[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] annotated tag debian/2.7.2+dfsg-1 created (now c12fa43)
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Feb 26 22:43:02 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a change to annotated tag debian/2.7.2+dfsg-1
in repository adblock-plus.
at c12fa43 (tag)
tagging 30cd93b6ca0a3b82463f81f6e0a1a7177a4af97d (commit)
replaces debian/2.7.1+dfsg-1
tagged by David Prévot
on Fri Feb 26 17:23:21 2016 -0400
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
adblock-plus Debian release 2.7.2+dfsg-1
Version: GnuPG v2
"Tom Schuster ext:(%22) (1):
Issue 653 - Object.defineProperty instead of defineGetter / defineSetter
Dave Barker (12):
Issue 3498 - Improve file mapping / skipping logic
Noissue - Avoid using re module for string splitting
Issue 3516 - Add support for optional permissions
Issue 3532 - Stop generating animation images at build time
Issue 3404 - Add platform name to devenv path
Added missing semicolons and other trivial fixes.
Issue 2738 - Make RegExpFilter.matches() content type parameter a bit mask
Issue 616 - Add and enforce $generichide,genericblock filter options
Issue 2397 - Remove redundant load + apply calls
Issue 2598 - Add a README
Issue 3612 - Correct type of typeMask in documentation
Issue 2109 - Allow for translation of app independent repositories
David Prévot (10):
Imported Upstream version 2.7.2+dfsg
Merge tag 'upstream/2.7.2+dfsg'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'buildtools/master'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'jshydra/master'
Subtree merged in adblockpluscore
Add adblockpluscore source
Update copyright (years)
Refresh patches header
Update upstream changelog
Update changelog for 2.7.2+dfsg-1 release
Erik Vold (3):
Issue 3381 - notification unit tests are broken
Issue 3379 - filterListener unit tests are broken
Issue 3380 - synchronizer unit tests are broken
Fabrice Desre (1):
Added Fennec compatibility, first round
Felix Dahlke (9):
Add Notification module
Show notifications on startup
Ignore version type, it varies
Noissue - Remove unused variable
Issue 2420 - Move notification show logic to core
Issue 2419 - Show newly downloaded notifications immediately
Issue 2659 - Reduce initial notification download delay to one minute
Issue 3618 - Add a script for generating the JSDoc documentation
Issue 2595 - Use the core code from adblockpluscore
Manvel Saroyan (1):
Issue 430 - added case for filter hit reset in Filter Listener
Sebastian Noack (21):
Issue 419 - Work around WebKit bug which breaks element hiding on Safari
Issue 1273 - Worked around WebKit getter misoptimization on Safari 8
Issue 1675 - Use String.trim() to strip leading and trailing whitespaces
Issue 3515 - Remove outdated hack ignoring sub-directories in lib/
Issue 3515 - Use fetch() API instead XMLHttpRequest in chromeDevenvPoller__.js
Noissue - Changed license disclaimer in testIndex.html.tmpl to MPL like the rest of buildtools
Noissue - Updated jshydra dependency to update the copyright year in generated scripts
Issue 1740 - Support "devtools_page" option in Chrome extension manifest
Issue 2177 - Optimize filter matching performance by performing regexp match last
Issue 2233 - Adapted array type annotations for JsDoc 3
Issue 1602 - Use ES6 generators instead of legacy generators
Issue 2233 - Adapted some more array type annotations for JsDoc 3
Issue 2582 - Optimize loop in ElemHide.getSelectorsForDomain() for V8
Issue 2592 - Adapt filters generated for anti-adblock notification to new syntax
Issue 2757 - Fix timing issue resetting notification data while loading preferences
Issue 2395 - Added content script for CSS property filters
Noissue - Updated copyright year
Noissue - Updated copyright year
Noissue - Updated copyright year
Issue 3615 - Enable longnames in JSDoc navigation
Issue 3654 - Properly split up selectors when applying CSS property filters
Thomas Greiner (13):
Fixed: Pipe character in filter interpreted wrong when wildcards stripped away
Implemented anti-adblock message notification
