[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper] branch master updated (2e64569 -> cafb893)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 27 22:29:18 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to branch master
in repository adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper.

      from  2e64569   Update changelog for 1.3.2-2 release
       new  32ec797   Element Hiding Helper: initial release
       new  6f960aa   Changing extension ID
       new  42340f6   Kill moveElem
       new  339348e   Do not allow "wider" to select the document
       new  8996958   Always prevent default action for events
       new  0455dfb   Make context menu initialization work in SeaMonkey
       new  f43737d   Make preferences work in SeaMonkey
       new  111e85b   Allow composition of complex rules
       new  d4d1e6d   Change default tree width
       new  f353bdd   Adding button to switch between advanced and basic mode
       new  ce92fb1   Add custom CSS field and fix tree selection when switching to advanced mode
       new  0fe9be4   Highlight nodes used in the expression
       new  c364677   Add missing checks
       new  e2c364e   Fixing selector escaping issues and supporting empty attributes
       new  db1ee05   Fix escaping of { and }
       new  534b675   Don't include port in domain names
       new  e0680a0   Fixing escaping of attribute names
       new  bf6a9e0   Fix escaping of "custom CSS" field as well
       new  77f75a5   Clear box when going over our label
       new  e129ef2   Do not start on file:// URLs
       new  2e06e45   Support SeaMonkey suiterunner builds
       new  c085802   View source commands implemented
       new  f24a73a   Fix tree styling of anchor nodes
       new  36dcf6f   Adding preview feature
       new  a3d9c17   Improve translating of id and class attribute rules
       new  5bc1b86   Fixing semicolons
       new  c8ab679   Do not need to call getBrowser() to anchor tooltips
       new  0b2508f   topright popupalign doesn't seem to work
       new  afd814a   Uploading recent changes
       new  4c3c7e2   Make frames work
       new  21f3a5e   Fix Thunderbird issues
       new  5216adc   Move attribute markup into XBL
       new  2b6f2d3   Working around warning when cloning radio buttons
       new  a3b3d01   Adding "First child" attribute
       new  f5d141d   Remove useless var declaration
       new  11d9e89   Fixing minor glitches
       new  ecc206e   Fixing minor glitches
       new  caf9154   Show warning when required ABP version is not installed
       new  c199ccd   Make it possible not to show help when starting to select
       new  211cb8e   Uploading German translation
       new  b99afab   Uploading Russian locale
       new  bdfaa3e   Uploading Japanese translation
       new  56382b2   Uploading Romanian translation
       new  f540a88   Fix conflicting hotkey
       new  9c0c161   Uploading Polish translation
       new  0525ad0   Should use correct access key
       new  72f6fba   Uploading Swedish translation
       new  5193e62   Uploading Thai translation
       new  cfdbc13   Uploading Turkish translation
       new  4bc4a75   Commands should be triggered by upper-case letters as well
       new  388cd29   Initialize help box even if it isn't shown
       new  586784f   Fix access key issues
       new  1a2d351   Uploading Lithuanian locale
       new  403bbf3   Fix access key issues
       new  1e27913   Uploading update from Babelzilla
       new  ce3f42a   Uploading Dutch translation
       new  c4b4712   Fixing access keys
       new  4f23c83   Uploading Hungarian translation
       new  1b9c819   Uploading translations
       new  99391fe   Uploading locale updates
       new  ee9939c   Adding locales
       new  a8988c6   Changing contributor's name
       new  86e5f5b   Adding locale
       new  817394d   Fixing default contents.rdf
       new  1c6cd25   Fixing contributor's name
       new  d8b4fa1   Uploading script to release EHH
       new  815408e   Uploading locale updates
       new  0d9f96f   Uploading locale update
       new  8e3b16c   Fixing access key issues
       new  a83f541   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0
       new  defb0d9   Fixing translation
       new  a636aa6   Make sure we always call the correct create_xpi.pl
       new  7102ccc   Changing contributor's name
       new  20d55ab   Fixing translation issues
       new  eaa6ebd   Adding semicolon
       new  490ea64   Hotkeys should be captured
       new  2da2616   Making sure we get the correct target for mouse events
       new  d935e65   Uploading locale update
       new  3803887   Bumping copyright year
       new  a904ee3   Marking compatible with Firefox 3.0a3
       new  6501ab9   Uploading locale changes
       new  2d7f901   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0.1
       new  ae8afd1   Fixing contributor's name
       new  9e948a5   Mark compatible with Firefox 3.0a4
       new  20353a4   Bumping maxVersion for Firefox to 3.0a5
       new  39502b6   Make sure to load our overlay after Adblock Plus
       new  ef05c28   Requiring Adblock Plus 0.7.5 now
       new  8025deb   Uploading locale update
       new  a6938f3   Bumping maxVersion for SeaMonkey
       new  b56cd7a   Bumping maxVersion for Firefox
       new  b5dfee0   Increasing maxVersion for Firefox
       new  f4dcff8   Remove nsIAdblockPlus interface to avoid detection
       new  5d93016   Make sure "no adblock plus installed" warning displays correctly
       new  02eba58   Adding second overlay
