[Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag v1.0.beta10.2 created (now 802667f)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jan 28 03:20:34 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag v1.0.beta10.2
in repository requestpolicy.

        at  802667f   (tag)
   tagging  a5a0b5a19629552b4dca288cb09be56ec00442ca (commit)
  replaces  v1.0.beta10.1-signed
 tagged by  Martin Kimmerle
        on  Sat Oct 17 19:34:19 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
RequestPolicyContinued 1.0.beta10.2

The SHA-512 sum of the attached XPI file is:
Version: GnuPG v1


Martin Kimmerle (62):
      Merge branch 'release-1-0-beta10' into dev-1.0
      Merge branch 'get-beta10-signed' into dev-1.0
      [ref] request processor: add `fixme` comments
      [ref] php files: remove `?>` at EOF
      [tst][add] testing data: add RSS feed
      [tst][IMP] data: http redirection with path
      [tst][fix] requirements.txt: push mozrunner to 6.9
      [tst][add] Marionette test: <a> link click
      [tst][add] Marionette test: open <a> in new tab
      [tst][add] Marionette test: open <a> in new window
      [tst][fix] mozrunner: allow unsigned XPIs
      [tst][add] Marionette test: open selURL in current tab
      [tst][add] Marionette test: open selURL in new tab
      [tst][ref] Marionette "open <a> in new tab":
      [tst][add] Marionette test: open selURL in new win
      [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "Rules" API
      [tst][add] introduce RequestPolicyPuppeteer
      [tst][ref] Marionette prefs api: override Prefs class
      [tst][fix] Marionette testcase tearDown: remove all rules
      [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "Requests" API
      [tst][add] Marionette test: rule with scheme only
      [tst][fix] rules.py: implement __ne__
      [tst][fix] rules.py: use `isinstance` on `Rule` comparison
      [tst][imp] rules.py: add properties like `origin_scheme`
      [tst][imp] rules.py: convert port numbers to integer
      [tst][add] extend Puppeteer "L10n" API
      [tst][ref] python files: remove unused code
      [tst][ref] python: use `string.format()`
      [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "your_policy" library
      [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "request_log" library
      [tst][add] Marionette test: URI without host
      [tst][rem] Drop "Scheme Workaround" test
      [tst][ref] RedirectNotification.is_shown()
      [tst][imp] RedirectNotification: add `close()`
      [tst][add] Marionette test: auto-redirections
      [tst][add] Marionette test: inline-redirections
      [tst][add] Marionette test: link click redirect
      [tst][ref] ctx_menu: `self.element`, `self.state`
      [tst][fix] ctx_menu: `select_entry()`, `_close()`
      [tst][fix] xpcshell tests are running again
      [tst][fix] mozrunner: allow unsigned XPIs
      [fix] Module Patterns: Fix JavaScript issues in Nightly
      [fix] Don't use the return value of `Cu.import()`
      Merge branch 'dev-1.0' into mozmill-marionette-migration
      [tst][add] Marionette: "open link in new tab" redirect
      [tst][rem] Mozmill: remove migrated tests/libs
      [tst][imp] RPTestcase tearDown: assert "no rules"
      [tst][fix] redir.notif. test: `is_shown()`
      [tst][fix] YourPolicy: Don't leak rules
      [tst][ref] RPTestCase: change function order
      [tst][fix] minor issue: wrong test-class name
      [tst][fix] minor issue: unnecessary semicolon
      [tst][add] WebUtils tests
      [tst][add] Tabs tests
      [tst][ref] Marionette error detection: rename methods
      [tst][imp] Marionette console error detection: record messages
      Merge branch 'mozmill-marionette-migration' into dev-1.0
      [release] set version to 1.0.beta10.2
      [release] update applications' maxVersion
      [fix] cherry-pick changelog for 1.0.beta10.1-signed
      [release] update changelogs
      Merge branch 'release-1.0.beta10.2' into dev-1.0-releases


