[Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] 01/04: Imported Upstream version

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun May 31 20:45:20 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository noscript.

commit dd0ec8bb120aba425031db7b5304894b3cc6e446
Author: David Prévot <david at tilapin.org>
Date:   Sun May 31 16:21:20 2015 -0400

    Imported Upstream version
 META-INF/manifest.mf                               |  42 ++
 META-INF/mozilla.rsa                               | Bin 0 -> 4196 bytes
 META-INF/mozilla.sf                                |   4 +
 chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ABE.js       |   4 +-
 .../content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js         | 502 +++------------------
 ...lReplacement.js => ChannelReplacementLegacy.js} |   7 +-
 .../content/noscript/ForcedRedirectionCallback.js  |  59 +++
 chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/HTTPS.js     |   7 +-
 chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul    |   8 +-
 .../locale/be-BY/noscript/about.properties         |   6 +-
 .../locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.dtd             | 182 ++++----
 .../locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties      |  60 +--
 .../locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/en-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/en-US/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/eo/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/es-AR/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/es-CL/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/es-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/et-EE/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/eu/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/fa-IR/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/fi/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/fr/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/gl-ES/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/he-IL/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/hr-HR/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/hsb/noscript/noscript.dtd |   2 +-
 .../locale/hu-HU/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/id-ID/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/it/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/ja-JP/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/kk-KZ/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/km-KH/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/ko-KR/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/lt/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/mk-MK/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/ms-MY/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/nb-NO/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/nl/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/pl/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/pt-BR/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/pt-PT/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/ro/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/sk-SK/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/sl-SI/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/sr-RS/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/sv-SE/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/te-IN/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/th/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/tr/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../noscript.jar!/locale/vi/noscript/noscript.dtd  |   2 +-
 .../locale/zh-CN/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 .../locale/zh-TW/noscript/noscript.dtd             |   2 +-
 components/noscriptService.js                      |   2 +-
 install.rdf                                        |  27 +-
 62 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 655 deletions(-)

diff --git a/META-INF/manifest.mf b/META-INF/manifest.mf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215d180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META-INF/manifest.mf
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Manifest-Version: 1.0
+Name: install.rdf
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: BAmpAT72WJeCngD0a500jQ==
+SHA1-Digest: KwqUal6OcQy/YWcsZhi8HW0q1lk=
+Name: chrome.manifest
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: ZVyhJVfGhrNs/GewLvbBeg==
+SHA1-Digest: jnO5QkpHGECCjBYP8ObGcSwMzKk=
+Name: GPL.txt
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: Xc3+JfIRGapUNeq50CVq9w==
+SHA1-Digest: QuhZ5zOu5fE5tq1vLDOP3bdCSKQ=
+Name: mozilla.cfg
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: QN7VUFbn7i4XfCTfQhZogA==
+SHA1-Digest: f47dmcoACYEBc7bQRVnwCaMAqGA=
+Name: NoScript_License.txt
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: CYkluXWIXUk6QpUjqxcMtA==
+SHA1-Digest: 624YpFdNjCFbDE7kLhN+vbF9hgM=
+Name: chrome/noscript.jar
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: wnzMxDPBscFXCe8DQoyRuQ==
+SHA1-Digest: Zop/Jd0rXx0RYXZVhVvv57gAv40=
+Name: components/noscriptService.js
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: IHQYz5HkYEIoRCYncn/ubw==
+SHA1-Digest: Rq4MgTE4codE/K2vuFzpT0O8m/E=
+Name: defaults/preferences/noscript.js
+Digest-Algorithms: MD5 SHA1
+MD5-Digest: v/p13eoHczWwEjhcl4r/cw==
+SHA1-Digest: uNFfb2Z78lhk9Qk/KQQcbcAryHI=
diff --git a/META-INF/mozilla.rsa b/META-INF/mozilla.rsa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12d19d5
Binary files /dev/null and b/META-INF/mozilla.rsa differ
diff --git a/META-INF/mozilla.sf b/META-INF/mozilla.sf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7409bc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/META-INF/mozilla.sf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Signature-Version: 1.0
+MD5-Digest-Manifest: 6ima9nR0pHzvwlIn2rXp7g==
+SHA1-Digest-Manifest: 7dKWroPu1nhpvzUMDmw9bZwwDpc=
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ABE.js b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ABE.js
index 3211080..5cd498c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ABE.js
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ABE.js
@@ -253,8 +253,8 @@ const ABE = {
     if (!(req.canDoDNS && req.deferredDNS) ||
         DNS.isIP(host) ||
         DNS.isCached(host) ||
-        req.channel.redirectionLimit == 0 || req.channel.status != 0 ||
-        req.channel.notificationCallbacks instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent // OBJECT elements can't be channel-replaced :(
+        req.channel.redirectionLimit === 0 || req.channel.status !== 0 ||
+        !ChannelReplacement.useRedirectTo && req.channel.notificationCallbacks instanceof Ci.nsIObjectLoadingContent // OBJECT elements can't be channel-replaced :(
       return false;
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js
index 112aa25..d74b22c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js
@@ -1,469 +1,69 @@
-function CtxCapturingListener(tracingChannel, captureObserver) {
-  this.originalListener = tracingChannel.setNewListener(this);
-  this.captureObserver = captureObserver;
-CtxCapturingListener.prototype = {
-  originalListener: null,
-  originalCtx: null,
-  onStartRequest: function(request, ctx) {
-    this.originalCtx = ctx;
-    if (this.captureObserver) {
-      this.captureObserver.observeCapture(request, this);
-    }
-  },
-  onDataAvailable: function(request, ctx, inputStream, offset, count) {},
-  onStopRequest: function(request, ctx, statusCode) {},
-  QueryInterface: xpcom_generateQI([Ci.nsIStreamListener])
-function RedirectCallback(channelReplacement) {
-  this.channelReplacement = channelReplacement;
-RedirectCallback.prototype = {
-  references: 0,
-  async: false,
-  vetoed: false,
-  _autoPending: false,
-  QueryInterface: xpcom_generateQI([Ci.nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback]),
-  notifySink: function(sink) {
-    let { oldChannel: oldChan, channel: newChan, REDIRECT_FLAGS: flags } = this.channelReplacement;
-    this._notifying = true;
-    this.references++;
-    try {
-      sink.asyncOnChannelRedirect(oldChan, newChan, flags, this);
-    } catch (e) {
-      this.vetoed = true;
-    } finally {
-      this._notifying = false;
-      if (this.references > 0) this.async = true;
-      else if (!this._autoPending) {
-        Thread.asap(this._autoCallback, this);
-        this._autoPending = true;
-      }
-    }
-  },
-  onRedirectVerifyCallback: function(result) {
-    if (!Components.isSuccessCode(result)) this.vetoed = this.channelReplacement.realRedirect;
-    if (--this.references === 0 && this.async)
-      this._callback();
-  },
-  _autoCallback: function() {
-    if (!this.async) this._callback();
-  },
-  _callback: function() {
-    if (!this.vetoed) this.channelReplacement.openNew();
-  }
 function ChannelReplacement(chan, newURI, newMethod) {
   return this._init(chan, newURI, newMethod);
-ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending = function(channel, callback) {
-  if (channel.isPending()) {
