[Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch upstream updated (f7562f2 -> 68fff6c)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed May 20 02:43:43 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository greasemonkey.

      from  f7562f2   Imported Upstream version 3.2~beta1
       new  37ace67   Remove GM_openInTab from EXPORTED_SYMBOLS.
       new  938591f   GM_log truncates at NULL byte (typeof 'string' only)
       new  6187032   GM_log truncates at NULL byte (typeof 'string' only) - the better solution
       new  2435797   Merge remote-tracking branch 'janekptacijarabaci/GM_log_null-byte_patch'
       new  e04d253   Version bump: 3.2beta1
       new  56749f4   Update framescript.js
       new  fc5c582   Update menucommander.js
       new  a71c999   Update menucommand.js
       new  bd4a8ef   Update sandbox.js
       new  01e1315   Merge remote-tracking branch 'janekptacijarabaci/scriptCommandsTooltipScriptName'
       new  5dadde4   Update xmlhttprequester.js
       new  3f9f13c   Update xmlhttprequester.js (fix error in console)
       new  ac5d3ee   Update xmlhttprequester.js (fix typo, style clean up)
       new  f6c624d   Merge remote-tracking branch 'janekptacijarabaci/GM_xmlhttpRequest_arraybuffer_blob_loadstart_loadend_timeout-in-the-upload'
       new  d01356b   Update GM_setClipboard.js
       new  dafa669   Update installPolicy.js
       new  3796993   Update scriptProtocol.js
       new  05372a0   Merge remote-tracking branch 'janekptacijarabaci/minorFix'
       new  22f7264   Basic Pale Moon support.
       new  9361136   Disable getObjectPrincipal if the browser does not support it.
       new  2bfab50   Merge remote-tracking branch 'crazycatz00/palemoon'
       new  63ddca6   comment
       new  e2ac9f9   Update menucommander.js - memory leak - maybe
       new  b41eba4   Merge remote-tracking branch 'janekptacijarabaci/GM_registerMenuCommand_memoryLeak_maybe'
       new  ac697dc   Update xmlhttprequester.js
       new  e1a9a88   Updated translations from babelzilla.org.
       new  d38916a   Update remoteScript.js
       new  3fb980f   Update script.js
       new  c357934   Merge remote-tracking branch 'janekptacijarabaci/minorFix2'
       new  35ca707   Version bump: 3.1beta2
       new  68fff6c   Imported Upstream version 3.2~beta2

The 31 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 content/framescript.js               |   1 +
 content/menucommander.js             |   3 +-
 content/scratchpad-overlay.js        |   9 ++-
 install.rdf                          |  11 +++-
 locale/ar/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/bg/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/ca/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/cs/gm-cludes.dtd              |   4 +-
 locale/cs/greasemonkey.dtd           |   2 +-
 locale/da/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/de/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/el/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/en-GB/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/es-AR/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/es-CL/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/es-ES/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/es-ES/greasemonkey.dtd        |   4 +-
 locale/es-MX/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/et/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/fa/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/fi/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/fr/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/gl/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/he/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/hu/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/it/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/ja/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/ko/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/lt/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/nl/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/pl/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/pt-BR/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/pt-PT/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/ro/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/ru/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/ru/greasemonkey.properties    |   2 +-
 locale/si/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/sk/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/sl/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/sr/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/sv-SE/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/tr/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/uk/gm-cludes.dtd              |   2 +
 locale/zh-CN/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/zh-TW/gm-addons.dtd           |   6 +-
 locale/zh-TW/gm-addons.properties    |   4 +-
 locale/zh-TW/gm-browser.properties   |  10 ++--
 locale/zh-TW/gm-cludes.dtd           |   2 +
 locale/zh-TW/greasemonkey.dtd        |  24 ++++----
 locale/zh-TW/greasemonkey.properties |  40 ++++++-------
 modules/GM_setClipboard.js           |   2 +-
 modules/installPolicy.js             |   1 +
 modules/menucommand.js               |   3 +-
 modules/remoteScript.js              |   2 +-
 modules/sandbox.js                   |   3 +-
 modules/script.js                    |   2 +-
 modules/scriptProtocol.js            |   1 +
 modules/xmlhttprequester.js          | 106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 58 files changed, 223 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/greasemonkey.git

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