[Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] 136/257: [tst][ref] Factor out RulesTable from YourPolicy

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 28 03:20:06 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository requestpolicy.

commit 0fbacb6d074657e44e9509f93d0145a2054e50f3
Author: Martin Kimmerle <dev at 256k.de>
Date:   Mon Nov 16 23:43:13 2015 +0100

    [tst][ref] Factor out RulesTable from YourPolicy
    Factor out RulesTable from the YourPolicy module.
    Create YourPolicyRulesTable so that RulesTable can be used on
    the "oldrules" page.
    Also factor out test_rules_table.py from test_your_policy.py.
 tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/manifest.ini   |   1 +
 .../rp_puppeteer/tests/test_rules_table.py         | 237 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../rp_puppeteer/tests/test_your_policy.py         | 206 ------------------
 .../ui/settings/{your_policy.py => rules_table.py} | 206 +++++-------------
 .../rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py        | 116 +---------
 5 files changed, 300 insertions(+), 466 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/manifest.ini b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/manifest.ini
index bf2d45a..a441b7a 100644
--- a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/manifest.ini
+++ b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/manifest.ini
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
diff --git a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_rules_table.py b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_rules_table.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..403f4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_rules_table.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+from rp_ui_harness import RequestPolicyTestCase
+from rp_puppeteer.api.rules import Rule
+from marionette import SkipTest
+from rp_ui_harness.test_data.rules import ExemplaryRules
+class RulesTableTestCase(RequestPolicyTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(RulesTableTestCase, self).setUp()
+        self.marionette.set_context("content")
+        self.your_policy.open()
+        self.table = self.your_policy.rules_table
+        self.data = ExemplaryRules(lambda: self.marionette)
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try:
+            self.rules.remove_all()
+            self.marionette.set_context("chrome")
+        finally:
+            super(RulesTableTestCase, self).tearDown()
+class TestRulesTable(RulesTableTestCase):
+    def test_get_all_rule_rows(self):
+        raise SkipTest("The 'Rules' API doesn't support subscription rules "
+                       "yet.")
+    def test_count_rules(self):
+        # Alias for `count_rules()`
+        count = self.table.count_rules
+        self.assertEqual(self.rules.count_rules(), 0,
+                         "There are no user rules yet.")
+        # Remember the number of rule rows. The counter includes
+        # subscription rules.
+        num_rules_initial = count()
+        rule = self.data.some_rules[0]
+        # Add a rule
+        rule.add()
+        self.assertEqual(count(), num_rules_initial + 1)
+        # Remove the rule
+        rule.remove()
+        self.assertEqual(count(), num_rules_initial)
+class TestYourPolicyRulesTable(RulesTableTestCase):
+    def test_get_user_rule_rows(self):
+        self.assertEqual(len(self.table.user_rule_rows), 0,
+                         "There are no user rules yet.")
+        # Add some rules
+        some_rules = self.data.some_rules
+        for rule in some_rules:
+            rule.add()
+        # Get the user rule rows.
+        user_rule_rows = self.table.user_rule_rows
+        # Compare the amount of rules.
+        self.assertEqual(len(user_rule_rows), len(some_rules),
+                         "The correct amount of rules have been added.")
+        # Convert rule-rows to `Rule` instances.
+        returned_rules = [row.create_rule() for row in user_rule_rows]
+        # Compare the two `Rule` lists.
+        self.assertEqual(returned_rules.sort(), some_rules.sort(),
+                         "All rules have been added and returned correctly.")
+    def test_get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(self):
+        permanent_rule = self.data.allow_rule
+        temporary_rule = self.data.temp_deny_rule
+        permanent_rule.add()
+        temporary_rule.add()
+        def get_rules(ruleset_string):
+            rule_rows = (self.table
+                         .get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(ruleset_string))
+            return [row.create_rule() for row in rule_rows]
+        returned_temporary_rules = get_rules("Temporary")
+        returned_permanent_rules = get_rules("User")
+        rules_with_empty_ruleset_string = get_rules("")
+        self.assertEqual(returned_temporary_rules, [temporary_rule])
+        self.assertEqual(returned_permanent_rules, [permanent_rule])
+        self.assertEqual(rules_with_empty_ruleset_string, [])
+class TestRuleRow(RulesTableTestCase):
+    def test_policy_property(self):
+        def assert_policy(policy_string_id):
+            # Get the localized policy string.
