[Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] 15/21: Updated translations from babelzilla.org.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Sep 13 21:27:17 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository greasemonkey.

commit 134a01d6b8ff0ba1f567b081477c9878f9b439a7
Author: Anthony Lieuallen <arantius at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jul 24 09:43:44 2015 -0400

    Updated translations from babelzilla.org.
 locale/es-ES/gm-cludes.dtd        | 12 ++++-----
 locale/hr/gm-addons.dtd           | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++
 locale/hr/gm-addons.properties    |  4 +++
 locale/hr/gm-browser.properties   | 27 +++++++++++++++++++
 locale/hr/gm-cludes.dtd           | 14 ++++++++++
 locale/hr/greasemonkey.dtd        | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 locale/hr/greasemonkey.properties | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 locale/pt-PT/gm-cludes.dtd        |  4 +--
 locale/sl/gm-cludes.dtd           |  4 +--
 locale/zh-CN/gm-cludes.dtd        |  8 +++---
 locale/zh-CN/greasemonkey.dtd     |  2 +-
 11 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/locale/es-ES/gm-cludes.dtd b/locale/es-ES/gm-cludes.dtd
index accd922..74cf11e 100644
--- a/locale/es-ES/gm-cludes.dtd
+++ b/locale/es-ES/gm-cludes.dtd
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
 <!ENTITY promptForEdit.msg "Modifica aquí debajo la dirección. Puedes indicar varias páginas web con el asterisco (*).">
 <!ENTITY promptForEdit.title "Editar la página web">
 <!ENTITY button.add "Añadir...">
-<!ENTITY button.addUserExclude "Poner como excluido por el usuario">
-<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Add as user match">
-<!ENTITY button.addUserInclude "Poner como incluido por el usuario">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserExclude "Poner como @exclude del usuario">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Poner como @match del usuario">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserInclude "Poner como @include del usuario">
 <!ENTITY button.edit "Editar...">
 <!ENTITY button.remove "Eliminar">
-<!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "Páginas web incluidas">
-<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Matched Pages">
-<!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "Páginas web excluidas">
+<!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "Páginas web incluidas (reglas @include)">
+<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Páginas web incluidas estrictamente (reglas @match)">
+<!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "Páginas web excluidas (reglas @exclude)">
diff --git a/locale/hr/gm-addons.dtd b/locale/hr/gm-addons.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d8752
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hr/gm-addons.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<!ENTITY Edit "Edit">
+<!ENTITY Edit.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY Edit.tooltip "Edit this User Script">
+<!ENTITY ExecuteFirst "Execute first">
+<!ENTITY ExecuteLast "Execute last">
+<!ENTITY ExecuteLater "Execute later">
+<!ENTITY ExecuteSooner "Execute sooner">
+<!ENTITY FindUpdate "Find Update">
+<!ENTITY ForcedFindUpdate "Forced Find Updates">
+<!ENTITY InstallUpdate "Install Update">
+<!ENTITY MoveDown "Move Down">
+<!ENTITY MoveDown.accesskey "D">
+<!ENTITY MoveToBottom "Move To Bottom">
+<!ENTITY MoveToBottom.accesskey "B">
+<!ENTITY MoveToTop "Move To Top">
+<!ENTITY MoveToTop.accesskey "T">
+<!ENTITY MoveUp "Move Up">
+<!ENTITY MoveUp.accesskey "U">
+<!ENTITY NewScript "Create New Script">
+<!ENTITY NewScript.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY Show "Show Containing Folder">
+<!ENTITY Show.accesskey "S">
+<!ENTITY Sort.ByStatus "Sort by status">
+<!ENTITY Sort.Status "Status">
+<!ENTITY Sort.ByName "Sort by name">
+<!ENTITY Sort.Name "Name">
+<!ENTITY Sort.ByExecution "Sort by execution order">
+<!ENTITY Sort.Execution "Execution Order">
diff --git a/locale/hr/gm-addons.properties b/locale/hr/gm-addons.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a804513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hr/gm-addons.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+confirmForceUpdate=This script appears to be locally modified.  Overwrite with remote contents?  This action cannot be undone.