+if ("REFERRER_POLICY_ORIGIN" in Ci.nsIHttpChannel) {
+  // "modern" HTTPChanel, we can use redirectTo()
+  ChannelReplacement.useRedirectTo = true;
+  ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending = function(channel, callback) {
-    return false;
-  } else {
-    new LoadGroupWrapper(channel, callback);
-    return true;
-  }
-ChannelReplacement.prototype = {
-  listener: null,
-  context: null,
-  oldChannel: null,
-  channel: null,
-  window: null,
-  suspended: false,
-  _redirectCallback: null,
-  _ctxCapturingListener: null,
-  get _unsupportedError() {
-    return new Error("Can't replace channels without nsITraceableChannel!");
-  },
-  get _classifierClass() {
-    delete this.__proto__._classifierClass;
-    return this.__proto__._classifierClass = Cc["@mozilla.org/channelclassifier"];
-  },
-  _autoHeadersRx: /^(?:Host|Cookie|Authorization)$|Cache|^If-/,
-  visitHeader: function(key, val) {
-    try {
-      // we skip authorization and cache-related fields which should be automatically set
-      if (!this._autoHeadersRx.test(key)) this.channel.setRequestHeader(key, val, false);
-    } catch (e) {
-      dump(e + "\n");
-    }
-  },
-  _init: function(chan, newURI, newMethod) {
-    if (!(chan instanceof Ci.nsITraceableChannel))
-      throw this._unsupportedError;
-    let self = this;
-    if ("nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback" in Ci) {
-      this._redirectCallback = new RedirectCallback(this);
-    }
-    newURI = newURI || chan.URI;
-    var newChan = IOS.newChannelFromURI(newURI);
-    this.oldChannel = chan;
-    this.channel = newChan;
-    // porting of http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/netwerk/base/src/nsBaseChannel.cpp#69
-    var loadFlags = chan.loadFlags;
-    if (chan.URI.schemeIs("https"))
-      loadFlags &= ~chan.INHIBIT_PERSISTENT_CACHING;
-    newChan.loadGroup = chan.loadGroup;
-    newChan.notificationCallbacks = chan.notificationCallbacks;
-    newChan.loadFlags = loadFlags | newChan.LOAD_REPLACE;
-    if ("nsIPrivateBrowsingService" in Ci &&
-         chan instanceof Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingService && chan.isChannelPrivate &&
-         newChan instanceof Ci.nsIPrivateBrowsingService && !newChan.isChannelPrivate)
-      newChan.setPrivate(true);
-    if (!(newChan instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannel))
-      return this;
-    // copy headers
-    chan.visitRequestHeaders(this);
-    if (!newMethod || newMethod === chan.requestMethod) {
-      if (newChan instanceof Ci.nsIUploadChannel && chan instanceof Ci.nsIUploadChannel && chan.uploadStream ) {
-        var stream = chan.uploadStream;
-        if (stream instanceof Ci.nsISeekableStream) {
-          stream.seek(stream.NS_SEEK_SET, 0);
-        }
-        try {
-          let ctype = chan.getRequestHeader("Content-type");
-          let clen = chan.getRequestHeader("Content-length");
-          if (ctype && clen) {
-            newChan.setUploadStream(stream, ctype, parseInt(clen, 10));
-          }
-        } catch(e) {
-          newChan.setUploadStream(stream, '', -1);
-        }
-      }
-      newChan.requestMethod = chan.requestMethod;
-    } else {
-      newChan.requestMethod = newMethod;
-    }
-    if (chan.referrer) newChan.referrer = chan.referrer;
-    newChan.allowPipelining = chan.allowPipelining;
-    newChan.redirectionLimit = chan.redirectionLimit - 1;
-    if (chan instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal && newChan instanceof Ci.nsIHttpChannelInternal) {
-      if (chan.URI == chan.documentURI) {
-        newChan.documentURI = newURI;
-      } else {
-        newChan.documentURI = chan.documentURI;
-      }
-      if ("forceAllowThirdPartyCookie" in newChan)
-        newChan.forceAllowThirdPartyCookie = chan.forceAllowThirdPartyCookie;
-      if ("allowSpdy" in newChan)
-        newChan.allowSpdy = chan.allowSpdy;
-    }
-    if (chan instanceof Ci.nsIEncodedChannel && newChan instanceof Ci.nsIEncodedChannel) {
-      newChan.applyConversion = chan.applyConversion;
-    }
-    // we can't transfer resume information because we can't access mStartPos and mEntityID :(
-    // http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/source/netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHttpChannel.cpp#2826
-    if ("nsIApplicationCacheChannel" in Ci &&
-      chan instanceof Ci.nsIApplicationCacheChannel && newChan instanceof Ci.nsIApplicationCacheChannel) {
-      newChan.applicationCache = chan.applicationCache;
-      newChan.inheritApplicationCache = chan.inheritApplicationCache;
-    }
-    if (chan instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag && newChan instanceof Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag)
-      for (var properties = chan.enumerator, p; properties.hasMoreElements();)
-        if ((p = properties.getNext()) instanceof Ci.nsIProperty)
-          newChan.setProperty(p.name, p.value);
-    if (chan.loadFlags & chan.LOAD_DOCUMENT_URI) {
-      this.window = IOUtil.findWindow(chan);
-    }
-    return this;
-  },
-  _onChannelRedirect: function() {
-    const oldChan = this.oldChannel;
-    const newChan = this.channel;
-    if (this.realRedirect) {
-      if (oldChan.redirectionLimit === 0) {
-        oldChan.cancel(NS_ERROR_REDIRECT_LOOP);
-        throw NS_ERROR_REDIRECT_LOOP;
+  };
+  ChannelReplacement.prototype = {
+    _init: function(chan, newURI, newMethod) {
+      this.oldChannel = this.channel = chan;
+      this.newURI = newURI || chan.URI;
+      this.newMethod = newMethod;
+       if (chan.loadFlags & chan.LOAD_DOCUMENT_URI) {
+         this.window = IOUtil.findWindow(chan);
+       }
+       return this;
+     },
+   replace: function(realRedirect, callback) {
+      let chan = this.channel;
+      if (!this.newURI.equals(chan.URI)) {
+        realRedirect = true;
-    } else newChan.redirectionLimit += 1;
-    // nsHttpHandler::OnChannelRedirect()
-    const CES = Ci.nsIChannelEventSink;
-    this._notifySink(Cc["@mozilla.org/netwerk/global-channel-event-sink;1"].getService(CES));
-    var sink;
-    for (let cess = ns.categoryManager.enumerateCategory("net-channel-event-sinks");
-          cess.hasMoreElements();
-        ) {
-      sink = cess.getNext();
-      if (sink instanceof CES)
-        this._notifySink(sink);
-    }
-    sink = IOUtil.queryNotificationCallbacks(oldChan, CES);
-    if (sink) this._notifySink(sink);
-    // ----------------------------------
-    newChan.originalURI = oldChan.originalURI;
-    sink = IOUtil.queryNotificationCallbacks(oldChan, Ci.nsIHttpEventSink);
-    if (sink) sink.onRedirect(oldChan, newChan);
-  },
-  _notifySink: function(sink) {
-    const flags = this.REDIRECT_FLAGS;
-    const oldChan = this.oldChannel;
-    const newChan = this.channel;
-    try {
-      sink instanceof Ci.nsISupports;
-      if ("onChannelRedirect" in sink) sink.onChannelRedirect(oldChan, newChan, flags);
-      else if ("asyncOnChannelRedirect" in sink) {
-        if (this._redirectCallback) {
-          this._redirectCallback.notifySink(sink);
-        } else {
-          sink.asyncOnChannelRedirect(oldChan, newChan, flags, null);
-        }
-      } else {
-        ABE.log("Unexpected: asyncOnChannelRedirect not found, instanceof nsIChannelEventSink = " + (sink instanceof Ci.nsIChannelEventSink) + "\n" +
-                sink + "\n" + (new Error().stack));
+      if (this.newMethod && this.newMethod !== chan.requestMethod) {
+        chan.requestMethod = this.newMethod;
+        realRedirect = true;
-    } catch(e) {
-      if (e.toString().indexOf("(NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)") !== -1 && oldChan.URI.spec !== newChan.URI.spec) {
-        let oldURL = oldChan.URI.spec;
-        try {
-          oldChan.URI.spec = newChan.URI.spec;
-          this._notifySink(sink);
-        } catch(e1) {
-          throw e;
-        } finally {
-          oldChan.URI.spec = oldURL;
-        }
-      } else if (e.message.indexOf("(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)") === -1) throw e;
-    }
-  },
-  replace: function(realRedirect, callback) {
-    let self = this;
-    let oldChan = this.oldChannel;
-    this.realRedirect = !!realRedirect;
-    if (typeof(callback) !== "function") {
-      callback = this._defaultCallback;
-    }
-    ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending(oldChan, function() {
-      if (oldChan.status) return; // channel's doom had been already defined
-      self._ctxCapturingListener = new CtxCapturingListener(oldChan, self);
-      self.loadGroup = oldChan.loadGroup;
-      oldChan.loadGroup = null; // prevents the wheel from stopping spinning
-      if (self._redirectCallback) { // Gecko >= 2
-        // this calls asyncAbort, which calls onStartRequest on our listener
-        oldChan.cancel(NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED);
-        if (!self._redirectCallback.vetoed) {
-          self.suspend(); // believe it or not, this will defer asyncAbort() notifications until resume()