Fixed: Transpiled for-each leads to error in notification.js
Moved initAntiAdblockNotification function from ui.js to its own file
Issue 1161 - Anti-adblock notifications were triggered on similar domains
Issue 431/432 - Remove special handling for the $sitekey option
Issue 537 - Mark first few downloads
Issue 2192 - Added notification opt-out mechanism
Issue 2390 - Created filter class for CSS property filters
Noissue - Updated documentation of ElemHideBase.fromText
Issue 2392 - Created container for CSS property filters
Issue 2393 - Made filter listener consider CSS property filters
Issue 1950 - Fixed: Filter tooltip not shown for long filters
Tom Schuster (6):
Issue 301 - Change for each to for .. of .. in lib/
Issue 354 - Avoid calling toUpperCase until we actually invoke the domain getter
Issue 427 - Remove non-standard function and getter syntax
Issue 656 - Replace some __proto__ with Object.create
Backed out changeset e96a48589e44
Issue 653 - Object.defineProperty instead of defineGetter / defineSetter
Wladimir Palant (411):
Adding a list of suggestions to "Add subscription" dialog
Adding subscription recommendation
Updating subscription address
Uploading recent changes
Adding homepage links
Uploading recent changes
Adding subscription
Changing China to its local name
Changing adblock.free.fr subscription to basic
Changing subscription location
Changing subscription link back - works again
Adding DutchBlock
Tweaking subscription URL, too many issues with unspecific element hiding
Only leave the essential subscriptions in the list of recommendations and remove scrolling from the welcome dialog
Fixing dutchblock data
Removing dutchblock
Adding subscriptions
Updating subscription address
Setting homepage for Liste FR
Changing domain of Corset subscription
Core classes rewrite and unit tests, initial checkin
Fixed: Filters become active on updates for a subscription not in the list yet (added tests)
Change storage format: drop "user patterns" section, rename "subscription patterns" into "subscription filters" and "pattern" section into "filter"
Make sure to deserialize filter shortcuts from patterns.ini
Filter.fromObject() should just return null for unknown filter types
Static methods shouldn't use "this"
Whitelist filters without options always apply to entire pages - fix and additional tests
Fixing hit reporting for element hiding rules
Making element hiding work with NoScript and fixing whitelisting of element hiding rules while at it
Recommend filter subscriptions with element hiding now that element hiding issues are fixed
Topic 3200 : Only use display:inline with element hiding for Gecko 1.8.1 browsers
Adding support for future TYPE_MEDIA content type (HTML audio/video)
Updating homepage link for Liste FR
Adding MORPEH List to filter subscription recommendations
Adding Vietnam List as a recommendation
Changing subscription name
Recommendations: Replacing Cedrics Liste by Ares' ABP Liste
Adding ROList to the recommendations
Fixing bug parsing collapse flag in patterns.ini
Adding support for domain-restricted filter rules
Adding version numbers for patters.ini file and special processing for format version changes
Bug 20412 : Don't store non-essential filter properties in patterns.ini
Bring back a meaningful string representation for filters
Fix prototype chain for filters
Recommending plain EasyList again
Recognize regular expressions with $domain option as regular expressions
Topic 3639 : Adding new mechanism for registering of elemhide hits (Firefox 3.0.8 and higher only) to fix breakage introduced by bug 416942.
Changing version check for element hiding work-around: bug 445191 was moved to
Updating copyright year
Updating EasyList download location and renaming Ares' list into EasyList Germany
Removing Viet Nam List from the list of recommendations for now
Removing element hiding hacks for old Gecko versions. Marking as incompatible with anything based on Gecko below Removing explicit Flock support (Flock looks at Firefox compatibility range).
