[Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] 139/280: introducing EnvironmentManager, fixing many bugs

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 2 20:30:13 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository requestpolicy.

commit 75aca763efa379a7a51d229246bf928ce79aa67a
Author: Martin Kimmerle <dev at 256k.de>
Date:   Thu Jan 15 16:41:17 2015 +0100

    introducing EnvironmentManager, fixing many bugs
    - The EnvironmentManager has been introduced. Documentation can
    be found in the Development Wiki.
    - Many bugs in respect of RP's shutdown (and startup) have been
    - bootstrap.js now starts up the EnvironmentManager instead of
    ProcessEnvironment. This means that ProcessEnvironment is no
    longer responsible for essential tasks on startup/shutdown.
    - The Environment class now supports "Levels": Essential,
    Backend, Interface and UI. All startup and shutdown functions
    are assigned to one of those levels. For both the startup and
    the shutdown process the levels are processed in the right
    - Two new managers have been added, helping with startup and
    - ManagerForMessageListeners
    - ManagerForEventListeners
    Both of them add/remove listeners on startup/shutdown; Every
    instance of those classes is bound to an environment.
 src/bootstrap.js                                  |  36 +--
 src/content/lib/content-policy.jsm                |  22 +-
 src/content/lib/environment.jsm                   | 282 +++++++++++++------
 src/content/lib/logger.jsm                        |   4 +-
 src/content/lib/manager-for-event-listeners.jsm   | 143 ++++++++++
 src/content/lib/manager-for-message-listeners.jsm | 159 +++++++++++
 src/content/lib/observer-manager.jsm              |  13 +-
 src/content/lib/policy-manager.jsm                |   5 +-
 src/content/lib/prefs.jsm                         |   8 +-
 src/content/lib/process-environment.jsm           | 147 ++--------
 src/content/lib/request-processor.compat.js       |  25 +-
 src/content/lib/request-processor.jsm             |  11 +-
 src/content/lib/request-processor.redirects.js    |   6 +
 src/content/lib/script-loader.jsm                 |  48 +++-
 src/content/lib/utils.jsm                         |   8 +-
 src/content/lib/utils/constants.jsm               |   1 +
 src/content/lib/utils/files.jsm                   |   4 +
 src/content/lib/utils/windows.jsm                 |   7 +-
 src/content/lib/utils/xul.jsm                     |   7 +-
 src/content/main/about-uri.jsm                    |  30 ++-
 src/content/main/environment-manager-child.js     | 116 ++++++++
 src/content/main/environment-manager-parent.js    | 117 ++++++++
 src/content/main/environment-manager.jsm          | 144 ++++++++++
 src/content/main/pref-manager.jsm                 |  12 +-
 src/content/main/requestpolicy-service.jsm        |  12 +-
 src/content/main/window-manager-toolbarbutton.js  |  17 +-
 src/content/main/window-manager.jsm               |  67 +++--
 src/content/settings/advancedprefs.js             |  58 ++--
 src/content/settings/basicprefs.js                |  32 ++-
 src/content/settings/common.js                    |   8 +-
 src/content/settings/defaultpolicy.js             |  20 +-
 src/content/settings/subscriptions.js             |   2 +-
 src/content/settings/yourpolicy.js                |   2 +-
 src/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js           |  14 +-
 src/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js               |  59 +++-
 src/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js        | 104 +++++--
 src/content/ui/frame.js                           | 240 ++++++++++++-----
 src/content/ui/overlay.js                         | 315 ++++++++++++----------
 src/content/ui/request-log.filtering.js           |   1 +
 src/content/ui/request-log.js                     |  27 +-
 40 files changed, 1680 insertions(+), 653 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bootstrap.js b/src/bootstrap.js
index d7f4978..f7d8533 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap.js
+++ b/src/bootstrap.js
@@ -25,34 +25,26 @@ const Ci = Components.interfaces;
 const Cc = Components.classes;
 const Cu = Components.utils;
-const procEnvURI = "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/" +
-    "process-environment.jsm";
+const envManURI = "chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/" +
+    "environment-manager.jsm";
  * If any Exception gets into bootstrap.js, it will be a severe error.
  * The Logger can't be used, as it might not be available.
-function logSevereError(msg, stack) {
-  dump("[RequestPolicy] [SEVERE] [ERROR] " + msg +
-       (stack ? ", stack was: " + stack : "") + "\n");
+function logSevereError(msg, e) {
+  dump("[RequestPolicy] [SEVERE] [ERROR] " + msg + " " + e +
+       (e.stack ? ", stack was: " + e.stack : "") + "\n");
+  Cu.reportError(e);
 function startup(data, reason) {
-  // if the Browser Toolbox is open when enabling RP, stop here.
-  // uncomment to enable this functionality.
-  // see also https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/debugger
-  //debugger;
   try {
-    // Import the ProcessEnvironment and call its startup() function.
-    // Note: It is IMPORTANT that ProcessEnvironment is the FIRST module to be
-    //       imported! The reason is that many modules call
-    //       `ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction()` at *load-time*, so
-    //       ProcessEnvironment has to be available.
-    Cu.import(procEnvURI);
-    ProcessEnvironment.startup(data, reason);
+    // Import the EnvironmentManager and call its startup() function.
+    Cu.import(envManURI);
+    EnvironmentManager.startup(data, reason);
   } catch(e) {
-    logSevereError("startup() failed! " + e, e.stack);
+    logSevereError("startup() failed!", e);
@@ -63,11 +55,11 @@ function shutdown(data, reason) {
   try {
     // shutdown, unset and unload.
-    ProcessEnvironment.shutdown(data, reason);
-    ProcessEnvironment = null;
-    Cu.unload(procEnvURI);
+    EnvironmentManager.shutdown(data, reason);
+    EnvironmentManager = null;
+    Cu.unload(envManURI);
   } catch(e) {
-    logSevereError("shutdown() failed! " + e, e.stack);
+    logSevereError("shutdown() failed!", e);
diff --git a/src/content/lib/content-policy.jsm b/src/content/lib/content-policy.jsm
index aec0c92..c1108a2 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/content-policy.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/content-policy.jsm
@@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ let PolicyImplementation = (function() {
    * Registers the content policy on startup.
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
+  function register() {
                       .registerFactory(self.classID, self.classDescription,
                                        self.contractID, self);
     let catMan = Utils.categoryManager;
-    for each (let category in xpcom_categories) {
+    for (let category of xpcom_categories) {
       catMan.addCategoryEntry(category, self.contractID, self.contractID, false,
@@ -74,14 +74,22 @@ let PolicyImplementation = (function() {
-  });
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        register);
-  ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
+  function unregister() {
+    Logger.dump("shutting down PolicyImplementation...");
+    // Ensure that RP stops blocking requests even in case of an error in the
+    // shutdown process of PolicyImplementation.
+    self.shouldLoad = (() => C.CP_OK);
     let registrar = Components.manager.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIComponentRegistrar);
     let catMan = Utils.categoryManager;
-    for (let category in xpcom_categories) {
+    for (let category of xpcom_categories) {
       catMan.deleteCategoryEntry(category, self.contractID, false);
@@ -89,7 +97,9 @@ let PolicyImplementation = (function() {
     Utils.runAsync(function() {
       registrar.unregisterFactory(self.classID, self);
-  });
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                         unregister);
   // nsISupports interface implementation
diff --git a/src/content/lib/environment.jsm b/src/content/lib/environment.jsm
index 530f552..28a6884 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/environment.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/environment.jsm
@@ -31,53 +31,69 @@ let globalScope = this;
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(globalScope, "ScriptLoader",
-    "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(globalScope, "ObserverManager", function() {
-  return ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/observer-manager").ObserverManager;
+  "lib/manager-for-event-listeners": ["ManagerForEventListeners"],
+  "main/environment-manager": ["EnvironmentManager"],
+  "lib/observer-manager": ["ObserverManager"]
+}, globalScope);
+let ENV_STATES = {
+  "NOT_STARTED": 0,
+  "STARTING_UP": 1,
+  "SHUT_DOWN": 4
+let LEVELS = {
+  // Essential functions do tasks that must be run first on startup and last
+  // on shutdown, that is they do tasks that are requirements for the Backend.
+  "ESSENTIAL": 1,
+  // Backend functions start up/shut down main parts of RequestPolicy, but
+  // they do not enable RequestPolicy at all.
+  "BACKEND": 2,
+  // Interface functions enable/disable external as well as internal interfaces,
+  // e.g. Event Listeners, Message Listeners, Observers, Factories.
+  "INTERFACE": 3,
+  // UI functions will enable/disable UI elements such as the menu.
+  "UI": 4
+// a level can be entered, being processed, or finished being processed.
+  "NOT_ENTERED": 0,
  * The `Environment` class can take care of the "startup" (=initialization) and
  * "shutdown" of any environment.
- * Example implementations for this class are:
- *   - "process" environments -- created e.g. by bootstrap.js
- *   - "window" environments -- used in frame scripts and on pref web pages
+ * To each `Environment` instance, `startup` and `shutdown` functions can be
+ * added. As soon as the Environment's startup() function is called, all of
+ * those functions will be called; same for shutdown().
- * The Environment contains
- *   - one *queue* for startup functions
- *   - one *stack* for shutdown functions
- * Those functions will be called when startup() and shutdown(), respectively,
- * are called.
- *
- * ### Implementation of the Queue and the Stack:
- * The Queue is implemented in a FIFO [3] sense, the Stack in a LIFO [4] sense.
- *   => for the queue, Array.push() and Array.shift() are used.
- *   => for the stack, Array.push() and Array.pop() are used.
- *
- * ### Reason for queue <--> stack distinction:
- * The most important files will add their startup & shutdown functions
- * before the less important functions will do.
- *   => Startup: the important functions should be called first
- *   => Shutdown: the important functions should be called last
- *
- * ### more information on FIFO/LIFO and Queues/Stacks:
- *   [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queue_%28abstract_data_type%29
- *   [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stack_%28abstract_data_type%29
- *   [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFO
- *   [4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIFO_%28computing%29
+ * Both startup and shutdown functions will have Levels assigned. The levels
+ * of the functions determine in which sequence they are called
-function Environment() {
+function Environment(aName) {
   let self = this;
-  self.state = Environment.STATE_SHUT_DOWN;
+  // the Environment's name is only needed for debugging
+  self.name = aName || "anonymous";
+  self.envState = ENV_STATES.NOT_STARTED;
-  // The function queues
-  self.startupFnQueue = [];
-  self.shutdownFnStack = [];
+  self.startupLevels = generateLevelObjects();
+  self.shutdownLevels = generateLevelObjects();
+  EnvironmentManager.registerEnvironment(self);
   // Define a Lazy Getter to get an ObserverManager for this Environment.
   // Using that Getter is more convenient than doing it manually, as the
@@ -85,83 +101,197 @@ function Environment() {
   XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(self, "obMan", function() {
     return new ObserverManager(self);
+  // Define a Lazy Getter to get an instance of `ManagerForEventListeners` for
+  // this Environment.
+  XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(self, "elManager", function() {
+    return new ManagerForEventListeners(self);
+  });
+  // generate an unique ID for debugging purposes
+  XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(self, "uid", function() {
+    return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 5);
+  });
+  //console.debug('[RPC] created new Environment "'+self.name+'"');
-Environment.STATE_SHUT_DOWN = 0;
-Environment.STATE_STARTING_UP = 1;
-Environment.STATE_STARTUP_DONE = 2;
-Environment.STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN = 3;
+Environment.LEVELS = LEVELS;
+ * This function creates one "Level Object" for each level. Those objects
+ * mainly will hold the startup- or shutdown-functions of the corresponding
+ * level. All of the Level Objects are put together in another object which
+ * is then returned.
+ */
+function generateLevelObjects() {
+  let obj = {};
+  for (let levelName in Environment.LEVELS) {
+    let level = Environment.LEVELS[levelName];
+    obj[level] = {"functions": [], "levelState": LEVEL_STATES.NOT_ENTERED};
+  }
+  return obj;
+Environment.startupSequence = [
+Environment.shutdownSequence = [
  * This set of functions can be used for adding startup/shutdown functions.
-Environment.prototype.enqueueStartupFunction = function(f) {
+Environment.prototype.addStartupFunction = function(aLevel, f) {
   let self = this;
-  switch (self.state) {
-    case Environment.STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN:
-      // When the shutdown is currently in progress we simply ignore the
-      // startup() function, as it makes no sense.
-      break;
-    case Environment.STATE_STARTUP_DONE:
-      // If the environment already finished starting up, the function is added
-      // to the stack and the stack is processed immediately.
-      // Note: Calling `callFunctions` is on purpose, as the function `f` might
-      //       add more startup functions as well!
-      self.startupFnQueue.push(f);
-      callFunctions(self.startupFnQueue, arguments);
-      break;
-    default:
-      // In any other case, add the function to the stack.