       new  4f4cd76   Adding Estonian locale
       new  157f35f   Uploading English (British) translation
       new  ebe4da8   Uploading Danish translation
       new  10ca315   Uploading Albanian translation
       new  b883577   Uploading locale updates
       new  372bcb2   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0.2
       new  9da2c9a   Bumping maxVersion for Firefox to 3.0a9
       new  fd81c53   Supporting Firefox 3.0b1 now
       new  9e169f9   Increasing maxVersion for Firefox to 3.0b3pre
       new  99bb255   Updating compatibility info to match Adblock Plus
       new  35f2294   Supporting Firefox 3.0b4pre now
       new  fd40ca8   Mark compatible with Songbird 0.5
       new  abcbf83   Tag CVS automatically after a release
       new  0b0be5f   Setting maxVersion for Firefox to 3.0b5pre
       new  0e16e0c   Make compatible with Firefox 3.0pre
       new  3085554   Marking compatible with Conkeror (not really but Conkeror developers will take care of UI integration)
       new  1e3375e   Uploading locale updates
       new  82c83cf   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0.3
       new  a168c76   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0.4
       new  2c2a634   Bumping compatibility range
       new  026808e   Make sure to attach to the correct overlay in Songbird, also change Songbird compatibility range
       new  825d545   Fix issue with help box not hiding in Firefox 3
       new  4b6f172   Make "view source" hide tooltip in Firefox 3 correctly
       new  fc681d9   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0.5
       new  a069131   Adjusting compatibility info - Gecko 1.8.0 no longer supported
       new  2ab177a   Don't commit too much
       new  b77bbf2   Changing maxVersion for Flock to 1.2
       new  3f18e91   Prevent tooltips from disappearing automatically
       new  441de2e   Adding command "lock/unlock selection"
       new  61e4a95   Bumping maxVersion for Firefox to 3.1a2pre
       new  28b9381   Bump max SeaMonkey version to 2.0a2
       new  4436a65   Generalize script to set up test environment and add it to EHH and ABP Watcher extensions as well
       new  8d0c255   Adding comment describing script usage
       new  b86c4ca   Adding usage comment to the scripts
       new  348424b   Adding comment advising to use make_devbuild.pl rather than run this script directly.
       new  8863d67   Adding comment about what this script does - and referring to make_devbuild.pl for common tasks
       new  e7a49b4   Excluding CVS metadata no longer necessary
       new  519090b   Updating release scripts to work with Mercurial
       new  76c0ea1   Make create_xpi.pl for EHH and ABP Watcher a copy of the generic script in ABP directory
       new  07b1bb2   Make make_devbuild.pl for EHH and ABP Watcher a copy of the generic script in ABP directory
       new  19fdb03   Removing "protect chrome" work-around - no longer necessary in Firefox 3
       new  a03d1be   Update compatibility ranges
       new  05f2792   Do not include ".incomplete" file in the build
       new  a5080d7   Report errors from create_xpi.pl
       new  751ead6   Make EHH and ABP Watcher compatible with Prism
       new  c04a45f   Flock 2.0 is out, marking compatible with it
       new  5ce8e04   Marking compatible with Firefox 3.1b2
       new  213f36a   Bumping maxVersion for Firefox
       new  2103853   Changing maxVersion for Thunderbird to 3.0b2pre
       new  f68666b   Fixing typos in remaining release scripts as well (same as changeset c8f2f87b6f22)
       new  aa16c40   Make sure dev build version numbers always consist of three digit groups
       new  54bcbb4   Don't create single-language release builds for incomplete locales
       new  89b07d7   Marking compatible with Firefox 3.2 nightlies
       new  0d0cdaa   Marking compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0a3
       new  e21db13   Make use of horizontal scrolling in trees (Gecko 1.9+), show id and class columns by default
       new  83e3eb6   Adjust "resource" entries in chrome.manifest when setting up a test environment
       new  a077904   Restructuring repository to have all extensions at top level
       new  ecc7dc4   Marking compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0b1
       new  381e308   Updating copyright year
       new  c71a32d   Fixing maxVersion for Firefox
       new  9055c6d   Updating release scripts for new directory structure
       new  edf1470   Making ABP Watcher and EHH work with both current and old ABP releases
       new  cca92bc   Fix strict warning when using EHH with ABP 1.1
       new  39ac610   Backing out changeset 52d3ba3b5308 (Adding command "lock/unlock selection") - causes focus issues that are hard to resolve
       new  117ca39   Backing out changeset 6ce29ca41736 (Prevent tooltips from disappearing automatically) - causes focus issues that are hard to resolve
       new  1f9ae57   Always use raw CSS for generated expressions
       new  9abd27e   Making setupTestEnvironment.pl handle {{BUILD}} tag correctly
       new  733501e   Bringing Songbird version requirements in line with current guidelines
       new  dcfc504   Uploading updated translations from Babelzilla
       new  9c6e95b   Releasing Element Hiding Helper 1.0.6
       new  82340a7   Updating compatibility range for SeaMonkey and Thunderbird
       new  6c1fd70   Release script: do not create single-language builds on release
       new  0d51c82   Drop support for Adblock Plus versions before 1.1, open the About dialog from Adblock Plus 1.1
