 시작하면 WOT가 제거됩니다.
+warnings_blocked = 차단됨
+auto_update_check = 자동 업데이트 사용(추천)
+auto_update_button_no = 나중에 다시 확인
+auto_update_message = 최신 버전이 확인되었습니다. 업데이트 하시겠습니까?
diff --git a/locale/pl-PL/wot.properties b/locale/pl-PL/wot.properties
index 4908f08..c850f20 100644
--- a/locale/pl-PL/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/pl-PL/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = pl-PL
+locale = pl
+lang = pl-PL
+ext_description = Dodatek WOT wskazuje użytkownikowi, którym witrynom może zaufać, na podstawie doświadczeń milionów osób z całego świata.
+components_0 = Zaufanie
+components_1 = Wiarygodność operatora
+components_2 = Prywatność
+components_4 = Bezpieczeństwo dzieci
+components__short_0 = Zaufanie
+components__short_1 = Wiarygodność
+components__short_2 = Prywatność
+components__short_4 = Bezpiecz. dzieci
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Bardzo zła
+reputationlevels_r2 = Zła
+reputationlevels_r3 = Słaba
+reputationlevels_r4 = Dobra
+reputationlevels_r5 = Doskonała
+messages_initializing = Trwa inicjowanie dodatku WOT…
+messages_notready = Trwa włączanie WOT…
+messages_failed = Wczytywanie ocen nie powiodło się.
+messages_notavailable = Brak ocen.
+messages_loading = Trwa ładowanie ocen…
+ratingwindow_settings = Ustawienia
+ratingwindow_guide = Przewodnik
+ratingwindow_forum = Forów
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Ocena WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Moja ocena
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Szczegółowe oceny są na karcie wyników
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Dodaj komentarz
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Dostępna jest nowa wersja – kliknij, aby zaktualizować
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Pokaż szczegóły ocen i komentarze
+warnings_ratesite = Ta witryna jest bezpieczna - chcę <a>ją ocenić</a>
+warnings_reputation = Ta witryna ma złą reputację
+warnings_rating = Ostrzeżenie zostało wyświetlone, ponieważ<br/>ta witryna dostała od Ciebie złą ocenę
+warnings_unknown = Ocena tej witryny jest nieznana
+warnings_warning = Ostrzeżenie!
+warnings_goto = Idź do strony
+warnings_leave = Porzuć stronę
+warnings_back = Powrót
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Szczegóły oceny
+warnings_message_rating = Ta witryna dostała od Ciebie złą ocenę.
+warnings_message_reputation = Ta witryna ma złą reputację.
+messages_offline = Wyłączono podczas pracy przeglądarki w trybie offline.
+messages_disabled = Dodatek został wyłączony; kliknij, aby go włączyć.
auto_update_title = Aktualizacja dodatku WOT
-auto_update_message = Dostępna jest nowa wersja dodatku WOT. Czy chcesz zaktualizować dodatek?
-auto_update_check = Włącz automatyczne aktualizacje (zalecane)
auto_update_button_yes = Aktualizuj teraz
-auto_update_button_no = Przypomnij mi później
-description_disabled = Dodatek został wyłączony; kliknij, aby go włączyć.
-description_error_query = Wczytywanie ocen nie powiodło się.
-description_error_register = Włączenie dodatku nie powiodło się.
-description_inprogress = Trwa ładowanie ocen…
-description_notready = Trwa włączanie WOT…
-description_offline = Wyłączono podczas pracy przeglądarki w trybie offline.
-description_private = Brak ocen.
-description_rating_5 = Doskonała
-description_rating_4 = Dobra
-description_rating_3 = Słaba
-description_rating_2 = Zła
-description_rating_1 = Bardzo zła
-description_rating_0 = Za mało ocen dla tej witryny
description_restart = Uruchom przeglądarkę ponownie, by włączyć dodatek WOT.
-description_uninstall = Dodatek WOT zostanie odinstalowany po ponownym uruchomieniu.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Bardzo zła
-help_2 = Zła
-help_3 = Słaba
-help_4 = Dobra
-help_5 = Doskonała
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Czy chcesz dodać komentarz?
+messages_error_register = Włączenie dodatku nie powiodło się.
warning = Ostrzeżenie WOT: %S
-warning_blocked = Zablokowano
-warning_warning = Ostrzeżenie!
-warning_button = Szczegóły oceny
-warning_message_normal = Ta witryna ma złą reputację.
-warning_message_userrated = Ta witryna dostała od Ciebie złą ocenę.
-warning_message_unknown = Ocena tej witryny jest nieznana.
-warning_info = Pokaż szczegóły ocen i komentarze
-warning_rate = Ta witryna jest bezpieczna - chcę <a>ją ocenić</a>
-warning_goto = Idź do strony
-warning_leave = Porzuć stronę
-warning_back = Powrót
-warning_desc_normal = Ta witryna ma złą reputację
-warning_desc_userrated = Ostrzeżenie zostało wyświetlone, ponieważ ta witryna dostała od Ciebie złą ocenę
-warning_desc_unknown = Ocena tej witryny jest nieznana
-rating_0 = Zaufanie
-rating_1 = Wiarygodność operatora
-rating_2 = Prywatność
-rating_4 = Bezpieczeństwo dzieci
-popup_0 = Zaufanie
-popup_1 = Wiarygodność
-popup_2 = Prywatność
-popup_4 = Bezpiecz. dzieci
-user_score_title = Ocena mojej aktywności
-user_score_mypage = Pokaż moją stronę
-user_score_register = Zarejestruj się
-user_score_improve = Popraw swoją ocenę aktywności, oceniając nowe witryny.