-      self.startupFnQueue.push(f);
-      break;
+  if (self.envState >= ENV_STATES.SHUTTING_DOWN) {
+    // the environment is shutting down or already shut down.
+    return;
+  }
+  if (self.startupLevels[aLevel].levelState >= LEVEL_STATES.PROCESSING) {
+    // Either the startup functions of the same level as `aLevel` have
+    //        already been processed
+    //    OR  they are currently being processed.
+    //
+    // ==> call the function immediately.
+    f();
+  } else {
+    // the startup process did not reach the function's level yet.
+    //
+    // ==> remember the function.
+    self.startupLevels[aLevel].functions.push(f);
-Environment.prototype.pushShutdownFunction = function(f) {
+Environment.prototype.addShutdownFunction = function(aLevel, f) {
   let self = this;
-  self.shutdownFnStack.push(f);
+  if (self.shutdownLevels[aLevel].levelState >= LEVEL_STATES.PROCESSING) {
+    // Either the shutdown functions of the same level as `aLevel` have
+    //        already been processed
+    //    OR  they are currently being processed.
+    //
+    // ==> call the function immediately.
+    f();
+    //console.debug('[RPC] calling shutdown function immediately: "' +
+    //              (f.name || "anonymous") + '" (' + self.name + ')');
+  } else {
+    // The opposite, i.e. the startup process did not reach the function's
+    // level yet.
+    //
+    // ==> remember the function.
+    self.shutdownLevels[aLevel].functions.push(f);
+  }
  * This function calls all functions of a function queue.
-function callFunctions(fnArray, sequence, fnArgsToApply) {
-  // `sequence` decides whether LIFO or FIFO is used
-  let popOrShift = sequence === "lifo" ? "pop" : "shift";
+function callFunctions(fnArray, fnArgsToApply) {
   // process the Array as long as it contains elements
   while (fnArray.length > 0) {
     // The following is either `fnArray.pop()` or `fnArray.shift()`
     // depending on `sequence`.
-    let f = fnArray[popOrShift]();
+    let f = fnArray.pop();
     // call the function
-    f.apply(this, fnArgsToApply);
+    f.apply(null, fnArgsToApply);
+  }
+function processLevel(aLevelObj, fnArgsToApply) {
+  aLevelObj.levelState = LEVEL_STATES.PROCESSING;
+  callFunctions(aLevelObj.functions, fnArgsToApply);
+// not used for now
+//Environment.prototype.callStartupFunctions = function(aLevel, fnArgsToApply) {
+//  let self = this;
+//  processLevel(self.startupLevels[aLevel], fnArgsToApply);
+Environment.prototype.callShutdownFunctions = function(aLevel, fnArgsToApply) {
+  let self = this;
+  processLevel(self.shutdownLevels[aLevel], fnArgsToApply);
+Environment.processSequence = function(aSequence, aCallback) {
+  for (let i = 0, len = aSequence.length; i < len; ++i) {
+    // Note: It's necessary to use for(;;) instead of  for(..of..)
+    //       because the order/sequence must be exactly the same as in the
+    //       array.  for(..of..) doesn't guarantee that the elements are
+    //       called in order.
+    let level = aSequence[i];
+    aCallback(level);
 Environment.prototype.startup = function() {
   let self = this;
-  self.state = Environment.STATE_STARTING_UP;
-  callFunctions(self.startupFnQueue, arguments);
-  self.state = Environment.STATE_STARTUP_DONE;
+  let fnArgsToApply = arguments;
+  if (self.envState == ENV_STATES.NOT_STARTED) {
+    //console.log('[RPC] starting up Environment "'+self.name+'"...');
+    self.envState = ENV_STATES.STARTING_UP;
+    Environment.processSequence(
+        Environment.startupSequence,
+        function (level) {
+          let levelObj = self.startupLevels[level];
+          processLevel(levelObj, fnArgsToApply);
+        });
+    self.envState = ENV_STATES.STARTUP_DONE;
+  }
 Environment.prototype.shutdown = function() {
   let self = this;
-  self.state = Environment.STATE_SHUTTING_DOWN;
-  callFunctions(self.shutdownFnStack, arguments);
-  self.state = Environment.STATE_SHUT_DOWN;
+  let fnArgsToApply = arguments;
+  if (self.envState === ENV_STATES.STARTUP_DONE) {
+    //console.log('[RPC] shutting down Environment "'+self.name+'"...');
+    self.envState = ENV_STATES.SHUTTING_DOWN;
+    EnvironmentManager.unregisterEnvironment(self);
-Environment.prototype.shutdownOnWindowUnload = function(aWindow) {
+    Environment.processSequence(
+        Environment.shutdownSequence,
+        function (level) {
+          let levelObj = self.shutdownLevels[level];
+          processLevel(levelObj, fnArgsToApply);
+        });
+    self.envState = ENV_STATES.SHUT_DOWN;
+  }
+ * Helper function: shuts down the environment when an EventTarget's "unload"
+ * event occurres.
+ */
+Environment.prototype.shutdownOnUnload = function(aEventTarget) {
   let self = this;
-  aWindow.addEventListener("unload", function() {
+  self.elManager.addListener(aEventTarget, "unload", function() {
+    //console.log("[RPC] an EventTarget's `unload` function has been called. " +
+    //            'Going to shut down Environment "'+self.name+'"');
diff --git a/src/content/lib/logger.jsm b/src/content/lib/logger.jsm
index d66cd3e..28d47c5 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/logger.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/logger.jsm
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ const Cu = Components.utils;
 let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Logger"];
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ let Logger = (function() {
     initialized = true;
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(init);
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.ESSENTIAL, init);
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ let Logger = (function() {
       if (aError) {
         // if an error was provided, report it to the browser console
+        console.trace();
       // TODO: remove the following after finishing e10s
diff --git a/src/content/lib/manager-for-event-listeners.jsm b/src/content/lib/manager-for-event-listeners.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bb897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/lib/manager-for-event-listeners.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ *
+ * RequestPolicy - A Firefox extension for control over cross-site requests.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Justin Samuel
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Kimmerle
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ */
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Cu = Components.utils;
+let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ManagerForEventListeners"];
+let globalScope = this;
+  "main/environment-manager",
+  "lib/environment",
+  "lib/logger"
+], globalScope);
+ * This class provides an interface to multiple "Event Targets" which takes
+ * care of adding/removing event listeners at startup/shutdown.
+ * Every instance of this class is bound to an environment.
+ */
+function ManagerForEventListeners(aEnv) {
+  let self = this;
+  /**
+   * an object holding all listeners for removing them when unloading the page
+   */
+  self.listeners = [];
+  /**
+   * This variable tells if the listener handed over to `addListener` should
+   * be added immediately or not. It is set to true when the startup function
+   * is called.
+   */
+  self.addNewListenersImmediately = false;
+  self.environment = aEnv;
+  // Note: the startup functions have to be defined *last*, as they might get
+  //       called immediately.
+  if (!!aEnv) {
+    self.environment.addStartupFunction(
+        Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+        function() {
+          self.addNewListenersImmediately = true;
+          self.addAllListeners();
+        });
+    self.environment.addShutdownFunction(
+        Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+        function() {
+          // clean up when the environment shuts down
+          self.removeAllListeners();
+        });
+  } else {
+    // aEnv is not defined! Try to report an error.
+    if (!!Logger) {
+      Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_INTERNAL, "No Environment was specified for " +
+                     "a new ManagerForEventListeners! This means that the " +
+                     "listeners won't be removed!");
+    }
+  }
+function addEvLis(listener) {
+  listener.target.addEventListener(listener.eventType, listener.callback,
+                                   listener.useCapture);
+  listener.listening = true;
+ManagerForEventListeners.prototype.addListener = function(aEventTarget,
+                                                          aEventType,
+                                                          aCallback,
+                                                          aUseCapture) {
+  let self = this;
+  if (typeof aCallback !== 'function') {
+    Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_ERROR, "The callback for an event listener" +
+                   'must be a function! Event type was "' + aEventType + '"');
+    return;
+  }
+  let listener = {
+    target: aEventTarget,
+    eventType: aEventType,
+    callback: aCallback,
+    useCapture: !!aUseCapture,
+    listening: false
+  };
+  if (self.addNewListenersImmediately) {
+    addEvLis(listener);
+  }
+  self.listeners.push(listener);
+ * The function will add all listeners already in the list.
+ */
+ManagerForEventListeners.prototype.addAllListeners = function() {
+  let self = this;
+  for (let listener of self.listeners) {
+    if (listener.listening === false) {
+      addEvLis(listener);
+    }
+  }
+ * The function will remove all listeners.
+ */
+ManagerForEventListeners.prototype.removeAllListeners = function() {
+  let self = this;
+  while (self.listeners.length > 0) {
+    let listener = self.listeners.pop();
+    Logger.dump('Removing event listener for "' + listener.eventType + '"');
+    listener.target.removeEventListener(listener.eventType, listener.callback,
+                                        listener.useCapture);
+  }
diff --git a/src/content/lib/manager-for-message-listeners.jsm b/src/content/lib/manager-for-message-listeners.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46ae22b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/lib/manager-for-message-listeners.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ *
+ * RequestPolicy - A Firefox extension for control over cross-site requests.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Justin Samuel
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Kimmerle
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ */
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Cu = Components.utils;
+let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ManagerForMessageListeners"];
+let globalScope = this;
+  "main/environment-manager",
+  "lib/environment",
+  "lib/logger",
+  "lib/utils/constants"
+], globalScope);
+ * This class provides an interface to a "Message Manager" which takes
+ * care of adding/removing message listeners at startup/shutdown.
+ * Every instance of this class is bound to an environment and a MessageManager.
+ */
+function ManagerForMessageListeners(aEnv, aMM) {
+  let self = this;
+  /**
+   * an object holding all listeners for removing them when unloading the page
+   */
+  self.listeners = [];
+  /**
+   * This variable tells if the listener handed over to `addListener` should
+   * be added immediately or not. It is set to true when the startup function
+   * is called.
+   */
+  self.addNewListenersImmediately = false;
+  self.environment = aEnv;
+  // Note: the startup functions have to be defined *last*, as they might get
+  //       called immediately.
+  if (!!aEnv) {
+    self.environment.addStartupFunction(
+        Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+        function() {
+          self.addNewListenersImmediately = true;
+          self.addAllListeners();
+        });
+    self.environment.addShutdownFunction(
+        Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+        function() {
+          // clean up when the environment shuts down
+          self.removeAllListeners();
+        });
+  } else {
+    // aEnv is not defined! Try to report an error.
+    if (!!Logger) {
+      Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_INTERNAL, "No Environment was specified for " +
+                     "a new ManagerForMessageListeners! This means that the listeners " +
+                     "won't be unregistered!");
+    }
+  }
+  self.mm = aMM;
+  if (!self.mm) {
+    if (!!Logger) {
+      Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_INTERNAL, "No Message Manager was specified " +
+                     "for a new ManagerForMessageListeners!");
+    }
+  }
+ManagerForMessageListeners.prototype.addListener = function(aMessageName,
+                                                            aCallback) {
+  let self = this;
+  if (typeof aCallback !== 'function') {
+    Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_ERROR, "The callback for a message listener" +
+                   'must be a function! The message name was "' + aMessageName +
+                   '"');
+    return;
+  }
+  let listener = {
+    messageName: aMessageName,
+    messageID: C.MM_PREFIX + aMessageName,
+    callback: aCallback,
+    listening: false
+  };
+  if (self.addNewListenersImmediately) {
+    self.mm.addMessageListener(listener.messageID, listener.callback);
+    listener.listening = true;
+  }
+  self.listeners.push(listener);
+ * The function will add all listeners already in the list.
+ */
+ManagerForMessageListeners.prototype.addAllListeners = function() {
+  let self = this;
+  for (let listener of self.listeners) {
+    if (listener.listening === false) {
+      self.mm.addMessageListener(listener.messageID, listener.callback);
+      listener.listening = true;
+    }
+  }
+ * The function will remove all listeners.
+ */
+ManagerForMessageListeners.prototype.removeAllListeners = function() {
+  let self = this;
+  while (self.listeners.length > 0) {
+    let listener = self.listeners.pop();
+    //if (typeof listener.callback == 'undefined') {
+    //  Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_ERROR, "Can't remove message listener '" +
+    //                 'for "' + listener.messageName + '", the callback ' +
+    //                 'is undefined!');
+    //  continue;
+    //}
+    Logger.dump('Removing message listener for "' + listener.messageName +
+                '".');
+    //try {
+    self.mm.removeMessageListener(listener.messageID, listener.callback);
+    //} catch (e) {
+    //  Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_ERROR, 'Failed to remove message listener ' +
+    //                 'for "' + listener.messageName + '". ' +
+    //                 'Env "' + self.environment.uid + '" (' +
+    //                 self.environment.name + '). Error was: ' + e, e);
+    //}
+  }
diff --git a/src/content/lib/observer-manager.jsm b/src/content/lib/observer-manager.jsm
index 7029aff..1f5c7ce 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/observer-manager.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/observer-manager.jsm
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ ScriptLoader.defineLazyModuleGetters({
 // Load the Logger at startup-time, not at load-time!