-          callback(self);
-        }
+      let forceRedirect = !realRedirect;
+      if (forceRedirect) {
+        chan.redirectionLimit += 1;
       } else {
-        // legacy (Gecko < 2)
-        self.observeCapture = function() {
-          self.open = self._redirect;
-          callback(self);
+        let loadInfo = chan.loadInfo;
+        if (loadInfo) {
+          let type = loadInfo.contentPolicyType;
+          forceRedirect = type === 11 || type === 12;
-        oldChan.cancel(NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED);
-    });
-  },
-  observeCapture: function() {
-    this._redirect();
-  },
-  _defaultCallback: function(replacement) {
-    replacement.open();
-  },
-  open: function() {
-    this.resume(); // this triggers asyncAbort and the listeners in cascade
-  },
-  _redirect: function() {
-    let oldChan = this.oldChannel,
-      newChan = this.channel,
-      overlap;
-    if (!(this.window && (overlap = ABERequest.getLoadingChannel(this.window)) && overlap !== oldChan)) {
-      try {
-        if (ABE.consoleDump && this.window) {
-          ABE.log("Opening delayed channel: " + oldChan.name + " - (current loading channel for this window " + (overlap && overlap.name) + ")");
-        }
-        oldChan.loadGroup = this.loadGroup;
-        this._onChannelRedirect();
-        if (!this._redirectCallback) {
-          this.openNew();
+      if (forceRedirect) {
+        let ncb = chan.notificationCallbacks;
+        if (ncb) try {
+          let ces = ncb.getInterface(Ci.nsIChannelEventSink);
+          if (ces) {
+            INCLUDE("ForcedRedirectionCallback");
+            chan.notificationCallbacks = new NCBWrapper(ncb, new CESDelegate(ces));
+          }
+        } catch (e) {
+          ns.log(e);
-      } catch (e) {
-        ABE.log(e);
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (ABE.consoleDump) {
-        ABE.log("Detected double load on the same window: " + oldChan.name + " - " + (overlap && overlap.name));
-    }
-    this.dispose();
-  },
-  openNew: function() {
-    let newChan = this.channel;
-    let ccl = this._ctxCapturingListener;
-    newChan.asyncOpen(ccl.originalListener, ccl.originalCtx);
-    if ("nsIRedirectResultListener" in Ci) {
-      // Bug 1153256
-      let vetoHook = IOUtil.queryNotificationCallbacks(
-                      this.oldChannel,
-                      Ci.nsIRedirectResultListener);
-      if (vetoHook) vetoHook.onRedirectResult(true);
-    }
-    if (this.window && this.window != IOUtil.findWindow(newChan)) {
-      // late diverted load, unwanted artifact, abort
-      IOUtil.abort(newChan);
-    } else {
-      // safe browsing hook
-      if (this._classifierClass)
-        this._classifierClass.createInstance(Ci.nsIChannelClassifier).start(newChan, true);
-    }
-  },
-  suspend: function() {
-    if (!this.suspended) {
-      this.oldChannel.suspend();
-      this.suspended = true;
-    }
-  },
-  resume: function() {
-    if (this.suspended) {
-      this.suspended = false;
-      try {
-        this.oldChannel.resume();
-      } catch (e) {}
-    }
-  },
-  dispose: function() {
-    this.resume();
-    if (this.loadGroup) {
-      try {
-        this.loadGroup.removeRequest(this.oldChannel, null, NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED);
-      } catch (e) {}
-      this.loadGroup = null;
+      chan.redirectTo(this.newURI);
+      chan.suspend();
+      if (typeof callback === "function") callback(this);
+      else this.open();
+    },
+    open: function() {
+      this.channel.resume();
-  }
-function LoadGroupWrapper(channel, callback) {
-  this._channel = channel;
-  this._inner = channel.loadGroup;
-  this._callback = callback;
-  channel.loadGroup = this;
+  };
+} else {
+  INCLUDE("ChannelReplacementLegacy");
-LoadGroupWrapper.prototype = {
-  QueryInterface: xpcom_generateQI([Ci.nsILoadGroup]),
-  get activeCount() {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.activeCount : 0;
-  },
-  set defaultLoadRequest(v) {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.defaultLoadRequest = v : v;
-  },
-  get defaultLoadRequest() {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.defaultLoadRequest : null;
-  },
-  set groupObserver(v) {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.groupObserver = v : v;
-  },
-  get groupObserver() {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.groupObserver : null;
-  },
-  set notificationCallbacks(v) {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.notificationCallbacks = v : v;
-  },
-  get notificationCallbacks() {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.notificationCallbacks : null;
-  },
-  get requests() {
-    return this._inner ? this._inner.requests : this._emptyEnum;
-  },
-  addRequest: function(r, ctx) {
-    this.detach();
-    if (this._inner) try {
-      this._inner.addRequest(r, ctx);
-    } catch(e) {
-      // addRequest may have not been implemented
-    }
-    if (r === this._channel)
-      try {
-        this._callback(r, ctx);
-      } catch (e) {}
-  },
-  removeRequest: function(r, ctx, status) {
-    this.detach();
-    if (this._inner) this._inner.removeRequest(r, ctx, status);
-  },
-  detach: function() {
-    if (this._channel.loadGroup) this._channel.loadGroup = this._inner;
-  },
-  _emptyEnum: {
-    QueryInterface: xpcom_generateQI([Ci.nsISimpleEnumerator]),
-    getNext: function() { return null; },
-    hasMoreElements: function() { return false; }
-  }
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacementLegacy.js
similarity index 95%
copy from chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js
copy to chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacementLegacy.js
index 112aa25..e8724c9 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacement.js
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ChannelReplacementLegacy.js
@@ -52,14 +52,11 @@ RedirectCallback.prototype = {
     if (!this.async) this._callback();
   _callback: function() {
-    if (!this.vetoed) this.channelReplacement.openNew();
+    if (!this.vetoed)this.channelReplacement.openNew();
-function ChannelReplacement(chan, newURI, newMethod) {
-  return this._init(chan, newURI, newMethod);
+ChannelReplacement.useRedirectTo = false;
 ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending = function(channel, callback) {
   if (channel.isPending()) {
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ForcedRedirectionCallback.js b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ForcedRedirectionCallback.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fccc6b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/ForcedRedirectionCallback.js
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+function NCBWrapper(delegator, delegate) {
+  this.delegator = delegator;
+  this.delegate = delegate;
+NCBWrapper.prototype = {
+  QueryInterface: function(iid) {
+    if (Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor.equals(iid)) {
+      return this;
+    }
+    return this.delegator.QueryInterface(iid);
+  },
+  getInterface: function(iid) {
+    try {
+      return this.delegate.QueryInterface(iid);
+    } catch (e) {}
+    return this.delegator.getInterface(iid);
+  }
+function RCBDelegate(redirectCallback, label) {
+  this.delegator = redirectCallback;
+  this.label = label;
+RCBDelegate.prototype = {
+  QueryInterface: xpcom_generateQI([Ci.sIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback]),
+  onRedirectVerifyCallback: function(result) {
+    try {
+      if (result !== 0) ns.log("Overriding failed (" + result + ") redirect callback for " + this.label); // plugin failure is 2147500037
+      this.delegator.onRedirectVerifyCallback(0);
+    } catch (e) {
+      ns.log(e);
+    }
+  }
+function CESDelegate(ces) {
+  this.delegator = ces;
+CESDelegate.prototype = {
+  QueryInterface: xpcom_generateQI([Ci.nsIChannelEventSink]),
+  asyncOnChannelRedirect: function(oldChan, newChan, flags, callback) {
+    let label = "plugin forced redirection";
+    try {
+     label = oldChan.loadInfo.contentPolicyType + ": " + oldChan.name + " -> " + newChan.name + " - " + flags;
+    } catch (e) {
+      ns.log(e);
+    }
+    let cb = new RCBDelegate(callback, label);
+    try {
+      this.delegator.asyncOnChannelRedirect(oldChan, newChan, Ci.nsIChannelEventSink.REDIRECT_INTERNAL, cb);
+    } catch (e) {
+      ns.log(e);
+      throw e;
+    } finally {
+      oldChan.notificationCallbacks = newChan.notificationCallbacks = this.delegator;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/HTTPS.js b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/HTTPS.js
index af50524..559d1f6 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/HTTPS.js
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/HTTPS.js
@@ -13,12 +13,7 @@ const HTTPS = {
   replaceChannel: function(channel) {
     var uri = channel.URI.clone();
     uri.scheme = "https";
-    if ("redirectTo" in channel) try {
-      HTTPS.log("redirectTo " + uri.spec);
-      channel.redirectTo(uri);
