[Pkg-mozext-commits] [sage-extension] 20/54: Adding feed item list toolbar and cleaning up read state code to use commands.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 1 03:10:37 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to tag sage_1_3
in repository sage-extension.

commit a171d713d883a933f18bcf4f236c8766a019a5ad
Author: Erik Arvidsson <erik.arvidsson at gmail.com>
Date:   Wed Sep 29 17:34:37 2004 +0000

    Adding feed item list toolbar and cleaning up read state code to use commands.
 src/sage/content/sage.js                | 505 +++++++++++++++++---------------
 src/sage/content/sage.xul               |  64 +++-
 src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd          |  32 ++
 src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties   |   6 -
 src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css          |  60 +++-
 src/sage/skin/classic/toolbar-small.png | Bin 0 -> 6963 bytes
 6 files changed, 405 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/sage/content/sage.js b/src/sage/content/sage.js
index 2942b6b..027c710 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/sage.js
+++ b/src/sage/content/sage.js
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ function init() {
 		setCheckbox("chkShowSearchBar", "false");
 		setCheckbox("chkShowTooltip", "true");
 		setCheckbox("chkShowFeedItemList", "true");
+		setCheckbox("chkShowFeedItemListToolbar", "true");
 	// get feed folder location
@@ -79,6 +80,10 @@ function init() {
+	toggleShowFeedItemListToolbar();
+	document.documentElement.controllers.appendController(readStateController);
+	readStateController.onCommandUpdate();
@@ -247,8 +252,8 @@ function rssItemListBoxClick(aEvent) {
 	var listItem = rssItemListBox.selectedItem;
 	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-	openURI( feedItem.getLink(), aEvent );
 	listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+	openURI(feedItem.getLink(), aEvent);
 function rssTitleLabelClick(aNode, aEvent){
@@ -312,6 +317,12 @@ function toggleShowFeedItemList() {
 	if(showFeedItemList) setRssItemListBox();
+function toggleShowFeedItemListToolbar() {
+	var showFeedItemListToolbar = getCheckboxCheck("chkShowFeedItemListToolbar");
+	document.getElementById("itemListToolbar").hidden = !showFeedItemListToolbar;
+	if (showFeedItemListToolbar) readStateController.onCommandUpdate();
 function setRssItemListBox() {
 	if(!currentFeed) return;
 	if(document.getElementById("rssItemListBoxBox").hidden) return;
@@ -327,12 +338,14 @@ function setRssItemListBox() {
 	for(var i = 0; items.length > i; i++) {
 		var item = items[i];
 		var itemLabel = item.getTitle();
-		itemLabel = (i+1) + ". " + itemLabel;
+		//itemLabel = (i+1) + ". " + itemLabel;
 		var listItem = rssItemListBox.appendItem(itemLabel, i);
-		if(isVisited(item.getLink())) {
+		if(linkVisitor.getVisited(item.getLink())) {
 			listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+	readStateController.onCommandUpdate();
 function getCheckboxCheck(element_id) {
@@ -345,39 +358,6 @@ function setCheckbox(element_id, value) {
 	checkboxNode.setAttribute("checked", value);
-// TODO: Is this still used?
-function showRssItemListPopup(aEvent) {
-	if(aEvent.originalTarget.localName != "listitem") {
-		rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
-		return;
-	}
-	if(!getCheckboxCheck("chkShowTooltip")) {
-		rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
-		return;
-	}
-	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
-	var description = htmlToText(items[aEvent.originalTarget.value].getContent());
-	if(description.indexOf("/") != -1) {
-		description = description.replace(/\//gm, "/\u200B");
-	}
-		// description 400ȓɂ
-	if(description.length > 400) {
-		description = description.substring(0,400) + "...";
-	}
-	var popX = aEvent.screenX + 10;
-	var popY = aEvent.screenY + 20;
-	rssItemListPopup.title = aEvent.originalTarget.label;
-	rssItemListPopup.description = description;
-	rssItemListPopup.autoPosition = false;
-	rssItemListPopup.moveTo(popX, popY);
-	popupTimeoutId = setTimeout("rssItemListPopup.showPopup(rssItemListBox)", 150);
 function populateToolTip(e) {
 	// if setting disabled
@@ -405,12 +385,6 @@ function populateToolTip(e) {
 	rssItemToolTip.description = description;
-// TODO: Is this still used?