 // ( On load-time Logger might be null. )
 let Logger;
-ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
+ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND, function() {
   Logger = ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/logger").Logger;
@@ -62,10 +62,12 @@ function ObserverManager(aEnv) {
   self.environment = aEnv;
   if (!!aEnv) {
-    self.environment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
-      // unregister when the environment shuts down
-      self.unregisterAllObservers();
-    });
+    self.environment.addShutdownFunction(
+        Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+        function() {
+          // unregister when the environment shuts down
+          self.unregisterAllObservers();
+        });
   } else {
     // aEnv is not defined! Try to report an error.
     if (!!Logger) {
@@ -185,7 +187,6 @@ ObserverManager.prototype.unregisterAllObservers = function() {
   let self = this;
   while (self.observers.length > 0) {
     let observer = self.observers.pop();
-    Logger.dump("Unregistering observer for topic " + observer.topic);
diff --git a/src/content/lib/policy-manager.jsm b/src/content/lib/policy-manager.jsm
index 0035a41..3dcf0d3 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/policy-manager.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/policy-manager.jsm
@@ -348,5 +348,6 @@ let PolicyManager = (function(self) {
 }(PolicyManager || {}));
-    "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/policy-manager.alias-functions.js");
+    "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/policy-manager.alias-functions.js",
+    {/*ignoreCache: true*/});
diff --git a/src/content/lib/prefs.jsm b/src/content/lib/prefs.jsm
index 06b8c85..512abe2 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/prefs.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/prefs.jsm
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ let Prefs = (function() {
         // define the pref's getter function to `self`
         self[getterName] = function() {
-          return cachedPrefs[getterName];
+          return cachedPrefs[prefID];
         // define the pref's update() function to `cachedPrefList`
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let Prefs = (function() {
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
+  function registerPrefObserver() {
       "": observePref
@@ -182,7 +182,9 @@ let Prefs = (function() {
       "network.prefetch-next": observePref,
       "network.dns.disablePrefetch": observePref
-  });
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        registerPrefObserver);
   return self;
diff --git a/src/content/lib/process-environment.jsm b/src/content/lib/process-environment.jsm
index 3c37d50..f6ce784 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/process-environment.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/process-environment.jsm
@@ -25,142 +25,29 @@ const Ci = Components.interfaces;
 const Cc = Components.classes;
 const Cu = Components.utils;
-let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ProcessEnvironment", "Environment"];
+  "ProcessEnvironment",
+  // Not only ProcessEnvironment is exported, but also `Environment`. This
+  // might be helpful somewhere.
+  "Environment"
 let globalScope = this;
-let scriptLoaderURI = "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm";
+  "main/environment-manager",
+  "lib/environment"
+], globalScope);
-// In the main process this module is the first one to be loaded and the last to
-// be unloded. So this file defines what is done on the extension's startup.
-// These are the steps for the main process:
-//  1. the script loader is loaded *manually* (!)
-//  2. the module containing the Environment class is loaded
-//  3. create a new ProcessEnvironment (the Main Process Environment)
-//  4. define the startup function
-//     --> It loads all essential modules.
-//         This implicitely and recursively loads all other modules.
-//  5. define the shutdown function
-//     5.1. As the ScriptLoader must not load any of RP's modules, its
-//          Main Process shutdown function will be called from here.
-//     5.2. As this the ScriptLoader has been loaded manually, it has to be
-//          unloded manually as well!
+let envName = EnvironmentManager.isMainProcess ?
+    "Parent ProcEnv" : "Child ProcEnv";
+// create a new Environment
+let ProcessEnvironment = new Environment(envName);
-// =======================================
-// Step 1: Manually load the ScriptLoader.
-// ---------------------------------------
-// ( If this is the main process, it has to be unaloded manually as well! The
-//   shutdown function is defined below. )
-Cu.import(scriptLoaderURI, globalScope);
-// =======================================
-// =======================================
-// Step 2: load the Environment class
-// ----------------------------------
-ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/environment", globalScope);
-// =======================================
-// =======================================
-// Step 3: create a new Environment
-// --------------------------------
-let ProcessEnvironment = new Environment();
-// =======================================
-// determine if this is the main process
-ProcessEnvironment.isMainProcess = (function isMainProcess() {
-  let xulRuntime = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime);
-  // The "default" type means that we're on the main process, the chrome process.
-  // This is relevant for multiprocessor firefox aka Electrolysis (e10s).
-  return xulRuntime.processType === xulRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
-if (ProcessEnvironment.isMainProcess) {
-  // The following startup functions should be defined only in the main process.
-  // =======================================
-  // Step 4: define the startup function
-  // -----------------------------------
-  /**
-   * Import main modules on startup. This will be the first function that will
-   * be called. It imports essential modules which depend recursively on other
-   * modules. This means that when the second startup function is being called,
-   * all modules will already be loaded.
-   */
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
-    // Import essential modules. Dependencies will be imported as well.
-    //
-    // IMPORTANT note:
-    //     Those modules have to be imported in a startup-function and NOT at
-    //     the time the `ProcessEnvironment` module itself is being loaded.
-    // In detail:
-    //     `ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction()` is called by many
-    //     modules at load-time. If those modules would be loaded when
-    //     `process-environment.jsm` wasn't already loaded completely, the
-    //     `ProcessEnvironment` wouldn't be available. This would be an
-    //     "import()-loop".
-    // Illustration:
-    //     bootstrap.js  calls  load(ProcessEnvironment)
-    //         ProcessEnvironment  calls  load(moduleXY)
-    //             moduleXY  calls  load(ProcessEnvironment)
-    //                 ProcessEnvironment says "You can't load me, I didn't
-    //                 finish yet!"
-    {
-      // =======================================================================
-      // The following section is not optimal – read on…
-      // -----------------------------------------------
-      // load init PrefManager before anything else is loaded!
-      // the reason is that the Logger expects the prefs to be initialized
-      // and available already.
-      let {PrefManager} = ScriptLoader.importModule("main/pref-manager");
-      PrefManager.init();
-      // TODO: use the Browser Console for logging, see #563.
-      //       *Then* it's no longer necessary to load and init PrefManager
-      //       first. PrefManager will then be loaded and initialized when all
-      //       other back end modules are loaded / initialized.
-      // import the Logger as the first module so that its startup-function
-      // will be called after this one
-      ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/logger", globalScope);
-      // =======================================================================
-      // import main modules:
-      ScriptLoader.importModules([
-        "main/requestpolicy-service",
-        "lib/content-policy",
-        "main/window-manager",
-        "main/about-uri"
-      ], globalScope);
-    }
-  });
-  // =======================================
-  // =======================================
-  // Step 5: define the shutdown function
-  // ------------------------------------
-  ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
-    // HACK WARNING: The Addon Manager does not properly clear all addon
-    //               related caches on update; in order to fully update
-    //               images and locales, their caches need clearing here.
-    Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "chrome-flush-caches", null);
-    // Step 5.1: call ScriptLoader's Main Process shutdown functions
-    ScriptLoader.unloadAllLibraries();
-    ScriptLoader.unloadAllModules();
-    // Step 5.2: manually unload the ScriptLoader
-    Cu.unload(scriptLoaderURI);
-  });
-  // =======================================
+// set whether this is the main process
+ProcessEnvironment.isMainProcess = EnvironmentManager.isMainProcess;
diff --git a/src/content/lib/request-processor.compat.js b/src/content/lib/request-processor.compat.js
index 1cb0e15..d111f37 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/request-processor.compat.js
+++ b/src/content/lib/request-processor.compat.js
@@ -40,28 +40,29 @@ let RequestProcessor = (function(self) {
   let compatibilityRules = [];
   let topLevelDocTranslationRules = {};
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
+  // TODO: update compatibility rules etc. when addons are enabled/disabled
+  let addonListener = {
+    onDisabling : function(addon, needsRestart) {},
+    onUninstalling : function(addon, needsRestart) {},
+    onOperationCancelled : function(addon, needsRestart) {}
+  };
+  function init() {
     // Detect other installed extensions and the current application and do
     // what is needed to allow their requests.
-  });
+  }
   // stop observers / listeners
-  ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
+  function cleanup() {
-  });
-  // TODO: update compatibility rules etc. when addons are enabled/disabled
-  let addonListener = {
-    onDisabling : function(addon, needsRestart) {},
-    onUninstalling : function(addon, needsRestart) {},
-    onOperationCancelled : function(addon, needsRestart) {}
-  };
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND, init);
+  ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND, cleanup);
   function initializeExtensionCompatibility() {
diff --git a/src/content/lib/request-processor.jsm b/src/content/lib/request-processor.jsm
index 97aae85..ff564cd 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/request-processor.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/request-processor.jsm
@@ -1080,7 +1080,10 @@ let RequestProcessor = (function(self) {
   return self;
 }(RequestProcessor || {}));
-Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript('chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/' +
-                                    'request-processor.redirects.js');
-Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript('chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/' +
-                                    'request-processor.compat.js');
+    'chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/request-processor.redirects.js',
+    {/*ignoreCache: true*/});
+    'chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/request-processor.compat.js',
+    {/*ignoreCache: true*/});
diff --git a/src/content/lib/request-processor.redirects.js b/src/content/lib/request-processor.redirects.js
index 0163fff..1463b23 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/request-processor.redirects.js
+++ b/src/content/lib/request-processor.redirects.js
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ let RequestProcessor = (function(self) {
   let internal = Utils.moduleInternal(self);
+  const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+  const Cc = Components.classes;
+  const Cr = Components.results;
+  const Cu = Components.utils;
    * These are redirects that the user allowed when presented with a redirect
    * notification.
diff --git a/src/content/lib/script-loader.jsm b/src/content/lib/script-loader.jsm
index 39f396c..4bc66f4 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/script-loader.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/script-loader.jsm
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["ScriptLoader"];
 //         when the module to be imported wants to import ScriptLoader.
 const rpChromeContentURI = 'chrome://requestpolicy/content/';
@@ -45,9 +46,9 @@ function getModuleURI(id) {
  * If the ScriptLoader catches an Exception, it will be a severe error.
-function logSevereError(msg, stack) {
-  dump("[RequestPolicy] [SEVERE] [ERROR] " + msg +
-       (stack ? ", stack was: " + stack : "") + "\n");
+function logSevereError(msg, e) {
+  dump("[RequestPolicy] [SEVERE] [ERROR] " + msg + " " + e +
+       (e.stack ? ", stack was: " + e.stack : "") + "\n");
@@ -56,6 +57,14 @@ let ScriptLoader = (function() {
   let importedModuleURIs = {};
+  // URIs in that variable will not be unloaded
+  let moduleUnloadExceptions = {};
+  // a module shouldn't unload itself
+  moduleUnloadExceptions[getModuleURI("lib/script-loader")] = true;
+  // EnvironmentManager has to be unloaded even later than ScriptLoader
+  moduleUnloadExceptions[getModuleURI("main/environment-manager")] = true;
   // contains the module IDs that are currently being imported initially and
   // have not finished importing yet.
   let modulesCurrentlyBeingImported = {};
@@ -65,19 +74,32 @@ let ScriptLoader = (function() {
      * Unload all modules that have been imported.
      * See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Components.utils.unload
-     * The Process Environment of the main process takes care of calling this
-     * function.
     unloadAllModules: function() {
       for (let uri in importedModuleURIs) {
-        if (importedModuleURIs.hasOwnProperty(uri)) {
-          Cu.unload(uri);
+        if (importedModuleURIs.hasOwnProperty(uri) &&
+            moduleUnloadExceptions.hasOwnProperty(uri) === false) {
+          //console.debug("[RPC] Unloading module "+uri);
+          try {
+            Cu.unload(uri);
+          } catch(e) {
+            console.error("[RPC] Failed to unload module "+uri);
+            Components.utils.reportError(e);
+          }
           delete importedModuleURIs[uri];
+     * Function called by EnvironmentManager before ScriptLoader is being
+     * unloaded.