       new  6a30faf   Adjusted compatibility range of all extensions to match that of Adblock Plus
       new  e829ce7   Removed files needed for SeaMonkey 1.1 support
       new  3368329   Simplified directory structure for the skin
       new  f9cb914   Removed code required for Firefox 2.0 support (no horizontal scrolling for trees there)
       new  fbce04a   Marked all extensions as compatible with Firefox up to 3.6b1pre
       new  64fb20a   Marked all extensions compatible with Firefox 3.7a1pre and Songbird 1.4.0a (where applicable)
       new  12ab97e   Copied changed build scripts from Adblock Plus to other extensions
       new  031848b   Reorganized build scripts: Moved the real scripts out of the extension directories and replaced by dummy scripts. This gets rid of multiple copies of the same scripts and makes sure new development builds are not created just because release scripts changed.
       new  067b5b9   Generalized release script and moved it out of extension directories as well.
       new  a26bb13   Made sure that dummy script are still reporting errors if the real scripts have any
       new  990f684   Changed maxVersion for Songbird to 1.5.0a
       new  3697161   EHH no longer forces the elements to be hidden after adding filter, leaves that to Adblock Plus.
       new  d1e3655   In expressions without tag name, '*' is added only if necessary (no other qualifiers selected)
       new  c372f24   Better handling for elements with multiple classes: any of the classes present can be entered and will be translated into .class
       new  c176153   Updating tags
       new  6bb18b0   Updated build script dummies to use new buildtools repository
       new  920e781   Marking compatible with SeaMonkey 2.0b1
       new  28a75ce   Fixing maxVersion for Firefox
       new  6686586   Updating release scripts for new directory structure
       new  8270d16   Merged 1.0 branch to trunk (no longer required)
       new  aa96138   Made build scripts check out buildtools repository if it isn't there
       new  459256a   Dropped support for pre-release versions of SeaMonkey and Thunderbird. Also changed minVersion for Firefox to 3.0.12 - older versions won't accept our signature.
       new  81e4655   Dropped support for Songbird 1.2
       new  f85cdd9   Marked compatible with Songbird 1.7.0a (version 1.6 should branch off shortly)
       new  21a834a   Changed old-style locale identifiers like de-DE into new style (de)
       new  47d6542   Updated compatibility range (marked compatible with latest Firefox and Thunderbird nightlies)
       new  158ef83   Updated Songbird compatibility range
       new  0c1d0c3   Updated maxVersion for Firefox to 3.7a3pre
       new  fcf45bb   Topic 5264 - Improved Element Hiding Helper wording
       new  02574b3   Marked compatible with Firefox 3.7a4pre
       new  66e3234   Updated copyright year.
       new  d719eed   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.1a2
       new  bfc9a96   Made compatible with Adblock Plus 1.3a (versions before that won't be supported). Also handling dependency on Adblock Plus "manually" now, adding or updating Adblock Plus as necessary should be a one-click affair now.
       new  4ddf462   Removed unused variable.
       new  7800eb8   Fixed line break format in version file
       new  a073177   Save locale metadata in meta.properties like Adblock Plus, in particular ensure localized descriptions even if the extension is disabled
       new  b22d993   Added own About dialog to be used instead of the dialog in Adblock Plus and made homepage localizable
       new  766204f   Added own icon for Element Hiding Helper instead of reusing the icon from Adblock Plus
       new  23fed9b   Removed some left-overs from Adblock Plus in the About dialog
       new  692fbd4   Updated maxVersion for Songbird to 1.9.0a
       new  d9bb94a   Updated maxVersion for Firefox to 3.7a6pre
       new  5683724   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.1a3
       new  6c2c1c6   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b2pre
       new  66f4179   About dialog: Adapted to add-on manager changes in bug 563262
       new  fbfcee2   About dialog: text overflows on Ubuntu (font size should be absolute, not relative)
       new  06dd934   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b3pre
       new  5e3d568   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b4pre
       new  6dff45b   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.1b1
       new  0ccf84b   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b5pre
       new  6632528   Marked compatible with Thunderbird 3.3a1pre
       new  4aeb92f   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b6pre
       new  05d6c56   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b8pre
       new  c8898df   Better escaping of dangerous charaters in CSS code
       new  14d3645   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.1b2
       new  08c51c3   Temporary work-around for bug 604736, border around selected element isn't being displayed in current Firefox 4 nightlies
       new  54a17db   Stop reusing nodes in different documents altogether, always create new ones
       new  51c7d94   Fixed styling of selection box label: -moz-border-radius-bottomleft is called border-bottom-left-radius in Firefox 4
       new  9604c10   Moved extension metadata to a central location. install.rdf is now being generated automatically and setting homepage is no longer up to translators.