+            expected_policy_string = self.l10n.get_rp_property(policy_string_id)
+            rule_row = self.table.user_rule_rows[0]
+            returned_policy_string = rule_row.policy
+            self.assertEqual(returned_policy_string, expected_policy_string)
+        def test_rule(rule, policy_string_id):
+            rule.add()
+            assert_policy(policy_string_id)
+            rule.remove()
+        # Test using a rule with "allow" policy.
+        test_rule(self.data.allow_rule, "allow")
+        # Test using a rule with "deny" policy.
+        test_rule(self.data.deny_rule, "block")
+    def _test_endpoint(self, endpoint):
+        assert endpoint in ["origin", "dest"]
+        def test(spec_id):
+            self._test_pre_path_spec(endpoint,
+                                     self.data.pre_path_specs[spec_id])
+        test("s")
+        test("h")
+        test("p")
+        test("sh")
+        test("sp")
+        test("hp")
+        test("shp")
+    def _test_pre_path_spec(self, endpoint, spec):
+        def create_rule():
+            """Create the rule from the spec info."""
+            endpoint_short = "o" if endpoint == "origin" else "d"
+            rule_data = {endpoint_short: spec["spec"]}
+            return self.rules.create_rule(rule_data, allow=True)
+        # Create and add the rule.
+        rule = create_rule()
+        rule.add()
+        # Check if the cell text matches the expected string.
+        rule_row = self.table.user_rule_rows[0]
+        returned_string = getattr(rule_row, endpoint)
+        self.assertEqual(returned_string, spec["expected_string"])
+        # Remove the rule again.
+        rule.remove()
+    def test_origin_property(self):
+        self._test_endpoint("origin")
+    def test_dest_property(self):
+        self._test_endpoint("dest")
+    def test_origin_empty(self):
+        self.data.rule_without_origin.add()
+        origin_string = self.table.user_rule_rows[0].origin
+        self.assertEqual(origin_string, "")
+    def test_dest_empty(self):
+        self.data.rule_without_dest.add()
+        dest_string = self.table.user_rule_rows[0].dest
+        self.assertEqual(dest_string, "")
+class TestYourPolicyRuleRow(RulesTableTestCase):
+    def test_rule_set_property(self):
+        def test(rule, expected_ruleset_string):
+            rule.add()
+            self.assertEqual(self.table.user_rule_rows[0].rule_set,
+                             expected_ruleset_string)
+            rule.remove()
+        test(self.data.allow_rule, "User")
+        test(self.data.temp_allow_rule, "Temporary")
+    def test_create_rule(self):
+        def test(rule):
+            rule.add()
+            rule_row = self.table.user_rule_rows[0]
+            returned_rule = rule_row.create_rule()
+            self.assertIsInstance(returned_rule, Rule,
+                                  "`create_rule()` has returned a `Rule` "
+                                  "instance.")
+            self.assertEqual(returned_rule, rule,
+                             msg=("The returned rule is identical to what "
+                                  "has been added."))
+            rule.remove()
+        # Test rules with all origin/dest fields specified.
+        test(self.data.allow_rule_shp_shp)
+        test(self.data.temp_deny_rule_shp_shp)
+    def test_remove_rule(self):
+        for rule in self.data.some_rules:
+            rule.add()
+            self.assertTrue(rule.exists())
+            self.table.user_rule_rows[0].remove()
+            self.assertFalse(rule.exists())
+    def test_is_user_rule(self):
+        def test_rule(rule, is_user_rule):
+            rule.add()
+            self.assertEqual(self.table.user_rule_rows[0].is_user_rule(),
+                             is_user_rule)
+            rule.remove()
+        # Test some user rules, that is, both temporary and permanent rules.