-user_score_top = Należysz do %S najbardziej aktywnych użytkowników.
+description_uninstall = Dodatek WOT zostanie odinstalowany po ponownym uruchomieniu.
+warnings_blocked = Zablokowano
+auto_update_check = Włącz automatyczne aktualizacje (zalecane)
+auto_update_button_no = Przypomnij mi później
+auto_update_message = Dostępna jest nowa wersja dodatku WOT. Czy chcesz zaktualizować dodatek?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/pt-BR/wot.properties b/locale/pt-BR/wot.properties
index 91c21cd..11d492d 100644
--- a/locale/pt-BR/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/pt-BR/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = pt-BR
+locale = pt_BR
+lang = pt-BR
+ext_description = O WOT mostra em que sites você pode confiar com base nas experiências de milhões de usuários no mundo inteiro.
+components_0 = Fidedignidade
+components_1 = Confiabilidade do fornecedor
+components_2 = Privacidade
+components_4 = Segurança para crianças
+components__short_0 = Fidedignidade
+components__short_1 = Confiabilidade
+components__short_2 = Privacidade
+components__short_4 = Segur. p/ crianças
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Péssima
+reputationlevels_r2 = Má
+reputationlevels_r3 = Insatisfatória
+reputationlevels_r4 = Boa
+reputationlevels_r5 = Excelente
+messages_initializing = Inicializando a WOT…
+messages_notready = Ativando o software da WOT…
+messages_failed = Falha em carregar classificações.
+messages_notavailable = As classificações não estão disponíveis.
+messages_loading = Carregando classificações…
+ratingwindow_settings = Configurações
+ratingwindow_guide = Guia
+ratingwindow_forum = Fórum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Classificação WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Minha classificação
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Ver indicador de detalhes de classificação
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Adicionar seu comentário
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Nova versão disponível – clique para atualizar
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Exibir detalhes de classificação e comentários
+warnings_ratesite = Este site é seguro - quero <a>classificá-lo</a>
+warnings_reputation = Este site tem má reputação
+warnings_rating = Você deu a este site uma classificação<br/>ruim, o que gerou um aviso
+warnings_unknown = Este site tem classificação desconhecida
+warnings_warning = Aviso!
+warnings_goto = Ir ao sítio
+warnings_leave = Sair do sítio
+warnings_back = Voltar
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Abrir o WOT Scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Detalhes da classificação
+warnings_message_rating = você deu a este site uma classificação ruim.
+warnings_message_reputation = este site tem má reputação.
+messages_offline = Desabilitado enquanto o navegador estiver off-line.
+messages_disabled = Você desabilitou o complemento.
auto_update_title = Atualizar software da WOT
-auto_update_message = Uma nova versão do software da WOT está disponível. Gostaria de atualizar o seu complemento?
-auto_update_check = Habilitar atualizações automáticas (recomendado)
auto_update_button_yes = Atualizar agora
-auto_update_button_no = Lembrar—me mais tarde
-description_disabled = Você desabilitou o complemento.
-description_error_query = Falha em carregar classificações.
-description_error_register = Falha em ativar o complemento.
-description_inprogress = Carregando classificações…
-description_notready = Ativando o software da WOT…
-description_offline = Desabilitado enquanto o navegador estiver off-line.
-description_private = As classificações não estão disponíveis.
-description_rating_5 = Excelente
-description_rating_4 = Boa
-description_rating_3 = Insatisfatória
-description_rating_2 = Má
-description_rating_1 = Péssima
-description_rating_0 = Não há classificações suficiente deste site.
description_restart = Reinicie o navegador para ativar o software da WOT.
-description_uninstall = A WOT será desinstalada depois da reinicialização.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Péssima
-help_2 = Má
-help_3 = Insatisfatória
-help_4 = Boa
-help_5 = Excelente
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Deixar um comentário?
+messages_error_register = Falha em ativar o complemento.
warning = Aviso da WOT: %S
-warning_warning = Aviso!
-warning_blocked = Bloqueio
-warning_button = Detalhes da classificação
-warning_message_normal = este site tem má reputação.
-warning_message_userrated = você deu a este site uma classificação ruim.
-warning_message_unknown = este site tem classificação desconhecida.
-warning_info = Exibir detalhes de classificação e comentários
-warning_rate = Este site é seguro - quero <a>classificá-lo</a>
-warning_goto = Ir ao sítio
-warning_leave = Sair do sítio
-warning_back = Voltar
-warning_desc_normal = Este site tem má reputação
-warning_desc_userrated = Você deu a este site uma classificação ruim, o que gerou um aviso
-warning_desc_unknown = Este site tem classificação desconhecida
-rating_0 = Fidedignidade
-rating_1 = Confiabilidade do fornecedor
-rating_2 = Privacidade
-rating_4 = Segurança para crianças
-popup_0 = Fidedignidade
-popup_1 = Confiabilidade
-popup_2 = Privacidade
-popup_4 = Segur. p/ crianças
-user_score_title = Pontuação de minhas atividades
-user_score_mypage = Exibir minha página
-user_score_register = Registrar-se agora
-user_score_improve = Melhore a pontuação de atividades classificando novos sites.
-user_score_top = Você está entre os %S usuários mais ativos.
