Bug#401372: iceape-browser: crashes on startup
Mike Hommey
mh at glandium.org
Mon Dec 4 16:05:31 CET 2006
clone 401372 -1
clone 401372 -2
clone 401372 -3
reassign -1 livehttpheaders
reassign -2 tabextensions
reassign -3 diggler
severity -1 critical
severity -2 critical
severity -3 critical
block 401372 by -1 -2 -3
On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 09:47:13AM -0500, Aaron M. Ucko <ucko at debian.org> wrote:
> Mike Hommey <mh at glandium.org> writes:
> > Damn, I knew that, but I thought I fixed it :(
> On the bright side, you shouldn't encounter any coordination-related
> delays. ;-)
That's the only good thing
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