[Pkg-mozext-commits] [sage-extension] 09/54: normalized source to unix line endings

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 03:10:36 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to tag sage_1_3
in repository sage-extension.

commit 46187cc33ba7e4dae5edbf9103b38833ad6cd2ed
Author: Peter Andrews <petea at jhu.edu>
Date:   Sat Sep 11 06:57:54 2004 +0000

    normalized source to unix line endings
 src/install.js                                     |   80 +-
 src/sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml                 |  116 +-
 src/sage/content/commonfunc.js                     |  720 ++++-----
 src/sage/content/createhtml.js                     |  240 +--
 src/sage/content/getrsstitle.js                    |  110 +-
 src/sage/content/opml/opml.js                      |  546 +++----
 src/sage/content/opml/opml.xul                     |   96 +-
 src/sage/content/popupex.xml                       |  120 +-
 src/sage/content/res/sage.css                      |  182 +--
 src/sage/content/res/template-html.txt             |   42 +-
 src/sage/content/res/template-item.txt             |   18 +-
 src/sage/content/sage-Overlay.xul                  |   70 +-
 src/sage/content/sage.js                           | 1570 ++++++++++----------
 src/sage/content/search/feedsearch.js              |  206 +--
 src/sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf           |  108 +-
 .../content/settings/bookmarkfoldermenulist.js     |  144 +-
 src/sage/content/settings/exUnregisterer.js        | 1080 +++++++-------
 src/sage/content/settings/settings.js              |  264 ++--
 src/sage/content/updatechecker.js                  |  300 ++--
 src/sage/locale/de-DE/contents.rdf                 |   32 +-
 src/sage/locale/de-DE/opml.dtd                     |   20 +-
 src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.dtd                     |  102 +-
 src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.properties              |  166 +--
 src/sage/locale/en-US/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/en-US/opml.dtd                     |   22 +-
 src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd                     |  104 +-
 src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties              |  180 +--
 src/sage/locale/es-ES/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/es-ES/opml.dtd                     |   22 +-
 src/sage/locale/fr-FR/sage.properties              |  180 +--
 src/sage/locale/hu-HU/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/hu-HU/opml.dtd                     |   22 +-
 src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.dtd                     |  106 +-
 src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.properties              |  182 +--
 src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.dtd                     |  106 +-
 src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.properties              |  180 +--
 src/sage/locale/ja-JP/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/ja-JP/opml.dtd                     |   22 +-
 src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd                     |  108 +-
 src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.properties              |  182 +--
 src/sage/locale/nl-NL/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/nl-NL/opml.dtd                     |   22 +-
 src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.dtd                     |  104 +-
 src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.properties              |  180 +--
 src/sage/locale/ru-RU/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/ru-RU/opml.dtd                     |   20 +-
 src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.dtd                     |  100 +-
 src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.properties              |  166 +--
 src/sage/locale/zh-TW/contents.rdf                 |   34 +-
 src/sage/locale/zh-TW/opml.dtd                     |   22 +-
 src/sage/skin/classic/contents.rdf                 |   58 +-
 src/sage/skin/classic/sage-button.css              |   16 +-
 src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css                     |  270 ++--
 53 files changed, 4472 insertions(+), 4472 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/install.js b/src/install.js
index 456c26d..6295a35 100755
--- a/src/install.js
+++ b/src/install.js
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-const APP_NAME			= "Sage";
-const APP_CHROME_NAME		= "sage";
-const APP_VERSION		= "1.2.2";
-const APP_FILE 			= "sage.jar";
-const APP_CONTENTS_PATH		= "content/";
-const APP_SKIN_CLASSIC_PATH	= "skin/classic/";
-const APP_LOCALE_ENUS_PATH	= "locale/en-US/";
-const APP_LOCALE_JAJP_PATH	= "locale/ja-JP/";
-const APP_LOCALE_FRFR_PATH	= "locale/fr-FR/";
-const APP_LOCALE_HUHU_PATH	= "locale/hu-HU/";
-const APP_LOCALE_ITIT_PATH	= "locale/it-IT/";
-const APP_LOCALE_NLNL_PATH	= "locale/nl-NL/";
-const APP_LOCALE_CACA_PATH	= "locale/ca-CA/";
-const APP_LOCALE_ZHTW_PATH	= "locale/zh-TW/";
-var chromeFolder = getFolder("Current User", "chrome");
-addFile(APP_NAME, "chrome/" + APP_FILE, chromeFolder, "");
-var jarFolder = getFolder(chromeFolder, APP_FILE);
-var result = getLastError(); 
-if(result == SUCCESS) {
-	performInstall();
-} else {
-	cancelInstall(result);
+const APP_NAME			= "Sage";
+const APP_CHROME_NAME		= "sage";
+const APP_VERSION		= "1.2.2";
+const APP_FILE 			= "sage.jar";
+const APP_CONTENTS_PATH		= "content/";
+const APP_SKIN_CLASSIC_PATH	= "skin/classic/";
+const APP_LOCALE_ENUS_PATH	= "locale/en-US/";
+const APP_LOCALE_JAJP_PATH	= "locale/ja-JP/";
+const APP_LOCALE_FRFR_PATH	= "locale/fr-FR/";
+const APP_LOCALE_HUHU_PATH	= "locale/hu-HU/";
+const APP_LOCALE_ITIT_PATH	= "locale/it-IT/";
+const APP_LOCALE_NLNL_PATH	= "locale/nl-NL/";
+const APP_LOCALE_CACA_PATH	= "locale/ca-CA/";
+const APP_LOCALE_ZHTW_PATH	= "locale/zh-TW/";
+var chromeFolder = getFolder("Current User", "chrome");
+addFile(APP_NAME, "chrome/" + APP_FILE, chromeFolder, "");
+var jarFolder = getFolder(chromeFolder, APP_FILE);
+var result = getLastError(); 
+if(result == SUCCESS) {
+	performInstall();
+} else {
+	cancelInstall(result);
diff --git a/src/sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml b/src/sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml
index 21b1083..8378d28 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml
+++ b/src/sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>  
-<!DOCTYPE window [
-	<!ENTITY % bookmarksDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/bookmarks/bookmarks.dtd">
-		%bookmarksDTD;
-<bindings id="bookmarksBindings"	
-		  xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"	
-		  xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" 
-		  xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		  xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">
-  <binding id="bookmarks-tree-name" extends="chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksTree.xml#bookmarks-tree">
-	<xbl:content xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"	
-				 xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" contextmenu="_child">
-	  <!-- context menu -->
-	  <menupopup xbl:inherits="onpopupshowing"
-				 onpopupshowing="this.parentNode.createTreeContextMenu(event);createTreeContextMenu2(event)"
-				 onpopuphidden="if (content) content.focus()"
-				 onclick="event.preventBubble();"
-				 onkeypress="event.preventBubble();"/>
-	  <tree anonid="bookmarks-tree" flex="1" class="plain" hidecolumnpicker="true"
-				datasources="rdf:bookmarks rdf:internetsearch rdf:localsearch" ref="NC:BookmarksRoot" flags="dont-build-content"
-				onselect="this.parentNode.treeBoxObject.view.selectionChanged();" seltype="single">
-		<template xmlns:nc="http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#">
-		  <rule rdf:type="http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#BookmarkSeparator">
-			<treechildren>
-			  <treeitem uri="rdf:*">
-				<treerow properties="rdf:http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type separator">
-				  <treecell properties="separator" label="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"/>
-				</treerow>
-			  </treeitem>
-			</treechildren>
-		  </rule>
-		  <rule>
-			<treechildren>
-			  <treeitem uri="rdf:*">
-				<treerow properties="rdf:http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#loading rdf:http://home.netscape.com/WEB-rdf#status">
-				  <treecell	label="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"
-							properties="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Description rss"/>
-				</treerow>
-			  </treeitem>
-			</treechildren>
-		  </rule>
-		</template>
-		<treecols anonid="treecols">
-		  <treecol id="Name" flex="1" primary="true" hideheader="true"
-				   sort="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"
-				   sortActive="true" sortDirection="none"/>
-		</treecols>
-	  </tree>
-	</xbl:content>
-	<implementation>
-	  <field name="clickCount">1</field>
-	</implementation>
-  </binding>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>  
+<!DOCTYPE window [
+	<!ENTITY % bookmarksDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/bookmarks/bookmarks.dtd">
+		%bookmarksDTD;
+<bindings id="bookmarksBindings"	
+		  xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"	
+		  xmlns:xul="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" 
+		  xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		  xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl">
+  <binding id="bookmarks-tree-name" extends="chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksTree.xml#bookmarks-tree">
+	<xbl:content xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"	
+				 xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" contextmenu="_child">
+	  <!-- context menu -->
+	  <menupopup xbl:inherits="onpopupshowing"
+				 onpopupshowing="this.parentNode.createTreeContextMenu(event);createTreeContextMenu2(event)"
+				 onpopuphidden="if (content) content.focus()"
+				 onclick="event.preventBubble();"
+				 onkeypress="event.preventBubble();"/>
+	  <tree anonid="bookmarks-tree" flex="1" class="plain" hidecolumnpicker="true"
+				datasources="rdf:bookmarks rdf:internetsearch rdf:localsearch" ref="NC:BookmarksRoot" flags="dont-build-content"
+				onselect="this.parentNode.treeBoxObject.view.selectionChanged();" seltype="single">
+		<template xmlns:nc="http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#">
+		  <rule rdf:type="http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#BookmarkSeparator">
+			<treechildren>
+			  <treeitem uri="rdf:*">
+				<treerow properties="rdf:http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type separator">
+				  <treecell properties="separator" label="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"/>
+				</treerow>
+			  </treeitem>
+			</treechildren>
+		  </rule>
+		  <rule>
+			<treechildren>
+			  <treeitem uri="rdf:*">
+				<treerow properties="rdf:http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#loading rdf:http://home.netscape.com/WEB-rdf#status">
+				  <treecell	label="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"
+							properties="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Description rss"/>
+				</treerow>
+			  </treeitem>
+			</treechildren>
+		  </rule>
+		</template>
+		<treecols anonid="treecols">
+		  <treecol id="Name" flex="1" primary="true" hideheader="true"
+				   sort="rdf:http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name"
+				   sortActive="true" sortDirection="none"/>
+		</treecols>
+	  </tree>
+	</xbl:content>
+	<implementation>
+	  <field name="clickCount">1</field>
+	</implementation>
+  </binding>
diff --git a/src/sage/content/commonfunc.js b/src/sage/content/commonfunc.js
index 269552e..9538575 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/commonfunc.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/commonfunc.js
@@ -1,360 +1,360 @@
-var aConsoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
-function logMessage(message) {
-	aConsoleService.logStringMessage("Sage: " + message);
-function dateFormat(date, twelveHourClock, format) {
-	function padout(number) { return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : number; }
-	if(!format) {
-		format = 0;
-	}
-	var dayOfMonth = date.getDate();
-	var day;
-	switch (date.getDay()) {
-		case 0: day = strRes.getString("date_sunday_short"); break
-		case 1: day = strRes.getString("date_monday_short"); break
-		case 2: day = strRes.getString("date_tuesday_short"); break
-		case 3: day = strRes.getString("date_wednesday_short"); break
-		case 4: day = strRes.getString("date_thursday_short"); break
-		case 5: day = strRes.getString("date_friday_short"); break
-		case 6: day = strRes.getString("date_saturday_short"); break
-	}
-	var month, monthNum;
-	monthNum = date.getMonth() + 1;
-	switch (monthNum) {
-		case 1: month = strRes.getString("date_january_short"); break
-		case 2: month = strRes.getString("date_february_short"); break
-		case 3: month = strRes.getString("date_march_short"); break
-		case 4: month = strRes.getString("date_april_short"); break
-		case 5: month = strRes.getString("date_may_short"); break
-		case 6: month = strRes.getString("date_june_short"); break
-		case 7: month = strRes.getString("date_july_short"); break
-		case 8: month = strRes.getString("date_august_short"); break
-		case 9: month = strRes.getString("date_september_short"); break
-		case 10: month = strRes.getString("date_october_short"); break
-		case 11: month = strRes.getString("date_november_short"); break
-		case 12: month = strRes.getString("date_december_short"); break
-	}
-	var year = date.getYear() + 1900;
-	var date_str;
-	switch(format) {
-		case 0:
-			date_str = day + ", " + month + " " + dayOfMonth + ", " + year;
-			break
-		case 1:
-			date_str = monthNum + "/" + dayOfMonth + "/" + year;
-			break
-	}
-	var hours = date.getHours(), minutes = padout(date.getMinutes()), seconds = padout(date.getSeconds());
-	var adjhours, time_str;
-	if(twelveHourClock) {
-		adjhours = (hours == 0) ? 12 : ((hours < 13) ? hours : hours-12);
-		time_str = adjhours + ":" + minutes + ((hours < 12) ? " AM" : " PM");
-	} else {
-		time_str = hours + ":" + minutes;
-	}
-	return date_str + " " + time_str;
-var CommonFunc = {
-	RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID: "sage.folder_id",
-	USER_AGENT: "Mozilla/5.0 (Sage)",
-	USER_CSS_ENABLE: "sage.user_css.enable",
-	USER_CSS_PATH: "sage.user_css.path",
-	ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT: "sage.allow_encoded_content",
-	AUTO_FEED_TITLE: "sage.auto_feed_title",
-	RENDER_FEEDS: "sage.render_feeds",
-	TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK: "sage.twelve_hour_clock",
-	FEED_ITEM_ORDER: "sage.feed_item_order",
-	FEED_DISCOVERY_MODE: "sage.feed_discovery_mode",
-// ++++++++++ ++++++++++ Bookmark RDF ++++++++++ ++++++++++
-	BM_LAST_VISIT: 		"http://home.netscape.com/WEB-rdf#LastVisitDate",
-	BM_LAST_MODIFIED:	"http://home.netscape.com/WEB-rdf#LastModifiedDate",
-	BM_DESCRIPTION:		"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Description",
-	BM_NAME:			"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name",
-	BM_URL:				"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#URL",
-	STATUS_UPDATE: "updated",
-	STATUS_NO_UPDATE: "no-updated",
-	STATUS_UNKNOWN: "unknown",
-	STATUS_ERROR: "error",
-	STATUS_NO_CHECK: "no-check",
-	setBMDSProperty: function(aInput, aArcURI, aNewValue) {
-		var changed = false;
-		var aOldValue = this.getBMDSTargetByURL(aInput, aArcURI);		
-		if(typeof(aInput) == "string") {
-			aInput = RDF.GetResource(aInput);
-		}
-		if(typeof(aArcURI) == "string") {
-			aArcURI = RDF.GetResource(aArcURI);
-		}
-		if(typeof(aNewValue) == "string") {
-			aNewValue = RDF.GetLiteral(aNewValue);
-		} else if(typeof(aNewValue) == "number") {
-			aNewValue = RDF.GetIntLiteral(aNewValue);		
-		}
-		if(aArcURI && (aOldValue || aNewValue) && aOldValue != aNewValue) {
-			if(aOldValue && !aNewValue) {
-				BMDS.Unassert(aInput, aArcURI, aOldValue);
-			} else if(!aOldValue && aNewValue) {
-				BMDS.Assert(aInput, aArcURI, aNewValue, true);
-			} else /* if(aOldValue && aNewValue) */ {
-				BMDS.Change(aInput, aArcURI, aOldValue, aNewValue);
-			}
-			changed = true;
-		}
-		return changed;
-	},
-	getBMDSProperty: function(aInput, aArcURI){
-		if(typeof(aInput) == "string"){
-			aInput = RDF.GetResource(aInput);
-		}
-		if(typeof(aArcURI) == "string"){
-			aArcURI = RDF.GetResource(aArcURI);
-		}
-		return this.getBMDSTargetByURL(aInput, aArcURI).Value;
-	},
-	getBMDSTargetByURL: function(aInput, aArcURI){
-		if(typeof(aArcURI) == "string"){
-			aArcURI = RDF.GetResource(aArcURI);
-		}
-		var node = BMDS.GetTarget(aInput, aArcURI, true);
-		try{
-			return node.QueryInterface(kRDFRSCIID);
-		}catch(e){
-			try{
-				return node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDate);
-			}catch(e){
-				return node? node.QueryInterface(kRDFLITIID) : RDF.GetLiteral("");
-			}
-		}	
-	},
-	getBMDSCChildren: function(aResource){
-		if(typeof(aResource) == "string"){
-			aResource = RDF.GetResource(aResource);
-		}
-		var rdfContainer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"]
-								.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
-		rdfContainer.Init(BMDS, aResource);
-	   	var containerChildren = rdfContainer.GetElements();
-	   	var resultArray = new Array();
-	   	while(containerChildren.hasMoreElements()){
-		   	var res = containerChildren.getNext().QueryInterface(kRDFRSCIID);
-		   	if(RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, res)){
-		   		resultArray = resultArray.concat(this.getBMDSCChildren(res));
-		   	}else{
-			   	resultArray.push(res);
-			}
-	   	}
-		return resultArray;
-	},
-// ++++++++++ ++++++++++ CharCode ++++++++++ ++++++++++
-	convertCharCodeFrom: function(aString, aCharCode){
-		var UConvID = "@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter";
-		var UConvIF  = Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter;
-		var UConv = Components.classes[UConvID].getService(UConvIF);
-		var tmpString = "";
-		try{
-			UConv.charset = aCharCode;
-			tmpString = UConv.ConvertFromUnicode(aString);
-		}catch(e){
-			tmpString = null;
-		}
-		return tmpString;
-	},
-	// node ��̃e�L�X�g��Ԃ�
-	getInnerText: function(aNode) {
-		if(!aNode.hasChildNodes()) return "";
-		var resultArray = new Array();
-		var walker = aNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker(aNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
-		while(walker.nextNode()) {
-			resultArray.push(walker.currentNode.nodeValue);
-		}
-		return resultArray.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
-	},
-	loadText: function(aURI){
-		var	URI = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"]
-					.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
-		URI.spec = aURI;
-		var IOService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-		var channel = IOService.newChannelFromURI(URI);
-		var stream	= channel.open();
-		var scriptableStream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1']
-									.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
-		scriptableStream.init(stream);
-		var fileContents = scriptableStream.read(scriptableStream.available());
-		scriptableStream.close();
-		stream.close();
-		return fileContents;
-	},
-// ++++++++++ ++++++++++ preferences ++++++++++ ++++++++++
-		// 	preferences �̒l��������
-	setPrefValue : function(aPrefString, aPrefType, aValue){
-		var nsISupportsString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString;
-		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"]
-						.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
-		var prefType = xpPref.getPrefType(aPrefString);
-		try{
-			switch (aPrefType){
-				case "wstr":
-					var string = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/supports-string;1']
-									.createInstance(nsISupportsString);
-					string.data = aValue;
-					return xpPref.setComplexValue(aPrefString, nsISupportsString, string);
-					break;
-				case "str":
-					return xpPref.setCharPref(aPrefString, aValue);
-					break;
-				case "int":
-					aValue = parseInt(aValue); // ������𐮐��l�ɕϊ�
-					return xpPref.setIntPref(aPrefString, aValue);
-					break;
-				case "bool":
-				default:
-					if(typeof(aValue) == "string"){
-						aValue = (aValue == "true"); // �������^�U�l�ɕϊ�
-					}
-					return xpPref.setBoolPref(aPrefString, aValue);
-					break;
-			}
-		}catch(e){
-		}
-		return null;
-	},
-		// 	preferences �̒l��ǂݍ���
-	getPrefValue : function(aPrefString, aPrefType, aDefault){
-		var nsISupportsString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString;
-		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"]
-						.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
-		if(xpPref.getPrefType(aPrefString) == xpPref.PREF_INVALID){
-			return aDefault;
-		}
-		try{
-			switch (aPrefType){
-				case "wstr":
-					return xpPref.getComplexValue(aPrefString, nsISupportsString).data;
-					break;
-				case "str":
-					return xpPref.getCharPref(aPrefString).toString();
-					break;
-				case "int":
-					return xpPref.getIntPref(aPrefString);
-					break;
-				case "bool":
-				default:
-					return xpPref.getBoolPref(aPrefString);
-					break;
-			}
-		}catch(e){
-		}
-		return aDefault;
-	},
-		// preferences �̓�e�����
-	clearPref: function(aPrefString) {
-		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
-		try {
-			xpPref.clearUserPref(aPrefString);
-			return true;
-		} catch(e) {
-			return false;
-		}
-	},
-		// remove all preferences
-	removePrefs: function() {
-		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
-		var prefBranch = xpPref.getBranch("sage.");
-		try {
-			prefBranch.deleteBranch("");
-			return true;
-		} catch(e) {
-			return false;
-		}
-	},
-		// ����J�n����
-	addPrefListener: function(aPrefString, aFunc){
-		var prefObserver;
-		try {
-			prefObserver = {
-				domain: aPrefString,
-				observe: aFunc
-			};
-			var pbi = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
-			pbi.addObserver(prefObserver.domain, prefObserver, false);
-		} catch(e){
-			alert(e);
-			prefObserver = null; 
-		}
-		return prefObserver;
-	},
-	// ����I������
-	removePrefListener: function(aObserver){
-		var prefObserver;
-		try {
-			var pbi = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
-			pbi.removeObserver(aObserver.domain, aObserver);
-		} catch(e) {
-			alert(e)
-		}
-	}
+var aConsoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleService);
+function logMessage(message) {
+	aConsoleService.logStringMessage("Sage: " + message);
+function dateFormat(date, twelveHourClock, format) {
+	function padout(number) { return (number < 10) ? '0' + number : number; }
+	if(!format) {
+		format = 0;
+	}
+	var dayOfMonth = date.getDate();
+	var day;
+	switch (date.getDay()) {
+		case 0: day = strRes.getString("date_sunday_short"); break
+		case 1: day = strRes.getString("date_monday_short"); break
+		case 2: day = strRes.getString("date_tuesday_short"); break
+		case 3: day = strRes.getString("date_wednesday_short"); break
+		case 4: day = strRes.getString("date_thursday_short"); break
+		case 5: day = strRes.getString("date_friday_short"); break
+		case 6: day = strRes.getString("date_saturday_short"); break
+	}
+	var month, monthNum;
+	monthNum = date.getMonth() + 1;
+	switch (monthNum) {
+		case 1: month = strRes.getString("date_january_short"); break
+		case 2: month = strRes.getString("date_february_short"); break
+		case 3: month = strRes.getString("date_march_short"); break
+		case 4: month = strRes.getString("date_april_short"); break
+		case 5: month = strRes.getString("date_may_short"); break
+		case 6: month = strRes.getString("date_june_short"); break
+		case 7: month = strRes.getString("date_july_short"); break
+		case 8: month = strRes.getString("date_august_short"); break
+		case 9: month = strRes.getString("date_september_short"); break
+		case 10: month = strRes.getString("date_october_short"); break
+		case 11: month = strRes.getString("date_november_short"); break
+		case 12: month = strRes.getString("date_december_short"); break
+	}
+	var year = date.getYear() + 1900;
+	var date_str;
+	switch(format) {
+		case 0:
+			date_str = day + ", " + month + " " + dayOfMonth + ", " + year;
+			break
+		case 1:
+			date_str = monthNum + "/" + dayOfMonth + "/" + year;
+			break
+	}
+	var hours = date.getHours(), minutes = padout(date.getMinutes()), seconds = padout(date.getSeconds());
+	var adjhours, time_str;
+	if(twelveHourClock) {
+		adjhours = (hours == 0) ? 12 : ((hours < 13) ? hours : hours-12);
+		time_str = adjhours + ":" + minutes + ((hours < 12) ? " AM" : " PM");
+	} else {
+		time_str = hours + ":" + minutes;
+	}
+	return date_str + " " + time_str;
+var CommonFunc = {
+	RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID: "sage.folder_id",
+	USER_AGENT: "Mozilla/5.0 (Sage)",
+	USER_CSS_ENABLE: "sage.user_css.enable",
+	USER_CSS_PATH: "sage.user_css.path",
+	ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT: "sage.allow_encoded_content",
+	AUTO_FEED_TITLE: "sage.auto_feed_title",
+	RENDER_FEEDS: "sage.render_feeds",
+	TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK: "sage.twelve_hour_clock",
+	FEED_ITEM_ORDER: "sage.feed_item_order",
+	FEED_DISCOVERY_MODE: "sage.feed_discovery_mode",
+// ++++++++++ ++++++++++ Bookmark RDF ++++++++++ ++++++++++
+	BM_LAST_VISIT: 		"http://home.netscape.com/WEB-rdf#LastVisitDate",
+	BM_LAST_MODIFIED:	"http://home.netscape.com/WEB-rdf#LastModifiedDate",
+	BM_DESCRIPTION:		"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Description",
+	BM_NAME:			"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name",
+	BM_URL:				"http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#URL",
+	STATUS_UPDATE: "updated",
+	STATUS_NO_UPDATE: "no-updated",
+	STATUS_UNKNOWN: "unknown",
+	STATUS_ERROR: "error",
+	STATUS_NO_CHECK: "no-check",
+	setBMDSProperty: function(aInput, aArcURI, aNewValue) {
+		var changed = false;
+		var aOldValue = this.getBMDSTargetByURL(aInput, aArcURI);		
+		if(typeof(aInput) == "string") {
+			aInput = RDF.GetResource(aInput);
+		}
+		if(typeof(aArcURI) == "string") {
+			aArcURI = RDF.GetResource(aArcURI);
+		}
+		if(typeof(aNewValue) == "string") {
+			aNewValue = RDF.GetLiteral(aNewValue);
+		} else if(typeof(aNewValue) == "number") {
+			aNewValue = RDF.GetIntLiteral(aNewValue);		
+		}
+		if(aArcURI && (aOldValue || aNewValue) && aOldValue != aNewValue) {
+			if(aOldValue && !aNewValue) {
+				BMDS.Unassert(aInput, aArcURI, aOldValue);
+			} else if(!aOldValue && aNewValue) {
+				BMDS.Assert(aInput, aArcURI, aNewValue, true);
+			} else /* if(aOldValue && aNewValue) */ {
+				BMDS.Change(aInput, aArcURI, aOldValue, aNewValue);
+			}
+			changed = true;
+		}
+		return changed;
+	},
+	getBMDSProperty: function(aInput, aArcURI){
+		if(typeof(aInput) == "string"){
+			aInput = RDF.GetResource(aInput);
+		}
+		if(typeof(aArcURI) == "string"){
+			aArcURI = RDF.GetResource(aArcURI);
+		}
+		return this.getBMDSTargetByURL(aInput, aArcURI).Value;
+	},
+	getBMDSTargetByURL: function(aInput, aArcURI){
+		if(typeof(aArcURI) == "string"){
+			aArcURI = RDF.GetResource(aArcURI);
+		}
+		var node = BMDS.GetTarget(aInput, aArcURI, true);
+		try{
+			return node.QueryInterface(kRDFRSCIID);
+		}catch(e){
+			try{
+				return node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDate);
+			}catch(e){
+				return node? node.QueryInterface(kRDFLITIID) : RDF.GetLiteral("");
+			}
+		}	
+	},
+	getBMDSCChildren: function(aResource){
+		if(typeof(aResource) == "string"){
+			aResource = RDF.GetResource(aResource);
+		}
+		var rdfContainer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"]
+								.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
+		rdfContainer.Init(BMDS, aResource);
+	   	var containerChildren = rdfContainer.GetElements();
+	   	var resultArray = new Array();
+	   	while(containerChildren.hasMoreElements()){
+		   	var res = containerChildren.getNext().QueryInterface(kRDFRSCIID);
+		   	if(RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, res)){
+		   		resultArray = resultArray.concat(this.getBMDSCChildren(res));
+		   	}else{
+			   	resultArray.push(res);
+			}
+	   	}
+		return resultArray;
+	},
+// ++++++++++ ++++++++++ CharCode ++++++++++ ++++++++++
+	convertCharCodeFrom: function(aString, aCharCode){
+		var UConvID = "@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter";
+		var UConvIF  = Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter;
+		var UConv = Components.classes[UConvID].getService(UConvIF);
+		var tmpString = "";
+		try{
+			UConv.charset = aCharCode;
+			tmpString = UConv.ConvertFromUnicode(aString);
+		}catch(e){
+			tmpString = null;
+		}
+		return tmpString;
+	},
+	// node ��̃e�L�X�g��Ԃ�
+	getInnerText: function(aNode) {
+		if(!aNode.hasChildNodes()) return "";
+		var resultArray = new Array();
+		var walker = aNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker(aNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_CDATA_SECTION | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false);
+		while(walker.nextNode()) {
+			resultArray.push(walker.currentNode.nodeValue);
+		}
+		return resultArray.join('').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+	},
+	loadText: function(aURI){
+		var	URI = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1"]
+					.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
+		URI.spec = aURI;
+		var IOService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1']
+							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+		var channel = IOService.newChannelFromURI(URI);
+		var stream	= channel.open();
+		var scriptableStream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1']
+									.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
+		scriptableStream.init(stream);
+		var fileContents = scriptableStream.read(scriptableStream.available());
+		scriptableStream.close();
+		stream.close();
+		return fileContents;
+	},
+// ++++++++++ ++++++++++ preferences ++++++++++ ++++++++++
+		// 	preferences �̒l��������
+	setPrefValue : function(aPrefString, aPrefType, aValue){
+		var nsISupportsString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString;
+		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"]
+						.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+		var prefType = xpPref.getPrefType(aPrefString);
+		try{
+			switch (aPrefType){
+				case "wstr":
+					var string = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/supports-string;1']
+									.createInstance(nsISupportsString);
+					string.data = aValue;
+					return xpPref.setComplexValue(aPrefString, nsISupportsString, string);
+					break;
+				case "str":
+					return xpPref.setCharPref(aPrefString, aValue);
+					break;
+				case "int":
+					aValue = parseInt(aValue); // ������𐮐��l�ɕϊ�
+					return xpPref.setIntPref(aPrefString, aValue);
+					break;
+				case "bool":
+				default:
+					if(typeof(aValue) == "string"){
+						aValue = (aValue == "true"); // �������^�U�l�ɕϊ�
+					}
+					return xpPref.setBoolPref(aPrefString, aValue);
+					break;
+			}
+		}catch(e){
+		}
+		return null;
+	},
+		// 	preferences �̒l��ǂݍ���
+	getPrefValue : function(aPrefString, aPrefType, aDefault){
+		var nsISupportsString = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString;
+		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"]
+						.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+		if(xpPref.getPrefType(aPrefString) == xpPref.PREF_INVALID){
+			return aDefault;
+		}
+		try{
+			switch (aPrefType){
+				case "wstr":
+					return xpPref.getComplexValue(aPrefString, nsISupportsString).data;
+					break;
+				case "str":
+					return xpPref.getCharPref(aPrefString).toString();
+					break;
+				case "int":
+					return xpPref.getIntPref(aPrefString);
+					break;
+				case "bool":
+				default:
+					return xpPref.getBoolPref(aPrefString);
+					break;
+			}
+		}catch(e){
+		}
+		return aDefault;
+	},
+		// preferences �̓�e�����
+	clearPref: function(aPrefString) {
+		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+		try {
+			xpPref.clearUserPref(aPrefString);
+			return true;
+		} catch(e) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	},
+		// remove all preferences
+	removePrefs: function() {
+		var xpPref = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPref);
+		var prefBranch = xpPref.getBranch("sage.");
+		try {
+			prefBranch.deleteBranch("");
+			return true;
+		} catch(e) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	},
+		// ����J�n����
+	addPrefListener: function(aPrefString, aFunc){
+		var prefObserver;
+		try {
+			prefObserver = {
+				domain: aPrefString,
+				observe: aFunc
+			};
+			var pbi = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
+			pbi.addObserver(prefObserver.domain, prefObserver, false);
+		} catch(e){
+			alert(e);
+			prefObserver = null; 
+		}
+		return prefObserver;
+	},
+	// ����I������
+	removePrefListener: function(aObserver){
+		var prefObserver;
+		try {
+			var pbi = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
+			pbi.removeObserver(aObserver.domain, aObserver);
+		} catch(e) {
+			alert(e)
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/sage/content/createhtml.js b/src/sage/content/createhtml.js
index bf25306..1ffcb39 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/createhtml.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/createhtml.js
@@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
-var CreateHTML = {
-	HTML_SOURCE: CommonFunc.loadText("chrome://sage/content/res/template-html.txt"),
-	ITEM_SOURCE: CommonFunc.loadText("chrome://sage/content/res/template-item.txt"),
-	DEFAULT_CSS: "chrome://sage/content/res/sage.css",
-	_tabbed: false,