+description_uninstall = A WOT será desinstalada depois da reinicialização.
+warnings_blocked = Bloqueio
+auto_update_check = Habilitar atualizações automáticas (recomendado)
+auto_update_button_no = Lembrar—me mais tarde
+auto_update_message = Uma nova versão do software da WOT está disponível. Gostaria de atualizar o seu complemento?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/wot.properties b/locale/sv-SE/wot.properties
index 69c9008..3479c6f 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = sv-SE
+locale = sv
+lang = sv-SE
+ext_description = WOT visar vilka webbsidor som är säkra baserat på miljontals användares erfarenhet från hela världen.
+components_0 = Pålitlighet
+components_1 = Transaktionssäkerhet
+components_2 = Sekretess
+components_4 = Barnsäkerhet
+components__short_0 = Pålitlighet
+components__short_1 = Transakt.säkerhet
+components__short_2 = Sekretess
+components__short_4 = Barnsäkerhet
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Mycket dålig
+reputationlevels_r2 = Dålig
+reputationlevels_r3 = Otillräcklig
+reputationlevels_r4 = Bra
+reputationlevels_r5 = Utmärkt
+messages_initializing = Initierar WOT…
+messages_notready = Aktiverar WOT…
+messages_failed = Misslyckades att läsa in klassificeringar.
+messages_notavailable = Inga tillgängliga klassificeringar.
+messages_loading = Läser in klassificeringar…
+ratingwindow_settings = Inställningar
+ratingwindow_guide = Guide
+ratingwindow_forum = Forum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT-klassificering
+ratingwindow_myrating = Min klassificering
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Visa scorekort för klassificeringsdetaljer
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Lägg till en kommentar
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Ny version tillgänglig – klicka för att uppdatera
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Visa klassificeringsdetaljer och kommentarer
+warnings_ratesite = Webbplatsen är säker - jag vill <a>klassificera den</a>
+warnings_reputation = Den här webbplatsen har dåligt rykte
+warnings_rating = Du har gett webbplatsen klassificeringen Dålig,<br/>vilket gav upphov till en varning
+warnings_unknown = Webbplatsen har en okänd klassificering
+warnings_warning = Varning!
+warnings_goto = Gå till webbsidan
+warnings_leave = Lämna webbsidan
+warnings_back = Gå tillbaka
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Öppna WOT Score-kort
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Klassificeringsdetaljer
+warnings_message_rating = Du har gett webbplatsen klassificeringen Dålig.
+warnings_message_reputation = Den här webbplatsen har dåligt rykte.
+messages_offline = Inaktiverat när webbläsaren är offline.
+messages_disabled = Du har inaktiverat tilläggsprogrammet.
auto_update_title = WOT Update
-auto_update_message = En ny version av WOT är tillgänglig. Vill du uppdatera tilläggsprogrammet?
-auto_update_check = Aktivera automatiska uppdateringar (rekommenderas)
auto_update_button_yes = Uppdatera nu
-auto_update_button_no = Påminn mig senare
-description_disabled = Du har inaktiverat tilläggsprogrammet.
-description_error_query = Misslyckades att läsa in klassificeringar.
-description_error_register = Misslyckades att aktivera tilläggsprogrammet.
-description_inprogress = Läser in klassificeringar…
-description_notready = Aktiverar WOT…
-description_offline = Inaktiverat när webbläsaren är offline.
-description_private = Inga tillgängliga klassificeringar.
-description_rating_5 = Utmärkt
-description_rating_4 = Bra
-description_rating_3 = Otillräcklig
-description_rating_2 = Dålig
-description_rating_1 = Mycket dålig
-description_rating_0 = Inte tillräckligt många klassificeringar för webbplatsen
description_restart = Starta om webbläsaren om du vill aktivera WOT.
-description_uninstall = WOT avinstalleras efter omstart.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Mycket dålig
-help_2 = Dålig
-help_3 = Otillräcklig
-help_4 = Bra
-help_5 = Utmärkt
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Vill du lägga till en kommentar?
+messages_error_register = Misslyckades att aktivera tilläggsprogrammet.
warning = WOT-varning: %S
-warning_warning = Varning!
-warning_blocked = Blockerad
-warning_button = Klassificeringsdetaljer
-warning_message_normal = Den här webbplatsen har dåligt rykte.
-warning_message_userrated = Du har gett webbplatsen klassificeringen Dålig.
-warning_message_unknown = Webbplatsen har en okänd klassificering.
-warning_info = Visa klassificeringsdetaljer och kommentarer
-warning_rate = Webbplatsen är säker - jag vill <a>klassificera den</a>
-warning_goto = Gå till webbsidan
-warning_leave = Lämna webbsidan
-warning_back = Gå tillbaka
-warning_desc_normal = Den här webbplatsen har dåligt rykte
-warning_desc_userrated = Du har gett webbplatsen klassificeringen Dålig, vilket gav upphov till en varning
-warning_desc_unknown = Webbplatsen har en okänd klassificering
-rating_0 = Pålitlighet
-rating_1 = Transaktionssäkerhet
-rating_2 = Sekretess
-rating_4 = Barnsäkerhet
-popup_0 = Pålitlighet
-popup_1 = Transakt.säkerhet
-popup_2 = Sekretess
-popup_4 = Barnsäkerhet
-user_score_title = Min aktivitetsnivå
-user_score_mypage = Visa min sida
-user_score_register = Registrera dig nu
-user_score_improve = Förbättra aktivitetsnivån med klassificering av nya webbplatser.