+        test_rule(self.data.allow_rule, True)
+        test_rule(self.data.temp_allow_rule, True)
+        # TODO: Test some non-user rules (subscription rules).
+        #       In those cases `is_user_rule()` should return `False`.
+    def test_is_temporary(self):
+        def test_rule(rule, is_temp):
+            rule.add()
+            self.assertEqual(self.table.user_rule_rows[0].is_temporary(),
+                             is_temp)
+            rule.remove()
+        # Test both temporary and permanent rules.
+        test_rule(self.data.allow_rule, False)
+        test_rule(self.data.temp_allow_rule, True)
diff --git a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_your_policy.py b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_your_policy.py
index eee7263..9286dee 100644
--- a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_your_policy.py
+++ b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/tests/test_your_policy.py
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 from rp_ui_harness import RequestPolicyTestCase
 from rp_ui_harness.test_data.rules import ExemplaryRules
-from rp_puppeteer.api.rules import Rule
-from marionette import SkipTest
 from functools import partial
@@ -45,210 +43,6 @@ class TestYourPolicy(YourPolicyTestCase):
-class TestRulesTable(YourPolicyTestCase):
-    def test_get_all_rule_rows(self):
-        raise SkipTest("The 'Rules' API doesn't support subscription rules "
-                       "yet.")
-    def test_get_user_rule_rows(self):
-        self.assertEqual(len(self._user_rule_rows), 0,
-                         "There are no user rules yet.")
-        # Add some rules
-        some_rules = self.data.some_rules
-        for rule in some_rules:
-            rule.add()
-        # Get the user rule rows.
-        user_rule_rows = self._user_rule_rows
-        # Compare the amount of rules.
-        self.assertEqual(len(user_rule_rows), len(some_rules),
-                         "The correct amount of rules have been added.")
-        # Convert rule-rows to `Rule` instances.
-        returned_rules = [row.create_rule() for row in user_rule_rows]
-        # Compare the two `Rule` lists.
-        self.assertEqual(returned_rules.sort(), some_rules.sort(),
-                         "All rules have been added and returned correctly.")
-    def test_get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(self):
-        permanent_rule = self.data.allow_rule
-        temporary_rule = self.data.temp_deny_rule
-        permanent_rule.add()
-        temporary_rule.add()
-        def get_rules(ruleset_string):
-            rule_rows = (
-                self.rules_table
-                .get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(ruleset_string)
-            )
-            return [row.create_rule() for row in rule_rows]
-        returned_temporary_rules = get_rules("Temporary")
-        returned_permanent_rules = get_rules("User")
-        rules_with_empty_ruleset_string = get_rules("")
-        self.assertEqual(returned_temporary_rules, [temporary_rule])
-        self.assertEqual(returned_permanent_rules, [permanent_rule])
-        self.assertEqual(rules_with_empty_ruleset_string, [])
-    def test_count_rules(self):
-        # Alias for `count_rules()`
-        count = self.rules_table.count_rules
-        self.assertEqual(self.rules.count_rules(), 0,
-                         "There are no user rules yet.")
-        # Remember the number of rule rows. The counter includes
-        # subscription rules.
-        num_rules_initial = count()
-        rule = self.data.some_rules[0]
-        # Add a rule
-        rule.add()
-        self.assertEqual(count(), num_rules_initial + 1)
-        # Remove the rule
-        rule.remove()
-        self.assertEqual(count(), num_rules_initial)
-class TestRuleRow(YourPolicyTestCase):
-    def test_policy_property(self):
-        def assert_policy(policy_string_id):
-            # Get the localized policy string.
-            expected_policy_string = self.l10n.get_rp_property(policy_string_id)
-            rule_row = self._user_rule_rows[0]
-            returned_policy_string = rule_row.policy
-            self.assertEqual(returned_policy_string, expected_policy_string)
-        def test_rule(rule, policy_string_id):
-            rule.add()
-            assert_policy(policy_string_id)
-            rule.remove()
-        # Test using a rule with "allow" policy.
