[Pkg-mozext-commits] [sage-extension] 01/39: feed parsing overhaul
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 03:10:18 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to tag sage_1_1
in repository sage-extension.
commit 9e0e6e8810fcc7e7cd7e286eef928cd3abf56b6a
Author: Peter Andrews <petea at jhu.edu>
Date: Sat May 29 04:42:16 2004 +0000
feed parsing overhaul
src/install.js | 2 +-
src/sage/content/createhtml.js | 52 +++----
src/sage/content/feedlib.js | 313 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/sage/content/sage.js | 259 ++++++----------------------------
src/sage/content/sage.xul | 1 +
src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd | 2 +-
src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd | 2 +-
7 files changed, 384 insertions(+), 247 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/install.js b/src/install.js
index ca5fc05..feaae61 100755
--- a/src/install.js
+++ b/src/install.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const APP_NAME = "Sage";
const APP_CHROME_NAME = "sage";
-const APP_VERSION = "1.0";
+const APP_VERSION = "1.1";
const APP_FILE = "sage.jar";
const APP_CONTENTS_PATH = "content/";
const APP_SKIN_CLASSIC_PATH = "skin/classic/";
diff --git a/src/sage/content/createhtml.js b/src/sage/content/createhtml.js
index 3a3f3cd..2138d7c 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/createhtml.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/createhtml.js
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ var CreateHTML = {
set tabbed(aValue){ this._tabbed = aValue },
- openHTML: function(aRssObject){
- if(!aRssObject) return;
+ openHTML: function(feed) {
+ if(!feed) return;
- try{
- var htmlURL = this.createHTML(aRssObject);
- if(this._tabbed){
+ try {
+ var htmlURL = this.createHTML(feed);
+ if(this._tabbed) {
- }else{
+ } else {
- }catch(e){}
+ } catch(e) {}
- createHTML: function(aRssObject){
+ createHTML: function(feed) {
var tmpFile = this.getSpecialDir("UChrm");
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var CreateHTML = {
var xmlFilePath = ioService.newFileURI(tmpFile).spec;
- if(tmpFile.exists()){
+ if(tmpFile.exists()) {
tmpFile.create(tmpFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ var CreateHTML = {
stream.init(tmpFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
- var content = this.createHTMLSource(aRssObject);
+ var content = this.createHTMLSource(feed);
stream.write(content, content.length);
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ var CreateHTML = {
return xmlFilePath;
- getUserCssURL: function(){
+ getUserCssURL: function() {
var userCssEnable = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(this.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", false);
var userCssPath = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(this.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", "");
if(!userCssEnable || !userCssPath) return null;
@@ -57,41 +57,41 @@ var CreateHTML = {
var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1']
- try{
+ try {
var cssUrl = ioService.newFileURI(tmpFile);
var contentType = ioService.newChannelFromURI(cssUrl).contentType;
if(contentType != "text/css") return null;
return cssUrl.spec;
- }catch(e){
+ } catch(e) {
return null;
- createHTMLSource: function(aRssObject){
+ createHTMLSource: function(feed) {
var allowEContent = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(this.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", false);
var htmlSource = this.HTML_SOURCE;
var cssUrl = this.getUserCssURL();
- if(cssUrl){
+ if(cssUrl) {
htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**CSSURL**", cssUrl);
- }else{
+ } else {
htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**CSSURL**", this.DEFAULT_CSS);
- htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**HTMLTITLE**", aRssObject.title);
- htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**TITLE**", aRssObject.title);
- htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**LINK**", aRssObject.link);
- htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**DESCRIPTION**", aRssObject.description);
+ htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**HTMLTITLE**", feed.getTitle());
+ htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**TITLE**", feed.getTitle());
+ htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**LINK**", feed.getLink());
+ htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**DESCRIPTION**", feed.getDescription());
var itemsSource = "";
- for(var i=0; i<aRssObject.items.length; i++){
- var link = aRssObject.items[i].link;
- var title = aRssObject.items[i].title;
+ for(var i = 0; i < feed.getItemCount(); i++) {
+ var link = feed.getItem(i).getLink();
+ var title = feed.getItem(i).getTitle();
- var description = allowEContent ? aRssObject.items[i].content : aRssObject.items[i].description;
+ var description = allowEContent ? feed.getItem(i).getContent() : htmlToText(feed.getItem(i).getContent());
- var pubDate = aRssObject.items[i].pubDate;
+ var pubDate = feed.getItem(i).getPubDate();
title = "No Title";
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ var CreateHTML = {
return CommonFunc.convertCharCodeFrom(htmlSource, "UTF-8");
- getSpecialDir: function(aProp){
+ getSpecialDir: function(aProp) {
var dirService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1']
return dirService.get(aProp, Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
diff --git a/src/sage/content/feedlib.js b/src/sage/content/feedlib.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..455df87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sage/content/feedlib.js
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+var Feed = {
+ feedXML: null,
+ feedFormat: null,
+ title: null,
+ link: null,
+ description: null,
+ items: new Array(),
+ lastPubDate: null,
+ Feed: function(feedXML) {
+ this.feedXML = feedXML;
+ if(!feedXML) {
+ throw "Empty Feed";
+ }
+ var rootNodeName = feedXML.documentElement.localName.toLowerCase();
+ if(rootNodeName == "feed") {
+ this.parseATOM();
+ } else {
+ this.parseRSS();
+ }
+ },
+ parseRSS: function() {
+ feedXML = this.feedXML;
+ this.feedFormat = "RSS";
+ var channelNode;
+ if(feedXML.getElementsByTagName("channel").length != 0) {
+ channelNode = feedXML.getElementsByTagName("channel")[0];
+ } else {
+ throw "No elements in channel tag";
+ }
+ for(var i = channelNode.firstChild; i != null; i = i.nextSibling) {
+ if(i.nodeType != i.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
+ switch(i.localName) {
+ case "title":
+ this.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ this.link = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
+ break;
+ case "description":
+ this.description = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var itemNodes = feedXML.getElementsByTagName("item");
+ for(i = 0; itemNodes.length > i; i++) {
+ var item = {title:"", link:"", content:"", pubDate:""};
+ for(var j = itemNodes[i].firstChild; j!=null; j=j.nextSibling) {
+ if(j.nodeType != j.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
+ switch(j.localName) {
+ case "title":
+ item.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ item.link = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
+ break;
+ case "guid":
+ if(!item.link) {
+ item.link = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "encoded":
+ item.content = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
+ break;
+ case "pubDate":
+ item.pubDate = new Date(CommonFunc.getInnerText(j));
+ break;
+ case "date":
+ tmp_str = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
+ tmp_date = new Date();
+ tmp_date.setUTCFullYear(tmp_str.substring(0,4));
+ tmp_date.setUTCMonth(tmp_str.substring(5,7) - 1);
+ tmp_date.setUTCDate(tmp_str.substring(8,10));
+ tmp_date.setUTCHours(tmp_str.substring(11,13));
+ tmp_date.setUTCMinutes(tmp_str.substring(14,16));
+ tmp_date.setUTCSeconds(tmp_str.substring(17,19));
+ item.pubDate = new Date(tmp_date);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var tmpFeedItem = new FeedItem(item.title, item.link, item.content, item.pubDate);