-user_score_top = Du är bland de %S mest aktiva användarna.
+description_uninstall = WOT avinstalleras efter omstart.
+warnings_blocked = Blockerad
+auto_update_check = Aktivera automatiska uppdateringar (rekommenderas)
+auto_update_button_no = Påminn mig senare
+auto_update_message = En ny version av WOT är tillgänglig. Vill du uppdatera tilläggsprogrammet?
diff --git a/locale/tr-TR/wot.properties b/locale/tr-TR/wot.properties
index 1a5d5e0..a1c3329 100644
--- a/locale/tr-TR/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/tr-TR/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = tr-TR
+locale = tr
+lang = tr-TR
+ext_description = WOT oylamaları, global anlamda milyonlarca kullanıcının deneyimleri ile milyonlarca web sayfasının oylanması ile geliştirilmiştir.
+components_0 = Dürüstlük
+components_1 = Sağlayıcı güvenliği
+components_2 = Gizlilik
+components_4 = Çocuk güvenliği
+components__short_0 = Dürüstlük
+components__short_1 = Sağlayıcı güvenliği
+components__short_2 = Gizlilik
+components__short_4 = Çocuk güvenliği
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Çok kötü
+reputationlevels_r2 = Düşük
+reputationlevels_r3 = Tatmin edici değil
+reputationlevels_r4 = İyi
+reputationlevels_r5 = Mükemmel
+messages_initializing = WOT başlatılıyor…
+messages_notready = WOT… etkinleştiriliyor
+messages_failed = Oyları yüklemek başarısız oldu; hemen tekrar deneniyor.
+messages_notavailable = Oylar erişilebilir değil.
+messages_loading = Oylar yükleniyor...
+ratingwindow_settings = Ayarlar
+ratingwindow_guide = Rehber
+ratingwindow_forum = Forum
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT oyu
+ratingwindow_myrating = Oyum
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Oy detayları için puan kartını göster
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Yorumunuzu ekleyin
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Yeni sürüm mevcut - güncellemek için buraya tıklayın
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Oylama detaylarına ve yorumlara bakın
+warnings_ratesite = Bu site güvenli - Onu oylamak istiyorum
+warnings_reputation = Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre<br/> kötü bir üne sahip
+warnings_rating = Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan <br />düşük bir oy verdiniz
+warnings_unknown = Bu site bilinmeyen bir oylamaya sahip
+warnings_warning = Uyarı!
+warnings_goto = Siteye gite
+warnings_leave = Siteden ayrıl
+warnings_back = Geri git
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = WOT skor kartını aç
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Değerlendirme bilgileri
+warnings_message_rating = Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan düşük bir oy verdiniz
+warnings_message_reputation = Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre kötü bir üne sahip
+messages_offline = Tarayıcı çevrimdışıyken devre dışıdır.
+messages_disabled = Eklentileri devre dışı bıraktınız; etkinleştirmek için tıklayın.
auto_update_title = WOT Güncelleme
-auto_update_message = Yeni sürüm mevcut - güncellemek için buraya tıklayın?
-auto_update_check = Otomatik güncelleştirmeleri etkinleştir (önerilen)
auto_update_button_yes = Şimdi güncelle
-auto_update_button_no = Daha sonra hatırlat
-description_disabled = Eklentileri devre dışı bıraktınız; etkinleştirmek için tıklayın.
-description_error_query = Oyları yüklemek başarısız oldu; hemen tekrar deneniyor.
-description_error_register = Failed to activate the add-on; retrying shortly.
-description_inprogress = Oylar yükleniyor…
-description_notready = WOT… etkinleştiriliyor…
-description_offline = Tarayıcı çevrimdışıyken devre dışıdır.
-description_private = Oylar erişilebilir değil
-description_rating_5 = Mükemmel
-description_rating_4 = İyi
-description_rating_3 = Tatmin edici değil
-description_rating_2 = Düşük
-description_rating_1 = Çok kötü
-description_rating_0 = Bu site için yeterli değerlendirme yok
description_restart = WOT’u etkinleştirmek için tarayıcınızı yeniden başlatın.
-description_uninstall = WOT sisteminiz yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra kaldırılacak.
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Çok kötü
-help_2 = Düşük
-help_3 = Tatmin edici değil
-help_4 = İyi
-help_5 = Mükemmel
-help_comment = Oyunuz benzeşmiyor.
-help_comment_link = Yorum bırakın?
+messages_error_register = Failed to activate the add-on; retrying shortly.
warning = WOT Uyarısı: %S
-warning_warning = Uyarı!
-warning_blocked = Kilitlendi
-warning_button = Değerlendirme bilgileri
-warning_message_normal = Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre kötü bir üne sahip
-warning_message_userrated = Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan düşük bir oy verdiniz
-warning_message_unknown = Bu site bilinmeyen bir oylamaya sahip
-warning_info = Oylama detaylarına ve yorumlara bakın
-warning_rate = Bu site güvenli - Onu <a>oylamak</a> istiyorum
-warning_goto = Siteye git
-warning_leave = Siteden ayrıl
-warning_back = Geri git
-warning_desc_normal = Bu site kullanıcı oylarına göre kötü bir üne sahip
-warning_desc_userrated = Bu siteye uyarıya sebep olan düşük bir oy verdiniz
-warning_desc_unknown = Bu site bilinmeyen bir oylamaya sahip
-rating_0 = Dürüstlük
-rating_1 = Sağlayıcı güvenliği
-rating_2 = Gizlilik
-rating_4 = Çocuk güvenliği
-popup_0 = Dürüstlük
-popup_1 = Sağlayıcı güvenliği
-popup_2 = Gizlilik
-popup_4 = Çocuk güvenliği
-user_score_title = Etkinlik skorum
-user_score_mypage = Sayfamı görüntüle
-user_score_register = Şimdi kaydol
-user_score_improve = Yeni siteleri değerlendirerek etkinlik skorunuzu artırın.