-    } catch(e) {
-      HTTPS.log(e);
-    }
     ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending(channel, function() {
       new ChannelReplacement(channel, uri).replace(true);
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul
index 5ac2e88..040b95d 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/content/noscript/about.xul
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ function about_onload() {
   var str = getString("aboutTitle",["NoScript"]);
   if(str) document.title = str;
-  str = getString("version", [""]);
+  str = getString("version", [""]);
   if(str) document.getElementById("extensionVersion").setAttribute("value", str);
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function about_open(url, features) {
 <hbox id="headBox" align="end">
 <vbox flex="1">
 <label value="NoScript" id="extensionName" crop="right"/>
-<label value="Version" id="extensionVersion" crop="right"/>
+<label value="Version" id="extensionVersion" crop="right"/>
 <vbox flex="1" align="end">
 <hbox align="end">
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ function about_open(url, features) {
 <description class="contributor">Chiou Po-Jung (Chinese Traditional translation)</description>
 <description class="contributor">Dario Ornelas (Portuguese translation)</description>
 <description class="contributor">drAcOniS and Petr Jirsa (Czech translation)</description>
-<description class="contributor">Drive DRKA (Belarusian translation)</description>
+<description class="contributor">Drive DRKA and Dzmitry Drazdou (Belarusian translation)</description>
 <description class="contributor">Engin Yazılan, Erkan Kaplan & Fathi  (Turkish translation)</description>
 <description class="contributor">Georgi Marchev (Bulgarian translation)</description>
 <description class="contributor">Håvard Mork (Norwegian bokmål translation)</description>
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ function about_open(url, features) {
 <label id="license" class="text-link" tooltiptext="Read end-user license" onclick="about_open('chrome://noscript/content/NoScript_License.txt')">License</label>
 <spacer flex="1"/>
-<label id="changelog" class="text-link" align="center" tooltiptext="See Changelog" onclick="about_open('https://noscript.net/changelog#')">Changelog</label>
+<label id="changelog" class="text-link" align="center" tooltiptext="See Changelog" onclick="about_open('https://noscript.net/changelog#')">Changelog</label>
 <spacer flex="1"/>
 <label id="extensionHomepage" class="text-link" tooltiptext="Visit Extension Home Page" onclick="about_open('https://noscript.net')">https://noscript.net</label>
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/about.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/about.properties
index 71f536e..72902b4 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/about.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/about.properties
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-extensions.{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}.description=Extra protection for your Firefox: NoScript allows JavaScript, Java (and other plugins) only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site). This whitelist based pre-emptive blocking approach  prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality... Experts will agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript :-)
+extensions.{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}.description=Дадатковая абарона для Firefox: NoScript дазваляе дазваляць выкананне JavaScript, Java (і іншых убудоваў) толькі даменам, якім давяраеце (напрыклад, ваш вэб-сайт). Белы спіс, заснаваны на прынцыпе папераджальнага блакавання, дазваляе прадухіліць выкарыстанне ўразлівасцяў (вядомых і яшчэ невядомых!) без страты функцыянальнасці… Эксперты згаджаюцца: Firefox сапраўды бяспечней з NoScript :-)
 aboutTitle=Аб пашырэнні %S
-extensionContributors.tip=Людзі якія дапамагалі паляпшаць пашырэнне
+extensionContributors.tip=Людзі, якія дапамагалі паляпшаць пашырэнне
 changelog=Гісторыя версіяў
 changelog.tip=Праглядзець гісторыю версіяў NoScript
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ sponsor.tip=Адкрыць хатнюю старонку спонсара
 informaction.tip=Адкрыць хатнюю старонку InformAction
 extensionHomepage.tip=Адкрыць хатнюю старонку пашырэння
 extensionCreator.tip=Адкрыць хатнюю старонку аўтара
-version=Version %S
+version=Версія %S
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.dtd
index b302277..112dabe 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Налады...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Наладкі…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "а">
-<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Налады NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Наладкі NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Аб пашырэнні">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Вы можаце ўсталёўваць якім вэб-сайтам будзе дазволена выконваць код JavaScript. Увядзіце адрас або дамен (напрыклад «http://www.site.com» або «site.com») сайта якому вы жадаеце дазволіць выкананне JavaScript у тэкставым полі ніжэй, а затым націсніце «Дазволіць».">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Вы можаце вызначыць, якім вэб-сайтам будзе дазволена выконваць код JavaScript. Увядзіце адрас або дамен (напрыклад «http://www.site.com» або «site.com») сайта якому вы жадаеце дазволіць выкананне JavaScript у тэкставым полі ніжэй, а затым націсніце «Дазволіць».">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Адрас вэб-сайта:">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Дазволіць">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow.accesskey "е">
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbid.accesskey "ь">
 <!ENTITY noscriptTrust "Адзначыць давераным">
 <!ENTITY noscriptTrust.accesskey "аб">
-<!ENTITY noscriptUntrust "Адзначыць недоверенным">
+<!ENTITY noscriptUntrust "Адзначыць ненадзейным">
 <!ENTITY noscriptUntrust.accesskey "у">
 <!ENTITY noscriptRemoveSelected "Выдаліць вылучаныя сайты">
 <!ENTITY noscriptGloballyEnabled "Цалкам дазваляць выкананне JavaScript на старонках (небяспечна)">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAutoReload "Аўтаматычна абнаўляць старонку пасля змены для яе правілаў">
 <!ENTITY noscriptGeneral "Асноўныя">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAppearance "Знешні выгляд">
-<!ENTITY noscriptShow "Адлюстроўваць наступныя элементы NoScript...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptShow "Адлюстроўваць наступныя элементы NoScript…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptCtxMenu "Пункт у кантэкстным меню">
 <!ENTITY noscriptStatusIcon "Значок у радку стану">
 <!ENTITY noscriptFullAddr "Поўныя адрасы (http://www.noscript.net)">
 <!ENTITY noscriptFullDom "Поўныя дамены (www.noscript.net)">
 <!ENTITY noscriptBaseDom "Базавыя дамены 2-го ўзроўня (noscript.net)">
-<!ENTITY noscriptTempCmd "Часова дазволіць [...]">
+<!ENTITY noscriptTempCmd "Часова дазволіць […]">
 <!ENTITY noscriptSound "Прайграваць аўдыёфайл пры блакаванні скрыптоў">
 <!ENTITY noscriptImport "Імпарт">
 <!ENTITY noscriptImport.accesskey "м">
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptSound.reset "Скід">
 <!ENTITY noscriptSound.reset.accesskey "бы">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAdvanced "Дадаткова">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAdditionalPermissions "Дадатковыя магчымасці для доверяемых сайтаў">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAdditionalPermissions "Дадатковыя магчымасці для давераных сайтаў">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllowClipboard "Пашыранае капіяванне/устаўка з знешняга буфера абмену">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAdditionalRestrictions "Дадатковыя абмежаванні для ненадзейных сайтаў">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPlugins "Plugins">
-<!ENTITY noscriptContentBlocker "Apply these restrictions to trusted sites too">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPlugins "Плагіны">
+<!ENTITY noscriptContentBlocker "Ужываць гэтыя абмежаванні таксама для давераных сайтаў">
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidJava "Забараніць адлюстраванне элементаў Java™">
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidXSLT "Забараніць адлюстраванне элементаў XSLT">
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidSilverlight "Забараніць адлюстраванне элементаў Microsoft® Silverlight™">
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidMedia "Забараніць адлюстраванне элементаў <AUDIO> / <VIDEO>">
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidFlash "Забараніць адлюстраванне элементаў Macromedia® Flash®">
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidPlugins "Забараніць адлюстраванне элементаў іншых убудоваў">
-<!ENTITY noscriptReloadWarn "Нататка: Усталяваныя налады ўступаюць у сілу альбо на новай старонцы, альбо пасля ручнога абнаўлення бягучае старонкі">