Renaming Adblock Plus component to remove bogus file name prefix
Use XPCOMUtils to generate QueryInterface functions
Moving UI files into a separate directory
Comment that determining origin of a request should be changed later: nsILoadContext should be used
Track redirects and make sure both original request and redirect can be blocked
Fixing performance issue when many element hiding filters are disabled/enabled at once.
Adding support for font content type (@font-face in CSS3)
Replacing RDF-based subscriptions list by an XML-based one
Updating homepage link for Morpeh list
Implemented flexible anchors at filter start: ||example.com/foo/bar
Revert previous change - filters starting with flexible anchor cannot be used for site whitelisting
Implemented separator placeholders: ^foo=bar^ and ||example.com^
Updating homepage link for Dr.Evil
Start using Components.* shortcuts
Blockable items: Adding "Disable this filter on example.com" context menu item for user-defined filters
Topic 3919 : Implementing domain exceptions for element hiding
Domain-restricted filters shouldn't match in documents without host name (e.g. files from disk)
Replace createTimer() utility function by a simpler runAsync()
Making timeline logging more flexible and adding elemhide.apply() to timeline (related to bug 21078)
More consistent timeline messages
Making sure unnecessary elemhide.apply() call at startup takes the short route out
Making timeline display nesting level automatically
Updating default subscription suggestions - EasyList combinations should use HTTPS
Added ChinaList as recommended filter subscription
Made sure all initialization happens when abp.init() is called rather than at module load time
Improved source code documentation: made sure file descriptions are recognized and all classes have description
Updated EasyList download location
Topic 4402 - Redesigned "add filter subscription" dialog
Fixed: parsing of regular expressions with separator placeholder (^) is very slow
Bug 22313 - Switch to lazy initialization for all platform components, initializing some of them too early confuses Firefox (bug 542111)
Updated copyright year
Fixed: Separator placeholders are matching more than only separator characters
Bug 22481 - Blockable items: "Disable filter on ..." will be mistakenly hidden for some filters (wrongly assuming that the filter is only active on current site)
Removed unnecessary failsafe, improves filter initialization performance by 6%
Removed unnecessary failsafe, improves filter initialization performance by 6%
Avoid using RegExp.replace() when constructing filters, another 2% performance improvement
Avoid using RegExp.replace() when constructing filters, another 2% performance improvement
Added fast track for filters restricted to one domain (as opposed to multiple domains) - reduces filter construction time by 7%
Added fast track for filters restricted to one domain (as opposed to multiple domains) - reduces filter construction time by 7%
Merged experimental branch
Slightly improved filter construction time again (optimized regexp generation)
Slightly improved filter construction time again (optimized regexp generation)
Delayed generating of regular expressions until they are actually needed - reduced filter creation time by 30% (decreased startup delay by 50ms)
Delayed generating of regular expressions until they are actually needed - reduced filter creation time by 30% (decreased startup delay by 50ms)
Merged experimental branch
Delayed generating of domain data - reduced filter creation time by another 6%
Delayed generating of domain data - reduced filter creation time by another 6%
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Topic 5421 - Allowed exception rules to specify $blocking and $elemhide options to selectively disable blocking or element hiding rules on a site ($blocking,elemhide is equivalent to $document)
Topic 5421 - Allowed exception rules to specify $blocking and $elemhide options to selectively disable blocking or element hiding rules on a site ($blocking,elemhide is equivalent to $document)
Merged experimental branch
Backed out changeset 5d1f32d3f12c, not solving the problem (Topic 5421 - Allowed exception rules to specify $blocking and $elemhide options to selectively disable blocking or element hiding rules on a site)
Backed out changeset 5d1f32d3f12c, not solving the problem (Topic 5421 - Allowed exception rules to specify $blocking and $elemhide options to selectively disable blocking or element hiding rules on a site)
Topic 5421 - Second attempt, allow exception rules to specify $elemhide option that will disable element hiding on any matching pages
Topic 5421 - Second attempt, allow exception rules to specify $elemhide option that will disable element hiding on any matching pages
Merged experimental branch
Fixed: $elemhide option should not be implied if no filter options are specified
Fixed: $elemhide option should not be implied if no filter options are specified
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Refactored Adblock Plus core to use JavaScript modules (first step for supporting installing without restart, also improves performance). Also removed Filterset.G warning and improved a bunch of minor things.