-	set tabbed(aValue){ this._tabbed = aValue },
-	openHTML: function(feed) {
-		if(!feed) return;
-		try {
-			var htmlURL = this.createHTML(feed);
-			if(this._tabbed) {
-				getContentBrowser().addTab(htmlURL);
-			} else {
-				getContentBrowser().loadURI(htmlURL);
-			}
-		} catch(e) {}
-	},
-	createHTML: function(feed) {
-		var tmpFile = this.getSpecialDir("UChrm");
-		tmpFile.appendRelativePath("sage.html");
-		var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-		var xmlFilePath = ioService.newFileURI(tmpFile).spec;
-		if(tmpFile.exists()) {
-			tmpFile.remove(true);
-		}
-		tmpFile.create(tmpFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
-		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1']
-						.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
-		stream.init(tmpFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
-		var content = this.createHTMLSource(feed);
-		stream.write(content, content.length);
-		stream.flush();
-		stream.close();
-		return xmlFilePath;
-	},
-	getUserCssURL: function() {
-		var userCssEnable = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", false);
-		var userCssPath = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", "");
-		if(!userCssEnable || !userCssPath) return null;
-		var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-		var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1']
-							.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-		try {		
-			tmpFile.initWithPath(userCssPath);
-			var cssUrl = ioService.newFileURI(tmpFile);
-			var contentType = ioService.newChannelFromURI(cssUrl).contentType;
-			if(contentType != "text/css") return null;
-			return cssUrl.spec;
-		} catch(e) {
-			return null;
-		}
-	},
-	createHTMLSource: function(feed) {
-		var allowEContent = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", true);
-		var twelveHourClock = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK, "bool", false);
-		var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-		var htmlSource = this.HTML_SOURCE;
-		var cssUrl	= this.getUserCssURL();
-		if(cssUrl) {
-			htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**CSSURL**", cssUrl);
-		} else {
-			htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**CSSURL**", this.DEFAULT_CSS);
-		}
-		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**HTMLTITLE**", feed.getTitle());
-		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**TITLE**", feed.getTitle());
-		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace(/\*\*LINK\*\*/g, feed.getLink());
-		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**DESCRIPTION**", feed.getDescription());
-		var itemsSource = "";
-		var items = feed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
-		for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
-			var link = items[i].getLink();
-			var title = items[i].getTitle();
-			var description = "";
-			var pubDate = "";
-			if(items[i].hasContent()) {
-				description = allowEContent ? items[i].getContent() : htmlToText(items[i].getContent());
-				description = "<div class=\"item-desc\">" + description + "</div>";
-			}
-			if(items[i].hasPubDate()) {
-				pubDate = "<div class=\"item-pubDate\">" + dateFormat(items[i].getPubDate(), twelveHourClock) + "</div>";
-			}
-			var itemSource = this.ITEM_SOURCE;
-			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**NUMBER**", i+1);
-			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**LINK**", link);
-			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**TECHNORATI**", encodeURIComponent(link));
-			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**TITLE**", title);
-			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**DESCRIPTION**", description);
-			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**PUBDATE**", pubDate);
-			itemsSource += itemSource;
-		}
-		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**ITEMS**", itemsSource);
-		return CommonFunc.convertCharCodeFrom(htmlSource, "UTF-8");
-	},
-	getSpecialDir: function(aProp) {
-		var dirService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
-		return dirService.get(aProp, Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-	}
+var CreateHTML = {
+	HTML_SOURCE: CommonFunc.loadText("chrome://sage/content/res/template-html.txt"),
+	ITEM_SOURCE: CommonFunc.loadText("chrome://sage/content/res/template-item.txt"),
+	DEFAULT_CSS: "chrome://sage/content/res/sage.css",
+	_tabbed: false,
+	set tabbed(aValue){ this._tabbed = aValue },
+	openHTML: function(feed) {
+		if(!feed) return;
+		try {
+			var htmlURL = this.createHTML(feed);
+			if(this._tabbed) {
+				getContentBrowser().addTab(htmlURL);
+			} else {
+				getContentBrowser().loadURI(htmlURL);
+			}
+		} catch(e) {}
+	},
+	createHTML: function(feed) {
+		var tmpFile = this.getSpecialDir("UChrm");
+		tmpFile.appendRelativePath("sage.html");
+		var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
+							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+		var xmlFilePath = ioService.newFileURI(tmpFile).spec;
+		if(tmpFile.exists()) {
+			tmpFile.remove(true);
+		}
+		tmpFile.create(tmpFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
+		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1']
+						.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
+		stream.init(tmpFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
+		var content = this.createHTMLSource(feed);
+		stream.write(content, content.length);
+		stream.flush();
+		stream.close();
+		return xmlFilePath;
+	},
+	getUserCssURL: function() {
+		var userCssEnable = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", false);
+		var userCssPath = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", "");
+		if(!userCssEnable || !userCssPath) return null;
+		var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
+							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+		var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1']
+							.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+		try {		
+			tmpFile.initWithPath(userCssPath);
+			var cssUrl = ioService.newFileURI(tmpFile);
+			var contentType = ioService.newChannelFromURI(cssUrl).contentType;
+			if(contentType != "text/css") return null;
+			return cssUrl.spec;
+		} catch(e) {
+			return null;
+		}
+	},
+	createHTMLSource: function(feed) {
+		var allowEContent = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", true);
+		var twelveHourClock = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK, "bool", false);
+		var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+		var htmlSource = this.HTML_SOURCE;
+		var cssUrl	= this.getUserCssURL();
+		if(cssUrl) {
+			htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**CSSURL**", cssUrl);
+		} else {
+			htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**CSSURL**", this.DEFAULT_CSS);
+		}
+		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**HTMLTITLE**", feed.getTitle());
+		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**TITLE**", feed.getTitle());
+		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace(/\*\*LINK\*\*/g, feed.getLink());
+		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**DESCRIPTION**", feed.getDescription());
+		var itemsSource = "";
+		var items = feed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
+		for(var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+			var link = items[i].getLink();
+			var title = items[i].getTitle();
+			var description = "";
+			var pubDate = "";
+			if(items[i].hasContent()) {
+				description = allowEContent ? items[i].getContent() : htmlToText(items[i].getContent());
+				description = "<div class=\"item-desc\">" + description + "</div>";
+			}
+			if(items[i].hasPubDate()) {
+				pubDate = "<div class=\"item-pubDate\">" + dateFormat(items[i].getPubDate(), twelveHourClock) + "</div>";
+			}
+			var itemSource = this.ITEM_SOURCE;
+			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**NUMBER**", i+1);
+			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**LINK**", link);
+			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**TECHNORATI**", encodeURIComponent(link));
+			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**TITLE**", title);
+			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**DESCRIPTION**", description);
+			itemSource = itemSource.replace("**PUBDATE**", pubDate);
+			itemsSource += itemSource;
+		}
+		htmlSource = htmlSource.replace("**ITEMS**", itemsSource);
+		return CommonFunc.convertCharCodeFrom(htmlSource, "UTF-8");
+	},
+	getSpecialDir: function(aProp) {
+		var dirService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
+		return dirService.get(aProp, Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/getrsstitle.js b/src/sage/content/getrsstitle.js
index 9e2346d..666797b 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/getrsstitle.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/getrsstitle.js
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-var GetRssTitle = {
-	checking: false,
-	httpReq: null,
-	res: null,
-	url: "",
-	getRssTitle: function(aBookmrkID){
-		if(this.checking) return;
-		this.res = RDF.GetResource(aBookmrkID);
-		this.url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.res, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
-		this.httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
-		this.httpReq.onload = this.httpLoaded;
-		this.httpReq.onreadystatechange = this.httpReadyStateChange;
-		this.httpReq.open("GET", this.url);
-		this.httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
-		this.httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
-		try {
-			this.httpReq.send(null);
-		} catch(e) {
-				// FAILURE
-			this.httpReq.abort();
-			this.checking = false;
-		}
-	},
-	httpReadyStateChange: function() {
-		if(GetRssTitle.httpReq.readyState == 2) {
-			try {
-				GetRssTitle.httpReq.status;
-			} catch(e) {
-				GetRssTitle.httpReq.abort();
-				GetRssTitle.checking = false;
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	httpLoaded: function() {
-		this.checking = false;
-		var feed = new Feed(GetRssTitle.httpReq.responseXML);
-		var rssTitle = feed.getTitle();
-		if(!rssTitle) return;
-		var prompt = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
-		var resultValue = { value: rssTitle };
-		var result = prompt.prompt(window, "Sage", strRes.getString("get_feed_title"), resultValue, null, {});
-		if(result) {
-			CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(GetRssTitle.res, CommonFunc.BM_NAME, resultValue.value);
-		}
-	}
+var GetRssTitle = {
+	checking: false,
+	httpReq: null,
+	res: null,
+	url: "",
+	getRssTitle: function(aBookmrkID){
+		if(this.checking) return;
+		this.res = RDF.GetResource(aBookmrkID);
+		this.url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.res, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
+		this.httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
+		this.httpReq.onload = this.httpLoaded;
+		this.httpReq.onreadystatechange = this.httpReadyStateChange;
+		this.httpReq.open("GET", this.url);
+		this.httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
+		this.httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
+		try {
+			this.httpReq.send(null);
+		} catch(e) {
+				// FAILURE
+			this.httpReq.abort();
+			this.checking = false;
+		}
+	},
+	httpReadyStateChange: function() {
+		if(GetRssTitle.httpReq.readyState == 2) {
+			try {
+				GetRssTitle.httpReq.status;
+			} catch(e) {
+				GetRssTitle.httpReq.abort();
+				GetRssTitle.checking = false;
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	httpLoaded: function() {
+		this.checking = false;
+		var feed = new Feed(GetRssTitle.httpReq.responseXML);
+		var rssTitle = feed.getTitle();
+		if(!rssTitle) return;
+		var prompt = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService);
+		var resultValue = { value: rssTitle };
+		var result = prompt.prompt(window, "Sage", strRes.getString("get_feed_title"), resultValue, null, {});
+		if(result) {
+			CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(GetRssTitle.res, CommonFunc.BM_NAME, resultValue.value);
+		}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/opml/opml.js b/src/sage/content/opml/opml.js
index cb881aa..7c03b02 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/opml/opml.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/opml/opml.js
@@ -1,274 +1,274 @@
-const WIZ_MODE_IMPORT = 0;
-const WIZ_MODE_EXPORT = 1;
-var wizMode = WIZ_MODE_IMPORT;
-	// XUL Object
-var winMain;
-var txtImportFile;
-var txtExportFile;
-var strRes;
-function init() {
-		// Bookmarks Service
-	initServices();
-	initBMService();
-	strRes = document.getElementById("strRes");
-	winMain = document.getElementById("winMain");
-	txtImportFile = document.getElementById("txtImportFile");
-	txtExportFile = document.getElementById("txtExportFile");
-function finish() {
-	if(wizMode == WIZ_MODE_IMPORT) {
-		if(!checkFilePath(txtImportFile.value, true)) return false;
-		if(!importOPML()) return false;
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_import_done"));
-	} else {
-		if(!checkFilePath(txtExportFile.value, false)) return false;
-		exportOPML();
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_export_done"));
-	}
-	return true;
-function browseImportFile() {
-	var fpicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
-	fpicker.init(window, "Select OPML File", fpicker.modeOpen);
-	fpicker.appendFilter("OPML File(*.xml, *.opml)", "*.xml;*.opml");
-	fpicker.appendFilters(fpicker.filterAll);
-	var showResult = fpicker.show();
-	if(showResult == fpicker.returnOK) {
-		txtImportFile.value = fpicker.file.path;	
-	}
-function browseExportFile() {
-	var fpicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
-	fpicker.init(window, strRes.getString("opml_select_file"), fpicker.modeSave);
-	fpicker.appendFilter(strRes.getString("opml_opml_file") + "(*.xml, *.opml)", "*.xml;*.opml");
-	fpicker.appendFilters(fpicker.filterAll);
-	fpicker.defaultString = "export.opml";
-	var showResult = fpicker.show();
-	if(showResult == fpicker.returnOK || showResult == fpicker.returnReplace) {
-		txtExportFile.value = fpicker.file.path;	
-	}
-function checkFilePath(aFilePath, aExistCheck) {
-	if(!aFilePath) {
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_path_blank"));
-		return false;
-	}
-	var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-	try {
-		tmpFile.initWithPath(aFilePath);
-		if(aExistCheck) {
-			if(!tmpFile.exists()) {
-					// �t�@�C�������݂��Ȃ�
-				alert(strRes.getString("opml_path_nofile"));
-				return false;
-			}
-		}
-	} catch(e) {
-			// �s���ȃt�@�C���p�X
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_path_invalid"));
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-// ********** ********** Import OPML ********** **********
-function importOPML() {
-	var uriFixup = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup);
-	var opmlUrl = uriFixup.createFixupURI(txtImportFile.value, uriFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_ALLOW_KEYWORD_LOOKUP);
-	var httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
-	try {
-		httpReq.open("GET", opmlUrl.spec, false);
-		httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
-		httpReq.send(null);
-	} catch(e) {
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_import_fail"));
-		return false;
-	}
-	opmlDoc = httpReq.responseXML;
-	if(opmlDoc.documentElement.localName != "opml") {
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_import_badfile"));
-		return false;
-	}
-	var rssReaderFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	var folderName = "OPML Import";
-	var opmlTitles = opmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title");
-	if(opmlTitles.length > 0) {
-		var opmlTitle = CommonFunc.getInnerText(opmlTitles[0]);
-		folderName += " - " + opmlTitle;
-	}
-	var rootFolder = BMSVC.createFolderInContainer(folderName, RDF.GetResource(rssReaderFolderID), 1);
-	var treeWalker = opmlDoc.createTreeWalker(opmlDoc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, outlineFilter, true);
-	while(treeWalker.nextNode()) {
-		var cNode = treeWalker.currentNode;
-		var pNode = cNode.parentNode;
-		var parentFolder = ("_folder" in pNode) ? pNode._folder : rootFolder;
-		if(cNode.hasChildNodes()) {
-			var title = cNode.getAttribute("title");
-			if(!title) title = cNode.getAttribute("text");
-			if(!title) title = "folder";
-			cNode._folder = BMSVC.createFolderInContainer(title, parentFolder, null);
-		} else {
-			createRssItem(cNode, parentFolder);
-		}
-	}
-		// �u�b�N�}�[�N�̕ۑ�
-	BookmarksUtils.flushDataSource();
-	return true;
-function outlineFilter(aNode) {
-	if(aNode.localName == "outline") {
-		return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
-	} else {
-		return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
-	}
-function createRssItem(aOutlineNode, aRssFolder) {
-	var type = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("type");
-	var title = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("title");
-	if(!title) title = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("text");
-	if(aOutlineNode.hasAttribute("xmlUrl")) {
-		var xmlUrl = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("xmlUrl");
-	} else {
-		var xmlUrl = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("xmlurl");
-	}
-	if(type!="rss" && !title && xmlUrl) return;
-	if(BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer.length == 7) { // firefox 0.8 and lower
-		BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer(title, xmlUrl, null, "no-updated", null, aRssFolder, null);
-	} else {
-		BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer(title, xmlUrl, null, "no-updated", null, null, aRssFolder, null);
-	}
-// ********** ********** Export OPML ********** **********
-function exportOPML() {
-	var opmlSource = createOpmlSource();
-	opmlSource = CommonFunc.convertCharCodeFrom(opmlSource, "UTF-8");
-	var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-	try {
-		tmpFile.initWithPath(txtExportFile.value);
-		if(tmpFile.exists()) {
-			tmpFile.remove(true);
-		}
-		tmpFile.create(tmpFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
-		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
-		stream.init(tmpFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
-		stream.write(opmlSource, opmlSource.length);
-		stream.flush();
-		stream.close();
-	} catch(e) {
-		alert(strRes.getString("opml_export_nocreate"));
-	}
-function createOpmlSource() {
-	var rssReaderFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID,"str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	var rssReaderFolderRes = RDF.GetResource(rssReaderFolderID);
-	var srcTemplate =  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
-	srcTemplate += '<opml version="1.0">';
-	srcTemplate += '<head><title>RSS Reader Panel Export OPML</title></head>';
-	srcTemplate += '<body/></opml>';
-	var opmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(srcTemplate, "text/xml");
-	var opmlBody = opmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
-	opmlBody.appendChild(createOpmlOutline(opmlDoc, rssReaderFolderRes));
-	xmlIndent(opmlDoc);
-	var opmlSource = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(opmlDoc);
-	return opmlSource;
-function createOpmlOutline(aOpmlDoc, aRssItem) {
-	var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(aRssItem, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
-	var title = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(aRssItem, CommonFunc.BM_NAME);
-	var isContainer = RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, aRssItem);
-	var outlineNode = aOpmlDoc.createElement("outline");
-	if(isContainer) {
-		outlineNode.setAttribute("text", title);
-		var rdfContainer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
-		rdfContainer.Init(BMDS, aRssItem);
-		var containerChildren = rdfContainer.GetElements();
-		while(containerChildren.hasMoreElements()) {
-			var res = containerChildren.getNext().QueryInterface(kRDFRSCIID);
-			outlineNode.appendChild(createOpmlOutline(aOpmlDoc, res));
-		}
-	} else {
-		outlineNode.setAttribute("type", "rss");
-		outlineNode.setAttribute("text", title);
-		outlineNode.setAttribute("title", title);
-		outlineNode.setAttribute("xmlUrl", url);
-	}
-	return outlineNode;
-	// XML �\�[�X�̃C���f���g
-function xmlIndent(aDoc) {
-	var treeWalker = aDoc.createTreeWalker(aDoc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, true);
-	aDoc._depth = 0;
-	while(treeWalker.nextNode()) {
-		var cNode = treeWalker.currentNode;
-		var pNode = cNode.parentNode;
-		var tmpTextNode;
-		if(pNode) {
-			cNode._depth = pNode._depth + 1;
-			if(cNode == aDoc.documentElement) continue;
-			tmpTextNode = aDoc.createTextNode("\n" + getIndent(cNode._depth));
-			pNode.insertBefore(tmpTextNode, cNode);
-		}
-		if(!cNode.nextSibling) {
-			tmpTextNode = aDoc.createTextNode("\n" + getIndent(cNode._depth - 1));
-			pNode.appendChild(tmpTextNode);
-		}
-	}
-	function getIndent(aDepth) {
-		var result = new Array(aDepth);
-		return result.join("\t");
-	}
+const WIZ_MODE_IMPORT = 0;
+const WIZ_MODE_EXPORT = 1;
+var wizMode = WIZ_MODE_IMPORT;
+	// XUL Object
+var winMain;
+var txtImportFile;
+var txtExportFile;
+var strRes;
+function init() {
+		// Bookmarks Service
+	initServices();
+	initBMService();
+	strRes = document.getElementById("strRes");
+	winMain = document.getElementById("winMain");
+	txtImportFile = document.getElementById("txtImportFile");
+	txtExportFile = document.getElementById("txtExportFile");
+function finish() {
+	if(wizMode == WIZ_MODE_IMPORT) {
+		if(!checkFilePath(txtImportFile.value, true)) return false;
+		if(!importOPML()) return false;
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_import_done"));
+	} else {
+		if(!checkFilePath(txtExportFile.value, false)) return false;
+		exportOPML();
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_export_done"));
+	}
+	return true;
+function browseImportFile() {
+	var fpicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
+	fpicker.init(window, "Select OPML File", fpicker.modeOpen);
+	fpicker.appendFilter("OPML File(*.xml, *.opml)", "*.xml;*.opml");
+	fpicker.appendFilters(fpicker.filterAll);
+	var showResult = fpicker.show();
+	if(showResult == fpicker.returnOK) {
+		txtImportFile.value = fpicker.file.path;	
+	}
+function browseExportFile() {
+	var fpicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
+	fpicker.init(window, strRes.getString("opml_select_file"), fpicker.modeSave);
+	fpicker.appendFilter(strRes.getString("opml_opml_file") + "(*.xml, *.opml)", "*.xml;*.opml");
+	fpicker.appendFilters(fpicker.filterAll);
+	fpicker.defaultString = "export.opml";
+	var showResult = fpicker.show();
+	if(showResult == fpicker.returnOK || showResult == fpicker.returnReplace) {
+		txtExportFile.value = fpicker.file.path;	
+	}
+function checkFilePath(aFilePath, aExistCheck) {
+	if(!aFilePath) {
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_path_blank"));
+		return false;
+	}
+	var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+	try {
+		tmpFile.initWithPath(aFilePath);
+		if(aExistCheck) {
+			if(!tmpFile.exists()) {
+					// �t�@�C�������݂��Ȃ�
+				alert(strRes.getString("opml_path_nofile"));
+				return false;
+			}
+		}
+	} catch(e) {
+			// �s���ȃt�@�C���p�X
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_path_invalid"));
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+// ********** ********** Import OPML ********** **********
+function importOPML() {
+	var uriFixup = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup);
+	var opmlUrl = uriFixup.createFixupURI(txtImportFile.value, uriFixup.FIXUP_FLAG_ALLOW_KEYWORD_LOOKUP);
+	var httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
+	try {
+		httpReq.open("GET", opmlUrl.spec, false);
+		httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
+		httpReq.send(null);
+	} catch(e) {
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_import_fail"));
+		return false;
+	}
+	opmlDoc = httpReq.responseXML;
+	if(opmlDoc.documentElement.localName != "opml") {
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_import_badfile"));
+		return false;
+	}
+	var rssReaderFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	var folderName = "OPML Import";
+	var opmlTitles = opmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title");
+	if(opmlTitles.length > 0) {
+		var opmlTitle = CommonFunc.getInnerText(opmlTitles[0]);
+		folderName += " - " + opmlTitle;
+	}
+	var rootFolder = BMSVC.createFolderInContainer(folderName, RDF.GetResource(rssReaderFolderID), 1);
+	var treeWalker = opmlDoc.createTreeWalker(opmlDoc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, outlineFilter, true);
+	while(treeWalker.nextNode()) {
+		var cNode = treeWalker.currentNode;
+		var pNode = cNode.parentNode;
+		var parentFolder = ("_folder" in pNode) ? pNode._folder : rootFolder;
+		if(cNode.hasChildNodes()) {
+			var title = cNode.getAttribute("title");
+			if(!title) title = cNode.getAttribute("text");
+			if(!title) title = "folder";
+			cNode._folder = BMSVC.createFolderInContainer(title, parentFolder, null);
+		} else {
+			createRssItem(cNode, parentFolder);
+		}
+	}
+		// �u�b�N�}�[�N�̕ۑ�
+	BookmarksUtils.flushDataSource();
+	return true;
+function outlineFilter(aNode) {
+	if(aNode.localName == "outline") {
+		return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
+	} else {
+		return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
+	}
+function createRssItem(aOutlineNode, aRssFolder) {
+	var type = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("type");
+	var title = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("title");
+	if(!title) title = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("text");
+	if(aOutlineNode.hasAttribute("xmlUrl")) {
+		var xmlUrl = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("xmlUrl");
+	} else {
+		var xmlUrl = aOutlineNode.getAttribute("xmlurl");
+	}
+	if(type!="rss" && !title && xmlUrl) return;
+	if(BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer.length == 7) { // firefox 0.8 and lower
+		BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer(title, xmlUrl, null, "no-updated", null, aRssFolder, null);
+	} else {
+		BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer(title, xmlUrl, null, "no-updated", null, null, aRssFolder, null);
+	}
+// ********** ********** Export OPML ********** **********
+function exportOPML() {
+	var opmlSource = createOpmlSource();
+	opmlSource = CommonFunc.convertCharCodeFrom(opmlSource, "UTF-8");
+	var tmpFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+	try {
+		tmpFile.initWithPath(txtExportFile.value);
+		if(tmpFile.exists()) {
+			tmpFile.remove(true);
+		}
+		tmpFile.create(tmpFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
+		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
+		stream.init(tmpFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
+		stream.write(opmlSource, opmlSource.length);
+		stream.flush();
+		stream.close();
+	} catch(e) {
+		alert(strRes.getString("opml_export_nocreate"));
+	}
+function createOpmlSource() {
+	var rssReaderFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID,"str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	var rssReaderFolderRes = RDF.GetResource(rssReaderFolderID);
+	var srcTemplate =  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
+	srcTemplate += '<opml version="1.0">';
+	srcTemplate += '<head><title>RSS Reader Panel Export OPML</title></head>';
+	srcTemplate += '<body/></opml>';
+	var opmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(srcTemplate, "text/xml");
+	var opmlBody = opmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
+	opmlBody.appendChild(createOpmlOutline(opmlDoc, rssReaderFolderRes));
+	xmlIndent(opmlDoc);
+	var opmlSource = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(opmlDoc);
+	return opmlSource;
+function createOpmlOutline(aOpmlDoc, aRssItem) {
+	var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(aRssItem, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
+	var title = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(aRssItem, CommonFunc.BM_NAME);
+	var isContainer = RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, aRssItem);
+	var outlineNode = aOpmlDoc.createElement("outline");
+	if(isContainer) {
+		outlineNode.setAttribute("text", title);
+		var rdfContainer = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
+		rdfContainer.Init(BMDS, aRssItem);
+		var containerChildren = rdfContainer.GetElements();
+		while(containerChildren.hasMoreElements()) {
+			var res = containerChildren.getNext().QueryInterface(kRDFRSCIID);
+			outlineNode.appendChild(createOpmlOutline(aOpmlDoc, res));
+		}
+	} else {
+		outlineNode.setAttribute("type", "rss");
+		outlineNode.setAttribute("text", title);
+		outlineNode.setAttribute("title", title);
+		outlineNode.setAttribute("xmlUrl", url);
+	}
+	return outlineNode;
+	// XML �\�[�X�̃C���f���g
+function xmlIndent(aDoc) {
+	var treeWalker = aDoc.createTreeWalker(aDoc, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, null, true);
+	aDoc._depth = 0;
+	while(treeWalker.nextNode()) {
+		var cNode = treeWalker.currentNode;
+		var pNode = cNode.parentNode;
+		var tmpTextNode;
+		if(pNode) {
+			cNode._depth = pNode._depth + 1;
+			if(cNode == aDoc.documentElement) continue;
+			tmpTextNode = aDoc.createTextNode("\n" + getIndent(cNode._depth));
+			pNode.insertBefore(tmpTextNode, cNode);
+		}
+		if(!cNode.nextSibling) {
+			tmpTextNode = aDoc.createTextNode("\n" + getIndent(cNode._depth - 1));
+			pNode.appendChild(tmpTextNode);
+		}
+	}
+	function getIndent(aDepth) {
+		var result = new Array(aDepth);
+		return result.join("\t");
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 44f34ea..e8ca895 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/opml/opml.xul
+++ b/src/sage/content/opml/opml.xul
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
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index 28a6d83..f49a3b6 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/popupex.xml
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@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
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+			while(popupExDescBox.hasChildNodes()){
+				popupExDescBox.removeChild(popupExDescBox.firstChild);
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+			if(val == ""){
+				return val;
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+			var popupDesc = document.createElementNS( XUL_NS, "label" );
+			popupDesc.appendChild( document.createTextNode(val) )
+			popupExDescBox.appendChild( popupDesc );
+			return val;
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 6e08079..bace357 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/res/sage.css
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 215b94b..fbca639 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/res/template-html.txt
+++ b/src/sage/content/res/template-html.txt
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-	**ITEMS**
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+	**ITEMS**
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/res/template-item.txt b/src/sage/content/res/template-item.txt
index 3c9cdfd..b973368 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/res/template-item.txt
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-	<div class="item">
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-		**PUBDATE**
-		<div class="item-technorati"><a href="http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?url=**TECHNORATI**" title="Technorati Trackback"><img src="chrome://sage/skin/technorati.gif" border="0"></a></div>
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+			<span class="item-ordinal">**NUMBER**.</span>
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+		**PUBDATE**
+		<div class="item-technorati"><a href="http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?url=**TECHNORATI**" title="Technorati Trackback"><img src="chrome://sage/skin/technorati.gif" border="0"></a></div>
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index 51e4d93..342ef66 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/sage-Overlay.xul
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index 3904315..29521a0 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/sage.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/sage.js
@@ -1,785 +1,785 @@
-const USER_AGENT = CommonFunc.USER_AGENT;
-const RESULT_OK = 0;
-const RESULT_NOT_RSS = 2;
-const RESULT_NOT_FOUND = 3;
-var resultStrArray = null;
-	// XUL Object
-var strRes, bmStrRes; // stringbundle Object
-var bookmarksTree;
-var rssItemListBox;
-var rssStatusImage;
-var rssStatusLabel;
-var rssTitleLabel;
-var rssItemToolTip;
-var currentFeed;
-var httpReq;
-var prefObserverSageFolder;
-var responseXML;
-var lastResource;
-var rssLoading = false;
-var sageFolderID = "";
-var enableTooltip = true;
-var popupTimeoutId=0;
-function init() {
-	bookmarksTree = document.getElementById("bookmarksTree");
-	rssItemListBox = document.getElementById("rssItemListBox");
-	rssStatusImage = document.getElementById("rssStatusImage");
-	rssStatusLabel = document.getElementById("rssStatusLabel");
-	rssTitleLabel = document.getElementById("rssTitleLabel");
-	rssItemToolTip = document.getElementById("rssItemToolTip");
-	strRes = document.getElementById("strRes");
-	bmStrRes = document.getElementById("bmStrRes");
-	resultStrArray = new Array(
-		strRes.getString("RESULT_OK_STR"),
-		strRes.getString("RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR"),
-		strRes.getString("RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR"),
-		strRes.getString("RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR"),
-		strRes.getString("RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR"),