-user_score_top = En etkin %S kullanıcı arasındasın.
+description_uninstall = WOT sisteminiz yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra kaldırılacak.
+warnings_blocked = Kilitlendi
+auto_update_check = Otomatik güncelleştirmeleri etkinleştir (önerilen)
+auto_update_button_no = Daha sonra hatırlat
+auto_update_message = Yeni sürüm mevcut - güncellemek için buraya tıklayın?
diff --git a/locale/uk-UA/wot.properties b/locale/uk-UA/wot.properties
index ded13a2..8a1ebeb 100644
--- a/locale/uk-UA/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/uk-UA/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = uk-UA
+locale = uk
+lang = uk-UA
+ext_description = WOT допомагає знайти надійні сайти на основі досвіду мільйонів користувачів і є одним з найпопулярніших розширень в Chrome.
+components_0 = Заслуговує довіри
+components_1 = Надійність продавця
+components_2 = Конфіденційність
+components_4 = Безпека для дітей
+components__short_0 = Заслуговує довіри
+components__short_1 = Надійність продавця
+components__short_2 = Приватність
+components__short_4 = Безпека для дітей
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = Дуже погано
+reputationlevels_r2 = Погано
+reputationlevels_r3 = Незадовільно
+reputationlevels_r4 = Добре
+reputationlevels_r5 = Відмінно
+messages_initializing = Ініціалізація WOT…
+messages_notready = Активація WOT…
+messages_failed = Не вдалося завантажити рейтинги; повторна спроба незабаром.
+messages_notavailable = Рейтинги недоступні.
+messages_loading = Завантаження рейтингів…
+ratingwindow_settings = Налаштування
+ratingwindow_guide = Керівництво
+ratingwindow_forum = Форум
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = Рейтинг WOT
+ratingwindow_myrating = Мій рейтинг
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = Переглянути детальніше про рейтинг
+ratingwindow_addcomment = Додайте свій коментар
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = Доступна нова версія - натисніть для оновлення
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = Переглянути рейтинг і коментарі
+warnings_ratesite = Цей сайт є безпечним - Я хочу <a>оцінити його</a>
+warnings_reputation = Цей сайт має погану репутацію<br/>на основі рейтингів користувачів
+warnings_rating = Ви дали цьому сайту низький рейтинг
+warnings_unknown = Цей сайт має невідомий рейтинг
+warnings_warning = Попередження!
+warnings_goto = Перейти на сайт
+warnings_leave = Залишити сайт
+warnings_back = Повернутися назад
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Відкрити оціночну карту WOT
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = Переглянути детальніше про рейтинг
+warnings_message_rating = Ви дали цьому сайту низький рейтинг.
+warnings_message_reputation = Цей сайт має погану репутацію на основі рейтингів користувачів.
+messages_offline = Відключено, коли браузер знаходиться в автономному режимі
+messages_disabled = Надбудова відключена
auto_update_title = Оновлення WOT
-auto_update_message = Доступна нова версія - натисніть для оновлення
-auto_update_check = Включити автоматичне оновлення (рекомендується)
auto_update_button_yes = Оновити зараз
-auto_update_button_no = Нагадати пізніше
-description_disabled = Надбудова відключена
-description_error_query = Не вдалося завантажити рейтинги
-description_error_register = Не вдалося активувати надбудову
-description_inprogress = Завантаження рейтингів…
-description_notready = Активація WOT…
-description_offline = Відключено, коли браузер знаходиться в автономному режимі
-description_private = Рейтинги недоступні
-description_rating_5 = Відмінно
-description_rating_4 = Добре
-description_rating_3 = Незадовільно
-description_rating_2 = Погано
-description_rating_1 = Дуже погано
-description_rating_0 = Недостатньо оцінок для цього сайту
description_restart = Перезапустіть браузер для активізації WOT
-description_uninstall = WOT буде видалено після перезапуску
-help_0 =
-help_1 = Дуже погано
-help_2 = Погано
-help_3 = Незадовільно
-help_4 = Добре
-help_5 = Відмінно
-help_comment =
-help_comment_link = Залишити коментар?
+messages_error_register = Не вдалося активувати надбудову
warning = Попередження: %S
-warning_warning = Попередження!
-warning_blocked = Заблоковано
-warning_button = Переглянути детальніше про рейтинг
-warning_message_normal = Цей сайт має погану репутацію на основі рейтингів користувачів.
-warning_message_userrated = Ви дали цьому сайту низький рейтинг.
-warning_message_unknown = Цей сайт має невідомий рейтинг.