Refactored Adblock Plus core to use JavaScript modules (first step for supporting installing without restart, also improves performance). Also removed Filterset.G warning and improved a bunch of minor things.
Topic 5484 - Made sure comments cannot be interpreted as element hiding rules
Topic 5484 - Made sure comments cannot be interpreted as element hiding rules
Merged experimental branch
Marked class constructors correctly with @constructor tag rather than @class.
Marked class constructors correctly with @constructor tag rather than @class.
Merged experimental branch
Removed background images as a separate type (detection unreliable), treating all images the same now. $background option is identical to $image option now.
Removed background images as a separate type (detection unreliable), treating all images the same now. $background option is identical to $image option now.
Merged experimental branch
Made sure all operations can be shut down at runtime, necessary for restartless installation
Made sure all operations can be shut down at runtime, necessary for restartless installation
Merged experimental branch
Added default patterns.ini file to the extension's defaults/ subdirectory, this one will be read if the user doesn't have a patterns.ini file yet
Added default patterns.ini file to the extension's defaults/ subdirectory, this one will be read if the user doesn't have a patterns.ini file yet
Merged experimental branch
Removed code importing filters from Adblock and Adblock Plus 0.5
Removed code importing filters from Adblock and Adblock Plus 0.5
Merged experimental branch
Topic 5671 - Changes of own filters aren't always processed correctly
Topic 5671 - Changes of own filters aren't always processed correctly
Merged experimental branch
Improved element hiding performance, using simple-uri for hit counts rather than standard-url now
Improved element hiding performance, using simple-uri for hit counts rather than standard-url now
Tweaked protocol flags to match previous change
Tweaked protocol flags to match previous change
Removed unnecessary slashes from element hiding hit count URLs
Removed unnecessary slashes from element hiding hit count URLs
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Remove pointless randomizing of abp-elemhidehit protocol, it is no longer detectable
Remove pointless randomizing of abp-elemhidehit protocol, it is no longer detectable
Significantly improved startup time by using resource:// URLs in element hiding stylesheet instead of custom URLs.
Significantly improved startup time by using resource:// URLs in element hiding stylesheet instead of custom URLs.
Removed unused shutdown code (Adblock Plus will not be restartless any time soon)
Removed unused shutdown code (Adblock Plus will not be restartless any time soon)
Do not persist externally added filter subscriptions
Do not persist externally added filter subscriptions
Merged experimental branch
Use fully-privileged system principal for elemhidehit protocol
Use fully-privileged system principal for elemhidehit protocol
Merged experimental branch
Speed up filter matching by 20-35%: check against exception rules and blocklisting rules in the same go
Speed up filter matching by 20-35%: check against exception rules and blocklisting rules in the same go
Merged experimental branch
Improved preference management module (better API, less overhead)
Improved preference management module (better API, less overhead)
Merged experimental branch
Don't make our privacy policy lie, clear recent reports when browsing history is purged
Don't make our privacy policy lie, clear recent reports when browsing history is purged
Merged experimental branch
Topic 6118 - Implemented a faster filter matching algorithm
Topic 6118 - Implemented a faster filter matching algorithm
Merged experimental branch
Fixed: Filters stay active after being removed
Fixed: Filters stay active after being removed
Merged experimental branch
Performance: Only save patterns.ini if something actually changed
Performance: Only save patterns.ini if something actually changed
Merged experimental branch
Bug 23257 - An element hiding rule will no longer apply after this rule was subject to an exception
Bug 23257 - An element hiding rule will no longer apply after this rule was subject to an exception
Merged experimental branch
Very slight performance improvement (2-3% on filter initialization)
Very slight performance improvement (2-3% on filter initialization)
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Bug 23511 - Made invalid XBL binding served up by element hiding slightly less invalid (Firefox 4 shows a warning otherwise)
Bug 23511 - Made invalid XBL binding served up by element hiding slightly less invalid (Firefox 4 shows a warning otherwise)
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Register UA stylesheets instead of user stylesheets, these have higher priority
