seamonkey for etch ?
Alexander Sack
asac at
Sat Aug 26 20:04:42 UTC 2006
Dropping bugs from CC ...
On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 08:49:48PM +0200, Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 07:04:00PM +0200, Alexander Sack <asac at> wrote:
> > So maybe we want to use seamonkey to see how good team maintainence
> > for mozillas can work? Jaldhar would you agree to set
> > pkg-mozilla-maintainers at as the maintainer and
> > list all that contribute explicitly as co-maintainer?
> >
> > Mike, what do you think about it?
> I think this is a great idea. It would be a preliminary step for me to
> turn the xulrunner maintainance into a team one, which i'd like to see
> happen, but not before I've clearly documented the whys and the hows of
> the xulrunner packaging, which a team maintainance of seamonkey will
> help me doing. I hope to be able to switch xulrunner to a team
> maintainance soon after the etch release, then we'll be able to
> experiment building the other mozilla applications on top of it, which,
> by then, should almost be officially supported upstream.
OK, so lets discuss some basics like preferred package layout
etc. Please comment and object:
+ package layout: upstream orig.tar.gz (no embedded tarball) ... but
separate patches included (dpatch or something)
+ packages needed:
+ all current mozilla application equivalents + the -dev, but
without libxxx packages.
+ a dbg package ... I want to see a dbg for all mozilla packages we
have in etch. I will reupload a thunderbird build which I cancelled
previously because I wanted security fixes to go into etch
+ maintenance place:
+ svn used by jaldhar?
+ complete checkin ... deflated
+ initial work-load:
+ mike reviews his patches clears up which ones are needed for
archs, build system etc.
+ I move package to layout (orig.tar.gz + patches) as mentioned
above (or whatever we decide to use)
+ anyone who has time does the work to tweak configure options and
debhelper files to produce the packages mentioned above. We can
either split this up in front or just first comes first serves?
Anything important I missed?
- Alexander
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