[Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 82c7ab8)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jun 27 13:58:04 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to tag
in repository tabmixplus.

        at  82c7ab8   (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:

       new  6236c99   Incompatibility with MClickFocusTab extension
       new  f336919   Follow up bug 1271792 - Set correct usercontextid before swapping tabs
       new  8d4f517   Move overly files and related JavaScript files to overly folder
       new  9543b3f   Move content.js to scripts/content.js
       new  53b97cb   Move about.xul and promptservice.xul and their related JavaScript files to dialogs folder
       new  49e9b24   Change eslint-plugin-mozilla name to eslint-plugin-tabmix. Disable import-browserjs-globals and generate environments object instead
       new  7a5e477   Tab context menu "Open Links in New Tabs" does not work for about: pages and for chrome:// pages from extensions (NewsFox extension for example)
       new  05fb1e5   Follow up bug 1271516 - Introducing nsIWebNavigation.setOriginAttributesBeforeLoading
       new  0ba050b   Follow up bug 446171 - Part 1: Get page titles from tab and not depend on history, we don't need to call getTabTitle now that Firefox get the title directly from the tab
       new  1c5a70d   Show console warning when Tab mix failed to change getter or setter
       new  10b84c7   Fix some Eslint errors after tabmix/import-globals plugin improved to find declared but unused variables
       new  1aaeeed   Enable Eslint linebreak-style. With this rule enabled Eslint automatically fixes changes in linebreak-style
       new  5570d7c   Add new Eslint rule rest-spread-spacing
       new  12ff49d   Add new Eslint rule object-curly-newline
       new  29d47be   Typos in xml files
       new  03d44da   Follow up bug 1271516 - Introducing nsIWebNavigation.setOriginAttributesBeforeLoading
       new  ca5a544   Add comment about disabled 'Place on left side' close button, see changeset d667fe42b66e
       new  ed08c1d   Follow up bug 1208078, improve drag feedback appearance in e10s
       new  1864429   In Single window mode we should not close windows that was probably opened by extension
       new  6a6672e   Get new tab url form BROWSER_NEW_TAB_URL after Firefox 41, fix incompatibility with Activity Stream extension
       new  cbd11a2   Enable Eslint object-property-newline rule, Object properties must go on a new line if they aren't all on the same line
       new  eb5c159   Enable Eslint no-useless-rename
       new  69706be   Use eslint-find-rules to make sure that all eslint rules exist in our configuration file
       new  93fdde4   Refactor duplicateTabToWindow (follow up bug 1181475) to avoid duplicate tab id in WebExtension when the duplicated tab is dragging back to the original window
       new  704fed6   Update "Merge windows" swapTabs according to bug 1244496, bug 1271792 and bug 1094328. Webextension tab listeners don't detect tab moved by "Merge windows"
       new  abfed88   Merging popup window on multi process browser throw 'Error: cross-process JS call failed'
       new  28f006a   Follow up bug 1275262 - implement device sharing animation on background tabs
       new  0c3fc37   Update locales from http://www.babelzilla.org
       new  82c7ab8   Update maxVersion to 50.0a1

The 29 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/tabmixplus.git

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