Register UA stylesheets instead of user stylesheets, these have higher priority
Merged experimental branch
Fixed undeclared variable
Fixed undeclared variable
Bug 6492 - Added support for X-Do-Not-Track header by means of a $donottrack option
Bug 6492 - Added support for X-Do-Not-Track header by means of a $donottrack option
Merged experimental branch
Backed out changeset a58de0674f58 (Register UA stylesheets instead of user stylesheets, these have higher priority) - this makes us hit bug 541506
Backed out changeset a58de0674f58 (Register UA stylesheets instead of user stylesheets, these have higher priority) - this makes us hit bug 541506
Merged experimental branch
Fixed JavaScript warning: "reference to undefined property source[pos]"
Fixed JavaScript warning: "reference to undefined property source[pos]"
Merged experimental branch
Write out element hiding stylesheet to a temporary file, avoid using data: URIs for that. Saves memory, performance is almost unchanged for now.
Write out element hiding stylesheet to a temporary file, avoid using data: URIs for that. Saves memory, performance is almost unchanged for now.
Merged experimental branch
Write element hiding stylesheet more efficiently (improves startup time by ~100ms)
Write element hiding stylesheet more efficiently (improves startup time by ~100ms)
Merged experimental branch
Fixed: Element hiding rules with international characters no longer work
Fixed: Element hiding rules with international characters no longer work
Do not use a temp file explicitly to write out element hiding stylesheet, use nsISafeOutputStream
Do not use a temp file explicitly to write out element hiding stylesheet, use nsISafeOutputStream
If the stream doesn't implement nsISafeOutputStream - don't ignore, fail instead
If the stream doesn't implement nsISafeOutputStream - don't ignore, fail instead
Changed writing of patterns.ini file to prevent data loss (use nsISafeOutputStream). Also tweaked exception handling while at it.
Changed writing of patterns.ini file to prevent data loss (use nsISafeOutputStream). Also tweaked exception handling while at it.
Merged experimental branch
Fixed: Falling back to default patterns.ini location if e.a.patternsfile is misconfigured doesn't work
Fixed: Falling back to default patterns.ini location if e.a.patternsfile is misconfigured doesn't work
Replace extensions.adblockplus.patternsfile preference by extensions.adblockplus.data_directory, we are storing more files in the directory now. extensions.adblockplus.patternsfile can still be used to specify a patterns.ini file outside the usual data directory (global install scenario).
Replace extensions.adblockplus.patternsfile preference by extensions.adblockplus.data_directory, we are storing more files in the directory now. extensions.adblockplus.patternsfile can still be used to specify a patterns.ini file outside the usual data directory (global install scenario).
Get rid of filters list in ElemHide module, that data is redundant
Get rid of filters list in ElemHide module, that data is redundant
Don't store element hiding key in the filters, keep everything in data structures in the ElemHide module
Don't store element hiding key in the filters, keep everything in data structures in the ElemHide module
Made sure element hiding data structures don't store direct references to filters, for easier JSON'ification
Made sure element hiding data structures don't store direct references to filters, for easier JSON'ification
Dropped hasShortcuts matcher variable, useless optimization
Dropped hasShortcuts matcher variable, useless optimization
Don't store filter shortcut in the filters, keep everything in matcher data structures
Don't store filter shortcut in the filters, keep everything in matcher data structures
Get rid of separate regexps matcher property, use shortcut "" if no other shortcut can be found
Get rid of separate regexps matcher property, use shortcut "" if no other shortcut can be found
Made sure matcher data structures don't store direct references to filter, for easier JSON'ification
Made sure matcher data structures don't store direct references to filter, for easier JSON'ification
Renamed a bunch of variables to better reflect their current function
Renamed a bunch of variables to better reflect their current function
Moved initialization of FilterStorage and ElemHide modules into FilterListener module
Moved initialization of FilterStorage and ElemHide modules into FilterListener module
Changed FilterStorage observer API to allow new types of events to be added
Changed FilterStorage observer API to allow new types of events to be added
Updated comments
Updated comments
Moved the checks whether data needs to be saved on disk to FilterListener module. More changes to FilterStorage observers API.