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  fe3716d   Merge branch 'release-1-0-beta10' into dev-1.0
       new  b5d6641   Makefile: use the "normal" venv for `make run`
       new  a09816e   get `run-xpcshell-tests.sh` to work
       new  0ffb9c4   xpcshell: remove nonexistant `test_first.js`
       new  d67ec7b   xpcshell: fix `head_loadrp.js`
       new  fb4b5e4   xpcshell: fix some URIs
       new  8c8dc1e   xpcshell: fix `test_policystorage.js`
       new  81112ec   tweak `run-xpcshell-tests.sh`
       new  736ac51   xpcshell: disable policymanager and subscription tests
       new  1c0914c   Merge branch 'get-xpcshell-tests-working' into get-beta10-signed
       new  50f5a9c   Makefile: fix mozmill target
       new  e58cdab   [ref] move "info" part of "utils.jsm" to "utils/info.jsm"
       new  fac0513   [ref] rewrite head_loadrp a bit
       new  164d4e5   [add] utils: add wrapFunction() and unwrapFunction
       new  2a591cf   [ref] Utils, Info: remove unused jsm imports
       new  0a27f54   [ref] overlay: wrap addTab() using Utils.wrapFunction()
       new  327bfd9   [ref] frame script: comment out unused code
       new  6fa86c4   Merge branch 'remove-eval' into get-beta10-signed
       new  cd62e82   [ref] menu: use `addEventListener` for "click"
       new  a936baa   [ref] menu: make the "lists" private
       new  f3106d4   [ref] xul.jsm: rename some variables
       new  1720b57   [ref] xul-trees: reorganize tree structure
       new  0d5c1e6   [ref] xul.jsm: simplify the element removal
       new  8103d60   [ref] xul-trees, xulutils: use `addEventListener`
       new  fe32ec5   [ref] classicmenu: use `addEventListener`
       new  768e259   Merge branch 'remove-onXY-event-attributes' into get-beta10-signed
       new  3bd641d   [ref] overlay: prevent AMO's `setTimeout` warning
       new  d57ecd0   [fix] off-AMO name: remove "Beta"
       new  9c0bb57   [ref] makefile: replace `root_files` by a symlink
       new  5a8579b   [ref] makefile: rename `*source_files` to `*src__all_files`
       new  60fe5b4   [ref] makefile: prefix "normal build" variables
       new  20cc890   [ref] makefile: rename `*src_files` to `*all_files`
       new  8ef6322   [ref] makefile: rename `*other_files` to `*copy_files`
       new  75b7697   [ref] makefile: rename `*javascript_files` to `*jspp_files`
       new  9ec6e64   [ref] makefile: create `src__copy_files` and `src__jspp_files`
       new  900101d   [ref] makefile: create generic "files" variables
       new  9f9d215   [ref] makefile: use the `$<` Automatic Variable
       new  14977fd   [ref] makefile: replace `$(dir $@)` by `$(@D)`
       new  7f70a4d   [fix] makefile: remove _all_ deleted files and empty dirs
       new  43c8864   [ref] makefile: rename directory for off-amo build
       new  c3e7924   Merge branch 'simplify-makefile' into get-beta10-signed
       new  d19af5a   [fix] jquery: take original file, don't preprocess
       new  6128b63   Merge branch 'get-beta10-signed' into dev-1.0
       new  f50c4ba   [ref] request processor: add `fixme` comments
       new  cafbce1   [ref] php files: remove `?>` at EOF
       new  e3c33ad   [release] set version to "1.0.beta10.1-signed"
       new  75bcf7d   [release] update changelog
       new  0eb896e   [release] Merge branch 'get-beta10-signed' into dev-1.0-releases
       new  aee5b72   [tst][add] testing data: add RSS feed
       new  c8e31f5   [tst][IMP] data: http redirection with path
       new  a51d3f1   [tst][fix] requirements.txt: push mozrunner to 6.9
       new  611aeef   [tst][add] Marionette test: <a> link click
       new  1a06eb4   [tst][add] Marionette test: open <a> in new tab
       new  5c5ec1f   [tst][add] Marionette test: open <a> in new window