-function hideRssItemListPopup(aEvent) {
-	clearTimeout(popupTimeoutId);
-	rssItemListPopup.hidePopup();
 function htmlToText(aStr) {
 	var	formatConverter = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/htmlformatconverter;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFormatConverter);
 	var fromStr = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString);
@@ -533,259 +507,302 @@ function httpGetResult(aResultCode) {
+// This takes a list item from the rss list box and returns the uri it represents
+// this seems a bit inefficient. Shouldn't there be a direct mapping between these?
-// link visit code based on LinkVisitor.mozdev.org
-const _uriFixup = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup);
-const _globalHistory = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIGlobalHistory2);
-const _browserHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHistory);
-function markURIAsRead( sURI )
-	markURIReadState( sURI, true );
-function markURIAsUnread( sURI )
-	markURIReadState( sURI, false );
+ * This takes a listitem element and returns the FeedItem it represents
+ * @param	oListItem : XULListItem
+ * @returns	FeedItem
+ */
+function getFeedItemFromListItem( oListItem ) {
+	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
+	var items = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
+	return items[oListItem.value];
-function markURIReadState( sURI, bRead )
-	if ( !sURI )
-		return;
-	// why do we need to fixup the URI?
-	var fixupURI = _getFixupURI( sURI );
-	var visited = _globalHistory.isVisited( fixupURI );
-	if ( visited == bRead )
-		return;
-	if ( bRead )
-		_globalHistory.addURI( fixupURI, false, true );
-	else
-		_browserHistory.removePage( fixupURI );
-function _getFixupURI( sURI )
-	try
-	{
-		return _uriFixup.createFixupURI( sURI, 0 );
+ * Opens a link in the same window, a new tab or a new window
+ *
+ * @param	sURI : String
+ * @param	oType : Object	If this is an Event object we check the modifiers.
+ * 							Otherwise we assume it is a string describing the
+ *                          window type.
+ * @returns	void
+ */
+function openURI(sURI, oType) {
+	var windowType;
+	if (oType instanceof Event) {
+		// figure out what kind of open we want
+		if (oType.button == 1 || oType.ctrlKey) // click middle button or ctrl click
+			windowType = "tab";
+		else if (oType.shiftKey)
+			windowType = "window";
-	catch( e )
-	{
-		return null;
+	else {
+		windowType = oType;
-function isVisited( sURI )
-	var fixupURI = _getFixupURI( sURI );
-	return _globalHistory.isVisited( fixupURI );
+	switch (windowType) {
+		case "tab":
+			getContentBrowser().addTab(sURI);
+			break;
+		case "window":
+			document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.open(sURI);
+			break;
+		default:
+			getContentBrowser().loadURI(sURI);
+	}
-// RSS Item Context Menu
+	readStateController.onCommandUpdate();
- * This is called before the context menu for the listbox is shown. Here we enabled/disable
- * menu items as well as change the text to correctly reflect the read state
- * @param	e : Event
+ * This is called by the context menu
+ * @param	oType : String
  * @returns	void
-function updateItemContextMenu( e )
-	var popupNode = document.popupNode;
-	var menuItemIds = ["rssOpenItem", "rssOpenNewTabItem", "rssOpenNewWindowItem",
-					   "rssMarkAsReadItem", "rssMarkAllAsReadItem", "rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem"];
-	var menuItems = {};
-	for ( var i = 0; i < menuItemIds.length; i++ )
-	{
-		menuItems[ menuItemIds[i] ] = document.getElementById( menuItemIds[i] );
-	}
-	// cmd_bm_open
-	// cmd_bm_openinnewwindow
-	// cmd_bm_openinnewtab
-	menuItems.rssOpenItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_open");
-	menuItems.rssOpenNewTabItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_openinnewtab");
-	menuItems.rssOpenNewWindowItem.label = bmStrRes.getString("cmd_bm_openinnewwindow");
-	menuItems.rssMarkAsReadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markasread");
-	menuItems.rssMarkAllAsReadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markallasread");
-	menuItems.rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem.label = strRes.getString("itemcontext_markallasunread");
-	if ( popupNode.localName == "listbox" )
-	{
-		// only mark all should work
-		for ( var id in menuItems )
-		{
-			if ( (id == "rssMarkAllAsReadItem" || id == "rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem") &&
-				 currentFeed && rssItemListBox.getRowCount() > 0 )
-				menuItems[id].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
-			else
-				menuItems[id].setAttribute( "disabled", "true" );;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		for ( id in menuItems )
-			menuItems[id].removeAttribute( "disabled" );
-		// need to figure out if the current list item is visited
-		var listItem = popupNode;
-		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-		var visited = isVisited( feedItem.getLink() );
-		menuItems.rssMarkAsReadItem.label =
-			strRes.getString( visited ? "itemcontext_markasunread" : "itemcontext_markasread" );
-		// lets make sure the visited flag is correct in the ui
-		if ( visited )
-			listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
-		else
-			listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
-	}
+function openListItem(oType) {
+	var listItem = document.popupNode;
+	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem(listItem);
+	listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+	openURI(feedItem.getLink(), oType);
+// link visit code based on LinkVisitor.mozdev.org
- * This marks the selected items as read/unread. This works with multiple
- * selection as well if we want to enable that in the future.