Moved the checks whether data needs to be saved on disk to FilterListener module. More changes to FilterStorage observers API.
Cache matcher and element hiding data on disk, only load patterns.ini when needed
Cache matcher and element hiding data on disk, only load patterns.ini when needed
Fixed: Removing a filter subscription results in inefficient data storage (useless arrays)
Fixed: Removing a filter subscription results in inefficient data storage (useless arrays)
Fixed: Removing element hiding rules doesn't work correctly
Fixed: Removing element hiding rules doesn't work correctly
Merged experimental branch
Better error reporting when loading file
Better error reporting when loading file
Recognize corrupt patterns.ini file and try reading in a backup in this case
Recognize corrupt patterns.ini file and try reading in a backup in this case
Merged experimental branch
Topic 6895 - Directory for elemhide.css and cache.js isn't being created if patterns.ini is located outside user's profile
Topic 6895 - Directory for elemhide.css and cache.js isn't being created if patterns.ini is located outside user's profile
Merged experimental branch
Made regular expression for extended anchor somewhat more efficient (thanks Lain_13)
Made regular expression for extended anchor somewhat more efficient (thanks Lain_13)
Merged experimental branch
Updated copyright year
Updated copyright year
Fennec 4.0: Made element hiding work
Fennec 4.0: Made element hiding work
Merged experimental branch
Merged experimental branch
Fixed: JavaScript strict warning in Fennec 1.1
Fixed: JavaScript strict warning in Fennec 1.1
Merged experimental branch
Bug 23833 - Don't use timestamps in patterns.ini and cache.js to detect cache mismatches, store patterns.ini modification time in cache.js instead
Topic 7297 - Stats not cleared if browsing history cleared on shutdown (keep observer around, Adblock Plus shutdown happens before Firefox 4 clears history)
Merged experimental branch
Topic 7599 - Resolve desynchonization between cache.js and patterns.ini automatically, do not cause fatal failure
Fixed: Enabling a filter that is already removed shouldn't add it to the matcher
Started reworking notification system, needs to get easier to use and more granular
Made sure all relevant subscription properties get updated automatically in Filter Preferences
Topic 7950 - Firefox 8 no longer supports nsIJSON.encode()
Filter preferences: Added moving filter subscriptions via drag&drop and keyboard
Simplified subscription selection dialog now that it only needs to deal with two scenarious (abp: link and clicking "Other subscription" from Filter Preferences)
Topic 7599, element hiding version - Resolve desynchonization between cache.js and patterns.ini automatically, do not cause fatal failure
Made user-defined filter groups more generic (any number of groups possible, editable title)
Topic 7950 - Firefox 8 no longer supports nsIJSON.encode()
Topic 7599, element hiding version - Resolve desynchonization between cache.js and patterns.ini automatically, do not cause fatal failure
Topic 3986 - Added experimental pop-up blocking support
Topic 3986 - Added experimental pop-up blocking support
Topic 8244 - Fold $xbl, $dtd and $ping type options into $other, they aren't really useful
Topic 8244 - Fold $xbl, $dtd and $ping type options into $other, they aren't really useful
Simplified the way domain restrictions on filters are being handled
Simplified the way domain restrictions on filters are being handled
Added ability to add exceptions for multiple sites sharing the same private key (signature embedded in web page)
Added ability to add exceptions for multiple sites sharing the same private key (signature embedded in web page)
Filter preferences: Added editing of filters
Fixed: When adding filters via filter composer pointless duplicates are being added
Filter preferences: Mostly implemented moving filters up and down
Filter preferences: Added backup&restore functionality
Made FilterListener more robust when reacting to changes
Merged experimental branch, the new UI landed
Fixed: $sitekey rules don't disable correctly
Topic 8877 - Adding a filter chooses to create a new filter group even though a user-defined group is available
Get rid of explicit calls to FilterStorage.saveToDisk(), save filters automatically
Relicensed from MPL 1.1 to MPL 2.0
Fixed: Fallback to default patterns.ini path doesn't work
Don't throw raw strings, use the Error class instead
Topic 9796 - Don't assume that elemhide.css is always present
Removed startup cache functionality, it's more trouble that it is worth
Made element hiding data structures more efficient again
Made filter matcher data structures more efficient again
Started making use of Services.jsm and FileUtils.jsm code modules
Removed some backwards compatibility code
Made writing of element hiding file asynchronous.