-        test_rule(self.data.allow_rule, "allow")
-        # Test using a rule with "deny" policy.
-        test_rule(self.data.deny_rule, "block")
-    def _test_endpoint(self, endpoint):
-        assert endpoint in ["origin", "dest"]
-        def test(spec_id):
-            self._test_pre_path_spec(endpoint,
-                                     self.data.pre_path_specs[spec_id])
-        test("s")
-        test("h")
-        test("p")
-        test("sh")
-        test("sp")
-        test("hp")
-        test("shp")
-    def _test_pre_path_spec(self, endpoint, spec):
-        def create_rule():
-            """Create the rule from the spec info."""
-            endpoint_short = "o" if endpoint == "origin" else "d"
-            rule_data = {endpoint_short: spec["spec"]}
-            return self.rules.create_rule(rule_data, allow=True)
-        # Create and add the rule.
-        rule = create_rule()
-        rule.add()
-        # Check if the cell text matches the expected string.
-        rule_row = self._user_rule_rows[0]
-        returned_string = getattr(rule_row, endpoint)
-        self.assertEqual(returned_string, spec["expected_string"])
-        # Remove the rule again.
-        rule.remove()
-    def test_origin_property(self):
-        self._test_endpoint("origin")
-    def test_dest_property(self):
-        self._test_endpoint("dest")
-    def test_origin_empty(self):
-        self.data.rule_without_origin.add()
-        origin_string = self._user_rule_rows[0].origin
-        self.assertEqual(origin_string, "")
-    def test_dest_empty(self):
-        self.data.rule_without_dest.add()
-        dest_string = self._user_rule_rows[0].dest
-        self.assertEqual(dest_string, "")
-    def test_rule_set_property(self):
-        def test(rule, expected_ruleset_string):
-            rule.add()
-            self.assertEqual(self._user_rule_rows[0].rule_set,
-                             expected_ruleset_string)
-            rule.remove()
-        test(self.data.allow_rule, "User")
-        test(self.data.temp_allow_rule, "Temporary")
-    def test_create_rule(self):
-        def test(rule):
-            rule.add()
-            rule_row = self._user_rule_rows[0]
-            returned_rule = rule_row.create_rule()
-            self.assertIsInstance(returned_rule, Rule,
-                                  "`create_rule()` has returned a `Rule` "
-                                  "instance.")
-            self.assertEqual(returned_rule, rule,
-                             msg=("The returned rule is identical to what "
-                                  "has been added."))
-            rule.remove()
-        # Test rules with all origin/dest fields specified.
-        test(self.data.allow_rule_shp_shp)
-        test(self.data.temp_deny_rule_shp_shp)
-    def test_remove_rule(self):
-        for rule in self.data.some_rules:
-            rule.add()
-            self.assertTrue(rule.exists())
-            self._user_rule_rows[0].remove()
-            self.assertFalse(rule.exists())
-    def test_is_user_rule(self):
-        def test_rule(rule, is_user_rule):
-            rule.add()
-            self.assertEqual(self._user_rule_rows[0].is_user_rule(),
-                             is_user_rule)
-            rule.remove()
-        # Test some user rules, that is, both temporary and permanent rules.
-        test_rule(self.data.allow_rule, True)
-        test_rule(self.data.temp_allow_rule, True)
-        # TODO: Test some non-user rules (subscription rules).
-        #       In those cases `is_user_rule()` should return `False`.
-    def test_is_temporary(self):
-        def test_rule(rule, is_temp):
-            rule.add()
-            self.assertEqual(self._user_rule_rows[0].is_temporary(), is_temp)
-            rule.remove()
-        # Test both temporary and permanent rules.