+     */
+    doShutdownTasks: function() {
+      self.unloadAllModules();
+    },
+    /**
      * @param {Array} moduleID
      *        the moduleID of the module to import
      * @param {Object} scope
@@ -93,11 +115,14 @@ let ScriptLoader = (function() {
         return scope;
+      //console.debug("[RPC] `importModule` called for "+moduleID);
       let uri = getModuleURI(moduleID);
       try {
         if (!(uri in importedModuleURIs)) {
           // the module hasn't been imported yet
           modulesCurrentlyBeingImported[moduleID] = true;
+          //console.debug("[RPC] importing " + moduleID);
         Cu.import(uri, scope);
@@ -107,11 +132,11 @@ let ScriptLoader = (function() {
           delete modulesCurrentlyBeingImported[moduleID];
       } catch (e if e.result === Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
-        logSevereError("Failed to import module with ID \"" + moduleID + "\", the " +
-                       "file was not found! ", e.stack);
+        logSevereError('Failed to import module with ID "' + moduleID +
+                       '", the file was not found!', e);
       } catch (e) {
-        logSevereError("Failed to import module with ID \"" + moduleID + "\": " + e,
-                       e.stack);
+        logSevereError('Failed to import module with ID "' + moduleID +
+                       '".', e);
       return scope;
@@ -147,6 +172,7 @@ let ScriptLoader = (function() {
     defineLazyModuleGetter: function(moduleID, names, scope) {
       scope = scope || {};
+      //console.debug("[RPC] defining lazy module getter(s) for " + moduleID);
       let uri = getModuleURI(moduleID);
       for (let i in names) {
         let name = names[i];
diff --git a/src/content/lib/utils.jsm b/src/content/lib/utils.jsm
index 9a44c01..9dd45ad 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/utils.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/utils.jsm
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Utils"];
@@ -54,6 +55,8 @@ let Utils = (function() {
    * @param {Object} thisPtr
   self.runAsync = function(callback, thisPtr) {
+    //console.log("registering async execution. Caller is "+
+    //            Components.stack.caller.filename);
     let params = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
     let runnable = {
       run: function() {
@@ -126,10 +129,11 @@ let Utils = (function() {
   self.moduleInternal = function(aModuleScope) {
     aModuleScope.internal = aModuleScope.internal || {};
-    let sealInternal = function() {
+    function sealInternal() {
       delete aModuleScope.internal;
-    ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(sealInternal);
+    ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.ESSENTIAL,
+                                          sealInternal);
     return aModuleScope.internal;
diff --git a/src/content/lib/utils/constants.jsm b/src/content/lib/utils/constants.jsm
index b9b6486..22b2aa2 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/utils/constants.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/utils/constants.jsm
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ let C = {};
 C.EXTENSION_ID = "requestpolicy at requestpolicy.com";
 C.FIREFOX_ID = "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}";
 C.MMID = C.EXTENSION_ID; // message manager ID
+C.MM_PREFIX = C.MMID + ":";
 // reason constants for startup(), shutdown(), install() and uninstall()
 // see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/Bootstrapped_extensions#Reason_constants
diff --git a/src/content/lib/utils/files.jsm b/src/content/lib/utils/files.jsm
index 0a249bf..c9b5934 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/utils/files.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/utils/files.jsm
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ var FileUtil = {
    * @param {nsIFile} file
   fileToString : function(file) {
+    if (file.exists() === false) {
+      // prevent NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
+      return "";
+    }
     var stream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]
     stream.init(file, 0x01, octal444, 0);
diff --git a/src/content/lib/utils/windows.jsm b/src/content/lib/utils/windows.jsm
index ce38ef9..02f664f 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/utils/windows.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/utils/windows.jsm
@@ -103,14 +103,17 @@ let WindowUtils = (function() {
                                         aCallback) {
     let scope = aScope || {};
     let document = aWindow.document;
-    aWindow.addEventListener("load", function() {
+    let callback = function() {
+      aWindow.removeEventListener("load", callback);
       for (let elementName in aElementIDs) {
         scope[elementName] = document.getElementById(aElementIDs[elementName]);
       if (aCallback) {
-    });
+    };
+    aWindow.addEventListener("load", callback);
     return scope;
diff --git a/src/content/lib/utils/xul.jsm b/src/content/lib/utils/xul.jsm
index 01f3fde..d14b053 100644
--- a/src/content/lib/utils/xul.jsm
+++ b/src/content/lib/utils/xul.jsm
@@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["XULUtils"];
 let XULUtils = {};
 let xulTrees = XULUtils.xulTrees = {};
-// TODO: convert to JSON
-    'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/xul-trees.js', xulTrees);
+    'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/xul-trees.js',
+    {target: xulTrees/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
 function getParentElement(doc, element) {
diff --git a/src/content/main/about-uri.jsm b/src/content/main/about-uri.jsm
index 5a5e459..461dd90 100644
--- a/src/content/main/about-uri.jsm
+++ b/src/content/main/about-uri.jsm
@@ -25,14 +25,17 @@ const Ci = Components.interfaces;
 const Cc = Components.classes;
 const Cu = Components.utils;
+let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AboutRequestPolicy"];
+let globalScope = this;
-let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AboutRequestPolicy"];
-ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/process-environment", this);
+ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/process-environment", globalScope);
 var filenames = {
   "basicprefs": "basicprefs.html",
@@ -46,10 +49,8 @@ var filenames = {
 function getURI(aURI) {
   let id;
   let index = aURI.path.indexOf("?");
-  dump("path: "+aURI.path+"\n");
   if (index >= 0 && aURI.path.length > index) {
     id = aURI.path.substr(index+1);
-    dump("id: "+id+"\n");
   if (!id || !(id in filenames)) {
     id = "basicprefs";
@@ -90,21 +91,26 @@ let AboutRequestPolicy = (function() {
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
+  function registerFactory() {
-        .registerFactory(self.classID, self.classDescription, self.contractID,
-            self);
-  });
+        .registerFactory(self.classID, self.classDescription,
+                         self.contractID, self);
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        registerFactory);
-  ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
+  function unregisterFactory() {
     let registrar = Components.manager
-    // This needs to run asynchronously, see bug 753687
+    let {Utils} = ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/utils");
+    // This needs to run asynchronously, see Mozilla bug 753687
     Utils.runAsync(function() {
       registrar.unregisterFactory(self.classID, self);
-  });
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                         unregisterFactory);
   return self;
diff --git a/src/content/main/environment-manager-child.js b/src/content/main/environment-manager-child.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fbb689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/main/environment-manager-child.js
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ *
+ * RequestPolicy - A Firefox extension for control over cross-site requests.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Justin Samuel
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Kimmerle
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ */
+let EnvironmentManager = (function(self) {
+  // Manually import the scriptloader without waiting for the startup.
+  let mod = {};
+  let scriptLoaderURI = "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm";
+  Cu.import(scriptLoaderURI, mod);
+  mod.ScriptLoader.defineLazyModuleGetters({
+    "lib/utils/constants": ["C"]
+  }, mod);
+  // ================================
+  // variables set by `registerFramescript`:
+  // ---------------------------------------
+  // the content frame's message manager
+  let mm = null;
+  // The framescript's URI will be checked against the URI in the
+  // message to ensure there is no conflics between old and new framescripts
+  // in case the addon is disabled and enabled in quick succession.
+  // For details see:
+  // https://palant.de/2014/11/19/unloading-frame-scripts-in-restartless-extensions
+  let framescriptURI = null;
+  // ================================
+  let shutdownMessageName = mod.C.MM_PREFIX + "shutdown";
+  function shutDownEnvMan(message) {
+    if (message.data.uri == framescriptURI) {
+      //console.log("[RPC] Child EnvironmentManager received `shutdown` " +
+      //            'message. Going to shut down all environments.');
+      /**
+       * cleanup
+       */
+      {
+        mm.removeMessageListener(shutdownMessageName, shutDownEnvMan);
+        framescriptURI = null;
+        // remove the reference to the message manager
+        mm = null;
+      }
+      /**
+       * shut down all environments
+       */
+      {
+        self.shutdown();
+        // if shutdown() arguments would be needed, the following could be used:
+        //self.shutdown.apply(self, message.data.arguments);
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * Each framescript instance registers itself to EnvironmentManager. The
+   * purpose is that Environment Managers in child process listen to the
+   * "shutdown" message. When that message is received, the child's
+   * EnvironmentManager shuts down.
+   *
+   * Note: framescripts might also be in the *main* process, but then it's not
+   *       necessary to listen for "shutdown" as each environment in the
+   *       framescript's has direct access to the *main* EnvironmentManager.
+   */
+  self.registerFramescript = function(aContentFrameMessageManager) {
+    // ensure that `registerFramescript` is called only once
+    if (mm === null) {
+      //console.log("a framescript has registered");
+      // remember the MM
+      mm = aContentFrameMessageManager;
+      // set the framescriptURI
+      framescriptURI = Components.stack.caller.filename;
+      // manually add a Message Listener (without a ManagerForMessageListeners)
+      mm.addMessageListener(shutdownMessageName, shutDownEnvMan);
+    }
+  };
+  self.doShutdownTasks = function() {
+    // "shutdown" and unload the mod.ScriptLoader *manually*
+    mod.ScriptLoader.doShutdownTasks();
+    mod = {};
+    Cu.unload(scriptLoaderURI);
+  }
+  return self;
+}(EnvironmentManager || {}));
diff --git a/src/content/main/environment-manager-parent.js b/src/content/main/environment-manager-parent.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60826f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/main/environment-manager-parent.js
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ *
+ * RequestPolicy - A Firefox extension for control over cross-site requests.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Justin Samuel
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Kimmerle
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ */
+let globalScope = globalScope || this;
+let EnvironmentManager = (function(self) {
+  // Object for holding imported modules, especilly the mod.ScriptLoader.
+  let mod = {};
+  let scriptLoaderURI = "chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm";
+  let ScriptLoader = null;
+  /**
+   * Ignore any calls to `registerFramescript` completely; the
+   * `ContentFrameMessageManager` handed over is needed only in child proceses.
+   */
+  self.registerFramescript = function(aContentFrameMessageManager) {
+    // do nothing.
+  };
+  /**
+   * This is the first function to be called by the EnvironmentManager's
+   * startup() function.
+   *
+   * This function imports essential modules which depend recursively on
+   * other modules, so that finally, after this function has finished,
+   * all modules will be available to be imported by any other module.
+   */
+  self.doStartupTasks = function() {
+    // =======================================
+    // Manually load the ScriptLoader.
+    // ---------------------------------------
+    // ( It has to be unloaded manually as well! The shutdown function is
+    //   defined below. )
+    Cu.import(scriptLoaderURI, mod);
+    // =======================================
+    // Create a dummy scope for modules that have to be imported but not
+    // remembered by EnvironmentManager. As the scope is a local variable,
+    // it will be removed after the function has finished.
+    // However, the main modules register their startup and shutdown functions
+    // anyway.
+    let dummyScope = {};
+    /**
+     * The following section is not optimal – read on…
+     */
+    {
+      // Load and init PrefManager before anything else is loaded!
+      // The reason is that the Logger, which is imported by many modules,
+      // expects the prefs to be initialized and available already.
+      let {PrefManager} = mod.ScriptLoader.importModule("main/pref-manager");
+      PrefManager.init();
+      // TODO: use the Browser Console for logging, see #563.
+      //       *Then* it's no longer necessary to load and init PrefManager
+      //       first. PrefManager will then be loaded and initialized when all
+      //       other back end modules are loaded / initialized.
+    }
+    // import main modules:
+    mod.ScriptLoader.importModules([
+      "main/requestpolicy-service",
+      "lib/content-policy",
+      "main/window-manager",
+      "main/about-uri"
+    ], dummyScope);
+  }
+  /**
+   * On shutdown, this function is the last one to be called.
+   */
+  self.doShutdownTasks = function() {
+    // HACK WARNING: The Addon Manager does not properly clear all addon
+    //               related caches on update; in order to fully update
+    //               images and locales, their caches need clearing here.
+    Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "chrome-flush-caches", null);
+    // "shutdown" and unload the mod.ScriptLoader *manually*
+    mod.ScriptLoader.doShutdownTasks();
+    mod = {};
+    Cu.unload(scriptLoaderURI);
+  }
+  return self;
+}(EnvironmentManager || {}));
diff --git a/src/content/main/environment-manager.jsm b/src/content/main/environment-manager.jsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2429928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/main/environment-manager.jsm
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ *
+ * RequestPolicy - A Firefox extension for control over cross-site requests.
+ * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Justin Samuel
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Martin Kimmerle
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
+ */
+const Ci = Components.interfaces;
+const Cc = Components.classes;
+const Cu = Components.utils;
+let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["EnvironmentManager"];
+let globalScope = this;
+ * EnvironmentManager is one of the central modules relevant for the
+ * extension's bootstrapping process. However, this is documented elsewhere,
+ * possibly in the developer wiki.
+ */
+let EnvironmentManager = (function(self) {
+  // determine if this is the main process
+  self.isMainProcess = (function isMainProcess() {
+    let xulRuntime = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime);
+    // The "default" type means that we're on the main process, the chrome process.
+    // This is relevant for multiprocessor firefox aka Electrolysis (e10s).
+    return xulRuntime.processType === xulRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;
+  }());
+  let procString = (self.isMainProcess ? "parent" : "child") + " process";
+  //console.debug("[RPC] creating new EnvironmentManager (" + procString + ")");
+  self.environments = new Set();
+  self.registerEnvironment = function(aEnv) {
+    self.environments.add(aEnv);
+  };
+  self.unregisterEnvironment = function(aEnv) {
+    self.environments.delete(aEnv);
+  };
+  // Ensure that `doStartupTasks` and `doShutdownTasks` exist. They can be
+  // overwritten.