-warning_info = Переглянути рейтинг і коментарі
-warning_rate = Цей сайт є безпечним - Я хочу <a>оцінити його</a>
-warning_goto = Перейти на сайт
-warning_leave = Залишити сайт
-warning_back = Повернутися назад
-warning_desc_normal = Цей сайт має погану репутацію
-warning_desc_userrated = Ви дали цьому сайту низький рейтинг
-warning_desc_unknown = Цей сайт має невідомий рейтинг
-rating_0 = Заслуговує довіри
-rating_1 = Надійність продавця
-rating_2 = Приватність
-rating_4 = Безпека для дітей
-popup_0 = Заслуговує довіри
-popup_1 = Надійність продавця
-popup_2 = Приватність
-popup_4 = Безпека для дітей
-user_score_title = Моя оцінка активності
-user_score_mypage = Переглянути мою сторінку
-user_score_register = Зареєструватися зараз
-user_score_improve = Підвищіть оцінку активності, оцінюючи нові сайти
-user_score_top = Ви ставитеся до %S найбільш активних користувачів
+description_uninstall = WOT буде видалено після перезапуску
+warnings_blocked = Заблоковано
+auto_update_check = Включити автоматичне оновлення (рекомендується)
+auto_update_button_no = Нагадати пізніше
+auto_update_message = Доступна нова версія - натисніть для оновлення
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/wot.properties b/locale/zh-CN/wot.properties
index 7792a4f..10b0a2e 100644
--- a/locale/zh-CN/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = zh-CN
+locale = zh_CN
+lang = zh-CN
+ext_description = WOT 根据世界各地数百万用户的经验向您显示您可以信任的网站。WOT 使用快速方便,而且完全免费。
+components_0 = 可信程度
+components_1 = 供应商可靠性
+components_2 = 隐私
+components_4 = 儿童安全性
+components__short_0 = 可信程度
+components__short_1 = 供应商可靠性
+components__short_2 = 隐私
+components__short_4 = 儿童安全性
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = 极差
+reputationlevels_r2 = 较差
+reputationlevels_r3 = 令人不满意
+reputationlevels_r4 = 较好
+reputationlevels_r5 = 极佳
+messages_initializing = 正在初始化 WOT…
+messages_notready = 正在激活 WOT…
+messages_failed = 未能加载评级;将立即重试。
+messages_notavailable = 评级不可用。
+messages_loading = 正在加载评级…
+ratingwindow_settings = 设置
+ratingwindow_guide = 指南
+ratingwindow_forum = 论坛
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT 评级
+ratingwindow_myrating = 我的评级
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = 查看登记卡上的评级详情
+ratingwindow_addcomment = 添加评论
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = 有新版本可用 – 单击进行更新
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = 查看评级详情和评论
+warnings_ratesite = 此网站是安全的 - <a>我想对其进行评级</a>
+warnings_reputation = 此网站的声誉较差
+warnings_rating = 您已将此网站评为较差等级,<br/>该评级触发了警告
+warnings_unknown = 此网站的评级未知
+warnings_warning = 警告!
+warnings_goto = 进入该网站
+warnings_leave = 离开工地
+warnings_back = 回去
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = 评级详情
+warnings_message_rating = 您已将此网站评为较差等级。
+warnings_message_reputation = 此网站的声誉较差。
+messages_offline = 浏览器脱机时禁用。
+messages_disabled = 您已禁用了加载项;单击可启用。
auto_update_title = WOT 更新
-auto_update_message = WOT 有新版本可用。 想要更新附件吗?
-auto_update_check = 启用自动更新(推荐)
auto_update_button_yes = 立即更新
-auto_update_button_no = 稍后提醒我
-description_disabled = 您已禁用了加载项;单击可启用。
-description_error_query = 未能加载评级;将立即重试。
-description_error_register = 未能激活加载项;将立即重试。
-description_inprogress = 正在加载评级…
-description_notready = 正在激活 WOT…
-description_offline = 浏览器脱机时禁用。
-description_private = 评级不可用。
-description_rating_5 = 极佳
-description_rating_4 = 较好
-description_rating_3 = 令人不满意
-description_rating_2 = 较差
-description_rating_1 = 极差
-description_rating_0 = 该网站没有足够数目的评级
description_restart = 重启浏览器激活WOT。
-description_uninstall = 重启后将卸载WOT。
-help_0 =
-help_1 = 极差
-help_2 = 较差
-help_3 = 令人不满意
-help_4 = 较好
-help_5 = 极佳
-help_comment = 您的评级不一致。
-help_comment_link = 留下评论?
+messages_error_register = 未能激活加载项;将立即重试。
warning = WOT 警告: %S
-warning_warning = 警告!
-warning_blocked = 已阻止
-warning_button = 评级详情
-warning_message_normal = 此网站的声誉较差。
-warning_message_userrated = 您已将此网站评为较差等级。
-warning_message_unknown = 此网站的评级未知。
-warning_info = 查看评级详情和评论
-warning_rate = 此网站是安全的 - <a>我想对其进行评级</a>
-warning_goto = 进入该网站
-warning_leave = 离开工地
-warning_back = 回去
-warning_desc_normal = 此网站的声誉较差
-warning_desc_userrated = 您已将此网站评为较差等级,该评级触发了警告
-warning_desc_unknown = 此网站的评级未知
-rating_0 = 可信程度
-rating_1 = 供应商可靠性
-rating_2 = 隐私
-rating_4 = 儿童安全性
-popup_0 = 可信程度
-popup_1 = 供应商可靠性
-popup_2 = 隐私
-popup_4 = 儿童安全性
-user_score_title = 我的活动分数
-user_score_mypage = 查看我的页面
-user_score_register = 立即注册
-user_score_improve = 可通过对新网站进行评级来提高您的活动分数。
-user_score_top = 您名列前 %S 位最活跃的用户。
+description_uninstall = 重启后将卸载WOT。
+warnings_blocked = 已阻止
+auto_update_check = 启用自动更新(推荐)
+auto_update_button_no = 稍后提醒我
+auto_update_message = WOT 有新版本可用。 想要更新附件吗?