+ if(tmpFeedItem.hasPubDate()) {
+ if(tmpFeedItem.getPubDate() > this.lastPubDate) {
+ this.lastPubDate = tmpFeedItem.getPubDate();
+ }
+ }
+ this.items.push(tmpFeedItem);
+ }
+ },
+ parseATOM: function() {
+ feedXML = this.feedXML;
+ this.feedFormat = "ATOM";
+ for(var i = feedXML.documentElement.firstChild; i != null; i = i.nextSibling){
+ if(i.nodeType != i.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
+ switch(i.localName){
+ case "title":
+ this.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
+ break;
+ case "link":
+ if(this.link) {
+ if(i.getAttribute("rel").toLowerCase() == "alternate"){
+ this.link = i.getAttribute("href");
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.link = i.getAttribute("href");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "tagline":
+ this.description = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var entryNodes = feedXML.getElementsByTagName("entry");
+ for(i = 0; entryNodes.length > i; i++){
+ var item = {title:"", link:"", content:"", pubDate:""};
+ var titleNodes = entryNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("title");
+ if(titleNodes.length) {
+ item.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(titleNodes[0]);
+ }
+ var linkNodes = entryNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("link");
+ if(linkNodes.length) {
+ for (j = 0; j < linkNodes.length; j++) {
+ if (linkNodes[j].getAttribute("rel") == "alternate") {
+ item.link = linkNodes[j].getAttribute("href");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var issuedNodes = entryNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("issued");
+ if(issuedNodes.length) {
+ tmp_str = CommonFunc.getInnerText(issuedNodes[0]);
+ tmp_date = new Date();
+ tmp_date.setUTCFullYear(tmp_str.substring(0,4));
+ tmp_date.setUTCMonth(tmp_str.substring(5,7) - 1);
+ tmp_date.setUTCDate(tmp_str.substring(8,10));
+ tmp_date.setUTCHours(tmp_str.substring(11,13));
+ tmp_date.setUTCMinutes(tmp_str.substring(14,16));
+ tmp_date.setUTCSeconds(tmp_str.substring(17,19));
+ item.pubDate = new Date(tmp_date);
+ }
+ var aEntryNode = entryNodes[i];
+ var contentNodes = aEntryNode.getElementsByTagName("content");
+ var contentArray = new Array();
+ for(var i=0; i<contentNodes.length; i++){
+ var contType = contentNodes[i].getAttribute("type");
+ contentArray[contType] = CommonFunc.getInnerText(contentNodes[i]);
+ }
+ var summaryNodes = aEntryNode.getElementsByTagName("summary");
+ if("application/xhtml+xml" in contentArray) {
+ item.content = contentArray["application/xhtml+xml"];
+ } elseif("text/html" in contentArray) {
+ item.content = contentArray["text/html"];
+ } elseif("text/plain" in contentArray) {
+ item.content = contentArray["text/plain"];
+ } elseif(summaryNodes.length) {
+ item.content = CommonFunc.getInnerText(summaryNodes[0]);
+ }
+ var tmpFeedItem = new FeedItem(item.title, item.link, item.content, item.pubDate);
+ if(tmpFeedItem.hasPubDate()) {
+ if(tmpFeedItem.getPubDate() > this.lastPubDate) {
+ this.lastPubDate = tmpFeedItem.getPubDate();
+ }
+ }
+ this.items.push(tmpFeedItem);
+ }
+ },
+ getTitle: function() {
+ return this.title;
+ }
+ getDescription: function() {
+ return this.description;
+ }
+ getLink: function() {
+ return this.link;
+ }
+ hasLastPubDate: function() {
+ if(this.lastPubDate) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ getLastPubDate: function() {
+ if(this.hasLastPubDate()) {
+ return this.lastPubDate;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ getItemCount: function() {
+ return this.items.length;
+ },
+ getItem: function(itemIndex) {
+ return this.items[itemIndex];
+ },
+ getFormat: function() {
+ return this.feedFormat;
+ },
+var FeedItem = {
+ title: null,
+ link: null,
+ content: null,
+ pubDate: null,
+ FeedItem: function(title, link, content, pubDate) {
+ this.title = title;
+ this.link = link;
+ this.content = content;
+ this.pubDate = pubDate;
+ },
+ hasTitle: function() {
+ if(!this.title) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ },
+ getTitle: function() {