+  self.doStartupTasks = self.doStartupTasks || function() {};
+  self.doShutdownTasks = self.doShutdownTasks || function() {};
+  /**
+   */
+  self.startup = function() {
+    //console.debug("[RPC] EnvironmentManager ("+procString+") is going to " +
+    //              "start up the Process Environment...");
+    self.doStartupTasks();
+    // on startup, only the Process Environment is started.
+    Cu.import("chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm");
+    ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/process-environment")
+        .ProcessEnvironment.startup();
+  };
+  self.shutdown = function(data, reason) {
+    // remove the comments in this function for debugging.
+    //console.debug("[RPC] EnvironmentManager ("+procString+") is going to " +
+    //              "shut down all registered Environments...");
+    //if (self.isMainProcess) {
+    //  // only group in the main process -- some loggings of the child process
+    //  // might not reach the parent. In case the `groupEnd()` does not reach
+    //  // the parent, the Group will live for the whole browser session!
+    //  console.group();
+    //}
+    Cu.import("chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm");
+    let {Environment} = ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/environment");
+    let sequence = Environment.shutdownSequence;
+    let fnArgsToApply = [data, reason];
+    // prepare shutdown
+    for (let env of self.environments) {
+      env.envState = Environment.SHUTTING_DOWN;
+    }
+    // shut down
+    Environment.processSequence(
+        Environment.shutdownSequence,
+        function (level) {
+          //console.debug("[RPC] reaching level "+level+" ...");
+          for (let env of self.environments) {
+            env.callShutdownFunctions(level, fnArgsToApply);
+          }
+        });
+    // finishing tasks
+    for (let env of self.environments) {
+      env.envState = Environment.SHUT_DOWN;
+      self.unregisterEnvironment(env);
+    }
+    // final tasks
+    //console.debug("[RPC] reaching level 0 ...");
+    self.doShutdownTasks();
+    // remove the references to all environments
+    self.environments = new Set();
+    //console.debug("[RPC] EnvironmentManager ("+procString+") finished " +
+    //              "shutting down all registered Environments.");
+    //if (self.isMainProcess) {
+    //  console.groupEnd();
+    //}
+  };
+  return self;
+}(EnvironmentManager || {}));
+// load parent- or child-specific parts
+let subScriptURI = EnvironmentManager.isMainProcess === true ?
+    "chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/environment-manager-parent.js" :
+    "chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/environment-manager-child.js";
+                                               {/*ignoreCache: true*/});
diff --git a/src/content/main/pref-manager.jsm b/src/content/main/pref-manager.jsm
index dfd554f..84aabf6 100644
--- a/src/content/main/pref-manager.jsm
+++ b/src/content/main/pref-manager.jsm
@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ let PrefManager = (function() {
   // TODO: move to bootstrap.js
   function handleUninstallOrDisable() {
-    console.info("Performing 'disable' operations.");
     var resetLinkPrefetch = rpPrefBranch.getBoolPref(
     var resetDNSPrefetch = rpPrefBranch.getBoolPref(
@@ -85,8 +84,9 @@ let PrefManager = (function() {
     // to handle their default preferences manually, see Mozilla Bug 564675:
     // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=564675
     // The scope of that script doesn't need to be remembered.
-    Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/" +
-                                        "default-pref-handler.js", {});
+    Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+        "chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/default-pref-handler.js",
+        {target: {}/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
     // ================================
@@ -131,13 +131,15 @@ let PrefManager = (function() {
-  ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function(data, reason) {
+  function eventuallyHandleUninstallOrDisable(data, reason) {
     if (reason == C.ADDON_DISABLE || reason == C.ADDON_UNINSTALL) {
       // TODO: Handle uninstallation in bootstrap.js, not here, RP might be
       //       disabled when being uninstalled.
-  });
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND,
+                                         eventuallyHandleUninstallOrDisable);
   return self;
diff --git a/src/content/main/requestpolicy-service.jsm b/src/content/main/requestpolicy-service.jsm
index b90c49d..fa33322 100644
--- a/src/content/main/requestpolicy-service.jsm
+++ b/src/content/main/requestpolicy-service.jsm
@@ -127,12 +127,10 @@ let rpService = (function() {
   // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   // prepare back-end
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
-    loadConfigAndRules();
-  });
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND,
+                                        loadConfigAndRules);
-  // start observers / listeners
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
+  function registerObservers() {
       "sessionstore-windows-restored": self.observe,
       SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATED_TOPIC: self.observe,
@@ -144,7 +142,9 @@ let rpService = (function() {
       //       see https://github.com/RequestPolicyContinued/requestpolicy/issues/533#issuecomment-68851396
       "private-browsing": self.observe
-  });
+  }
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        registerObservers);
diff --git a/src/content/main/window-manager-toolbarbutton.js b/src/content/main/window-manager-toolbarbutton.js
index 984a0ce..e8c4210 100644
--- a/src/content/main/window-manager-toolbarbutton.js
+++ b/src/content/main/window-manager-toolbarbutton.js
@@ -42,18 +42,19 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
   let isAustralis = Utils.info.isAustralis;
-  // Case 1: Australis (Gecko >= 29)
+  // Case 1: Australis (Firefox >= 29)
   if (isAustralis) {
-    ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
-      addToolbarButtonToAustralis();
-    });
+    ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.UI,
+                                          addToolbarButtonToAustralis);
+    ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.UI,
+                                           removeToolbarButtonFromAustralis);
+  }
-    ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
-      let tbb = XULUtils.xulTrees.toolbarbutton[0];
-      CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(tbb.id);
-    });
+  function removeToolbarButtonFromAustralis() {
+    let tbb = XULUtils.xulTrees.toolbarbutton[0];
+    CustomizableUI.destroyWidget(tbb.id);
   function addToolbarButtonToAustralis() {
diff --git a/src/content/main/window-manager.jsm b/src/content/main/window-manager.jsm
index dc31bc2..59d25e2 100644
--- a/src/content/main/window-manager.jsm
+++ b/src/content/main/window-manager.jsm
@@ -44,15 +44,18 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
   ], globalScope);
   // import the WindowListener
-  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/" +
-                                      "window-manager.listener.js",
-                                      globalScope);
+  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+      "chrome://requestpolicy/content/main/window-manager.listener.js",
+      {target: globalScope/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
   let styleSheets = [
+  let frameScriptURI = "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.js?" +
+      Math.random();
   function loadIntoWindow(window) {
@@ -77,15 +80,18 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
     // # 3 : load the overlay's and menu's javascript
     // ----------------------------------------------
     try {
-      Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
-          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/overlay.js", window);
-      Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
-          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/menu.js", window);
-      Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
-          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/classicmenu.js", window);
+      Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/overlay.js",
+          {target: window/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
+      Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/menu.js",
+          {target: window/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
+      Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/classicmenu.js",
+          {target: window/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
     } catch (e) {
-                     "Error loading subscripts for window: "+e, e);
+                     "Error loading subscripts for window: " + e, e);
@@ -116,8 +122,7 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
     // ==================================
     // # 6 : load frame scripts
     try {
-      window.messageManager.loadFrameScript(
-          "chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.js", true);
+      window.messageManager.loadFrameScript(frameScriptURI, true);
     } catch (e) {
       Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_ERROR, "Error loading the frame script: "+e,e);
@@ -126,7 +131,10 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
   function unloadFromWindow(window) {
     // # 6 : unload frame scripts
     // --------------------------
-    // not needed
+    let mm = window.messageManager;
+    mm.removeDelayedFrameScript(frameScriptURI);
+    Logger.dump("broadcasting `shutdown` message to framescripts!");
+    mm.broadcastAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "shutdown", {uri: frameScriptURI});
     // # 5 : "shutdown" the overlay
@@ -156,21 +164,26 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
-  ProcessEnvironment.enqueueStartupFunction(function(data, reason) {
-    forEachOpenWindow(loadIntoWindow);
-    WindowListener.setLoadFunction(loadIntoWindow);
-    WindowListener.setUnloadFunction(unloadFromWindow);
-    WindowListener.startListening();
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(
+      Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+      function(data, reason) {
+        forEachOpenWindow(loadIntoWindow);
+        WindowListener.setLoadFunction(loadIntoWindow);
+        WindowListener.setUnloadFunction(unloadFromWindow);
+        WindowListener.startListening();
+      });
-    loadStyleSheets();
-  });
+  ProcessEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.UI, loadStyleSheets);
-  ProcessEnvironment.pushShutdownFunction(function() {
-    forEachOpenWindow(unloadFromWindow);
-    WindowListener.stopListening();
+  ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(
+      Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+      function() {
+        forEachOpenWindow(unloadFromWindow);
+        WindowListener.stopListening();
+      });
-    unloadStyleSheets();
-  });
+  ProcessEnvironment.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.UI,
+                                         unloadStyleSheets);
@@ -215,6 +228,6 @@ let rpWindowManager = (function(self) {
 // extend rpWindowManager
-    globalScope);
+    {target: globalScope/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
diff --git a/src/content/settings/advancedprefs.js b/src/content/settings/advancedprefs.js
index 2721c3e..e8ac116 100644
--- a/src/content/settings/advancedprefs.js
+++ b/src/content/settings/advancedprefs.js
@@ -73,64 +73,60 @@ function onload() {
   // Link prefetch.
-  $id('pref-linkPrefetch').addEventListener('change',
-      function (event) {
-        rootPrefBranch.setBoolPref('network.prefetch-next', event.target.checked);
-        Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
-      }
-  );
+  elManager.addListener($id('pref-linkPrefetch'), 'change', function (event) {
+    rootPrefBranch.setBoolPref('network.prefetch-next', event.target.checked);
+    Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
+  });
-  $id('pref-prefetch.link.disableOnStartup').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-prefetch.link.disableOnStartup'), 'change',
       function (event) {
-            event.target.checked);
+                                 event.target.checked);
-      }
-  );
+      });
-  $id('pref-prefetch.link.restoreDefaultOnUninstall').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-prefetch.link.restoreDefaultOnUninstall'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('prefetch.link.restoreDefaultOnUninstall', event.target.checked);
-      }
-  );
+      });
   // DNS prefetch.
-  $id('pref-dnsPrefetch').addEventListener('change',
-      function (event) {
-        rootPrefBranch.setBoolPref('network.dns.disablePrefetch', !event.target.checked);
-        Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
-      }
-  );
+  elManager.addListener($id('pref-dnsPrefetch'), 'change', function (event) {
+    rootPrefBranch.setBoolPref('network.dns.disablePrefetch', !event.target.checked);
+    Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
+  });
-  $id('pref-prefetch.dns.disableOnStartup').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-prefetch.dns.disableOnStartup'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('prefetch.dns.disableOnStartup', event.target.checked);
-      }
-  );
+      });
-  $id('pref-prefetch.dns.restoreDefaultOnUninstall').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-prefetch.dns.restoreDefaultOnUninstall'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('prefetch.dns.restoreDefaultOnUninstall', event.target.checked);
-      }
-  );
+      });
   var sortingListener = function (event) {
     rpPrefBranch.setCharPref('menu.sorting', event.target.value);
-  $id('sortByNumRequests').addEventListener('change', sortingListener);
-  $id('sortByDestName').addEventListener('change', sortingListener);
-  $id('noSorting').addEventListener('change', sortingListener);
+  elManager.addListener($id('sortByNumRequests'), 'change', sortingListener);
+  elManager.addListener($id('sortByDestName'), 'change', sortingListener);
+  elManager.addListener($id('noSorting'), 'change', sortingListener);
-  $id('menu.info.showNumRequests').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('menu.info.showNumRequests'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('menu.info.showNumRequests', event.target.checked);
-      }
-  );
+      });
   // call updateDisplay() every time a preference gets changed
diff --git a/src/content/settings/basicprefs.js b/src/content/settings/basicprefs.js
index f84c5d6..34011d9 100644
--- a/src/content/settings/basicprefs.js
+++ b/src/content/settings/basicprefs.js
@@ -42,39 +42,37 @@ function updateDisplay() {
 function onload() {
-  $id('pref-indicateBlockedObjects').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-indicateBlockedObjects'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('indicateBlockedObjects', event.target.checked);
-      }
-  );
+      });
-  $id('pref-dontIndicateBlacklistedObjects').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-dontIndicateBlacklistedObjects'), 'change',
       function (event) {
-      }
-  );
+      });
-  $id('pref-autoReload').addEventListener('change',
-    function(event) {
-      rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('autoReload', event.target.checked);
-      Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
-      updateDisplay();
-    }
-  );
+  elManager.addListener($id('pref-autoReload'), 'change', function(event) {
+    rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('autoReload', event.target.checked);
+    Services.prefs.savePrefFile(null);
+    updateDisplay();
+  });
-  $id('pref-privateBrowsingPermanentWhitelisting')
-      .addEventListener('change', function (event) {
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('pref-privateBrowsingPermanentWhitelisting'), 'change',
+      function (event) {
-      }
-  );
+      });
   // call updateDisplay() every time a preference gets changed
diff --git a/src/content/settings/common.js b/src/content/settings/common.js
index 0bfc50f..c14cda0 100644
--- a/src/content/settings/common.js
+++ b/src/content/settings/common.js
@@ -19,8 +19,12 @@ ScriptLoader.importModules([
 ], this);
 // create a new Environment for this window
-var WinEnv = new Environment();
+var WinEnv = new Environment("WinEnv");
+// The Environment has to be shut down when the content window gets unloaded.