       new  3e1be3d   Update from XPCOM registration changes in Firefox 4
       new  4138581   Remove observer as the very first thing, before doing anything else
       new  194d0f2   Removed EHH.shutdown() method, no longer used now that ABP won't disable without restart
       new  e948d6d   Don't assume that the module will be a file
       new  4cb14ef   Moved UI code into JavaScript modules (own scope)
       new  a667648   Removed view source hack, can use view source window from toolkit in SeaMonkey as well now
       new  fab69e0   Simplified code and made it work properly with multiple browser windows
       new  c322d22   Added own preference management module, also moved preferences to extensions.elemhidehelper. branch
       new  d9787a9   Configure hotkeys independently of Adblock Plus
       new  29a75bc   Removed unused property
       new  5bc440b   When configuring hotkeys, ignore the ones that are already taken
       new  014e91e   Allow to specify more than one option for hotkeys, use Ctrl-Shift-S when Ctrl-Shift-K is not available
       new  3b1ae0c   Composer: Warn when adding a filter to a disabled group
       new  2ca6c52   Topic 5456 - Don't include tag name by default if class or id are selected
       new  95937b6   Made Shift+mousewheel trigger wider/narrower commands
       new  02478b9   Use a single element to highlight an element instead of four, also better approach to finding the element positioned under the mouse
       new  fe057ec   Dropped support for Gecko 1.9.0 (Firefox 3.0, Midbrowser, Songbird 1.4/1.7) - a JavaScript engine bug prevents the preferences module from working properly
       new  c12a9a4   Register styles for element marker via stylesheet service, make them independent of the website
       new  148b079   Use better code to determine element position (borrowed from Adblock Plus)
       new  bde7004   Restored old behavior - move selection label up a little if there is not enough space at the bottom
       new  3fbe097   Don't reset selection if the user selected the parent node and then moved to a different child node
       new  2b8232b   Automatically pre-select some element when selection starts
       new  45f58a9   This is now Element Hiding Helper 1.1 Beta
       new  aa1e204   Don't descend into data: frames and such when selecting
       new  04e9e98   Fixed: Menu item not marked as disabled in latest build (should disable command, not the menu item)
       new  19559f7   Implemented "lock/unlock selection" command
       new  9194cc9   Don't delay configuring hotkeys - hotkeys added after the user pressed a button are no longer considered
       new  fb4c9f2   Allow specifying alternative command keys (useful for languages where two different keyboard layouts could be used)
       new  6c6d0f6   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  5bb553e   Added script to create "special" builds for Babelzilla
       new  1fee307   Removed kk-KZ locale, the correct locale code is kk now
       new  ef8c809   Added hidden preference to allow selecting elements in local files - rules created this way will have no effect however
       new  e3db093   Use separate commands for menu item and hotkey, disabling menu items should not disable hotkey
       new  223ca1a   Topic 6180 - Composer: Make pre-selected domain configurable
       new  c360c72   Don't allow selecting if not initialized (e.g. old Adblock Plus version)
       new  5408627   Topic 5681 - Composer: Allow hiding by invalid id and class attributes, use better escaping
       new  e08ff10   Cleanup of the Aardvark code (mostly stylistic changes)
       new  bd624c3   Automatically update selection position if window changes (e.g. is scrolled down)
       new  1c31072   Fixed: Window size would sometimes be determined incorrectly, messed up displayed element dimensions
       new  35f5934   Fixed: Wrong position marked if the selected element isn't visible at all (yes, can happen)
       new  34618cc   Reverted changeset acb68b46052c, use a different hack to calculate document height instead
       new  b022762   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  2060c9a   About dialog: Show localized extension name and homepage
       new  1044ee8   Don't update selection's position unnecessarily (was causing an endless loop)
       new  021522a   Made sure element selection stays visible even if the element itself is below the visible part of the page
       new  4254257   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  4c2cf15   Reduced the amount of code duplication in the prefs module
       new  d709d43   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  5a49111   This is Element Hiding Helper 1.1 RC now
       new  e960314   Updated Russian locale
       new  a997753   Updated German locale
       new  3af373b   Removed license comments from locale files, we don't want to confuse Babelzilla
       new  3f12a38   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  94efb0e   Show alternative command keys when the command is invoked as well
       new  53db6bd   Minor text tweak (Russian)
       new  649d67d   Fixed: Page styles can change appearance of the label displayed for selected element
       new  11e6fc3   Updated extension name in license comments
       new  bb19631   Eye candy: style keys in tooltips like actual keyboard keys
       new  7bdabdb   Changed quotation style for Russian
       new  cc0278c   One more hack to determine window size correctly (failsafe for documents containing only absolutel positioned elements)
       new  6717bfa   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  35289cf   Fixed issues in Bulgarian locale
       new  b170bea   Fixed issues in Hebrew locale
       new  5d4c578   Fixed access key issue in Armenian locale
       new  fde9cb2   Fixed access key issue in Norwegian locale
       new  a4363f7   Fixed issue in Ukrainian locale
       new  d14e952   Fixed wrong credits in Ukrainian locale
       new  2d8174e   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.1
       new  a84b9f5   Added tag ELEMENT_HIDING_HELPER_1_1_RELEASE for changeset accd0bee8e81
       new  75fed44   Fixed: Possible double escaping of the first character of the ID attribute
       new  c79e2eb   Fixed: Clicking homepage link in About dialog doesn't do anything
       new  d0699b9   Fixed: Hotkey text might be invisible in some themes (white text on white background)
       new  b92cd56   Bug 23441 - Links open in an external application on Linux. Also made sure the browser window is focused when a tab is opened there.