+<!ENTITY noscriptReloadWarn "Нататка: Усталяваныя наладкі ўступаюць у сілу альбо на новай старонцы, альбо пасля ручнога абнаўлення бягучае старонкі">
 <!ENTITY noscriptConfirmUnblock "Пацвярджаць часовую разблакоўку аб'екта на старонцы">
 <!ENTITY noscriptStatusLabel "Паведамленні ў радку стану">
 <!ENTITY noscriptForbidBookmarklets "Забараніць выкарыстанне Bookmarklets">
@@ -62,18 +62,18 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptFixLinks "Ужываць алгарытм выпраўлення JavaScript-спасылкаў">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllowBookmarks "Дазваляць выкананне JavaScript усім вэб-сайтам з закладкаў">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllowViaBookmarks "Дазваляць выкананне JavaScript усім вэб-сайтам з закладкаў">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAllowPing "Дазволіць вэб-сайту выкарыстаць параметр <A PING...>">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAllowPing "Дазволіць вэб-сайту выкарыстаць параметр <A PING…>">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllowLocalLinks "Дазволіць лакальныя спасылкі">
-<!ENTITY noscriptForbidPing "Забараніць вэб-сайту выкарыстаць параметр  <A PING...>">
-<!ENTITY noscriptForbidMetaRefresh "Forbid META redirections inside <NOSCRIPT> elements">
+<!ENTITY noscriptForbidPing "Забараніць вэб-сайту выкарыстаць параметр  <A PING…>">
+<!ENTITY noscriptForbidMetaRefresh "Забараніць META-перанакіраванні ўнутры элементаў <NOSCRIPT>">
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 <!ENTITY noscriptNotifications "Апавяшчэнні">
 <!ENTITY noscriptToolbarToggle "Націскам на значку NoScript перамыкаць дазволы для ўсяго сайта">
-<!ENTITY noscriptTrusted "Давераныя">
-<!ENTITY noscriptUntrusted "Недоверенные">
+<!ENTITY noscriptTrusted "Давераны">
+<!ENTITY noscriptUntrusted "Ненадзейны">
 <!ENTITY noscriptUnknown "Невядомы">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAdd "Дадаць">
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@@ -86,106 +86,106 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptNselNever "Хаваць элементы <NOSCRIPT>">
 <!ENTITY noscriptNselForce "Паказваць элемент <NOSCRIPT> які блакуе <SCRIPT>">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAutoAllowTopLevel "Часова дазваляць базавым даменам 2-го ўзроўня па змаўчанні">
-<!ENTITY noscriptDescription "Экстра абарона для Firefox: NoScript дазваляе дазваляць выкананне JavaScript, Java (і іншых убудоваў) толькі даменам, якім давяраеце (напрыклад, ваш вэб-сайт). Белы спіс, заснаваны на прынцыпе папераджальнага блакавання, дазваляе прадухіліць выкарыстанне ўразлівасцяў (вядомых і яшчэ невядомых!) без страты функцыянальнасці... Эксперты згаджаюцца: Firefox сапраўды бяспечней з NoScript :-)">
+<!ENTITY noscriptDescription "Дадатковая абарона для Firefox: NoScript дазваляе дазваляць выкананне JavaScript, Java (і іншых убудоваў) толькі даменам, якім давяраеце (напрыклад, ваш вэб-сайт). Белы спіс, заснаваны на прынцыпе папераджальнага блакавання, дазваляе прадухіліць выкарыстанне ўразлівасцяў (вядомых і яшчэ невядомых!) без страты функцыянальнасці… Эксперты згаджаюцца: Firefox сапраўды бяспечней з NoScript :-)">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptBlockCssScanners "Блакаваць CSS-сканары">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptFilterXGet "Фільтраваць запыты, падазраваныя на XSS">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptFilterXPost "Замяняць XSS POST-запыты на GET-запыты без дадзеных">
-<!ENTITY noscriptShowConsole "Show Console...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptShowConsole "Паказаць кансоль…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptShowConsole.accesskey "S">
 <!ENTITY noscriptXss "XSS">
 <!ENTITY noscriptXss.accesskey "X">
-<!ENTITY noscriptXssFaq "XSS FAQ...">
+<!ENTITY noscriptXssFaq "XSS FAQ…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptXssFaq.accesskey "Q">
-<!ENTITY noscriptUnsafeReload "Unsafe Reload">
+<!ENTITY noscriptUnsafeReload "Небяспечная перазагрузка">
 <!ENTITY noscriptUnsafeReload.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY noscriptXssExceptions "Anti-XSS Protection Exceptions">
-<!ENTITY noscriptXssExceptions.description "Destinations matching these regular expressions will NOT be protected against XSS">
-<!ENTITY noscriptMatchSample "Pattern matching sample:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptReset "Reset">
+<!ENTITY noscriptXssExceptions "Выключэнні абароны анты-XSS">
+<!ENTITY noscriptXssExceptions.description "Прызначэнні, адпавядаючыя гэтым рэгулярным выразам, НЕ будуць абароненыя супраць XSS">
+<!ENTITY noscriptMatchSample "Прыклад адпавядання шаблону:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptReset "Скінуць">
 <!ENTITY noscriptReset.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY noscriptResetDef "Reset to defaults">
+<!ENTITY noscriptResetDef "Скінуць на наладкі па змаўчанні">
 <!ENTITY noscriptResetDef.accesskey "d">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsWidth "40em">
-<!ENTITY noscriptRevokeTemp "Revoke Temporary Permissions">
+<!ENTITY noscriptRevokeTemp "Ануляваць часовыя дазволы">
 <!ENTITY noscriptRevokeTemp.accesskey "T">
-<!ENTITY noscriptNoUntrustedPlaceholder "No placeholder for objects coming from sites marked as untrusted">
-<!ENTITY noscriptCollapseBlockedObjects "Collapse blocked objects">
-<!ENTITY noscriptExceptions "Exceptions...">
-<!ENTITY noscriptBlockedObjects "Blocked Objects">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAlwaysBlockUntrustedContent "Block every object coming from a site marked as untrusted">
-<!ENTITY noscriptTempAllowPage "Temporarily allow all this page">
+<!ENTITY noscriptNoUntrustedPlaceholder "Не ўжываць запаўняльнікі для аб'ектаў, прыходзячых з сайтаў, пазначаных як ненадзейныя">
+<!ENTITY noscriptCollapseBlockedObjects "Згарнуць заблакаваныя аб'екты">
+<!ENTITY noscriptExceptions "Выключэнні…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptBlockedObjects "Заблакаваныя аб'екты">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAlwaysBlockUntrustedContent "Блакаваць усе аб'екты, прыходзячыя з сайтаў, пазначаных як ненадзейныя">
+<!ENTITY noscriptTempAllowPage "Часова дазволіць усё на гэтай старонцы">
 <!ENTITY noscriptTempAllowPage.accesskey "P">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAllowPage "Allow all this page">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAllowPage "Дазволіць усё на гэтай старонцы">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllowPage.accesskey "A">
-<!ENTITY noscriptTempToPerm "Make page permissions permanent">
+<!ENTITY noscriptTempToPerm "Зрабіць дазволы пастаяннымі">
 <!ENTITY noscriptTempToPerm.accesskey "m">
 <!ENTITY noscriptHttps "HTTPS">
 <!ENTITY noscriptHttpsFaq "HTTPS FAQ…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptHttpsFaq.accesskey "Q">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.behavior "Behavior">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.cookies "Cookies">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.description "Forbid active web content unless it comes from a secure (HTTPS) connection:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.never "Never">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.proxy "When using a proxy (recommended with Tor)">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.always "Always">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttpsForced "Force the following sites to use secure (HTTPS) connections:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptHttpsForcedExceptions "Never force secure (HTTPS) connections for the following sites:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptSecureCookies "Enable Automatic Secure Cookies Management">
-<!ENTITY noscriptSecureCookiesForced "Force encryption for all the cookies set over HTTPS by the following sites:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptSecureCookiesExceptions "Ignore unsafe cookies set over HTTPS by the following sites:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickTitle "ClearClick Warning">
-<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickHeader "Potential Clickjacking / UI Redressing Attempt!">
-<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickDescription "NoScript intercepted a mouse or keyboard interaction with a partially hidden element. Click on the image above to cycle beetween the obstructed and the clear version.">
-<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickOpt "ClearClick protection on pages…">
-<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickReport "Report">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.behavior "Паводзіны">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.cookies "Кукі">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.description "Забараняць актыўны вэб-змест калі ён прыходзіць не па бяспечным (HTTPS) злучэнні:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.never "Ніколі">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.proxy "Пры ўжыванні проксі (рэкамендавана з Tor)">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttps.always "Заўжды">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttpsForced "Прымушаць наступныя сайты выкарыстоўваць бяспечныя (HTTPS) злучэнні:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptHttpsForcedExceptions "Ніколі не прымушаць выкарыстоўваць бяспечныя (HTTPS) злучэнні для наступных сайтаў:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptSecureCookies "Дазволіць аўтаматычнае кіраванне бяспечнымі кукі">