+// start up right now, as there won't be any startup functions
+var elManager = WinEnv.elManager;
 var $id = content.document.getElementById.bind(content.document);
diff --git a/src/content/settings/defaultpolicy.js b/src/content/settings/defaultpolicy.js
index 0e966bc..b8c7fdd 100644
--- a/src/content/settings/defaultpolicy.js
+++ b/src/content/settings/defaultpolicy.js
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ function showManageSubscriptionsLink() {
 function onload() {
-  $id('defaultallow').addEventListener('change',
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('defaultallow'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         var allow = event.target.checked;
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('defaultPolicy.allow', allow);
@@ -49,9 +50,10 @@ function onload() {
-      }
-  );
-  $id('defaultdeny').addEventListener('change',
+      });
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('defaultdeny'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         var deny = event.target.checked;
         rpPrefBranch.setBoolPref('defaultPolicy.allow', !deny);
@@ -61,16 +63,16 @@ function onload() {
-      }
-  );
-  $id('allowsamedomain').addEventListener('change',
+      });
+  elManager.addListener(
+      $id('allowsamedomain'), 'change',
       function (event) {
         var allowSameDomain = event.target.checked;
-      }
-  );
+      });
   // call updateDisplay() every time a preference gets changed
diff --git a/src/content/settings/subscriptions.js b/src/content/settings/subscriptions.js
index 99d3306..2aabbc5 100644
--- a/src/content/settings/subscriptions.js
+++ b/src/content/settings/subscriptions.js
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ function onload() {
       Logger.dump('Skipping unexpected official subName: ' + subName);
-    el.addEventListener('change', handleSubscriptionCheckboxChange);
+    elManager.addListener(el, 'change', handleSubscriptionCheckboxChange);
   var selector = '[data-defaultpolicy=' +
diff --git a/src/content/settings/yourpolicy.js b/src/content/settings/yourpolicy.js
index b7556ca..4ae4c71 100644
--- a/src/content/settings/yourpolicy.js
+++ b/src/content/settings/yourpolicy.js
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ function addRuleHelper() {
 function onload() {
   var search = $id('rulesearch');
-  search.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
+  elManager.addListener(search, 'keyup', function (event) {
     if (searchTimeoutId != null) {
diff --git a/src/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js b/src/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js
index 2b523ce..fed427c 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ let ManagerForBlockedContent = (function() {
   let transparentImageDataUri = ""
-  function indicateBlockedVisibleObjects(message) {
+  let indicateBlockedVisibleObjects = function(message) {
     let {blockedURIs, docID} = message.data;
-    let document = DocManager.getDocument(docID);
-    if (!document) {
+    let doc = DocManager.getDocument(docID);
+    if (!doc) {
-    let images = document.getElementsByTagName("img");
+    let images = doc.getElementsByTagName("img");
     // Ideally, want the image to be a broken image so that the alt text
     // shows. By default, the blocked image will just not show up at all.
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ let ManagerForBlockedContent = (function() {
         img.src = transparentImageDataUri;
-  }
+  };
-  addMessageListener(C.MMID + ":indicateBlockedVisibleObjects",
-                     indicateBlockedVisibleObjects);
+  mlManager.addListener("indicateBlockedVisibleObjects",
+                        indicateBlockedVisibleObjects);
   return self;
diff --git a/src/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js b/src/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js
index 8d77325..acf0afc 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js
@@ -24,29 +24,78 @@
  * This singleton module can be used for having a reference to documents
  * (whether top level or frame documents). This is necessary when chrome code
  * needs to call functions on specific documents.
+ *
 let DocManager = (function() {
   let self = {};
   let nextDocID = 0;
-  let documents = [];
+  let documents = new Map();
+  // the DocManager is enabled until it is shut down.
+  let enabled = true;
+  function cleanUpDoc(docID) {
+    let {doc, unloadCallback} = documents.get(docID);
+    // clean up listeners
+    doc.removeEventListener("unload", unloadCallback);
+    // no longer remember the document
+    documents.delete(docID);
+  }
+  // TODO: Create a `getDocEnv` function. The Environment can then also be
+  //       used to call `cleanUpDoc`.
+  //self.getDocEnv = function(doc) {};
   self.generateDocID = function(doc) {
+    if (!enabled) {
+      return null;
+    }
     let docID = nextDocID++;
-    documents[docID] = doc;
+    function cleanUpThisDoc() {
+      cleanUpDoc(docID);
+    };
     // Destructor function:
     // As soon as the document is unloaded, delete the reference.
     // The unload event is called when the document's location changes.
-    content.addEventListener("unload", function() {
-      delete documents[docID];
+    doc.addEventListener("unload", cleanUpThisDoc);
+    documents.set(docID, {
+      doc: doc,
+      unloadCallback: cleanUpThisDoc
     return docID;
+  function cleanUpAllDocs() {
+    // call `cleanUpAllDoc` for all docs
+    for (let [docID] of documents) {
+      // Note to the loop's head:
+      //     Destructuring assignment (ECMAScript 6) is used, that is, only
+      //     the "key" of `documents` is used, the "value" is ignored.
+      cleanUpDoc(docID);
+    }
+  }
+  function shutdownDocManager() {
+    enabled = false;
+    cleanUpAllDocs();
+  }
+  FrameScriptEnv.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND,
+                                     shutdownDocManager);
   self.getDocument = function(docID) {
-    return documents[docID] || null;
+    if (documents.has(docID)) {
+      return documents.get(docID).doc;
+    }
+    return null;
   return self;
diff --git a/src/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js b/src/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js
index b327955..5c409fa 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
     // Notify the main thread that a link has been clicked.
     // Note: The <a> element is `currentTarget`! See:
     // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event.currentTarget
-    sendSyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyLinkClicked",
-                    {origin: event.currentTarget.ownerDocument.URL,
-                     dest: event.currentTarget.href});
+    mm.sendSyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyLinkClicked",
+                       {origin: event.currentTarget.ownerDocument.URL,
+                        dest: event.currentTarget.href});
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
     let docID = DocManager.generateDocID(doc);
-    sendAsyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyDocumentLoaded",
+    mm.sendAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyDocumentLoaded",
                      {docID: docID, documentURI: doc.documentURI});
     if (isActiveTopLevelDocument(doc)) {
-      sendAsyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyTopLevelDocumentLoaded");
+      mm.sendAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyTopLevelDocumentLoaded");
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
     // other origins every time an iframe is loaded. Maybe, then, this should
     // use a timeout like observerBlockedRequests does.
     if (isActiveTopLevelDocument(iframe.ownerDocument)) {
-      sendAsyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyDOMFrameContentLoaded");
+      mm.sendAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyDOMFrameContentLoaded");
       // This has an advantage over just relying on the
       // observeBlockedRequest() call in that this will clear a blocked
@@ -121,19 +121,30 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
    * Perform the actions required once the DOM is loaded. This may be being
    * called for more than just the page content DOM. It seems to work for now.
    * @param {Event} event
-  function onDocumentLoaded(document) {
-    let documentURI = document.documentURI;
+  function onDocumentLoaded(doc) {
+    // Create a new Environment for this Document and shut it down when
+    // the document is unloaded.
+    let DocEnv = new Environment("DocEnv");
+    DocEnv.shutdownOnUnload(doc.defaultView);
+    // start up the Environment immediately, as it won't have any startup
+    // functions.
+    DocEnv.startup();
+    let documentURI = doc.documentURI;
     let metaRefreshes = [];
     // Find all meta redirects.
-    var metaTags = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");
+    var metaTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("meta");
     for (var i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) {
       let metaTag = metaTags[i];
       if (!metaTag.httpEquiv || metaTag.httpEquiv.toLowerCase() != "refresh") {
@@ -153,7 +164,7 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
       // If destURI isn't a valid uri, assume it's a relative uri.
       if (!DomainUtil.isValidUri(destURI)) {
         originalDestURI = destURI;
-        destURI = document.documentURIObject.resolve(destURI);
+        destURI = doc.documentURIObject.resolve(destURI);
       metaRefreshes.push({delay: delay, destURI: destURI,
@@ -163,7 +174,11 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
     if (metaRefreshes.length > 0) {
       // meta refreshes have been found.
-      var docShell = document.defaultView
+      Logger.info(Logger.TYPE_META_REFRESH,
+                  "Number of meta refreshes found: " + metaRefreshes.length);
+      var docShell = doc.defaultView
@@ -172,7 +187,7 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
             "Another extension disabled docShell.allowMetaRedirects.");
-      sendAsyncMessage(C.MMID + ":handleMetaRefreshes",
+      mm.sendAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "handleMetaRefreshes",
           {documentURI: documentURI, metaRefreshes: metaRefreshes});
@@ -188,12 +203,22 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
     // but I just don't know what it is. For now, there remains the risk of
     // dynamically added links whose target of the click event isn't the anchor
     // tag.
-    var anchorTags = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
-    for (var i = 0; i < anchorTags.length; i++) {
-      anchorTags[i].addEventListener("click", htmlAnchorTagClicked, false);
+    // TODO: is it possible to implement this differently?
+    var anchorTags = doc.getElementsByTagName("a");
+    for (let anchorTag of anchorTags) {
+      anchorTag.addEventListener("click", htmlAnchorTagClicked, false);
+    DocEnv.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE, function() {
+      for (let anchorTag of anchorTags) {
+        anchorTag.removeEventListener("click", htmlAnchorTagClicked, false);
+      }
+    });
-    wrapWindowFunctions(document.defaultView);
+    // maybe not needed?
+    //wrapWindowFunctions(doc.defaultView);
+    //DocEnv.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE, function() {
+    //  unwrapWindowFunctions(doc.defaultView);
+    //});
@@ -206,8 +231,9 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
    * @param {Function} aNewFunction
   function wrapWindowFunction(aWindow, aFunctionName, aNewFunction) {
-    let originals = aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions
-        = aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions || {};
+    aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions = aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions || {};
+    let originals = aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions;
     if (!(aFunctionName in originals)) {
       originals[aFunctionName] = aWindow[aFunctionName];
       aWindow[aFunctionName] = function() {
@@ -216,6 +242,18 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
+  function unwrapWindowFunction(aWindow, aFunctionName) {
+    if (typeof aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions !== 'object') {
+      return;
+    }
+    let originals = aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions;
+    if (aFunctionName in originals) {
+      aWindow[aFunctionName] =
+          originals[aFunctionName];
+      delete originals[aFunctionName];
+    }
+  }
    * Wraps the window's open() and openDialog() methods so that RequestPolicy
@@ -233,7 +271,7 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
   function wrapWindowFunctions(aWindow) {
     wrapWindowFunction(aWindow, "open",
         function(url, windowName, windowFeatures) {
-          sendSyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyLinkClicked",
+          mm.sendSyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyLinkClicked",
                           {origin: aWindow.document.documentURI,
                            dest: url});
@@ -241,18 +279,40 @@ let ManagerForDOMContentLoaded = (function() {
     wrapWindowFunction(aWindow, "openDialog",
         function() {
           // openDialog(url, name, features, arg1, arg2, ...)
-          sendSyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyLinkClicked",
+          mm.sendSyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyLinkClicked",
                           {origin: aWindow.document.documentURI,
                            dest: arguments[0]});
+  function unwrapWindowFunctions(aWindow) {
+    unwrapWindowFunction(aWindow, "open");
+    unwrapWindowFunction(aWindow, "openDialog");
+    delete aWindow.rpOriginalFunctions;
+  }
-  addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, true);
+  FrameScriptEnv.elManager.addListener(mm, "DOMContentLoaded",
+                                       onDOMContentLoaded, true);
   // DOMFrameContentLoaded is same DOMContentLoaded but also fires for
   // enclosed frames.
-  addEventListener("DOMFrameContentLoaded", onDOMFrameContentLoaded, true);
+  FrameScriptEnv.elManager.addListener(mm, "DOMFrameContentLoaded",
+                                       onDOMFrameContentLoaded, true);
+  //mm.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, true);
+  //
+  //// DOMFrameContentLoaded is same DOMContentLoaded but also fires for
+  //// enclosed frames.