       new  63b1a03   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0b10 (Beta 9 is scheduled in only 2 weeks)
       new  19b594f   Register UA stylesheets instead of user stylesheets, these have higher priority
       new  7418587   Backed out changeset 39d62a84a994 (Register UA stylesheets instead of user stylesheets, these have higher priority) - - this makes us hit bug 541506
       new  4042114   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.0.*
       new  6fa3ccb   Bumping version number to make sure that development builds with new version number format are still recognized as newer
       new  811f430   Bumping version number once more, 1.1.0+ is supposed to be newer than 1.1.1a
       new  ee230bc   Changed tag format, simply using the version number now
       new  f5426b2   Marked compatible with Thunderbird 3.3a3pre
       new  f87aaa4   Fixed: Preview doesn't work correctly if the rule contains international characters
       new  2e11fe0   Fixed: Escaping for special characters following a whitespace is wrong
       new  6034d19   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.1b3
       new  4bf9842   Fixed: Broken composer dialog with composer_defaultDomain 1 or 2 if host name is an IP address
       new  f5fc2ae   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  7e596ad   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.1.1
       new  be02911   Added tag 1.1.1 for changeset 1a265521d208
       new  776bb83   Bumped version number for current development
       new  5d086dd   Marked compatible with Thunderbird 3.3a4pre
       new  bd0f1bb   Topic 7101 - Better selection of pre-checked attributes, don't select empty id or class attributes
       new  060bd04   Updated copyright year
       new  7a2f22b   Marked compatible with Firefox 4.2a1pre
       new  1fffc97   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.2a1pre
       new  ff4f9ab   Marked compatible with Firefox 6.0a1
       new  a9d0ca3   Updated to the new way of specifying contributors
       new  514392c   Added new build script
       new  c067744   Removed old build scripts, no longer needed
       new  152167d   Marked scripts as executable
       new  9ea0a42   Marked compatible with Firefox 6.0a2
       new  28840f5   Marked compatible with Songbird 1.11.0a
       new  9f1fd87   Marked compatible with Firefox 7.0a1
       new  641486f   Topic 7713 - Composer: Show preview by default
       new  661a3d1   Topic 7649 - Replaced icon by a version based on new Adblock Plus icons, also added 64x64 version
       new  f4be79f   Marked compatible with Thunderbird 5.0b2pre
       new  46d624e   Marked compatible with Thunderbird 7.0a1
       new  16bbe87   Topic 7718 - Wrong filter suggested for id attributes ending with whitespace
       new  7d3d688   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.4a1
       new  184d416   Bumped compatibility
       new  9ceb7e5   Topic 7961 - Lithuanian locale is unusable, mark it as incomplete
       new  976a50e   Marked compatible with Firefox 9.0a1
       new  9386090   Marked compatible with SeaMonkey 2.6a1
       new  8658a95   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.1.2
       new  e9a830f   Added tag 1.1.2 for changeset 9102e013710f
       new  f89b6a6   Updated version number for current development
       new  5aad22b   Bumped compatibility
       new  7e0b221   Bumped maxVersion
       new  6d1f8cf   Fixed: Some websites display their content on top of element markers
       new  6c49026   Topic 8918 - Don't keep a persistent selection element around, it delays compartment GC
       new  3b4198b   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  afbfe61   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.1.3
       new  a188f64   Added tag 1.1.3 for changeset 389abd448314
       new  952f4de   Current development is now Element Hiding Helper 1.1.4 Alpha
       new  a57590b   Fixed: Broken in Firefox versions before Firefox 10
       new  ebe1dd0   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.1.4
       new  452dbbe   Added tag 1.1.4 for changeset 69af2d4f83e1
       new  1176428   Current development is now Element Hiding Helper 1.1.5 Alpha
       new  c8f453b   Dropped support for old browsers that Adblock Plus no longer supports
       new  13b542d   Bumped compatibility for the next round of nightly builds
       new  b78479e   Topic 9020 - Fixed: Element Hiding Helper cannot be started from the Tools menu
       new  550656d   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  62d2e80   Removed message about missing ABP install
       new  e547ec6   Turned Element Hiding Helper into a restartless extension
       new  c57c98d   Removed width restrictions for "view source" tooltip
       new  2e835a9   Relicensed from MPL 1.1 to MPL 2.0
       new  689482f   Added missing XML processing instruction