+<!ENTITY noscriptSecureCookiesForced "Прымусова шыфраваць усе кукі, дасылаемыя праз HTTPS наступными сайтамиі:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptSecureCookiesExceptions "Ігнараваць небяспечныя кукі, дасылаемыя праз HTTPS наступными сайтамиі:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickTitle "Папярэджанне ClearClick">
+<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickHeader "Патэнцыйная спроба Clickjacking / змянення UI!">
+<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickDescription "NoScript перахапіў узаемадзеянне мышы альбо клавіятуры з часткова схаваным элементам. Націскайце на значку вышэй каб пераключацца паміж перашкоджаным і чыстым варыянтамі.">
+<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickOpt "Абарона ClearClick на старонках…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickReport "Справаздача">
 <!ENTITY noscriptClearClickReport.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickReportId "Report ID:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptTrustedPagesAdj "trusted">
-<!ENTITY noscriptUntrustedPagesAdj "untrusted">
-<!ENTITY noscriptKeepLocked "Keep this element locked (recommended)">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEmbeddings "Embedded Objects">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPrev "Previuous">
-<!ENTITY noscriptNext "Next">
-<!ENTITY noscriptFrameOptErr.title "This content cannot be displayed in a frame">
-<!ENTITY noscriptFrameOptErr.desc "To protect your security, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.">
-<!ENTITY noscriptFrameOptErr.link "Click here to open this content in a new window">
-<!ENTITY noscriptBookmarkSync "Backup NoScript configuration in a bookmark for easy synchronization">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAutoReload.currentTab "Reload the current tab only">
-<!ENTITY noscriptNotifyMeta "Show message about blocked META redirections">
+<!ENTITY noscriptClearClickReportId "ID справаздачы:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptTrustedPagesAdj "давераныя">
+<!ENTITY noscriptUntrustedPagesAdj "ненадзейныя">
+<!ENTITY noscriptKeepLocked "Трымаць гэты элемент заблакаваным (рэкамендуецца)">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEmbeddings "Убудаваныя аб'екты">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPrev "Папярэдні">
+<!ENTITY noscriptNext "Наступны">
+<!ENTITY noscriptFrameOptErr.title "Гэты змест не можа быць адлюстраваны ў рамцы">
+<!ENTITY noscriptFrameOptErr.desc "Каб абараніць вашу бяспеку, выдавец гэтага зместу не дазваляе яму быць адлюстраваным ў рамцы.">
+<!ENTITY noscriptFrameOptErr.link "Націсніце тут, каб адкрыць гэты змест у новым акне">
+<!ENTITY noscriptBookmarkSync "Захаваць наладкі NoScript у закладках для лёгкай сінхранізацыі">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAutoReload.currentTab "Перазагрузіць толькі актыўнае акно">
+<!ENTITY noscriptNotifyMeta "Паказваць паведамленне аб заблакаваных META-перанакіраваннях">
 <!ENTITY noscriptNotifyMeta.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY noscriptShowReleaseNotes "Display the release notes on updates">
+<!ENTITY noscriptShowReleaseNotes "Паказаць нататкі аб выпуску пры абнаўленнях">
 <!ENTITY ABE.accesskey "A">
-<!ENTITY ABE.rulesets.label "Rulesets:">
-<!ENTITY ABE.enabled.label "Enable ABE (Application Boundaries Enforcer)">
-<!ENTITY ABE.siteEnabled.label "Allow sites to push their own rulesets">
-<!ENTITY ABE.edit.label "Edit…">
+<!ENTITY ABE.rulesets.label "Наборы правілаў:">
+<!ENTITY ABE.enabled.label "Уключыць ABE (Application Boundaries Enforcer)">
+<!ENTITY ABE.siteEnabled.label "Дазваляць сайтам прасоўваць ўласныя наборы правілаў">
+<!ENTITY ABE.edit.label "Рэдагаваць…">
 <!ENTITY ABE.edit.accesskey "E">
-<!ENTITY ABE.enable.label "Enable">
+<!ENTITY ABE.enable.label "Уключыць">
 <!ENTITY ABE.enable.accesskey "n">
-<!ENTITY ABE.disable.label "Disable">
+<!ENTITY ABE.disable.label "Адключыць">
 <!ENTITY ABE.disable.accesskey "D">
-<!ENTITY ABE.refresh.label "Refresh">
+<!ENTITY ABE.refresh.label "Абнавіць">
 <!ENTITY ABE.refresh.accesskey "R">
-<!ENTITY noscriptUninstall "Uninstall">
-<!ENTITY noscriptRecentBlocked "Recently blocked sites">
-<!ENTITY noscriptExternalFilters "External Filters">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.enable "Enable external filters">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.add "New Filter…">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.executable "Executable file:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.browse "Browse…">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.contentType "Content type (MIME) to be filtered (exact match or regular expression):">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.exceptions "Do not filter objects coming from these sites:">
-<!ENTITY noscriptEF.remove "Remove">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPreset "Security Level">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.off "Off (are you serious?!)">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.low "Easy going (Blacklist + Web Security)">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.medium "Classic (Whitelist + Web Security)">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.high "Fortress (Full lockdown)">
-<!ENTITY noscript.hoverUI "Open permissions menu when mouse hovers over NoScript's icon">
-<!ENTITY noscriptDonate "Donate">
+<!ENTITY noscriptUninstall "Адусталяваць">
+<!ENTITY noscriptRecentBlocked "Нядаўна заблакаваныя сайты">
+<!ENTITY noscriptExternalFilters "Знешнія фільтры">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.enable "Уключыць знешнія фільтры">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.add "Новы фільтр…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.executable "Выканальны файл:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.browse "Праглядаць…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.contentType "Фільтруемы тып зместу (MIME) (дакладнае супадзенне або рэгулярны выраз):">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.exceptions "Не фільтраваць аб'екты, прыходзячыя з наступных сайтаў:">
+<!ENTITY noscriptEF.remove "Выдаліць">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPreset "Узровень бяспекі">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.off "Выключыць (вы сур'ёзна?!)">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.low "Палегчаны (чорны спіс + вэб-бяспека)">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.medium "Класічны (белы спіс + вэб-бяспека)">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPreset.high "Крэпасць (поўная блакіроўка)">
+<!ENTITY noscript.hoverUI "Адкрыць меню дазволаў пры навядзенні мышы на значок NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptDonate "Ахвяраваць">
 <!ENTITY noscriptDonate.accesskey "o">
-<!ENTITY noscriptCascadePermissions "Cascade top document's permissions to 3rd party scripts">
-<!ENTITY noscriptRestrictSubdocScripting "Block scripting in whitelisted subdocuments of non-whitelisted pages">
-<!ENTITY noscriptGlobalHttpsWhitelist "Allow HTTPS scripts globally on HTTPS documents">
-<!ENTITY noscriptPermanentInPrivate "Permanent "Allow" commands in private windows">
+<!ENTITY noscriptCascadePermissions "Распаўсюджвацць дазволы пачатковага дакумента на скрыпты з іншых крыніц">
+<!ENTITY noscriptRestrictSubdocScripting "Блакаваць скрыпты на ўключаных у белы спіс дакументах, змешчаных на старонак па-за белага спісу">
+<!ENTITY noscriptGlobalHttpsWhitelist "Дазваляць HTTPS-скрыпты глабальна на HTTPS-дакументах">
+<!ENTITY noscriptPermanentInPrivate "Пастаянна "дазваляць" каманды ў прыватных вокнах">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties
index c24d4bc..2e7627a 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/be-BY/noscript/noscript.properties
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-allowGlobal=Allow scripts Globally (dangerous)
+allowGlobal=Дазволіць скрыпты паўсюль (небяспечна)
 forbidGlobal=Забараніць JavaScript цалкам (рэкамендуецца)
 allowLocal=Дазволіць %S
 allowTemp=Часова дазволіць %S
@@ -22,35 +22,35 @@ xss.notify.showConsole.accessKey=аб
 xss.reason.filterXGet=Адфільтраваны падазроны запыт: Арыгінальны URL-адрас [%1$S] запытаны са старонкі [%2$S]. (Адфільтраваны адрас: [%3$S])
 xss.reason.filterXGetRef=Адфільтраваны падазроны «referer»: URL-запыт да [%1$S] са старонкі [%2$S]. (Адфільтраваны адрас: [%3$S])
 xss.reason.filterXPost=Адфільтраваная падазроная загрузка з [%2$S] да [%1$S]: запыт ператвораны ў GET-запыт для запампоўкі.