Added reentrance protection when saving elemhide.css
Removed saving of patterns.ini on browser shutdown (increased change weights to prevent data loss)
Made patterns.ini writing asynchronous
Removed delayed writing of patterns.ini and elemhide.css, no longer necessary
Made patterns.ini reading asynchronous
Added reentrance protection for patterns.ini reading and made sure to write patterns.ini after reading data from a different source
Timeline: Added measurements of asyncronous actions
Partial work-around for bug 752200 (accessing RegExp properties is unreliable)
Avoid using global RegExp properties, these are inherently unreliable (see bug 752200)
Filter composer: Don't warn about groups being disabled, create a new group if necessary instead
Converted Adblock Plus into a restartless extension
Moved modules to the lib/ directory
Stop enabling empty filter subscriptions, no longer necessary
Stopped defining constants in modules to prevent "read-only" warnings on shutdown now that bootstrap.js clears module scopes
Topic 5579 - Introduce element hiding exceptions of the form domain#@#selector to allow authors of complementary subscriptions partially disable element hiding rules of the main subscription
Topic 9548 - Fixed our behavior concerning trailing dots in domain names: ignore for blocking rules, keep for element hiding rules
Fixed issue in previous commit, toUpperCase() is called twice
Added missing import (masked by the lack of scope separation in usual builds)
Improved performance of Filter.fromText() by avoiding to run regular expressions on filters unnecessarily
Avoid creating getters in Filter.fromText, this is slow
Topic 10547 - Fixed: Automatic filter synchronization doesn't start up
Removed not very useful check for empty filters
Fixed typo
Properly adjust code to changeset 20b6a8a7ba83 - Filter.fromText() can no longer return null but it should not be passed empty filters
Split element hiding hit counter into a separate module (not required on Chrome)
Use async I/O to remove file, don't call nsIFile.remove() directly
FilterStorage and ElemHide should not assume that checking file existence or modification time is synchronous
Added ElemHide.getSelectorsForDomain() method required for Chrome
Do not initialize global stylesheet in Chrome
Don't use "for each" loop on a non-array, to avoid issues when the code is translated for Chrome
Topic 10992 - Fallback if patterns.ini doesn't exist doesn't work (regression from revision 072b62ab1a91)
Backout out revision be805e221092 (the original change was correct)
Topic 10992 - Fallback if patterns.ini doesn't exist doesn't work (regression from revision 072b62ab1a91)
Relicensed from MPL to GPL
Removed Do-Not-Track handling, $donottrack filter option is still being recognized to prevent issues
Adapted private browsing handling to per-window private browsing (new in Firefox 20)
Get rid of nested functions declarations that are not on top level (causes strict mode warnings)
Don't use application name to detect applications without global stylesheet support
Updated license headers
Removed support for X-Alternative-Locations HTTP header
Subscription downloads: Remove undocumented support for passing version number in URL
Subscription downloads: Ignore Expires HTTP header and use standard format for the Expires comment
Subscription downloads: Don't handle Last-Modified header
Subscription downloads: drop special handling for HTTP redirects
Refactor generic logic from Synchronizer into a Downloader module
Mark filters with unknown options as invalid, don't attempt to use them
Made Notification module actually download notifications
Notifications: "timestamp" field should be called "id", it doesn't have to be a timestamp
Notificatinos: implemented better target checks
Addressed review comments from http://codereview.adblockplus.org/11175021/