       new  2c6c215   Fixed: Not enough arguments in call to importNode (doesn't affect Firefox 11 and above)
       new  3cec008   Changed default extension icon size to 48x48 (Firefox 3.x is no longer supported)
       new  fd9a4a3   Topic 9236 - Doesn't shut down correctly (chrome namespace removed too early)
       new  4e1c12b   Topic 9236 - Delay initialization of the attributes view to work around some Gecko bug
       new  34e5c00   Backed out changeset c59c970b5a86 (Topic 9236 - Delay initialization of the attributes view to work around some Gecko bug): Not working
       new  1af8bd8   Topic 9236 - Another attempt to fix XBL breakage in composer window
       new  104d57f   Dummy commit to trigger a new build (for topic 9240)
       new  bb88172   Worked around bug 719180, prevent update failures due to locked XPI file
       new  02a4098   Added Page Inspector integration (Firefox 10 and higher)
       new  dc4624d   Work around bug 719376: Make sure to use new strings when the extension updates
       new  fdfc8b4   This is now Element Hiding Helper 1.2 Beta
       new  cd9ea0c   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  c4b24b2   Updated German and Russian translations
       new  eabb15d   Removed Indonesian locale, there are no translations
       new  b378f90   Switched to a simpler module system, removed some no longer required backwards compatibility code
       new  3e001ce   Simplified preference handling, merged pref loader and the actual Prefs object
       new  04b4e54   Made shortcut key selector a module as well
       new  5cc14b6   Updated list of available homepage translations
       new  2a6618b   Simplified and generalized Prefs module
       new  b947e59   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  a4cbfe1   This is a release candidate now
       new  09d016f   Removed default JavaScript files, these are added by build tools now
       new  af233ea   Renamed AppIntegration module into Main
       new  03e1acf   Updated to KeySelector changes
       new  04aaf2a   Updated to build tools changes and split up the main module
       new  a9a2607   Defining Cc & Co. in modules in no longer necessary
       new  bdf63ae   Moved shutting down selection if the extension is disabled to a more appropriate place
       new  7c74e74   Topic 9391 - Content Security Policy can prevent preview from working (should inject <style> into the document, not <link>)
       new  696a4b5   Dummy commit to force a new development build
       new  e8236cc   Composer: Display attributes via templates rather than XBL binding to prevent memory leaks. While at it, fix attribute label stealing focus and only show focus ring when the checkbox is focused, not the textbox.
       new  a605211   Composer: Make sure to remove preview styles no matter how the window is closed (e.g. when closed on extension shutdown)
       new  5252a23   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  0d7ef25   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.2
       new  0646c7d   Added tag 1.2 for changeset 074c601e5c10
       new  4cecc45   Current development is now Element Hiding Helper 1.2.1 Alpha
       new  980d689   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.2.1
       new  63cb23a   Added tag 1.2.1 for changeset dda083efa4e4
       new  09f4d2c   Current development is now Element Hiding Helper 1.2.2 Alpha
       new  183c206   Don't make things too complicated, EHH has no need for a complicated overlay mechanism
       new  14156f5   Removed unnecessary dependencies on Adblock Plus, prepared for restartless Adblock Plus
       new  e9ea61a   Removed include for non-existing script
       new  8ae6ed4   Topic 9426 - Window size calculation is still wrong in some scenarios
       new  b233545   Updated compatibility info
       new  24e1c0a   Don't remove menu items until the menu is definitely hidden, don't assume that there is only one
       new  6414f49   Make sure to remove existing menu items when the menu is opened
       new  ef83fca   Removed About dialog, using the default dialog now
       new  2a517c7   Marked as compatible with Firefox 14 & Co.
       new  8657a78   Topic 9699 - Treat backslashes in attribute values correctly
       new  50922c5   Added Ctrl-Shift-F3 as possible shortcut key, the new Debugger tool ate Ctr-Shift-S (see bug 697762)
       new  0ec5002   Stop using -moz-border-radius
       new  f165b02   Stopped using nsIJSXMLHttpRequest interface, replaced by nsIXMLHttpRequest
       new  3e8df46   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  e0a3bf2   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.2.2
       new  999f54e   Added tag 1.2.2 for changeset 793ca4255786
       new  1af3c53   Current development is now EHH 1.2.3 Alpha
       new  cfdc6a0   Marked as compatible with Firefox 15 & Co.