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/zh-TW/wot.properties b/locale/zh-TW/wot.properties
index bff1e14..34da258 100644
--- a/locale/zh-TW/wot.properties
+++ b/locale/zh-TW/wot.properties
@@ -1,57 +1,138 @@
-language = zh-TW
+locale = zh_TW
+lang = zh-TW
+ext_description = WOT 會根據全世界數百萬用戶的經驗,告訴您哪些是可以信任的網站。WOT 快速又容易上手,而且完全免費。
+components_0 = 可靠性
+components_1 = 供應者可信賴性
+components_2 = 隱私性
+components_4 = 兒童安全
+components__short_0 = 可靠性
+components__short_1 = 供應者可信賴性
+components__short_2 = 隱私性
+components__short_4 = 兒童安全
+reputationlevels_r0 = Unknown
+reputationlevels_r1 = 非常差
+reputationlevels_r2 = 不佳
+reputationlevels_r3 = 不符要求
+reputationlevels_r4 = 佳
+reputationlevels_r5 = 極佳
+messages_initializing = 初始化 WOT…
+messages_notready = WOT 啟動中…
+messages_failed = 評等載入失敗;立刻重試。
+messages_notavailable = 無法提供評等。
+messages_loading = 評等載入中…
+ratingwindow_settings = 設定
+ratingwindow_guide = 指南
+ratingwindow_forum = 論壇
+ratingwindow_profile = My profile
+ratingwindow_wotrating = WOT 評等
+ratingwindow_myrating = 我的評等
+ratingwindow_viewscorecard = 檢視評等詳細內容計分表
+ratingwindow_addcomment = 加入您的評語
+ratingwindow_editcomment = Edit the comment
+ratingwindow_backtoratings = Back to ratings
+ratingwindow_backtoratings_category = Pick a category
+ratingwindow_newversion = 有新版本可供下載 -- 按一下進行更新
+ratingwindow_invite_rw = You can rate websites using this tool. Click on the colored bars to express how much you trust a website.
+warnings_information = 檢視評等詳細內容與評語
+warnings_ratesite = 這個網站是安全的 - <a>我要評等</a>
+warnings_reputation = 這個網站聲譽不佳
+warnings_rating = 您給了這個網站會觸動警告的不佳評等
+warnings_unknown = 這個網站的評等不詳
+warnings_warning = 警告!
+warnings_goto = Open the site
+warnings_leave = Leave the site
+warnings_back = Go back
+warnings_reasontitle = Users have identified the following issues
+warnings_noreasontitle = Users have not identified this site yet and only have rated it
+contextmenu_open_scorecard = Open WOT scorecard
+wt_learnmore_link = <a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.
+wt_intro_0_msg = <img src='{ADDON_BASEURI}skin/b/welcometips/wt_intro_0.png' width='196px' height='40px'/><p class='wot-cb'>You are protected!</p><p>Safe surfing tool Web of Trust (WOT) shows which websites you can trust based on millions of users' experiences.</p><p>Click the icon {ICO1} on your browser toolbar to start using WOT.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p>
+wt_intro_0_btn = OK, got it
+wt_warning_text = <p class='wot-cb'>Be aware of untrustworthy sites!</p><p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows you a warning if you land on a site that has a bad reputation based on user ratings.</p><p>{WT_LEARNMORE}</p><p>If you don't want to see warnings, you can turn them off.</p>
+wt_warning_turnoff = Turn warnings off
+wt_warning_ok = OK, got it
+wt_rw_text_hdr = Share your experiences!
+wt_rw_text = <p>WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Leave your own rating by clicking the colored bars to indicate what you think of the site. Your rating helps other users surf safer.</p><p class='wot-c'><a id='wt-learnmore-link'>Learn more</a> about WOT.</p>
+wt_donut_msg = <p class='wot-cb'>Follow the traffic lights!</p></p>Safe surfing tool WOT shows website reputations based on experiences from millions of users.</p><p>Traffic lights after web links guide you to find sites that you can trust: green for good, red for bad, yellow as a warning to be cautious.</p>
+wt_donut_btn = OK, got it
+fbl_hideforever = Hide forever
+fbl_submit = Submit
+fbl_whatisthis = What's this?
+fbl_optout_text = If you prefer not to be asked questions, click "yes"
+fbl_optout_yes = yes
+fbl_optout_no = No
+fbl_whatisthis_text = <a href='http://beta.mywot.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=fbl-whatisthis' target='_blank'>Web of Trust (WOT)</a> is working to promote safety and quality across the web for millions of users. You can help by submitting your opinions whenever you see this prompt.
+fbl_final = Thank you!
+fbl_this_website = this website
+fbl_dismiss = dismiss
+ratingwindow_question0 = How much do you trust this site?
+ratingwindow_question4 = How suitable is this site for children?
+ratingwindow_categories = Pick at least one category to support your rating
+ratingwindow_comment = Leave a comment to describe your experience with this site
+ratingwindow_comment_placeholder = write your comment here...