-        test_rule(self.data.allow_rule, False)
-        test_rule(self.data.temp_allow_rule, True)
 class TestAddRuleForm(YourPolicyTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
diff --git a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/rules_table.py
similarity index 52%
copy from tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py
copy to tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/rules_table.py
index 33d02cd..738324d 100644
--- a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py
+++ b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/rules_table.py
@@ -2,86 +2,40 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-from rp_puppeteer.base import BaseLib, ElementBaseLib, HTMLFormBaseLib
-from rp_puppeteer.errors import RadioButtonException
+from rp_puppeteer.base import BaseLib, ElementBaseLib
 from rp_puppeteer.api.rules import Rule
-class YourPolicy(BaseLib):
-    @property
-    def add_rule_form(self):
-        form = self.marionette.find_element("id", "addruleform")
-        return AddRuleForm(lambda: self.marionette, form)
-    @property
-    def rules_table(self):
-        return RulesTable(lambda: self.marionette)
-    def open(self):
-        self.marionette.navigate("about:requestpolicy?yourpolicy")
-class RulesTable(BaseLib):
+class RuleRow(ElementBaseLib):
     # Public Properties and Methods #
-    @property
-    def all_rule_rows(self):
-        """Get a list of all rules."""
-        tr_elements = self._tbody.find_elements("tag name", "tr")
-        return self._create_rule_rows(tr_elements)
-    @property
-    def user_rule_rows(self):
-        """Get a list of all user rules."""
-        rows = []
-        for ruleset_string in ["Temporary", "User"]:
-            rows += self.get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(ruleset_string)
-        return rows
-    def get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(self, ruleset_string):
-        # XPath to get all <tr> elements where the fourth <td> child (the
-        # rule-set column) contains the exact string `ruleset_string`.
-        xpath = "tr[./td[4]='{}']".format(ruleset_string)
-        tr_elements = self._tbody.find_elements("xpath", xpath)
-        return self._create_rule_rows(tr_elements)
-    def count_rules(self):
-        return self.marionette.execute_script("""
-          return arguments[0].children.length
-        """, script_args=[self._tbody])
+    # Properties to get the strings of the corresponding table cells.
+    policy = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(0))
+    origin = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(1))
+    dest = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(2))
     # Private Properties and Methods #
-    def _tbody(self):
-        return self.marionette.find_element("id", "rules")
-    @property
-    def _filter_field(self):
-        return self.marionette.find_element("id", "rulesearch")
+    def _cells(self):
+        return self.element.find_elements("tag name", "td")
-    def _create_rule_rows(self, tr_elements):
-        return [RuleRow(lambda: self.marionette, tr) for tr in tr_elements]
+    def _get_cell_text_content(self, column_index):
+        return self._cells[column_index].get_attribute("textContent")
-class RuleRow(ElementBaseLib):
+class YourPolicyRuleRow(RuleRow):
     # Public Properties and Methods #
     # Properties to get the strings of the corresponding table cells.
-    policy = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(0))
-    origin = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(1))
-    dest = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(2))
     rule_set = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(3))
     def create_rule(self):
@@ -121,115 +75,73 @@ class RuleRow(ElementBaseLib):
-    def _cells(self):
-        return self.element.find_elements("tag name", "td")
-    def _get_cell_text_content(self, column_index):
-        return self._cells[column_index].get_attribute("textContent")
-    @property
     def _remove_anchor(self):
         return self._cells[4].find_element("tag name", "a")
-class AddRuleForm(HTMLFormBaseLib):
+class RulesTable(BaseLib):
     # Public Properties and Methods #
-    def allow(self):
-        allow_selected = self._allow_radio_button.is_selected()
-        deny_selected = self._deny_radio_button.is_selected()
-        if allow_selected == deny_selected:
-            # Either both or none of the radio buttons is selected.
-            raise RadioButtonException
-        return allow_selected
-    @allow.setter
-    def allow(self, value):
-        if value:
-            self._allow_radio_button.click()
-        else:
-            self._deny_radio_button.click()
+    def all_rule_rows(self):
+        """Get a list of all rules."""