-		strRes.getString("RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR")
-	);
-	// if feed folder has not been set, assume new user and install default feed folder and demo feeds
-	if(!CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", null)) {
-		logMessage("setting default preferences...");
-		var new_folder = BMSVC.createFolderInContainer("Sage Feeds", RDF.GetResource("NC:BookmarksRoot"), null);
-		CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", new_folder.Value);
-		if(BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer.length == 7) { // firefox 0.8 and lower
-			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition", "http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_world_edition/front_page/rss091.xml", null, "updated", null, new_folder, null);
-			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Yahoo! News - Sports", "http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/sports", null, "updated", null, new_folder, null);
-			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Sage Project News", "http://sage.mozdev.org/rss.xml", null, "updated", null, new_folder, null);
-		} else {
-			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition", "http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_world_edition/front_page/rss091.xml", null, "updated", null, null, new_folder, null);
-			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Yahoo! News - Sports", "http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/sports", null, "updated", null, null, new_folder, null);
-			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Sage Project News", "http://sage.mozdev.org/rss.xml", null, "updated", null, null, new_folder, null);
-		}
-		setCheckbox("chkShowSearchBar", "false");
-		setCheckbox("chkShowTooltip", "true");
-		setCheckbox("chkShowFeedItemList", "true");
-	}
-	// get feed folder location
-	sageFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	// check for changes to the feed folder
-	prefObserverSageFolder = CommonFunc.addPrefListener(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, sageFolderChanged);
-	// set feed folder location
-	bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", sageFolderID);
-	// select first entry
-	bookmarksTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(0);
-	FeedSearch.init();
-	toggleShowSearchBar();
-	toggleShowFeedItemList();
-	logMessage("initialized");
-function discoverFeeds() {
-	window.openDialog("chrome://sage/contents/discover_feeds.xul", "sage_discover_feeds", "chrome,modal,close", bookmarksTree);
-// TODO: This does not work in 0.9.x since the implementation for smart bookmarks
-//       has been removed. Too bad because this feature was really nice
-function showOnlyUpdated() {
-	if(getCheckboxCheck("chkOnlyUpdate")) {
-		var findURL = "find:datasource=rdf:bookmarks&match=";
-			findURL += CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION;
-			findURL += "&method=is&text=updated";
-		bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", findURL);
-	} else {
-		bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", sageFolderID);
-	}
-function sageFolderChanged(subject, topic, prefName) {
-		// observe Preference
-	sageFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", sageFolderID);
-	bookmarksTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(0);
-function done() {
-	if(prefObserverSageFolder) {
-		CommonFunc.removePrefListener(prefObserverSageFolder);
-	}
-	if(rssLoading) {
-		httpReq.abort();
-		rssLoading = false;
-	}
-	UpdateChecker.done();
-	logMessage("shutdown");
-function openOPMLWizard() {
-	var dialogURL = "chrome://sage/content/opml/opml.xul";
-	window.openDialog(dialogURL, "", "chrome,modal,close");
-function openSettingDialog() {
-	var dialogURL = "chrome://sage/content/settings/settings.xul";
-	window.openDialog(dialogURL, "", "chrome,modal,close");
-function openSageProjectFeed() {
-	lastResource = null;
-	var feedURL = "http://sage.mozdev.org/rss.xml";
-	setStatusLoading("Sage Project News");
-	httpGet(feedURL);
-function manageRSSList() {
-	var dialogURL = "chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksManager.xul";
-	window.openDialog(dialogURL, "", "chrome,all,dialog=no", sageFolderID);
-function updateCheck(aCheckFolderId) {
-	UpdateChecker.onCheck = function(aName, aURL) {
-			rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "true");
-			rssStatusLabel.value = strRes.getString("RESULT_CHECKING") + ": " + aName;
-	}
-	UpdateChecker.onChecked = function(aName, aURL) {
-		setStatusDone();
-	}
-	if(aCheckFolderId) {
-		UpdateChecker.startCheck(aCheckFolderId);
-	} else {
-		UpdateChecker.startCheck(sageFolderID);
-	}
-function BookmarkResource(aRes, aDB){
-	this.res = aRes;
-	this.db = aDB;
-	this.name = BookmarksUtils.getProperty(this.res, NC_NS + "Name", this.db);
-	this.url = BookmarksUtils.getProperty(this.res, NC_NS + "URL", this.db);
-function bookmarksOpen(){
-	lastResource = new BookmarkResource(bookmarksTree.currentResource, bookmarksTree.db);
-	setStatusLoading();
-	httpGet(lastResource.url);
-function createTreeContextMenu2(aEvent) {
-	var popup = aEvent.target;
-	if(popup.localName != "menupopup") return;
-	var selection = bookmarksTree._selection;
-	var itemId = selection.item[0].Value;
-	var cmdSrc = "";
-	var tempMenuItem;
-	if(selection.type == "Bookmark") {
-		cmdSrc = "GetRssTitle.getRssTitle('" + itemId + "')";
-		tempMenuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
-		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("label", strRes.getString("GET_RSS_TITLE"));
-		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", cmdSrc);
-		popup.appendChild(document.createElement("menuseparator"));
-		popup.appendChild(tempMenuItem);
-	} else if(selection.type == "Folder") {
-		cmdSrc = "updateCheck('" + itemId + "')";
-		tempMenuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
-		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("label", strRes.getString("CHECK_UPDATE"));
-		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", cmdSrc);
-		popup.appendChild(document.createElement("menuseparator"));
-		popup.appendChild(tempMenuItem);
-	}
-function bookmarksTreeClick(aEvent){
-	if(aEvent.type == "click") {
-		if(aEvent.button == 2 || aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "treechildren") {
-			return;
-		}
-		var obj = {};
-		bookmarksTree.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, {}, {}, obj);
-		if(obj.value == "twisty") return;
-	} else if(aEvent.type == "keypress") {
-		if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "tree") {
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	CreateHTML.tabbed = false;
-	if(aEvent.button == 1) { CreateHTML.tabbed = true; } // click middle button
-	if(aEvent.ctrlKey) { CreateHTML.tabbed = true; } // press Ctrl Key
-	const BOOKMARK_TYPE = RDF_NS + "type";
-	const BOOKMARK_SEPARATOR = NC_NS + "BookmarkSeparator";
-	const BOOKMARK_FOLDER = NC_NS + "Folder"
-	var bookmarkType = (BookmarksUtils.getProperty(bookmarksTree.currentResource, BOOKMARK_TYPE , bookmarksTree.db))
-	if(bookmarkType == BOOKMARK_SEPARATOR || bookmarkType == BOOKMARK_FOLDER) {
-		return;
-	}
-	bookmarksOpen();
-function rssItemListBoxClick(aEvent) {
-	if(aEvent.type == "click") {
-		if(aEvent.button == 2 || aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listitem") {
-			return;
-		}
-	} else if(aEvent.type == "keypress") {
-		if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listbox") {
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	var listItem = rssItemListBox.selectedItem;
-	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-	openURI( feedItem.getLink(), aEvent );
-	listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
-function rssTitleLabelClick(aNode, aEvent){
-	var tabbed = false;
-	if(!aNode.hasAttribute("href") || aEvent.button == 2) {
-		return;
-	}
-	var link = aNode.getAttribute("href");
-	openURI( link, aEvent );
-function setStatusLoading(label) {
-	rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "true");
-	if(label) {
-		rssStatusLabel.value = strRes.getString("RESULT_LOADING") + ": " + label;
-	} else {
-		rssStatusLabel.value = strRes.getString("RESULT_LOADING") + ": " + lastResource.name;
-	}
-function setStatusDone() {
-	rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "false");
-	rssStatusLabel.value = "";
-	if(currentFeed) {
-		rssTitleLabel.value = htmlToText(currentFeed.getTitle());
-		if(currentFeed.getLink()) {
-			rssTitleLabel.setAttribute("href", currentFeed.getLink());
-			rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = currentFeed.getLink();
-		} else {
-			rssTitleLabel.removeAttribute("href");
-			rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = "";
-		}
-	}
-function setStatusError(aStatus) {
-	rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "error");
-	rssStatusLabel.value = "Error: " + aStatus;
-function getContentBrowser() {
-	var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
-	var topWindowOfType = windowManager.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
-	if (topWindowOfType) {
-		return topWindowOfType.document.getElementById('content');
-	}
-	return null;
-function toggleShowSearchBar() {
-	var showSearchBar = getCheckboxCheck("chkShowSearchBar");
-	document.getElementById("barSearch").hidden = !showSearchBar;
-function toggleShowFeedItemList() {
-	var showFeedItemList = getCheckboxCheck("chkShowFeedItemList");
-	document.getElementById("sage-splitter").hidden = !showFeedItemList;
-	document.getElementById("rssItemListBoxBox").hidden = !showFeedItemList;
-	if(showFeedItemList) setRssItemListBox();
-function setRssItemListBox() {
-	if(!currentFeed) return;
-	if(document.getElementById("rssItemListBoxBox").hidden) return;
-	while(rssItemListBox.getRowCount() != 0) {
-		rssItemListBox.removeItemAt(0);
-	}
-	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
-	for(var i = 0; items.length > i; i++) {
-		var item = items[i];
-		var itemLabel = item.getTitle();
-		itemLabel = (i+1) + ". " + itemLabel;
-		var listItem = rssItemListBox.appendItem(itemLabel, i);
-		if(isVisited(item.getLink())) {
-			listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
-		}
-	}
-function getCheckboxCheck(element_id) {
-	var checkboxNode = document.getElementById(element_id);
-	return checkboxNode.getAttribute("checked") == "true";
-function setCheckbox(element_id, value) {
-	var checkboxNode = document.getElementById(element_id);
-	checkboxNode.setAttribute("checked", value);
-// TODO: Is this still used?
-function showRssItemListPopup(aEvent) {
-	if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listitem") {
-		rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
-		return;
-	}
-	if(!getCheckboxCheck("chkShowTooltip")) {
-		rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
-		return;
-	}
-	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
-	var description = htmlToText(items[aEvent.originalTarget.value].getContent());
-	if(description.indexOf("/") != -1) {
-		description = description.replace(/\//gm, "/\u200B");
-	}
-		// description 400ȓɂ
-	if(description.length > 400) {
-		description = description.substring(0,400) + "...";
-	}
-	var popX = aEvent.screenX + 10;
-	var popY = aEvent.screenY + 20;
-	rssItemListPopup.title = aEvent.originalTarget.label;
-	rssItemListPopup.description = description;
-	rssItemListPopup.autoPosition = false;
-	rssItemListPopup.moveTo(popX, popY);
-	popupTimeoutId = setTimeout("rssItemListPopup.showPopup(rssItemListBox)", 150);
-function populateToolTip(e) {
-	// if setting disabled
-	if(!getCheckboxCheck("chkShowTooltip")) {
-		e.preventDefault();
-		return;
-	}
-	if(document.tooltipNode == rssItemListBox) {
-		e.preventDefault();
-		return;
-	}
-	var listItem = document.tooltipNode;
-	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
-	var description = htmlToText(items[listItem.value].getContent());
-  if(description.indexOf("/") != -1) {
-    description = description.replace(/\//gm, "/\u200B");
-  }
-  if(description.length > 400) {
-    description = description.substring(0,400) + "...";
-  }
-	rssItemToolTip.title = listItem.label;
-	rssItemToolTip.description = description;
-// TODO: Is this still used?
-function hideRssItemListPopup(aEvent) {
-	clearTimeout(popupTimeoutId);
-	rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
-function htmlToText(aStr) {
-	var	formatConverter = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/htmlformatconverter;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFormatConverter);
-	var fromStr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
-	fromStr.data = aStr;
-	var toStr = { value: null };
-	try {
-		formatConverter.convert("text/html", fromStr, fromStr.toString().length, "text/unicode", toStr, {});
-	} catch(e) {
-		return aStr;
-	}
-	if(toStr.value) {
-		toStr = toStr.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
-		return toStr.toString();
-	}
-	return aStr;
-// ++++++++++ +++++++++  HTTP	++++++++++ +++++++++
-function httpGet(aURL) {
-	if(rssLoading) {
-		httpReq.abort();
-		rssLoading = false;
-	}
-	responseXML = null;
-	httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
-	httpReq.open("GET", aURL);
-	httpReq.onload = httpLoaded;
-	httpReq.onerror = httpError;
-	httpReq.onreadystatechange = httpReadyStateChange;
-	try {
-		httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
-		httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
-	} catch(e) {
-	}
-	try {
-		httpReq.send(null);
-		rssLoading = true;
-	} catch(e) {
-	}
-function httpError(e) {
-	logMessage("HTTP Error: " + e.target.status + " - " + e.target.statusText);
-function httpReadyStateChange() {
-	if(httpReq.readyState == 2) {
-		try {
-			if(httpReq.status == 404) {
-				httpGetResult(RESULT_NOT_FOUND);
-			}
-		} catch(e) {
-			httpGetResult(RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE);
-			return;
-		}
-	} else if(httpReq.readyState == 3) {}
-function httpLoaded(e) {
-	responseXML = httpReq.responseXML;
-	var rootNodeName = responseXML.documentElement.localName.toLowerCase();
-	switch(rootNodeName) {
-		case "parsererror":
-			// XML Parse Error
-			httpGetResult(RESULT_PARSE_ERROR);
-			break;
-		case "rss":
-		case "rdf":
-		case "feed":
-			httpGetResult(RESULT_OK);
-			break;
-		default:
-			// Not RSS or Atom
-			httpGetResult(RESULT_NOT_RSS);
-			break;
-	}
-function httpGetResult(aResultCode) {
-	httpReq.abort();
-	rssLoading = false;
-	if(aResultCode == RESULT_OK) {
-		currentFeed = new Feed(responseXML);
-		if(lastResource && lastResource.res) {
-			if(CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.AUTO_FEED_TITLE, "bool", true)) {
-				if(CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_NAME) != currentFeed.getTitle()) {
-					CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_NAME, currentFeed.getTitle());
-				}
-			}
-			BMSVC.updateLastVisitedDate(lastResource.url, "UTF-8");
-			CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION, CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE + " " + currentFeed.getSignature());
-		}
-		setStatusDone();
-		setRssItemListBox();
-		if(CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RENDER_FEEDS, "bool", true)) {
-			CreateHTML.openHTML(currentFeed);
-		}
-	} else {
-		setStatusError(resultStrArray[aResultCode]);
-	}
-// link visit code based on LinkVisitor.mozdev.org
-const _uriFixup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup);
-const _globalHistory = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIGlobalHistory2);
-const _browserHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHistory);
-function markURIAsRead( sURI )
-	markURIReadState( sURI, true );
-function markURIAsUnread( sURI )
-	markURIReadState( sURI, false );
-function markURIReadState( sURI, bRead )
-	if ( !sURI )
-		return;
-	// why do we need to fixup the URI?
-	var fixupURI = _getFixupURI( sURI );
-	var visited = _globalHistory.isVisited( fixupURI );
-	if ( visited == bRead )
-		return;
-	if ( bRead )
-		_globalHistory.addURI( fixupURI, false, true );
-	else
-		_browserHistory.removePage( fixupURI.spec );
-function _getFixupURI( sURI )
-	try
-	{
-		return _uriFixup.createFixupURI( sURI, 0 );
-	}
-	catch( e )
-	{
-		return null;
-	}
-function isVisited( sURI )
-	var fixupURI = _getFixupURI( sURI );
-	return _globalHistory.isVisited( fixupURI );
-// RSS Item Context Menu
- * This is called before the context menu for the listbox is shown. Here we enabled/disable
- * menu items as well as change the text to correctly reflect the read state
- * @param	e : Event
- * @returns	void
- */
-function updateItemContextMenu( e )
-	var popupNode = document.popupNode;
-	var menuItemIds = ["rssOpenItem", "rssOpenNewTabItem", "rssOpenNewWindowItem",
-					   "rssMarkAsReadItem", "rssMarkAllAsReadItem", "rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem"];
-	var menuItems = {};
-	for ( var i = 0; i < menuItemIds.length; i++ )
-	{
-		menuItems[ menuItemIds[i] ] = document.getElementById( menuItemIds[i] );
-	}
-	// cmd_bm_open
-	// cmd_bm_openinnewwindow
-	// cmd_bm_openinnewtab
-	menuItems.rssOpenItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_open");
-	menuItems.rssOpenNewTabItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_openinnewtab");
-	menuItems.rssOpenNewWindowItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_openinnewwindow");
-	menuItems.rssMarkAsReadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markasread");
-	menuItems.rssMarkAllAsReadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markallasread");
-	menuItems.rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markallasunread");
-	if ( popupNode.localName == "listbox" )
-	{
-		// only mark all should work
-		for ( var id in menuItems )
-		{
-			if ( (id == "rssMarkAllAsReadItem" || id == "rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem") &&
-				 currentFeed && rssItemListBox.getRowCount() > 0 )
-				menuItems[id].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
-			else
-				menuItems[id].setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for ( id in menuItems )
-			menuItems[id].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
-		// need to figure out if the current list item is visited
-		var listItem = popupNode;
-		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-		var visited = isVisited( feedItem.getLink() );
-		menuItems.rssMarkAsReadItem.label =
-			strRes.getString( visited ? "itemcontext_markasunread" : "itemcontext_markasread" );
-		// lets make sure the visited flag is correct in the ui
-		if ( visited )
-			listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
-		else
-			listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
-	}
- * This marks the selected items as read/unread. This works with multiple
- * selection as well if we want to enable that in the future.
- * @param	e : Event
- * @returns	void
- */
-function toggleMarkAsRead( e )
-	var listItems = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
-	for ( var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++ )
-	{
-		var listItem = listItems[i];
-		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-		var uri = feedItem.getLink();
-		var visited = isVisited( uri );
-		markURIReadState( uri, !visited );
-		if ( !visited )
-			listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
-		else
-			listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
-	}
- * This called from the context menu.
- * @param	e : Event
- * @returns	void
- */
-function markAllAsRead( e )
-	markAllReadState( true );
- * This called from the context menu.
- * @param	e : Event
- * @returns	void
- */
-function markAllAsUnread( e )
-	markAllReadState( false );
- * Marks all read or unread
- * @param	bRead : Boolean	Whether to mark as read or unread
- * @returns	void
- */
-function markAllReadState( bRead )
-	if ( currentFeed )
-	{
-		var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-		var feedItems = currentFeed.getItems( feedItemOrder );
-		for ( var i = 0; i < feedItems.length; i++ )
-			markURIReadState( feedItems[i].getLink(), bRead );
-		var listItem;
-		for ( var y = 0; y < rssItemListBox.getRowCount(); y++ )
-		{
-			listItem = rssItemListBox.getItemAtIndex( y );
-			if ( bRead )
-				listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
-			else
-				listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
-		}
-	}
-// This takes a list item from the rss list box and returns the uri it represents
-// this seems a bit inefficient. Shouldn't there be a direct mapping between these?
- * This takes a listitem element and returns the FeedItem it represents
- * @param	oListItem : XULListItem
- * @returns	FeedItem
- */
-function getFeedItemFromListItem( oListItem )
-	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	var items = currentFeed.getItems( feedItemOrder );
-	return items[ oListItem.value ];
- * Opens a link in the same window, a new tab or a new window
- *
- * @param	sURI : String
- * @param	oType : Object	If this is an Event object we check the modifiers.
- * 							Otherwise we assume it is a string describing the
- *                          window type.
- * @returns	void
- */
-function openURI( sURI, oType )
-	var windowType;
-	if ( oType instanceof Event )
-	{
-		// figure out what kind of open we want
-		if ( oType.button == 1 || oType.ctrlKey ) // click middle button or ctrl click
-			windowType = "tab";
-		else if ( oType.shiftKey )
-			windowType = "window";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		windowType = oType;
-	}
-	switch ( windowType )
-	{
-		case "tab":
-			getContentBrowser().addTab( sURI );
-			break;
-		case "window":
-			document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.open( sURI );
-			break;
-		default:
-			getContentBrowser().loadURI( sURI );
-	}
- * This is called by the context menu
- * @param	oType : String
- * @returns	void
- */
-function openListItem( oType )
-	var listItem = document.popupNode;
-	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-	openURI( feedItem.getLink(), oType );
-	listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+const USER_AGENT = CommonFunc.USER_AGENT;
+const RESULT_OK = 0;
+const RESULT_NOT_RSS = 2;
+const RESULT_NOT_FOUND = 3;
+var resultStrArray = null;
+	// XUL Object
+var strRes, bmStrRes; // stringbundle Object
+var bookmarksTree;
+var rssItemListBox;
+var rssStatusImage;
+var rssStatusLabel;
+var rssTitleLabel;
+var rssItemToolTip;
+var currentFeed;
+var httpReq;
+var prefObserverSageFolder;
+var responseXML;
+var lastResource;
+var rssLoading = false;
+var sageFolderID = "";
+var enableTooltip = true;
+var popupTimeoutId=0;
+function init() {
+	bookmarksTree = document.getElementById("bookmarksTree");
+	rssItemListBox = document.getElementById("rssItemListBox");
+	rssStatusImage = document.getElementById("rssStatusImage");
+	rssStatusLabel = document.getElementById("rssStatusLabel");
+	rssTitleLabel = document.getElementById("rssTitleLabel");
+	rssItemToolTip = document.getElementById("rssItemToolTip");
+	strRes = document.getElementById("strRes");
+	bmStrRes = document.getElementById("bmStrRes");
+	resultStrArray = new Array(
+		strRes.getString("RESULT_OK_STR"),
+		strRes.getString("RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR"),
+		strRes.getString("RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR"),
+		strRes.getString("RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR"),
+		strRes.getString("RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR"),
+		strRes.getString("RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR")
+	);
+	// if feed folder has not been set, assume new user and install default feed folder and demo feeds
+	if(!CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", null)) {
+		logMessage("setting default preferences...");
+		var new_folder = BMSVC.createFolderInContainer("Sage Feeds", RDF.GetResource("NC:BookmarksRoot"), null);
+		CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", new_folder.Value);
+		if(BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer.length == 7) { // firefox 0.8 and lower
+			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition", "http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_world_edition/front_page/rss091.xml", null, "updated", null, new_folder, null);
+			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Yahoo! News - Sports", "http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/sports", null, "updated", null, new_folder, null);
+			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Sage Project News", "http://sage.mozdev.org/rss.xml", null, "updated", null, new_folder, null);
+		} else {
+			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition", "http://news.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_world_edition/front_page/rss091.xml", null, "updated", null, null, new_folder, null);
+			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Yahoo! News - Sports", "http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/sports", null, "updated", null, null, new_folder, null);
+			BMSVC.createBookmarkInContainer("Sage Project News", "http://sage.mozdev.org/rss.xml", null, "updated", null, null, new_folder, null);
+		}
+		setCheckbox("chkShowSearchBar", "false");
+		setCheckbox("chkShowTooltip", "true");
+		setCheckbox("chkShowFeedItemList", "true");
+	}
+	// get feed folder location
+	sageFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	// check for changes to the feed folder
+	prefObserverSageFolder = CommonFunc.addPrefListener(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, sageFolderChanged);
+	// set feed folder location
+	bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", sageFolderID);
+	// select first entry
+	bookmarksTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(0);
+	FeedSearch.init();
+	toggleShowSearchBar();
+	toggleShowFeedItemList();
+	logMessage("initialized");
+function discoverFeeds() {
+	window.openDialog("chrome://sage/contents/discover_feeds.xul", "sage_discover_feeds", "chrome,modal,close", bookmarksTree);
+// TODO: This does not work in 0.9.x since the implementation for smart bookmarks
+//       has been removed. Too bad because this feature was really nice
+function showOnlyUpdated() {
+	if(getCheckboxCheck("chkOnlyUpdate")) {
+		var findURL = "find:datasource=rdf:bookmarks&match=";
+			findURL += CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION;
+			findURL += "&method=is&text=updated";
+		bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", findURL);
+	} else {
+		bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", sageFolderID);
+	}
+function sageFolderChanged(subject, topic, prefName) {
+		// observe Preference
+	sageFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	bookmarksTree.tree.setAttribute("ref", sageFolderID);
+	bookmarksTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(0);
+function done() {
+	if(prefObserverSageFolder) {
+		CommonFunc.removePrefListener(prefObserverSageFolder);
+	}
+	if(rssLoading) {
+		httpReq.abort();
+		rssLoading = false;
+	}
+	UpdateChecker.done();
+	logMessage("shutdown");
+function openOPMLWizard() {
+	var dialogURL = "chrome://sage/content/opml/opml.xul";
+	window.openDialog(dialogURL, "", "chrome,modal,close");
+function openSettingDialog() {
+	var dialogURL = "chrome://sage/content/settings/settings.xul";
+	window.openDialog(dialogURL, "", "chrome,modal,close");
+function openSageProjectFeed() {
+	lastResource = null;
+	var feedURL = "http://sage.mozdev.org/rss.xml";
+	setStatusLoading("Sage Project News");
+	httpGet(feedURL);
+function manageRSSList() {
+	var dialogURL = "chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksManager.xul";
+	window.openDialog(dialogURL, "", "chrome,all,dialog=no", sageFolderID);
+function updateCheck(aCheckFolderId) {
+	UpdateChecker.onCheck = function(aName, aURL) {
+			rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "true");
+			rssStatusLabel.value = strRes.getString("RESULT_CHECKING") + ": " + aName;
+	}
+	UpdateChecker.onChecked = function(aName, aURL) {
+		setStatusDone();
+	}
+	if(aCheckFolderId) {
+		UpdateChecker.startCheck(aCheckFolderId);
+	} else {
+		UpdateChecker.startCheck(sageFolderID);
+	}
+function BookmarkResource(aRes, aDB){
+	this.res = aRes;
+	this.db = aDB;
+	this.name = BookmarksUtils.getProperty(this.res, NC_NS + "Name", this.db);
+	this.url = BookmarksUtils.getProperty(this.res, NC_NS + "URL", this.db);
+function bookmarksOpen(){
+	lastResource = new BookmarkResource(bookmarksTree.currentResource, bookmarksTree.db);
+	setStatusLoading();
+	httpGet(lastResource.url);
+function createTreeContextMenu2(aEvent) {
+	var popup = aEvent.target;
+	if(popup.localName != "menupopup") return;
+	var selection = bookmarksTree._selection;
+	var itemId = selection.item[0].Value;
+	var cmdSrc = "";
+	var tempMenuItem;
+	if(selection.type == "Bookmark") {
+		cmdSrc = "GetRssTitle.getRssTitle('" + itemId + "')";
+		tempMenuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("label", strRes.getString("GET_RSS_TITLE"));
+		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", cmdSrc);
+		popup.appendChild(document.createElement("menuseparator"));
+		popup.appendChild(tempMenuItem);
+	} else if(selection.type == "Folder") {
+		cmdSrc = "updateCheck('" + itemId + "')";
+		tempMenuItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("label", strRes.getString("CHECK_UPDATE"));
+		tempMenuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", cmdSrc);
+		popup.appendChild(document.createElement("menuseparator"));
+		popup.appendChild(tempMenuItem);
+	}
+function bookmarksTreeClick(aEvent){
+	if(aEvent.type == "click") {
+		if(aEvent.button == 2 || aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "treechildren") {
+			return;
+		}
+		var obj = {};
+		bookmarksTree.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, {}, {}, obj);
+		if(obj.value == "twisty") return;
+	} else if(aEvent.type == "keypress") {
+		if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "tree") {
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	CreateHTML.tabbed = false;
+	if(aEvent.button == 1) { CreateHTML.tabbed = true; } // click middle button
+	if(aEvent.ctrlKey) { CreateHTML.tabbed = true; } // press Ctrl Key
+	const BOOKMARK_TYPE = RDF_NS + "type";
+	const BOOKMARK_SEPARATOR = NC_NS + "BookmarkSeparator";
+	const BOOKMARK_FOLDER = NC_NS + "Folder"
+	var bookmarkType = (BookmarksUtils.getProperty(bookmarksTree.currentResource, BOOKMARK_TYPE , bookmarksTree.db))
+	if(bookmarkType == BOOKMARK_SEPARATOR || bookmarkType == BOOKMARK_FOLDER) {
+		return;
+	}
+	bookmarksOpen();
+function rssItemListBoxClick(aEvent) {
+	if(aEvent.type == "click") {
+		if(aEvent.button == 2 || aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listitem") {
+			return;
+		}
+	} else if(aEvent.type == "keypress") {
+		if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listbox") {
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	var listItem = rssItemListBox.selectedItem;
+	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
+	openURI( feedItem.getLink(), aEvent );
+	listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+function rssTitleLabelClick(aNode, aEvent){
+	var tabbed = false;
+	if(!aNode.hasAttribute("href") || aEvent.button == 2) {
+		return;
+	}
+	var link = aNode.getAttribute("href");
+	openURI( link, aEvent );
+function setStatusLoading(label) {
+	rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "true");
+	if(label) {
+		rssStatusLabel.value = strRes.getString("RESULT_LOADING") + ": " + label;
+	} else {
+		rssStatusLabel.value = strRes.getString("RESULT_LOADING") + ": " + lastResource.name;
+	}
+function setStatusDone() {
+	rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "false");
+	rssStatusLabel.value = "";
+	if(currentFeed) {
+		rssTitleLabel.value = htmlToText(currentFeed.getTitle());
+		if(currentFeed.getLink()) {
+			rssTitleLabel.setAttribute("href", currentFeed.getLink());
+			rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = currentFeed.getLink();
+		} else {
+			rssTitleLabel.removeAttribute("href");
+			rssTitleLabel.tooltipText = "";
+		}
+	}
+function setStatusError(aStatus) {
+	rssStatusImage.setAttribute("loading", "error");
+	rssStatusLabel.value = "Error: " + aStatus;
+function getContentBrowser() {
+	var windowManager = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+	var topWindowOfType = windowManager.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
+	if (topWindowOfType) {
+		return topWindowOfType.document.getElementById('content');
+	}
+	return null;
+function toggleShowSearchBar() {
+	var showSearchBar = getCheckboxCheck("chkShowSearchBar");
+	document.getElementById("barSearch").hidden = !showSearchBar;
+function toggleShowFeedItemList() {
+	var showFeedItemList = getCheckboxCheck("chkShowFeedItemList");
+	document.getElementById("sage-splitter").hidden = !showFeedItemList;
+	document.getElementById("rssItemListBoxBox").hidden = !showFeedItemList;
+	if(showFeedItemList) setRssItemListBox();
+function setRssItemListBox() {
+	if(!currentFeed) return;
+	if(document.getElementById("rssItemListBoxBox").hidden) return;
+	while(rssItemListBox.getRowCount() != 0) {
+		rssItemListBox.removeItemAt(0);
+	}
+	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
+	for(var i = 0; items.length > i; i++) {
+		var item = items[i];
+		var itemLabel = item.getTitle();
+		itemLabel = (i+1) + ". " + itemLabel;
+		var listItem = rssItemListBox.appendItem(itemLabel, i);
+		if(isVisited(item.getLink())) {
+			listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+		}
+	}
+function getCheckboxCheck(element_id) {
+	var checkboxNode = document.getElementById(element_id);
+	return checkboxNode.getAttribute("checked") == "true";
+function setCheckbox(element_id, value) {
+	var checkboxNode = document.getElementById(element_id);
+	checkboxNode.setAttribute("checked", value);
+// TODO: Is this still used?
