[Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 05/23: Follow up bug 1276183 - Fix pixel-unit mismatch when constraining a dropped tab to the screen
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Sep 23 03:31:03 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tabmixplus.
commit a273d5a005a059c772b2fb9148e296df537f833b
Author: onemen <tabmix.onemen at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jul 22 15:13:42 2016 +0300
Follow up bug 1276183 - Fix pixel-unit mismatch when constraining a dropped tab to the screen
chrome/content/minit/minit.js | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/chrome/content/minit/minit.js b/chrome/content/minit/minit.js
index 2e3220e..0145662 100644
--- a/chrome/content/minit/minit.js
+++ b/chrome/content/minit/minit.js
@@ -561,18 +561,34 @@ var TMP_tabDNDObserver = {
// screen.availLeft et. al. only check the screen that this window is on,
// but we want to look at the screen the tab is being dropped onto.
- var sX = {}, sY = {}, sWidth = {}, sHeight = {};
- Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIScreenManager)
- .screenForRect(eX, eY, 1, 1)
- .GetAvailRect(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight);
+ var screen = Cc["@mozilla.org/gfx/screenmanager;1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIScreenManager)
+ .screenForRect(eX, eY, 1, 1);
+ var fullX = {}, fullY = {}, fullWidth = {}, fullHeight = {};
+ var availX = {}, availY = {}, availWidth = {}, availHeight = {};
+ // get full screen rect and available rect, both in desktop pix
+ screen.GetRectDisplayPix(fullX, fullY, fullWidth, fullHeight);
+ screen.GetAvailRectDisplayPix(availX, availY, availWidth, availHeight);
+ // scale factor to convert desktop pixels to CSS px
+ var scaleFactor =
+ screen.contentsScaleFactor / screen.defaultCSSScaleFactor;
+ // synchronize CSS-px top-left coordinates with the screen's desktop-px
+ // coordinates, to ensure uniqueness across multiple screens
+ // (compare the equivalent adjustments in nsGlobalWindow::GetScreenXY()
+ // and related methods)
+ availX.value = (availX.value - fullX.value) * scaleFactor + fullX.value;
+ availY.value = (availY.value - fullY.value) * scaleFactor + fullY.value;
+ availWidth.value *= scaleFactor;
+ availHeight.value *= scaleFactor;
// ensure new window entirely within screen
- var winWidth = Math.min(window.outerWidth, sWidth.value);
- var winHeight = Math.min(window.outerHeight, sHeight.value);
- var left = Math.min(Math.max(eX - draggedTab._dragData.offsetX, sX.value),
- sX.value + sWidth.value - winWidth);
- var top = Math.min(Math.max(eY - draggedTab._dragData.offsetY, sY.value),
- sY.value + sHeight.value - winHeight);
+ var winWidth = Math.min(window.outerWidth, availWidth.value);
+ var winHeight = Math.min(window.outerHeight, availHeight.value);
+ var left = Math.min(Math.max(eX - draggedTab._dragData.offsetX, availX.value),
+ availX.value + availWidth.value - winWidth);
+ var top = Math.min(Math.max(eY - draggedTab._dragData.offsetY, availY.value),
+ availY.value + availHeight.value - winHeight);
delete draggedTab._dragData;
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/tabmixplus.git
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