ffox CVE-Ids, MFSAs and Bugzilla bugs
Mike Hommey
mh at glandium.org
Fri Apr 14 19:21:27 UTC 2006
On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 11:41:06AM +0200, Alexander Sack <asac at debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> here a list of CVE-IDs, MFSAs and bugs for todays firefox release ...
> so you can properly document your upload in unstable.
> Debian bugs are not listed. Please sort them into this list and
> communicate your findings. Thanks!
Do you know in which part of the code the "browser only" fixes apply ?
Are they gecko bugs or browser/ (as in source tree subdirectory) only ?
That is, do they also affect xulrunner ?
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