+function showRssItemListPopup(aEvent) {
+	if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listitem") {
+		rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
+		return;
+	}
+	if(!getCheckboxCheck("chkShowTooltip")) {
+		rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
+		return;
+	}
+	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
+	var description = htmlToText(items[aEvent.originalTarget.value].getContent());
+	if(description.indexOf("/") != -1) {
+		description = description.replace(/\//gm, "/\u200B");
+	}
+		// description 400ȓɂ
+	if(description.length > 400) {
+		description = description.substring(0,400) + "...";
+	}
+	var popX = aEvent.screenX + 10;
+	var popY = aEvent.screenY + 20;
+	rssItemListPopup.title = aEvent.originalTarget.label;
+	rssItemListPopup.description = description;
+	rssItemListPopup.autoPosition = false;
+	rssItemListPopup.moveTo(popX, popY);
+	popupTimeoutId = setTimeout("rssItemListPopup.showPopup(rssItemListBox)", 150);
+function populateToolTip(e) {
+	// if setting disabled
+	if(!getCheckboxCheck("chkShowTooltip")) {
+		e.preventDefault();
+		return;
+	}
+	if(document.tooltipNode == rssItemListBox) {
+		e.preventDefault();
+		return;
+	}
+	var listItem = document.tooltipNode;
+	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
+	var description = htmlToText(items[listItem.value].getContent());
+  if(description.indexOf("/") != -1) {
+    description = description.replace(/\//gm, "/\u200B");
+  }
+  if(description.length > 400) {
+    description = description.substring(0,400) + "...";
+  }
+	rssItemToolTip.title = listItem.label;
+	rssItemToolTip.description = description;
+// TODO: Is this still used?
+function hideRssItemListPopup(aEvent) {
+	clearTimeout(popupTimeoutId);
+	rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
+function htmlToText(aStr) {
+	var	formatConverter = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/htmlformatconverter;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFormatConverter);
+	var fromStr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
+	fromStr.data = aStr;
+	var toStr = { value: null };
+	try {
+		formatConverter.convert("text/html", fromStr, fromStr.toString().length, "text/unicode", toStr, {});
+	} catch(e) {
+		return aStr;
+	}
+	if(toStr.value) {
+		toStr = toStr.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
+		return toStr.toString();
+	}
+	return aStr;
+// ++++++++++ +++++++++  HTTP	++++++++++ +++++++++
+function httpGet(aURL) {
+	if(rssLoading) {
+		httpReq.abort();
+		rssLoading = false;
+	}
+	responseXML = null;
+	httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
+	httpReq.open("GET", aURL);
+	httpReq.onload = httpLoaded;
+	httpReq.onerror = httpError;
+	httpReq.onreadystatechange = httpReadyStateChange;
+	try {
+		httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
+		httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
+	} catch(e) {
+	}
+	try {
+		httpReq.send(null);
+		rssLoading = true;
+	} catch(e) {
+	}
+function httpError(e) {
+	logMessage("HTTP Error: " + e.target.status + " - " + e.target.statusText);
+function httpReadyStateChange() {
+	if(httpReq.readyState == 2) {
+		try {
+			if(httpReq.status == 404) {
+				httpGetResult(RESULT_NOT_FOUND);
+			}
+		} catch(e) {
+			httpGetResult(RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE);
+			return;
+		}
+	} else if(httpReq.readyState == 3) {}
+function httpLoaded(e) {
+	responseXML = httpReq.responseXML;
+	var rootNodeName = responseXML.documentElement.localName.toLowerCase();
+	switch(rootNodeName) {
+		case "parsererror":
+			// XML Parse Error
+			httpGetResult(RESULT_PARSE_ERROR);
+			break;
+		case "rss":
+		case "rdf":
+		case "feed":
+			httpGetResult(RESULT_OK);
+			break;
+		default:
+			// Not RSS or Atom
+			httpGetResult(RESULT_NOT_RSS);
+			break;
+	}
+function httpGetResult(aResultCode) {
+	httpReq.abort();
+	rssLoading = false;
+	if(aResultCode == RESULT_OK) {
+		currentFeed = new Feed(responseXML);
+		if(lastResource && lastResource.res) {
+			if(CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.AUTO_FEED_TITLE, "bool", true)) {
+				if(CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_NAME) != currentFeed.getTitle()) {
+					CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_NAME, currentFeed.getTitle());
+				}
+			}
+			BMSVC.updateLastVisitedDate(lastResource.url, "UTF-8");
+			CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(lastResource.res, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION, CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE + " " + currentFeed.getSignature());
+		}
+		setStatusDone();
+		setRssItemListBox();
+		if(CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RENDER_FEEDS, "bool", true)) {
+			CreateHTML.openHTML(currentFeed);
+		}
+	} else {
+		setStatusError(resultStrArray[aResultCode]);
+	}
+// link visit code based on LinkVisitor.mozdev.org
+const _uriFixup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup);
+const _globalHistory = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIGlobalHistory2);
+const _browserHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHistory);
+function markURIAsRead( sURI )
+	markURIReadState( sURI, true );
+function markURIAsUnread( sURI )
+	markURIReadState( sURI, false );
+function markURIReadState( sURI, bRead )
+	if ( !sURI )
+		return;
+	// why do we need to fixup the URI?
+	var fixupURI = _getFixupURI( sURI );
+	var visited = _globalHistory.isVisited( fixupURI );
+	if ( visited == bRead )
+		return;
+	if ( bRead )
+		_globalHistory.addURI( fixupURI, false, true );
+	else
+		_browserHistory.removePage( fixupURI.spec );
+function _getFixupURI( sURI )
+	try
+	{
+		return _uriFixup.createFixupURI( sURI, 0 );
+	}
+	catch( e )
+	{
+		return null;
+	}
+function isVisited( sURI )
+	var fixupURI = _getFixupURI( sURI );
+	return _globalHistory.isVisited( fixupURI );
+// RSS Item Context Menu
+ * This is called before the context menu for the listbox is shown. Here we enabled/disable
+ * menu items as well as change the text to correctly reflect the read state
+ * @param	e : Event
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function updateItemContextMenu( e )
+	var popupNode = document.popupNode;
+	var menuItemIds = ["rssOpenItem", "rssOpenNewTabItem", "rssOpenNewWindowItem",
+					   "rssMarkAsReadItem", "rssMarkAllAsReadItem", "rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem"];
+	var menuItems = {};
+	for ( var i = 0; i < menuItemIds.length; i++ )
+	{
+		menuItems[ menuItemIds[i] ] = document.getElementById( menuItemIds[i] );
+	}
+	// cmd_bm_open
+	// cmd_bm_openinnewwindow
+	// cmd_bm_openinnewtab
+	menuItems.rssOpenItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_open");
+	menuItems.rssOpenNewTabItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_openinnewtab");
+	menuItems.rssOpenNewWindowItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_openinnewwindow");
+	menuItems.rssMarkAsReadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markasread");
+	menuItems.rssMarkAllAsReadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markallasread");
+	menuItems.rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markallasunread");
+	if ( popupNode.localName == "listbox" )
+	{
+		// only mark all should work
+		for ( var id in menuItems )
+		{
+			if ( (id == "rssMarkAllAsReadItem" || id == "rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem") &&
+				 currentFeed && rssItemListBox.getRowCount() > 0 )
+				menuItems[id].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
+			else
+				menuItems[id].setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );;
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		for ( id in menuItems )
+			menuItems[id].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
+		// need to figure out if the current list item is visited
+		var listItem = popupNode;
+		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
+		var visited = isVisited( feedItem.getLink() );
+		menuItems.rssMarkAsReadItem.label =
+			strRes.getString( visited ? "itemcontext_markasunread" : "itemcontext_markasread" );
+		// lets make sure the visited flag is correct in the ui
+		if ( visited )
+			listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+		else
+			listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
+	}
+ * This marks the selected items as read/unread. This works with multiple
+ * selection as well if we want to enable that in the future.
+ * @param	e : Event
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function toggleMarkAsRead( e )
+	var listItems = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
+	for ( var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++ )
+	{
+		var listItem = listItems[i];
+		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
+		var uri = feedItem.getLink();
+		var visited = isVisited( uri );
+		markURIReadState( uri, !visited );
+		if ( !visited )
+			listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+		else
+			listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
+	}
+ * This called from the context menu.
+ * @param	e : Event
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function markAllAsRead( e )
+	markAllReadState( true );
+ * This called from the context menu.
+ * @param	e : Event
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function markAllAsUnread( e )
+	markAllReadState( false );
+ * Marks all read or unread
+ * @param	bRead : Boolean	Whether to mark as read or unread
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function markAllReadState( bRead )
+	if ( currentFeed )
+	{
+		var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+		var feedItems = currentFeed.getItems( feedItemOrder );
+		for ( var i = 0; i < feedItems.length; i++ )
+			markURIReadState( feedItems[i].getLink(), bRead );
+		var listItem;
+		for ( var y = 0; y < rssItemListBox.getRowCount(); y++ )
+		{
+			listItem = rssItemListBox.getItemAtIndex( y );
+			if ( bRead )
+				listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+			else
+				listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
+		}
+	}
+// This takes a list item from the rss list box and returns the uri it represents
+// this seems a bit inefficient. Shouldn't there be a direct mapping between these?
+ * This takes a listitem element and returns the FeedItem it represents
+ * @param	oListItem : XULListItem
+ * @returns	FeedItem
+ */
+function getFeedItemFromListItem( oListItem )
+	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+	var items = currentFeed.getItems( feedItemOrder );
+	return items[ oListItem.value ];
+ * Opens a link in the same window, a new tab or a new window
+ *
+ * @param	sURI : String
+ * @param	oType : Object	If this is an Event object we check the modifiers.
+ * 							Otherwise we assume it is a string describing the
+ *                          window type.
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function openURI( sURI, oType )
+	var windowType;
+	if ( oType instanceof Event )
+	{
+		// figure out what kind of open we want
+		if ( oType.button == 1 || oType.ctrlKey ) // click middle button or ctrl click
+			windowType = "tab";
+		else if ( oType.shiftKey )
+			windowType = "window";
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		windowType = oType;
+	}
+	switch ( windowType )
+	{
+		case "tab":
+			getContentBrowser().addTab( sURI );
+			break;
+		case "window":
+			document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.open( sURI );
+			break;
+		default:
+			getContentBrowser().loadURI( sURI );
+	}
+ * This is called by the context menu
+ * @param	oType : String
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function openListItem( oType )
+	var listItem = document.popupNode;
+	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
+	openURI( feedItem.getLink(), oType );
+	listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
diff --git a/src/sage/content/search/feedsearch.js b/src/sage/content/search/feedsearch.js
index 0b1c458..2d55dd2 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/search/feedsearch.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/search/feedsearch.js
@@ -1,104 +1,104 @@
-var FeedSearch = {
-	RRP_NS: "http://sage.mozdev.org/#",
-	SEARCH_ENGINE_RDF: "chrome://sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf",
-	RDF:Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1']
-			.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService),
-	txtSearchValue: null,
-	imgSearchEngine: null,
-	popSearchEngine: null,
-	rdfDS: null,
-	searchEngine: "",
-	searchEngineName: "",
-	query: "",
-	charset: "",
-	init: function(){
-		this.txtSearchValue = document.getElementById("txtSearchValue");
-		this.imgSearchEngine = document.getElementById("imgSearchEngine");		
-		this.popSearchEngine = document.getElementById("popSearchEngine");
-			// init Search Engine RDF DataSource
-		this.rdfDS = this.RDF.GetDataSource(this.SEARCH_ENGINE_RDF);
-		var remote = this.rdfDS.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
-		if(remote.loaded){
-			this.initRdfDataSource();
-		}else{
-			var sink = this.rdfDS.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
-			sink.addXMLSinkObserver(this.sinkObserver);
-		}
-	},
-	initRdfDataSource: function(){
-		this.popSearchEngine.database.AddDataSource(this.rdfDS);
-		this.popSearchEngine.builder.rebuild();
-		var tmpSearchEngine = this.txtSearchValue.getAttribute("searchengine");
-		if(!tmpSearchEngine)
-			tmpSearchEngine = this.getRdfProperty("urn:rrp:searchengine:default", this.RRP_NS + "site");
-		this.setSearchEngine(tmpSearchEngine);	
-	},
-	search: function(){
-		var searchValue = this.txtSearchValue.value;
-		if(searchValue == "") return;
-		var searchName = this.searchEngineName + " - " + searchValue;
-			// ��������Ɍ����������lj�
-		var formHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-history;1"]
-							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory);
-		formHistory.addEntry("q", searchValue);
-			// ��������������G���W���̕����R�[�h�ɍ��킹�ăG�X�P�[�v
-		var textToSubURI = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/texttosuburi;1"]
-								.getService(Components.interfaces.nsITextToSubURI);
-		searchValue = textToSubURI.ConvertAndEscape(this.charset, searchValue);
-		lastResource = {
-			res: null,
-			db: null,
-			name: searchName,
-			url: this.query + searchValue
-		};
-		setStatusLoading();
-		httpGet(lastResource.url);
-	},
-	setSearchEngine: function(aSearchEngine){
-		this.searchEngine = aSearchEngine;
-		this.searchEngineName = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "name");
-		this.query = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "query");
-		this.charset = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "charset");
-		this.txtSearchValue.setAttribute("searchengine", this.searchEngine);
-		this.imgSearchEngine.src = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "icon");
-	},
-	popSearchEngineClick: function(aEvent){
-		var menuitemNode = aEvent.originalTarget;
-		if(menuitemNode.nodeName != "menuitem") return;
-		this.setSearchEngine(menuitemNode.value);
-	},
-	getRdfProperty: function(aRes, aProperty){
-		if(typeof(aRes) == "string") aRes = this.RDF.GetResource(aRes);
-		if(typeof(aProperty) == "string") aProperty = this.RDF.GetResource(aProperty);
-		var target = this.rdfDS.GetTarget(aRes, aProperty, true);
-		try{
-			return target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
-		}catch(e){
-			return target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource).Value;
-		}
-	},
-	sinkObserver: {
-		onBeginLoad: function(aSink){},
-		onInterrupt: function(aSink){},
-		onResume: function(aSink){},
-		onEndLoad: function(aSink){ FeedSearch.initRdfDataSource() },
-		onError: function(aSink, aStatus, aErrorMsg){}
-	}
+var FeedSearch = {
+	RRP_NS: "http://sage.mozdev.org/#",
+	SEARCH_ENGINE_RDF: "chrome://sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf",
+	RDF:Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1']
+			.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService),
+	txtSearchValue: null,
+	imgSearchEngine: null,
+	popSearchEngine: null,
+	rdfDS: null,
+	searchEngine: "",
+	searchEngineName: "",
+	query: "",
+	charset: "",
+	init: function(){
+		this.txtSearchValue = document.getElementById("txtSearchValue");
+		this.imgSearchEngine = document.getElementById("imgSearchEngine");		
+		this.popSearchEngine = document.getElementById("popSearchEngine");
+			// init Search Engine RDF DataSource
+		this.rdfDS = this.RDF.GetDataSource(this.SEARCH_ENGINE_RDF);
+		var remote = this.rdfDS.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource);
+		if(remote.loaded){
+			this.initRdfDataSource();
+		}else{
+			var sink = this.rdfDS.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFXMLSink);
+			sink.addXMLSinkObserver(this.sinkObserver);
+		}
+	},
+	initRdfDataSource: function(){
+		this.popSearchEngine.database.AddDataSource(this.rdfDS);
+		this.popSearchEngine.builder.rebuild();
+		var tmpSearchEngine = this.txtSearchValue.getAttribute("searchengine");
+		if(!tmpSearchEngine)
+			tmpSearchEngine = this.getRdfProperty("urn:rrp:searchengine:default", this.RRP_NS + "site");
+		this.setSearchEngine(tmpSearchEngine);	
+	},
+	search: function(){
+		var searchValue = this.txtSearchValue.value;
+		if(searchValue == "") return;
+		var searchName = this.searchEngineName + " - " + searchValue;
+			// ��������Ɍ����������lj�
+		var formHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-history;1"]
+							.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFormHistory);
+		formHistory.addEntry("q", searchValue);
+			// ��������������G���W���̕����R�[�h�ɍ��킹�ăG�X�P�[�v
+		var textToSubURI = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/texttosuburi;1"]
+								.getService(Components.interfaces.nsITextToSubURI);
+		searchValue = textToSubURI.ConvertAndEscape(this.charset, searchValue);
+		lastResource = {
+			res: null,
+			db: null,
+			name: searchName,
+			url: this.query + searchValue
+		};
+		setStatusLoading();
+		httpGet(lastResource.url);
+	},
+	setSearchEngine: function(aSearchEngine){
+		this.searchEngine = aSearchEngine;
+		this.searchEngineName = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "name");
+		this.query = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "query");
+		this.charset = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "charset");
+		this.txtSearchValue.setAttribute("searchengine", this.searchEngine);
+		this.imgSearchEngine.src = this.getRdfProperty(aSearchEngine, this.RRP_NS + "icon");
+	},
+	popSearchEngineClick: function(aEvent){
+		var menuitemNode = aEvent.originalTarget;
+		if(menuitemNode.nodeName != "menuitem") return;
+		this.setSearchEngine(menuitemNode.value);
+	},
+	getRdfProperty: function(aRes, aProperty){
+		if(typeof(aRes) == "string") aRes = this.RDF.GetResource(aRes);
+		if(typeof(aProperty) == "string") aProperty = this.RDF.GetResource(aProperty);
+		var target = this.rdfDS.GetTarget(aRes, aProperty, true);
+		try{
+			return target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
+		}catch(e){
+			return target.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource).Value;
+		}
+	},
+	sinkObserver: {
+		onBeginLoad: function(aSink){},
+		onInterrupt: function(aSink){},
+		onResume: function(aSink){},
+		onEndLoad: function(aSink){ FeedSearch.initRdfDataSource() },
+		onError: function(aSink, aStatus, aErrorMsg){}
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf b/src/sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf
index 6b93e50..191e7f9 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/content/search/searchEngine.rdf
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?>
-<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-			xmlns:rrp="http://sage.mozdev.org/#">
-		<!-- Search Engine List-->
-	<rdf:Seq rdf:about="urn:rrp:searchengine:root">
-		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://feedster.com/"/>
-		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://www.blogdigger.com/"/>
-		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://www.daypop.com/"/>
-		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://bulkfeeds.net/"/>
-		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://naoya.dyndns.org/feedback/"/>
-	</rdf:Seq>
-		<!-- Default Search Engine -->
-	<rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:rrp:searchengine:default">
-		<rrp:site rdf:resource="http://feedster.com/"/>
-	</rdf:Description>
-		<!-- Search Engine Data -->
-	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://feedster.com/">
-		<rrp:name>Feedster</rrp:name>
-		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://feedster.com/search.php?sort=date&ie=UTF-8&limit=15&type=rss&q="/>
-		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/feedster.png"/>
-		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
-	</rdf:Description>
-	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.blogdigger.com/">
-		<rrp:name>Blogdigger</rrp:name>
-		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://www.blogdigger.com/rss.jsp?sortby=date&days=20&queryString="/>
-		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/blogdigger.png"/>
-		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
-	</rdf:Description>
-	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.daypop.com/">
-		<rrp:name>DAYPOP</rrp:name>
-		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://www.daypop.com/search?s=1&c=15&ext=true&t=a&o=rss&q="/>
-		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/daypop.png"/>
-		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
-	</rdf:Description>
-	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://bulkfeeds.net/">
-		<rrp:name>Bulkfeeds:ja</rrp:name>
-		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://bulkfeeds.net/app/search2.rdf?q="/>
-		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/bulkfeeds.png"/>
-		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
-	</rdf:Description>
-	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://naoya.dyndns.org/feedback/">
-		<rrp:name>FeedBack:ja</rrp:name>
-		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://naoya.dyndns.org/feedback/app/rss?keyword="/>
-		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/feedback.png"/>
-		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
-	</rdf:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Shift_JIS"?>
+<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+			xmlns:rrp="http://sage.mozdev.org/#">
+		<!-- Search Engine List-->
+	<rdf:Seq rdf:about="urn:rrp:searchengine:root">
+		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://feedster.com/"/>
+		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://www.blogdigger.com/"/>
+		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://www.daypop.com/"/>
+		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://bulkfeeds.net/"/>
+		<rdf:li rdf:resource="http://naoya.dyndns.org/feedback/"/>
+	</rdf:Seq>
+		<!-- Default Search Engine -->
+	<rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:rrp:searchengine:default">
+		<rrp:site rdf:resource="http://feedster.com/"/>
+	</rdf:Description>
+		<!-- Search Engine Data -->
+	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://feedster.com/">
+		<rrp:name>Feedster</rrp:name>
+		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://feedster.com/search.php?sort=date&ie=UTF-8&limit=15&type=rss&q="/>
+		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/feedster.png"/>
+		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
+	</rdf:Description>
+	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.blogdigger.com/">
+		<rrp:name>Blogdigger</rrp:name>
+		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://www.blogdigger.com/rss.jsp?sortby=date&days=20&queryString="/>
+		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/blogdigger.png"/>
+		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
+	</rdf:Description>
+	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.daypop.com/">
+		<rrp:name>DAYPOP</rrp:name>
+		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://www.daypop.com/search?s=1&c=15&ext=true&t=a&o=rss&q="/>
+		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/daypop.png"/>
+		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
+	</rdf:Description>
+	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://bulkfeeds.net/">
+		<rrp:name>Bulkfeeds:ja</rrp:name>
+		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://bulkfeeds.net/app/search2.rdf?q="/>
+		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/bulkfeeds.png"/>
+		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
+	</rdf:Description>
+	<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://naoya.dyndns.org/feedback/">
+		<rrp:name>FeedBack:ja</rrp:name>
+		<rrp:query rdf:resource="http://naoya.dyndns.org/feedback/app/rss?keyword="/>
+		<rrp:icon rdf:resource="chrome://sage/content/search/feedback.png"/>
+		<rrp:charset>UTF-8</rrp:charset>
+	</rdf:Description>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/content/settings/bookmarkfoldermenulist.js b/src/sage/content/settings/bookmarkfoldermenulist.js
index ca43cad..bb84c07 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/settings/bookmarkfoldermenulist.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/settings/bookmarkfoldermenulist.js
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-function BookmarkFolderMenuList(aMenulistID, aRootFolderID){
-	this.menuList = document.getElementById(aMenulistID);
-	this.menupopup = this.menuList.menupopup;
-	this.rootFolder = aRootFolderID ? aRootFolderID : "NC:BookmarksRoot";
-	this.init();
-BookmarkFolderMenuList.prototype = {
-	RDF: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
-				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService),
-	RDFC: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"]
-				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer),
-	RDFCU: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"]
-				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainerUtils),
-	BMDS: null,
-	set rootFolderID(aValue){
-		this.rootFolder = aValue;
-		this.init();
-		return this.rootFolder;
-	},
-	get rootFolderID(){
-		return this.rootFolder;
-	},
-	set currentFolderID(aValue){
-		return this.menuList.value = aValue;
-	},
-	get currentFolderID(){
-		return this.menuList.value;
-	},
-	init: function(){
-		this.BMDS = this.RDF.GetDataSource("rdf:bookmarks");
-		while (this.menupopup.hasChildNodes()){
-			this.menupopup.removeChild(this.menupopup.firstChild);
-		}
-		var menuitemNode = document.createElement("menuitem");
-		menuitemNode.setAttribute("label", "Root");
-		menuitemNode.setAttribute("value", this.rootFolder);
-		this.menupopup.appendChild(menuitemNode);
-		this.createMenuItem(this.RDF.GetResource(this.rootFolder), 1);
-		this.menuList.selectedIndex = 0;
-	},
-	createMenuItem: function(aFolder, aDepth){
-		this.RDFC.Init(this.BMDS, aFolder);
-		var children = this.RDFC.GetElements();
-		while (children.hasMoreElements()){
-			var item = children.getNext();
-			if(!this.RDFCU.IsContainer(this.BMDS, item)) continue;
-			item = item.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-			var property = this.RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name");
-			var name = this.BMDS.GetTarget(item, property, true);
-			name = name.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
-			var Indentation = new Array(aDepth + 1).join("   ");
-			var menuitemNode = document.createElement("menuitem");
-			menuitemNode.setAttribute("label", Indentation + name);
-			menuitemNode.setAttribute("value", item.Value);
-			this.menupopup.appendChild(menuitemNode);
-			this.createMenuItem(item, ++aDepth);
-			--aDepth;
-		}
-	}
+function BookmarkFolderMenuList(aMenulistID, aRootFolderID){
+	this.menuList = document.getElementById(aMenulistID);
+	this.menupopup = this.menuList.menupopup;
+	this.rootFolder = aRootFolderID ? aRootFolderID : "NC:BookmarksRoot";
+	this.init();
+BookmarkFolderMenuList.prototype = {
+	RDF: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"]
+				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService),
+	RDFC: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"]
+				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer),
+	RDFCU: Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"]
+				.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainerUtils),
+	BMDS: null,
+	set rootFolderID(aValue){
+		this.rootFolder = aValue;
+		this.init();
+		return this.rootFolder;
+	},
+	get rootFolderID(){
+		return this.rootFolder;
+	},
+	set currentFolderID(aValue){
+		return this.menuList.value = aValue;
+	},
+	get currentFolderID(){
+		return this.menuList.value;
+	},
+	init: function(){
+		this.BMDS = this.RDF.GetDataSource("rdf:bookmarks");
+		while (this.menupopup.hasChildNodes()){
+			this.menupopup.removeChild(this.menupopup.firstChild);
+		}
+		var menuitemNode = document.createElement("menuitem");
+		menuitemNode.setAttribute("label", "Root");
+		menuitemNode.setAttribute("value", this.rootFolder);
+		this.menupopup.appendChild(menuitemNode);
+		this.createMenuItem(this.RDF.GetResource(this.rootFolder), 1);
+		this.menuList.selectedIndex = 0;
+	},
+	createMenuItem: function(aFolder, aDepth){
+		this.RDFC.Init(this.BMDS, aFolder);
+		var children = this.RDFC.GetElements();
+		while (children.hasMoreElements()){
+			var item = children.getNext();
+			if(!this.RDFCU.IsContainer(this.BMDS, item)) continue;
+			item = item.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+			var property = this.RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#Name");
+			var name = this.BMDS.GetTarget(item, property, true);
+			name = name.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
+			var Indentation = new Array(aDepth + 1).join("   ");
+			var menuitemNode = document.createElement("menuitem");
+			menuitemNode.setAttribute("label", Indentation + name);
+			menuitemNode.setAttribute("value", item.Value);
+			this.menupopup.appendChild(menuitemNode);
+			this.createMenuItem(item, ++aDepth);
+			--aDepth;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/sage/content/settings/exUnregisterer.js b/src/sage/content/settings/exUnregisterer.js
index b6a68e4..fe3cb3e 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/settings/exUnregisterer.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/settings/exUnregisterer.js
@@ -1,540 +1,540 @@
-"exUnregisterer", the automatic unregisterer (Ver.0.4.2003041301) 
->var unreg = new exUnregisterer(
->		'chrome://my_app/content/contents.rdf',
->		'jar:%chromeFolder%my_app.jar!/locale/en-US/contents.rdf'
->	);
->unreg.unregister(); // unregister all files
->unreg.removePrefs('my_app'); // remove all prefs ('my_app.XXXX.XXXXX', 'my_app.YYYY.ZZZZ', and so on)
-This class has following properties and methods:
-Chrome                   : the URI of the chrome directory in Mozilla
-                           installed.