+executionorder=Execution Order
+executionorder.tooltip=Sort by execution order
+userscripts=User Scripts
diff --git a/locale/hr/gm-browser.properties b/locale/hr/gm-browser.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff832f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hr/gm-browser.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+menuitem.manage=Manage User Scripts
+menuitem.new=New User Script
+menuitem.install=Install This User Script...
+tooltip.disabled=Greasemonkey is disabled.
+tooltip.enabled=Greasemonkey is enabled.
+script.installed=installed successfully.
+script.updated=updated successfully.
+install.msg=You are about to install the following Greasemonkey user script:
+greeting.msg=This is a Greasemonkey user script. Click install to start using it.
+alert.success=Installed successfully.
+alert.failure=Error installing user script:
+editor.prompt=Please choose your preferred text editor.
+editor.please_pick_executable=Please pick an executable application to use to edit user scripts.
+editor.could_not_launch=Could not launch editor.
+newscript.noname=Please provide a name for your script.
+newscript.nonamespace=Please provide a valid namespace for your script.\nThis should be any unique string that no one else uses, e.g. your web site or your e-mail address.
+newscript.exists=A script with that name is already installed.\nOK to overwrite?
+disabledWarning=Warning: You've navigated to a User Script but Greasemonkey is disabled.
+disabledWarning.enableAndInstall=Enable & Install Script
+disabledWarning.install=Install Script
diff --git a/locale/hr/gm-cludes.dtd b/locale/hr/gm-cludes.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf8152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hr/gm-cludes.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!ENTITY promptForNewPage.msg "Enter a new URL below. You can specify multiple pages using the wildcard (*) character.">
+<!ENTITY promptForNewPage.title "Add Page">
+<!ENTITY promptForNewPage.defVal "http://example.com/*">
+<!ENTITY promptForEdit.msg "Modify the URL of the page below. You can specify multiple pages using the wildcard (*) character.">
+<!ENTITY promptForEdit.title "Edit Page">
+<!ENTITY button.add "Add...">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserExclude "Add as user exclude">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Add as user match">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserInclude "Add as user include">
+<!ENTITY button.edit "Edit...">
+<!ENTITY button.remove "Remove">
+<!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "Included Pages">
+<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Matched Pages">
+<!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "Excluded Pages">
diff --git a/locale/hr/greasemonkey.dtd b/locale/hr/greasemonkey.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dcf438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hr/greasemonkey.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+<!ENTITY menu.install "Install User Script...">
+<!ENTITY menu.install.accesskey "I">
+<!ENTITY menu.show "View User Script Source">
+<!ENTITY menu.show.accesskey "V">
+<!ENTITY menu.commands "User Script Commands...">
+<!ENTITY menu.commands.accesskey "C">
+<!ENTITY menu.new "New User Script...">
+<!ENTITY menu.new.accesskey "N">
+<!ENTITY menu.manage "Manage User Scripts...">
+<!ENTITY menu.manage.accesskey "M">
+<!ENTITY menu.options "Greasemonkey Options...">
+<!ENTITY menu.options.accesskey "O">
+<!ENTITY menu.websites "Web sites...">
+<!ENTITY menu.websites.accesskey "W">
+<!ENTITY menu.websites.greasespot "Greasespot Blog">
+<!ENTITY menu.websites.greasespotwiki "Greasespot Wiki">
+<!ENTITY menu.websites.manual "Greasemonkey Manual">
+<!ENTITY menu.websites.getuserscripts "Get User Scripts">
+<!ENTITY statusbar.enabled "Enabled">
+<!ENTITY statusbar.enabled.accesskey "E">
+<!ENTITY install.title "Greasemonkey Installation">
+<!ENTITY install.runson "runs on:">
+<!ENTITY install.matches "matches:">
+<!ENTITY install.butnoton "does not run on:">
+<!ENTITY install.warning1 "Malicious scripts can violate your privacy and act on your behalf without your knowledge.">