- * @param	e : Event
- * @returns	void
- */
-function toggleMarkAsRead( e )
-	var listItems = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
-	for ( var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++ )
-	{
-		var listItem = listItems[i];
-		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-		var uri = feedItem.getLink();
-		var visited = isVisited( uri );
-		markURIReadState( uri, !visited );
-		if ( !visited )
-			listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+var linkVisitor = {
+	_uriFixup : Components.classes["@mozilla.org/docshell/urifixup;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIURIFixup),
+	_globalHistory : Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIGlobalHistory2),
+	_browserHistory : Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/global-history;2"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBrowserHistory),
+	setVisited:	function (sURI, bRead) {
+		if (!sURI)
+			return;
+		// why do we need to fixup the URI?
+		var fixupURI = this._getFixupURI(sURI);
+		if (fixupURI == null)
+			return;
+		if (bRead)
+			this._globalHistory.addURI(fixupURI, false, true);
-			listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
+			this._browserHistory.removePage(fixupURI);
+	},
+	getVisited : function (sURI) {
+		var fixupURI = this._getFixupURI(sURI);
+		if (fixupURI == null)
+			return false;
+		return this._globalHistory.isVisited(fixupURI);
+	},
+	_getFixupURI : function (sURI) {
+		try {
+			return this._uriFixup.createFixupURI(sURI, 0);
+		}
+		catch (e) {
+			logMessage("Could not fixup URI: " + sURI);
+			return null;
+		}
- * This called from the context menu.
- * @param	e : Event
- * @returns	void
- */
-function markAllAsRead( e )
-	markAllReadState( true );
+// RSS Item Context Menu
- * This called from the context menu.
- * @param	e : Event
+ * This is called before the context menu for the listbox is shown. Here we
+ * enabled/disable menu items as well as change the text to correctly reflect
+ * the read state
  * @returns	void
-function markAllAsUnread( e )
-	markAllReadState( false );
+function updateItemContextMenu() {
+	readStateController.onCommandUpdate();
+	document.getElementById("rssMarkAsReadItem").hidden =
+		!readStateController.isCommandEnabled("cmd_markasread");
+	document.getElementById("rssMarkAsUnreadItem").hidden =
+		!readStateController.isCommandEnabled("cmd_markasunread");
  * Marks all read or unread
  * @param	bRead : Boolean	Whether to mark as read or unread
  * @returns	void
-function markAllReadState( bRead )
-	if ( currentFeed )
-	{
+function markAllReadState(bRead) {
+	if (currentFeed) {
 		var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-		var feedItems = currentFeed.getItems( feedItemOrder );
+		var feedItems = currentFeed.getItems(feedItemOrder);
-		for ( var i = 0; i < feedItems.length; i++ )
-			markURIReadState( feedItems[i].getLink(), bRead );
+		for (var i = 0; i < feedItems.length; i++)
+			linkVisitor.setVisited(feedItems[i].getLink(), bRead);
 		var listItem;
-		for ( var y = 0; y < rssItemListBox.getRowCount(); y++ )
+		for (var y = 0; y < rssItemListBox.getRowCount(); y++)
-			listItem = rssItemListBox.getItemAtIndex( y );
-			if ( bRead )
-				listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+			listItem = rssItemListBox.getItemAtIndex(y);
+			if (bRead)
+				listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
-				listItem.removeAttribute( "visited" );
+				listItem.removeAttribute("visited");
-// This takes a list item from the rss list box and returns the uri it represents
-// this seems a bit inefficient. Shouldn't there be a direct mapping between these?