-UChrome and UChrm        : the URI of the chrome directory in the current
-                           profile.
-unregister()             : executes unregisteration.
-removePrefs(aBranch)     : removes all preferences which include the handled
-                           name.
-readFrom(aFile)          : reads a text file and returns the content as
-                           a string.
-writeTo(aFile, aContent) : writes a text file with a string.
-When you create an instance of this class, you can use "%chromeFolder%"
-to point two "chrome" folders, in the directory Mozilla was installed in
-and in the profile directory.
-/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code is the exUnregisterer.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002-2003
- * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi <piro at p.club.ne.jp>
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
- * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
- * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
- * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
- * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
- * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
- * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
- * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
- * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
- * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
- *
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
-function exUnregisterer()
-	this.init(arguments);
-	delete this.mTarget.overlaysTemp;
-exUnregisterer.prototype =
-	// properties 
-	mTarget : 
-	{
-		packages : [],
-		locales  : [],
-		skins    : [],
-		overlays : [],
-		overlaysTemp : []
-	},
-	mEntriesURL : [], 
-	get Chrome() 
-	{
-		if (!this._Chrome) {
-			this._Chrome = this.getURISpecFromKey('AChrom');
-			if (!this._Chrome.match(/\/$/)) this._Chrome += '/';
-		}
-		return this._Chrome;
-	},
-	_Chrome : null,
-	get UChrome()
-	{
-		if (!this._UChrome) {
-			this._UChrome = this.getURISpecFromKey('UChrm');
-			if (!this._UChrome.match(/\/$/)) this._UChrome += '/';
-		}
-		return this._UChrome;
-	},
-	_UChrome : null,
-	get UChrm()
-	{
-		return this.UChrome;
-	},
-	get IOService() 
-	{
-		if (!this._IOService) {
-			this._IOService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
-		}
-		return this._IOService;
-	},
-	_IOService : null,
-	get RDF() 
-	{
-		if (!this._RDF) {
-			this._RDF = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
-		}
-		return this._RDF;
-	},
-	_RDF : null,
-	get RDFC() 
-	{
-		if (!this._RDFC) {
-			this._RDFC = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
-		}
-		return this._RDFC;
-	},
-	_RDFC : null,
-	// Initialize 
-	init : function(aDsourcePaths)
-	{
-		var rootnode =
-			{
-				packages : 'urn:mozilla:package:root',
-				locales  : 'urn:mozilla:locale:root',
-				skins    : 'urn:mozilla:skin:root',
-				overlays : 'urn:mozilla:overlays'
-			},
-			dsource,
-			dsourcePaths = [],
-			i,
-			nodes,
-			node,
-			target;
-		for (i = 0; i < aDsourcePaths.length; i++)
-		{
-			if (aDsourcePaths[i].match(/%chromeFolder%/i)) {
-				dsourcePaths.push(aDsourcePaths[i].replace(/%chromeFolder%/gi, this.Chrome));
-				dsourcePaths.push(aDsourcePaths[i].replace(/%chromeFolder%/gi, this.UChrome));
-			}
-			else
-				dsourcePaths.push(aDsourcePaths[i]);
-		}
-		for (var j = 0; j < dsourcePaths.length; j++)
-		{
-			try {
-				if (this.RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking)
-					dsource = this.RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(dsourcePaths[j]).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
-				else
-					dsource = this.RDF.GetDataSource(dsourcePaths[j]);
-			}
-			catch(e) {
-				continue;
-			}
-			for (i in rootnode)
-			{
-				try {
-					this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(rootnode[i]));
-				}
-				catch(e) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements();
-				while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
-				{
-					node = nodes.getNext();
-					node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-					target = node.Value;
-					switch(i)
-					{
-						case 'locales':
-						case 'skins':
-							target += ':packages';
-							if (!this.mTarget[i][target])
-								this.mTarget[i][target] = [];
-							break;
-						case 'overlays':
-							if (!this.mTarget[i+'Temp'][target])
-								this.mTarget[i+'Temp'][target] = [];
-							break;
-						default:
-							this.mTarget[i][target] = true;
-							break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			var targets =
-				[
-					this.mTarget.locales,
-					this.mTarget.skins
-				];
-			for (var k in targets)
-			{
-				for (i in targets[k])
-				{
-					try {
-						this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(i));
-					}
-					catch(e) {
-						continue;
-					}
-					nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements();
-					while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
-					{
-						node = nodes.getNext();
-						node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-						targets[k][i][node.Value] = true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// overlays
-			for (i in this.mTarget.overlaysTemp)
-			{
-				try {
-					this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(i));
-				}
-				catch(e) {
-					continue;
-				}
-				nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements();
-				while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
-				{
-					node = nodes.getNext();
-					node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
-					target = i.replace(/[^:]+:\/\/([^\/]+).+/, 'overlayinfo/$1/content/overlays.rdf');
-					if (!this.mTarget.overlays[target])
-						this.mTarget.overlays[target] = [];
-					if (!this.mTarget.overlays[target][i])
-						this.mTarget.overlays[target][i] = [];
-					this.mTarget.overlays[target][i][node.Value] = true;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return;
-	},
-	// Get an URI from an internal keyword 
-	getURISpecFromKey : function(aKeyword)
-	{
-		const DIR = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
-		var dir = DIR.get(aKeyword, Components.interfaces.nsIFile),
-			path;
-		try {
-			path = this.IOService.newFileURI(dir).spec;
-		}
-		catch(e) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.1]]
-			path = this.IOService.getURLSpecFromFile(dir);
-		}
-		return path;
-	},
-	getURI : function(aKeyword) // old implementation
-	{
-		return this.getURISpecFromKey(aKeyword);
-	},
-	// Convert an URI to a file path 
-	getFilePathFromURLSpec : function(aURL)
-	{
-		var url = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
-			url.spec = aURL;
-		if (!url.schemeIs('file')) return '';
-		var tempLocalFile;
-		try {
-			var fileHandler = this.IOService.getProtocolHandler('file').QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
-			tempLocalFile = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(aURL);
-		}
-		catch(e) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.1]]
-			try {
-				tempLocalFile = this.IOService.getFileFromURLSpec(aURL);
-			}
-			catch(ex) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.0.x]]
-				tempLocalFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-				this.IOService.initFileFromURLSpec(tempLocalFile, aURL);
-			}
-		}
-		return tempLocalFile.path;
-	},
-	getFilePathFromURI : function(aURI) // old implementation
-	{
-		return this.getFilePathFromURLSpec(aURI);
-	},
-	// Convert a file path to an URI 
-	getURLSpecFromFilePath : function(aPath)
-	{
-		var tempLocalFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-		tempLocalFile.initWithPath(aPath);
-		try {
-			return this.IOService.newFileURI(tempLocalFile).spec;
-		}
-		catch(e) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.1]]
-			return this.IOService.getURLSpecFromFile(tempLocalFile);
-		}
-	},
-	// does exist the file? 
-	exists : function(aFilePathOrURL)
-	{
-		if (aFilePathOrURL.match(/^file:/))
-			aFilePathOrURL = this.getFilePathFromURLSpec(aFilePathOrURL);
-		var tempLocalFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-		tempLocalFile.initWithPath(aFilePathOrURL);
-		return tempLocalFile.exists();
-	},
-	// Unregister information 
-	unregister : function()
-	{
-		// packages unregisteration
-		for (i in this.mTarget.packages)
-		{
-			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'chrome.rdf', 'urn:mozilla:package:root', this.mTarget.packages);
-			this.removeResources(this.UChrome+'chrome.rdf', 'urn:mozilla:package:root', this.mTarget.packages);
-			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'all-packages.rdf', 'urn:mozilla:package:root', this.mTarget.packages);
-		}
-		// locales unregistration
-		for (i in this.mTarget.locales)
-		{
-			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.locales[i]);
-			this.removeResources(this.UChrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.locales[i]);
-			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'all-locales.rdf', i, this.mTarget.locales[i]);
-		}
-		// skins unregistration
-		for (i in this.mTarget.skins)
-		{
-			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.skins[i]);
-			this.removeResources(this.UChrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.skins[i]);
-			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'all-skins.rdf', i, this.mTarget.skins[i]);
-		}
-		// overlays unregistration
-		for (i in this.mTarget.overlays)
-			for (j in this.mTarget.overlays[i])
-			{
-				this.removeResources(this.Chrome+i, j, this.mTarget.overlays[i][j]);
-				this.removeResources(this.UChrome+i, j, this.mTarget.overlays[i][j]);
-			}
-		// remove entries from installed-chrome.txt
-		var installedChrome = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
-		installedChrome.initWithPath(this.getFilePathFromURLSpec(this.Chrome+'installed-chrome.txt'));
-		var entries = this.readFrom(installedChrome);
-		var regexp  = new RegExp();
-		for (i in this.mEntriesURL)
-			entries = entries.replace(regexp.compile('[^\\n\\r]+'+this.mEntriesURL[i]+'[\\n\\r]+', 'g'), '');
-		this.writeTo(installedChrome, entries);
-		return;
-	},
-	// Remove info from RDF files 
-	removeResources : function(aDsourcePath, aRootURI, aTargets)
-	{
-		var dsource;
-		try {
-			dsource = this.RDF.GetDataSource(aDsourcePath);
-			dsource = dsource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
-		}
-		catch(e) {
-			return;
-		}
-		try {
-			this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(aRootURI));
-		}
-		catch(e) {
-//			dump('ERROR: cannot remove resources in '+rootnode);
-			return;
-		}
-		var nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements(),
-			node,
-			removenode,
-			removenodes = [],
-			removename,
-			removenames,
-			removevalue;
-		while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
-		{
-			node = nodes.getNext();
-			try {
-				node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-			}
-			catch(e) {
-				node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
-			}
-			if (!node || (aTargets && !aTargets[node.Value])) continue;
-			try {
-				removenode = (aDsourcePath.match(/overlays\.rdf$/)) ? this.RDF.GetLiteral(node.Value) : this.RDF.GetResource(node.Value) ;
-				removenodes.push(removenode);
-				// If the file is "overlays.rdf", then this block is skipped.
-				try {
-					removenames = dsource.ArcLabelsOut(removenode);
-					while (removenames.hasMoreElements())
-					{
-						removename = removenames.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-						removevalue = dsource.GetTarget(removenode, removename, true);
-						if (removename.Value.match(/#baseURL$/))
-							this.mEntriesURL.push(removevalue.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value);
-						dsource.Unassert(removenode, removename, removevalue);
-					}
-				}
-				catch(e) {
-				}
-			}
-			catch(e) {
-//				dump('cannot remove '+node.Value+' from '+rooturi);
-			}
-		}
-		for (var i in removenodes)
-			this.RDFC.RemoveElement(removenodes[i], true);
-		// remove empty container from "overlays.rdf"
-		if (!this.RDFC.GetCount()) {
-			removenames = dsource.ArcLabelsOut(this.RDFC.Resource);
-			while (removenames.hasMoreElements())
-			{
-				removename = removenames.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-				removevalue = dsource.GetTarget(this.RDFC.Resource, removename, true);
-				dsource.Unassert(this.RDFC.Resource, removename, removevalue);
-			}
-		}
-		dsource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).Flush();
-		return;
-	},
-	// Remove all user preferences containing the argument "branch" in the top of the name. 
-	removePrefs : function(aBranch)
-	{
-		//const Prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch(branch+'.');
-		const Prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
-		try {
-			var prefs = Prefs.getChildList(aBranch+'.', { value: 0 });
-			for (var i in prefs) Prefs.clearUserPref(prefs[i]);
-		}
-		catch(e) {
-//			dump('ERROR: cannot clear user preferences.');
-		}
-		return;
-	},
-	// File I/O 
-	readFrom : function(aFile) 
-	{
-		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
-		stream.init(aFile, 1, 0, false); // open as "read only"
-		var scriptableStream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
-		scriptableStream.init(stream);
-		var fileSize = scriptableStream.available();
-		var fileContents = scriptableStream.read(fileSize);
-		scriptableStream.close();
-		stream.close();
-		return fileContents;
-	},
-	writeTo : function(aFile, aContent) 
-	{
-		if (aFile.exists()) aFile.remove(true);
-		aFile.create(aFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
-		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
-		stream.init(aFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
-		stream.write(aContent, aContent.length);
-		stream.close();
-	}
+"exUnregisterer", the automatic unregisterer (Ver.0.4.2003041301) 
+>var unreg = new exUnregisterer(
+>		'chrome://my_app/content/contents.rdf',
+>		'jar:%chromeFolder%my_app.jar!/locale/en-US/contents.rdf'
+>	);
+>unreg.unregister(); // unregister all files
+>unreg.removePrefs('my_app'); // remove all prefs ('my_app.XXXX.XXXXX', 'my_app.YYYY.ZZZZ', and so on)
+This class has following properties and methods:
+Chrome                   : the URI of the chrome directory in Mozilla
+                           installed.
+UChrome and UChrm        : the URI of the chrome directory in the current
+                           profile.
+unregister()             : executes unregisteration.
+removePrefs(aBranch)     : removes all preferences which include the handled
+                           name.
+readFrom(aFile)          : reads a text file and returns the content as
+                           a string.
+writeTo(aFile, aContent) : writes a text file with a string.
+When you create an instance of this class, you can use "%chromeFolder%"
+to point two "chrome" folders, in the directory Mozilla was installed in
+and in the profile directory.
+/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the exUnregisterer.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SHIMODA Hiroshi.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2002-2003
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): SHIMODA Hiroshi <piro at p.club.ne.jp>
+ *
+ * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+ * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+ * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+ * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+ * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+ * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+ * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+ * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
+ * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
+ * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
+ * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
+function exUnregisterer()
+	this.init(arguments);
+	delete this.mTarget.overlaysTemp;
+exUnregisterer.prototype =
+	// properties 
+	mTarget : 
+	{
+		packages : [],
+		locales  : [],
+		skins    : [],
+		overlays : [],
+		overlaysTemp : []
+	},
+	mEntriesURL : [], 
+	get Chrome() 
+	{
+		if (!this._Chrome) {
+			this._Chrome = this.getURISpecFromKey('AChrom');
+			if (!this._Chrome.match(/\/$/)) this._Chrome += '/';
+		}
+		return this._Chrome;
+	},
+	_Chrome : null,
+	get UChrome()
+	{
+		if (!this._UChrome) {
+			this._UChrome = this.getURISpecFromKey('UChrm');
+			if (!this._UChrome.match(/\/$/)) this._UChrome += '/';
+		}
+		return this._UChrome;
+	},
+	_UChrome : null,
+	get UChrm()
+	{
+		return this.UChrome;
+	},
+	get IOService() 
+	{
+		if (!this._IOService) {
+			this._IOService = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+		}
+		return this._IOService;
+	},
+	_IOService : null,
+	get RDF() 
+	{
+		if (!this._RDF) {
+			this._RDF = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
+		}
+		return this._RDF;
+	},
+	_RDF : null,
+	get RDFC() 
+	{
+		if (!this._RDFC) {
+			this._RDFC = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
+		}
+		return this._RDFC;
+	},
+	_RDFC : null,
+	// Initialize 
+	init : function(aDsourcePaths)
+	{
+		var rootnode =
+			{
+				packages : 'urn:mozilla:package:root',
+				locales  : 'urn:mozilla:locale:root',
+				skins    : 'urn:mozilla:skin:root',
+				overlays : 'urn:mozilla:overlays'
+			},
+			dsource,
+			dsourcePaths = [],
+			i,
+			nodes,
+			node,
+			target;
+		for (i = 0; i < aDsourcePaths.length; i++)
+		{
+			if (aDsourcePaths[i].match(/%chromeFolder%/i)) {
+				dsourcePaths.push(aDsourcePaths[i].replace(/%chromeFolder%/gi, this.Chrome));
+				dsourcePaths.push(aDsourcePaths[i].replace(/%chromeFolder%/gi, this.UChrome));
+			}
+			else
+				dsourcePaths.push(aDsourcePaths[i]);
+		}
+		for (var j = 0; j < dsourcePaths.length; j++)
+		{
+			try {
+				if (this.RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking)
+					dsource = this.RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(dsourcePaths[j]).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
+				else
+					dsource = this.RDF.GetDataSource(dsourcePaths[j]);
+			}
+			catch(e) {
+				continue;
+			}
+			for (i in rootnode)
+			{
+				try {
+					this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(rootnode[i]));
+				}
+				catch(e) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements();
+				while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
+				{
+					node = nodes.getNext();
+					node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+					target = node.Value;
+					switch(i)
+					{
+						case 'locales':
+						case 'skins':
+							target += ':packages';
+							if (!this.mTarget[i][target])
+								this.mTarget[i][target] = [];
+							break;
+						case 'overlays':
+							if (!this.mTarget[i+'Temp'][target])
+								this.mTarget[i+'Temp'][target] = [];
+							break;
+						default:
+							this.mTarget[i][target] = true;
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			var targets =
+				[
+					this.mTarget.locales,
+					this.mTarget.skins
+				];
+			for (var k in targets)
+			{
+				for (i in targets[k])
+				{
+					try {
+						this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(i));
+					}
+					catch(e) {
+						continue;
+					}
+					nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements();
+					while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
+					{
+						node = nodes.getNext();
+						node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+						targets[k][i][node.Value] = true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			// overlays
+			for (i in this.mTarget.overlaysTemp)
+			{
+				try {
+					this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(i));
+				}
+				catch(e) {
+					continue;
+				}
+				nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements();
+				while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
+				{
+					node = nodes.getNext();
+					node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
+					target = i.replace(/[^:]+:\/\/([^\/]+).+/, 'overlayinfo/$1/content/overlays.rdf');
+					if (!this.mTarget.overlays[target])
+						this.mTarget.overlays[target] = [];
+					if (!this.mTarget.overlays[target][i])
+						this.mTarget.overlays[target][i] = [];
+					this.mTarget.overlays[target][i][node.Value] = true;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return;
+	},
+	// Get an URI from an internal keyword 
+	getURISpecFromKey : function(aKeyword)
+	{
+		const DIR = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
+		var dir = DIR.get(aKeyword, Components.interfaces.nsIFile),
+			path;
+		try {
+			path = this.IOService.newFileURI(dir).spec;
+		}
+		catch(e) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.1]]
+			path = this.IOService.getURLSpecFromFile(dir);
+		}
+		return path;
+	},
+	getURI : function(aKeyword) // old implementation
+	{
+		return this.getURISpecFromKey(aKeyword);
+	},
+	// Convert an URI to a file path 
+	getFilePathFromURLSpec : function(aURL)
+	{
+		var url = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/standard-url;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIURI);
+			url.spec = aURL;
+		if (!url.schemeIs('file')) return '';
+		var tempLocalFile;
+		try {
+			var fileHandler = this.IOService.getProtocolHandler('file').QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFileProtocolHandler);
+			tempLocalFile = fileHandler.getFileFromURLSpec(aURL);
+		}
+		catch(e) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.1]]
+			try {
+				tempLocalFile = this.IOService.getFileFromURLSpec(aURL);
+			}
+			catch(ex) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.0.x]]
+				tempLocalFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+				this.IOService.initFileFromURLSpec(tempLocalFile, aURL);
+			}
+		}
+		return tempLocalFile.path;
+	},
+	getFilePathFromURI : function(aURI) // old implementation
+	{
+		return this.getFilePathFromURLSpec(aURI);
+	},
+	// Convert a file path to an URI 
+	getURLSpecFromFilePath : function(aPath)
+	{
+		var tempLocalFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+		tempLocalFile.initWithPath(aPath);
+		try {
+			return this.IOService.newFileURI(tempLocalFile).spec;
+		}
+		catch(e) { // [[interchangeability for Mozilla 1.1]]
+			return this.IOService.getURLSpecFromFile(tempLocalFile);
+		}
+	},
+	// does exist the file? 
+	exists : function(aFilePathOrURL)
+	{
+		if (aFilePathOrURL.match(/^file:/))
+			aFilePathOrURL = this.getFilePathFromURLSpec(aFilePathOrURL);
+		var tempLocalFile = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+		tempLocalFile.initWithPath(aFilePathOrURL);
+		return tempLocalFile.exists();
+	},
+	// Unregister information 
+	unregister : function()
+	{
+		// packages unregisteration
+		for (i in this.mTarget.packages)
+		{
+			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'chrome.rdf', 'urn:mozilla:package:root', this.mTarget.packages);
+			this.removeResources(this.UChrome+'chrome.rdf', 'urn:mozilla:package:root', this.mTarget.packages);
+			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'all-packages.rdf', 'urn:mozilla:package:root', this.mTarget.packages);
+		}
+		// locales unregistration
+		for (i in this.mTarget.locales)
+		{
+			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.locales[i]);
+			this.removeResources(this.UChrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.locales[i]);
+			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'all-locales.rdf', i, this.mTarget.locales[i]);
+		}
+		// skins unregistration
+		for (i in this.mTarget.skins)
+		{
+			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.skins[i]);
+			this.removeResources(this.UChrome+'chrome.rdf', i, this.mTarget.skins[i]);
+			this.removeResources(this.Chrome+'all-skins.rdf', i, this.mTarget.skins[i]);
+		}
+		// overlays unregistration
+		for (i in this.mTarget.overlays)
+			for (j in this.mTarget.overlays[i])
+			{
+				this.removeResources(this.Chrome+i, j, this.mTarget.overlays[i][j]);
+				this.removeResources(this.UChrome+i, j, this.mTarget.overlays[i][j]);
+			}
+		// remove entries from installed-chrome.txt
+		var installedChrome = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+		installedChrome.initWithPath(this.getFilePathFromURLSpec(this.Chrome+'installed-chrome.txt'));
+		var entries = this.readFrom(installedChrome);
+		var regexp  = new RegExp();
+		for (i in this.mEntriesURL)
+			entries = entries.replace(regexp.compile('[^\\n\\r]+'+this.mEntriesURL[i]+'[\\n\\r]+', 'g'), '');
+		this.writeTo(installedChrome, entries);
+		return;
+	},
+	// Remove info from RDF files 
+	removeResources : function(aDsourcePath, aRootURI, aTargets)
+	{
+		var dsource;
+		try {
+			dsource = this.RDF.GetDataSource(aDsourcePath);
+			dsource = dsource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource);
+		}
+		catch(e) {
+			return;
+		}
+		try {
+			this.RDFC.Init(dsource, this.RDF.GetResource(aRootURI));
+		}
+		catch(e) {
+//			dump('ERROR: cannot remove resources in '+rootnode);
+			return;
+		}
+		var nodes = this.RDFC.GetElements(),
+			node,
+			removenode,
+			removenodes = [],
+			removename,
+			removenames,
+			removevalue;
+		while (nodes.hasMoreElements())
+		{
+			node = nodes.getNext();
+			try {
+				node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+			}
+			catch(e) {
+				node = node.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
+			}
+			if (!node || (aTargets && !aTargets[node.Value])) continue;
+			try {
+				removenode = (aDsourcePath.match(/overlays\.rdf$/)) ? this.RDF.GetLiteral(node.Value) : this.RDF.GetResource(node.Value) ;
+				removenodes.push(removenode);
+				// If the file is "overlays.rdf", then this block is skipped.
+				try {
+					removenames = dsource.ArcLabelsOut(removenode);
+					while (removenames.hasMoreElements())
+					{
+						removename = removenames.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+						removevalue = dsource.GetTarget(removenode, removename, true);
+						if (removename.Value.match(/#baseURL$/))
+							this.mEntriesURL.push(removevalue.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value);
+						dsource.Unassert(removenode, removename, removevalue);
+					}
+				}
+				catch(e) {
+				}
+			}
+			catch(e) {
+//				dump('cannot remove '+node.Value+' from '+rooturi);
+			}
+		}
+		for (var i in removenodes)
+			this.RDFC.RemoveElement(removenodes[i], true);
+		// remove empty container from "overlays.rdf"
+		if (!this.RDFC.GetCount()) {
+			removenames = dsource.ArcLabelsOut(this.RDFC.Resource);
+			while (removenames.hasMoreElements())
+			{
+				removename = removenames.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+				removevalue = dsource.GetTarget(this.RDFC.Resource, removename, true);
+				dsource.Unassert(this.RDFC.Resource, removename, removevalue);
+			}
+		}
+		dsource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFRemoteDataSource).Flush();
+		return;
+	},
+	// Remove all user preferences containing the argument "branch" in the top of the name. 