Added more parameters to the requests made by downloader
Use XMLHttpRequest constructor in JS modules
Use XMLHttpRequest.status instead of nsIHttpChannel.responseStatus (same value, better cross-browser compatibility)
No need to catch exceptions on XMLHttpRequest.status access
Fixed nits from downloader review (http://codereview.adblockplus.org/11153017/)
Updated copyright year
Don't delay Firefox startup
Issue 153 - Reimplement io.js based on OS.File API
Issue 196 - Adblock Plus startup is broken, new profiles are left uninitialized
Issue 216 - First run page opens on every update
Issue 196 - Filters added on first-run are being removed immediately
Issue 261 - FilterNotifier doesn't support listeners removing themselves when triggered
Issue 192 - Clean up from #153
Issue 153 - FilterStorage.firstRun isn't being set
Issue 340 - Element hiding reports NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE to error console
Issue 419 - ElemHideFilter.domains getter doesn't persist on Safari
Backed out changeset 74c38c6447d9 (Issue 427 - Remove non-standard function and getter syntax) - dropping compatibility with Firefox 21 and below wasn't intentional
Relanded changeset 74c38c6447d9 (Issue 427 - Remove non-standard function and getter syntax) with appropriate compat info changes
Issue 139 - Removed unused timelineID parameters still being passed in
Noissue - Updated copyright year and project link
Issue 2503 - Inconsistent behavior: $document flag implied for exception rules with protocol included
Issue 284 - Unify initial delay for all downloads
Issue 3108 - Inject our about: module into all processes
Issue 3253 - Adblock Warning List opt in message should not be triggered by frames (Firefox)
Issue 3254 - Anti-adblock warning should not show when Adblock Plus is disabled
Issue 3208 - Send Private Browsing flag separately from the frame structure
Issue 3254 - Fix exception when navigating to about:addons and similar pages
Issue 3208 - Don't use numerical content types outside nsIContentPolicy.shouldLoad
Issue 3208 - Consider private browsing in contentPolicy module rather than filterStorage
Issue 3222 - Expose filter type as a string property
Issue 3208 - Separate contentPolicy module into a parent and child part
Issue 3251 - Simplify messaging from child scripts to parent
Issue 3251 - Delegate processing of element hiding hits to shouldAllowAsync() so that hits show up in blockable items again
Issue 3452 - Bring back $ping type option
Issue 3473 - patterns.ini is being saved on every filter hit after a while
Added tag 2.7.1 for changeset 27d0c24e850f
Issue 3568 - Block pop-ups opened via an intermediate window
Issue 3541, issue 3489 - Don't attempt to process chrome:// and resource:// events to avoid triggering Gecko bugs
Noissue - Updated locales from Crowdin
Noissue - Marked compatible with Firefox 48
Issue 3538 - Filter listener tests fail for CSS property rules
Issue 3538 - Update dependency on adblockpluscore to revision 4d43739579c2 in order to fix filter listener unit tests
Issue 3661 - Update buildtools dependency to revision 9f83ac702260
Noissue - Updated locales from Crowdin
Releasing Adblock Plus 2.7.2
beelzy (1):
Issue 139 - Removed references to Timeline and timeline.js
hgbot (107):
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
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Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
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Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
subscriptions-sync (3):
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
Updated list of recommended subscriptions
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus.git
More information about the Pkg-mozext-commits
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