- * This takes a listitem element and returns the FeedItem it represents
- * @param	oListItem : XULListItem
- * @returns	FeedItem
+ * This marks the selected items as read/unread. This works with multiple
+ * selection as well if we want to enable that in the future.
+ * @param	bRead : Boolean		Whether to mark items read or unread
+ * @returns	void
-function getFeedItemFromListItem( oListItem )
-	var feedItemOrder = CommonFunc.getPrefValue(CommonFunc.FEED_ITEM_ORDER, "str", "chrono");
-	var items = currentFeed.getItems( feedItemOrder );
-	return items[ oListItem.value ];
+function markReadState(bRead) {
+	var listItems = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
+	for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++) {
+		var listItem = listItems[i];
+		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem(listItem);
+		var uri = feedItem.getLink();
+		if (bRead)
+			listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+		else
+			listItem.removeAttribute("visited");
+		linkVisitor.setVisited(uri, bRead);
+	}
- * Opens a link in the same window, a new tab or a new window
+ * This toggles the selected items read state. This works with multiple
+ * selection as well if we want to enable that in the future.
+ *
+ * In Thunderbird, pressing M marks all read on unread based on the first
+ * item. This seems more consistent and more useful
- * @param	sURI : String
- * @param	oType : Object	If this is an Event object we check the modifiers.
- * 							Otherwise we assume it is a string describing the
- *                          window type.
  * @returns	void
-function openURI( sURI, oType )
-	var windowType;
-	if ( oType instanceof Event )
-	{
-		// figure out what kind of open we want
-		if ( oType.button == 1 || oType.ctrlKey ) // click middle button or ctrl click
-			windowType = "tab";
-		else if ( oType.shiftKey )
-			windowType = "window";
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		windowType = oType;
-	}
-	switch ( windowType )
-	{
-		case "tab":
-			getContentBrowser().addTab( sURI );
-			break;
-		case "window":
-			document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.open( sURI );
-			break;
-		default:
-			getContentBrowser().loadURI( sURI );
+function toggleMarkAsRead() {
+	var listItems = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
+	var read;
+	for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++) {
+		var listItem = listItems[i];
+		var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem(listItem);
+		var uri = feedItem.getLink();
+		if (read == null)
+			read = !linkVisitor.getVisited(uri);
+		if (read)
+			listItem.setAttribute("visited", "true");
+		else
+			listItem.removeAttribute("visited");
+		linkVisitor.setVisited(uri, read);
- * This is called by the context menu
- * @param	oType : String
- * @returns	void
+ * This controller object takes care of the commands related to marking feed
+ * items as read
-function openListItem( oType )
-	var listItem = document.popupNode;
-	var feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( listItem );
-	openURI( feedItem.getLink(), oType );
-	listItem.setAttribute( "visited", "true" );
+var readStateController = {
+	supportsCommand : function(cmd) {
+		switch (cmd) {
+			case "cmd_markasread":
+			case "cmd_markasunread":
+			case "cmd_toggleread":
+			case "cmd_markallasread":
+			case "cmd_markallasunread":
+				return true;
+			default:
+				return false;
+		}
+	},
+	isCommandEnabled : function(cmd) {
+		var items, feedItem, visited, i;
+		if (!getCheckboxCheck("chkShowFeedItemList"))
+			return false;
+		switch (cmd) {
+			// Enable if any items available. A more exact solution is to loop
+			// over the item and disable/enable dependiong on whether all items
+			// are read/unread. This solution is however too slow to be practical.