-unsafeReload.warning=UNSAFELY reloading a suspicious\n\n%1$S [%2$S]\n\nFROM [%3$S]\n\nNoScript will NOT protect this request!\n
-metaRefresh.notify=NoScript blocked a <META> redirection inside a <NOSCRIPT> element: %S in %S seconds.
-metaRefresh.notify.follow=Follow Redirection
+unsafeReload.warning=Небяспечная перазагрузка падазронага\n\n%1$S [%2$S]\n\nад [%3$S]\n\nNoScript НЕ зможа абараніць гэты запыт!\n
+metaRefresh.notify=NoScript заблакаваў <META>-перанакіраванне ўнутры элементу <NOSCRIPT>: %S за %S сек.
+metaRefresh.notify.follow=Ісці па перанакіраванні
-reset.title=NoScript Reset
-reset.warning=ALL the NoScript preferences and site permissions will be reset to their default values immediately.\nThis action cannot be reverted.\nDo you want to continue? 
-bookmarkSync.title=NoScript Configuration Bookmark
-bookmarkSync.message=This bookmark is NOT meant to be opened, but to be synchronized using a service such as Weave or the XMarks extension.
-allowed.glb-emb=Scripts Globally Allowed but Some Embeddings Blocked
-bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript has found a configuration bookmark seemingly saved on\n%S.\nDo you really want to overwrite your local NoScript configuration with this bookmark's content?
-ABE.notify=Request %1$S filtered by ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
-ABE.chooseEditor=Please choose a text editor for ABE rulesets
-ABE.syntaxError=Syntax error in ABE ruleset!
-ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL 
-allowFrom=Allow all from %S
-allowTempFrom=Temporarily allow all from %S
-siteInfo.confirm=You're about to ask for information about the "%1$S" site\nby submitting a query to %2$S.\nDo you want to continue?
-siteInfo.tooltip=Middle-click or shift+click for site info...
-ef.activate=Filter %S
-ef.options=%S options…
-ef.newName=Enter the name of the new filter:
-ef.locateExe=Select the executable file for the %S filter
-disable=Disable %S
+reset.title=Скінуць NoScript
+reset.warning=УСЕ наладкі NoScript і дазволы для сайтаў будуць скінутыя да іх значэнняў па змаўчанні.\nГэтае дзеянне не можа быць скасавана.\nПрацягваць?
+bookmarkSync.title=Закладка канфігурацыі NoScript
+bookmarkSync.message=Гэтая закладка прызначаная НЕ для адкрыцця, а для сінхранізацыі з дапамогай сэрвісаў кшталту Weave альбо пашырэння XMarks.
+allowed.glb-emb=Скрыпты цалкам дазволеныя, але некаторыя ўкладанні заблакаваныя
+bookmarkSync.confirm=NoScript знайшоў закладку канфигурацыі меркавана захаваную на\n%S.\nВы сапраўды хочаце перазапісаць лакальную канфігурацыю зместам гэтай закладкі?
+ABE.notify=Запыт %1$S адфільтраваны ABE: <%2$S> %3$S
+ABE.chooseEditor=Калі ласка, абярыце тэкставы рэдактар для набораў правілаў ABE
+ABE.syntaxError=Сінтаксічная памылка ў наборы правілаў ABE!
+ABE.wanIpAsLocal=WAN IP (%S) ∈ LOCAL
+allowFrom=Дазваляць усе з %S
+allowTempFrom=Часова дазволіць усе з %S
+siteInfo.confirm=Вы збіраецеся атрымаць даведку аб сайце "%1$S"\nдаслаўшы запыт да %2$S.\nПрацягваць?
+siteInfo.tooltip=Middle-click альбо shift+click для даведкі аб сайце...
+ef.activate=Фільтр %S
+ef.options=Наладкі %S…
+ef.newName=Увядзіце назву новага фільтра:
+ef.locateExe=Выберыце выканальны файл для фільтра %S
+disable=Адключыць %S
-removal.title=Security Downgrade Warning
-removal.message=By disabling or uninstalling NoScript, you give up ALL the protections provided by NoScript.\n\nIf you're just tired of handling script permissions site by site, there's a safer choice.\n\nNoScript can stop blocking scripts, except those you mark as untrusted, while still protecting you with the most advanced security countermeasures against XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF and other web threats.\n\nDo you really want to remove ALL the NoScript protections?\n
-removal.no=No, just stop blocking scripts
-removal.yes=Yes, remove ALL protections
-incompatibleOptions.title=Incompatible Options Warning
-incompatibleOptions="1$%S"\nis incompatible with "%2$S".\bDo you want to enable the former and disable the latter?
+removal.title=Папярэджанне аб паніжэнні бяспекі
+removal.message=Адключаючы або адусталёўваючы NoScript, вы адмаўляецеся ад ЎСЁЙ абароны, забяспечваемай NoScript.\n\nКалі вам надакучыла апрацоўваць дазволы для скрыптоў на кожным сайце, існуе больш бяспечны выбар.\n\nNoScript можа спыніць блакаванне скрыптоў, акрамя тых, што вы пазначыце як ненадзейныя, тым часам абараняючы вас з дапамогай самых перадавых захадаў бяспекі супраць XSS, Clickjacking, CSRF і іншых вэб-пагроз.\n\nВы сапраўды хочаце пазбавіцца УСЕЙ абароны NoScript?\n
+removal.no=Не, толькі спыніць блакіроўку скрыптоў
+removal.yes=Так, зняць УСЮ абарону
+incompatibleOptions.title=Папярэджанне аб несумяшчальных наладках
+incompatibleOptions="1$%S"\nнесумяшчальная з "%2$S".\bУключыць першую і адключыць апошнюю?
