[Pkg-mozext-commits] [nostalgy] 156/252: Cosmetic.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jun 14 15:24:52 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository nostalgy.

commit e845761628372226447b44f4cf7eba329afb5c63
Author: frisch <frisch at 56b81dcf-5a2f-0410-9db0-014be2e416ff>
Date:   Sat May 30 06:33:07 2009 +0000

 content/sqlite.js | 144 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 72 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/sqlite.js b/content/sqlite.js
index 2a8f73e..8b20a35 100644
--- a/content/sqlite.js
+++ b/content/sqlite.js
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
 var $sqlite = {
-	storageService: [],
-	mDBConn: [],
-	_initService : function(file){
-		var db = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
-		db.append(file);
-		this.storageService[file] = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIStorageService);
-		this.mDBConn[file] = (this.storageService[file]).openDatabase(db);
-	},
-	select : function(file,sql,param){
-		if (this.storageService[file]== undefined){
-                    this._initService(file);
-		}
-		var ourTransaction = false;
-		if ((this.mDBConn[file]).transactionInProgress){
-			ourTransaction = true;
-			(this.mDBConn[file]).beginTransactionAs((this.mDBConn[file]).TRANSACTION_DEFERRED);
-		}
-		var statement = (this.mDBConn[file]).createStatement(sql);
-                if (param){
-			for (var m=2, arg=null; arg=arguments[m]; m++) {
-				statement.bindUTF8StringParameter(m-2, arg);
-			}
-		}
-		try{
-			var dataset = [];
-			while (statement.executeStep()){
-				var row = [];
-				for(var i=0,k=statement.columnCount; i<k; i++){
-					row[statement.getColumnName(i)] = statement.getUTF8String(i);
-				}
-				dataset.push(row);
-			}
-			// return dataset;	
-		}
-		finally {
-			statement.reset();
-		}
-		if (ourTransaction){
-			(this.mDBConn[file]).commitTransaction();
-		}
-        return dataset;	
-	},
-	cmd : function(file,sql,param){
-		if (this.storageService[file] == undefined){
-	                    this._initService(file);
-		}
-		var ourTransaction = false;
-		if ((this.mDBConn[file]).transactionInProgress){
-			ourTransaction = true;
-			(this.mDBConn[file]).beginTransactionAs((this.mDBConn[file]).TRANSACTION_DEFERRED);
-		}
-		var statement = (this.mDBConn[file]).createStatement(sql);
-		if (param){
-			for (var m=2, arg=null; arg=arguments[m]; m++) {
-				statement.bindUTF8StringParameter(m-2, arg);
-			}
-		}
-		try{
-			statement.execute();
-		}
-		finally {
-			statement.reset();
-		}
-		if (ourTransaction){
-			(this.mDBConn[file]).commitTransaction();
-		}
-	}	
+    storageService: [],
+    mDBConn: [],
+    _initService : function(file){
+        var db = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties).get("ProfD", Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
+        db.append(file);
+        this.storageService[file] = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/storage/service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIStorageService);
+        this.mDBConn[file] = (this.storageService[file]).openDatabase(db);
+    },
+    select : function(file,sql,param){
+        if (this.storageService[file]== undefined){
+            this._initService(file);
+        }
+        var ourTransaction = false;
+        if ((this.mDBConn[file]).transactionInProgress){
+            ourTransaction = true;
+            (this.mDBConn[file]).beginTransactionAs((this.mDBConn[file]).TRANSACTION_DEFERRED);
+        }
+        var statement = (this.mDBConn[file]).createStatement(sql);
+        if (param){
+            for (var m=2, arg=null; arg=arguments[m]; m++) {
+                statement.bindUTF8StringParameter(m-2, arg);
+            }
+        }
+        try{
+            var dataset = [];
+            while (statement.executeStep()){
+                var row = [];
+                for(var i=0,k=statement.columnCount; i<k; i++){
+                    row[statement.getColumnName(i)] = statement.getUTF8String(i);
+                }
+                dataset.push(row);
+            }
+            // return dataset;
+        }
+        finally {
+            statement.reset();
+        }
+        if (ourTransaction){
+            (this.mDBConn[file]).commitTransaction();
+        }
+        return dataset;
+    },
+    cmd : function(file,sql,param){
+        if (this.storageService[file] == undefined){
+            this._initService(file);
+        }
+        var ourTransaction = false;
+        if ((this.mDBConn[file]).transactionInProgress){
+            ourTransaction = true;
+            (this.mDBConn[file]).beginTransactionAs((this.mDBConn[file]).TRANSACTION_DEFERRED);
+        }
+        var statement = (this.mDBConn[file]).createStatement(sql);
+        if (param){
+            for (var m=2, arg=null; arg=arguments[m]; m++) {
+                statement.bindUTF8StringParameter(m-2, arg);
+            }
+        }
+        try{
+            statement.execute();
+        }
+        finally {
+            statement.reset();
+        }
+        if (ourTransaction){
+            (this.mDBConn[file]).commitTransaction();
+        }
+    }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/nostalgy.git

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