Bug#351430: seamonkey for etch ?

Alex Vincent ajvincent at gmail.com
Wed Aug 30 19:09:25 UTC 2006

Allow me to stick my two cents in, as the person currently
representing the SeaMonkey community unofficially.

Wherever you post patches that alter the SeaMonkey code, I'd like to
at least read them and offer feedback.  I'm obviously not in a
position to reject a patch, but if changes are being made, we should
see which ones can be ported back to mozilla.org as a matter of course
for forward-development of mozilla.org products.  Firefox 2.0 (and
consequently SeaMonkey 1.1) are due to be released within a few
months, so now's a pretty good time to keep an eye out for last-minute
changes the Etch and Debian communities need.

"The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work is
confirming there are no bugs in your own."
-- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001

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