+	removePrefs : function(aBranch)
+	{
+		//const Prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch(branch+'.');
+		const Prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences;1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+		try {
+			var prefs = Prefs.getChildList(aBranch+'.', { value: 0 });
+			for (var i in prefs) Prefs.clearUserPref(prefs[i]);
+		}
+		catch(e) {
+//			dump('ERROR: cannot clear user preferences.');
+		}
+		return;
+	},
+	// File I/O 
+	readFrom : function(aFile) 
+	{
+		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
+		stream.init(aFile, 1, 0, false); // open as "read only"
+		var scriptableStream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
+		scriptableStream.init(stream);
+		var fileSize = scriptableStream.available();
+		var fileContents = scriptableStream.read(fileSize);
+		scriptableStream.close();
+		stream.close();
+		return fileContents;
+	},
+	writeTo : function(aFile, aContent) 
+	{
+		if (aFile.exists()) aFile.remove(true);
+		aFile.create(aFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
+		var stream = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileOutputStream);
+		stream.init(aFile, 2, 0x200, false); // open as "write only"
+		stream.write(aContent, aContent.length);
+		stream.close();
+	}
diff --git a/src/sage/content/settings/settings.js b/src/sage/content/settings/settings.js
index db735c0..7bc27bb 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/settings/settings.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/settings/settings.js
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
-var sageFolderID;
-var chkUserCssEnable;
-var txtUserCssPath;
-var chkAllowEContent;
-var chkAutoFeedTitle;
-var chkRenderFeeds;
-var chkTwelveHourClock;
-var feedItemOrder;
-var feedDiscoveryMode;
-var gList;
-var gNameArc;
-var strRes // stringbundle �I�u�W�F�N�g
-function init() {
-	initServices();
-	initBMService();
-	strRes = document.getElementById("strRes");
-  sageFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	gNameArc = RDF.GetResource(NC_NS + "Name");
-	gList = document.getElementById("select-menu");
-	chkUserCssEnable = document.getElementById("chkUserCssEnable");
-	chkUserCssEnable.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", false);
-	txtUserCssPath = document.getElementById("txtUserCssPath");
-	txtUserCssPath.value = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", "");
-	chkAllowEContent = document.getElementById("chkAllowEContent");
-	chkAllowEContent.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", true);
-	chkAutoFeedTitle = document.getElementById("chkAutoFeedTitle");
-	chkAutoFeedTitle.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.AUTO_FEED_TITLE, "bool", true);
-	chkRenderFeeds = document.getElementById("chkRenderFeeds");
-	chkRenderFeeds.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RENDER_FEEDS, "bool", true);
-	chkTwelveHourClock = document.getElementById("chkTwelveHourClock");
-	chkTwelveHourClock.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK, "bool", false);
-	feedItemOrder = document.getElementById("feedItemOrder");
-	feedItemOrder.value = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	feedDiscoveryMode = document.getElementById("feedDiscoveryMode");
-	feedDiscoveryMode.value = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_DISCOVERY_MODE, "str", "exhaustive");
-	setDisabled();
-	setTimeout(fillSelectFolderMenupopup, 0);
-function accept() {
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", sageFolderID);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", chkUserCssEnable.checked);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", txtUserCssPath.value);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", chkAllowEContent.checked);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.AUTO_FEED_TITLE, "bool", chkAutoFeedTitle.checked);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.RENDER_FEEDS, "bool", chkRenderFeeds.checked);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK, "bool", chkTwelveHourClock.checked);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", feedItemOrder.value);
-	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_DISCOVERY_MODE, "str", feedDiscoveryMode.value);
-function selectFolder(aEvent){
-	sageFolderID = aEvent.target.id;
-function setDisabled() {
-	txtUserCssPath.disabled = !chkUserCssEnable.checked;
-	document.getElementById("btnBrowseCss").disabled = !chkUserCssEnable.checked;
-function browseCss() {
-	var fpicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"]
-					.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
-	fpicker.init(window, "Select CSS File", fpicker.modeOpen);
-	fpicker.appendFilter("CSS File(*.css)", "*.css");
-	fpicker.appendFilters(fpicker.filterAll);
-	var showResult = fpicker.show();
-	if(showResult == fpicker.returnOK) {
-		txtUserCssPath.value = fpicker.file.path;	
-	}
-function fillSelectFolderMenupopup () {
-	var popup = document.getElementById("select-folder");
-	// clearing the old menupopup
-	while (popup.hasChildNodes()) {
-		popup.removeChild(popup.firstChild);
-	}
-	// to be removed once I checkin the top folder
-	var element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
-	element.setAttribute("label", "Bookmarks");
-	element.setAttribute("id", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	popup.appendChild(element);
-	var folder = RDF.GetResource("NC:BookmarksRoot");
-	fillFolder(popup, folder, 1);
-	if(gList.selectedIndex == -1) {
-		gList.selectedIndex = 0;
-		sageFolderID = "NC:BookmarksRoot";
-	}
-function fillFolder(aPopup, aFolder, aDepth) {
-	RDFC.Init(BMDS, aFolder);
-	var children = RDFC.GetElements();
-	while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
-		var curr = children.getNext();
-		if (RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, curr)) {
-			curr = curr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
-			var element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
-			var name = BMDS.GetTarget(curr, gNameArc, true).QueryInterface(kRDFLITIID).Value;
-			var indentation = new Array(aDepth + 1).join("   ");
-			element.setAttribute("label", indentation + name);
-			element.setAttribute("id", curr.Value);
-			aPopup.appendChild(element);
-			if (curr.Value == sageFolderID) {
-				gList.selectedItem = element;
-			}
-			fillFolder(aPopup, curr, ++aDepth);
-			--aDepth;
-		}
-	}
+var sageFolderID;
+var chkUserCssEnable;
+var txtUserCssPath;
+var chkAllowEContent;
+var chkAutoFeedTitle;
+var chkRenderFeeds;
+var chkTwelveHourClock;
+var feedItemOrder;
+var feedDiscoveryMode;
+var gList;
+var gNameArc;
+var strRes // stringbundle �I�u�W�F�N�g
+function init() {
+	initServices();
+	initBMService();
+	strRes = document.getElementById("strRes");
+  sageFolderID = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	gNameArc = RDF.GetResource(NC_NS + "Name");
+	gList = document.getElementById("select-menu");
+	chkUserCssEnable = document.getElementById("chkUserCssEnable");
+	chkUserCssEnable.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", false);
+	txtUserCssPath = document.getElementById("txtUserCssPath");
+	txtUserCssPath.value = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", "");
+	chkAllowEContent = document.getElementById("chkAllowEContent");
+	chkAllowEContent.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", true);
+	chkAutoFeedTitle = document.getElementById("chkAutoFeedTitle");
+	chkAutoFeedTitle.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.AUTO_FEED_TITLE, "bool", true);
+	chkRenderFeeds = document.getElementById("chkRenderFeeds");
+	chkRenderFeeds.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.RENDER_FEEDS, "bool", true);
+	chkTwelveHourClock = document.getElementById("chkTwelveHourClock");
+	chkTwelveHourClock.checked = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK, "bool", false);
+	feedItemOrder = document.getElementById("feedItemOrder");
+	feedItemOrder.value = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+	feedDiscoveryMode = document.getElementById("feedDiscoveryMode");
+	feedDiscoveryMode.value = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_DISCOVERY_MODE, "str", "exhaustive");
+	setDisabled();
+	setTimeout(fillSelectFolderMenupopup, 0);
+function accept() {
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.RSS_READER_FOLDER_ID, "str", sageFolderID);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_ENABLE, "bool", chkUserCssEnable.checked);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.USER_CSS_PATH, "wstr", txtUserCssPath.value);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.ALLOW_ENCODED_CONTENT, "bool", chkAllowEContent.checked);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.AUTO_FEED_TITLE, "bool", chkAutoFeedTitle.checked);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.RENDER_FEEDS, "bool", chkRenderFeeds.checked);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.TWELVE_HOUR_CLOCK, "bool", chkTwelveHourClock.checked);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", feedItemOrder.value);
+	CommonFunc.setPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_DISCOVERY_MODE, "str", feedDiscoveryMode.value);
+function selectFolder(aEvent){
+	sageFolderID = aEvent.target.id;
+function setDisabled() {
+	txtUserCssPath.disabled = !chkUserCssEnable.checked;
+	document.getElementById("btnBrowseCss").disabled = !chkUserCssEnable.checked;
+function browseCss() {
+	var fpicker = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"]
+					.createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker);
+	fpicker.init(window, "Select CSS File", fpicker.modeOpen);
+	fpicker.appendFilter("CSS File(*.css)", "*.css");
+	fpicker.appendFilters(fpicker.filterAll);
+	var showResult = fpicker.show();
+	if(showResult == fpicker.returnOK) {
+		txtUserCssPath.value = fpicker.file.path;	
+	}
+function fillSelectFolderMenupopup () {
+	var popup = document.getElementById("select-folder");
+	// clearing the old menupopup
+	while (popup.hasChildNodes()) {
+		popup.removeChild(popup.firstChild);
+	}
+	// to be removed once I checkin the top folder
+	var element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
+	element.setAttribute("label", "Bookmarks");
+	element.setAttribute("id", "NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	popup.appendChild(element);
+	var folder = RDF.GetResource("NC:BookmarksRoot");
+	fillFolder(popup, folder, 1);
+	if(gList.selectedIndex == -1) {
+		gList.selectedIndex = 0;
+		sageFolderID = "NC:BookmarksRoot";
+	}
+function fillFolder(aPopup, aFolder, aDepth) {
+	RDFC.Init(BMDS, aFolder);
+	var children = RDFC.GetElements();
+	while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
+		var curr = children.getNext();
+		if (RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, curr)) {
+			curr = curr.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+			var element = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
+			var name = BMDS.GetTarget(curr, gNameArc, true).QueryInterface(kRDFLITIID).Value;
+			var indentation = new Array(aDepth + 1).join("   ");
+			element.setAttribute("label", indentation + name);
+			element.setAttribute("id", curr.Value);
+			aPopup.appendChild(element);
+			if (curr.Value == sageFolderID) {
+				gList.selectedItem = element;
+			}
+			fillFolder(aPopup, curr, ++aDepth);
+			--aDepth;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/sage/content/updatechecker.js b/src/sage/content/updatechecker.js
index 5273c6c..c36f07a 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/updatechecker.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/updatechecker.js
@@ -1,151 +1,151 @@
-var UpdateChecker = {
-	checking: false,
-	checkList: null,
-	httpReq: null,
-	lastResource: null,
-	startCheck: function(aCheckFolderId) {
-		if(this.checking) return;
-		var resourceList = CommonFunc.getBMDSCChildren(aCheckFolderId);
-		this.checkList = new Array();
-			// Delete separator and updeed resource
-		for(var i = 0; i < resourceList.length; i++) {
-			var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(resourceList[i], CommonFunc.BM_URL);
-			var desc = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(resourceList[i], CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION);
-			var status = desc.split(" ")[0];
-			if(url && !(status == CommonFunc.STATUS_UPDATE || status == CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_CHECK)) {
-				this.checkList.push(resourceList[i]);
-			}
-		}
-		logMessage("checking " + this.checkList.length + " feed(s)");
-		this.checking = true;
-		this.check();
-	},
-	done: function() {
-		if(this.checking) {
-			this.httpReq.abort();
-		}
-	},
-	check: function() {
-		this.lastResource = this.checkList.shift();
-		var name = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_NAME);
-		var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
-		if(!url) {
-			this.checkResult(false, 0);
-		}
-		if(this.httpReq) {
-			this.httpReq.abort();
-		}
-		this.httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
-		this.httpReq.parent = this;
-		this.httpReq.open("GET", url);
-		this.httpReq.onload = this.httpLoaded;
-		this.httpReq.onerror = this.httpError;
-		this.httpReq.onreadystatechange = this.httpReadyStateChange;
-		try {
-			this.httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
-			this.httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
-			this.httpReq.send(null);
-			this.onCheck(name, url);
-		} catch(e) {
-				// FAILURE
-			this.httpReq.abort();
-			this.checkResult(false, 0);
-		}
-	},
-	httpError: function(e) {
-		logMessage("HTTP Error: " + e.target.status + " - " + e.target.statusText);
-		UpdateChecker.httpReq.abort();
-		UpdateChecker.checkResult(false, 0);
-	},
-	httpReadyStateChange: function() {
-		if(UpdateChecker.httpReq.readyState == 2) {
-			try {
-				UpdateChecker.httpReq.status;
-			} catch(e) {
-				UpdateChecker.httpReq.abort();
-				UpdateChecker.checkResult(false, 0);
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	httpLoaded: function(e) {
-		var lastModified = 0;
-		try {
-			var feed = new Feed(UpdateChecker.httpReq.responseXML);
-		} catch(e) {
-			UpdateChecker.checkResult(false, 0);
-			return;
-		}
-		if(feed.hasLastPubDate()) {
-			lastModified = feed.getLastPubDate().getTime();
-		}
-		UpdateChecker.checkResult(true, lastModified, feed);
-	},
-	checkResult: function(aSucceed, aLastModified, feed) {
-		var name = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_NAME);
-		var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
-		var status = 0;
-		var lastVisit = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_LAST_VISIT);
-		if(!lastVisit) {
-			lastVisit = 0;
-		} else {
-			lastVisit /= 1000;
-		}
-		if(aSucceed) {
-			var sig = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION).match(/\[.*\]/);
-			if(aLastModified) {
-				if((aLastModified > lastVisit) && (sig != feed.getSignature())) {
-					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_UPDATE;
-				} else {
-					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE;
-				}
-			} else {
-				if(sig != feed.getSignature()) {
-					//logMessage("signature mismatch: " + feed.getTitle() + "; old sig: " + sig + "  new sig: " + feed.getSignature());
-					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_UPDATE;
-				} else {
-					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE;
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			status = CommonFunc.STATUS_ERROR;
-		}
-		CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION, status + " " + CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION).match(/\[.*\]/));
-		if(this.checkList.length == 0) {
-			this.checking = false;
-			this.onChecked(name, url);
-			return;
-		} else {
-			this.check();
-		}
-	},
-	onCheck: function(aName, aURL) {},
-	onChecked: function(aName, aURL) {}
+var UpdateChecker = {
+	checking: false,
+	checkList: null,
+	httpReq: null,
+	lastResource: null,
+	startCheck: function(aCheckFolderId) {
+		if(this.checking) return;
+		var resourceList = CommonFunc.getBMDSCChildren(aCheckFolderId);
+		this.checkList = new Array();
+			// Delete separator and updeed resource
+		for(var i = 0; i < resourceList.length; i++) {
+			var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(resourceList[i], CommonFunc.BM_URL);
+			var desc = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(resourceList[i], CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION);
+			var status = desc.split(" ")[0];
+			if(url && !(status == CommonFunc.STATUS_UPDATE || status == CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_CHECK)) {
+				this.checkList.push(resourceList[i]);
+			}
+		}
+		logMessage("checking " + this.checkList.length + " feed(s)");
+		this.checking = true;
+		this.check();
+	},
+	done: function() {
+		if(this.checking) {
+			this.httpReq.abort();
+		}
+	},
+	check: function() {
+		this.lastResource = this.checkList.shift();
+		var name = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_NAME);
+		var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
+		if(!url) {
+			this.checkResult(false, 0);
+		}
+		if(this.httpReq) {
+			this.httpReq.abort();
+		}
+		this.httpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
+		this.httpReq.parent = this;
+		this.httpReq.open("GET", url);
+		this.httpReq.onload = this.httpLoaded;
+		this.httpReq.onerror = this.httpError;
+		this.httpReq.onreadystatechange = this.httpReadyStateChange;
+		try {
+			this.httpReq.setRequestHeader("User-Agent", USER_AGENT);
+			this.httpReq.overrideMimeType("application/xml");
+			this.httpReq.send(null);
+			this.onCheck(name, url);
+		} catch(e) {
+				// FAILURE
+			this.httpReq.abort();
+			this.checkResult(false, 0);
+		}
+	},
+	httpError: function(e) {
+		logMessage("HTTP Error: " + e.target.status + " - " + e.target.statusText);
+		UpdateChecker.httpReq.abort();
+		UpdateChecker.checkResult(false, 0);
+	},
+	httpReadyStateChange: function() {
+		if(UpdateChecker.httpReq.readyState == 2) {
+			try {
+				UpdateChecker.httpReq.status;
+			} catch(e) {
+				UpdateChecker.httpReq.abort();
+				UpdateChecker.checkResult(false, 0);
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	httpLoaded: function(e) {
+		var lastModified = 0;
+		try {
+			var feed = new Feed(UpdateChecker.httpReq.responseXML);
+		} catch(e) {
+			UpdateChecker.checkResult(false, 0);
+			return;
+		}
+		if(feed.hasLastPubDate()) {
+			lastModified = feed.getLastPubDate().getTime();
+		}
+		UpdateChecker.checkResult(true, lastModified, feed);
+	},
+	checkResult: function(aSucceed, aLastModified, feed) {
+		var name = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_NAME);
+		var url = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_URL);
+		var status = 0;
+		var lastVisit = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_LAST_VISIT);
+		if(!lastVisit) {
+			lastVisit = 0;
+		} else {
+			lastVisit /= 1000;
+		}
+		if(aSucceed) {
+			var sig = CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION).match(/\[.*\]/);
+			if(aLastModified) {
+				if((aLastModified > lastVisit) && (sig != feed.getSignature())) {
+					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_UPDATE;
+				} else {
+					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE;
+				}
+			} else {
+				if(sig != feed.getSignature()) {
+					//logMessage("signature mismatch: " + feed.getTitle() + "; old sig: " + sig + "  new sig: " + feed.getSignature());
+					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_UPDATE;
+				} else {
+					status = CommonFunc.STATUS_NO_UPDATE;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			status = CommonFunc.STATUS_ERROR;
+		}
+		CommonFunc.setBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION, status + " " + CommonFunc.getBMDSProperty(this.lastResource, CommonFunc.BM_DESCRIPTION).match(/\[.*\]/));
+		if(this.checkList.length == 0) {
+			this.checking = false;
+			this.onChecked(name, url);
+			return;
+		} else {
+			this.check();
+		}
+	},
+	onCheck: function(aName, aURL) {},
+	onChecked: function(aName, aURL) {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/contents.rdf
index 818dacc..009d15a 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE"/>
-	</RDF:Seq>
-	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE">
-		<chrome:packages>
-			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE:packages">
-				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE:sage"/>
-			</RDF:Seq>
-		</chrome:packages>
-	</RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE"/>
+	</RDF:Seq>
+	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE">
+		<chrome:packages>
+			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE:packages">
+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:de-DE:sage"/>
+			</RDF:Seq>
+		</chrome:packages>
+	</RDF:Description>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/opml.dtd
index 577ec48..55e25c1 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML Import/Export Assistent">
-<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Gew�nschte Aktion ausw�hlen">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"OPML importieren">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Zu importierende OPML-Datei ausw�hlen">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"OPML exportieren">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Zu exportierende OPML-Datei ausw�hlen">
-<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"OPML importieren">
-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"OPML exportieren">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML Import/Export Assistent">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Gew�nschte Aktion ausw�hlen">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"OPML importieren">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Zu importierende OPML-Datei ausw�hlen">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"OPML exportieren">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Zu exportierende OPML-Datei ausw�hlen">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"OPML importieren">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"OPML exportieren">
 <!ENTITY browseButton.label			"Durchsuchen...">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.dtd
index 17ab193..1d0ae46 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.dtd
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.2.2">
-<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"version">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Zeigt Sage an">
-<!ENTITY menu.view				"Anzeigen">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Suchfenster f�r Feeds anzeigen">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Inhalts�bersicht der Feeds anzeigen">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Beschreibungen zu den Tooltips anzeigen">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Feeds im Hauptfenster anzeigen">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools				"Optionen">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"Feeds auf Aktualisierungen pr�fen">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"Feed-Liste verwalten...">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport			"OPML Import/Export...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting				"Einstellungen...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Sage Projekt Nachrichten">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Neue Feeds suchen und finden">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Aktuelle Seite durchsuchen">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Feed hinzuf�gen">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Schlie�en">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Titel">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Format">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Letzte Aktualisierung">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Elemente">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
-<!-- Settings Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "Allgemein">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Feed-Titel automatisch updaten">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Feeds im Hauptfenster anzeigen">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "12h-Uhrzeiten verwenden">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Anordnung der Feed-Elemente">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "chronologisch">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "wie Feed-Quelle">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Neue Feeds suchen und finden">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "ausf�hrlich">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "konservativ">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Sage Einstellungen">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"Feed-Ordner ausw�hlen">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption		"Feed Anzeige">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label			"Eigenes CSS verwenden">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"Durchsuchen...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label			"HTML Tags zulassen">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
+<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.2.2">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"version">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Zeigt Sage an">
+<!ENTITY menu.view				"Anzeigen">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Suchfenster f�r Feeds anzeigen">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Inhalts�bersicht der Feeds anzeigen">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Beschreibungen zu den Tooltips anzeigen">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Feeds im Hauptfenster anzeigen">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools				"Optionen">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"Feeds auf Aktualisierungen pr�fen">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"Feed-Liste verwalten...">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport			"OPML Import/Export...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting				"Einstellungen...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Sage Projekt Nachrichten">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Neue Feeds suchen und finden">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Aktuelle Seite durchsuchen">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Feed hinzuf�gen">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Schlie�en">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Titel">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Format">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Letzte Aktualisierung">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Elemente">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
+<!-- Settings Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "Allgemein">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Feed-Titel automatisch updaten">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Feeds im Hauptfenster anzeigen">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "12h-Uhrzeiten verwenden">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Anordnung der Feed-Elemente">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "chronologisch">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "wie Feed-Quelle">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Neue Feeds suchen und finden">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "ausf�hrlich">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "konservativ">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Sage Einstellungen">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"Feed-Ordner ausw�hlen">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption		"Feed Anzeige">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label			"Eigenes CSS verwenden">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"Durchsuchen...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label			"HTML Tags zulassen">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
 <!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"Alt">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.properties
index 9c5069f..e049bb2 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/de-DE/sage.properties
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Feed Syntax-Fehler
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Datei nicht gefunden
-CHECK_UPDATE = Feeds aktualisieren
-GET_RSS_TITLE= Feed-Titel abrufen
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = Externe Feeds
-discovery_status_discovered = Gefunden
-discovery_status_site_feed = Seite Feed
-discovery_status_site_feeds = Seite Feeds
-discovery_status_and = und
-discovery_status_external_feed = Externer Feed
-discovery_status_external_feeds = Externe Feeds
-discovery_status_none_found = Keine Feeds gefunden
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = Neuer Feed-Titel
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Import vollst�ndig
-opml_export_done = Export vollst�ndig
-opml_path_blank = Bitte eine OPML-Datei ausw�hlen.
-opml_path_nofile = Die angegebene Datei existiert nicht.
-opml_path_invalid = Ung�ltiger Datei-Pfad.
-opml_import_fail = Fehler beim Laden
-opml_import_badfile = Diese Datei scheint keine g�ltige OPML-Datei zu sein.
-opml_export_nocreate = Fehler beim Erzeugen der Datei
-opml_select_file = OPML-Datei ausw�hlen
-opml_opml_file = OPML-Datei
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Sonntag
-date_sunday_short = So
-date_monday = Montag
-date_monday_short = Mo
-date_tuesday = Dienstag
-date_tuesday_short = Di
-date_wednesday = Mittwoch
-date_wednesday_short = Mi
-date_thursday = Donnerstag
-date_thursday_short = Do
-date_friday = Freitag
-date_friday_short = Fr
-date_saturday = Samstag
-date_saturday_short = Sa
-date_january = Januar
-date_january_short = Jan.
-date_february = Februar
-date_february_short = Feb.
-date_march = M�rz
-date_march_short = Mrz.
-date_april = April
-date_april_short = Apr.
-date_may = Mai
-date_may_short = Mai
-date_june = Juni
-date_june_short = Jun.
-date_july = Juli
-date_july_short = Jul.
-date_august = August
-date_august_short = Aug.
-date_september = September
-date_september_short = Sep.
-date_october = Oktober
-date_october_short = Okt,
-date_november = November
-date_november_short = Nov.
-date_december = Dezember
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Feed Syntax-Fehler
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Datei nicht gefunden
+CHECK_UPDATE = Feeds aktualisieren
+GET_RSS_TITLE= Feed-Titel abrufen
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = Externe Feeds
+discovery_status_discovered = Gefunden
+discovery_status_site_feed = Seite Feed
+discovery_status_site_feeds = Seite Feeds
+discovery_status_and = und
+discovery_status_external_feed = Externer Feed
+discovery_status_external_feeds = Externe Feeds
+discovery_status_none_found = Keine Feeds gefunden
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = Neuer Feed-Titel
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Import vollst�ndig
+opml_export_done = Export vollst�ndig
+opml_path_blank = Bitte eine OPML-Datei ausw�hlen.
+opml_path_nofile = Die angegebene Datei existiert nicht.
+opml_path_invalid = Ung�ltiger Datei-Pfad.
+opml_import_fail = Fehler beim Laden
+opml_import_badfile = Diese Datei scheint keine g�ltige OPML-Datei zu sein.
+opml_export_nocreate = Fehler beim Erzeugen der Datei
+opml_select_file = OPML-Datei ausw�hlen
+opml_opml_file = OPML-Datei
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Sonntag
+date_sunday_short = So
+date_monday = Montag
+date_monday_short = Mo
+date_tuesday = Dienstag
+date_tuesday_short = Di
+date_wednesday = Mittwoch
+date_wednesday_short = Mi
+date_thursday = Donnerstag
+date_thursday_short = Do
+date_friday = Freitag
+date_friday_short = Fr
+date_saturday = Samstag
+date_saturday_short = Sa
+date_january = Januar
+date_january_short = Jan.
+date_february = Februar
+date_february_short = Feb.
+date_march = M�rz
+date_march_short = Mrz.
+date_april = April
+date_april_short = Apr.
+date_may = Mai
+date_may_short = Mai
+date_june = Juni
+date_june_short = Jun.
+date_july = Juli
+date_july_short = Jul.
+date_august = August
+date_august_short = Aug.
+date_september = September
+date_september_short = Sep.
+date_october = Oktober
+date_october_short = Okt,
+date_november = November
+date_november_short = Nov.
+date_december = Dezember
 date_december_short = Dez.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/en-US/contents.rdf
index 8d382cc..fb31aaa 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US"/>
-	</RDF:Seq>
-	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US">
-		<chrome:packages>
-			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US:packages">
-				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US:sage"/>
-			</RDF:Seq>
-		</chrome:packages>
-	</RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US"/>
+	</RDF:Seq>
+	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US">
+		<chrome:packages>
+			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US:packages">
+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:en-US:sage"/>
+			</RDF:Seq>
+		</chrome:packages>
+	</RDF:Description>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/en-US/opml.dtd
index 5743af3..eee4dcf 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML Import/Export Wizard">
-<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Choose an action">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"Import OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Select Import OPML File">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"Export OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Select Export OPML File">
-<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"Import OPML">
-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"Export OPML">
-<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"Browse...">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML Import/Export Wizard">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Choose an action">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"Import OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Select Import OPML File">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"Export OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Select Export OPML File">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"Import OPML">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"Export OPML">
+<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"Browse...">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
index 879fa04..b558b79 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.3">
-<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"version">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Displays Sage">
-<!ENTITY menu.view				"View">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Show Feed Search Bar">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Show Feed Item List">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Show Description Tooltips">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Open Feeds In Contents Area">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools				"Options">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"Check Feeds">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"Manage Feed List...">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport			"OPML Import/Export...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting				"Settings...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Sage Project News">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Discover Feeds">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Searching current page">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Add Feed">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Close">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Title">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Format">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Last Update">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Items">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
-<!-- Settings Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "General">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Automatically update feed titles">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Render feeds in contents area">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Use 12 hour clock">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Feed item order">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Chronological">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Source">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Feed discovery mode">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Exhaustive">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Conservative">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Sage Settings">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"Select Feed Folder">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption		"Feed Rendering">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label			"Use custom CSS">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"Browse...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label			"Allow HTML tags">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
+<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.3">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"version">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Displays Sage">
+<!ENTITY menu.view				"View">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Show Feed Search Bar">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Show Feed Item List">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Show Description Tooltips">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Open Feeds In Contents Area">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools				"Options">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"Check Feeds">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"Manage Feed List...">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport			"OPML Import/Export...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting				"Settings...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Sage Project News">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Discover Feeds">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Searching current page">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Add Feed">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Close">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Title">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Format">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Last Update">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Items">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
+<!-- Settings Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "General">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Automatically update feed titles">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Render feeds in contents area">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Use 12 hour clock">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Feed item order">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Chronological">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Source">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Feed discovery mode">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Exhaustive">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Conservative">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Sage Settings">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"Select Feed Folder">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption		"Feed Rendering">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label			"Use custom CSS">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"Browse...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label			"Allow HTML tags">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties
index 80e4a6f..607a971 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Feed Parse Error
-CHECK_UPDATE = Check Feeds
-GET_RSS_TITLE= Get Feed Title
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = External Feeds
-discovery_status_discovered = Discovered
-discovery_status_site_feed = site feed
-discovery_status_site_feeds = site feeds
-discovery_status_and = and
-discovery_status_external_feed = external feed
-discovery_status_external_feeds = external feeds
-discovery_status_none_found = No feeds were discovered
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = New Feed Title
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Import Complete
-opml_export_done = Export Complete
-opml_path_blank = Please choose an OPML file.
-opml_path_nofile = The specified file does not exist.
-opml_path_invalid = Invalid file path.
-opml_import_fail = Load Failure
-opml_import_badfile = This does not appear to be an OPML file.