+			case "cmd_markallasread":
+			case "cmd_markallasunread":
+				return rssItemListBox.getRowCount() > 0;
+			// There is a state where we mark a listitem as visited even though
+			// we don't know if the server will respond and therefore the link
+			// might be unread in the history and read in the UI. In these cases
+			// both mark as read and mark as unread needs to be enabled
+			case "cmd_markasread":
+				items = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
+				// if we have one non visited we can mark as read
+				for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+					feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( items[i] );
+					visited = linkVisitor.getVisited( feedItem.getLink() );
+					if (!visited || items[i].getAttribute("visited") != "true")
+						return true;
+				}
+				return false;
+			case "cmd_markasunread":
+				items = rssItemListBox.selectedItems;
+				// if we have one visited we can mark as unread
+				for (i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
+					feedItem = getFeedItemFromListItem( items[i] );
+					visited = linkVisitor.getVisited( feedItem.getLink() );
+					if (visited || items[i].getAttribute("visited") == "true")
+						return true;
+				}
+				return false;
+			case "cmd_toggleread":
+				return this.isCommandEnabled("cmd_markasread") ||
+					   this.isCommandEnabled("cmd_markasunread");
+		}
+		return false;
+	},
+	doCommand : function(cmd) {
+		switch (cmd) {
+			case "cmd_markasread":
+				markReadState(true);
+				break;
+			case "cmd_markasunread":
+				markReadState(false);
+				break;
+			case "cmd_toggleread":
+				toggleMarkAsRead();
+				break;
+			case "cmd_markallasread":
+				markAllReadState(true);
+				break;
+			case "cmd_markallasunread":
+				markAllReadState(false);
+				break;
+		}
+		this.onCommandUpdate();
+	},
+	onCommandUpdate: function () {
+		var commands = ["cmd_markasread", "cmd_markasunread",
+						"cmd_toggleread",
+						"cmd_markallasread", "cmd_markallasunread"];
+		for (var i = 0; i < commands.length; i++)
+			goSetCommandEnabled(commands[i], this.isCommandEnabled(commands[i]));
+	},
+	onEvent : function(evt){ }
diff --git a/src/sage/content/sage.xul b/src/sage/content/sage.xul
index fefb781..c7aeb1f 100755
--- a/src/sage/content/sage.xul
+++ b/src/sage/content/sage.xul
@@ -38,6 +38,33 @@
 	<command id="cmd_bm_newseparator"	 oncommand="goDoCommand('cmd_bm_newseparator');"/>
 	<command id="cmd_bm_find" 		   oncommand="goDoCommand('cmd_bm_find');"/>
 	<command id="cmd_bm_properties"	   oncommand="goDoCommand('cmd_bm_properties');"/>
+	<command id="cmd_bm_sortbyname"	   oncommand="goDoCommand('cmd_bm_sortbyname');"/>
+  <key id="key_toggleread" key="&toggleReadState.command.key;" command="cmd_toggleread"/>
+  <key id="key_markallasread" modifiers="&markAllAsRead.command.modifiers;"
+	   key="&markAllAsRead.command.key;" command="cmd_markallasread"/>
+<commandset id="readCommands">
+	<command id="cmd_markasread" oncommand="readStateController.doCommand('cmd_markasread')"
+			 tooltiptext="&markAsRead.command.tooltip;"
+			 label="&markAsRead.command.label;"
+			 accesskey="&markAsRead.command.accesskey;"/>
+	<command id="cmd_markasunread" oncommand="readStateController.doCommand('cmd_markasunread')"
+			 label="&markAsUnread.command.label;"
+			 tooltiptext="&markAsUnread.command.tooltip;"
+			 accesskey="&markAsUnread.command.accesskey;"/>
+	<command id="cmd_toggleread" oncommand="readStateController.doCommand('cmd_toggleread')"/>
+	<command id="cmd_markallasread" oncommand="readStateController.doCommand('cmd_markallasread')"
+			 label="&markAllAsRead.command.label;"
+			 tooltiptext="&markAllAsRead.command.tooltip;"
+			 accesskey="&markAllAsRead.command.accesskey;"/>
+	<command id="cmd_markallasunread" oncommand="readStateController.doCommand('cmd_markallasunread')"
+			 label="&markAllAsUnread.command.label;"
+			 tooltiptext="&markAllAsUnread.command.tooltip;"
+			 accesskey="&markAllAsUnread.command.accesskey;"/>
@@ -55,6 +82,7 @@
 				<menuitem id="chkShowSearchBar" type="checkbox" persist="checked" label="&menu.showSearchBar;" oncommand="toggleShowSearchBar()"/>