-    @property
-    def temp(self):
-        return self._temp_check_box.is_selected()
-    @temp.setter
-    def temp(self, value):
-        if self.temp != value:
-            # Toggle the value.
-            self._temp_check_box.click()
-    # Property attributes to get the <input> HTML elements.
-    origin_scheme = HTMLFormBaseLib.input_field("name", "originscheme")
-    origin_host = HTMLFormBaseLib.input_field("name", "originhost")
-    origin_port = HTMLFormBaseLib.input_field("name", "originport")
-    dest_scheme = HTMLFormBaseLib.input_field("name", "destscheme")
-    dest_host = HTMLFormBaseLib.input_field("name", "desthost")
-    dest_port = HTMLFormBaseLib.input_field("name", "destport")
-    def set_all_values(self, allow=True, origin_scheme="", origin_host="",
-                       origin_port="", dest_scheme="", dest_host="",
-                       dest_port="", temp=False):
-        """Fill all form fields.
-        All parameters are optional, but all fields will be set. All fields
-        whose parameters arent's specified will be reset.
-        """
-        self.allow = allow
-        self.temp = temp
-        self.origin_scheme = origin_scheme
-        self.origin_host = origin_host
-        self.origin_port = origin_port
-        self.dest_scheme = dest_scheme
-        self.dest_host = dest_host
-        self.dest_port = dest_port
-    def set_all_values_by_rule(self, rule):
-        """Fill the form using a `Rule` instance."""
-        self.allow = rule.allow
-        self.temp = rule.temp
-        for field_name in ["origin_scheme", "origin_host", "origin_port",
-                           "dest_scheme", "dest_host", "dest_port"]:
-            # Get the field's value. If the value is not set it will be `None`,
-            # so in that case `value` will be an empty string.
-            value = getattr(rule, field_name) or ""
-            setattr(self, field_name, value)
-    def reset(self):
-        """Reset all fields to its default value."""
-        self.set_all_values()
-    def submit(self):
-        """Submit the form."""
-        self._submit_button.click()
+        tr_elements = self._tbody.find_elements("tag name", "tr")
+        return self._create_rule_rows(tr_elements)
+    def count_rules(self):
+        return self.marionette.execute_script("""
+          return arguments[0].children.length
+        """, script_args=[self._tbody])
     # Private Properties and Methods #
-    @property
-    def _allow_radio_button(self):
-        return self.element.find_element("id", "allowrule")
+    _rule_row_class = RuleRow
-    def _deny_radio_button(self):
-        return self.element.find_element("id", "denyrule")
+    def _tbody(self):
+        return self.marionette.find_element("id", "rules")
+    def _create_rule_rows(self, tr_elements):
+        return [self._create_rule_row(tr) for tr in tr_elements]
+    def _create_rule_row(self, tr_element):
+        return self._rule_row_class(lambda: self.marionette, tr_element)
+class YourPolicyRulesTable(RulesTable):
+    #################################
+    # Public Properties and Methods #
+    #################################
-    def _temp_check_box(self):
-        return self.element.find_element("id", "temporary")
+    def user_rule_rows(self):
+        """Get a list of all user rules."""
+        rows = []
+        for ruleset_string in ["Temporary", "User"]:
+            rows += self.get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(ruleset_string)
+        return rows
+    def get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(self, ruleset_string):
+        # XPath to get all <tr> elements where the fourth <td> child (the
+        # rule-set column) contains the exact string `ruleset_string`.