       new  f3beb1b   [tst][fix] mozrunner: allow unsigned XPIs
       new  df608fd   [tst][add] Marionette test: open selURL in current tab
       new  4ee0f0c   [tst][add] Marionette test: open selURL in new tab
       new  5eeb9ac   [tst][ref] Marionette "open <a> in new tab":
       new  b79b36d   [tst][add] Marionette test: open selURL in new win
       new  d9bddfb   [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "Rules" API
       new  2807efe   [tst][add] introduce RequestPolicyPuppeteer
       new  3a2f12d   [tst][ref] Marionette prefs api: override Prefs class
       new  7260fef   [tst][fix] Marionette testcase tearDown: remove all rules
       new  5a07b4c   [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "Requests" API
       new  77006e2   [tst][add] Marionette test: rule with scheme only
       new  2d5c472   [tst][fix] rules.py: implement __ne__
       new  ff8bcdd   [tst][fix] rules.py: use `isinstance` on `Rule` comparison
       new  bd331b8   [tst][imp] rules.py: add properties like `origin_scheme`
       new  c1860f2   [tst][imp] rules.py: convert port numbers to integer
       new  1af0c33   [tst][add] extend Puppeteer "L10n" API
       new  e936a41   [tst][ref] python files: remove unused code
       new  055f55a   [tst][ref] python: use `string.format()`
       new  0cc176b   [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "your_policy" library
       new  89fbefb   [tst][add] RP Puppeteer "request_log" library
       new  dc31742   [tst][add] Marionette test: URI without host
       new  dd9de25   [tst][rem] Drop "Scheme Workaround" test
       new  599300d   [tst][ref] RedirectNotification.is_shown()
       new  ce759a7   [tst][imp] RedirectNotification: add `close()`
       new  be35aea   [tst][add] Marionette test: auto-redirections
       new  0efdd2f   [tst][add] Marionette test: inline-redirections
       new  32a90fe   [tst][add] Marionette test: link click redirect
       new  3ffe4cf   [tst][ref] ctx_menu: `self.element`, `self.state`
       new  b7c2dda   [tst][fix] ctx_menu: `select_entry()`, `_close()`
       new  c042da0   [tst][fix] xpcshell tests are running again
       new  dff0a57   [tst][fix] mozrunner: allow unsigned XPIs
       new  c98af40   [fix] Module Patterns: Fix JavaScript issues in Nightly
       new  00b5521   [fix] Don't use the return value of `Cu.import()`
       new  0135b01   Merge branch 'dev-1.0' into mozmill-marionette-migration
       new  f293b80   [tst][add] Marionette: "open link in new tab" redirect
       new  773b53a   [tst][rem] Mozmill: remove migrated tests/libs
       new  dea4a37   [tst][imp] RPTestcase tearDown: assert "no rules"
       new  0ead020   [tst][fix] redir.notif. test: `is_shown()`
       new  036854f   [tst][fix] YourPolicy: Don't leak rules
       new  590f588   [tst][ref] RPTestCase: change function order
       new  abfd4d8   [tst][fix] minor issue: wrong test-class name
       new  d1e60c8   [tst][fix] minor issue: unnecessary semicolon
       new  2bfaeb7   [tst][add] WebUtils tests
       new  2775a88   [tst][add] Tabs tests
       new  69b1799   [tst][ref] Marionette error detection: rename methods
       new  8d88a6c   [tst][imp] Marionette console error detection: record messages
       new  c86b806   Merge branch 'mozmill-marionette-migration' into dev-1.0
       new  13ebc82   [release] set version to 1.0.beta10.2
       new  eaf7b53   [release] update applications' maxVersion
       new  5e5b8e8   [fix] cherry-pick changelog for 1.0.beta10.1-signed
       new  8f77110   [release] update changelogs
       new  a5a0b5a   Merge branch 'release-1.0.beta10.2' into dev-1.0-releases

The 106 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/requestpolicy.git

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