+<!ENTITY install.warning2 "You should only install scripts from sources that you trust.">
+<!ENTITY install.showscriptsource "Show Script Source">
+<!ENTITY install.installbutton "Install">
+<!ENTITY install.downloadError "Download Error">
+<!ENTITY loading "Downloading ...">
+<!ENTITY newscript.name "Name">
+<!ENTITY newscript.namespace "Namespace">
+<!ENTITY newscript.description "Description">
+<!ENTITY newscript.includes "Includes (One per line)">
+<!ENTITY newscript.excludes "Excludes (One per line)">
+<!ENTITY newscript.fromClipboard "Use Script From Clipboard">
+<!ENTITY options.editor "Editor">
+<!ENTITY options.experimental "Experimental">
+<!ENTITY options.defaultEditor "Use Default Editor">
+<!ENTITY options.browseForEditor "Browse for Editor Program">
+<!ENTITY options.globalExcludes "Global Excludes">
+<!ENTITY options.newScript.template "New script template">
+<!ENTITY options.newScript.removeUnused "Remove unused lines">
+<!ENTITY Uninstall "Uninstall">
+<!ENTITY AnonymousStatistics "Anonymous Statistics">
+<!ENTITY EnableFirefoxSync "Enable Firefox Sync for User Scripts">
+<!ENTITY SubmitStats "Gather and submit anonymous usage statistics to improve Greasemonkey.">
+<!ENTITY UpdateChecking "Update Checking">
+<!ENTITY RequireSecureUpdates "Require secure updates">
+<!ENTITY greasemonkey.noscriptshere "No installed scripts run on this page.">
+<!ENTITY greasemonkey.youhavenoscripts "You don't have any user scripts installed">
+<!ENTITY greasemonkey.getuserscripts "Get user scripts">
+<!ENTITY scriptprefs.title "Greasemonkey User Script Preferences - !!">
+<!ENTITY scriptprefs.usersettings "User Settings">
+<!ENTITY scriptprefs.scriptsettings "Script Settings">
diff --git a/locale/hr/greasemonkey.properties b/locale/hr/greasemonkey.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..344c4a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/locale/hr/greasemonkey.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+extensions.{e4a8a97b-f2ed-450b-b12d-ee082ba24781}.description=A User Script Manager for Firefox
+error.args.getValue=Unsupported type for GM_setValue. Supported types are: string, bool, and 32 bit integers.
+error.args.setValue=GM_setValue must specify two arguments: name and value.
+error.could-not-download-dependencies=Could not download script's dependencies: %1
+error.disallowedScheme=Disallowed scheme in URL: %1
+error.downloadingUrl=Error downloading URL:
+error.invalidUrl=Invalid URL: %1
+error.matchPattern.host=@match: Invalid host specified.
+error.matchPattern.parse=@match: Could not parse the pattern.
+error.matchPattern.path=@match: Invalid path specified.
+error.matchPattern.scheme=@match: Invalid scheme specified.
+error.menu-invalid-accesskey=Error with menu command "%1": accessKey must be a single character
+error.missingResource=No resource with name: %1
+error.parsingScript=Could not parse script:
+error.scriptCharset=Error reading script: All Greasemonkey scripts MUST be encoded with UTF-8.
+error.serverReturned=Server returned
+error.unknown=Unknown error.
+icon.uri-image-type=@icon "data:" URI must be an image type.
+notification.neveragain.label=Never show this again
+parse.ignoring-match=Ignoring @match pattern %1 because:\n%2
+parse.require-failed=Failed to @require URL: %1
+parse.resource-syntax=Invalid syntax for @resource declaration "%1". Resources are declared like "@resource <name> <url>".
+parse.resource-duplicate=Duplicate resource name "%s" detected.  Each resource must have a unique name.
+parse.resource-failed=Failed to get @resource %1 from %2
+remotescript.name-unknown=RemoteScript.install(): Script base name unknown.
+remotescript.not-downloaded=RemoteScript.install(): Script is not downloaded.
+remotescript.unsafe-url=Will not download unsafe URL:\n%1
+return-not-in-func-deprecated=Warning: use of return outside of functions is deprecated and may cause failures in future versions of Greasemonkey.
+warning.scripts-should-grant=Warning: All scripts should specify @grant metadata.
+warning.scripts-should-grant.read-docs=Read documentation
+warning.scripts-should-grant.dont-show=Don't show this message again
+script.duplicate-installed=Error: Another script with @name: "%1" and @namespace: "%2" is already installed.\nThese values must be unique.