       new  dce6f42   Removed unused variable
       new  4e15533   Bumped compatibility
       new  49c93b5   Moved modules to the lib/ directory
       new  f5e5a20   Moved prefs.js from a subdirectory of defaults/ directly into the defaults/ directory
       new  2f52b97   Removed no longer required metadata flags
       new  bba62e8   InspectorUI.registerTool API disappeared in Firefox 14 (bug 707809), add inspector button manually
       new  e76ab77   Removed unnecessary parentheses
       new  eed6f2c   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.2.3
       new  1f6eb2a   Added tag 1.2.3 for changeset 193e7b6268d6
       new  9fe0bf8   Updated version for development
       new  4e1e059   Topic 9548 - Don't suggest an empty domain name in case of a host name with a trailing dot
       new  045b42b   Marked as compatible with Firefox 17.0a1 & Co.
       new  536fb99   Bumped compatibility
       new  e16fdd5    Added buildtools as a subrepository
       new  56df384   Simplified build script now that buildtools are guaranteed to exist
       new  7723a3d   Marked compatible with Firefox 19.0a1 & Co.
       new  82b67d3   Updated locales from Babelzilla
       new  f72ec7a   Removed duplicate Hebrew locale
       new  a2a1f64   Fixed locale code for Armenian
       new  b3a0893   Fixed dead object reference on dialog close
       new  be38c90   Fixed label text ident mangled by some sites
       new  2899cad   Renamed CSS classes to be more unique
       new  49bae8b   Topic 11502 - EHH fails to recognize the first browser window opened
       new  d3f9a7e   Merge
       new  fa8837f   Added .hgignore file
       new  d3a9b2f   Marked compatible with Firefox 20.0a1
       new  15ab5dd   Removed branchname metadata setting, no longer used
       new  699da7a   Marked compatible with Firefox 21 & Co.
       new  3e3dc69   Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  f315c30   Updated to current build tools version
       new  f4bbcbd   Marked as compatible with Firefox 22
       new  b891804   Updated compatibility range (at least Firefox 16 required now due to bug 726125)
       new  a762ed9   Marked compatible with Firefox 25
       new  6b35d07   Marked compatible with Firefox 26 & Co.
       new  109a5dc   Marked compatible with Firefox 30 & Co.
       new  c251a60   Marked compatible with Firefox 31 & Co.
       new  bf84461   Marked compatible with Firefox 32 & Co.
       new  62f1e8a   changed popup target in popuphandlers to show element hider in popup when icon placed in panelUI
       new  46c3bb1   issue 5 - changed nsIObserver to DevToolsAPI
       new  328a47d   Issue 316 - Element Hiding Helper broken in SeaMonkey
       new  3c97567   Noissue - Updated build tools dependency (fixed key configuration on OS X)
       new  e67a94d   Issue 317 - changed selector to add inspector button before breadcrumbs while inspect button missing in FF nighly
       new  3148aca   Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  30c529e   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.3
       new  46ea11f   Added tag 1.3 for changeset e7dbbe099db4
       new  c545485   Added tag 1.3 for changeset ecf7c6988d42
       new  4d711cf   Issue 227 - Element hiding selection by mouse wheel broken
       new  fbb4cf3   Marked compatible with Firefox 33
       new  7ef0728   Issue 447 - removed deprecated property attribute from getRowProperties method
       new  9c51ab0   Marked compatible with Firefox 34 & Co.
       new  0f7e013   Marked compatible with Firefox 35 & Co.
       new  dd0daf3   issue 351 - use clientHeight instead of innerHeight to not consider the horizontal scrollbar during element selection
       new  0a5785e   Issue 1359 - Update buildtools dependency for Element Hiding Helper to revision 4bc6a285d351
       new  a9dfe17   Issue 1091 - Implement a better templating approach for Element Hiding Helper
       new  0ac4992   Marked compatible with Firefox 37 & Co.
       new  737db0c   Issue 1364 - Make Element Hiding Helper & Co. use the new dependencies mechanism and update buildtools dependency while at it
       new  53069fa   Updated translations from Crowdin
       new  93c6e95   Issue 1796 - Update buildtools dependency for Element Hiding Helper to revision be85e6094718
       new  f5fd394   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.3.1
       new  f3c372b   Added tag 1.3.1 for changeset 0ef64030de45
       new  2f90b43   Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  005281c   Noissue - Updated homepage link to use HTTPS
       new  2a81e1b   Marked compatible to Firefox 38 & Co.