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 0bc5e68..8652908 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/bg-BG/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Настройки…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "Н">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Настройки на NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "За NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "За NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Можете да зададете в кои уеб-сайтове е позволено да се използват скриптовете. Напишете адреса или домейна (например "http://www.site.com" или "site.com") на сайта, който искате да разрешите и натиснете Разреши.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Адрес на уеб-сайта:">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Разреши">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd
index b52b007..79cce04 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/ca-AD/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opcions...">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opcions de NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Quant a NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Quant a NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Podeu especificar quins llocs web poden executar seqüències. El tipus d'adreça o el domini (p.ex. "http://www.site.com" o "site.com") del lloc al qual voleu donar permissos i feu clic a Permet.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adreça del lloc web:">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Permet">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
index bcafc1a..d21db1c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cs-CZ/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Nastavení...">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "N">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Nastavení NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšíření NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšíření NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Můžete si zvolit, které webové stránky mají povoleno spouštět skripty. Zadejte adresu (např. http://www.site.com nebo site.com) na které se nachází stránka, pro kterou chcete skripty povolit a klepněte na Povolit.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresa webové stránky:">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Povolit">
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index f6095a6..fa32439 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/cy-GB/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Opsiynau">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Opsiynau NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Yngylch NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Yngylch NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Cewch enwi pa wefannau sy'n cael rhedeg sgriptiau. Teipiwch gyfeiriad neu barth (e.e. "http://www.site.com" neu "site.com") y safle rydych eisiau ei ganiatau ac wedyn cliciwch Caniatau.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Cyfeiriad wefan">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Caniatau">
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index 022bb47..f83d52c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/da/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Indstillinger…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "I">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Indstillinger">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Du kan angive hvilke websteder der må udføre scripts. Indtast adresse eller domæne (f.eks. "http://www.site.com" eller "site.com") på det websted du ønsker at tillade og klik på Tillad.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Webstedets adresse:">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Tillad">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd
index a5f22e7..6dee65c 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/de/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Einstellungen…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "E">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript - Einstellungen">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Über NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Über NoScript…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Sie können festlegen, welchen Websites Sie das Ausführen von Skripten erlauben möchten. Geben Sie bitte die exakte Adresse oder die Domain der Website ein (z.B. "http://www.site.com" oder "site.com"), für die Sie dies zulassen möchten, und klicken Sie dann auf "Erlauben".">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Adresse der Website:">
 <!ENTITY noscriptAllow "Erlauben">
diff --git a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd
index 6be5e29..e1bf8a4 100644
--- a/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd
+++ b/chrome/noscript.jar!/locale/el/noscript/noscript.dtd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "Επιλογές">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "Ε">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "Επιλογές NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Περί NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Περί NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Μπορείτε να καθορίσετε για ποιους ιστότοπους θα επιτρέπεται η εκτέλεση σεναρίων εντολών. Πληκτρολογήστε τη διεύθυνση τομέα (πχ. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") του ιστότοπου που θέλετε και μετά κάντε κλικ στο «Να επιτρέπεται»">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "À propos de NoScript…">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Informazioni su NoScript…">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Over NoScript">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Sobre o NoScript…">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Sobre o NoScript">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Despre NoScript">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O rozšírení NoScript">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "O NoScript programu...">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Določite lahko na katerih straneh bo izvajanje skript dovoljeno. Vnesite naslov ali domeno (pr. "http://www.domena.com" or "domena.com") strani, na kateri želite omogočiti izvajanje skript in kliknite Dovoli.">
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 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript подешавања">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "О NoScriptу">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "О NoScriptу">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Можете да наведете којим веб странама је дозвољено да извршавају скриптове. Унесите адресу или домен (нпр. "http://www.site.com" или "site.com") стране којој желите да дате дозволу и онда кликните Дозволи.">
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Om NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Ange vilka webbplatser som får köra skript. Skriv webbadressen eller domänen (t ex. "http://www.webbplats.se" eller "webbplats.se") för den webbplats där skript ska tillåtas. Klicka sedan på "Tillåt".">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Sidans adress:">
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript Options">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "About NoScript…">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "You can specify which web sites are allowed to execute scripts. Type the address or the domain (e.g. "http://www.site.com" or "site.com") of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Address of web site:">
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 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "ตัวเลือก NoScript">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "เกี่ยวกับ NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "เกี่ยวกับ NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "คุณสามารถกำหนดเว็บไซต์ที่จะอนุญาตดำเนินการสคริปต์ พิมพ์ที่อยู่หรือโดเมน (เช่น "http://www.site.com" หรือ "site.com") ของไซต์ที่คุณต้องการอนุญาตและคลิกอนุญาต">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "NoScript Hakkında">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Hangi web sayfalarında JavaScript'e izni vereceğinizi kolayca seçebilirsiniz. Lütfen adresi tam olarak girin ve 'İzin ver' düğmesine tıklayarak sayfanın JavaScript kullanmasına izin verin.">
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+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "Thông tin về NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "Bạn có thể chỉ định trang web nào được phép chạy script. Gõ địa chỉ hay tên miền (v.d. "http://www.nhaccodien.com" hay "nhaccodien.com") của trang mà bạn muốn cho phép, rồi nhấn Cho phép.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "Địa chỉ của trang web:">
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "选项...">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions.accesskey "O">
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript 选项">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "关于 NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "关于 NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "您可以指定允许执行脚本的网站。请输入您想要允许的网站地址或域名(例如: “http://www.site.com”或者“site.com”)然后单击“允许”。">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "网站地址:">
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!ENTITY noscriptOptions "選項…">
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 <!ENTITY noscriptOptionsLong "NoScript 選項">
-<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "關於 NoScript">
+<!ENTITY noscriptAbout "關於 NoScript">
 <!ENTITY noscriptPermissionsText "您可以指定允許執行 JavaScript 的網站。輸入您要允許的網址或網域(例如 "http://www.site.com" 或 "site.com"),然後按下允許.">
 <!ENTITY noscriptWebAddress "網址:">
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index acffa71..fd2d3ab 100644
--- a/components/noscriptService.js
+++ b/components/noscriptService.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 // const TIME0 = Date.now();
-const VERSION = "";
+const VERSION = "";
 const SERVICE_CTRID = "@maone.net/noscript-service;1";
 const SERVICE_ID = "{31aec909-8e86-4397-9380-63a59e0c5ff5}";
 const EXTENSION_ID = "{73a6fe31-595d-460b-a920-fcc0f8843232}";
diff --git a/install.rdf b/install.rdf
index 8239249..7809da1 100644
--- a/install.rdf
+++ b/install.rdf
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
 <RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:em="http://www.mozilla.org/2004/em-rdf#">
  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">
-   <em:version></em:version>
+   <em:version></em:version>
    <em:description>Extra protection for your Firefox: NoScript allows JavaScript, Java (and other plugins) only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site). This whitelist based pre-emptive blocking approach  prevents exploitation of security vulnerabilities (known and even unknown!) with no loss of functionality... Experts will agree: Firefox is really safer with NoScript :-)</em:description>
    <em:creator>Giorgio Maone</em:creator>
    <em:contributor>aivo (Estonian translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Alberto Martínez, EduLeo & Urko (Spanish translation)</em:contributor>
-   <em:contributor>Algimantas Margevi&#x10d;ius (Lithuanian translation)</em:contributor> 
+   <em:contributor>Algimantas Margevi&#x10d;ius (Lithuanian translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Asaf Bartov & baryoni (Hebrew translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Alf and Liesbeth (Dutch translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Alexander Sokolov, Sergei Smirnov and negodnik (Russian translation)</em:contributor>
@@ -22,9 +22,8 @@
    <em:contributor>Chiou Po-Jung (Chinese Traditional translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Dario Ornelas (Portuguese translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>drAcOniS and Petr Jirsa (Czech translation)</em:contributor>
-   <em:contributor>Drive DRKA (Belarusian translation)</em:contributor>
+   <em:contributor>Drive DRKA and Dzmitry Drazdou (Belarusian translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Engin Yazılan, Erkan Kaplan & Fathi  (Turkish translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Georgi Marchev (Bulgarian translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Håvard Mork (Norwegian bokmål translation)</em:contributor>
    <em:contributor>Hwasung Kim (Places bookmarklet patch)</em:contributor>
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@
    <!-- SeaMonkey -->
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@
    <!-- MidBrowser -->
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@
    <!-- E Music -->
    <em:targetApplication> <!-- eMusic -->
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@
     <!-- Toolkit -->
@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@
     <!-- Songbird -->
@@ -127,16 +126,16 @@
     <!-- Fennec -->
-    <em:targetApplication> 
+    <em:targetApplication>
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/noscript.git

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