+script.no-delete-directory=Warning!!! Refusing to delete script directory.
+script.delete-failed=Warning, could not delete for update:\n%1
+setClipboard.unsupportedType=Unsupported type for GM_setClipboard: "%1"
+stats-prompt.msg=Please help improve Greasemonkey by submitting anonymous usage statistics.
+stats-prompt.optin=Opt In
+stats-prompt.readmore=Read More
diff --git a/locale/pt-PT/gm-cludes.dtd b/locale/pt-PT/gm-cludes.dtd
index 9101edb..78cb12a 100644
--- a/locale/pt-PT/gm-cludes.dtd
+++ b/locale/pt-PT/gm-cludes.dtd
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 <!ENTITY promptForEdit.title "Editar página">
 <!ENTITY button.add "Adicionar...">
 <!ENTITY button.addUserExclude "Adicionar como exclusão do utilizador">
-<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Add as user match">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Adicionar como correspondência do utilizador">
 <!ENTITY button.addUserInclude "Adicionar como inclusão do utilizador">
 <!ENTITY button.edit "Editar...">
 <!ENTITY button.remove "Remover">
 <!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "Páginas incluídas">
-<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Matched Pages">
+<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Páginas correspondidas">
 <!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "Páginas excluídas">
diff --git a/locale/sl/gm-cludes.dtd b/locale/sl/gm-cludes.dtd
index 2181072..24cb068 100644
--- a/locale/sl/gm-cludes.dtd
+++ b/locale/sl/gm-cludes.dtd
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 <!ENTITY promptForEdit.title "Uredi stran">
 <!ENTITY button.add "Dodaj ...">
 <!ENTITY button.addUserExclude "Dodaj kot uporabniško izključeno">
-<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Add as user match">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Dodaj kot uporabniško ujemano">
 <!ENTITY button.addUserInclude "Dodaj kot uporabniško vključeno">
 <!ENTITY button.edit "Uredi ...">
 <!ENTITY button.remove "Odstrani">
 <!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "Vključene strani">
-<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Matched Pages">
+<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Ujemajoče se strani">
 <!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "Izključene strani">
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/gm-cludes.dtd b/locale/zh-CN/gm-cludes.dtd
index 9b4d8d5..a5e1f89 100644
--- a/locale/zh-CN/gm-cludes.dtd
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/gm-cludes.dtd
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 <!ENTITY promptForEdit.title "编辑页面">
 <!ENTITY button.add "添加...">
 <!ENTITY button.addUserExclude "添加为用户排除">
-<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "Add as user match">
+<!ENTITY button.addUserMatch "添加为用户匹配">
 <!ENTITY button.addUserInclude "添加为用户包括">
 <!ENTITY button.edit "编辑...">
 <!ENTITY button.remove "删除">
-<!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "应用到如下页面">
-<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "Matched Pages">
-<!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "排除如下页面">
+<!ENTITY label.grpIncluded "包括如下页面(@include)">
+<!ENTITY label.grpMatched "匹配如下页面(@match)">
+<!ENTITY label.grpExcluded "排除如下页面(@exclude)">
diff --git a/locale/zh-CN/greasemonkey.dtd b/locale/zh-CN/greasemonkey.dtd
index 3d472b9..54fef61 100644
--- a/locale/zh-CN/greasemonkey.dtd
+++ b/locale/zh-CN/greasemonkey.dtd
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 <!ENTITY EnableFirefoxSync "使 Firefox Sync 支持同步用户脚本">
 <!ENTITY SubmitStats "收集和提交匿名的使用统计数据以帮助改善 Greasemonkey。">
 <!ENTITY UpdateChecking "检查更新">
-<!ENTITY RequireSecureUpdates "要求安全地更新(HTTPS)">
+<!ENTITY RequireSecureUpdates "需要安全更新(HTTPS)">
 <!ENTITY greasemonkey.noscriptshere "在此页面上没有已安装的脚本运行。">
 <!ENTITY greasemonkey.youhavenoscripts "您还没有安装任何用户脚本">
 <!ENTITY greasemonkey.getuserscripts "获取用户脚本">

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/greasemonkey.git

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