+ratingwindow_comment_regtext = You need an account to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_register = Create an account now
+ratingwindow_comment_captchatext = You need to enter captcha on the scorecard to publish your comment.
+ratingwindow_comment_captchalink = Open scorecard now
+ratingwindow_commenthints = <p>Be precise</p><p>Give evidence or example</p><p>Comment according to your real experiences</p><p>Do not spam</p>
+ratingwindow_novoted = Click here to provide a reason for your rating by selecting a category
+ratingwindow_morecats = more
+ratingwindow_rerate_change = change
+ratingwindow_rerate_category =
+ratingwindow_fulllist = show full list
+ratingwindow_vote_yes = Yes
+ratingwindow_vote_no = No
+messages_ready = Reputation of
+testimony_0_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_0_levels_r1 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r2 = I don't trust
+testimony_0_levels_r3 = it is suspicious
+testimony_0_levels_r4 = I trust
+testimony_0_levels_r5 = I trust
+testimony_4_levels_r0 = click the bar to rate
+testimony_4_levels_r1 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r2 = not suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r3 = be cautious
+testimony_4_levels_r4 = suitable
+testimony_4_levels_r5 = suitable
+testimony_unrated = no opinion
+testimony_delete = delete
+buttons_delete = Delete ratings
+buttons_delete_title = Delete my ratings and categories for the website
+buttons_cancel = Cancel
+buttons_save = Save
+buttons_ok = OK
+popup_headertext = click to view details
+popup_nocattext = share your opinion about this website
+ratingwindow_thankyou = Thanks for sharing your experience!
+activityscore_text = Your activity score is now
+activityscore_rookie = rookie
+activityscore_bronze = bronze
+activityscore_silver = silver
+activityscore_gold = gold
+activityscore_platinum = platinum
+activityscore_next = Keep on rating and commenting to reach {NEXT_LEVEL} level!
+bl_description = This website appears on a third party blacklist
+bl_description_pl = This website appears on third party blacklists
+bl_information = What does it mean? Read details
+bl_malware = Malware
+bl_phishing = Phishing
+bl_scam = Scam
+bl_spam = SPAM
+bl_tracking = Tracking
+bl_other = Other reason
+warning_button = 評等詳細內容
+warnings_message_rating = 您給了這個網站不佳的評等。
+warnings_message_reputation = 這個網站聲譽不佳。
+messages_offline = 瀏覽器離線時停用。
+messages_disabled = 您已經關閉附加元件;按一下重新啟用。
auto_update_title = WOT 更新
-auto_update_message = 有最新版的 WOT 可供下載。 願意更新您的附加元件嗎?
-auto_update_check = 啟用自動更新 (建議選項)
auto_update_button_yes = 現在就更新
-auto_update_button_no = 稍後再提醒我
-description_disabled = 您已經關閉附加元件;按一下重新啟用。
-description_error_query = 評等載入失敗;立刻重試。
-description_error_register = 附加元件重啟失敗;立刻重試。
-description_inprogress = 評等載入中…
-description_notready = WOT 啟動中…
-description_offline = 瀏覽器離線時停用。
-description_private = 無法提供評等。
-description_rating_5 = 極佳
-description_rating_4 = 佳
-description_rating_3 = 不符要求
-description_rating_2 = 不佳
-description_rating_1 = 非常差
-description_rating_0 = 此網站評等數量不足
description_restart = 重新開啟瀏覽器以啟動 WOT。
-description_uninstall = WOT 將於重新開啟後解除安裝。
-help_0 =
-help_1 = 非常差
-help_2 = 不佳
-help_3 = 不符要求
-help_4 = 佳
-help_5 = 極佳
-help_comment = 您的評等不一致。
-help_comment_link = 要留下評語嗎?
+messages_error_register = 附加元件重啟失敗;立刻重試。
warning = WOT 警告: %S
-warning_warning = 警告!
-warning_blocked = 已封鎖
-warning_button = 評等詳細內容
-warning_message_normal = 這個網站聲譽不佳。
-warning_message_userrated = 您給了這個網站不佳的評等。
-warning_message_unknown = 這個網站的評等不詳。
-warning_info = 檢視評等詳細內容與評語
-warning_rate = 這個網站是安全的 - <a>我要評等</a>
-warning_goto = 前往網站
-warning_leave = Leave the site
-warning_back = Go back
-warning_desc_normal = 這個網站聲譽不佳
-warning_desc_userrated = 您給了這個網站會觸動警告的不佳評等
-warning_desc_unknown = 這個網站的評等不詳
-rating_0 = 可靠性
-rating_1 = 供應者可信賴性
-rating_2 = 隱私性
-rating_4 = 兒童安全
-popup_0 = 可靠性
-popup_1 = 供應者可信賴性
-popup_2 = 隱私性
-popup_4 = 兒童安全
-user_score_title = 我的活動得分
-user_score_mypage = 檢視我的頁面
-user_score_register = 現在就註冊
-user_score_improve = 為新的網站進行評等,改善您的活動得分。
-user_score_top = 您名列最活躍用戶的前 %S。
+description_uninstall = WOT 將於重新開啟後解除安裝。
+warnings_blocked = 已封鎖
+auto_update_check = 啟用自動更新 (建議選項)
+auto_update_button_no = 稍後再提醒我
+auto_update_message = 有最新版的 WOT 可供下載。 願意更新您的附加元件嗎?
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/wot.git
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