+ if(this.hasTitle()) {
+ return this.title;
+ } else {
+ if(this.hasContent()) {
+ temp = this.getContent();
+ temp.replace(/<.*?>/g,'');
+ return temp.substring(0, 30) + "...";
+ } else {
+ return "No Title";
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getLink: function() {
+ return this.link;
+ },
+ hasContent: function() {
+ if(this.content) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ getContent: function() {
+ if(this.hasContent()) {
+ return this.content;
+ } else {
+ return "No content";
+ }
+ },
+ hasPubDate: function() {
+ if(this.pubDate) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ getPubDate: function() {
+ if(this.hasPubDate()) {
+ return this.pubDate;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/sage.js b/src/sage/content/sage.js
index 4bf1187..85938ec 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/sage.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/sage.js
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ var rssStatusLabel;
var rssTitleLabel;
var rssItemListPopup;
-var rssObject;
+var currentFeed;
var httpReq;
var prefObserverSageFolder;
var responseXML;
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ function rssItemListBoxClick(aEvent){
var selectedItem = rssItemListBox.selectedItem;
- var link = rssObject.items[selectedItem.value].link;
+ var link = currentFeed.getItem(selectedItem.value).getLink();
var tabbed = false;
if(aEvent.button == 1){ tabbed = true; } // click middle button
@@ -250,11 +250,11 @@ function setStatusDone(){
rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "false");
rssStatusLabel.value = "";
- if(rssObject){
- rssTitleLabel.value = htmlToText(rssObject.title);
- if(rssObject.link){
- rssTitleLabel.setAttribute("href", rssObject.link);
- rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = rssObject.link;
+ if(currentFeed){
+ rssTitleLabel.value = htmlToText(currentFeed.getTitle());
+ if(currentFeed.getLink()){
+ rssTitleLabel.setAttribute("href", currentFeed.getLink());
+ rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = currentFeed.getLink();
rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = "";
@@ -279,184 +279,6 @@ function getContentBrowser(){
return null;
- // RSS
-function createRssObject(){
- if(!responseXML){ return; }
- rssObject = {
- rssURL: lastResource.url,
- title: "",
- link: "",
- description: "",
- charSet: responseXML.characterSet,
- items: new Array()
- }
- var rootNodeName = responseXML.documentElement.localName.toLowerCase();
- if(rootNodeName == "feed"){
- createRssObjectAtom();
- return;
- }
- var channelNode;
- if(responseXML.getElementsByTagName("channel").length != 0){
- channelNode = responseXML.getElementsByTagName("channel")[0];
- }else{
- return;
- }
- for(var i = channelNode.firstChild; i!=null; i=i.nextSibling){
- if(i.nodeType != i.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
- switch(i.localName){
- case "title":
- rssObject.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
- break;
- case "link":
- rssObject.link = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
- break;
- case "description":
- rssObject.description = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- var itemNodes = responseXML.getElementsByTagName("item");
- for(i=0; itemNodes.length>i; i++){
- var rssItem = {title:"", link:"", description:"", content:"", pubDate:""};
- for(var j = itemNodes[i].firstChild; j!=null; j=j.nextSibling){
- if(j.nodeType != j.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
- switch(j.localName){
- case "title":
- rssItem.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
- break;
- case "link":
- rssItem.link = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
- break;
- case "guid":
- if(!rssItem.link){
- rssItem.link = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
- }
- break;
- case "description":
- rssItem.description = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
- break;
- case "encoded":
- rssItem.content = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
- break;
- case "pubDate":