-opml_export_nocreate = File creation error
-opml_select_file = Select OPML File
-opml_opml_file = OPML File
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Sunday
-date_sunday_short = Sun
-date_monday = Monday
-date_monday_short = Mon
-date_tuesday = Tuesday
-date_tuesday_short = Tue
-date_wednesday = Wednesday
-date_wednesday_short = Wed
-date_thursday = Thursday
-date_thursday_short = Thu
-date_friday = Friday
-date_friday_short = Fri
-date_saturday = Saturday
-date_saturday_short = Sat
-date_january = January
-date_january_short = Jan
-date_february = February
-date_february_short = Feb
-date_march = March
-date_march_short = Mar
-date_april = April
-date_april_short = Apr
-date_may = May
-date_may_short = May
-date_june = June
-date_june_short = Jun
-date_july = July
-date_july_short = Jul
-date_august = August
-date_august_short = Aug
-date_september = September
-date_september_short = Sep
-date_october = October
-date_october_short = Oct
-date_november = November
-date_november_short = Nov
-date_december = December
-date_december_short = Dec
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Feed Parse Error
+CHECK_UPDATE = Check Feeds
+GET_RSS_TITLE= Get Feed Title
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = External Feeds
+discovery_status_discovered = Discovered
+discovery_status_site_feed = site feed
+discovery_status_site_feeds = site feeds
+discovery_status_and = and
+discovery_status_external_feed = external feed
+discovery_status_external_feeds = external feeds
+discovery_status_none_found = No feeds were discovered
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = New Feed Title
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Import Complete
+opml_export_done = Export Complete
+opml_path_blank = Please choose an OPML file.
+opml_path_nofile = The specified file does not exist.
+opml_path_invalid = Invalid file path.
+opml_import_fail = Load Failure
+opml_import_badfile = This does not appear to be an OPML file.
+opml_export_nocreate = File creation error
+opml_select_file = Select OPML File
+opml_opml_file = OPML File
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Sunday
+date_sunday_short = Sun
+date_monday = Monday
+date_monday_short = Mon
+date_tuesday = Tuesday
+date_tuesday_short = Tue
+date_wednesday = Wednesday
+date_wednesday_short = Wed
+date_thursday = Thursday
+date_thursday_short = Thu
+date_friday = Friday
+date_friday_short = Fri
+date_saturday = Saturday
+date_saturday_short = Sat
+date_january = January
+date_january_short = Jan
+date_february = February
+date_february_short = Feb
+date_march = March
+date_march_short = Mar
+date_april = April
+date_april_short = Apr
+date_may = May
+date_may_short = May
+date_june = June
+date_june_short = Jun
+date_july = July
+date_july_short = Jul
+date_august = August
+date_august_short = Aug
+date_september = September
+date_september_short = Sep
+date_october = October
+date_october_short = Oct
+date_november = November
+date_november_short = Nov
+date_december = December
+date_december_short = Dec
+# Item context menu
+itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
+itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
+itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
+itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/es-ES/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/es-ES/contents.rdf
index 1a4b8e2..3a7dc2a 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/es-ES/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/es-ES/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES"/>
-	</RDF:Seq>
-	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES">
-		<chrome:packages>
-			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES:packages">
-				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES:sage"/>
-			</RDF:Seq>
-		</chrome:packages>
-	</RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES"/>
+	</RDF:Seq>
+	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES">
+		<chrome:packages>
+			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES:packages">
+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:es-ES:sage"/>
+			</RDF:Seq>
+		</chrome:packages>
+	</RDF:Description>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/es-ES/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/es-ES/opml.dtd
index 9fe2990..04c4340 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/es-ES/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/es-ES/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"Asistente de Importaci�n/Exportaci�n OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Elija una acci�n">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"Importar OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Seleccione un 	archivo OPML de importaci�n">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"Exportar OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Seleccione un archivo OPML de exportaci�n">
-<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"Importar OPML">
-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"Exportar OPML">
-<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"Examinar...">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"Asistente de Importaci�n/Exportaci�n OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Elija una acci�n">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"Importar OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Seleccione un 	archivo OPML de importaci�n">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"Exportar OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Seleccione un archivo OPML de exportaci�n">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"Importar OPML">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"Exportar OPML">
+<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"Examinar...">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/fr-FR/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/fr-FR/sage.properties
index dee591d..1b87af0 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/fr-FR/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/fr-FR/sage.properties
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = Erreur de syntaxe XML
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Ce fichier XML n'est pas un fil
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Fichier introuvable
-RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR = Erreur de chargement
-CHECK_UPDATE = V\u00e9rification des fils
-GET_RSS_TITLE= Trouver le nom du fil
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = Fils externes
-discovery_status_discovered = D\u00e9couvert
-discovery_status_site_feed = fil du site
-discovery_status_site_feeds = fils du site
-discovery_status_and = et
-discovery_status_external_feed = fil externe
-discovery_status_external_feeds = fils externes
-discovery_status_none_found = Aucun fil d\u00e9couvert
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = Nouveau nom du fil
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Import termin\u00e9
-opml_export_done = Export termin\u00e9
-opml_path_blank = Choisir un fichier OPML
-opml_path_nofile = Le fichier n'existe pas.
-opml_path_invalid = Chemin incorrect.
-opml_import_fail = \u00c9chec de chargement.
-opml_import_badfile = Ce fichier n'est pas une liste OPML.
-opml_export_nocreate = Erreur de cr\u00e9ation de fichier
-opml_select_file = S\u00e9lectionner un fichier OPML
-opml_opml_file = Liste OPML
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Dimanche
-date_sunday_short = Dim
-date_monday = Lundi
-date_monday_short = Lun
-date_tuesday = Mardi
-date_tuesday_short = Mar
-date_wednesday = Mercredi
-date_wednesday_short = Mer
-date_thursday = Jeudi
-date_thursday_short = Jeu
-date_friday = Vendredi
-date_friday_short = Ven
-date_saturday = Samedi
-date_saturday_short = Sam
-date_january = Janvier
-date_january_short = Jan
-date_february = F\u00e9vrier
-date_february_short = F\u00e9v
-date_march = Mars
-date_march_short = Mar
-date_april = Avril
-date_april_short = Avr
-date_may = Mai
-date_may_short = Mai
-date_june = Juin
-date_june_short = Juin
-date_july = Juillet
-date_july_short = Juil
-date_august = Ao\u00fbt
-date_august_short = Ao\u00fbt
-date_september = Septembre
-date_september_short = Sep
-date_october = Octobre
-date_october_short = Oct
-date_november = Novembre
-date_november_short = Nov
-date_december = D\u00e9cembre
-date_december_short = D\u00e9c
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
+RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = Erreur de syntaxe XML
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Ce fichier XML n'est pas un fil
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Fichier introuvable
+RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR = Erreur de chargement
+CHECK_UPDATE = V\u00e9rification des fils
+GET_RSS_TITLE= Trouver le nom du fil
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = Fils externes
+discovery_status_discovered = D\u00e9couvert
+discovery_status_site_feed = fil du site
+discovery_status_site_feeds = fils du site
+discovery_status_and = et
+discovery_status_external_feed = fil externe
+discovery_status_external_feeds = fils externes
+discovery_status_none_found = Aucun fil d\u00e9couvert
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = Nouveau nom du fil
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Import termin\u00e9
+opml_export_done = Export termin\u00e9
+opml_path_blank = Choisir un fichier OPML
+opml_path_nofile = Le fichier n'existe pas.
+opml_path_invalid = Chemin incorrect.
+opml_import_fail = \u00c9chec de chargement.
+opml_import_badfile = Ce fichier n'est pas une liste OPML.
+opml_export_nocreate = Erreur de cr\u00e9ation de fichier
+opml_select_file = S\u00e9lectionner un fichier OPML
+opml_opml_file = Liste OPML
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Dimanche
+date_sunday_short = Dim
+date_monday = Lundi
+date_monday_short = Lun
+date_tuesday = Mardi
+date_tuesday_short = Mar
+date_wednesday = Mercredi
+date_wednesday_short = Mer
+date_thursday = Jeudi
+date_thursday_short = Jeu
+date_friday = Vendredi
+date_friday_short = Ven
+date_saturday = Samedi
+date_saturday_short = Sam
+date_january = Janvier
+date_january_short = Jan
+date_february = F\u00e9vrier
+date_february_short = F\u00e9v
+date_march = Mars
+date_march_short = Mar
+date_april = Avril
+date_april_short = Avr
+date_may = Mai
+date_may_short = Mai
+date_june = Juin
+date_june_short = Juin
+date_july = Juillet
+date_july_short = Juil
+date_august = Ao\u00fbt
+date_august_short = Ao\u00fbt
+date_september = Septembre
+date_september_short = Sep
+date_october = Octobre
+date_october_short = Oct
+date_november = Novembre
+date_november_short = Nov
+date_december = D\u00e9cembre
+date_december_short = D\u00e9c
+# Item context menu
+itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
+itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
+itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
+itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/contents.rdf
index 72c826d..c8e1634 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU"/>
-	</RDF:Seq>
-	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU">
-		<chrome:packages>
-			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU:packages">
-				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU:sage"/>
-			</RDF:Seq>
-		</chrome:packages>
-	</RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU"/>
+	</RDF:Seq>
+	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU">
+		<chrome:packages>
+			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU:packages">
+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:hu-HU:sage"/>
+			</RDF:Seq>
+		</chrome:packages>
+	</RDF:Description>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/opml.dtd
index 1367e71..46967e3 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML import/export var�zsl�">
-<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Tev�kenys�g kiv�laszt�sa">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"OPML import�l�s">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"V�lasszon ki egy f�jlt a beimport�l�shoz">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"OPML export�l�s">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"V�lasszon ki egy f�jlt a kiexport�l�shoz">
-<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"OPML import">
-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"OPML export">
-<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"B�ng�sz�s...">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML import/export var�zsl�">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Tev�kenys�g kiv�laszt�sa">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"OPML import�l�s">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"V�lasszon ki egy f�jlt a beimport�l�shoz">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"OPML export�l�s">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"V�lasszon ki egy f�jlt a kiexport�l�shoz">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"OPML import">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"OPML export">
+<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"B�ng�sz�s...">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.dtd
index 0fbfcb4..dec4293 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.dtd
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.2.2">
-<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Sage megjelen�t�se">
-<!ENTITY menu.view				"Megn�z">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar         "Keres�mez� mutat�sa">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Mutassa a let�lt�tt elemek list�j�t">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip       "Le�r�s-tooltip megjelen�t�se">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML              "Megnyit�s a tartalmi r�szben">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools                 "Eszk�z�k">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate           "Friss�l�sek ellen�rz�se">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList         "RSS lista menedzsel�se...">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport      "OPML import/export...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting               "Be�ll�t�sok...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"A Sage projekt h�rei">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds					"Adagol�k keres�se">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Keres�s a jelenlegi oldalon">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Adagol� hozz�ad�sa">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Bez�r">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "C�m">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Form�tum">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Utols� friss��s">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Elemek">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
-<!-- Setting Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "�ltal�nos">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "C�mek automatikus friss�t�se">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Megnyit�s a tartalmi r�szben">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title        "Az RSS olvas�panel be�ll�t�sai">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Adagol� elemeinek sorrendje">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Id�rendben">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Forr�s szerint">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Adagol�k keres�si m�dja">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Alapos">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Hagyom�nyos">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label         "V�lassza ki az RSS listamapp�t">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption "Let�lt�ttek megjelen�t�se">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label        "Egy�ni st�luslap enged�lyez�se">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label            "B�ng�sz�s...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label        "HTML tagek enged�lyez�se">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
+<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.2.2">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Sage megjelen�t�se">
+<!ENTITY menu.view				"Megn�z">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar         "Keres�mez� mutat�sa">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Mutassa a let�lt�tt elemek list�j�t">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip       "Le�r�s-tooltip megjelen�t�se">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML              "Megnyit�s a tartalmi r�szben">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools                 "Eszk�z�k">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate           "Friss�l�sek ellen�rz�se">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList         "RSS lista menedzsel�se...">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport      "OPML import/export...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting               "Be�ll�t�sok...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"A Sage projekt h�rei">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds					"Adagol�k keres�se">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Keres�s a jelenlegi oldalon">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Adagol� hozz�ad�sa">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Bez�r">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "C�m">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Form�tum">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Utols� friss��s">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Elemek">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
+<!-- Setting Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "�ltal�nos">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "C�mek automatikus friss�t�se">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Megnyit�s a tartalmi r�szben">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title        "Az RSS olvas�panel be�ll�t�sai">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Adagol� elemeinek sorrendje">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Id�rendben">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Forr�s szerint">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Adagol�k keres�si m�dja">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Alapos">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Hagyom�nyos">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label         "V�lassza ki az RSS listamapp�t">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption "Let�lt�ttek megjelen�t�se">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label        "Egy�ni st�luslap enged�lyez�se">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label            "B�ng�sz�s...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label        "HTML tagek enged�lyez�se">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.properties
index 2f52447..9a7664f 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/hu-HU/sage.properties
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = XML �rtelmez�si hiba
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Ez az XML f�jl nem RSS form�tum�
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = A f�jl nem tal�lhat�
-CHECK_UPDATE = Friss�l�sek ellen�rz�se
-GET_RSS_TITLE= RSS c�m let�lt�se
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = K�ls� adagol�
-discovery_status_discovered = Megtal�lva
-discovery_status_site_feed = oldaladagol�
-discovery_status_site_feeds = oldaladagol�k
-discovery_status_and = �s
-discovery_status_external_feed = k�ls� adagol�
-discovery_status_external_feeds = k�ls� adagol�k
-discovery_status_none_found = Nem siker�lt adagol�t tal�lni
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = Az �j adagol� c�me
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Import�l�s befejezve
-opml_export_done = Exportport�l�s befejezve
-opml_path_blank = V�lasszon ki egy OPML f�jlt.
-opml_path_nofile = A megadott f�jl nem l�tezik.
-opml_path_invalid = �rv�nytelen �tvonal.
-opml_import_fail = Bet�lt�si hiba
-opml_import_badfile = �gy t�nik, ez nem egy OPML f�jl.
-opml_export_nocreate = F�jl l�trehoz�si hiba
-opml_select_file = Select OPML File
-opml_opml_file = OPML File
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Vas�rnap
-date_sunday_short = Vas
-date_monday = H�tf�
-date_monday_short = H�t
-date_tuesday = Kedd
-date_tuesday_short = Ked
-date_wednesday = Szerda
-date_wednesday_short = Sze
-date_thursday = Cs�t�rt�k
-date_thursday_short = Cs�
-date_friday = P�ntek
-date_friday_short = P�n
-date_saturday = Szombat
-date_saturday_short = Szo
-date_january = Janu�r
-date_january_short = Jan
-date_february = Febru�r
-date_february_short = Feb
-date_march = M�rcius
-date_march_short = M�r
-date_april = �prilis
-date_april_short = �pr
-date_may = M�jus
-date_may_short = M�j
-date_june = J�nius
-date_june_short = J�n
-date_july = J�lius
-date_july_short = J�l
-date_august = Augusztus
-date_august_short = Aug
-date_september = Szeptember
-date_september_short = Sze
-date_october = Okt�ber
-date_october_short = Okt
-date_november = November
-date_november_short = Nov
-date_december = December
-date_december_short = Dec
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
+RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = XML �rtelmez�si hiba
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Ez az XML f�jl nem RSS form�tum�
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = A f�jl nem tal�lhat�
+CHECK_UPDATE = Friss�l�sek ellen�rz�se
+GET_RSS_TITLE= RSS c�m let�lt�se
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = K�ls� adagol�
+discovery_status_discovered = Megtal�lva
+discovery_status_site_feed = oldaladagol�
+discovery_status_site_feeds = oldaladagol�k
+discovery_status_and = �s
+discovery_status_external_feed = k�ls� adagol�
+discovery_status_external_feeds = k�ls� adagol�k
+discovery_status_none_found = Nem siker�lt adagol�t tal�lni
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = Az �j adagol� c�me
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Import�l�s befejezve
+opml_export_done = Exportport�l�s befejezve
+opml_path_blank = V�lasszon ki egy OPML f�jlt.
+opml_path_nofile = A megadott f�jl nem l�tezik.
+opml_path_invalid = �rv�nytelen �tvonal.
+opml_import_fail = Bet�lt�si hiba
+opml_import_badfile = �gy t�nik, ez nem egy OPML f�jl.
+opml_export_nocreate = F�jl l�trehoz�si hiba
+opml_select_file = Select OPML File
+opml_opml_file = OPML File
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Vas�rnap
+date_sunday_short = Vas
+date_monday = H�tf�
+date_monday_short = H�t
+date_tuesday = Kedd
+date_tuesday_short = Ked
+date_wednesday = Szerda
+date_wednesday_short = Sze
+date_thursday = Cs�t�rt�k
+date_thursday_short = Cs�
+date_friday = P�ntek
+date_friday_short = P�n
+date_saturday = Szombat
+date_saturday_short = Szo
+date_january = Janu�r
+date_january_short = Jan
+date_february = Febru�r
+date_february_short = Feb
+date_march = M�rcius
+date_march_short = M�r
+date_april = �prilis
+date_april_short = �pr
+date_may = M�jus
+date_may_short = M�j
+date_june = J�nius
+date_june_short = J�n
+date_july = J�lius
+date_july_short = J�l
+date_august = Augusztus
+date_august_short = Aug
+date_september = Szeptember
+date_september_short = Sze
+date_october = Okt�ber
+date_october_short = Okt
+date_november = November
+date_november_short = Nov
+date_december = December
+date_december_short = Dec
+# Item context menu
+itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
+itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
+itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
+itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.dtd
index c16ebf7..086b1f1 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.dtd
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.2.2">
-<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Mostra il pannello laterale di Sage">
-<!ENTITY menu.view				"Visualizza">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Mostra Barra di Ricerca dei Feed">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Mostra la Lista dei Feed">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Mostra Descrizione Suggerimenti">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Mostra i Feed nel Browser">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools				"Opzioni">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"Controlla i Feed">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"Gestione Lista dei Feed...">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport			"Importazione/Esportazione File OPML...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting				"Preferenze...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Novita' sul Progetto Sage">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Ricerca Feed Esterni">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Ricerca nella Pagina Corrente">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Aggiungi un Feed">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Chiudi">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Titolo">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Formato">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Ultimo Aggiornamento">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Elementi">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
-<!-- Settings Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "Generale">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Aggiorna Automaticamente il Titolo dei feed">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Mostra i Feed nel Browser">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Usa Modalita' 12 ore">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Ordinamento dei Feed">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Cronologico">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Sorgente">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Modalita' di Ricerca Feed">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Esaustiva">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Conservativa">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Configurazione di Sage">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"Selezionare la Cartella dei Feed">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption		"Interpretazione dei Feed">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label			"Usa CSS Personalizzato">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"Sfoglia...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label			"Permetti i Tag HTML">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
+<!ENTITY sage.label				"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.version				"1.2.2">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle			"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip				"Mostra il pannello laterale di Sage">
+<!ENTITY menu.view				"Visualizza">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Mostra Barra di Ricerca dei Feed">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Mostra la Lista dei Feed">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Mostra Descrizione Suggerimenti">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Mostra i Feed nel Browser">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools				"Opzioni">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"Controlla i Feed">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"Gestione Lista dei Feed...">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport			"Importazione/Esportazione File OPML...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting				"Preferenze...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Novita' sul Progetto Sage">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Ricerca Feed Esterni">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Ricerca nella Pagina Corrente">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Aggiungi un Feed">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Chiudi">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Titolo">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Formato">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Ultimo Aggiornamento">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Elementi">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
+<!-- Settings Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "Generale">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Aggiorna Automaticamente il Titolo dei feed">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Mostra i Feed nel Browser">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Usa Modalita' 12 ore">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Ordinamento dei Feed">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Cronologico">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Sorgente">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Modalita' di Ricerca Feed">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Esaustiva">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Conservativa">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Configurazione di Sage">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"Selezionare la Cartella dei Feed">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption		"Interpretazione dei Feed">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label			"Usa CSS Personalizzato">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"Sfoglia...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label			"Permetti i Tag HTML">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.properties
index 9734396..ea81047 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/it-IT/sage.properties
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Errore analisi Feed
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = File non trovato
-RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR = Errore di caricamento
-RESULT_LOADING = Caricamento
-RESULT_CHECKING = Controllo di
-CHECK_UPDATE = Controlla i Feed
-GET_RSS_TITLE= Ottieni il titolo dei Feed
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = Feed Esterni
-discovery_status_discovered = Trovati
-discovery_status_site_feed = sito con feed
-discovery_status_site_feeds = siti con feed
-discovery_status_and = and
-discovery_status_external_feed = feed esterno
-discovery_status_external_feeds = feed esterni
-discovery_status_none_found = Nessun feed trovato
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = Nuovo Titolo Feed
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Importazione Completa
-opml_export_done = Esportazione Completa
-opml_path_blank = Per favore scegliere un file OPML.
-opml_path_nofile = Il file specificato non esiste.
-opml_path_invalid = Percorso del file non valido.
-opml_import_fail = Errore di caricamento
-opml_import_badfile = Questo non sembra essere un file OPML.
-opml_export_nocreate = Errore creazione file
-opml_select_file = Selezionare un file OPML
-opml_opml_file = File OPML
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Domenica
-date_sunday_short = Dom
-date_monday = Lunedi
-date_monday_short = Lun
-date_tuesday = Martedi
-date_tuesday_short = Mar
-date_wednesday = Mercoledi
-date_wednesday_short = Mer
-date_thursday = Giovedi
-date_thursday_short = Gio
-date_friday = Venerdi
-date_friday_short = Ven
-date_saturday = Sabato
-date_saturday_short = Sab
-date_january = Gennaio
-date_january_short = Gen
-date_february = Febbraio
-date_february_short = Feb
-date_march = Marzo
-date_march_short = Mar
-date_april = Aprile
-date_april_short = Apr
-date_may = Maggio
-date_may_short = Mag
-date_june = Giugno
-date_june_short = Giu
-date_july = Luglio
-date_july_short = Lug
-date_august = Agosto
-date_august_short = Ago
-date_september = Settembre
-date_september_short = Set
-date_october = Ottobre
-date_october_short = Ott
-date_november = Novembre
-date_november_short = Nov
-date_december = Dicembre
-date_december_short = Dic
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Errore analisi Feed
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = File non trovato
+RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR = Errore di caricamento
+RESULT_LOADING = Caricamento
+RESULT_CHECKING = Controllo di
+CHECK_UPDATE = Controlla i Feed
+GET_RSS_TITLE= Ottieni il titolo dei Feed
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = Feed Esterni
+discovery_status_discovered = Trovati
+discovery_status_site_feed = sito con feed
+discovery_status_site_feeds = siti con feed
+discovery_status_and = and
+discovery_status_external_feed = feed esterno
+discovery_status_external_feeds = feed esterni
+discovery_status_none_found = Nessun feed trovato
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = Nuovo Titolo Feed
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Importazione Completa
+opml_export_done = Esportazione Completa
+opml_path_blank = Per favore scegliere un file OPML.
+opml_path_nofile = Il file specificato non esiste.
+opml_path_invalid = Percorso del file non valido.
+opml_import_fail = Errore di caricamento
+opml_import_badfile = Questo non sembra essere un file OPML.
+opml_export_nocreate = Errore creazione file
+opml_select_file = Selezionare un file OPML
+opml_opml_file = File OPML
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Domenica
+date_sunday_short = Dom
+date_monday = Lunedi
+date_monday_short = Lun
+date_tuesday = Martedi
+date_tuesday_short = Mar
+date_wednesday = Mercoledi
+date_wednesday_short = Mer
+date_thursday = Giovedi
+date_thursday_short = Gio
+date_friday = Venerdi
+date_friday_short = Ven
+date_saturday = Sabato
+date_saturday_short = Sab
+date_january = Gennaio
+date_january_short = Gen
+date_february = Febbraio
+date_february_short = Feb
+date_march = Marzo
+date_march_short = Mar
+date_april = Aprile
+date_april_short = Apr
+date_may = Maggio
+date_may_short = Mag
+date_june = Giugno
+date_june_short = Giu
+date_july = Luglio
+date_july_short = Lug
+date_august = Agosto
+date_august_short = Ago
+date_september = Settembre
+date_september_short = Set
+date_october = Ottobre
+date_october_short = Ott
+date_november = Novembre
+date_november_short = Nov
+date_december = Dicembre
+date_december_short = Dic
+# Item context menu
+itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
+itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
+itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
+itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/contents.rdf
index 919e538..7e914bd 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP"/>
-	</RDF:Seq>
-	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP">
-		<chrome:packages>
-			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP:packages">
-				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP:sage"/>
-			</RDF:Seq>
-		</chrome:packages>
-	</RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP"/>
+	</RDF:Seq>
+	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP">
+		<chrome:packages>
+			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP:packages">
+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ja-JP:sage"/>
+			</RDF:Seq>
+		</chrome:packages>
+	</RDF:Description>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/opml.dtd
index 4d646a8..a2812ff 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML インポート/エクスポート ウィザード">
-<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"動作を選択してください">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"OPML のインポート">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"読み込む OPML ファイルを選択してください">
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-<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"書き込む OPML ファイルを選択してください">
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-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"OPML のエクスポート">
-<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"参照...">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.label			"OPML インポート/エクスポート ウィザード">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"動作を選択してください">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.label			"OPML のインポート">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"読み込む OPML ファイルを選択してください">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"OPML のエクスポート">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"書き込む OPML ファイルを選択してください">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"OPML のインポート">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"OPML のエクスポート">
+<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"参照...">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd
index d4d4967..9b2be49 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.dtd
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
-<!ENTITY sage.label			"RSS リーダパネル">
-<!ENTITY sage.version			"1.2.2">
-<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel		"RSS リーダ">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle		"RSS リーダ">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip			"RSS リーダパネルを表示">
-<!ENTITY menu.view					"表示">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Feed 検索バーの表示">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip		"Description ツールチップの表示">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"コンテンツエリアで開く">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools					"ツール">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"更新チェック">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"RSS リストの管理">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport		"OPML インポート/エクスポート...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting				"設定...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Sage Project News">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Discover Feeds">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Searching current page">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Add Feed">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Close">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Title">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Format">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Last Update">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Items">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
-<!-- Setting Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "General">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Automatically update feed titles">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Render feeds in contents area">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Use 12 hour clock">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title		"設定: RSS リーダパネル">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"RSS リストフォルダの選択">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Feed Item Order">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Chronological">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Source">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Feed discovery mode">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Exhaustive">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Conservative">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption	"コンテンツエリアで開く">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label		"ユーザー CSS を使う">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"参照...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label		"HTML タグを許可する">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey	"S">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey	"alt">
+<!ENTITY sage.label			"RSS リーダパネル">
+<!ENTITY sage.version			"1.2.2">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label				"">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel		"RSS リーダ">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle		"RSS リーダ">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip			"RSS リーダパネルを表示">
+<!ENTITY menu.view					"表示">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Feed 検索バーの表示">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip		"Description ツールチップの表示">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"コンテンツエリアで開く">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools					"ツール">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate			"更新チェック">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList			"RSS リストの管理">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport		"OPML インポート/エクスポート...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting				"設定...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed				"Sage Project News">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds				"Discover Feeds">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Searching current page">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Add Feed">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close			 "Close">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title			 "Title">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Format">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Last Update">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Items">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
+<!-- Setting Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "General">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Automatically update feed titles">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Render feeds in contents area">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Use 12 hour clock">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title		"設定: RSS リーダパネル">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label			"RSS リストフォルダの選択">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Feed Item Order">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Chronological">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Source">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Feed discovery mode">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Exhaustive">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Conservative">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption	"コンテンツエリアで開く">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label		"ユーザー CSS を使う">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label			"参照...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label		"HTML タグを許可する">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey	"S">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey	"alt">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.properties
index 43c934f..32de364 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ja-JP/sage.properties
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
-RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = XML \u30d1\u30fc\u30b9\u30a8\u30e9\u30fc
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = \u3053\u306e XML \u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u306f RSS \u3067\u306f\u3042\u308a\u307e\u305b\u3093
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = \u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u304c\u5b58\u5728\u3057\u307e\u305b\u3093
-RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR = \u5b58\u5728\u3057\u306a\u3044 URL \u3067\u3059
-RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR = \u8aad\u307f\u8fbc\u307f\u306b\u5931\u6557\u3057\u307e\u3057\u305f
-CHECK_UPDATE = \u66f4\u65b0\u30c1\u30a7\u30c3\u30af
-GET_RSS_TITLE= RSS \u30bf\u30a4\u30c8\u30eb\u306e\u53d6\u5f97
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = External Feeds
-discovery_status_discovered = Discovered
-discovery_status_site_feed = site feed
-discovery_status_site_feeds = site feeds
-discovery_status_and = and
-discovery_status_external_feed = external feed
-discovery_status_external_feeds = external feeds
-discovery_status_none_found = No feeds were discovered
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = New Feed Title
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Import Complete
-opml_export_done = Export Complete
-opml_path_blank = Please choose an OPML file.
-opml_path_nofile = The specified file does not exist.
-opml_path_invalid = Invalid file path.
-opml_import_fail = Load Failure
-opml_import_badfile = This does not appear to be an OPML file.