+  //mm.addEventListener("DOMFrameContentLoaded", onDOMFrameContentLoaded, true);
+  //
+  //// clean up on shutdown
+  //FrameScriptEnv.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE, function() {
+  //  Logger.dump('removing listeners for "DOMContentLoaded" and ' +
+  //              '"DOMFrameContentLoaded"');
+  //  mm.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMContentLoaded, true);
+  //  mm.removeEventListener("DOMFrameContentLoaded", onDOMFrameContentLoaded,
+  //                         true);
+  //});
   return self;
diff --git a/src/content/ui/frame.js b/src/content/ui/frame.js
index 1dcf9fe..ef4d3c4 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/frame.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/frame.js
@@ -21,59 +21,187 @@
-ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/utils/constants", this);
+ * This anonymous function is needed because of Mozilla Bug 673569, fixed in
+ * Firefox 29 / Gecko 29.
+ * The bug means that all frame scripts run in the same shared scope. The
+ * anonymous function ensures that the framescripts do not overwrite
+ * one another.
+ */
+(function () {
+  //console.debug('[RPC] new framescript loading...');
+  // the ContentFrameMessageManager of this framescript
+  let mm = this;
+  // Create a new scope that can be removed easily when the framescript has to
+  // be unloaded.
+  var FrameScriptScope = {
+    mm: mm,
+    content: mm.content,
+    Components: mm.Components,
+    Ci: mm.Components.interfaces,
+    Cc: mm.Components.classes,
+    Cu: mm.Components.utils
+  };
+  const Cu = Components.utils;
+  Cu.import("chrome://requestpolicy/content/lib/script-loader.jsm",
+            FrameScriptScope);
+  let ScriptLoader = FrameScriptScope.ScriptLoader;
+  ScriptLoader.importModules([
+    "lib/utils/constants",
+    "lib/environment",
+    "main/environment-manager"
+  ], FrameScriptScope);
+  let C = FrameScriptScope.C;
+  let Environment = FrameScriptScope.Environment;
+  let EnvironmentManager = FrameScriptScope.EnvironmentManager;
+  /**
+   * This function gets a Environment variable that has the same lifespan as
+   * the framescript. , i.e. the Environment's shutdown() function will be called
+   * when the Tab is  is unloaded.
+   *
+   * There are two cases:
+   *
+   * If this is the main process:
+   *     A new Environment is created.
+   *
+   * If this is *not* the main process:
+   *     `ProcessEnvironment` will be used. This ensures that this script will
+   *     have the same Environment as the modules that will be loaded.
+   */
+  FrameScriptScope.FrameScriptEnv = (function getFrameScriptEnv() {
+    // Check if this is the main process.
+    if (EnvironmentManager.isMainProcess === true) {
+      //console.debug('[RPC] the framescript is in the main process. ' +
+      //              'Creating a new environment...');
+      // This is the main process. The `ProcessEnvironment` can't be used as the
+      // content window's Environment, so a new Environment has to be created.
+      let {Environment} = ScriptLoader.importModules(["lib/environment"]);
+      return new Environment("FrameScriptEnv (main process)");
+    } else {
+      //console.debug('[RPC] the framescript is in a child process. ' +
+      //              "Going to use the child's ProcEnv...");
+      // This is a child process. The `ProcessEnvironment` can be used for this
+      // window's Environment.
+      return ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/process-environment")
+                         .ProcessEnvironment;
+    }
+  }());
+  let FrameScriptEnv = FrameScriptScope.FrameScriptEnv;
+  FrameScriptEnv.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.ESSENTIAL, function() {
+    //console.debug("removing FrameScriptScope");
+    FrameScriptScope = null;
+  });
- * This function gets a Environment variable that has the same lifespan like
- * the content window, i.e. the Environment's shutdown() function will be called
- * when the content window is unloaded.
- *
- * There are two cases:
- *
- * If this is the main process:
- *     A new Environment is created.
- *
- * If this is *not* the main process:
- *     `ProcessEnvironment` will be used. This ensures that this script will
- *     have the same Environment as the modules that will be loaded.
- */
-var WinEnv = (function getWindowEnvironment() {
-  var {ProcessEnvironment} = ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/process-environment");
-  let env;
-  // Check if this is the main process.
-  if (ProcessEnvironment.isMainProcess === true) {
-    // This is the main process. The `ProcessEnvironment` can't be used as the
-    // content window's Environment, so a new Environment has to be created.
-    let {Environment} = ScriptLoader.importModules(["lib/environment"]);
-    env = new Environment();
-  } else {
-    // This is a child process. The `ProcessEnvironment` can be used for this
-    // window's Environment.
-    env = ProcessEnvironment;
+  let {ManagerForMessageListeners} = ScriptLoader.importModule(
+      "lib/manager-for-message-listeners");
+  FrameScriptScope.mlManager = new ManagerForMessageListeners(
+      FrameScriptEnv, mm);
+  let mlManager = FrameScriptScope.mlManager;
+  /**
+   * Ensure that the framescript is „shut down“ when the addon gets disabled.
+   *
+   * TODO: use the Child Message Manager instead!
+   *       https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Multiprocess_Firefox/The_message_manager#Process_Message_Managers
+   */
+  {
+    // Hand over the ContentFrameMessageManager of this framescript to the
+    // EnvironmentManager. The EnvironmentManager then shuts down all environments
+    // in the child process when the "shutdown" message is received. If this
+    // framescript is in the *chrome* process (aka. main process / parent process)
+    // then EnvironmentManager will simply ignore this function call.
+    EnvironmentManager.registerFramescript(mm);
-  // Tell the Environment to shut down when the content window is unloaded.
-  // Note that this is necessary in any of the above cases.
-  env.shutdownOnWindowUnload(content);
+  /**
+   * Ensure that the framescript is „shut down“ when the correspondung Tab gets
+   * closed.
+   */
+  {
+    FrameScriptEnv.elManager.addListener(mm, "unload", function() {
+      FrameScriptEnv.shutdown();
+    }, false);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Ensure that EnvironmentManager is unloaded in a child process. If it
+   * wouldn't be unloaded, the EnvironmentManager might be the same one the
+   * next time the addon gets enabled.
+   *
+   * The unload can't be done from EnvironmentManager itself, as due to Mozilla
+   * Bug 769253 a module cannot unload itself. This is also the reason why
+   * the unload is done async -- the shutdown functions are called by
+   * EnvironmentManager.
+   */
+  function unloadEnvMan() {
+    // The runnable (nsIRunnable) that will be executed asynchronously.
+    let runnableForUnloadingEnvMan = {
+      run: function() {
+        Components.utils.unload("chrome://requestpolicy/content/" +
+                                "main/environment-manager.jsm");
+      }
+    };
+    // tell the current thread to run the `unloadEnvMan` runnable async.
+    Components.classes["@mozilla.org/thread-manager;1"]
+        .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIThreadManager)
+        .currentThread
+        .dispatch(runnableForUnloadingEnvMan,
+                  Components.interfaces.nsIEventTarget.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
+  }
+  if (EnvironmentManager.isMainProcess === false) {
+    FrameScriptEnv.addShutdownFunction(Environment.LEVELS.ESSENTIAL,
+                                       unloadEnvMan);
+  }
-  return env;
+  function reloadDocument() {
+    content.document.location.reload(false);
+  }
+  mlManager.addListener("reload", reloadDocument);
+  function setLocation(aUri) {
+    content.document.location.href = aUri;
+  }
+  mlManager.addListener("setLocation", function (message) {
+    setLocation(message.data.uri);
+  });
+  function loadSubScripts() {
+    Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+        'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js',
+        {target: FrameScriptScope/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
+    Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+        'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js',
+        {target: FrameScriptScope/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
+    Services.scriptloader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(
+        'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js',
+        {target: FrameScriptScope/*, ignoreCache: true*/});
+  }
+  FrameScriptEnv.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.BACKEND,
+                                    loadSubScripts);
+  FrameScriptEnv.startup();
-// fixme: It's unclear whether it's necessary to listen for *any* click in
-//        the window. Originally the following code has been part of
-//        overlay.onLoad and has been moved here in order to support e10s.
   // Listen for click events so that we can allow requests that result from
   // user-initiated link clicks and form submissions.
-  addEventListener("click", function(event) {
+  function mouseClicked(event) {
     // If mozInputSource is undefined or zero, then this was a javascript-generated event.
     // If there is a way to forge mozInputSource from javascript, then that could be used
     // to bypass RequestPolicy.
@@ -91,7 +219,7 @@ var WinEnv = (function getWindowEnvironment() {
     // I believe an empty href always gets filled in with the current URL so
     // it will never actually be empty. However, I don't know this for certain.
     if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a" && event.target.href) {
-      sendSyncMessage(C.MMID + ":notifyLinkClicked",
+      sendSyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "notifyLinkClicked",
                       {origin: event.target.ownerDocument.URL,
                        dest: event.target.href});
@@ -102,31 +230,13 @@ var WinEnv = (function getWindowEnvironment() {
     if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
         event.target.type.toLowerCase() == "submit" &&
         event.target.form && event.target.form.action) {
-      sendSyncMessage(C.MMID + ":registerFormSubmitted",
+      sendSyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "registerFormSubmitted",
                       {origin: event.target.ownerDocument.URL,
                        dest: event.target.form.action});
-  }, true);*/
-WinEnv.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
-  addMessageListener(C.MMID + ":reload", function() {
-    content.document.location.reload(false);
-  });
-  addMessageListener(C.MMID + ":setLocation", function(message) {
-    content.document.location.href = message.data.uri;
+  };
+  FrameScriptEnv.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE, function() {
+    FrameScriptEnv.elManager.addListener(mm, "click", mouseClicked, true);
-WinEnv.enqueueStartupFunction(function() {
-  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
-      'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.blocked-content.js');
-  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
-      'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.dom-content-loaded.js');
-  Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(
-      'chrome://requestpolicy/content/ui/frame.doc-manager.js');
diff --git a/src/content/ui/overlay.js b/src/content/ui/overlay.js
index 1c5b938..255b19a 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/overlay.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/overlay.js
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ requestpolicy.overlay = (function() {
   // iMod: Alias for ScriptLoader.importModule
   let iMod = ScriptLoader.importModule;
+  let {Environment} = iMod("lib/environment");
+  let {ManagerForMessageListeners} = iMod("lib/manager-for-message-listeners");
   let {Logger} = iMod("lib/logger");
   let {rpPrefBranch, Prefs} = iMod("lib/prefs");
   let {RequestProcessor} = iMod("lib/request-processor");
@@ -59,6 +61,13 @@ requestpolicy.overlay = (function() {
   //let _prefetchDisablingInstructionsUri = "http://www.requestpolicy.com/help/prefetch.html#disable";
+  // create an environment for this overlay.
+  let OverlayEnvironment = new Environment("OverlayEnv");
+  // manage this overlay's message listeners:
+  let mlManager = new ManagerForMessageListeners(OverlayEnvironment,
+                                                 window.messageManager);
   let initialized = false;
   let toolbarButtonId = "requestpolicyToolbarButton";
@@ -162,160 +171,178 @@ requestpolicy.overlay = (function() {
    *          event
   self.onWindowLoad = function() {
-    //try {
-      // Info on detecting page load at:
-      // http://developer.mozilla.org/En/Code_snippets/On_page_load
-      var appcontent = $id("appcontent"); // browser
-      const requestpolicyOverlay = this;
-      if (appcontent) {
-        if (isFennec) {
-          appcontent.addEventListener("TabSelect", function(event) {
-            requestpolicyOverlay.tabChanged();
-          }, false);
-        }
+    OverlayEnvironment.startup();
+  };
+  function addAppcontentTabSelectListener() {
+    // Info on detecting page load at:
+    // http://developer.mozilla.org/En/Code_snippets/On_page_load
+    var appcontent = $id("appcontent"); // browser
+    if (appcontent) {
+      if (isFennec) {
+        OverlayEnvironment.elManager.addListener(appcontent, "TabSelect",
+                                                 self.tabChanged, false);
+    }
+  }
+  OverlayEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        addAppcontentTabSelectListener);
+  /**
+   * Add an event listener for when the contentAreaContextMenu (generally
+   * the right-click menu within the document) is shown.
+   */
+  function addContextMenuListener() {
+    var contextMenu = $id("contentAreaContextMenu");
+    if (contextMenu) {
+      OverlayEnvironment.elManager.addListener(contextMenu, "popupshowing",
+                                               self._contextMenuOnPopupShowing,
+                                               false);
+    }
+  }
+  OverlayEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        addContextMenuListener);
+  function addTabContainerTabSelectListener() {
+    // We consider the default place for the popup to be attached to the
+    // context menu, so attach it there.
+    //self._attachPopupToContextMenu();
+    // Listen for the user changing tab so we can update any notification or
+    // indication of blocked requests.
+    if (!isFennec) {
+      var container = gBrowser.tabContainer;
+      let tabSelectCallback = function(event) {
+        self.tabChanged();
+      };
+      OverlayEnvironment.elManager.addListener(container, "TabSelect",
+                                               tabSelectCallback, false);
+      // maybe it's not necessary anymore to wrap the tab. if it's needed,
+      // the wrapping needs to be undone at shutdown!