 				<menuitem id="chkShowTooltip" type="checkbox" persist="checked" label="&menu.showDescTooltip;"/>
 				<menuitem id="chkShowFeedItemList" type="checkbox" persist="checked" label="&menu.showFeedItemList;" oncommand="toggleShowFeedItemList()"/>
+				<menuitem id="chkShowFeedItemListToolbar" type="checkbox" persist="checked" label="&menu.showFeedItemListToolbar;" oncommand="toggleShowFeedItemListToolbar()"/>
 				<menuitem label="&menu.manageRSSList;" oncommand="manageRSSList()"/>
 				<menuitem label="&menu.opmlImportExport;" oncommand="openOPMLWizard()"/>
@@ -94,21 +122,31 @@
 			ondraggesture="if(event.originalTarget.localName == 'treechildren') nsDragAndDrop.startDrag(event, this.DNDObserver);"
 	<splitter id="sage-splitter"/>
 	<vbox id="rssItemListBoxBox" flex="1" persist="height">
 		<sidebarheader id="feedTitleBar" align="center">
 			<hbox align="center" flex="1">
 				<label id="rssTitleLabel" flex="1" crop="end" value="" onclick="rssTitleLabelClick(this, event)"/>
+		<toolbox class="plain">
+			<toolbar class="plain" id="itemListToolbar">
+				<toolbarbutton id="markAsReadButton" class="sage_button" command="cmd_markasread"/>
+				<toolbarbutton id="markAsUnreadButton" class="sage_button" command="cmd_markasunread"/>
+				<toolbarbutton id="markAllAsReadButton" class="sage_button" command="cmd_markallasread"/>
+				<toolbarbutton id="markAllAsUnreadButton" class="sage_button" command="cmd_markallasunread"/>
+			</toolbar>
+		</toolbox>
 		<listbox id="rssItemListBox" class="plain" flex="1"
 			onkeypress="if(event.keyCode == 13) rssItemListBoxClick(event)"
-			onclick="rssItemListBoxClick(event)"/>
+			onclick="rssItemListBoxClick(event)"
+			onselect="readStateController.onCommandUpdate()"/>
@@ -125,14 +163,18 @@
 	<popup id="rssItemListBoxContextMenu"
-		   onpopupshowing="updateItemContextMenu(event)">
-		<menuitem id="rssOpenItem" default="true" oncommand="openListItem()"/>
-		<menuitem id="rssOpenNewTabItem" oncommand="openListItem('tab')"/>
-		<menuitem id="rssOpenNewWindowItem" oncommand="openListItem('window')"/>
+		   onpopupshowing="updateItemContextMenu()">
+		<menuitem id="rssOpenItem" default="true" oncommand="openListItem()"
+				  label="&openLinkInWindow.label;" accesskey="&openLinkInWindow.accesskey;"/>
+		<menuitem id="rssOpenNewTabItem" oncommand="openListItem('tab')"
+				  label="&openInNewTab.label;" accesskey="&openInNewTab.accesskey;"/>
+		<menuitem id="rssOpenNewWindowItem" oncommand="openListItem('window')"
+				  label="&openInNewWindow.label;" accesskey="&openInNewWindow.accesskey;"/>
-		<menuitem id="rssMarkAsReadItem" oncommand="toggleMarkAsRead(event)"/>
-		<menuitem id="rssMarkAllAsReadItem" oncommand="markAllAsRead(event)"/>
-		<menuitem id="rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem" oncommand="markAllAsUnread(event)"/>
+		<menuitem id="rssMarkAsReadItem" command="cmd_markasread"/>
+		<menuitem id="rssMarkAsUnreadItem" command="cmd_markasunread"/>
+		<menuitem id="rssMarkAllAsReadItem" command="cmd_markallasread"/>
+		<menuitem id="rssMarkAllAsUnreadItem" command="cmd_markallasunread"/>
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
index 015cb36..4ba35c2 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.dtd
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 <!ENTITY menu.view				"View">
 <!ENTITY menu.showSearchBar			"Show Feed Search Bar">
 <!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemList			"Show Feed Item List">
+<!ENTITY menu.showFeedItemListToolbar	"Show Feed Item List Toolbar">
 <!ENTITY menu.showDescTooltip			"Show Description Tooltips">
 <!ENTITY menu.openHTML				"Open Feeds In Contents Area">
 <!ENTITY menu.tools				"Options">
@@ -50,3 +51,34 @@
 <!ENTITY openSageSidebar.commandkey		"S">
 <!ENTITY openSageSidebar.modifiersKey		"alt">
+<!-- These are taken from history.dtd -->
+<!ENTITY openLinkInWindow.label "Open">
+<!ENTITY openLinkInWindow.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY openInNewTab.label "Open in New Tab">
+<!ENTITY openInNewTab.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY openInNewWindow.label "Open in New Window">
