[Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] 224/257: [imp] subscriptions description: make priorities more clear
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 28 03:20:15 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository requestpolicy.
commit 0c11902b668bb23db6192dcc4cec370f67ebeb07
Author: Martin Kimmerle <dev at 256k.de>
Date: Sat Dec 19 15:44:42 2015 +0100
[imp] subscriptions description: make priorities more clear
Fix #645, make priorities more clear, i.e. subscription vs.
custom/preset rules
src/locale/de/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/en-US/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/eo/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/es-MX/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/eu/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/fr/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/it/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/ja/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/ko-KR/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/lv-LV/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/nl/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/pt-BR/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/ru-RU/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/sk-SK/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/sv-SE/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/tr/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/uk-UA/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/zh-CN/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
src/locale/zh-TW/requestpolicy.properties | 2 +-
19 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/locale/de/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/de/requestpolicy.properties
index 5df4658..d1b29a4 100644
--- a/src/locale/de/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/de/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Anfragen an die gleiche Domain erlauben (www.exampl
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Wenn Sie diese Einstellung aktivieren werden verschiedene Listen vorgefertigter Regeln zur Verfügung stehen.
manageSubscriptions=Abonnierte Regellisten verwalten.
subscriptionPolicies=Abonnierte Regellisten
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/en-US/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/en-US/requestpolicy.properties
index abb75fb..41828a2 100644
--- a/src/locale/en-US/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/en-US/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/eo/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/eo/requestpolicy.properties
index cbf05c8..50f4214 100644
--- a/src/locale/eo/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/eo/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/es-MX/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/es-MX/requestpolicy.properties
index bbb2ff7..936118c 100644
--- a/src/locale/es-MX/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/es-MX/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/eu/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/eu/requestpolicy.properties
index 8220deb..b89cc58 100644
--- a/src/locale/eu/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/eu/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Domeinu berera eskaerak baimendu (www.adibidea.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Zure arau lehenetsia aldatzeak harpidetza ezberdinak eskurabarri daudela esan nahi du.
manageSubscriptions=Harpidetzak kudeatu.
subscriptionPolicies=Harpidetza politikak
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Harpidetza politikak komunitateak mantendutako aurre-ezarritako arauak dira. Arau hauek automatikoki eguneratzen dira eta behar ezberdinak bete ditzakete, nabigazio jarraipena egiten duten gune ezagunak blokeatu, edo gune ezagunak zuzen ikusi/funtziona dezaten eskaerak baimentzea bezala.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Harpidetzei buruz gehiago ikasi.
diff --git a/src/locale/fr/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/fr/requestpolicy.properties
index d720efa..fb00d60 100644
--- a/src/locale/fr/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/fr/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Autoriser les requêtes vers le même domaine (www.
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Modifier votre comportement par défaut mets des souscriptions différentes à disposition.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/it/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/it/requestpolicy.properties
index f563146..1765742 100644
--- a/src/locale/it/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/it/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Permetti le richieste allo stesso dominio (www.esem
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=La modifica della regola predefinita comporta la disponibilità di sottoscrizioni differenti.
manageSubscriptions=Gestisci le sottoscrizioni.
subscriptionPolicies=Sottoscrizioni di Regole
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/ja/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/ja/requestpolicy.properties
index 4bc0258..f2f1cee 100644
--- a/src/locale/ja/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/ja/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=同じドメインへのリクエストを許可す
subscriptionPolicies=サブスクリプション ポリシー
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=サブスクリプション ポリシーとはコミュニティからの助けを借りて私達が保持しているルール セットです。ルール セットはあなたのプライバシーに影響を与えるリクエストを禁止しつつ Web サイトの表示のくずれを最小限に抑えることを目的としており、ルールは自動的に更新されます。
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/ko-KR/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/ko-KR/requestpolicy.properties
index e0bf026..d66d68e 100644
--- a/src/locale/ko-KR/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/ko-KR/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/lv-LV/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/lv-LV/requestpolicy.properties
index 4bb4b26..228da32 100644
--- a/src/locale/lv-LV/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/lv-LV/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Atļaut pieprasījumus domēna ietvaros (www.exampl
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Katram noklusējuma noteikumam ir pieejami atšķirīgi abonementi.
manageSubscriptions=Pārvaldīt abonementus.
subscriptionPolicies=Politiku abonementi.
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/nl/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/nl/requestpolicy.properties
index b96eacf..79572f8 100644
--- a/src/locale/nl/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/nl/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/pt-BR/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/pt-BR/requestpolicy.properties
index bfa4c30..019f843 100644
--- a/src/locale/pt-BR/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/pt-BR/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/ru-RU/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/ru-RU/requestpolicy.properties
index 21cd87b..cccb9a6 100644
--- a/src/locale/ru-RU/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/ru-RU/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/sk-SK/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/sk-SK/requestpolicy.properties
index 9975455..a912c06 100644
--- a/src/locale/sk-SK/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/sk-SK/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/sv-SE/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/sv-SE/requestpolicy.properties
index c22b1fd..0a7c7f6 100644
--- a/src/locale/sv-SE/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/sv-SE/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/tr/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/tr/requestpolicy.properties
index 2797774..a18fdb2 100644
--- a/src/locale/tr/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/tr/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/uk-UA/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/uk-UA/requestpolicy.properties
index 2b82c5a..0f33c8c 100644
--- a/src/locale/uk-UA/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/uk-UA/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
diff --git a/src/locale/zh-CN/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/zh-CN/requestpolicy.properties
index ae89116..15bb487 100644
--- a/src/locale/zh-CN/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/zh-CN/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=允许同一域的请求(www.example.com -> stati
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
diff --git a/src/locale/zh-TW/requestpolicy.properties b/src/locale/zh-TW/requestpolicy.properties
index 254c490..698116d 100644
--- a/src/locale/zh-TW/requestpolicy.properties
+++ b/src/locale/zh-TW/requestpolicy.properties
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ allowRequestsToTheSameDomain=Allow requests to the same domain (www.example.com
differentSubscriptionsAreAvailable=Changing your default rule means different subscriptions are available.
manageSubscriptions=Manage subscriptions.
subscriptionPolicies=Subscription Policies
-subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly.
+subscriptionPoliciesDefinition=Subscription policies are preset rules maintained by the community. These rules are updated automatically and can fulfil different needs, such as blocking known web browsing tracking sites, or allowing requests to allow certain sites to display/work properly. Subscription rules act as a supplement to user defined rules, that is, if no user defined rule applies, RequestPolicy will check if a subscription rule does.
learnMoreAboutSubscriptions=Learn more about subscriptions.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/requestpolicy.git
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