-opml_export_nocreate = File creation error
-opml_select_file = Select OPML File
-opml_opml_file = OPML File
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Sunday
-date_sunday_short = Sun
-date_monday = Monday
-date_monday_short = Mon
-date_tuesday = Tuesday
-date_tuesday_short = Tue
-date_wednesday = Wednesday
-date_wednesday_short = Wed
-date_thursday = Thursday
-date_thursday_short = Thu
-date_friday = Friday
-date_friday_short = Fri
-date_saturday = Saturday
-date_saturday_short = Sat
-date_january = January
-date_january_short = Jan
-date_february = February
-date_february_short = Feb
-date_march = March
-date_march_short = Mar
-date_april = April
-date_april_short = Apr
-date_may = May
-date_may_short = May
-date_june = June
-date_june_short = Jun
-date_july = July
-date_july_short = Jul
-date_august = August
-date_august_short = Aug
-date_september = September
-date_september_short = Sep
-date_october = October
-date_october_short = Oct
-date_november = November
-date_november_short = Nov
-date_december = December
-date_december_short = Dec
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
+RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = XML \u30d1\u30fc\u30b9\u30a8\u30e9\u30fc
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = \u3053\u306e XML \u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u306f RSS \u3067\u306f\u3042\u308a\u307e\u305b\u3093
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = \u30d5\u30a1\u30a4\u30eb\u304c\u5b58\u5728\u3057\u307e\u305b\u3093
+RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR = \u5b58\u5728\u3057\u306a\u3044 URL \u3067\u3059
+RESULT_ERROR_FAILURE_STR = \u8aad\u307f\u8fbc\u307f\u306b\u5931\u6557\u3057\u307e\u3057\u305f
+CHECK_UPDATE = \u66f4\u65b0\u30c1\u30a7\u30c3\u30af
+GET_RSS_TITLE= RSS \u30bf\u30a4\u30c8\u30eb\u306e\u53d6\u5f97
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = External Feeds
+discovery_status_discovered = Discovered
+discovery_status_site_feed = site feed
+discovery_status_site_feeds = site feeds
+discovery_status_and = and
+discovery_status_external_feed = external feed
+discovery_status_external_feeds = external feeds
+discovery_status_none_found = No feeds were discovered
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = New Feed Title
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Import Complete
+opml_export_done = Export Complete
+opml_path_blank = Please choose an OPML file.
+opml_path_nofile = The specified file does not exist.
+opml_path_invalid = Invalid file path.
+opml_import_fail = Load Failure
+opml_import_badfile = This does not appear to be an OPML file.
+opml_export_nocreate = File creation error
+opml_select_file = Select OPML File
+opml_opml_file = OPML File
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Sunday
+date_sunday_short = Sun
+date_monday = Monday
+date_monday_short = Mon
+date_tuesday = Tuesday
+date_tuesday_short = Tue
+date_wednesday = Wednesday
+date_wednesday_short = Wed
+date_thursday = Thursday
+date_thursday_short = Thu
+date_friday = Friday
+date_friday_short = Fri
+date_saturday = Saturday
+date_saturday_short = Sat
+date_january = January
+date_january_short = Jan
+date_february = February
+date_february_short = Feb
+date_march = March
+date_march_short = Mar
+date_april = April
+date_april_short = Apr
+date_may = May
+date_may_short = May
+date_june = June
+date_june_short = Jun
+date_july = July
+date_july_short = Jul
+date_august = August
+date_august_short = Aug
+date_september = September
+date_september_short = Sep
+date_october = October
+date_october_short = Oct
+date_november = November
+date_november_short = Nov
+date_december = December
+date_december_short = Dec
+# Item context menu
+itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
+itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
+itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
+itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/contents.rdf
index b4dd240..4d331e4 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL"/>
-	</RDF:Seq>
-	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL">
-		<chrome:packages>
-			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL:packages">
-				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL:sage"/>
-			</RDF:Seq>
-		</chrome:packages>
-	</RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+		 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+	<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+		<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL"/>
+	</RDF:Seq>
+	<RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL">
+		<chrome:packages>
+			<RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL:packages">
+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:nl-NL:sage"/>
+			</RDF:Seq>
+		</chrome:packages>
+	</RDF:Description>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/opml.dtd
index 4bfbcd6..e82623f 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
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-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"Exporteer OPML">
-<!ENTITY browseButton.label		"Verkennen...">
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+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc				"Kies een actie">
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+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc			"Selecteer OPML bestand om te importeren">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label			"Exporteer OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc			"Selecteer OPML bestand om te exporteren">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label			"Importeer OPML">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label			"Exporteer OPML">
+<!ENTITY browseButton.label		"Verkennen...">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.dtd
index ce81070..6db13f5 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.dtd
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
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-<!ENTITY sage.version.label								"versie">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel									"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle									"Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip										"Toon Sage">
-<!ENTITY menu.view											"Beeld">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar								"Toon feed zoekbalk">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList							"Toon feed itemlijst">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip								"Toon beschrijvende tooltips">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML										"Open feeds in Contents Area">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools											"Opties">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate									"Controleer feeds">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList								"Beheer feedlijst...">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport							"OPML Importeren/Exporteren...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting										"Instellingen...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed								"Sage Projectnieuws">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds								"Ontdek feeds">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching						"Zoeken op huidige pagina">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed						"Feed toevoegen">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close							"Sluiten">
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-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format							"Formaat">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate					"Laatste update">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount						"Items">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url								"URL">
-<!-- Settings Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption						"Algemeen">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label					"Automatisch feedtitels bijwerken">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label						"Feeds weergeven in Contents Area">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label				"Gebruik 12-uurs klok">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label					"Volgorde van feeditems">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono					"Chronologisch">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source					"Bron">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label				"Feed ontdekkingsmodus">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive		"Grondig">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative	"Conservatief">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title								"Sage instellingen">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label								"Selecteer map met feeds">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption						"Feedweergave">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label								"Gebruik aangepaste CSS">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label									"Verkennen...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label								"HTML tags toestaan">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey						"S">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey					"alt">
+<!ENTITY sage.label											"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.version										"1.2.2">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label								"versie">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel									"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle									"Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip										"Toon Sage">
+<!ENTITY menu.view											"Beeld">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar								"Toon feed zoekbalk">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList							"Toon feed itemlijst">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip								"Toon beschrijvende tooltips">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML										"Open feeds in Contents Area">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools											"Opties">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate									"Controleer feeds">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList								"Beheer feedlijst...">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport							"OPML Importeren/Exporteren...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting										"Instellingen...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed								"Sage Projectnieuws">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds								"Ontdek feeds">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching						"Zoeken op huidige pagina">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed						"Feed toevoegen">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close							"Sluiten">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title							"Titel">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format							"Formaat">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate					"Laatste update">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount						"Items">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url								"URL">
+<!-- Settings Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption						"Algemeen">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label					"Automatisch feedtitels bijwerken">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label						"Feeds weergeven in Contents Area">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label				"Gebruik 12-uurs klok">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label					"Volgorde van feeditems">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono					"Chronologisch">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source					"Bron">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label				"Feed ontdekkingsmodus">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive		"Grondig">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative	"Conservatief">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title								"Sage instellingen">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label								"Selecteer map met feeds">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption						"Feedweergave">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label								"Gebruik aangepaste CSS">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label									"Verkennen...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label								"HTML tags toestaan">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey						"S">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey					"alt">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.properties
index 8b865f7..a8bbb41 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/nl-NL/sage.properties
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Feed parse fout
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Bestand niet gevonden
-RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR = URL niet beschikbaar
-RESULT_LOADING = Bezig met laden
-RESULT_CHECKING = Bezig met controleren
-CHECK_UPDATE = Controleer feeds
-GET_RSS_TITLE= Feedtitel ophalen
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = Externe feeds
-discovery_status_discovered = Ontdekt
-discovery_status_site_feed = site feed
-discovery_status_site_feeds = site feeds
-discovery_status_and = en
-discovery_status_external_feed = externe feed
-discovery_status_external_feeds = externe feeds
-discovery_status_none_found = Geen feeds ontdekt
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = Nieuwe feedtitel
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Import volledig
-opml_export_done = Export volledig
-opml_path_blank = Kies alstublieft een OPML bestand.
-opml_path_nofile = Het opgegeven bestand bestaat niet.
-opml_path_invalid = Ongeldig bestandspad.
-opml_import_fail = Laadfout
-opml_import_badfile = Dit blijkt geen OPML bestand te zijn.
-opml_export_nocreate = Fout bij aanmaken bestand
-opml_select_file = Selecteer OPML bestand
-opml_opml_file = OPML bestand
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Zondag
-date_sunday_short = Zo
-date_monday = Maandag
-date_monday_short = Ma
-date_tuesday = Dinsdag
-date_tuesday_short = Di
-date_wednesday = Woensdag
-date_wednesday_short = Woe
-date_thursday = Donderdag
-date_thursday_short = Do
-date_friday = Vrijdag
-date_friday_short = Vrij
-date_saturday = Zaterdag
-date_saturday_short = Za
-date_january = Januari
-date_january_short = Jan
-date_february = Februari
-date_february_short = Feb
-date_march = Maart
-date_march_short = Maa
-date_april = April
-date_april_short = Apr
-date_may = Mei
-date_may_short = Mei
-date_june = Juni
-date_june_short = Jun
-date_july = Juli
-date_july_short = Jul
-date_august = Augustus
-date_august_short = Aug
-date_september = September
-date_september_short = Sep
-date_october = Oktober
-date_october_short = Okt
-date_november = November
-date_november_short = Nov
-date_december = December
-date_december_short = Dec
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Feed parse fout
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Bestand niet gevonden
+RESULT_NOT_AVAILABLE_STR = URL niet beschikbaar
+RESULT_LOADING = Bezig met laden
+RESULT_CHECKING = Bezig met controleren
+CHECK_UPDATE = Controleer feeds
+GET_RSS_TITLE= Feedtitel ophalen
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = Externe feeds
+discovery_status_discovered = Ontdekt
+discovery_status_site_feed = site feed
+discovery_status_site_feeds = site feeds
+discovery_status_and = en
+discovery_status_external_feed = externe feed
+discovery_status_external_feeds = externe feeds
+discovery_status_none_found = Geen feeds ontdekt
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = Nieuwe feedtitel
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Import volledig
+opml_export_done = Export volledig
+opml_path_blank = Kies alstublieft een OPML bestand.
+opml_path_nofile = Het opgegeven bestand bestaat niet.
+opml_path_invalid = Ongeldig bestandspad.
+opml_import_fail = Laadfout
+opml_import_badfile = Dit blijkt geen OPML bestand te zijn.
+opml_export_nocreate = Fout bij aanmaken bestand
+opml_select_file = Selecteer OPML bestand
+opml_opml_file = OPML bestand
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Zondag
+date_sunday_short = Zo
+date_monday = Maandag
+date_monday_short = Ma
+date_tuesday = Dinsdag
+date_tuesday_short = Di
+date_wednesday = Woensdag
+date_wednesday_short = Woe
+date_thursday = Donderdag
+date_thursday_short = Do
+date_friday = Vrijdag
+date_friday_short = Vrij
+date_saturday = Zaterdag
+date_saturday_short = Za
+date_january = Januari
+date_january_short = Jan
+date_february = Februari
+date_february_short = Feb
+date_march = Maart
+date_march_short = Maa
+date_april = April
+date_april_short = Apr
+date_may = Mei
+date_may_short = Mei
+date_june = Juni
+date_june_short = Jun
+date_july = Juli
+date_july_short = Jul
+date_august = Augustus
+date_august_short = Aug
+date_september = September
+date_september_short = Sep
+date_october = Oktober
+date_october_short = Okt
+date_november = November
+date_november_short = Nov
+date_december = December
+date_december_short = Dec
+# Item context menu
+itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
+itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
+itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
+itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/contents.rdf
index 16841b0..8111545 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
-                 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
-        <RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
-                <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU"/>
-        </RDF:Seq>
-        <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU">
-                <chrome:packages>
-                        <RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU:packages">
-                                <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU:sage"/>
-                        </RDF:Seq>
-                </chrome:packages>
-        </RDF:Description>
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
+                 xmlns:chrome="http://www.mozilla.org/rdf/chrome#">
+        <RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:root">
+                <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU"/>
+        </RDF:Seq>
+        <RDF:Description about="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU">
+                <chrome:packages>
+                        <RDF:Seq about="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU:packages">
+                                <RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:ru-RU:sage"/>
+                        </RDF:Seq>
+                </chrome:packages>
+        </RDF:Description>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/opml.dtd b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/opml.dtd
index 7e84b7b..4fc4327 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/opml.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/opml.dtd
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-<!ENTITY pageStart.label                        "Мастер импорта/экспорта OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageStart.desc                         "Выберите действие">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.label                       "Импорт OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageImport.desc                        "Выберите файл OPML для импорта">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.label                       "Экспорт OPML">
-<!ENTITY pageExport.desc                        "Выберите файл OPML для экспорта">
-<!ENTITY rdoImport.label                        "Импорт OPML">
-<!ENTITY rdoExport.label                        "Экспорт OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.label                        "Мастер импорта/экспорта OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageStart.desc                         "Выберите действие">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.label                       "Импорт OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageImport.desc                        "Выберите файл OPML для импорта">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.label                       "Экспорт OPML">
+<!ENTITY pageExport.desc                        "Выберите файл OPML для экспорта">
+<!ENTITY rdoImport.label                        "Импорт OPML">
+<!ENTITY rdoExport.label                        "Экспорт OPML">
 <!ENTITY browseButton.label                     "Пролистать...">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.dtd
index 5fa1b6e..4d46346 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.dtd
@@ -1,51 +1,51 @@
-<!ENTITY sage.label                             "Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.version                           "1.2.2">
-<!ENTITY sage.version.label                             "версия">
-<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel                      "Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle                      "Sage">
-<!ENTITY sage.tooltip                           "Показывает Sage">
-<!ENTITY menu.view                              "Вид">
-<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar                     "Показывать строку поиска лент">
-<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList                  "Показывать элементы ленты">
-<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip                   "Показывать всплывающие описания">
-<!ENTITY menu.openHTML                          "Открывать ленты в основном окне">
-<!ENTITY menu.tools                             "Настройки">
-<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate                       "Проверить обновления">
-<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList                     "Управлять лентами...">
-<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport                  "Импорт/Экспорт OPML...">
-<!ENTITY menu.setting                           "Настройки...">
-<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed                           "Новости проекта Sage">
-<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds                             "Найти ленты">
-<!-- Feed Discovery -->
-<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Поиск в текущей странице">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Добавить ленту">
-<!ENTITY discovery.button.close                  "Закрыть">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.title                  "Заголовок">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Формат">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Последнее обновление">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Элементов">
-<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
-<!-- Settings Dialog -->
-<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "Общие">
-<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Автоматически обновлять заголовки лент">
-<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Отображать ленты в основном окне">
-<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Время в AM/PM">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Порядок элементов в ленте">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Хронологический">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Как в источнике">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Режим поиска лент">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Исчерпывающий">
-<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Консервативный">
-<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Настройки Sage">
-<!ENTITY selectFolder.label                     "Выберите папку для лент">
-<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption             "Отображение лент">
-<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label                    "Использовать личную CSS">
-<!ENTITY browseCss.label                        "Пролистать...">
-<!ENTITY allowEContent.label                    "Разрешить HTML-тэги">
-<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey             "S">
+<!ENTITY sage.label                             "Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.version                           "1.2.2">
+<!ENTITY sage.version.label                             "версия">
+<!ENTITY sage.toolbarLabel                      "Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.sidebarTitle                      "Sage">
+<!ENTITY sage.tooltip                           "Показывает Sage">
+<!ENTITY menu.view                              "Вид">
+<!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar                     "Показывать строку поиска лент">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList                  "Показывать элементы ленты">
+<!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip                   "Показывать всплывающие описания">
+<!ENTITY menu.openHTML                          "Открывать ленты в основном окне">
+<!ENTITY menu.tools                             "Настройки">
+<!ENTITY menu.checkUpdate                       "Проверить обновления">
+<!ENTITY menu.manageRSSList                     "Управлять лентами...">
+<!ENTITY menu.opmlImportExport                  "Импорт/Экспорт OPML...">
+<!ENTITY menu.setting                           "Настройки...">
+<!ENTITY menu.sageProjectFeed                           "Новости проекта Sage">
+<!ENTITY menu.discoverFeeds                             "Найти ленты">
+<!-- Feed Discovery -->
+<!ENTITY discovery.status.searching     "Поиск в текущей странице">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.addFeed    "Добавить ленту">
+<!ENTITY discovery.button.close                  "Закрыть">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.title                  "Заголовок">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.format     "Формат">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.lastPubDate     "Последнее обновление">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.itemCount     "Элементов">
+<!ENTITY discovery.header.url     "URL">
+<!-- Settings Dialog -->
+<!ENTITY settings.general.caption     "Общие">
+<!ENTITY settings.autoFeedTitle.label     "Автоматически обновлять заголовки лент">
+<!ENTITY settings.renderFeeds.label     "Отображать ленты в основном окне">
+<!ENTITY settings.twelveHourClock.label     "Время в AM/PM">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.label     "Порядок элементов в ленте">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.chrono     "Хронологический">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedItemOrder.source     "Как в источнике">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.label     "Режим поиска лент">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.exhaustive     "Исчерпывающий">
+<!ENTITY settings.feedDiscoveryMode.conservative     "Консервативный">
+<!ENTITY settingWindow.title                    "Настройки Sage">
+<!ENTITY selectFolder.label                     "Выберите папку для лент">
+<!ENTITY openInContentsArea.caption             "Отображение лент">
+<!ENTITY enableUserCss.label                    "Использовать личную CSS">
+<!ENTITY browseCss.label                        "Пролистать...">
+<!ENTITY allowEContent.label                    "Разрешить HTML-тэги">
+<!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey             "S">
 <!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey           "alt">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.properties
index bae88e3..2204577 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/ru-RU/sage.properties
@@ -1,84 +1,84 @@
-RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = Ошибка обработки XML
-RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Ошибка обработки ленты
-RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Файл не найден
-CHECK_UPDATE = Проверить обновления
-GET_RSS_TITLE= Получить заголовок ленты
-# feed discovery messages
-discovery_external_feeds_category = Внешние ленты
-discovery_status_discovered = Найденные ленты
-discovery_status_site_feed = лента сайта
-discovery_status_site_feeds = ленты сайта
-discovery_status_and = и
-discovery_status_external_feed = внешняя лента
-discovery_status_external_feeds = внешние ленты
-discovery_status_none_found = Ленты не найдены
-# get feed title dialog
-get_feed_title = Новое название ленты
-# OPML wizzard
-opml_import_done = Импорт завершен
-opml_export_done = Экспорт завершен
-opml_path_blank = Выберите файл OPML.
-opml_path_nofile = Выбранный файл не существует.
-opml_path_invalid = Неправильный путь файла.
-opml_import_fail = Ошибка загрузки
-opml_import_badfile = Этот файл не является правильным файлом OPML.
-opml_export_nocreate = Ошибка создания файла
-opml_select_file = Выберите файл OPML
-opml_opml_file = Файл OPML
-# Date rendering values
-date_sunday = Воскресенье
-date_sunday_short = Вс
-date_monday = Понедельник
-date_monday_short = Пн
-date_tuesday = Вторник
-date_tuesday_short = Вт
-date_wednesday = Среда
-date_wednesday_short = Ср
-date_thursday = Четверг
-date_thursday_short = Чт
-date_friday = Пятница
-date_friday_short = Пт
-date_saturday = Суббота
-date_saturday_short = Сб
-date_january = Январь
-date_january_short = Янв
-date_february = Февраль
-date_february_short = Фвр
-date_march = Март
-date_march_short = Мрт
-date_april = Апрель
-date_april_short = Апр
-date_may = Май
-date_may_short = Май
-date_june = Июнь
-date_june_short = Июн
-date_july = Июль
-date_july_short = Июл
-date_august = Август
-date_august_short = Авг
-date_september = Сентябрь
-date_september_short = Снт
-date_october = Октябрь
-date_october_short = Окт
-date_november = Ноябрь
-date_november_short = Нбр
-date_december = Декабрь
+RESULT_PARSE_ERROR_STR = Ошибка обработки XML
+RESULT_NOT_RSS_STR = Ошибка обработки ленты
+RESULT_NOT_FOUND_STR = Файл не найден
+CHECK_UPDATE = Проверить обновления
+GET_RSS_TITLE= Получить заголовок ленты
+# feed discovery messages
+discovery_external_feeds_category = Внешние ленты
+discovery_status_discovered = Найденные ленты
+discovery_status_site_feed = лента сайта
+discovery_status_site_feeds = ленты сайта
+discovery_status_and = и
+discovery_status_external_feed = внешняя лента
+discovery_status_external_feeds = внешние ленты
+discovery_status_none_found = Ленты не найдены
+# get feed title dialog
+get_feed_title = Новое название ленты
+# OPML wizzard
+opml_import_done = Импорт завершен
+opml_export_done = Экспорт завершен
+opml_path_blank = Выберите файл OPML.
+opml_path_nofile = Выбранный файл не существует.
+opml_path_invalid = Неправильный путь файла.
+opml_import_fail = Ошибка загрузки
+opml_import_badfile = Этот файл не является правильным файлом OPML.
+opml_export_nocreate = Ошибка создания файла
+opml_select_file = Выберите файл OPML
+opml_opml_file = Файл OPML
+# Date rendering values
+date_sunday = Воскресенье
+date_sunday_short = Вс
+date_monday = Понедельник
+date_monday_short = Пн
+date_tuesday = Вторник
+date_tuesday_short = Вт
+date_wednesday = Среда
+date_wednesday_short = Ср
+date_thursday = Четверг
+date_thursday_short = Чт
+date_friday = Пятница
+date_friday_short = Пт
+date_saturday = Суббота
+date_saturday_short = Сб
+date_january = Январь
+date_january_short = Янв
+date_february = Февраль
+date_february_short = Фвр
+date_march = Март
+date_march_short = Мрт
+date_april = Апрель
+date_april_short = Апр
+date_may = Май
+date_may_short = Май
+date_june = Июнь
+date_june_short = Июн
+date_july = Июль
+date_july_short = Июл
+date_august = Август
+date_august_short = Авг
+date_september = Сентябрь
+date_september_short = Снт
+date_october = Октябрь
+date_october_short = Окт
+date_november = Ноябрь
+date_november_short = Нбр
+date_december = Декабрь
 date_december_short = Дкб
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/zh-TW/contents.rdf b/src/sage/locale/zh-TW/contents.rdf
index 9647df6..77df98e 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/zh-TW/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/locale/zh-TW/contents.rdf
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" charset="utf-8"?>
-<RDF:RDF xmlns:RDF="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
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+				<RDF:li resource="urn:mozilla:locale:zh-TW:sage"/>
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index e1aaeb6..4b87729 100644
--- a/src/sage/locale/zh-TW/opml.dtd
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+<!ENTITY browseButton.label			"瀏覽...">
diff --git a/src/sage/skin/classic/contents.rdf b/src/sage/skin/classic/contents.rdf
index c768778..2a3c4fc 100755
--- a/src/sage/skin/classic/contents.rdf
+++ b/src/sage/skin/classic/contents.rdf
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
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-	<RDF:Seq about="chrome://browser/content/browser.xul">
-		<RDF:li>chrome://sage/skin/sage-button.css</RDF:li>
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-	<RDF:Seq about="chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul">
-		<RDF:li>chrome://sage/skin/sage-button.css</RDF:li>
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+		<RDF:li>chrome://sage/skin/sage-button.css</RDF:li>
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diff --git a/src/sage/skin/classic/sage-button.css b/src/sage/skin/classic/sage-button.css
index b412160..b8bfcc2 100755
--- a/src/sage/skin/classic/sage-button.css
+++ b/src/sage/skin/classic/sage-button.css
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- at namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
-#sage-button {
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/sage.png");
-toolbar[iconsize="small"] #sage-button {
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/sage-small.png");
+ at namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
+#sage-button {
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/sage.png");
+toolbar[iconsize="small"] #sage-button {
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/sage-small.png");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css b/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css
index 4187d22..eb0f4b4 100755
--- a/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css
+++ b/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css
@@ -1,136 +1,136 @@
- at namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
-toolbarbutton.sage_button {
-	list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/toolbar.png") !important;
-	-moz-binding: url("chrome://sage/skin/sage.xbl#toolbarbutton");
-toolbarbutton.sage_button2 > .toolbarbutton-text {
-	display: none !important;
-#checkFeeds {
-	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 26px 24px 0px) !important;
-#checkFeeds[buttondown="true"] {
-	-moz-image-region: rect(24px 26px 48px 0px) !important;
-#checkFeeds[disabled="true"] {
-	-moz-image-region: rect(48px 26px 72px 0px) !important;
-#discoverFeeds {
-	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 52px 24px 26px) !important;
-#discoverFeeds[buttondown="true"] {
-	-moz-image-region: rect(24px 52px 48px 26px) !important;
-#discoverFeeds[disabled="true"] {
-	-moz-image-region: rect(48px 52px 72px 26px) !important;
-#bookmarksTree {
-  -moz-binding: url("chrome://sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml#bookmarks-tree-name");
-treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, updated) {
-  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/updated.png") !important;
-treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, no-updated),
-treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, no-check) {
-  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/no-updated.png") !important;
-treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, unknown) {
-  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/unknown.png") !important;
-treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, error) {
-  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/error.gif") !important;
-treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(rss, updated) {
-  font-weight: bold !important;
-#rssItemListBoxBox {
-  min-height: 90px;
-#rssItemListBox > listitem {
-	font-weight:  bold;
-#rssItemListBox > listitem[visited="true"] {
-  font-weight:  normal;
-#sage-splitter {
-  border: none;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDLightShadow;
-#rssStatusImage {
-  margin-left: 4px;
-  width: 16px;
-  height: 16px;
-#rssStatusImage[loading="true"] {
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/checking.gif");
-#rssStatusImage[loading="error"] {
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/error.gif");
-  text-decoration: underline;
-  cursor: pointer;
-/* ++++++++++ Search ++++++++++ */
-#barSearch {
-  padding-bottom: 2px;
-#imgSearchEngine {
-  width: 16px;
-  height: 16px;
-#btnSearchSubmit {
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  margin: 2px 2px 2px 0px;
-  min-width: 0px;
-  min-height: 0px;
-  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/search-submit.gif");
-/* ++++++++++ popupEX ++++++++++ */
-#rssItemToolTip {
-  -moz-binding: url(chrome://sage/content/popupex.xml#popupex);
-  padding: 0px !important;
-.popupex-title {
-  font-weight: bold;
-  margin: 0px !important;
-  padding: 3px !important;
-.popupex-description {
-  padding: 5px 5px 5px 20px !important;
-  max-width: 26em;
-.popupex-internal-box {
-  margin: 2px;
-  padding: 2px;
+ at namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul");
+toolbarbutton.sage_button {
+	list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/toolbar.png") !important;
+	-moz-binding: url("chrome://sage/skin/sage.xbl#toolbarbutton");
+toolbarbutton.sage_button2 > .toolbarbutton-text {
+	display: none !important;
+#checkFeeds {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 26px 24px 0px) !important;
+#checkFeeds[buttondown="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(24px 26px 48px 0px) !important;
+#checkFeeds[disabled="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(48px 26px 72px 0px) !important;
+#discoverFeeds {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 52px 24px 26px) !important;
+#discoverFeeds[buttondown="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(24px 52px 48px 26px) !important;
+#discoverFeeds[disabled="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(48px 52px 72px 26px) !important;
+#bookmarksTree {
+  -moz-binding: url("chrome://sage/content/bookmarksTree.xml#bookmarks-tree-name");
+treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, updated) {
+  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/updated.png") !important;
+treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, no-updated),
+treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, no-check) {
+  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/no-updated.png") !important;
+treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, unknown) {
+  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/unknown.png") !important;
+treechildren::-moz-tree-image(rss, error) {
+  -moz-image-region: auto !important;
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/error.gif") !important;
+treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(rss, updated) {
+  font-weight: bold !important;
+#rssItemListBoxBox {
+  min-height: 90px;
+#rssItemListBox > listitem {
+	font-weight:  bold;
+#rssItemListBox > listitem[visited="true"] {
+  font-weight:  normal;
+#sage-splitter {
+  border: none;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDLightShadow;
+#rssStatusImage {
+  margin-left: 4px;
+  width: 16px;
+  height: 16px;
+#rssStatusImage[loading="true"] {
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/checking.gif");
+#rssStatusImage[loading="error"] {
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/error.gif");
+  text-decoration: underline;
+  cursor: pointer;
+/* ++++++++++ Search ++++++++++ */
+#barSearch {
+  padding-bottom: 2px;
+#imgSearchEngine {
+  width: 16px;
+  height: 16px;
+#btnSearchSubmit {
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  margin: 2px 2px 2px 0px;
+  min-width: 0px;
+  min-height: 0px;
+  list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/icon/search-submit.gif");
+/* ++++++++++ popupEX ++++++++++ */
+#rssItemToolTip {
+  -moz-binding: url(chrome://sage/content/popupex.xml#popupex);
+  padding: 0px !important;
+.popupex-title {
+  font-weight: bold;
+  margin: 0px !important;
+  padding: 3px !important;
+.popupex-description {
+  padding: 5px 5px 5px 20px !important;
+  max-width: 26em;
+.popupex-internal-box {
+  margin: 2px;
+  padding: 2px;
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/sage-extension.git

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