- rssItem.pubDate = new Date(CommonFunc.getInnerText(j));
- break;
- case "date":
- tmp_str = CommonFunc.getInnerText(j);
- tmp_date = new Date();
- tmp_date.setUTCFullYear(tmp_str.substring(0,4));
- tmp_date.setUTCMonth(tmp_str.substring(5,7) - 1);
- tmp_date.setUTCDate(tmp_str.substring(8,10));
- tmp_date.setUTCHours(tmp_str.substring(11,13));
- tmp_date.setUTCMinutes(tmp_str.substring(14,16));
- tmp_date.setUTCSeconds(tmp_str.substring(17,19));
- rssItem.pubDate = new Date(tmp_date);
- break;
- }
- }
- // title �������Ƃ��̏���
- if(!rssItem.title) {
- if(rssItem.description) {
- tempStr = rssItem.description.replace(/<.*?>/g,'');
- rssItem.title = tempStr.substring(0, 30) + "...";
- }
- }
- // content �������Ƃ��̏���
- if(!rssItem.content) rssItem.content = rssItem.description;
- // description ��v���[���e�L�X�g�ɂ���
- rssItem.description = htmlToText(rssItem.description);
- rssObject.items.push(rssItem);
- }
- // ATOM
-function createRssObjectAtom(){
- for(var i = responseXML.documentElement.firstChild; i!=null; i=i.nextSibling){
- if(i.nodeType != i.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
- switch(i.localName){
- case "title":
- rssObject.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
- break;
- case "link":
- if(rssObject.link){
- if(i.getAttribute("rel") == "alternate"){
- rssObject.link = i.getAttribute("href");
- }
- }else{
- rssObject.link = i.getAttribute("href");
- }
- break;
- case "tagline":
- rssObject.description = CommonFunc.getInnerText(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- var entryNodes = responseXML.getElementsByTagName("entry");
- for(i=0; entryNodes.length>i; i++){
- var rssItem = {title:"", link:"", description:"", content:"", pubDate:""};
- var titleNodes = entryNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("title");
- if(titleNodes.length) rssItem.title = CommonFunc.getInnerText(titleNodes[0]);
- var linkNodes = entryNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("link");
- if(linkNodes.length) {
- for (j = 0; j < linkNodes.length; j++) {
- if (linkNodes[j].getAttribute("rel") == "alternate") {
- rssItem.link = linkNodes[j].getAttribute("href");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- var issuedNodes = entryNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("issued");
- if(issuedNodes.length) {
- tmp_str = CommonFunc.getInnerText(issuedNodes[0]);
- tmp_date = new Date();
- tmp_date.setUTCFullYear(tmp_str.substring(0,4));
- tmp_date.setUTCMonth(tmp_str.substring(5,7) - 1);
- tmp_date.setUTCDate(tmp_str.substring(8,10));
- tmp_date.setUTCHours(tmp_str.substring(11,13));
- tmp_date.setUTCMinutes(tmp_str.substring(14,16));
- tmp_date.setUTCSeconds(tmp_str.substring(17,19));
- rssItem.pubDate = new Date(tmp_date);
- }
- rssItem.content = getAtomContent(entryNodes[i]);
- rssItem.description = htmlToText(rssItem.content);
- rssObject.items.push(rssItem);
- }
-function getAtomContent(aEntryNode){
- var contentNodes = aEntryNode.getElementsByTagName("content");
- var contentArray = new Array();
- for(var i=0; i<contentNodes.length; i++){
- var contType = contentNodes[i].getAttribute("type");
- contentArray[contType] = CommonFunc.getInnerText(contentNodes[i]);
- }
- if("application/xhtml+xml" in contentArray) return contentArray["application/xhtml+xml"];
- if("text/html" in contentArray) return contentArray["text/html"];
- if("text/plain" in contentArray) return contentArray["text/plain"];
- var summaryNodes = aEntryNode.getElementsByTagName("summary");
- if(summaryNodes.length) return CommonFunc.getInnerText(summaryNodes[0]);
- return "";
function toggleShowSearchBar() {
var showSearchBar = getCheckboxCheck("chkShowSearchBar");
document.getElementById("barSearch").hidden = !showSearchBar;
@@ -470,22 +292,22 @@ function toggleShowFeedItemList() {
function setRssItemListBox() {
- if(!rssObject) return;
+ if(!currentFeed) return;
if(document.getElementById("rssItemListBoxBox").hidden) return;
- while(rssItemListBox.getRowCount() != 0){
+ while(rssItemListBox.getRowCount() != 0) {
- for(var i=0; rssObject.items.length>i; i++){