+<!ENTITY openInNewWindow.accesskey "W">
+<!-- Read State -->
+<!ENTITY markAsRead.command.label			"Mark as Read">
+<!ENTITY markAsRead.command.tooltip			"Mark as Read">
+<!ENTITY markAsRead.command.accesskey		"R">
+<!ENTITY markAsUnread.command.label			"Mark as Unread">
+<!ENTITY markAsUnread.command.tooltip		"Mark as Unread">
+<!ENTITY markAsUnread.command.accesskey		"U">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsRead.command.label		"Mark All as Read">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsRead.command.tooltip		"Mark All as Read">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsRead.command.accesskey	"A">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsRead.command.key			"C">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsRead.command.modifiers	"accel shift">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsUnread.command.label		"Mark All as Unread">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsUnread.command.tooltip	"Mark All as Unread">
+<!ENTITY markAllAsUnread.command.accesskey	"n">
+<!ENTITY toggleReadState.command.key		"M">
diff --git a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties
index 607a971..6412292 100755
--- a/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties
+++ b/src/sage/locale/en-US/sage.properties
@@ -82,9 +82,3 @@ date_november = November
 date_november_short = Nov
 date_december = December
 date_december_short = Dec
-# Item context menu
-itemcontext_markasread = Mark as Read
-itemcontext_markasunread = Mark as Unread
-itemcontext_markallasread = Mark All as Read
-itemcontext_markallasunread = Mark All as Unread
diff --git a/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css b/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css
index eb0f4b4..3b9e25d 100755
--- a/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css
+++ b/src/sage/skin/classic/sage.css
@@ -94,6 +94,64 @@ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(rss, updated) {
+/* ++++++++++ List Tool Bar ++++++++++++ */
+toolbarbutton#markAllAsUnreadButton {
+	list-style-image: url("chrome://sage/skin/toolbar-small.png") !important;
+#markAsReadButton {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 80px 16px 64px) !important;
+#markAsReadButton:hover {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(16px 80px 32px 64px) !important;
+#markAsReadButton[disabled="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(32px 80px 48px 64px) !important;
+#markAsUnreadButton {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 96px 16px 80px) !important;
+#markAsUnreadButton:hover {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(16px 96px 32px 80px) !important;
+#markAsUnreadButton[disabled="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(32px 96px 48px 80px) !important;
+#markAllAsReadButton {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 48px 16px 32px) !important;
+#markAllAsReadButton:hover {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(16px 48px 32px 32px) !important;
+#markAllAsReadButton[disabled="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(32px 48px 48px 32px) !important;
+#markAllAsUnreadButton {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(0px 64px 16px 48px) !important;
+#markAllAsUnreadButton:hover {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(16px 64px 32px 48px) !important;
+#markAllAsUnreadButton[disabled="true"] {
+	-moz-image-region: rect(32px 64px 48px 48px) !important;
 /* ++++++++++ Search ++++++++++ */
 #barSearch {
   padding-bottom: 2px;
@@ -133,4 +191,4 @@ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(rss, updated) {
 .popupex-internal-box {
   margin: 2px;
   padding: 2px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/sage/skin/classic/toolbar-small.png b/src/sage/skin/classic/toolbar-small.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e64ac3
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/sage/skin/classic/toolbar-small.png differ

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/sage-extension.git

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