+        xpath = "tr[./td[4]='{}']".format(ruleset_string)
+        tr_elements = self._tbody.find_elements("xpath", xpath)
+        return self._create_rule_rows(tr_elements)
+    ##################################
+    # Private Properties and Methods #
+    ##################################
+    _rule_row_class = YourPolicyRuleRow
-    def _submit_button(self):
-        return self.element.find_element("css selector",
-                                         "button[data-string=addRule]")
+    def _filter_field(self):
+        return self.marionette.find_element("id", "rulesearch")
diff --git a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py
index 33d02cd..f0149bf 100644
--- a/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py
+++ b/tests/marionette/rp_puppeteer/ui/settings/your_policy.py
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-from rp_puppeteer.base import BaseLib, ElementBaseLib, HTMLFormBaseLib
+from rp_puppeteer.base import BaseLib, HTMLFormBaseLib
 from rp_puppeteer.errors import RadioButtonException
-from rp_puppeteer.api.rules import Rule
+from .rules_table import YourPolicyRulesTable
 class YourPolicy(BaseLib):
@@ -16,122 +16,12 @@ class YourPolicy(BaseLib):
     def rules_table(self):
-        return RulesTable(lambda: self.marionette)
+        return YourPolicyRulesTable(lambda: self.marionette)
     def open(self):
-class RulesTable(BaseLib):
-    #################################
-    # Public Properties and Methods #
-    #################################
-    @property
-    def all_rule_rows(self):
-        """Get a list of all rules."""
-        tr_elements = self._tbody.find_elements("tag name", "tr")
-        return self._create_rule_rows(tr_elements)
-    @property
-    def user_rule_rows(self):
-        """Get a list of all user rules."""
-        rows = []
-        for ruleset_string in ["Temporary", "User"]:
-            rows += self.get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(ruleset_string)
-        return rows
-    def get_rule_rows_by_ruleset_string(self, ruleset_string):
-        # XPath to get all <tr> elements where the fourth <td> child (the
-        # rule-set column) contains the exact string `ruleset_string`.
-        xpath = "tr[./td[4]='{}']".format(ruleset_string)
-        tr_elements = self._tbody.find_elements("xpath", xpath)
-        return self._create_rule_rows(tr_elements)
-    def count_rules(self):
-        return self.marionette.execute_script("""
-          return arguments[0].children.length
-        """, script_args=[self._tbody])
-    ##################################
-    # Private Properties and Methods #
-    ##################################
-    @property
-    def _tbody(self):
-        return self.marionette.find_element("id", "rules")
-    @property
-    def _filter_field(self):
-        return self.marionette.find_element("id", "rulesearch")
-    def _create_rule_rows(self, tr_elements):
-        return [RuleRow(lambda: self.marionette, tr) for tr in tr_elements]
-class RuleRow(ElementBaseLib):
-    #################################
-    # Public Properties and Methods #
-    #################################
-    # Properties to get the strings of the corresponding table cells.
-    policy = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(0))
-    origin = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(1))
-    dest = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(2))
-    rule_set = property(lambda self: self._get_cell_text_content(3))
-    def create_rule(self):
-        """Create a `Rule` instance for this rule row."""
-        if not self.is_user_rule():
-            # Getting non-user (e.g. subscription) rules is not implemented yet.
-            raise NotImplementedError
-        # The rule details are retained by RequestPolicy via `jQuery.data()`
-        # on the "<a>x</a>" HTML anchor element, the element being clicked to
-        # remove the rule.
-        [rule_action, rule_data] = self.marionette.execute_script("""
-          var anchor = $(arguments[0]);
-          return [
-            anchor.data('requestpolicyRuleAction'),
-            anchor.data('requestpolicyRuleData')
-          ];
-        """, script_args=[self._remove_anchor])
-        allow = True if rule_action == "allow" else False
-        temp = self.is_temporary()
-        return Rule(lambda: self.marionette, rule_data, allow, temp)
-    def remove(self):
-        self._remove_anchor.click()
-    def is_user_rule(self):
-        return self.rule_set in ["User", "Temporary"]
-    def is_temporary(self):
-        return self.rule_set == "Temporary"
-    ##################################
-    # Private Properties and Methods #
-    ##################################
-    @property
-    def _cells(self):
-        return self.element.find_elements("tag name", "td")
-    def _get_cell_text_content(self, column_index):
-        return self._cells[column_index].get_attribute("textContent")
-    @property
-    def _remove_anchor(self):
-        return self._cells[4].find_element("tag name", "a")
 class AddRuleForm(HTMLFormBaseLib):

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/requestpolicy.git

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