- var rssItem = rssObject.items[i];
- var itemLabel = rssItem.title ? htmlToText(rssItem.title) : "No Title";
+ for(var i = 0; currentFeed.getItemCount() > i; i++) {
+ var item = currentFeed.getItem(i);
+ var itemLabel = item.getTitle();
itemLabel = (i+1) + ". " + itemLabel;
var listItem = rssItemListBox.appendItem(itemLabel, i);
- if(isVisited(rssItem.link)){
+ if(isVisited(item.getLink())) {
listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
- }
+ }
@@ -519,8 +341,7 @@ function showRssItemListPopup(aEvent){
- var description = rssObject.items[aEvent.originalTarget.value].description;
- // �܂�Ԃ����邽�߂� URL�� / �̑O�Ƀ[�����X�y�[�X��lj�
+ var description = htmlToText(currentFeed.getItem(aEvent.originalTarget.value).getContent());
if(description.indexOf("/") != -1){
description = description.replace(/\//gm, "/\u200B");
@@ -567,10 +388,11 @@ function htmlToText(aStr){
- // ++++++++++ +++++++++ HTTP ++++++++++ +++++++++
-function httpGet(aURL){
- if(rssLoading){
+// ++++++++++ +++++++++ HTTP ++++++++++ +++++++++
+function httpGet(aURL) {
+ if(rssLoading) {
rssLoading = false;
@@ -583,42 +405,43 @@ function httpGet(aURL){
httpReq.onreadystatechange = httpReadyStateChange;
- try{
+ try {
httpReq.open("GET" , aURL);
httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
- }catch(e){
+ } catch(e) {
- try{
+ try {
rssLoading = true;
- }catch(e){
+ } catch(e) {
-function httpError(e){}
-function httpReadyStateChange(){
+function httpError(e) {}
- if(httpReq.readyState == 2){
- try{
- if(httpReq.status == 404){
+function httpReadyStateChange() {
+ if(httpReq.readyState == 2) {
+ try {
+ if(httpReq.status == 404) {
- }catch(e){
+ } catch(e) {
- }else if(httpReq.readyState == 3){}
+ } else if(httpReq.readyState == 3) {}
-function httpLoaded(e){
+function httpLoaded(e) {
responseXML = httpReq.responseXML;
var rootNodeName = responseXML.documentElement.localName.toLowerCase();
- switch(rootNodeName){
+ switch(rootNodeName) {
case "parsererror":
// XML Parse Error
@@ -635,24 +458,24 @@ function httpLoaded(e){
-function httpGetResult(aResultCode){
+function httpGetResult(aResultCode) {
rssLoading = false;
- if(aResultCode == RESULT_OK){
- createRssObject();
+ if(aResultCode == RESULT_OK) {
+ currentFeed = new Feed(responseXML);
- if(lastResource.res){
- BMSVC.updateLastVisitedDate(rssObject.rssURL, rssObject.charSet);
+ if(lastResource.res) {
+ BMSVC.updateLastVisitedDate(lastResource.res, responseXML.characterSet);
CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION, CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE);
- if(getCheckboxCheck("chkOpenHTML")){
- CreateHTML.openHTML(rssObject);
+ if(getCheckboxCheck("chkOpenHTML")) {
+ CreateHTML.openHTML(currentFeed);
- }else{
+ } else {
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/sage.xul b/src/sage/content/sage.xul
index 0d5188b..f80a7c1 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/sage.xul
+++ b/src/sage/content/sage.xul
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://global/content/nsTransferable.js"/>
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://sage/content/commonfunc.js"/>
+<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://sage/content/feedlib.js"/>
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://sage/content/sage.js"/>
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://sage/content/updatechecker.js"/>
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://sage/content/createhtml.js"/>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
index d6b3f9f..85fbc39 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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+<!ENTITY sage.version "1.1">
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diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd
index 70eb3bc..507126a 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
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<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle "RSS リーダ">
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