+      //self._wrapAddTab();
+      self._addLocationObserver();
+      self._addHistoryObserver();
+    }
+  }
+  OverlayEnvironment.addStartupFunction(Environment.LEVELS.INTERFACE,
+                                        addTabContainerTabSelectListener);
-      messageManager.addMessageListener(
-          C.MMID + ":notifyDocumentLoaded",
-          function(message) {
-            dump("notifyDocumentLoaded\n\n");
-            let {docID, documentURI} = message.data;
-            // the <browser> element of the corresponding tab.
-            let browser = message.target;
-            if (rpPrefBranch.getBoolPref("indicateBlockedObjects")) {
-              var indicateBlacklisted = rpPrefBranch
-                  .getBoolPref("indicateBlacklistedObjects");
-              var rejectedRequests = RequestProcessor._rejectedRequests
-                  .getOriginUri(documentURI);
-              let blockedURIs = {};
-              for (var destBase in rejectedRequests) {
-                for (var destIdent in rejectedRequests[destBase]) {
-                  for (var destUri in rejectedRequests[destBase][destIdent]) {
-                    // case 1: indicateBlacklisted == true
-                    //         ==> indicate the object has been blocked
-                    //
-                    // case 2: indicateBlacklisted == false
-                    // case 2a: all requests have been blocked because of a blacklist
-                    //          ==> do *not* indicate
-                    //
-                    // case 2b: at least one of the blocked (identical) requests has been
-                    //          blocked by a rule *other than* the blacklist
-                    //          ==> *do* indicate
-                    let requests = rejectedRequests[destBase][destIdent][destUri];
-                    if (indicateBlacklisted ||
-                        requestpolicyOverlay._containsNonBlacklistedRequests(
-                            requests)) {
-                      blockedURIs[destUri] = blockedURIs[destUri] ||
-                          {identifier: DomainUtil.getIdentifier(destUri)};
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-              message.target.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(
-                  C.MMID + ":indicateBlockedVisibleObjects",
-                  {blockedURIs: blockedURIs, docID: docID});
-            }
-            if ("requestpolicy" in browser &&
-                documentURI in browser.requestpolicy.blockedRedirects) {
-              // bad smell: do not save blocked requests in the <browser> obj
-              var dest = browser.requestpolicy.blockedRedirects[documentURI];
-              Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_HEADER_REDIRECT,
-                  "Showing notification for blocked redirect. To <" + dest +
-                  "> " + "from <" + documentURI + ">");
-              self._showRedirectNotification(browser, dest);
-              delete browser.requestpolicy.blockedRedirects[documentURI];
+  mlManager.addListener("notifyDocumentLoaded", function(message) {
+    let {docID, documentURI} = message.data;
+    // the <browser> element of the corresponding tab.
+    let browser = message.target;
+    if (rpPrefBranch.getBoolPref("indicateBlockedObjects")) {
+      var indicateBlacklisted = rpPrefBranch
+          .getBoolPref("indicateBlacklistedObjects");
+      var rejectedRequests = RequestProcessor._rejectedRequests
+          .getOriginUri(documentURI);
+      let blockedURIs = {};
+      for (var destBase in rejectedRequests) {
+        for (var destIdent in rejectedRequests[destBase]) {
+          for (var destUri in rejectedRequests[destBase][destIdent]) {
+            // case 1: indicateBlacklisted == true
+            //         ==> indicate the object has been blocked
+            //
+            // case 2: indicateBlacklisted == false
+            // case 2a: all requests have been blocked because of a blacklist
+            //          ==> do *not* indicate
+            //
+            // case 2b: at least one of the blocked (identical) requests has been
+            //          blocked by a rule *other than* the blacklist
+            //          ==> *do* indicate
+            let requests = rejectedRequests[destBase][destIdent][destUri];
+            if (indicateBlacklisted ||
+                self._containsNonBlacklistedRequests(requests)) {
+              blockedURIs[destUri] = blockedURIs[destUri] ||
+                  {identifier: DomainUtil.getIdentifier(destUri)};
-          });
-      messageManager.addMessageListener(
-          C.MMID + ":notifyTopLevelDocumentLoaded",
-          function (message) {
-            // Clear any notifications that may have been present.
-            self._setContentBlockedState(false);
-            // We don't do this immediately anymore because slow systems might have
-            // this slow down the loading of the page, which is noticable
-            // especially with CSS loading delays (it's not unlikely that slow
-            // webservers have a hand in this, too).
-            // Note that the change to _updateBlockedContentStateAfterTimeout seems to have
-            // added a bug where opening a blank tab and then quickly switching back
-            // to the original tab can cause the original tab's blocked content
-            // notification to be cleared. A simple compensation was to decrease
-            // the timeout from 1000ms to 250ms, making it much less likely the tab
-            // switch can be done in time for a blank opened tab. This isn't a real
-            // solution, though.
-            self._updateBlockedContentStateAfterTimeout();
-          });
-      messageManager.addMessageListener(
-          C.MMID + ":notifyDOMFrameContentLoaded",
-          function (message) {
-            // This has an advantage over just relying on the
-            // observeBlockedRequest() call in that this will clear a blocked
-            // content notification if there no longer blocked content. Another way
-            // to solve this would be to observe allowed requests as well as blocked
-            // requests.
-            blockedContentCheckLastTime = (new Date()).getTime();
-            self._stopBlockedContentCheckTimeout();
-            self._updateBlockedContentState(message.target);
-          });
-      messageManager.addMessageListener(C.MMID + ":handleMetaRefreshes",
-                                        self.handleMetaRefreshes);
-      messageManager.addMessageListener(
-          C.MMID + ":notifyLinkClicked", function (message) {
-              RequestProcessor.registerLinkClicked(message.data.origin,
-                                                   message.data.dest);
-          });
-      messageManager.addMessageListener(
-          C.MMID + ":notifyFormSubmitted", function (message) {
-              RequestProcessor.registerFormSubmitted(message.data.origin,
-                                                     message.data.dest);
-          });
-      // Add an event listener for when the contentAreaContextMenu (generally
-      // the right-click menu within the document) is shown.
-      var contextMenu = $id("contentAreaContextMenu");
-      if (contextMenu) {
-        contextMenu.addEventListener("popupshowing",
-            self._contextMenuOnPopupShowing, false);
+          }
+        }
+      message.target.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(
+          C.MM_PREFIX + "indicateBlockedVisibleObjects",
+          {blockedURIs: blockedURIs, docID: docID});
+    }
+    if ("requestpolicy" in browser &&
+        documentURI in browser.requestpolicy.blockedRedirects) {
+      // bad smell: do not save blocked requests in the <browser> obj
+      var dest = browser.requestpolicy.blockedRedirects[documentURI];
+      Logger.warning(Logger.TYPE_HEADER_REDIRECT,
+          "Showing notification for blocked redirect. To <" + dest +
+          "> " + "from <" + documentURI + ">");
+      self._showRedirectNotification(browser, dest);
+      delete browser.requestpolicy.blockedRedirects[documentURI];
+    }
+  });
+  mlManager.addListener("notifyTopLevelDocumentLoaded", function (message) {
+    // Clear any notifications that may have been present.
+    self._setContentBlockedState(false);
+    // We don't do this immediately anymore because slow systems might have
+    // this slow down the loading of the page, which is noticable
+    // especially with CSS loading delays (it's not unlikely that slow
+    // webservers have a hand in this, too).
+    // Note that the change to _updateBlockedContentStateAfterTimeout seems to have
+    // added a bug where opening a blank tab and then quickly switching back
+    // to the original tab can cause the original tab's blocked content
+    // notification to be cleared. A simple compensation was to decrease
+    // the timeout from 1000ms to 250ms, making it much less likely the tab
+    // switch can be done in time for a blank opened tab. This isn't a real
+    // solution, though.
+    self._updateBlockedContentStateAfterTimeout();
+  });
+  mlManager.addListener("notifyDOMFrameContentLoaded", function (message) {
+    // This has an advantage over just relying on the
+    // observeBlockedRequest() call in that this will clear a blocked
+    // content notification if there no longer blocked content. Another way
+    // to solve this would be to observe allowed requests as well as blocked
+    // requests.
+    blockedContentCheckLastTime = (new Date()).getTime();
+    self._stopBlockedContentCheckTimeout();
+    self._updateBlockedContentState(message.target);
+  });
+  mlManager.addListener("handleMetaRefreshes", function(message) {
+    self.handleMetaRefreshes(message);
+  });
+  mlManager.addListener("notifyLinkClicked", function (message) {
+    RequestProcessor.registerLinkClicked(message.data.origin,
+                                         message.data.dest);
+  });
+  mlManager.addListener("notifyFormSubmitted", function (message) {
+    RequestProcessor.registerFormSubmitted(message.data.origin,
+                                           message.data.dest);
+  });
-      // We consider the default place for the popup to be attached to the
-      // context menu, so attach it there.
-      //self._attachPopupToContextMenu();
-      // Listen for the user changing tab so we can update any notification or
-      // indication of blocked requests.
-      if (!isFennec) {
-        var container = gBrowser.tabContainer;
-        container.addEventListener("TabSelect", function(event) {
-          requestpolicyOverlay.tabChanged();
-        }, false);
-        self._wrapAddTab();
-        self._addLocationObserver();
-        self._addHistoryObserver();
-      }
-    //} catch (e) {
-    //  Logger.severeError("Fatal Error, " + e, e);
-    //  Logger.severeError(
-    //      "Unable to complete requestpolicy.overlay.onWindowLoad actions.");
-    //}
-  };
   self.handleMetaRefreshes = function(message) {
+    Logger.dump("Handling meta refreshes...");
     let {documentURI, metaRefreshes} = message.data;
     let browser = message.target;
@@ -526,7 +553,7 @@ requestpolicy.overlay = (function() {
                 browser.documentURI.specIgnoringRef, redirectTargetUri);
-            browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(C.MMID + ":setLocation",
+            browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "setLocation",
                 {uri: redirectTargetUri});
@@ -990,7 +1017,7 @@ requestpolicy.overlay = (function() {
     if (rulesChanged || self._needsReloadOnMenuClose) {
       if (rpPrefBranch.getBoolPref("autoReload")) {
         let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager;
-        mm.sendAsyncMessage(C.MMID + ":reload");
+        mm.sendAsyncMessage(C.MM_PREFIX + "reload");
     self._needsReloadOnMenuClose = false;
diff --git a/src/content/ui/request-log.filtering.js b/src/content/ui/request-log.filtering.js
index 4ed3ba8..30fb09c 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/request-log.filtering.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/request-log.filtering.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ window.requestpolicy.requestLog = (function (self) {
   let filterText = null;
+  // TODO: use the Window Environment instead
   let elements = WindowUtils.getElementsByIdOnLoad(window, {
         filterTextbox: "requestpolicy-requestLog-requestFilter",
         clearFilterButton: "requestpolicy-requestLog-clearFilter"
diff --git a/src/content/ui/request-log.js b/src/content/ui/request-log.js
index b04e38b..fb66f24 100644
--- a/src/content/ui/request-log.js
+++ b/src/content/ui/request-log.js
@@ -38,6 +38,15 @@ window.requestpolicy.requestLog = (function (self) {
   let {StringUtils} = ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/utils/strings");
   let {WindowUtils} = ScriptLoader.importModule("lib/utils/windows");
+  // create a new Environment for this window
+  var WinEnv = new Environment("WinEnv");
+  // The Environment has to be shut down when the content window gets unloaded.
+  WinEnv.shutdownOnUnload(window);
+  // start up right now, as there won't be any startup functions
+  WinEnv.startup();
+  let $id = window.document.getElementById.bind(window.document);
   self.isEmptyMessageDisplayed = true;
   self.rows = [];
@@ -45,8 +54,9 @@ window.requestpolicy.requestLog = (function (self) {
-  let init = function() {
-    // callback function – gets called when the tree is available.
+  function init() {
+    self.tree = $id("requestpolicy-requestLog-tree")
     self.tree.view = self.treeView;
@@ -54,20 +64,15 @@ window.requestpolicy.requestLog = (function (self) {
     // Give the requestpolicy overlay direct access to the the request log.
     window.parent.requestpolicy.overlay.requestLog = self;
-  WindowUtils.getElementsByIdOnLoad(window, {
-        tree: "requestpolicy-requestLog-tree"
-      }, self, init);
   function showLogIsEmptyMessage() {
     var message = StringUtils.$str("requestLogIsEmpty");
     var directions = StringUtils.$str("requestLogDirections");
     self.visibleRows.push([message, directions, false, ""]);
     self.treebox.rowCountChanged(0, 1);
-  };
+  }
+  // call init() on the window's "load" event
+  WinEnv.elManager.addListener(window, "load", init, false);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/requestpolicy.git

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