       new  eb9ec87   Noissue - Updated build.py to match the one in adblockpluschrome repository
       new  790a200   Marked compatible with Firefox 39 & Co.
       new  03d8356   Issue 2020 - build.py should be callable from any directory
       new  83abf8e   Issue 2020 - Fixed issue when build.py is called without any directory at all
       new  217bd57   Issue 2042 - Update Element Hiding Helper icon
       new  3cfa7e4   Updated locale from Crowdin
       new  e3fa575   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.3.2
       new  5363b16   Added tag 1.3.2 for changeset 4918cbd7bf57
       new  748cadf   Issue 2259 - Removed non-standard JavaScript code
       new  9d0327f   Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 41 & Co.
       new  87f6a6a   Issue 2550 - Update Element Hiding Helper dependency on buildtools to revision 9069f8de837b
       new  690d78f   Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 42 & Co.
       new  783e26c   Added tag for changeset 4918cbd7bf57
       new  3217cf7   Added tag for changeset 4918cbd7bf57
       new  c9a5c59   Issue 2737 - Fix "invalid left-hand side" error in Firefox 41
       new  09883aa   Issue 2816 - Partial fix for EHH button in inspector tool, preview functionality still broken
       new  05c697d   Issue 2816 - Restore Preview functionality
       new  1477238   Issue 2878 - Element Hiding Helper is stuck in a bad state after a tab crash
       new  af85074   Issue 2877 - Element Hiding Helper causes tab to crash when selecting some elements
       new  dbcc2c5   Noissue - Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  acaf294   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.3.3
       new  395f029   Added tag 1.3.3 for changeset 76af14126dec
       new  ce3c1bc   Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 43 & Co.
       new  cb39f3c   Issue 2950 - Don't rely on Services.mm, it isn't available before Gecko 39
       new  f24141d   Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 44 & Co.
       new  e6c2909   Noissue - Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  bb5c596   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.3.4
       new  542805d   Added tag 1.3.4 for changeset 02443f21ecce
       new  22615c1   Issue 3071 - Element Hiding Helper broken in Thunderbird/SeaMonkey Mail
       new  782d89c   Marked compatible with Firefox 45 & Co.
       new  0cfeac9   Issue 3348 - Element Hiding Helper UI broken after bug 1182546 landing
       new  bfe4c35   Releasing Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus 1.3.5
       new  702f976   Imported Upstream version 1.3.5
       new  73e4bfa   Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.5'
       new  b14ade6   Update upstream changelog
       new  cafb893   Update changelog for 1.3.5-1 release

The 516 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 META-INF/manifest.mf                  | 149 ++++---
 META-INF/mozilla.rsa                  | Bin 0 -> 4188 bytes
 META-INF/mozilla.sf                   |   4 +
 META-INF/zigbert.rsa                  | Bin 4025 -> 0 bytes
 META-INF/zigbert.sf                   | 814 ----------------------------------
 bootstrap.js                          |   3 +
 chrome/content/actor.jsm              | 171 +++++++
 chrome/content/composer.js            | 123 ++---
 chrome/content/composer.xul           |   6 +-
 chrome/content/frameScript.js         |  41 ++
 chrome/locale/bg/composer.dtd         |  10 +-
 chrome/locale/bg/global.properties    |  10 +-
 chrome/locale/bg/overlay.dtd          |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/es-AR/global.properties |  16 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/composer.dtd         |  14 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/global.properties    |  10 +-
 chrome/locale/eu/overlay.dtd          |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/fr/overlay.dtd          |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/it/composer.dtd         |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/it/global.properties    |   6 +-
 chrome/locale/pl/composer.dtd         |  22 +-
 chrome/locale/pl/global.properties    |  24 +-
 chrome/locale/pl/overlay.dtd          |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/pt-PT/composer.dtd      |  20 +-
 chrome/locale/pt-PT/global.properties |   8 +-
 chrome/locale/pt-PT/overlay.dtd       |   2 +-
 chrome/locale/ru/composer.dtd         |   2 +-
 debian/changelog                      |   7 +
 debian/upstream-changelog             |  12 +
 defaults/prefs.js                     |   4 -
 defaults/prefs.json                   |   8 +
 install.rdf                           |  24 +-
 lib/aardvark.js                       |  70 ++-
 lib/inspectorObserver.js              |  30 +-
 lib/main.js                           |  25 +-
 lib/prefs.js                          |  32 +-
 lib/windowWrapper.js                  |   4 +-
 37 files changed, 570 insertions(+), 1111 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 META-INF/mozilla.rsa
 create mode 100644 META-INF/mozilla.sf
 delete mode 100644 META-INF/zigbert.rsa
 delete mode 100644 META-INF/zigbert.sf
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/actor.jsm
 create mode 100644 chrome/content/frameScript.js
 delete mode 100644 defaults/prefs.js
 create mode 100644 defaults/prefs.json

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper.git

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