[Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch upstream updated (5fd4217 -> c419ad3)
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jun 9 01:36:56 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository firebug.
from 5fd4217 Imported Upstream version 2.0.16
new a8fb368 #8003 NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS error in netCacheReader.js
new 9c06765 Issue 8012: Regular Expression DoS
new f0ff986 Merge pull request #8013 from simonlindholm/regex-fix
new c06baa0 Issue #8018: CSS properties are all grouped under 'Other' in Computed side panel
new 2c2c4c6 Fixed a few places in code that caused warnings
new bdc392d Merge branch 'master' of github.com:firebug/firebug
new 534d8cd #8022 Improve multiprocess notification popup
new 020ed02 Update labels in e10s migration UI
new 38a171e Notification popup: auto enable the DOM panel together with Firebug theme
new 70c6f99 Update link in migration popup
new b55ced1 [firebug-2.0.17b1]
new 65f8ddb [firebug-2.0.17]
new c419ad3 Imported Upstream version 2.0.17
The 13 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
META-INF/manifest.mf | 52 +++++++--------
META-INF/mozilla.rsa | Bin 4188 -> 4188 bytes
META-INF/mozilla.sf | 4 +-
content/firebug/branch.properties | 2 +-
content/firebug/css/computedPanel.js | 1 +
.../firebug/debugger/script/breakNotification.js | 3 +
content/firebug/firefox/browserOverlay.css | 16 +++++
content/firebug/firefox/browserOverlay.js | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++-
.../firebug/firefox/external-editors/editors.js | 2 +-
.../firefox/newMultiprocessNotificationPanel.xml | 48 +++++++++++---
content/firebug/lib/url.js | 2 +-
content/firebug/net/netCacheReader.js | 12 +++-
content/firebug/net/netProgress.js | 2 +
defaults/preferences/firebug.js | 4 ++
install.rdf | 6 +-
locale/en-US/multiprocess-notification.properties | 16 +++--
16 files changed, 187 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/firebug.git
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